Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, August 21, 1880, Image 3

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    SATURDAY. AUGUST 21, 1880.
CMBly SHaeer.
Wats InM..
TasAswata ... :
Hcuuul trrnuMmKJCT.
w.r..rt. , , ............
. W. C. UtVnr
.1 A rl'inxate
,Wn Finland
..8. M. Pouangtoo
..J Q Wilson
,.FJ Kelly
,. Martin
.J. B. Kecney
..M HcodrjX
..J. C. Arnold
..Dr. J. B. Lindsay
..J. H. Ralay
City (.
Pucks Jews
Caiay or Pouca. . . .
I. Banjaorin,
V. K Worthingioo,
,.T. J. tocr.
..L. 8. Wood.
..A. liaachen.
..L L. VanWli.kle.
C, MrMorri,
C. K. Beckett,
Jno. Miller
Geo. Priabstel
F.ptaeoa! Chreh.---Sunday School every Sunda.;
at M:0, a-, and servicer at 7, r. a., by Iter. J. 11,
JecCooavy. -
MrthmdltX Chareh ftaasth. Re. E. P. W
pastor; services held la the BapUlt Church, on the
second Sunday of each month, at 11 a. a. and 1 r. a.
Crailst efhaireh. Servfces on the first Sunday oi
aach month, 11, A. a., and, J t. a., b- Rv. sr. fa.
r 'Wrlaeiet rivabylerlaa Church Services
T .ry Sunday at 11, a. a., and 1, r. a., bunday school
at 1A a., and services avery Wednesday at 7, p. a., in
iMaie Hall, on Water struct, by Rev W. Morrison.
A .V. at A. M.-WM4M LjmIz. No. SS;
meet second and fourth Saturdays of aach
month, at 7 r. B. at Uta Hawnlc 1111.
J. E. Joan, W. U
I. . O. F. Weatast Lndsr.Xe. 5tt
maeta evurr Thunday at i. r. a., In
Dealey's llali.
I. . t. T. Itlar Moaotalii Letlze So.
aneetsavary Saturday at J,iW r. a.
21 at.
New ads.
(jive us a breeze.
Co to church to-tnorroW.
The dust ii nut over a foot deep.
Fly time ha come, gentle Annie.
Froaa Mrppner.
Hepp.nlb, Aug. 16, 1880,
F.DS. LEADER: Since writing my Ust let
ter that fell destroyer, Death, has Tinted oui
town, and taken from our midVt Mix Mc
Bride, a relative of tha ihnloek Brothers, of
this place. She had been making her horn
here bat a short time, but long enough U
win her way to the hearts of nil who had tl.e
pleasure of her acquaintance. But twi xhoit
days before we performed the Inst sad duty o:
consigning her body to the tomb, she a.
walking our streets iu health, with the pros
pect of a long and useful life, and we cai
scarce realize the fact that we shall see hei
no more this side of the River that flows b
tie throne of God. May her friends be con-
s i!ed a ith the thought that they will one da
meet her where the wicked cease from troub
ling and the weary are at rest.
Mrs. Adkins haa been very rick for some
time, and as I understand, hid been given u:
as incurable by Dr. tihiply, when Dr. Swiii-
burn, wan called in, and she is now convales
cent. Mrs. Stewart has also been verv low.
but is now out of danger.
Most of our citizens who can spare tht
time, are out in the country rusticating, and
your corre)ndeut may have to seek tin
mountains rooii for his health, as Hilly Theo
dore and Will Morrow aje walking around on
their ear so to -peuk bunting for that fel
l w who ii'xinuuted that they contemplated
i atrimony' oft their trip lielow. Well, they
need not be dismayed or disencouraged since
Adum's time it has been so.
The legal business is so dull here at present
that 'Squires Clark and Mullory talk of tak
ing a vacation, in order to allow their minds
to stretch sufiU-ienlly to reinemW back to
that lust law suit that was tried before them.
Dr. Shube is building i large livery stal e.
and intends hrinihon several new buggies,
when it is to be hoped that Jim Kobberts,
Fred Ilnuker, Will Gilrmore, and a few other
young men will be.nble to hire a team and
get out on the broad prairies to do their court
ing, nnd not have to monopolize the whole of
the dining and kitcheu room of our hotels for
the purpose.
