Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, August 14, 1880, Image 2

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is.. Ml
04 H.i
SATURDAY. AtJaUSJ 14. 1880.
C23f. Wt?CFIGLl & n$fCOft.
n. exglisil,
r INDIANA. . '
T. (J. OWEN.of Coos County.
J A8." FULTON, of Vmj County.
J. K. WEATHEKFOKD, of Liup County.
It is an emmevnia impression, perhaps
too pravalent, tiut the education, of the
rising gtrtwijetiois must be acquired ex-
'Am tern that it is almost essential to the
tMRSMaf the rudiments or elemen
tary oranmim, ttiat children attend our
..eouvnon schools, yet it must not be for
gotten that there is a kind of useful edu
cation that oan not be acquired within
the narrow confines of tho school room,
nr sknil r.mm litarafiirf Tr. ia fnurtrl
in the current literature of. the day and
in the books that can now be secured so
.cheaply. The man whoso education is
con&Mt to that obtained in schools and
colleges is apt to be narrow-minded and
pedantic, . He is incapable ot taking
.broad, liberal and comprehensive views
' of subjects, and their name is legion,
cmtside of a purely scholastic training.
Towards the obtaining of this desirable
' klmtaf education, nothing so largely cor-
HeW!ejrj free access to a well selected
library and the pure literature of the day.
-In this connection we cannot too much
commend the action of our citizens in
keeping this important point in view in
the construction of our Ciry HalL A good
rem for a library is one of its most prom
inent features. It is to be constantly
jHtppliedvith instructive books and choice
ijotmsals and magazines. This is an ex
(wilent idea and we earnestly desire to
nee it faithfully carried out. Tho benefits
accruing from sucltari institution proper
ly conducted, are incalculable. Not only
. i . . . . , .
ne rout juss entering me arena ot a
business life, or the younger student still
"troggling with the lore of his prescribed
. .text books, but laen and women of every
age may add to their knoledgo and ex
perience by this method of. education.
It is no argument against this rueaus of
acquiring knowledge that it is gained by
such irnpnrceptibfo degrees that the pos
easer is scarcely conscious q the progress
he is making. And it has this adv&n
, tage over the regular routine system that
.the ideas that are mastered are so blcnd
,ed with those slready possessed that they
seem to;be the natural production of the
Mtttdent's on intellcgeuce. Therefore
fthey are not apt tp be forgotten. They
are indelibly engraven on memory's tab
lets. Besides, the knowledge thus ac
quired is more varied and practical. We
liOpe therefore that no pains or expense
0vill be spared to make our City Hall
library a credit to(he place, for we feel
assured that it will yield a rich remuner
ation for the outlay.
The early history of ever country e:
. tabliahes the fact that there is more or
- less laxity in the enforcements of law
and administration of justice. The Pa
cific Cost has been no exception. Lynch
hw and vigilance committee hare held
Mway at times and doubtless be classed
.under .tnat anomalous category "neces
sary evils." But that day is past Ore
gon has a full and formulated judiciary,
and we have a right to expect that acts
infringiag on the rights of person or pro
perty, should receive adequate punish
ment. Cut while capital punishment
if prescribed for murder ir. the first dc-
gree, the verdict in our state has been
seldom followed by the penalty. Some-
thing wrong here. If the penalty be x -
cessive, have it modified, but while it is
law let it be enforced. Persona convict
ed of various crimes have been sent to
the penitentiary for a specified time.
jBut during Governor Thayer's adminis
tration, every month adds to the list of
ihese whom executive clemency has re
leased from completion of their servitade.
Bach power should be reserved for ex
traordinary occasions. Its frequent ex
ercise on trivial grounds was not co&iem
. plated by the framers of surh areToga-
tire tt is slight to lb,c jwliciary, ft
premium for lav-breaking, and a prece
dent biglily dangerous to a p?er loving
f"" " 6 . tv
that in tHe case of Wintzeagerode, tie "
lav has not been stultified by the gover
Th Portland Oregonian might be the
most influential journal in the state of
Oregon, and under different management
it would be entitled to that distinction.
