I I r luji II if ii i4k irv h m r i! n jr 11 m m n m I: m j tea :1 1 fi I i. i ' -i ; nIIWn- i - l I I'll '" " ' " II 1 1 II I I W J M 1 I i 1 4 I i i - 4 S ...II a-- II 1 r WW ma di4," u toe ipiy. p" j- . -'. v . A4l9l. W.titV 'drdad in ft 4t3r, the fatal 4f hito tW water Ufore lav lag lijjfeatt t fr8cl-.; j feY fetto- KfWdphia toy made Ufe t for kit Ma PhUadel- Iiaawaia irwota. stori When tto? fii tltair ehildrwt matches to lay mitXib&p om a visit they carry me fW with tbwn. Wwrith mn't maka a& Albany fefcf qjut rjf jaay tW ay, , they let kiHnaiuir iW and aside him be- feafcisg foe Jun, a4 to will keep quiet "Wkat dii tie rritni come to tin iitj"' ,akJ a MachRtt8 Uei of 'W daat.' '"To worship in fifair W wf ai atake other people do ik hm, wu ike reply. XDtfcmm wis xiiUtiogtia marvel WMcapa jbwo Arowunj? when thir M ft hk cBBpaniun were lost by tlie SMtli of ,4 boat, and lie alone "was aidC ' MAd W fid you escape their tefMka W(tlu hewtra. "I tid atfFffeilWka -WktT -W. the. Dutchman's AtorrK9 T THE CIXCIXSATI eqSTESTIWf, iTCiiaiuomabfe wedding ' up town yeamtly, - qoite a number of people . oon pati to view the bridal party on qipntr from the church. A passer &WoMiiiBE&eof the hackmen, said -VWaitiacfoV V-job J". "No," was the la 'kl;a&ar 'f aoi vaitinc for the 'itUKm y foeiMer,;" ' i 'i X yl Uaa of Cambridgt', Mass., jeaia oiC tke koaor of the 'students, 49 .ifairif; c J "late 'defeats' of the tiarr4 ' ." baseball, remarked re-pfmttfflj-' U tie young gentlemen ItfdFaU mat ctientum to their base- bait 4 law ta their booka, they would jioi-faik boas oo badly beaten, : He waa a itle verdast or lie never wnaaaaai4' "?erhjw we had better alk. $l w!(wnie to a settee where .woeao.aKtloMCher.n "Oh t bo die rc- V " ' imi wtoAtly; "you ait down in the chair od I win be tie sette.?. . 'Xilaite Psr- Bethune nuked a tooroe mmI wuwrly ajl hpw he wan getting lonV. ' The aqn replied.: "What bui ntit ii that of roursf ' Said the Doctor Oh atr, I nione of those who take an ttestat fa in the meanest of God's jLamtdfvdgt of tie New York supreme jBMr awtia a friwid in a neighboring f ilUfe, wteWaaed, ""WKr, what are you 'MMcivitv. i,lteat-workr trying to ':$aka Wlma'was the reply. 'Tbe )'J1 Jtiaoeed said the judge "loe ;w1wwao coarpetition." Aa4ofes)icwa forty ne hunter having i.aJwy a heiress,' at the wed- ikir nhia irrt" of the ceremony (tMMWt Ike bridegroom ra m j "Wilfc & y worldly goods I thee en- M'ftmi relative of the bride e'x ,a!OMir TWa goap his valine,' , yipt "palW" )t these cherries to jop, je Bith," Mrj. 8mith-0h, 4klh yoi 4ajrling ! But isn't your meibAiiratf she'll rob herself I Boy w ratWr guess ot mum; she said as JkfW. ay Was av spilm on the tree, and vovlda'l b good for nothin' but swiil by ayserar. So ahe said bring you gtagpo, tsusa; you might aa well have 'em " tho koga." lira. Smith "Your dear ' paiVi,alswughtfiil.n Butahedidn: 'a-Eik-ii-.-v.