' " 'V . .'. ",V. . set t " T !. i fl ORIGINAL DEFECTIVE 7? 1 4 2 8 ft f. v. ?$tt grafo, SATtfBDAY. AUOUilT 21.1830. , VUUiMM dt MfM, Editors. DII00BATIO5ATMAL FOB PRESIDENT, GEX. WL FIELD S. HANCOCK. OF PENNSYLVANIA. VICE-PRE8.DENT, WtL II. EXGLIMII, F INDIANA. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS, T. O. OWEN, of Coos County. ) AS, FULTON, of Voo Count v. i, JL WKATHERFOKD, of Linn County, CIVIU SERVICE REFORM. Perhaps no question occupied so much f ti public attention four years ago &At which heads this article. The EnfideaVa latter accepting the uomina-!;-fall of promise on thin point. HI tkmnmx order on this subject is still t reh in the memory of all. A nd certain ly during his administrat ion the civil ser vice has been reformed with a vengeance. It may well be doubted if any four year has witnessed more flugrant violations of it than those that are now fortunately floating to a close. With all the solemn prmieji of reform in this particular still -staging in our cars what do e find i jr.We government force turned loose it were to secure the election of the republican candidate. We find members of tfee pabinet making political speeches til ve the Union, and even the Presi lnt himl jn spite of his celebrated order, using the prestige of his position o help elect a man whom ho not long ago denounced as too corrupt to occupy ft position in the New' -York Custom il0tu This truly is civi! service reform . id a peculiar order. Add to this t hat during every interesting campaign dur ing this regime hundreds of clerks and employees from the different departments have had furloughs granted them that they might participate in the canvass and further the cause of their party, and we Jiave a system of civil service reform Out luckily has no parallel in the his tory of our nation. But the attempts to reform the service have gone further. JTet long ago we were shown a document a Poet Master; it was gently intimated a oonlribution towards the general ir.paign fund from him was now in or 4mr. It insinuated also that a non corn fiance with this modest request might result disadvantageous! to the official addressed ; but it considerately" added that any donation thus made would not he displeasing to any superior in office. In short these documents, one of which was sent to every governnieut official in the Union, said plainly, give or go; it is all right as far as the civil service order it concerned. Now in a spirit of fair ness we present these facta to the un biased consideration of all good citians and ask, is this the fruit of so many fair PWiniseaT Since the formation of our government there has been no equal to it. Can we then trust those who have failed o signally to redeem a single pledge made with reference to this important subject? Let the voto iu November an swer in tones that may not be slighted or misunderstood. It is ith a feeling of deep sorrow, aays the E. O. Republican, that we chron ica the fact that Wm. Rinehart Esq., of Summerville, has lost his three remain ing children. This is one of the saddest vents that has ever occurred in the FUey. Less than a month go Mr. and Mrs. Rinehart were the fcappy parents f six hright boys and girls, hut to-day tketr are childless. We are sore they kae the heartfelt sympathy of the entire ommnnity in this their grievous afflic tion. Thomas J. Griffen attempted suicide last Sunday h Ban Jose. This is the third time he has tried to kill hircself. SOCIAL LIFE. Civilized people " demand intellectual pastime. The quality always depends on the elivatian nd"i.n,- v. people of each commdnitv. Refinement' Hen,lock tannery at Astoria is is not absolute or hereditary; is con ! mainS'arranSe,nt 9 double its ca parative and acquiMd.by estivation. It i JaCit is as difficult to suddenly acquire atid be ! Chas S lias appointed prepared to practise successfully true re-! DePuty A-osy for the first Judicial finarimn oc ,11 J.l i ""J"" TOucToiup tuuues grow in of stature. It is in the trivial acts of life that its beatitudes are appreciated. A scoff, a sneer, a spiteful