Frank Maddock, one of our en'erprising
merchants, is engaged in opening a coal mine
near thin place, with good prospe. ts ot suc
cess and we hope he will succeed, for he de
serves to.
G. W. Ilea, your ajent hTe is always
rei-dy to take subscriptions for the LEADKR,
it being read by the people here with more in-
Han-uting will soon be over with.
Whrre, oh, where is that street nprinkler
Another ma has gone to eat: not crow, but ttfr"1 tl,HU a,,y of tl,c c ,l n'' Pal c"
"Itcmcmbcr Gettysburg and General Han
cock." Rnsty Kate and Sal L'brious are sojourning
at the Warm Springs.
Our vegetable shop has cl mcd out afier a
short and unprolitablc run.
' . a
C'aton Hancock Deuly s Hall Monday
evening Everybody and their friends,
Wsbf.Kit oil the chief in putrid sore throat
or diphtheria. For sale by McColl and Mil
ler. REPAIRS. Henry Wood, our newly-ap-j
ointwd Marshal, is energetically at work re
pairing theoadH and bridges.
During the week a sojourner on the stage
irom rend let on was arrested and atdced to say
w hy be should not pay his debt. The Sher
iff is an inconvenient man to have arooud
.met iines.
llUC'Kt.EBKRHlr.s. All the berry-fan rus-t!7-piciiic
loving pint of our city are going
out to gather berries in the mountains as
soon as they are ripe enough. Let's all go,
TROUBLES. A drought that has dimii
iahsd tbe yield of grain quite materially, the
present low prices, the general ravages of the
grasshopper, money very scarce, and now
tha avniDtoms are increasing that the ladies
are going back to the atylo of wearing hoops !
Staff of Life. e mentioned in our
rotumna a week or two ago that a baker was
wanted at this place, and the answer is at
band. In a week or two we can buy ull the
bread, rookies, oti we want, and the travel
of emigrants can be supplied.
Marble Works. I). J. Coleman, Walla
Walla, is proprietor of the Marble Works, -ind
prepared to furnish Head Stones, Monuments
and everything else in his line, at reasonable
rates. 15. F. Mansfield ia ngent for Center
ville and Weston, and is authorized to take
orders and give receipts.
1 he town is now exercn-ed over a rartoon
received by a young la.ly here, with the fol
lowing letters written underneath. "N. Y.
Q. D," and a certain young gei t says he has
the key that will unlock the mystery, but re
fuses to use or give it way. Can any of your
readers solve it ? If they can, we should like
to hear from t! em.
If a certain young man here doss not keep
still, we wi will give a chapter on whut is
known here as his new or latest issue.
I hope to give ynu an account of the organ
ization of a Hancock Club iu my next.
I had thu pleasure of making the acquain
tance of Mr. Hinchait, member-elect from
Baker county, who has been here on a visit
to J. L. Morrow, and other friends. Wc un
derstand that while here he purchased a large
bund of Angora coats.
But my letter is now too long tor the qual
ity, and I will close. More anon,
Water Vola. A gentleman from Cali
fornia proposes tl.e construction of water
works to supply the city, offering to invest
$2,000 himself m tbe project, together with
his personal supervision of the enterprise.
1 bis, in case ot tire or any such emergency,
would be an inestimable boon to the place,
increasing both the facilities anil value of
property. A resorvoir could be constructed
on the hill-side adjoining the city, in wuich
any quantity of water could bo conveniently
kept reaily. It would simply lie in keeping
with the progressive spirit of our city if the
matter were eutered into and carried to early
! KoWrt Bsruk
Westo. Aug. 17, I860.
Eds. Leader Gentlemen: It seems to
true that '-history repeats itself." that all
hings move iu circles. We notice this in the
riodical feproduction of anecdotes; the
regular resuscitation "of "certain- lUscuasion,
ud in the intermittent bringing to the light
f criticism, the lives of rrstfuayuJ'areat'y
orgotten. -' " ' 5
The (Scottish poet, Burns, is at present
presented to the reading public with the ap
parent view of creating a good iuipre-saioii iu
tvorof him wht is "mouldering in silent
dust." Thomas Carlysles essay on Burns,
written in 1828, is being, reprinted in great,
.irofusion. This great writer states that he
oves Burns, and the whole of his essay is
consumed in a kiud of apology for the person
a hose life he feign wonld commend t public
avor. He dwells with luxuriant amplifica
tions upon the imperfect education of the
.wet, as an exteuuatiou of his aimless life, but
.urther on admit that no education coi.U
lave added to the mental force and greatness
A his subject. Agaiu, he deplores the rude
.rad humble surroundings of Burns' early
years, and makes it att excuse for the poet's
ignorance of life, and then afterward insists
:hat human nature is the same in every walk
I life. From beginning to end, it seems to
be a labored attempt ta excuse vices, and f 1
i.es and shortcomings, for whiuhhe, could find
no fitting or adequate palliation. .'