As it is conducted now the question of
its superiority may well be doubted. It
it is true that it possesses two of the
great requisites necessary to placing it in
that position, viz: wealth and circula
tion. But these of themselves do not
constitute a great newspaper, nor yet an
influential one. In order to rank as a
great journal it must be permeated with
the dignity of truth, must be above the
wilful abuse of its power, must not stoop
to personalities nor be swayed by parti
san politics. Of late this has not , been,
the course of the Portland Ortgonian!
It is true that ever since it fell into the
hands of liar ry Scott, that it has lost
no opportunity to proclaim that it is all
that a great paper shoald be, while not
unfreqtiently the same issue would belie
its pretensions. That paper however is
not the creation of Harvey Scott's inven
tive genius, though said genius appears
in it more frequently than is necessary
fur the plain statement of facts. The
Oregonian was quite a newspaper when
Harvey Scott was digging ditches on
Grayback Bar, Idaho, an occupation,
which by the way was cleaner and more
honorable than many that he has since
been engaged in. Scott,a worst attempt
at being majestically severe is found in
the issue of Aug 4th, in which speaking
of the Democratic papers of the State he
"Their lack of energy and industry,
their stupidity, their total want of con
ception of the functions of a newspaper,
their meAgerness, pattriness, shabby ness
and inanity, are all phenomenal.
When such a journal us the Oregonivn
prostitutes its position by such a sweep
ing and unfounded charge as the above,
it forfeits all claim to being a great or
even a respectable sheet. While we
may have more Republican journals in
Oregon than Democratic ones, it is not
(rotable tLat the former represent more
ebility or better editorial", than the latter.
Even if it were so, it would indicate
very bad manners in the journal that
would conceitedly arrogate' to itself all
the ability. The truth is that the Ore
gonian in the article referred to was
making a desperate efibrt to gt even
with the Albany Democrat, that has so
frequently spiked Scott's heaviest pieces
with a f ew pointed sentiments; and in
stea lof meeting his opponent in a spiritof
fairness he retaliates by making a whole
sale tirade against the Democratic press,
which every intelligent man in the state
knows to bu neither gentlemanly nor
The Walla
Walla Statesman nays:
'The last number of the East Oregonian
proves most conclusively that it is be
yond all hops of ever becoming decent.
Poor thing ! it has lost all the influence
it ever did have."
While this is rather sad, we are
bound to admit that it is too true. If
the editors of the E. O. had a vestige of i
lespoct for our county left, they would
sell out, and any change would be for
the better. It is a weekly disgrace, and
if possessed of any influence, would do
much harm.
There are five large cork-oak trees in
Green Valley, Sonoma county, Cal. .The
bark is already an inch and' a half thick.
" Brownsville, Yuba county, Cal., is a
prosperous mining camp. There is no
liquor sold in the town. About 150
miners are employed in the district. The
chief mines are 'the Nevada, the Mc
Chestney, the Roberts i Kendall, and
the Slater &. Elliott.
The K, O. says it is not its "custom to
comment on the vices, virtues, or sense
j editors of any newspaper." How
j "tartliag! Jf the pure-minded genius
J that &o hastily handles the iffice-quiil;
nian whose life has been above sus-
piciou of crime; the being whose vir
tue is talked throughout the State,
and sung in Umatilla county; the per
son whose moral example is a blessing to
Pendleton and a credit to the county;
whose name is synonymous with sobrie
ty, honesty, choice language and decency,
if he ceases to criticise and gcard "vir
tue and sense,' ar.d reprove "vice" as
well by his pen as his example, what
will Umatilla countv be reduced to 1
The population of M&rshEld i 625. . ;
Five prisoners in the 11 ndooino coat;
Castro. Tallev crom ere lare and bf
good quality,' .-' f . 1 4 i
Big river; Mendoeiao county, . isfaid
to abound in trout.
