Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, August 14, 1880, Image 1

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3yr vy
. wr a-a?
f WOUUMI et WCWlX. raMkkcn.
Imvkp Etkt Satuspat Moaxrso,
ljslalsa '
law, (seta).
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-j iiMii-t t T '-' Local notlew
2JTSrt!.S"i kills pnyabaauar
Ssrlj. - ' -;. '
" AlkolWtiMVlllktrhuvMl T5eeatpereyia
rMiMcrtioa, sad S7f cents per square web subsequent
(erasl mantel j ).
atla innou (icemen ta ot births, marriages
end aas.rrt wul be iastrted without chaise, obituary
it fit lev aosoming
Port Monnaies,
fishing Tackle,
PerfDniery; Met Soaps,
tWriUcn la Jail.
Attorney at Law.
,L I. ih Pmirta at this StoU u4 W SU-
tftaa Ttrritarr. Spocitl attention pud W Lud Mem
la M.. Well. O.
Toys and Nuts,
Wkoecalc aad Krtnil.
Attorney at Law,
mot-AI I'Mrt . Walla WaUa
AKcrney at Law and Notary Public.
Vil pmctU n the CourU ia Or(an and Washington
Collection Promptly Attended To.
'! ICE. Mala Mrert. Miaa.r
Notary Public and Collector.
AfM lor Vlata, Idaho and Ongo Star Co'a, alM,
alo la Caaollc. lata, Toya, Nolloa. Cigar
tat mtu other artlrlra.
Tfi r-iS
It'i rarfeui, isn't it Bflly . - v
1 Tno cjnt. twaiv aietitha mj brlagf '
but year 1 wu at SamWfm,
- A nappy and rioh aa a aiaf ;
I Wii imin in paaw on tn nca,
And loadinf too waiter witu "teu," ',
And lippiQf ariavjulopo by iwiiiftit,
And -Ar 1 aw karo In tn "liana,' - ,
What led mat do it? Whatalwara
Laad mint to dvotrnctioa and erimuT
Tba frodiK-tl wnoat you t. rwul of.
Ha. altored Mwhat in hi tima
Ho apooda nit utostanco an lraol .' (-
Aa ta biblioal fello-. or oid; .
But wncn it ia jroBo h" tuicioa, " ;
Tnonuau win ton iuuigoid.
Champayn., and a box at the opera,
Hi-n .Wpa with furtune in Utuii,
The paaaiouate aianea of women
H nose civeks uare forgotten to blush.
The o.d, o.d itur. , uilly.
Vt pleasures tlut end ia tears.
The trotn tuat founts for an hour.
Toe dregs that an tasted for ear.
Last night as I sat here and pondered " '
wa tu end of my wit wa..s.
There rie liite a puantont before ate
The vision of boyiiood days.
' 1 ti.ojgut 01 my old home, Blily,
Of toe schotil-nouse tuat swud on the hill;
. Of tne brook that bowed thru tu meadow,
I can e'en near ita music still.
Again I thoaghtof my mother.
Of tue tnotoer wno taugnt me to pray.
Whose lore was a perfect treasure
Tint I needies.y cast away:
1 saw again in m visions
The freau-lippcd, careless bov.
To a'hotn tne future was boundless,
Ana the wor.d but a mighty toy.
I thought of all this as 1 sat here,
Ot my ruined and wasted life.
And tue pangs ot remorse were bitter,
'l'nu.. picrc my heart iiite a aifo.
It taxes eoute courage, Hilly,
To tugu in tue lace of late,
Wuen tne yearning ambitious of manhood,
. Are bfeUkUdac twenty-eight. .
Attorney at Law.
Will practise ia all the courts of the State.
aUrrSKK, OB.
? tU'l'STnV f Tt
Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur.
M1LTW., KbtN.
All calls pre am pel? alteadrd.
J r. CROPP, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
QflLe wita Dr Blalock, 0Tr Day's Drug
S. H. Kennedy's Mfg Co.
o? taa kinl in th9 U- S
I 'lease examine the list of the
v:erent dips and prices, viz:
Dissolved Sulphur Dip,
. I'rioc $2.25 a gallon,
This is equal to 30 tba the bes:
Sublime Sjulphur.
Concentrated Extract of
Tobarco Dip,
Price, $2.25 a gallon,
his i my FAVORITE Dip be
CURES SCAB and can as
. . 0''ee of strength with Safety.