The simple fact that Burns was vl humble
origin, that he did not receive a collegiate edi
cation, and that his boyhood days were spent
amid the poverty of Scotish peasantry, did
not in any way exonerate him from the list
Jess and licentious life which he led. Hun
dreds of men whose early training wai inferi
or to tbat of Burns', whose poverty was
such as perhaps he never witnessed, and cer
tainly never ex)rienced; who did not re
ceive a tithe of the encouragement or assis
sistauce bestowed upon Burns, and who
lacked many of the advantages he posscs-ed,
have riseu to heights of fame, lived noble
lives, and heeu of use to their fellow men,
far away beyond anything that can be claimed
for Burns by his most ardent admirers.
No one doubts that he possessed fair prac
tical genius. But how did he lrequen.lv em
ploy it? His works speak for themselves,
and need no condemnation . I lie truth reems
to be that Burns, was a wild, passionate, li
centious man, with noble aspirations which
he drowned in drunken revelry. He lacked
continuity ot purpose, ami therefore never
succeeded in anything that required perse
verance. He was generous and improvu e it;
he was proud, but did not hesitate to make
boon companions of the roughest men. Hi
was an affectionate son, but grieved more
over his Mary iu heaven than he did over the
unceasing toil of his living wife. It -eeiiis
like a peculiar freak of great men to uphold
the life of ''ranting, roaring Robert Burns,"
in whose life there is scarcely a noble art.
Yours Tru'y,
A at A&tonUlifms Fact.
A large portion of the A nerioan people are
to-day suffering from the efi'eets of Dypepsia
or disordered live -. The lei.ilt o' thesi dis
eases upon the masses of iu eliigei t and val
uable people is most alarming, making life
actually a burden instead of a pleasant exist
ence of enjoyment and usefulness as it ought
to lie. There is no good reason for this, if
you will only tbr w aside piejudic- aud skep
ticism, take the advice of drugg's'-s and your
friends, and try one bottle of Green's Aug-ist
Flower. Your speedy relief is certain. Mil
linns of bottles of this medicine have been
given away to try its virtues, with satisfact
ory results in every cae. You can (buy h
sainble bottle for 10 cents to try. Three
doses will relieve the worst case. Positive y
sold by all druggists oil the iv estcrn (. ouli-nent.
t'oacert and Oyrter Snpasrr.
The entertainment gotten up by the ladies
of the Guild of All Saints' Church, last week,
passed off very pleasantly. Dealy's Hal.
presented a most charming appearance under
the deft and tasteful skill of the ladies. Kv
ergrcens Lad been, wrought into the most
graceful shapes aiid figures, arches, - festoons
audJettcrs, their rich, dark-color forming an
elegant background to the gay profusion of
Sowers th&t dotted and intertwined the
boughs. ' The blendiiig and confrast of color
were pleasing to the eye,-imparting a grateful
sense of enjoyment to those prtsent. The
musical part of the entertainment was per
formed very satisfactorily, much of the best
talent of the city participating." Ths pro
raiuuie was a. good one, neither too short
nor long;-' but to attempt any comment,
would be injudicious and uncalled for. Mrs
Meacheu ably presided at the orgau Miss
aaling at the opening selection, aud Ella
PrcuhsteJ playing her own accompaniment.
But the feature of the evening was undoubt
ly the reading of "The Bills,' by Mrs.
ile icben. This delicate elocutionary feat
was accomplished in a manner that would
have been creditable to other than an aiua
ti ur. The ryuithmic modulation, the vibrat
ory intonations, the elastic flight from silvery
to changing imitations were underataudirigly
embraced in the compass of the lady's voice,
constituting a decided success. Every intel
ligent listener whs delighted. After the
''feast of reason and flow of soul," came the
more material enjoyment. Quality and quan
thy adorned with relinement, was the lau
guagj of tbe table, and the most fastidious
could be satisfied. Messrs. W; 1'owers and
Kay discoursed excellent instrumental music,
at intervals, heightening the enjoyment of
those present. The attendance was less
than might have been expected, considering
the object aud the reputation the ladies had
already earned in such matters; but ths pro
ceeds were good, amounting to about 50.