Several freight sars were ditched near
Dixon yesterday. . j , ,
Land troubles continue in the Mendo
cino settlement, Fresno county.
Some vineyards near HealJsburg are
suffering from blight this year.
The report that small-pox is at New
port Mendocino county, is denied.
The petroleum oil refinery at Newhall
station was burned yesterday; loss, $100,
000. '
; o ...
The mill which was crushed by an ava
lanche last winter at Carlisle, Meadow
Lake district, is being rebuilt.
An enterprising man is funking of
gathering up all the drift timber on th
Mendocino coabt and raiting it down to
San Francisco. 5
Several bathers at Santa Monica got
into the under current and tangled in
the kelp, and but for timely help would
have been drowned.
Within a radius of 15 miles of Truckee,
there are 600 men at work in the wood
their salaries range from $i0 to 125 per
month, including board.
Wild strawberries, sweet, luscious'and
plentiful, cover many acres of the mea
dows near Donner Luke.' Thejr are ripe
at presant and fishejmen and tourists find
them exceeding tempting.
Owing to the ravages of worms, the
price of alfalfa hay is going up in L'an
Bernardino. :
lone City horses have the epizpotic.
Hanford people have given the gam
blers notice to leave.
Pieces of pure copper have been found
on the Curuado Islands, according to
the San Diego Union.
A rattlesnake was killed on, the school
ground at Ukiah last week by some of j
the school children.
The schooner Orrin went ashore at
San Pedro recently, but was got off
with slight damage.
At Nortonsville recently, Archie Mad
den, aged 3 years, was burned to death
by a coal oil explosion.
. The London Chrome mine, San Luis
Obispo, is extracting fifteen tons per
day. .
Miss Hurley, of Sunta Barbara, who
stole articles from a church, has been
sentenced to six months' imprisonment
and $150 fine.
Last Friday the box which wca under
the corner stone of the old Normal
school building, San Jose, was opened.
Fverything was in perfect preservation.
Rust has made its unwelcome appear
ance in the Willamette Valley, but prob-'
ably too late to do serious damage.
The Albany Democrat reports the
drowning of Chancy Moore in Crab
Creek. He had gone in swimming, and
was probably attacked with cramps. The
body was recovered on the following
The property of the late George B.
Hagar, who was so foully murdered
nearly two months ago, was sold at Day
ton on Saturday last at public auction. .
There are now five Hancock and Eng
lish Clubs in Coos county. Between
two and three hundred names enrolled,
and the work has just began.
The bee men in the foothills of Pasa
dena, have been compelled to surround
their hives with fences of barbed wire,
to keep off the bears which make fre
quent raids for honey.'
About 700 salmon were caught at the
Cloud Rjver Fishery at one haul last
week; only about sixty were females. A
haul was made last Sunday evening, and
out of sixty salmon caught, only three
were females,
The Silver Stateia informed that Hum
boldt Lake, or "Sink of the Humboldt,"
us it is frequently called, is dry. An
area of about thirty square miles which
a few years ago was covered with water,
is I'ow as dry as a desert. This change
has been caused by diverting the water
-f the Humboldt river to the lands along
the stream.
There are in the Government ponds,
on the Cloud river, some 1,500 trout,
which will average about 2 pounds
Webfoot Oil cures paip, intemal or
external ,ia from one to fifteh minutes.
Warranted. For sale by McColl 4
acrveam lajmactiom u DIkik
fly invigorating a feMe constitution, renovating a
4 biliated phyaiqtu, and enriching a thin and innutri
tiou circulation with Hottetter't Stomach Bitten, tbe
finest, the most Lbrhly sanctioned, and the mont popu
lar tonic aqd preventive in uiattnee.
For sale br all Druiorlata and Dealer jrenmally . .
"The Curt and Home."