-S- . "at?::- ,. fdaatly aaJdlIra, Jonas, "who afterwards ' aa4tly told U to all the neighbors, 'TA W dieii before I'd a touched one oft ' 'asav-'thO stingy old thing;" Boston Trar 'j.ji aSou 1 o'cloak a boy " 111 bal)t twalra went up Market street of speed that everybody - 1 serarhia was satisfied he was run- yaiggfer doetor. man with a kindly HJjijittsSj of somteuanee caught the iff 'bo by ike arm and asked him i . ftMatsBwrw anybody rjght sick at U)r)fc ki'tkre will be . ilatoVtunl nw looae." "Who is it, Vubbyr' rar Ut me go if I tall jour -I will, my boy." "Well, than, ftfegsytatkoHBobc -He will be a re- nt&AWmsnrht if I don't et home jitfgn&E : ypst aao we We cucumbers,' gprnMupiV cbMer, watermelon, and oabkwga foriaaaf.aad if -I ain't there fei iaf akaro kw Will founder himself Md die. FWaae let me s;o m 1 can save my litkrvthvf'elif., Gveslon feu. Tt Temacratie p-irty of the United State In convention asaeinUed. deerer5! Wa nhtlise ounelves-aaew to tVe coatttutionalaWtrtnesaiii'iadititna.of the Democwtic Jfarty as illostwtad by the teach, J, ig and exaoipteaof a long MJie oi ..inwn- ic stfttwm -n and patriots;, ana cmuaawu m the hwt natiiuial cenvention of tia party. Second Opposition to eeiitralizartou and tliat daitgemas spirit of encroachiiient which tends ti consolidate the powers ot all tne ae rt,Df in one. and thus to create, what. ever be the foiW ut goveroment, a real dep oiiMii; no sumptuary laws; separii u. church and State i..r tlie good of each; coin nion schools to W fostered and protected. ,;i Third Home rule, honsrt money, the strict maintenanca of pilblic fidth, conwating ot Rold, nUver and paper convertible to coin ri.e strict maintenance oi me State aad national.; and atariff for revenue oulv. Fourth th suWdination of the military to the civa power, and a general and tlior ouirh return af the civil ttervice. Fifth tUht to a Iree ballot as the 'rijrh't arv-tiv df all riifht. and liiiist and h;ill be niaitttainediu every part oi the United SUltC H. Sinh-The ex'wUncaduiinLstratoH rcpre- aentative of conspiracy ouly, and its claims a i,rriiilid the liallot imxei wu fc""" " . . . troops and deputy marshals, to intimidate and oHsfrue the elections, ana ny unprece dented ue of the vote to -'maintain us cor rupt and despotic power, inulte the people, and huperiU their Institutions; Seventh The fat fraiid of - 1876r.ty which, up.i a false couut of the electoral vote to two State, the; candidate defeated at the pcdlx, was declared" to J.e PrcBident. and for the first time in American hiHtary, the will of the people was set aside under the threat of military violence, struck a deadly blow atom svstcm of representative govern ment-. The Democratic party, to preserve t .mii'rv fjuni the horrors of a 'fivit. war, submitted for the time, in the firm and pat riotic faith that the people would puuisji tnia r;.,.e in 1SS0. This issue precedes and dwarfs every other. ' It impose more saorca dutv udoh the people of the Union than was e'er addressed to the conscience of a tiation of freednen FiWih We execrate the course of thiaad- rmwIMMs' in malcina places for political ,H,..hiala. and dMUiid;n reform by statute which shall make it forever impossible for a defeated candidate to 1102 uia way k h. seal f a ni-urper by villainies upon the poo-ale. Ninth The resolution of Sutiiou J. Tnden not aaiu to e a caiididute tor a'acwon, the exalted place to which lie Was eiectcu oj i majtirity of his cumi!ry:;:ci; and