Tbe Estey Organ.
This fine instrument is now offered for sale
on easy terms, delivered to customers iu any
part of country, and fully warranted for five
veal's. The WKBEli and otbor fiist class
Pianos at the lowest prices.
Also sheet music and music books. Orders
by mail will receive prompt attention. Iu
struments tuned and repaired. .Price list
sent o.i application. Address all orders to A.
B. Stanley, Walla Wulla W. T.
FlRE. Portland had a lire last Monday
morning, destroyi"g about $3f,000 worth of
property. Insufficient water supply was the
trouble. The property destroyed was mainly
agricultural implements, D. M. Osborne &
Co.. and Newbury. Hawthorne & Co. beinj;
tiie losers.
Fish. Ur. McColl, of the Leader, has
gone to the Warm Springs to rusticate for a
few weeks and eat fish for mental food, as
suggestsd by the Tribune. That journal has
improved so much since its editorial experi
ment, .bat the custom will doubth:ES become
DIED. On Sunday, August 15th, of cyan
osis, Francis Marvin, infant son of the Kev.
U. C. Ojlesby, of Heppner.
Bolts. On Thursday morning, the 19th,
to the wife of John Waldon, a son a 12
pounder, at thut.
IE &1I
107 First Street, PORTLAND, Or. . J-
Pianos and Organs Bold on the installnf PJanl
- .. : ' -''yb'LO i-STRCMEST.S TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. r i i
. ' ' "M
Sheet Music
Sole Agents for the
Spuare and
Mammoth Stock of
Haino3 Bros , Peas fie Co , i Crand
Upright Pianos..
THE- .
1,1. PET
& GO.
Are the tiest Aleuimn rncea rianos uiaue. .
' "Sing their own Praises, and Lead the World." 5
The Sterling" Orgfan.-
D. W. PRENTICE & CO. Music Store,
107 First Street. PORTLAND. Or. - .
Hancock. Hon. N. T. Calon, whose rep
utation us a speaker is familarly known to
all our eitizens. has accepted an invitation
from the Weston Hancock and English Club,
and will address that hotly at Deuly s Hall
next Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, on the
politi. al questions of the day. A special in
vitatii.n is extended to Independent Republi
cans, and a general invitation to all to attend.
Patent' Medicines, Paints,
Chemicals, Brushes,
las:. Putty,
Aniline Dyes, Pills.
DE 3 R TJ jOtXlSS S ,
- . - 4
Pure Liquors, Sold only on Physicians' lres;riptiona.a- : -p
Blank Books, School Books, Stattoniry,
Paper, jPapeterie,
Elegant Vases, Toilet Articles and Motions !
t. v ne.rs-sn STOCK OX" OlXS.
Unseed, China Nut, Lubricating.' lard and Sporaa. ' s,.
Musical Instruments"
LAMP of all sizes. El BEKA and rontons LEAD ULAS8 CUI.H.Ela.
Prescriptions Carefully Comopunded atll hours
, . .T-.yi
Twc Bkt Way to Kim. Sqi'ikkki.. Pro
vide yourself with a package of Holmes' Squir
rtt PeitOK and have all the boyt and girls go
after 'am. It will cluan them ont aure. l'ut
np in large package and is the cheapest and
haat in the market. Made and for aale by II.
E. Holme, Druggiat, NY alia Walla, or to he
had fiom your neareat Dmggist.
VT. G. Jamkson. Watch-maker and jew
ler, corner Main and Sd St. Walla Walhia
aolioita yonr patronage Having 17 years
rraetical cxperirnoe and keeping competent
workmen ia hia employ, in prepared to do
Da watch repairing, jewelry work, anal cut
tiag etc, promptly and at reasonable pricen.
ATatchea, Clocks, Siectaclea always in stock
and sold cheaper thau any other store in
Walla Walla.