Heml ck Pol onous Dip,
Fnce. a gallon.
Each Galloa of these Dips
Will mttlce enough for JJo ."i.ieep afier
shearing. i
8peclal Dip for Scab,
Price, 2.o0 a yallon.
Reliable at any season of the year, especially
so in the Full anil Wittier.
Pat up in one and five gallon cans with full
directions for use.
Pamphlets sent Free to any Address.
Sold by all principal dealers in the U. S.
Acrnl for Ike PnclnrCoaitt.
R. Vt. B. JONES.
a tan Acres Oauaar, Wasron, Oseoo.i.
NT Inserting Artiacial Teeth, a Sj orfalty "W.
HamCBpathie Physicians and Surgeons
OmCE-Plne Bros' Brick.
arpela Attention giT.a to diseases of the Eye, Ear
and Throat.
Weal of tk
KtcbIbs Xwpapr
Borky Moaaialns.
D'lly Bulletin, one year IftlS SO
n eekW and r nday Bulletin (making tozcthei
a eomplcte Soim- Weekly IM
Weekly alone, one year t Se
Parte of a year ia proportion.
Kach subsericer will be presented with aeveraUsve
rieties of Rare and Valuable THEE, VEGETABLE and
KLOWEK eEKDS, equal in value to the subscription
price of the paper.
gaT Send for Sample Copy, giving full particulars.
Remittances by Draft, Po.tofflce Order, Wells, Fargo
k Co. Ejcpreas, and Kegutered Letter, at our risk.
S. r. Bl'LLKTI CO.,
saa Fraarlseo, CaL,
CTTeeth eataaeted without pain and all work war
Of Walla Walla, win make frequent professional eiaita
Weston aad readletoa.
Phycleiaa and Surgeon,
so. SMIl eleer la City srac Stare.
p4lr allraelral.
obtained for mechanical devices, medical or other com-,
pounds, ornamental designs, tiude-mirks and labels.
Caveats, Aseignmenta, Interferences, Infringements, and
all matters relating to Patents, promptly attended to.
Wc maite preliminary examinations and furnish opinions
as to patentability, free of ciiarge, and all who are inters
estod in new inventions and Patents are invited to send
for a copy of our "Uuide for obtaining Patents," which
is sent free to any addretw, and contains complete in
struetions how to obtain Paten U and other valuable
matter. During the past live years we have obtained
nearly three thousand patents for American and Foreign
inventors, and can give satiifacto.y references in almost
every county in the t'nion.
Addrew. bislk Bturitrr t C..Solicitors of Patents
and Attorneys a Law, Lctiroit Building, aaniaglou).
"If you please ma'uui, won't you give
me a drink of ini.k?''
Miss Fydget had just come in from a
long and bootless search through the pas
ture for a wandering brood of young
turkeys which had been missing since
She was warm and tired; one l-oot was
burst open on the side; her sun-bonnet
hung limp at the back of her head; her
gray curls were in true artistic confusion,
and a vicious blackberry briar had torn
her hands until she looked as if she
might have beeu in a skirmish with the
"But I wouldn't have minded all that,"
was Miss Fydget's melancholy comment
to herself, "if only I could have found
my young turkeys ! They do noy that
j there is a company of tramps loating
around tlie country, and
Just then the mild voice of an old
man Hitting on the well curb broke in
upon the thread of her reflection an
old man in a shabby gray oil, buttoned
closely across his chest, shoes thickly
coated with dust, and a rude cane cut
from the woods, upon which he rested
his folded hands
Miss Fydget stared at the old man;
the old man returned her gaz-; depreeiat-
"Perhaps you're deaf, ma'am," said
the stranger, elevating his voice a semi
tone or so higher.
"No more than yourself," said Miss
Fydget, naturally somewhat .rritated.
"Would you have the kindness to give
me a little milk 1"
Miss Fydget bethougt herself of the
floating rumor she heard. Perhaps this
venerable vagrant was one of very band
now marauding the vales and glens of
Ilojhemont; perhaps even now he hud a
corps of bloody-minded coadjutors hid
den behind the stone wall, or under the
moss-grown roof of the ancient smoke
house. And Miss Fydget was possessed
of several pieces of antique silver, and
$49 in an old tea-pot, on the uppermost
closet shelf.
"Who are you," curtly questioned she.