sentence any of these will break down a good iin. pression, the growth of two hours' neatly-guarded conversation, by unveiling the true disposition. But, a good dispo sition granted as a basis, a polish en gendered by sedulously cultivating such a style as will wear off the asperities of ourselves and grate the least on the sens ibilities'of others, is desirable. Polish is not affectation. It is simply reducing to a system, r habit, a gentleness and inoffensiveness in dealing with others. It is found, by social contact, that cer tain acts or styles of speech prove disa greeable to others. Their avoidance, and the substitution of that which, while harmless, is yet agreeable, is etiquette. In other words, etiquette is bat the formulization of what is agreeable, and the repression of what is distasteful. But beneath all this, the mind must be enriched with knowleigeand brightened by contact and culture. No community is so small that some cannot be found desirous of advancing such ideas. By a judicious and intellectual combination, much good must accrue. Some can only launch into speculation and theorize on ideals, while others, less originative can sagaciously criticise and comment. Both are indispensable. Add to this the finer and niore esthetic pursuits, as blending the colors in harmony or embellishing the beauties of nature; or followin the strains of music in a delicious concord of sounds; or revelling with the poets in realms of picturesque reality, while clothed in glowing garb, and we have reached the higher plane of mundane ex istence. Every community owes it to itself to develop every energy toward eu- couraijing intellectual pursuits. Onlv thus can man be brought to that mental elevation designed for him, as evinced by his possessing the natural capacity. CALIFORNIA. Indications are that the social turmoil, tha labor mobs, and the Kearneyisui are rapidly dissolving in the state south of us, and that a better condition of affairs it promised. Political questions of national importance are engrossing at tention and swallowing unnoticed the paltry local issues that have been engen dering such bad blood. Political antagon ism Las dropped into the old channel. and Democracy or Republicanism i3 now the attitude. The dismembered racy is again strong in its entirety, and grows stronger with Hancock at its head. With the firm unanimit in the demo cratic ranks, we find a Jack of harmony j on the other side. The late Republican a Stite Convention terminated in a big row, and outspoken dissatisfaction was prevalent. The prevailing belief as to Garfitsl-i's action on the Chinese question, before being a nominee for the Presiden cy, weakens his prospects in that state. Tbe balance of political power is eawly held by those who prefer anti-Chinese principles to any other, and the present indications are that the Democracy will obtain that strength. The prospects of the Democracy for carrying that state in November are certainly enceuraginir. A COMPLAIXT. We: Toy, Aug. 19. 1880. Eds. Lvader: Will you please allow me to extiress wv dislike of the loud ant j coarse language indulged in during the evenings and until late hours at night in our usually quiet city. Oaths arc screamed out by drunken men and can be heard for blocks on either side of the main offices. Women and children are alarmed by these howlers, night made hideous and the streets unfit for nse. What u our security from such, rn man ism, it the proper officers do not enforce the ordinances made by the City Council. If country and city roughs are permit ted to trample decency and order under foot, I for one would like to know it. If we have a marshal who is paid for looking after those rowdies he ought to attend to his duty and suffer no such disgraceful yelling to go unnoticed and unpunished. Fa-IUES. - The opposition to Colquitt, in Georgia, has nominated Ex-Senator Norwwxt BenIill supports him. i ue Oregon M. E. Conference' met a Eugene City on the 19th inst. i Roebur? Grangers sold 18( 1 Pd3 of wool, recently in one pool. The Rosebur? Grangers sold 