Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, August 28, 1880, Image 3

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    SATURDAY. AUGUST 28, 1880.
Coorrr inn
rTi Imm.....
KmnOTinvii J'H
fkaou. SoramnmxttXT.
City i
rtnm;. ......
I. Benjamin,
V. A. WlKUlinfWa,
... W. C. UHow
...J A BunfffU
...Ha PenLud
...8. It. fnKuiirton
...F i Kallr
...J. B. Kkut
...M Hanarj
...J. C. Arnold
....Dr. i. B. Undav
...i. H. Rale;
... Wm HiMi .
..T.J. Lucy.
..L. 8. WW.
..A. tfaaebca.
..L L. VaaWuud.
C. McMorrla,
J bo. lUlUr
Oh. Prabaul
Kplarcpal Charrk.-' Suadftr Behoof vnry Sunday
at lu.!, a. a., and MrrU-'V U J, . a., by Hot. J. i.
MrthaaHot rbareb . Ur. K. P. Warm
paalor ; aericaa held in th Bapttat Church, mi the
Kcond Sunday l aca asautu, Mlla,a. iu 7 r. a.
llrplUt latarekv aarvfee on th Brat Sunday of
Cbca bmihi, 11, a. au, ana i r. nu, dj air, w. ti
I nutt, paalor.
Caiubrrlaaal Fmbrlerlw t'karrk SanrJcw
r buuday at 11, a. a., aud 7, V. n., aunday acuoui
at U, a., and aerrkea ovary Waaneaday at J. r. a., in
licaiy' Hall, ou Water atraet, by Her fc. W. aferrion.
A .F. a A. M.-Wetat Lads;. Xo. ;
ncta amaa and taurin sauueur ul acu
Buiatii. at J r. a. at tha MJuaavk Hall.
J. E. Josm, W. II
a. n. A. I'.-Wrilu Lice.. iM
lanta every Tuuraday at 7 Jo, r. a., lu
IfcaM)" Mala.
I. O. T. Ittae MtiMtnlu Lode Mo.
BtuatMTary batarday at J, r. a.
Webfoot nil is tlie chief ia putrid lore thr at
. ir diphtheria. For sale by MeColl aud Mil
ler. Size Mr. Lun ar much pleased a
tbe size and evidence of pm-penty i( our
city, ua he did not ex ect half of it.
Corn. To the wit of 1'. J. Parker, el
jtor ot the Statesman, Walla Walla a ion.
The Ltv.lt.lt extend" -oBrrtuhitioiis.
r.MoKK. So nitirh t-rnuki: at Portland that
pork hung up in the fresh air is siion trans
formed to baeen. It must aune'y run the
livestock very tloae.
Lot. Lot Li. riuore will prtside at the
Till ird'Ilouae, Pendleton. He w a good fel
low, and we wish liitn success.
That's How. We are indebted to S'r.
1. T. Krew for hit continuous aid in helping
u enlarge the tuliacrition list of the Lkai
IR. He e -t a good examp'e,
Fl.oi RISHINQ .-WalU Wa" a ha a UIu
l.ilibon V'lvb whieh in doin a K""d wo. I.
i :v. Eagan U one of the active one i ut the
. e!m.
Dkmocbacy. Co. C. II. Larilie w;.l aiU
'te the citizens at Weston an Wednesday
(veiling, October 13th, and at Pendleton oa
tbe follovting evening' n llenio. racv..
Cvr N Tin ilon N. T. Caton is wi'.liu
to accept the pint proposed by ome ot the
Republican portion of bia audience Mtmdav
evening laat, and divide the time with a lie
publican aioaker.
IlrXREATtON. Many of our citizens have
gone to tbe Warm Springs to rust. cite with
the feotive tront, while n.anv ntliers have
clirnlied into the Blue Meautaiua aud urc
gathering bucklehurrieH.