A man and a brother," the old mau
Physician and Surgeon,
I at tUs rasMaaee aa Water St,
IaVa thm art
City Express
I will deliver goads to aaa rroaa nay part ai
sale Hies at the moat rrasaable rate. ,
W 111 carry freight ta aad Irani
All orders left with baling A Reese, J. E. Jones o
P. II. PaoJy at Weston, or Cook a, Jrrine. CenWrvtil
wiH receive my prompt attention.
freight IiUia to be iavariMy pate ia advenoe
answered, not without a covert smile.
"No you'r not," said Miss Fydget,
incensed, at what she deemed apiece of
unnecessary insolence.
"You're a tramp."
The stranger smiled.
"Is a tramp, then, destitute of all the
privileges of humanity"?" he asked.
"Eh r said Miss Fydget
"Tramps must live as well as other
people," pleaded the old man. Now,
look at me."
"Yes," said Miss Fydgt, "I'm looking i
at you, and a dirty, shabby -looking fig
ure you are, I must say.'
"I've walked fifteen miles since morn-
lag, with nothing :o eat or anna-.,,.
"That's what they all say," said Miss:
Fydget, incredulously.
"Would it be any great stretch to your
hospitality to give me a slice of bread
and a drink of milk t" he persisted.
Miss Fydget stood for a pioment j on
daaing tla prtitiott in her mind.
"Look here old-man," 3he said at last,
"I know perfectly well -that you" are a
tramp, .but I suppose you are human af
ter alL There's a pile of knotty stumps
under the the shed; you may split a lew
for my cookingatove,"
"But ma'am" .
"I knew just how it would be," shrilly
interrupted JViiss Fydget. "You're a
deal too lazy to work, you'd rather starve
than do an honest day's work any time."
"I beg your pardon," said the old man,
mildly. "It's a good many years since I
split a pile ot wood."
"I'll go bail it is," said: Miss Fydget,
satirically. ' ' "r ' '-"
'"But if you Will get we Utettxn, I will
try and do my best,." he added meekly
"The axe is hanging up iiv 4ihe .wood
shed, at the left-hand side of the. -door,"
said Miss Fydget, and she went into the
house, leaving her venerable visitor to
do as he pleased about accepting her
After she was within the four yellow
washed walls of her own kitchen, howr
ever, it occured to her that she had done
rather a foolish thing.
"I suppose he'd as soon split my head
open as the sticks of wood," she thought
to herself. .
"And of course he knows that I'm
alone in the world I mean in the house
but it's pretty much the same thing,'
with a deep sigh. "And who knows but
that I mav be murdered within the next
five minutes V
"Thud " came the sound of the axe do-
Rcendii.s; with slow, regular strokes upon
the knotty stumps, of 3'ellow pine, and
Miss Fj det listened with a sort of ter
rible fascinati S, wondering as she did
so, what sort of a relation in the matter
of sound the human tympanum might
beat to the pine stumps.
And with noiseless movements she
went across the kitchen" floor and took
down a rusty musket which had hung
suspended over the old brick chimney
ever since she was a child.
"I don't know as I could fire it off."
said she, "but I'll try if I see any signs
of misohief.
It was unnecessary, however. She
poured out a liowl ot milk, first thriftily
pausing to skim it, and then cut a good
thick slice of rye b-e:td, taking care to
secrete tne bread knile wiien she was
through. And then, seating herself by
the window, her thoughts wandered back
to the question or the missing brood of
"He knows where they are, I'll bet
anvthin;, and he shall tell me. Old man
old man, I say !"
The venerable wood splitter paused at
the sound of her summon.
"Come here !" she called.
The old man obeyed.
"You've done enough," said Miss
Fydgfttt, inwardly rejoiced that he bad
left the ax sticking in the last pine knot
instead of coming toward her brandish
ing it in the air, Powhatan fashion
"That is just what I was' thinking
myself," observed the ;old- man, wiping
his streaming forehead.
"And now, said Miss fydget. sharply
and suddenly, ns if she fain would take
him by surprise, "Where are my turkeys?"
"Eh!" uttered the old man.
"My turkeys!" shrilly enunciated Miss
Fydget; "my brood
turkey chicks !"
"I am sure I cannot say
man with a puzzled countenance.. j
"Tliat is false !" said Miss ydtfo.
periously. "If veu dou't know.'duj
gang does, and $ insist on having my
turkeys back agaSn.'" "
The old matt looked bewildered. Mis
Fydget eyed him with a gaze calculated
to strike dismay into the most abdurate
"Madam " he began, but Mis
Fvdget interrupted him.