180,000 ! UlStnct, On the farm of John Miller, Apple gate, nine acres of barley yielded 90 bus hels per acre. Good enough. Great scarcity of butter and eggs is re ported in Jackson county. Two fine elk were killed in the hills adjacent to Camas Valley last week. The Canada thistle is getting to be ex tremely troublesome in the neighborhood of Drain, Douglas county. The O. R. & N. and W. W. A C. R. R. Cos. refunded the sum of 855.50 be ing the amount of. flight - paid on th new desks and Wats for the Waitsbur schoolhouse. That was an act of practi cal generosity it is pleasant to chronicle In answer to a note of inquiry con cerning the whereabouts of the Oregon trotter, "Nellie Patchen," we have to stat6 that she was sold last April by George M. Misner to James A. Perrv, a wealthy Englishman who took her to Fn gland. The price paid is understood to be $2500. Oregoman. AD VERTISEM ENTS. ALIX OC& XifEESE. IOli can buy a complete suit of Clothes for $10 at SAL1XG & REESE'S. YOU canbnya neat Cassimere Suit for $12 at SALIXtt & REESE'S. YOU can buy a nobby Cansimere Suit for $14 to $1G at SAL1XO & REESE'S. YOU can buy a fine Suit of Blue Reaver, Rlack Broadcloth or heavy Cassimere at the lowest figures in the country at SAL 1G & REESE'S. 1 OU can buy a small boy a fine suit for $3 at SILIG & REESE'S, 10U can buy a No. I suit for a small boy for $5 at SAL1XG & REESE'S. I ou can buy an all-wool suit for boy from 5 to 9 years old from $I.0 to $10 at SALIXi & Reese's. YOU can bny a pair of blankets for $4 at Saling & Reese's. YOl can buy a large white bed blanket for $8 at Saling & Reese's. L?rge J 8 nd small men can buy Clothing at very lowest prices from Saling fc Reese. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. is a never-failing Cure Itor Nervous Debilitv. exhausted Vitality, Paralysis, and all snch terrible fiffci-t jf Memory, Lassitude, Aversion to Society, Oimnens of Vision, V : : t i i j.iuiBCD m me neaa, X-n& many other dUauc- that lead to insanitv and death. rR M IN TIE will agree to forfeit Five He speed DoixAKsforapaseof this kind the VITAL RESTORATIVE (under his special adviee and treatment) will not cure, or for anything impure or injurious found in it. DR. MIN riE treats all Private Diseatxs successfully without mercury. CONSULTATION Free. Thorough examination ard adviee, including analysis of urine, $5.00. Priceof Vital Re tenure, $3.00 a bottle, or four times the quantity, 0.00; ent to any address upon re ceipt of price, or C. O. D., secure from ob neivation, and in private name if desired, bv A. E. MINTIE, M. D., 11 Kearney street San Francisco, Cal .f . DR. MINTIKU KIDNEY REMEDY. "NEFHRETICUM," cures all kind of Kid ney ud Bladder complaints, Uonnorrhoea, tileet, Leneorrbnea, For aie Iry all drug &U; ?1 .00 a bottle, six bottles for 85.00, DR. MINTIE'S DANDELION PILLS frvV1?1 nd chePrt DYSPEPSIA and BILLIOLS t nr? id the market. For sale by ..11 drngnljte. v2Jv3Iy ADVERTISMENT3. 8TOSIACH (f9 Serve an InjnnrUom on Disease f !Li?rta?rfttlne Wo constitution, nr.wAr.v m aelllstwl phytlque, and enricliine a t.:in ep.!: :a; I. hous eltcuktioti with Hosteller's StoTOcr. P n- i e HlUat IVia Kfu Vt.-l.l-. . . For sale bv all Dnun;lst3 and Iitaitr.. Rcr.cr. iiy THE LITTLE JOKER CLOTHES WASHER , tLXE7"nx WASH mark at a timej Sr iJT lvsre RirmenU. nma.ll ones few or inanv, washes them clean; never tears off or breaks buttotia cannot ruin the clothes a particle; in eauilv worked, and avoid packing clothes before washing them, And is Unequalled for Washing Wool. References: Mrs E Robins Mm il Bcntlev Mrs M A Matlock Miiis Lizzie -Shuil Mis Joe Keeney Mrs A Cole Mm J p nT, Miss CynthU Beails Mrs Lot Livenuore M.s A E Penninton Mrs V tVhitcomb ilra M i Arnold. KEAXISON & ELY. Gen'i Agents. 8-14-80-3ai "The Dliiircli and Home." A Religious Journal Devoted to 03CExc.xsn?3LAJBir work: Issued Monthly at Weston. Evary Family Ought to Take it. tSTTetms, $1.00 Per Year."