8UC ;ks. iuii . r.otn.e, a patent o :
aide published in part at Pendleton, ever ex
pecta nuocfxK. it a'loul I furnish ita lo ala
it Iocs the edito -inla with it) scissor. Et-
ery original atte opt plunges the weak thii g
into iu oa'ii c rufiture.
Garfield cLfu. 1'htra n atrons talk of
reanizine a (!a field und Arthur Club here
pretty soon. If to, things will hhi g
"warm;" but we trust none will lie so fooli h
as to let polities mar person.-! friendship
What about Gt. Weaver?
WaEM SrKixoa, Aug. 24, 1880.
Eds.' Leader Gentlemen; - What Couey
Island and Long Branch ure ta Sew York,
the Warm Snrinw ia to Weston: and as
pUeea of sniumer resort, they have all long
aiiie) lost tbe-charm of novelty. -
Tbe trip to ' the .Warm Spring and a o-
jonru on the cool and ahady banks of the
Un.atilla have ltecome so commonplace that
any mention of the saute acems unnecesaary
and something not culcnLited to interest to
enthusiasm any of your readers. The npive
of danger and periloas adventure is lacking to
mane sucn m sketch pila'alile. The road
hither ia long enough and devoid of interest
to the average mind. lint once here one feels
in the cool br.eze and refreshing sha le that
the tnp luu not been in vain. We pit hed
our teut on a handy knoll, that no creeping
thing might catch ua unawares.
Have been knows ta draw ther slimv length
through this pleasant grove, and Gil the mind
of the camper, especially of the female per
suasion, with holy horror, remembering the
fate of Mother Eve. We were all busy with
horses, buggy and provision, when the air
was rent by a feminine shriek that pierced
the lulls. Therew.it a rattling of tiarmeuts,
and in an" instant a feminine form was
perched upon the wagon wueel, sereaning
"A snake, a snake great big fallow '." Al-ru.-hed
valiantly to to the place pointed ut,
but there was nothing to I seen. Present
ly the sand began to move, and a pair o!
Keen, piercing '.eyes peeped out, a. id a re. I
tongue daried forward. It was a toad. But
tt required cciilar demonstration t convince
the frightened one of this fact. Qiietude
and confidence bein' restored, we bad time
lu note the
Who here found surcease of care and lounged
the happy hours away. Mr and Mrs.
Wonhinjrtou and Miss Saline were the first
we met. Pres bad ditinguinhod himself as
a trout-catcher and was Kb'ifying iu the
ame, and a general stillness and soreness,
the result of wuding in the river. Upon actl
u.il count, it is ascertained that he caught
tun tront, averaging three Inches iu length,
''uring his stay. No wonder he felt sore it
was enuugh to hurt anybody. Mr. and Mrs.
(iritlin, toi ther with .Mr. and Miss Epper
son, ure also here. It is stated on good au
thority that owinu to maternal influences in
oarly days and striking impressions mi hi
usceptibilitie-, Grift never fishes en Sa day.
Here is a noble example for the rising geneia
tion. But how 11. B. K"t those fi h ou Su -day,
is a mystery. i
l'o lu- in the open air and watch the stars
winking at our mundane dreams, and to he
ulleii to sleep by the subdued rushing i'f
the waters aud the goft sighing of tlie tree-,
.s indecu 'le i.-ant. But when these Soumi.
are min'l, d uiih the omuioua whistle of the
it detract iruiu the Arcudiau quietnoss, and
lids tlie mind ol the timid itli fear and awe.