A Rctieiout Journal Devoted to.
caxusTiAW work:
Isslkd Monthly at Weston.
Every Family Ought to Take it.
3Termsp tl.00 Per Y.r.-K
MAsrrAOTuaES aso pealkcoi .
Brick BnildlBg, Mnia 8t., Walla Walla. j
- 1 will keep at all times a full stuck of
Team and Buggy Harness,
And everything uaually ki;pt iu a lirat-cUis
Hameiw Slioji.
REPAIRING neatly and promptly done.
MIOS. tl.N..
S. F. SHARP, M. D.,
Physician, Surgeon, and Accoucheur.
OFFICE Over Wagner's
Store, CenUrville, Or.
17 60 -tf
Lx OFrrcn'AT LaGkaxdk, Oa., July Sth 1SS0.
Kotit'e in hereby (riven that (he following-named aettler
has filed notice of bu intention to make final proof in
support of his claim and av.-ure filial rntry thereof at the
expiration of thirty day a fioro the date of this notice
Fountain Black.
Preemption No. 2491. ' Proof will be made At V. R
Land OiScaat LaGrande, Oregon, on the SOth ir.x of
Augunt, 18SH, for the Nw;, Sec 8, T N, R 37 E, "and
named the fol owjujr as liia witnesses, viz: Jas. Picrson,
Wm. Petre, I). Vi . C. Krench and Joi.n Stark, all of
Umatilla touutv, Oregon.
M7-8U-Sw MENKT W. DWIGHT, Regiiater.
Notice whereby given that Chan. A. Barrett haa this
day made application to purchase under the act of Con
gress, approved June 3d, 1878. tntitlwl an "Act for the
iJc of Timber Iands in the fetatj of CulifomUt, Oteon,
Nevada, and in Vashing1on Territory," the Swi of 'wc
10 is T 3 N of H SQiL t inai proof and purchase are to
be made at tije tipiration of sixty day from tee date of
this notice. Hemu Xwicui ,
7-17,-SO-Ihr KegiVsr.
Notice it hereby given that John F. Adam ha this
day made application at this Otftce to purchase under the
act of Congress approved June 3d, 18Z8. entitled, "an
Act for the sale of timber lands in the Statm of Cali
fornia, Oregon, Sevaua and Washington Territory." the
Sei ot See 10 T S N, R 36K. Final proof and purchase
are tobe made at the expiratlou ot sixty days fram this
notice. Husky Dwioht, Register.
LaOrande, Or. July 6, 1880. M7-KO-9W ,
Laaa Office at Latiraade, Or., June 1, 1380.
Notice Is hercliv liven that tlie folloirinr named set
tler has Bled notice ot his intention to make naai pi oof,
in support of his claim, and secure Inal entry tlierton,
at the aspiration of thirty days from tlx date of this
Bvwce, via:
Alexander walfcrr. . i
Witmstes testiinoar will be taken before D P. Dwiuht
a Kotary public at Pendleton, Unatilla count-, Oregon
Aug. si, saw, lor the be Sec Z, Ii,K 55 t, and
names the tollowim; as his witntases, viz, John ilt
Dunuitt, James Derrick, Ales Miloe and iu lJuran, all
of V eston, Umatilla oountr, Oregon. ,
- LA 9 OrncE, at La OaaitM, 6'., July 19, 1880.s.
" Notice is hereby given that tlie following named set
tier ha Sled notice of bis ioUutiua to inse uaal proof
in support of his claim, and secure tlnal entry tliereof
at the expiration .of tnirf days from tae date of this
notice, viz:
Preemption No. 1,644. Witness testimony will be
made before Dwight k Bailey, notaries public at Pen
dleton, UTHon. August -a, 140, for toe aeUt See 2b, 1
& N, K ZSE, and names the following as his aitavasvs,
vis: Alex Walker, t C Jenkins, Voina Webster and ti.