$t KEY. E. V. MOItlCISOV Editor. NOTICE. Lamb OFfick at LaCkaxve, Ok., July 3th lSSO. Notice is hereby jrlven that the foltowinjr-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his clsim and secure final entry thereof at the ewurauojs of thirty days fiom tbe date of this notice Fonnlaln Blnrk. Preemption Xo. 2491. Proof will be made at U. 8. Land Offlcs at LaRrande, Oregon, on the 20th dav of August, J880, for the SwJ, Sec 8, T 4 N, K 37 E, "and names the lol ouinj; as his witnesies, ris: .las, Pirrson Wm Petre, D. W. C. French and John Stark, all of Lmatilla countv, t)re(,-on. 7-17-SC Sw " HEKftY VT. 6WI0HT. EegiisUr. NOTICE. yrtttoe is hrreby eiren that Chas. A. EarreU has this day made application to purchaw under the act of Con-g-rens, approved June Sd, 1878. entitled an "Act for the sale ot Timber Lands in the States of California, Ore-'on ?f . ia Wnjrton Territory," the Swl of"sec 10 in T! N ot K WE. Kinal proof and punAasi are to be made st tu.e tipiratioa of sixty days from tee date of ""ZFL. llr't Uwioiit, 7-1.-80-9W RejUtcr. NOTICE. Notice is he-eby eWen that John F, Adams bos thia 7 application at this Office to pnrch se under the act of OonKress approved June 8d, 187S, entitled, "an Act for the sale of timber lands tn the States of Cali fornia, Orujfon Nevada .nd Washington Territory," the ft 10aT R ?K- W and purchase are to be made at the expiratiou of sixty davs from this i n a , . - Hvs-r Dwioht,' Rejriter. LaOi-ande, Or. July 6, 1SS0. 7-H-MMhr NOTICE. LandOfflee at LaRrande, Or., Jnne 1, 1880. Notice is hereby girm that the following named set tier has n ed notice of his intention to make final proof' in support of his claim, and secure Onal , ntrv then on' at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this noucs,' vis: Alexander Walker. Witnesses testimony will be taken before D P Dwi-ht a Notary Public at Pendleton, Umatilla count , Oregon Auir. il, 180, for the SeJ Sec 28, tJN.R 5 E?lnd names tht following as his witnesses, viz, Johr' Me Oermitt, James Derrick, Alex Miloe and V, in Dunu all oi eston, Umatilla countv, Oregon NOTICE. JI-Avd OrncE, at La Grasde, Ok., July 19, 18S0. Notice is hereby given that the followin; named set tier lis) riled notice of his intention to iruwe fln.il pnf in support of his claim, and secure final entrv thereof at the expiration of Uiirtv days from the date of tiiia notice, vix: ALEXANDER STILL. Preemption No. 1,644. Witnesses testimony will he made before Dwifht a Bailey, notaries public at Pen 2 ?S' iiUf on; AuR'Mt 28, 1880, for the sel Sec 28, T N, RE,d names the following ss his witnesses, vis. Alex Walker. E C Jenkins, Volna Webster and H Key, all ot Weston, Umatilla County, Oregon. . Hesbt w. Dwiobt, 7-24.80-5W Register. NOTICE, 'OJJCE IS HEREBY GIVF3I THAT JAMES - .a im, nwiE upiication to pur cise under the act of Juno S. 1878, entitled. "An act tor the sale of timbered lands in the States of California .iFOB Nmd "d wahini:on Territory," tbe Nwi of bee. 14 TSX, R 8E. . Final p,oof snd purchase to be made at the expiration of sixty days' publication hereof, and within ninety davs from dote hereof . HENRY W. DW1GHT Dated August J.1S80. Rerister &-7-S0 ftw register. NOTICE. 1a! Omci at LaGiakde, Ou., Aug. fi, isso. ?1otl? 'i.iS5 ti'8B following-named ,!rlh'u,BId nol"0 hi intention to makefmal tnuTnMvte'' U,,y,la, rom te ARCHIBALD J. PATTISOll. fZZ??'0- make proof at Pendleton, Umatilla countv, before Dwight a BsUey. Notaries Pub! he. en September 18, 10, fr the, iwj a swj. nw l4k.,w5r'i.0M"ii.li- T K- K d naroei the ."1. Oregon. & l'm.e'H?'- TAKE IT '.re a ',tWMt" paper, in the Northwest It is uus.rpagMliu, an Adrertising meOiam ADVERTISEMENTS. J. E. JONFS ! Shelf-Hardware Constantly o? hand, for sale cheap. A Large Assortment of HARDWARE I RANGES, COOK 4SB Stoves! the Very Bess Material aa.1 M t Ap proved raucrns. All Tinware wade or Soitd Jtcavy ututerlal. and none lint the best workmes euipoyed. Rivets, Iron Steel, Nai 3 a. i'.i 1 -4"JJ HORSE SHOES - i CUT LEE V Wcstjnliolme's All Styles. SHEEP SHEARS Bcreoa & Ball's and "Kanfarao." CLOTHES WRINGERS. I OROQUT SETS Shot-Gun & Rifle Ammunition, A Full Line of Pistols and Revolvers! ! BIRD CAGES, FLOWER I'Oi iiaXgixg baskets!, i