'.t least these ere our feelings s se list
ened to the cry nf. this kn ul American
easts. When morn chased away the
.sliado-s nf the night, e were prepared o
!iear of damage done. Tip Parrel's coll was
he only one that turn.d np missing. A brie,
search discovered h m stilF aud stark in the
nibraee of l)enth. The cougar hud its vi
tim. The faithful mother of the colt had evi
dently b;ittled hravely in defense of h. rott-
I ring as the marks on the ground testified;
ut being hobbled, i-lie tailed to rave bin:,
o-day there is to lie a
''or the fell destroyer. Waldon with "bar
lo," Lucy with his trusty ritle, and Tip
with vengeance urging him on. Griff is to
supjdy lish as a aide dish to tlie cougar uieat,
hich Mac s.iys resembles chicken. The
long man of the Leader who is also here.
nurs a disappointment in the chase. When
i he nimrods retain laden with glory and cou-
ar. it is proitosd to pick ut the toughest
piece tor "Lengthy," and, as a pun shment.
comel him to devour the same. The d lilv
travel over this road is great. It is to be re
gretted, however, that the road is not kept
n better repair A little labor judtciouslv
bestowed would render the road much better
by removing lose rocks, etc YlEM
-.VWeatom.' . . . "I . r '
A recent visit to this thriving business cen
tra demonstrated the fact that the prosperity
of Umatilla county is increasing eveu beyond
the expectations of its lst wUhers. Weston
is keeping pace and eveu getting ahead ot
other interior cities, which have far more ad
vantages and were started under fairer aus
pices. Each succeeding visit shows us some
thing new in the way of enterprise, nnd in a
few years we may confidently expect to see
rue city assume metropolitan dimensions
This is due iu a re-it uie isure to the spirit
of enterprise and optimist sentiment possessed
by its citizens who ure lire, go-ahrad bu-ineas
- r- CI1ISA.
The Chinese have for agps been ah ex
clusive people; by trading, law, custom
and language, they have continued bo.
The Pacific Coast is almost universal iu
its Visli thai this exclnsiveness bad never
been infringed upon to tn'e extent of
permitting the Chinese to emigrate to
othor - countries. About five porta of
Commerce have been kept open to foreign
er?, of that vast domain, so that the
almost unlimited productions of that
men, aware of the fa t that this is tlie a-e of I country have been obtainable only under
competition, and if they do not keep step
with the spirit thereof, others nv st assuredly
will. A fine lame dul le brick building is
n-.w being erected by Mr. J. E. Jones, one
of th most enterprising men in the city. It
uill be of two stories, nnd when liuished, will
cost nearly $6,000. The upper portion will
be ased for a Ma-onic hall and the lower part
divided into two lar-e stores which will be
occupied by himself and Messrs. Dusenbery
Jfc Iiianiond, whose large and increasing busi
nes demand !arg r premises.. Mr. N. Dus
enbery wiij leave for Sun Frauci.-co this week
in order to pur. hase a very large stock of
goods to supply his demand The building
will lie called the White Hoosa; ia SO tcet
l-.ng and 40 wide, fronting the Main street of
the city. Me-srs. Sailing A- Keeaa are old
standbys of Weston and no m re popubir or
fair dealing firm exists in the country. The
clerks ia the store, youn men, ' who will
some dav become a power in th land i.y
reason of their abi.i y and popularity ure
Messrs. P. A. Worthingtoii, Sturgis aud
Barnes, f he only fault witn them is that they
..re Republicans, but as they read aud in
wardly dige-t every speech that is printed,
we have but litt le doubt but that they will
-oon see the error of their ways and become
converted. Long life and prosperity to them
a yhow. Tbe U estou hotel, kept by -J. C.
Epperson, Esq., is ifie popular resort of all
travellers. No better ta'nls is set in the
whole couniry, and the cuitine is clean and
excellent. Mr. Epperson is one of the few
who know how to keep a hotel and his guests
have no cause of complaint, and those who
once visit him are sure to repeat their visit.
V. W. Stutesma-K
certain restrictions. But it seems" at
length as if the great, serpent-like i'n
culms that bis coiled round ' and com
pressed outside com tiunieation has at
length been enervated by the resistles
force of civilization, aud China, that
wriggling mass of almond-eyed prejudice,
is to have its mural barriers of isolation
shattered at a blow, and permit commer
cial ingress to its centre. Just think of
350,000,000 of people whose imports ard
exports combined have not amounted to
as many dollars per unnum, bursting
forth in one bound to free and unrestrict
ed tradel This is an event of considera
ble ino:atit, betokening a radical waking
up in Chinese head quarter. . We await
more definite information.