Key, all ot Wrston, Umatilla County, Oregon.
. Hkxav w. VwiGirr,
7-24-SO-Sw , Kegiater.
Lax a Omcs at La Giusde, Or., July 22, 1S40. J
I, alary Z Russell, of Umatilla County, Oregon, who
made Uomesttad application number 076, for the nl, s
wl 4, Sec 10, T i K, 11 35b., do hereby give nctice of m
intention to make Snal proof tc eatabnaa sny chum to
the land above described, and that 1 expect to prove
my claim before the County Judge of said county at
Pendleton, on the 28th day of August, 1880, by Wie fol
lowing witnesses: Jamea Kuteti, A. 11. Lansdale, ti. C.
Geiss and J. svott, ail ot Weston. Umatilla County.
Oregon "S1ARY Z. KliSSfcJUL.
NOTICE. '.' r
alsl KUlaui his this day made application to pur
ciuue under the act of June 3, lt)78, en tit ed, "An act
for the sale of timbered lands in tna titatai af runrni&
' Oregon, Sevada andjWaaauiston Territory the fcwt
of fc. l.Ta. slK. Itn4 pioot sad parchsw
w uww uuw ciimna 01 NXty UAVS publication
br-of . and within ninety days from date hero i
HE-NRY W. DWltihT. i
DsasdAusv-S.JSSOS lt
Tha Beat Spring M9dicmani. BoiU-
fler of the Cainplaxion in uia- Cares
Pimples, ;Boflv' Blotcaes, ! Neuralgia,"
Scrofula, Gout, Bhsumatis and Marcori
al pains, auiall Disei383 arising from an
impure atata of the Blood or Iivaj.
lTSold by McColllt Miller. '
CATARRH, Lossf of -V0IC& incipient
Consumption, and all. Diseases of the
Throat and Lungs. Ask for the Cali
fornia Pulmonary Balsam, and take no
oOnr.- -i .-j k ,":'. :
; !
aST&uld by an Draeatat.
SaUOX 1X0113 w II!K paoj maij
jo JUo wJ FS,'-.!,U,,J aasorUud Sirtimno. ioj
'smoqnIm vssboa
jo ijOO5 pooi! vrv -norjilnaasa .CiSAa jo
jo iiddui pool puvq uo laB "
pjjp tifB nqiu"i
1rAA ti puwlud Aiau 'JUtumivm
3Aooi paiip pun dontj ana pSMiaa 2tt.vt:
v -''""
'iviaaxviAj ONiaiins
si saa ivaa jiAy ; ' '
sicjj "soua mim
l dors Sniqqof nwaua")
'.Cjojjbj .too(i pin: IST 4
STR4YE. ''
P subtcribcr, resdinc;on eight Mil,in Was
co county, a IMKK BAY HORSE, about 13J
hands high, with short heavy tial, star in fon--hcart,
mane partt'd iu center, hite streak over
left nose, collar marks on top i neck, shod air
around wiih old shoes, not branded nor naildic
marked. When last' seeu was at John May's
bruise, going in tlie direct on of Walla Wa.Ua.
TtN MULLAHS will bepaiUtur tr.e return
of the animal, or 5 for information of his
whereabouts. JOHN TAUI'EUT.
The Halloa, July 20, 1SS0.. s 7-24-80
' -
iorxD BY - THE rDRsitri, A-
Jom bpan of giay horn sbeut 7 vo rs old,, one
branded I, la on the Htrht ehou!d. r and V on t:ie left;
the other brandtd A W with a diamona under it on the
left shoulder. The owner can have thenv by proving
property and paj ing expcnacn. , J. E. SCRIV?RK, Ji. t,
. i (Xcar Wofttoo '
LIVERY and FiitiV ir.iCLL.
JOHN DUSTA1T, Proprietor.
Splendid TurnouU and Buddie Hones at shortest
notice. Plenty of hay and grain always on band.
Charges to suit Uk iowa.