FZSBI3TO rr.CKX.l Trout Baskets, Etc. RodgerS' CutlerY Comprising heavy-p'ated Knives, Torks and Spoons. A COMPLETE STOCK OF ROPE Sold at Lowest rates (or a good artiils. OILS ! OILS ! OILS The Undersigned are now prepared to sell CASTOR AND LARD OILS Than ihey can be had this side of The Dalles. tCall and get Prices' arcoxais &c a:xx.ZsJBxcr. Citt Drtjg Stork, Weston. ST. PAUL SCHOOL, A Boarding and Day School FOR GIRLS. The Christmas Term begins on Thurtdar, Siptl 2 1880. It is Important for aser pupil to be pi t . ut o " the FIRST DAY OF THE TRt ! Tor particulars, eall a the schio! or. I betor- en ..eeuad and Third btrectx. PRINCIPAL, MKi.. t. t;. : 7-il-m . t.-t. ARGONAUTr. nal, pubashed every Saturday, at l'r. Ca:o:tii"j. FRANK M. PIXLEY. ) ritlD. X. MjMLRS, ( .f.va-.t.-i The Aaaoifacr is essentially a CalL'ornia t.iib:ira.oi -hriffit. l.ree2y oi the rarilic atd tn medium o: i, . (tooo tbinsa ol current UUratur.. bint, p...t imi.1 s.. adurc , upon receipt of W OO yearl .ubscni.tiw. ' raoaut. j S. F. SHARP, M. D.f Physician, Surgeon, and Accouchenr OFFICE - Over Wver' Furniture More, CentervXk. Or. 17-80-tf T TT T A T T? V- Snreyor and CivU Engineer, j ; Pendleton, Oregon. j Town Plats made and Lauds Located. mCE at Ike Ceairt Dotue. 0-2-23-ly All kinds of MISCELLANEOUS ICCIDE OF POTASS. The Beat Sprins Medicine anil Betntj. fler of the Complexion in nie. Ouras Pimple, Boils, Blotches, INenralgU, Scrofula, Gout, Rheumatic and Mercmt al pains, and all Diseases arising from t) impure state of the Blood or Liver. SSTSold by McCoiTi Millep.! TTTT AN IMMEDIATE AND PERMANENT CURE for COUGHS. COLDS. AsTH !WA. BRONCHITIS, CROUP. INFLUENZA, CATARRH. Loss of VOICE. Incipient rnftsumniinn. nnrl ctl nicotics of th. t fftroat and Lungs. Ask for the Cali. lorma ruimonaiy Balsam, and take no otlu-r. . XS ldbyall DrnsKials. ' -'IT'S XHOI1S no snot paTioa mnn -.; uiojj psqa;ami Sjsodmd Satpnujjoj Wmilk 83500Q V:-:OdnVO am oh : .; : us pcoS ptreq no df, ! PMSP Mi4S JMM1 . ' I'nc doo.8 jn 39aii S su iViaav-M ONidnna -xi su3-iy:ci sv i ! m "eoaa mmi '.;JOJ3i?J JfIOI pu IJ8BS Il!5V 2 iaIJ m STRAYED. FOM THE PREMISES OP TEE iiWnlirr, residing on eight Mil. in Ws co county, a DAI.K 11.-'. Y HOUSE, about 155 hands high, with short heavy tial, ntarin fon hearl, mane jiartt-U in center, white streak nr. left noat, collar marks on toiinf neok, shudsll antnnd with oM shoes, not branded Horeaddl marked. When last seen was at John Psts hridpre, goin in the direct on .f Walla Walk TRN DOLLARS -will be ii.ti.l l r tlw retnra of the animal, or $5 for information or hie wlierrabrutf-. JOHN TAI'PEItT. 'J ho Dallas, July 20, l!&0. 7 2- ESTRAY NOTICE. Irx BY THE 1 DFKKICM.lt. 1 Span of irrar hum. .htut 1 m r .j or. iiutu i. n on tne ngnt snonlder Mvt 1 on tnr it; the other branded A W with a oiimooi nniiVr it m tat lft .11..- Tl : . . . wifivT n dutc mem it prormt n m propertr and paj ing expenses J. K St BiVn'ER. CALIFORNIA LIYERY and FEED STABLE. MILTON, OREGON. JOHN DUST AIT, Proprietor. Splendid Turnouts and Bad.ne Horses at shorts notice, flcntyof ha; and erain alwsvs on baod. Cliaixoe to suit the tunes. ! 3-Rcmeraber the place, opposite th? PuiSt y. N. DUSENBERY & COS 3W S "W STOR XMSi ST1I.L CONTINI'ES on a CASIT It.MIIS. and w ha Out HciTHd nnit.i.!lr 1- : . . . lothiny, t.ents' urnishine fioons. hoou and Mists t.rot-cnes snd Proruions, which e are prepared tr vS: a the LOWKST r"MihU rate I OR :asH Orsis , nacon, lrd, :e., taken in .xehaar-- tr raerehsndm I ... u.tuiUr the plate: opposite Uriaj Swre, Main rroi '.son. Or. o-. W. T; COOK, At Drug Store, C'enttrviUt, r-'- 7-17-80-tf V. H. ROWLAND, :iOM JUDICAL OR B(JTAN"IC of ITomeo and ChJldrm, IMphtheria aid .ic CoinnU, atao Evtri-tine of Teeth a . vet muitation Free at mr ordce, next door t -an i Mortis', CtSTlvRVILLE, Or. North end of Water ft. 1. jfiL. (JtlFEN Kseps eautaa-Jr on ban J a fan supply of Bar. fcrala, Mts, etc., and all horses loft in our ebarxe v.J reeeiTs good treatment. Trmmpt aUeatkia fiver, to stock dsr er itgU tooi co.-rai acd campiti; grounds adjaJem I .iaa. i