PKEVKNTION. Our citizens would be
adopting wiae course to take precautionary
ine.iourfs with regard to fire. "An ounce of
prevention is better than a pound of cure,"
eapcrially applies to such cases. A fire once
Htarted in the heart of the city would proba
bly sweep everything hut the brick buildings
hefure it. Sow is t he t i:ne to take measures
to prevent such a catastrophe.
INDIANS. Drunken Indians have been
seen several time agaiu of late. Mr. May.
bee informs us that twice he has been ap
proached roughly by them, the la.it time on
Aug. 6th. This drunken Iudiau demanded
"mark-a-muek," and was only induced to
leave by scariug him. Hia languags wad fonl
and offensive. Now, it is not likely that the
Kqajo? i obtained from saloon-keepers, bnt
they mast buy it from somebody, and every
one ia iaterwted in detecting the culprit. Mr.
Maybve encouutered this fellow abent two
miles west of Cnten'ille.
Why will people impose n our postmaster
by asking him to get "some mail" fur them
after 12 o'clock P. M. on Sunday. The citi
zens of a Republic are unreasonable as well
as ungrateful.
TaV -tlce!
All watches left wiw u. J. Markewitz to
bo repaired, will be sold for charge one month
from the 20th of Augnst, It not called fur the
same. E. L. Gcessaz,
Hot. Ths weather has been quite warm
during the pant weok, though the uighta have
beeu uniformly cool and pleasant. The de
votees of bleep are happy.
Webfoot oil is the boas medicine, and can
had for fifty cents a bottle at McColl & Miller's.
How doth the bnay
shining hour
Supplies. An emigrant camped near the
city expressed surprise at the size and evi
deuces of gfoU'th of our city saying that "they''
told him while at Pendleton that Ue - -uId imt
obtain anything to eat iu the "Weston country.
(Of course we do not hold the citizens gener
ally responsible for some zealous person's fool
ish remark.) It is a well-known fact tin. t this
is the agricultural section. Further, within
the last week or two several tons have been
shipped to Pendleton, manufactured by the
westou Flouring Mills, which goes to show
where the "grub" comes from.
Well. J. K. Saling, besides his other
cows, has a cow. She has a romantic disposi
tion, and a head of her own. I.&t week,
reading in the LEADER of the old mare that
got celebrity, she "pulled in her horns," "un
folded her tale," and set out for the largest
well. Down she jumped, but tSe water being
eight feet deep, came near knocking the bot
tom out of her feat. She swam round, like
Boynton, just to "keep her head above water,"
about four hours, when six men dug and hauled
her out. She cmiled sadly with a tear in her
eye, and strolled off.
SPItAWL. The evening of "the fire," in
front of Dealy's Hall he tore madly down the
street, and, forgetting the depfeS-.iun in the
sidewalk level, most inglnriously and inele
gantly sprawled heail-over-hfe's, detached
from his hat. The ladies who hail just f.-sued
fnm preaching, think they enjoyed tkV'fan
much more than did the involuntary acrobat.
He gathered his three-story white hat and
hastily loped off, concoa!ed by blushes.
ALARM. S. A. John discovered a fire iu a
blacksmith shop the other evening. Prompt
ly giving the alarm, he tore the door off its
hinges, forced an entrance, and with the help
of others and the fact of their lieing water
handy, soon extinguished the fire. Thus
great loss of property was avoided.
The population of Arkansas is about
The demand for silver is increasing on
the Ireasury.
Seventeen victims of the West Jersey
disaster have died.
Southern cities are reported entirely
free from yellow fever.
Grasshoppers are doing much harm in
Humboldt . county.
A grand "fiesta" takfs place at Pala,
San Diego, Augutst 25th.
Secretary Thompson made a speech at
Sacramento recently
Green Valley, Sonoma county, hops
will be gathered about September 1st.
There are 958 children in Mariposa,
o lly 75 per Cf nt of which attend school.
A Bear Harbor (Mendocino) farmer
owns a five-legged calf, now two months
The body of We T'ullerton was found
at Merced Falls, M-.iiposa, in a deep
hole in the river, last Wednesday.
r--n ,r A T"VT AND
W. T
(Stircr.ssor lo Adams Bros.)
Keips nn bond at all times full and complete atotk oi .,. . j
Which Till be solU at
And gnarantpe to
Cy?' Comiwj to Walla. Walla nnd makinj your Purchases of toc'!