I .
3T Remember U;e place, opposite tke ?ji Je
33 S V O
fcTH.L CONTIXUE8 on a CASH BASIS, and we have
just received unusually Urge Invoices ot Drv Goods'
ClotbHig, sienta' I unuahing Goods, Loots opd Shoes
fiiocenet and Provisions, which, we ara Dratalrad to .-!!
at the, LoWLST possible rates FOR CASH. Grain
Bacon, l-ar.l, Lc., taken In exchange far mercfiandise
KeuiMalH-i Hie p.ace: opposite Drug Sture, Main bract
-".". i .-- . .aniz-
ol'FiCE-At Drug Storl, Centmrille,
Diseases of Women and Cuildrm.i DiphUierb and
. uinmcvnajMiiiH, also E.X AcUng,oI CsutH pec-
tolty. Coosihtauon Vre at my unVe, door wi
holfman ilor.u', CZNT-,KVliU.K Ur. -.
m ctfy Opposite FMoJicX
' "' """-fcslfc 111 a aaa a a k i I as
uH-iuuat lxusl ti&irs
The LEADER ; one
t-f the hext sod
the North west
It is nuearass'U a an Advcrtm UKJiara
v 1 .... jtfi0,'&i.K:.
KtaVMrft -i,,'
Shelf-Harilwavc Coasf aatly
hand, for said cliea?.
A LartfctViJCrta:fcl c
, lae trj Bt .ttorta V
prTd Psltersfc AU Ttowew sjs
:: f4 cTy aaaterlia. . .
Use beat wrkae ctatpatroA. ' . j
Rivets, Iron .
.J Steele Nails
M .i .W .teiiUutoca-. 11 ;a.,f.
CS3Ei-T iXT'CI? . SI3TS ,
Shct-Sun 5; Rlfie Ammunition, -
A Fuil Z-ine ot
Pistols and Eevolvers! !
'" -.V - (HI!'.
i . Trout Baskets, Etc.
Rodges S, OutlerY '
Comprising heKvj-vsMt Ktivr-s, Forki
1 and Spoons. . B
A cokpllth stock c? rgpe-
lAtt. JA rat.3 i-rA -ao anida. .
r z
3'.Li ; OlLS l.OiLS
T ie U:i lew n
'i are new p:
Than the earn Jjaji thGvfiidc ot The Dalles. .
C"CaIl an;l 'gel IVk-es!
City Drvs Sroas, yjros. -4
Boardius and' z Day
The Chrutmas Term begins on Thursday, Sept. i
13X0. It is luiportaut for every pupil to be preset
the ' '-' '- '' t - r . 4 1 J
For -parttaulars; WPa tbe MmoI ssawFlnplarCtrert.
betw en oecood and T:iird tWix-u, or Addreaa las
1-KI.M.Ir-AL, figs, L. m. M aLl.
aX V( W tin 0 cai. SSOrty )oi
nal, ub.ui.ed every aouruoj , at 622 Caiuomif St. 8. T j
The Asoosal. i uocntislly a California pnblleatloa
-bngtit, brwyi aox 1 aciUe out U asiilniss U toe ;
guua Uuu o. .u.-ui.t uteiaaiur. bent, yu, pud, ta
an., adurx , ujin iccct ! 4.vt yearly asbscripuoa.
. . Arguuanl. L
.! i-. . , t 1
North end cF Water St.
Kiid'ti2ttKfi Silr aitol 'tqlp'y of Bay,
Criu. uats, etc.,uid aU noraea left in our charge
rHaur giXal treaiairnt , i ti
, r.-antfit ait juUwo .given to stock ,sly or BlgM
good cucri ul dmpii. grounds adjasvat to slab.
.Surveyor -aisU i Ivil Eagiaeer.
Prdtetr, Oregon.
Towo Plau tL-ad'-. Lj.i: dV'Lirthtei.
iTirw- At nc Cnrt se.