from wjich he was excluded ty the lea-lers the Ke ..ul!i,.n nurtv. is received by the Democrat of the United States with sensibility, and they declare their confidence in his wisdom aad patriotism and integrity, unsullied by ft.. ..eanlt of the coiiiiuoii enemy, and they further declare to him that he is JolowoU into the retirement he has choeCii for himself by the sympathy and respect of his fcllow-cit-iafiis, who regard him as one who, by ele vating the standard of public morality nnd adorniujr and purifyinR the public service, merits the" hwting gratitude of his conutry nni) 1,!h tnrtv. Tenth -Free ships and a living chance for American coaunercc" on the ca and on the land, no discrimination in favor of trnnspor tatiun lin. corporations or monopolies. ElBitkrAmitdment qf tK Burlitujam T. uu or Chitutc immigration exeep r-iW, tiiu'cation and foreign commerce, ' . . . ... t.j ' ui racretn cmreiuuy quurum. Twelfth Public money and public credit for pablie purposes solely, aud public lanus far Thirteenth The Democratic party is the fri- nd of labor aud the laboring man, aun nledrea itself to protect him alike against the cormorants and the cominuuc. Vnarteeuth We eoncratulate the country upon the honesty and drift of the Democrat it- rnitfn-eiui which has reduced the irtiblic ex tnditnres to 840.000.000 a year upon the j continuation of prosperity at home aud the ) . a . II national liouor arlmad, aun aoove an, nyyn th nromise of such a chaiiiK in the adminis trnt.irilf nf this ?overnmeat as shall insure its THE BEST OF ALL LIHIP.1EHTS nnulsTpnEt ILLUSTBATED , Catalogues SENT FXUtE I TtW.a r, mnillAlna lint infnlltbtv donr I It9 'vcrhr in mtl tons of rases for uiorM A, . M.ti4f,rv; u ticll ft lias I n-M-li.l -vrv Tt? rt of liio wlil J when I i 4 j ... fll.M . j.vrvwll 1M con. I " ".'V""" """;'.a- r na n liiii i riiii'liwr.i, li-in ireiiy -ww ww i THE BEST OF ITS KIP. - TW 1 the cniw wtlh the MsleH . v i i ... ... . l''vi-rir mail ... ' . . K - - - . I l,rt,i(a lu&eiiiKfnt'o h h - M,a. llw (i- iy f mi awful Mala or I intra aubdnnt, flrf) ti itT-.is of rhrw uiul-oiio otlicr b'OasliiK4 0111I Miereti-s ,fcTforinl-tiy the oltt reliaWo B- ill fnmu iitimiiMru tllscasc are I spoodlly curo'i oy uic Undue, to tl vory ouot ImnUluuff piiln -vorybo,ly, from i Ua rauchero, who rluos I ills MUSTANG Iiruioe, aiKi mo w..i.v. - r i lis lo -t w th 111" HX'. ,wl It euros ttln-uwiaUani wiiea all olnerl ojipti -ailouHiau. Tins u wooujriii LINIMENT Mipctllly -ru rn'i' mkJ: ailments of tUel Ul'MAX yuwi m ... mLHmailHiii. Ftwellltiza, mini Joints. iitwtrU 31el. Jlnmjj a Ms-aiun. . " " " ' .r : u llltvii nun rauiniwav. "-- Nila. SUftiii Ijintuwi; sores, incr. ""- - , More ipt1-. nMvu - lu,lcd avvry form of external tll- It Is ttio gic(t t v-meiy lor me uia- ... i . .... i .1 i , a in -urtttah the ItncrK Ckatio r Kiiujec luui . i-.v ? '. known Jturcs Klrnlu), MwlHny, urn - ruuiulrr. narnrM Mtrrs, "" - llnllotr Horn, tfaratenes, "! calls, Spuvln. I-arcjr, sunguwiw, rii i m . - '-c - the Mtrlit an: I every other ailment in trl.ich tno enana or ina btabl'iaii'l MIoeK "r , V, i A lTBv llvo cnm. ipoimu " MtM'HfK Lluineut lias. often snved a . , . n