"There 's your bread and milk. ' If
you can eet and drink with a good con
science, knowing that my turkeys are
gone, do so."
Apparently Miss Fydget's turkeys
rested but lightly upon the conscience of
the wayfarer, for he ate and drank to
the very last mouthful.
"Madam," he said, as he placed the
emptv bowl within the window sill
Miss Fydget iad taken the precaution
to 001 ana oar tne ooor.
"uo! said the lady.
' "But I wish to say to you "
By way of answer, -Miss Fydget took
up the rusty gun, placed it to her shoul-
Ider, and pointed the barrel full at him.
"If you don t take yourselt off, X 11 fare,
said Miss Fydget, resolutely.
I And upon this unmistakable hint,' the
old man -took up his cane an i trudged
away as fast as he ceuld. ,
'The woman must lie a maniac!" said
he to himself, while Miss Fydget made
haste t.i take a dose of valerian to settle
I her perturbed senses.
l'Ve fiad a narrow escape of ttUJifBML
-t. -..1 . . I - ! ' '
sue, uui A uiusk gct naicu vj u jvtv a
possible, and goto Lavina ihojV4'
tea. The Bishop is to tie there mlja
wouldn't miss the opportunity of meet
ing him for a thousand dollars.-4' ' "
And between the stimulus of Jtlie va
lerian and the calm afforded by a half an
hour nap. Mis Fydget.uanaged a ar
ray herself in a tirl" black silk dress
with a white ribbon cap; and set out for
Lnvina Thorpe's a few minutes past
four. 1 ' ' , .. .
As she crossed her door-yard, a low-
winding ,: pi occasion utt her . eyes, re
turuug down tlie; rock slopes of the
pastare, iueaclow'-Miiji.teeii yoiing turk-
eys." -'. '-
Inere they Co tne, now,"- said ili!s
Fydjjet, WUU -infaitarytwmiy 41
Conscience ia regard to the tramp.
'ilowever, it n all over and gone, lidw,.
and what's done cau't be uiiduite."
"I he herel" nervously whispered
Miss Fydget, as she removed her hat itt
the front chamber up stairs.
"lh dear man yes, said Miss
haudi "Walked all the wavtrom Sims- City, consisted of five fisbrnia tuts.
town station, and met with all sorts of ( d the prospect was composted of ; sand
interesting adventures. What do you J- hills and mud-holes. Yet the faith, of
think of his being taken for a" ; 4 Pro't,tors ffcilei1 neither did, they
But here some one called her away. - , exertions to bring people to
hen Miss lydget descended, serene
and smiling, she was led up to a . 8ea3lde and dd ducats to their
ant old man with gray hair and a cor- eoffws. The progress for a number. of
Our Eciwrt i eac Ika WaSrr-
laut riacewr-Allalsi.,. ' aiilwaa aael a
it u-.tiaa i$JfSr9? saaaavel
let l'.ai. ' ,. ,
Down in the' WtheTMswaportiw of
New Jersey, a neck of land stretch
through a number of , UUetain
the main toward,: theiAtlaatiB Onn.
On its extremity is situated the thriving
summer resort of sAtlantic City., Twenty
six years ago. it was incorporated by
some enterprising iiuiividuala, who had
an eye upou its aVaiUbiiityi tne dim',
xuture as an outlet for suffering lruraUii
ty in Philadelphia: duriajj th torriilaeav.
iou a railroad wa-4 needed in order to ac
complieii thtir eods, and- the kCsmden
and Athntic roacl. becane' a Ifixed fact.
f-At this period, frniu- formation : fur
nished by Mr. Brjaut, the host vo; the
''Waverly," and ex-Mayor - of Atlantic
years was comparatively, lilowbut with
in the past ten years an. immense stride
haa been made, both, aa regardVpaqjula
tion, accommodation fop visitora.antlcoa
venience of access ta the sea. - Three
roads now connect Atlantic Gtjf with
Philadelphia, two broad and one narrow
gauge. - The last one was built by the
Pennsylvania Railroad and is ebnstruct-
dial blue eye.
"Miss Fydget," said Miss Thorpe fuss,
ily, "let me make you acquainted with
Bishop Playfair, of Chirrita Territory."