Orders Carefully i and Pjorhptly'Filled,
Valley Academy !
Boarding and Day School for
Walla Walla, W. T.
Second Year Begins Monday, September
6th, ISliO:
tttK aro sole nrents for ChirVs'K). N. T.
YY Spool Cotton, the Iwm. iu the world. I
LTry it. J
in white and colored.
housetly improve each
1. L. Van Winkle has rested the Marshal
ship. H. Woods succeeds him.
ouirh Lnxlisli and classical oure. Boys pre
pared for collaire a Specialty. Taition 310, S15. 20
and i?5, accorlin to das', prt-nn, (half year.) Boa-d
and a-aihinjr, U0 per term of t'i week. For further
Dirticulara. addf-vas the Frindivil.
Rev. J. . llrCOXKV.Y. H. B. It.,
P. O. box 202 Walla Walla. W. T.
MINSTRELS. MorreH'a Sa- Francisco
Minstrels, numbering six performers, are an
nounced to appear iu Weston next Wednes
day evening. Tbey are well spoken of.
Land Orncs at LaGraxde, Ogn,, Anj. 19. 1S33.
Notice ia hereby given that the following-named set
tler haa filed notice of hat intention to m ike fin 1 proof
in support of hi. claim and secure Anal entry tie fcof at
the expiration sf thirty days from the date of thia nobce,
Widow of Sims Rusaoll. deceased. Bomaotead proof
will be made bfore the County Judge at Pendleton,
Umatilla, Coantv, September 14, 1), for tbe JU iwj,
aec. 10, T 4 N K. Ji t, and names the following aa fa is
witne, iz: Jamea Kutcu. A. H. Lansdaie C. C
tieias and J. Scott, all at Weston, Uma'il.a count, Oro-
li'..,NKY w. UHMl
otick H ii' itv.i'.v f.ivrs rntT 11
PiivHu-'ncc of un ordrr of t.ie Count.' Cnurt oi
t..e Sfa'e of Oregon. County of Uin ttiila, ln'le on the
l ith diiv- f lulv. 1SS). in tb ; mver of tnea:ate of
i C-iri'to.Vier Rin'cMart, d:s -mal, 1 ii) sell a; public auc-
tion xa ll-.e ;ii-henbi-.i.l-;ro.itnrfir -inisca irjin J'as: de
scribed, on Tiiday, Auuuzo, IsH). at o'clock In the
afternoon -f ul :lay, tno following d.-ajrib-.-d real m
tiite, together ith tae im ii-ov-jin-ints t.icreon, to-wit:
The ) of ni. j oi m, a se "f nwV, i nw, of wj,
section 29 T t ' It 5E. I, in,' and bainrf in Umatilla
County, Oregon, and containi ic two hundred acrea.
Teima: One-:ialf caa in hand, and one-lia f in twelve
months, accured by mortae on tile pri-misea.
T. U. Fi iTER,
8. V Knax, - Kxecutur,
Tustin & Ml,
Att ts for Executor.
Weston. July 17. 141 7 17-80-5W
BMstUrMsajSi ajaV kfm WaaW aVaWBJHaW SBBBBBas BBBav
.- '- ... In Pr!ceta!&
All UadH sr TlaiTire itej In Mock abmI aaal
. . $ JOcr. . .
"Jub' Wurk and.Iie-ktirinrj Neatly and
Chmoly done. ( All Goods hi my lin sold
at Walla Wailii 'piiun. K. SMITH.
Cenicrviiie.'Or J7-17-80-tf
- ivfiraft n j
DiamMSoap. forks!
Walla Walla, W. T.
This establishment la now thoroughly equipped for
MAMitrAPTiiDC nc on a no
lllnllUI ny I.UI1U UI UUHfU
On au extensive scale, and I am prepared to furnish for
tin u.-e oi h owe itee para a riaer anirse laafi
. rau be boaqcht here for the aaaae tmmury I
8-21 80 -5w
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
Silverware, Spectacles, liofd
l'ens etc. '
Repairing a Specialty 1
Main Street, Weston, Or.
Send your arder to
W. J. BTF.K.
The Webfoot Restaurant,
- Opposite the new Court House.)
TWTI ana TiS ------ 2QO
Best Hnala for the Ifaary la Walla Walla.
J-U-tt . I