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(itxiD. We observe that oar friend Gee.
T. Thompson, i nominee f. r Prosecuting
Attorney in W alla Walla county. .r.
Thompson is a thorough gentleman, and pos.
eased of high ability, qualifying bini tmi
nnntly for the position. This a very im
po'ta it alUce, and Mr. Thoni son should be
eu.ipirted, rc a.-dless of politics. We wish
him success.
Contempt of Court.
During the week a man hy the mime of
Tyson Jr. was lined S10 by Justice Powers
'or contempt of court. It a; pears that Pro-eb-tel
Bro. levied upon a wagon the prorty
f Tyson, and the ollicer ave him permiss on
to use t he wagon on the iiirm until the day of
a e. Tys .n was not satisfied With this, but
rove t:ie wag in into Washington Territory,
o,;e:her with some ot'ier property. When
the coestaMe discovered that the property
vas gone he proceeded to arrest Tyson for
larceny and on the hearing it seemed that
I'yson did not have any sinister designs in
taking the property beyond the jurisdiction
of the court. But the court very properly
lined Tyson as aforesaid ind thereby the
school fund is enrighed that much, and Mr.
taught a forcible lesson as to the incon
venience of making too free with property
ind-r the custody of the law. It is seldom
he people of this section have to be punished
for tUis sort of crime, but it is well to nip such
tendencies in the bud.
The branch raiirouu iroin Whitman to
Blue Mountain is a matter of surprise to
all the business men who visit this part
of the country. It seems to thin to be
gin no place and end nowhere. We are
not surprised that this should lie the case.
If the n ad ran from Wa:la Waila to
Weston, than its object would "be patent
to all. We hope soon to see it thus, by
completing the line to Weston, and swing
ing that portion of it beyond Milton
r.-und to Walla Walla. This would en
sure an immense increase iu the freight
ing business of the road and would create
a pnssenger traffic that would be highly
remunerative to the Company. Will it
le done?
MvRRLK WtiKkS. L. J. Coleman, Walla
Walla, is proprietor of the Marble Works, -tnd
pre, mred to furnish Head $tniies,Moiiunieiits
aaj ever) thing else iu his line, at reasonable
rate. 11. P. Main-field is ugeut for Ceuter
Al e and Weston, and M authorized to take
orders ai d pv receipts.
Th Best Way to Kiu. Squirrel Pro
vide younelf with a package of livlmrj' v u.r
ret t'oiuM aad have all the boys aud irU go
B tor 'em. It will clean thera out sure. Put
up in Urge packages and ia the cheapest and
beat in the market. 'Made and fox sale by II.
E. Holmes, Prugghrt. xv,al u " or to be
had fiom your nearest Druggist.
VT. G. Jameson. Watch-maker and jew
lev, corner Muin and 3d St. Walla Walhia
adicits your patronage Having 17 years
practical experience and keeping competent
w rk men is his employ, is prepared to da
n watch repairing, jewelry work, seal cut
ting etc, promptly and at reasonable pi ices.
VT itches. Clocks, Spectacles always iu stsck
and sold cheaper than any other store ia
Walla Walla.
Weston Hancock and Enzllsli Club-
Pursuant to notice in last week s issuo of
the Leader, the Club assembled to listen to
X. T. Caton ou the political issues of the day
Owing to the season of tlie year, tlie tanning
community was not largely represented, yet
a goodly number was in attendance. Ac
companyiiig the principal speaker from Walla
Walla were Mr. Ijunar, Into of Georgia, and
1'. J, Purker, of the W. W. .Statesman.