l;r.t n fi-ui,.liui. or viuuumu JH ' t - - ' year tortnrn. It lnl wilhmil a Rear. It (fm-s to V..j viry l-nof. of Uio mutter, pcuutraiing li ciiica everybnily, anil disappoint o u'. JtJin! lien m mrauy ""' ,i,or tboa twenty-flvo years, and Is positively , . : . -, ; THE BEST CF ALL LIMIMEMTS P03 Hfill OS BEAST. MAIN STREET, C'cntemlUe. . . . .Oregona Oontohw a full riock of Pun ' DRUGS & PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERIES, t FANCY GOODS A$J TOILET ARTICLES diintq CWPPT A LUBRICATING C I niti ve;,5 . I Clocks, Watches and Jewclrj, OOKS und STATIONARY, Todd's Gold Pen Fine Cigars, and Tobaccos, aUV&v , " For Medicinal purposes only. , Preaerlptlo. and Receipt rmiHnrtea wttA tare and Dlnoatelt. 0 3p t Mostusifo Kanufcctcrf v REED ORG AK3 3 4 ' aX TtT World! .k-, CeaoWnml vrMfc Purity of Teas. Durcilally Finish, : " mess ORGANS UKRIVtLEQl i i coo: 5z: X BBATTLEBOEO, W. t- - t . -' l:: V PENDLETON. HOtEL, E. BAKER, Proprietor. ThU Centrally located and Popular House liavhijj beeu entirely ttenueu and Kefurnished ia :.' Now opened to tha public uader the New Management. THE TABLE Wilt at all limes be found fnrnUhed with te Very B-t Ibc market afTirum ana every exertion made to satisfy the wants of the patroBii of tha Uu4e. - " THE BEDS Are M now, u J the rooms hve been Jurnished in 0 neatest atyle and wltli every toavenianee luually found in a firet'cUsif bouse. The -Pcndl'etoa HoUl ha a Fire-Proof Safe tv tv. orposit ot Valuables. Ari in aH its department it will be up with the times ad the proprietor is determined that it ahal maintnin the reputation ot being- the Beat Uoswe East ar the Monatatna. THE STAGES STOP HERE. Toe resident and trareliac public ar respectfully nviUd to rail. t- . Offers to sell to the public one of the ' ' finest and best peloctca stocaa oi : t " , SADDLES, '.KAR! ESS AND SADLERY HARDWARE, ETpt : II Mrceti u;?' sj i ir ni n I.TIVH l11tl"Cl TP T.fV .T oic' I amrrcm-i! to fnrnisb any kiiid of goodain n,y line i leas n.oy ti,v havB been soli in Wafta V'tuia. ' All my Harness ami sM.ti?are ot my made of the btst t.aiitoniiapas- 1 nuucu litr TalS BEST WOKaSiSX JMPi i No trouble to show gonial aniage Triunting ': with diapatcli. j 4-17 ':.-. : 1 l'1? W CT1IUS3T. - uJ p.i air. 02 cf til kind doa at me avf JAMES H'!KL.i.: r'air. St oei Walla Wt.Ua, Bargains wiib argams us - ' 7 tiis:nV!i.iL.Ea. t. h h The undersignd has bcesi insruclcd. to cc::si-m'inc : the WHOLE STOCK THOMAS QUI NN, BAyCFAOTCREa SB DEALER IX SADDLES. BRIDLES, HARNESS, ETC. Brick Bullfilag, Main St., WalU Walla. I will keen at all times a lull stock oi Team and Buggy Harness, saddles. winrs, SI-tBS, HALTEKS, tXJLLABS, CtKKY COMBS, I1KLSHKS, &C, And even thing usually kept in a firet-clabs Harness $uop. UEPAIKING neatly and promptly done. amj Atlk-k Restaurant ! DKY GOODS, GROCERIES V3. . Si an.! CWA AT GHEATLY RED J J - 3 PAIGES, 'a It V To rnako room The nW one In Heppnor! THE OMt rUI E T CUT A SEOAKE MEAL Jjjt b3law Tom Ayar's Uvary Stable ! BARBER SHOP! In connec t ion ivith the house. A. E. DlTZEU 1 ' . . - for,a large-SP...? ST iCKi InHutSias . 