Judge -Crawford, President of the Club,
called the meeting to order, am1, after a few
preliminary remarks, invited Mr, Lunar to
the platform. Though not there with tha
intention, he favored the audience with i
sh rt, lively speech, giving place to Mr,
Caton. who held the eudien e for an hour
nod a h .H. He encouraged no partisan pas
ion, but reasoned, backed by statistics a
g od authority. ' He hinged his theme on the
reit Democratic basis, "A strict mterpreta-
a n of the fundamental law."' Throughout
he was clear, fair und l igical, aud was inter
rupted bv frequent bursts of applause. Mr.
Parker was va.ted for, and "effused" some
more Democratic enthusiasm, whieb termin
ated the proceedings ot the evening. Taken
altogether, it was an enjoyable aud instruct
ive evening.
A Ueniarbable Bcsult.
It makes no difference h iw many pbys'
ians .r how much medicine you have tried,
it is now an established fuct that Gcrm.m
Syrup is the on'y remedy which has given
omplcte satisfaction iu cases of Lung Dis
eases, tt istruetnai lie re yet tuousaims oi
persons who are predisposed to throat and
lung affections, consumption, hemorrhages,
isthma, severe colds settled ou the breast,
pneum ima, wli'siplng cnugn. etc., wim nave
no pers nal knowledge of Boschee's German
yrup. To, such we would say that 50,0J0
dozen were sold last year without one com-
taint, Consumptives try just one bottle.
Kegiilar size 75 cents, bold by all Drug
gists in America.
One day recently a man named Fail
man, engaged in driving a reaper in a
harvest field near Oregon City, mft with
a fearful death. Fu.il. nan was busily at
work, when the team of horses attached
to the r aper suddenly became frightened
at sotr.e object, ai.d started to run away.
The driver tried his u'most to p-strum
the horses, but was unsuccessful, and
the animals making a sudden turn. Fail
man was thrown from his seat direcL
in f rot t of the sickle, and in a moment
both of his legs were cut otf by tbe sha' p
teeth of the instrument. As speedily, ah
passible all the assistance possible was
rendered to the unfortunate man, bu
tne shock ;to his nervous system, the
loss of blood and the impossibility of
properly dressing his wounds, all com
bined ai'nst the vit n, and he dieu
shortly after the accident ccured.
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5U3.3C STORE !
. 107 FiritStnd, TORT LAND, Or. '. "V". "" J ' '
Pianos and Organs MJbld on tH 2 installment Planl
Miimmoth Stock of
Sheet Music and Music Books.
Sole Agents fwr t'.io jr-aisj . - , t t '
Haines Bros , Pear" & Co., Grand Spuare and
Upright Pianos. .
--THE- '-'-.
'IIarrah fur Weston and tier Friends."
Hon. T. T. Luallen, Esq., the founder aud
friend of Weston, has just returned from an
extended trip to the scenes of his former life
in old Missouri. He looks oCnial aud patri
otic as ever, and though he has mnch enjoyed
the viit an 1 the varied scenery in traveling
together. wlh a revival of oil associations,
we are sure Lis heart is rejoiced to find him
self once more in the thriving city of his
adoption. Every lody was g al to see and
shake hands with him, and welcome him
hack again anions us, where his bnr!y form
and cheery voice have been so much missed.
An .stonluiii t.t.t.
A large portion of the Auieiican people are
to-day suffering from the elfccts of Dypepsia
or disordered liver. Tbe result of these dis
eases upon the masses of intelligent and va -
uahle people is most alarming, making Me
actually a burden i)?tead of a pleasant exist
ence of enjoyment nd usefulness as it ought
to be. There is no ood reason for this, if
yon will only throw asid; prejudice aud ske -ttcism,
take the advice of druggists and your
friends, and try one bottle of Green's Aug'ist
Flower. Your speedy relief is certain. Mil
lions of bottles of this medicine have been
ifiven away to try its virtues, with satisfact
ory results in every cae. You can buy h
siimble bottle for 10 cents to trv. Three
doses will relieve the worst case. Positive y
sold by all druggists on the Western (yuii-neut.
I. Pi
iL V!
& GO.
Are the best Medium Priced Hiun.is mads.'
"rfing their ou Praises, and -Lead the World." A
The Sterling Organ.
O. W. PRSNT1CS '&QO.' MusicJStor
101 first Street, PORTLAXD, Or. -"3
The rstev trrgan.
This fine instrument is no-.v offered for sale
on easy terms, delivered t customers in any
part of country, and ful.y warranted for five
years. The WEISIiR ami other first c!as
Pian 8 at the lowest prices.
Also sheet mu dc and uusic b io'.is. Orders
by mail will receive primpt attetiti.:i. In
straments tuned and repaired. t'rice lis'
sent on a pti a'ion. Address all rders ta A.
B. Stanley, Walla Walla-W. T.
Successor' t j, ij,m t Bros )
Kcepii on hand vi all times full and complete tttock of
- Which, will bj Bold
THANKS. The delegation from Walla
Wulia which recently visited Weston wish to
express their high appreciation of the treat-
.i.eut they reeeived irom the hospitable ci.i- j , fhep o "
z.ns,.f that ci.y, and only as.c tor acha.icc, jj don't e.n
to re.:iprocaie. aiacetman.
Tat- t-e:
All watches left v.. J. Markewitz to
be tepaired, will be sold for charge-one month
from the Jta of August, It not called f.r tne
same. E. L. Gt'tSSAZ.
bT. John. itiegiand new house, tbe St.
John Hotel, will be opju for the trave'i ig
i-ublic a'loat th middle of September. Tne
way Mr. John is tixing tilings up looks as if
there was soma truth in that fortune of bis
from England.
Webfoot oil is the bos medicine, and ran
had for fifty cents a buttle at McColl & Miller
Bot'G iT Peter Heeler bought the Ilia -hart
estate ou Friday for $.1,203 it being sold
to the highest bidder.
Fits. Morrill's minstrels last Wcdn"sday
evening ga.e iuite an eujoya'de cntertaia
in. ut, being among the best of the kind.
Gkd Taste. I. T. Keese is constructing
an eleg nl ewnservatory as an annex to his
pr.vaie itai.tti.c-A.
0-N'E Of all those who have been out
in tbe uioun.aiiiF, picking them, t..i
week, none so tar tiaa returned without
a huckleberry.
BoR!f. Roix-et Jamies n became tin
v vouii son last
tj know anybody
And guarantee to
1 f
Changc The Portland' Daily Ben
will be known hereafter as the Portland
9 the rt:r.. r westo ad
vicuiiLv. In aci ardancc with our ur.tai custom.
ui- .-jrv wi.l be closed on tne 6, 7, and 16 a;, o. sept.
lSO. ii e derire our cuatomers aud otnera wmuii, Uj
uvise puix-naMsa to reserve laeir orders until aitcr uiuie
aoUila..s. Wiiun our duor will Im opened at ti.e tuuil
uour and bix. reaiuuftd aa bvtore.
S Duscbor & Co.
suavEYua a.;d civil engi-veeb.
in Italics District, f'tfau ddtini iuid iocaiea
wuuld do well to correspond wita aim. tUsviue f.O.
gZWBy Cominj to WnMx Wj.'Jm and vii'clnj your Purchases of wi"fij
Orders Carefully, and PromptWj Filled.
i ': ' ' " 1
MTTiiB:fiiaiiiijiii, M;jiiB !
' " In Vrliv C th ' . A .
Walla V.sSa, W. T.
Ia Price at th
Ail klJds or Tiaware kept ta Mack ial made I
ta Wider.
TaU js',iilut meai is ao taorotifhly eaippad for
Job Workand Eemiring Xeatfj in-l
Cheaply d-oiie. All Goods in ray line eoUl
it Walla W(i.la tfricte. U. Sill I'll, ii
Ceuterville, Or. i-17-c0-U ! A.n-i ywror-i v.",
i ua iU uxitmi.c ie, ul I am prepared to rarniah lor '
t.i a ot H MWcawi a better article tsuaa
: ua be toituaat iters for Use sae owse) t
W. J. TV at,