3 (tVI MUVsaii va " " m . Cofiec. Tea, ujrar, loWce; a-i Vigetrs u .. .hm Uj. Ao Coal Oil, Clear as Crystal, Uuaran Free Iron al! Fdr:.i Substance ana oon txp.osA-e. t Cost r Ready Made -Clothing r Please call and examine for yoursoive bwfere fcuyj.-a elsewhere. , w V A. C. SUTIIERLAMJ, CiarrsavaK, iV..ru ry Gtli, US'). : . Asent Harness and Saddle Shop, Main Street, CENTERVILLE OR. JUST EECEIVED A LARGE ASSOItTMHET OF lasting reform iu every departmeut of J Qqqqp(J Team HamCSS .t t.i:.. I a a III Ucncnora nacK narness, " Ladies, arid Men's Saddles WHIPS, SPURS, an. fiatfcfaction Guaranteed.- B. E. HERVEY UTAH, IDAHO & NOBTDERX Stage Company. Leaves Tciidleton fr Umatilla every Tues . . . . ' . , E day, Thurwiay ana Daiuraay j r. . Leaves Weston daily for The Dalles, via .... . a ir a a .C a ate I'llot UocK ana neppner, ai. . j a..- Leaves AVe.ton daily for Walla Walla, via. Milton, at iu: a. ja. the public service. (Opporita Post Offlee.) Main St, Walla Walla, W.T. B. R. ROUNDS, - - Peoprietob. Board. p day, 1.00. Kwd d Lodrfng. PTweoa, 5 !'Jod i;.. according to room. Meals, 25c bt-4 2i and 60c. srjro CHIN AM5N EMPLOYjat WALU WALLA BAKERY, LAND AGENCY. M. V. WGBMIMG-TOH, : MrLTON, "OBSGOI. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROOKERY GLASSWARE, , Kew Coaches, Good Stock, Skilled Driven and able jwr ( aad reliable Compaaj'. ,, , . St. A. STEEL. Asent. SAlLSBtTlT, HAILEY t CO., Proprietor. WXIST MaKCraCmtSB OF ' BREAD. CAKES ASD PIES And all kinds ot CRACKERS. RrtrProof Building, Main Street, ' tan2&4 WALLA WALLA. W T WACNER, ' uaa dlc im Jh U JKJEU X'JL' U KE, P wight & Bailey, CeBrraI In4 Aaenta, Katariea FabUe and Seal Estate Broken. - Pendleton. Oregon , n. . n ,,-.A 1. Ta. in f-nuitllla Have towisaa. rk v Ojjiit aad amoonlot all Land Claims from tne Hi oca won to tae pream. wto. vw .www - j oia tne Land OtBcs at LuGrand. Will secure claima tor parties under any of the Land Law ot Uk O. a., eanduct eonteKted tUH brfor tUe ical Land office, aad oa appeal to the IHspartownt at wn fu.nisa Soldiare Additional Homeetead Float aU iind ot L-W eH oujOrt notice end at lowest :ivrt rate . - , - '.'""', -Will buyaod 9 Unia, Atj property, .", on reaeona- tx.i.-ini.-aua. . . - Tim PUttf and Beoorda above referrad to are the only i ai ion ';tai to Oiawii-a OouMjr, aad ittir cao Vive aui aad a Uip to urtraad Uy omho So a. 47 Wc iMvopeclal CacUlUe for toeatlnc new Heavy Stock C3AL CiU JCBACCO and of BOOTS ' and ' SHOES, CIGARS CANHEaT FRUITS OF ALiV'kINM ''''"J, Harae Iron and SteeL CLO V ES OF. ALL K INDS A SPECIALTY rHri'rotiucc taken in Exchange. " 1 ' ' 1 Meat Market ! H. A. JOHX. rrpr2ar. Dealer ia FRESH MEATS! Fish,-;.; Fruit and Vegetables. Etc., Etc. Are arwars rreafc and Ail r4cr are Fllietl wllW rramptaaH. Satisfaction! Guaranteed. Liberal Discount Made on Large : D C. i-ounsbury, ) BUXiIjIIiIERY !! ITndertaeK; i r wasn saw. NO extra diarne tor Hearse!! WESTON, Oren. .hV LAL-iJJS OK wraTOWASD uave opn.J ana now . - r o oca ot 1 u.c-vi .... M ! LU N R Y GOODS . -a i. t ;l . aJii UjUiu Vki vftvsv t w Kili eery land ot ItiU- , i &atidiou AcmN'i-s . ; ior WAEEEN ''' HEALTH i'--- " JjraeW s ; an' iiai-iT ' -a;wtsTa' 'y. dz-or to llardtcart Store.) ': MlUMR kjCnKESf-l Y a7-sat. - .' '. 1 j