"Bless my soul!" cried Miss Fydget,
dropping her fan and smelling' bottle,
"it's the tramp."
: The Bishpp smiled serenely.
"Miss Fydget," said he, "you never
can guess how deliriously that udfk tast
ed to me. And, bv the w ;.y, I met a
)Voo of voting rm kevK ina ktubble field ad in the most substantial Manner-. .' It
as 1 crossed from the highway, which 1 j U evidently appreciated, judging from
concluded must De yi.urs. . f- . ,i.;u
r, .t. 1 : ,:t.'t . 1
and in five minutes Miss Fydget t-at at
her ease, and by-tho, Bishop's tact and
kindness, was chatting away regarding
the Chirrita Missions.
"But to think," said Miss Lavina Thorp,
afterward, "that you mistook the Bishop
of Chirrita Territory fur a tramp."
'And set hint wuittinsi wood, and
pointed a rusty musket at him," said
Miss Fydget. ,
"It only shows, said old Mrs. Martin,,
how easy it is to be mistaken in this
panied us to and fro. The result of I all
this is a summer population of 60,000,
and iu winter from 5,000 to . 6,000.
About 250 hotels, 200 boarding-bouses,
and a large number of private cottages
furnish ample accommodation for the in
flux 'of summer Visitors; while- about
40 hotels keep them ail . wintev The
air of Atlantic City is considfcd most
efficacious for throat -and-lung diseases,
and is recommended highly by. physi
cians to s'icU of their" psti'nta wbo aro -
thus afflicted. The bathing facilities are
llv enunciated Miss
of sixteen Iwhitu
t say,"'Kaiirthe old
Milton, August 9, 1880.
EDS. LeAuER Gentlemen : If a license is
something that grants (icrmisMon or authority
to siimc particular tbitij;, why is it necessary
to liceu.-e that which is good and legitimate,
or him- ran it be lawful tu license tlint which
is bad! Anion;' the prorrinent duties of a
government are the aduiinifdra'ion of justice
and the reveiitiun uui puiiisbuicut of wrong
doing, and it should be cuiiMsUnt iu carrying
these enda. What need, then, can there be
for the license system? Take saloons for an
example. If the dealing out of intoxicating
drinks ia a good avocatTuit, vby iu the name
of commoii sense does our government tax
it by making saloon-keepers pay a license for
engaging in it ? Why not impose a license
on the grocer, the dry-ouds merchant and
the hardware man? Are certain kinds of
lawful and laudable avocations to be taxed
and imposed upon, while others are allowed
the impunity of such taxation? Yes; but
some says there is a vast difference: selling
cigars and whisky is a bad bniness, and
ouht to be suppressed as much us possible,
This seems to be adding intuit to injury. It
alon keeping is really an iniquitous and
nefarious business, what right has our guv-
erdweut to license the same ?
' The idea is preposterous that our civilized
and Christian government should recognize
saloon kenHg as a ii.tnt evil ami proceed at
once to tHeriB,to throw around it the sanctity
and security of the law, and collect a revenue j
excellent, .with a beach about 10 reilea
in extent, of hard sand, forming at low
tide, one of the finest drives anywhere to
be feund. Accidents involving loss of
life oecur, but it is invariably owing to
carelessness on the part of the bathers,
oftimes originating in the foolhardy at
tempts of the unfortunates to make an
exhibition of their cunning powers.
A light-house about 250 feet high, fur
nished with lenses f the highest power,
is an object of interest, and its flashe
can be seen at a distance of over 20
miles from the land. There is an inlet,
shut off from the ocean, which furnishes
an excellent opportunity for fishing' and
boating. We were much pleased with
Atlantic City, and greatly surprised at
the improvements which have been made
since our last visit. At the principal
hotel there is something in the line of
hops, concerts, and entertaii-menta of one
kind or another going on all the time,
which makes things quite lively. There
is a singular fly to be found here in the
neighborhood of the salt marshes. It is
about one-third of an inch large, and of
.... . ... 1
a bright green color, -it is a carnivor-
. t . 1- . - - -. . . 1 -sue. V.LI. llll.., . 1 It TA .V MIKUW
tri.1,1 Ihd 4ll,iiU.iii!ittii,l or fvil n,ft,iT nnr r-, I , o
zeus. If this view tf the case is correct,
Congress might as well license arson, larceny
and murder. A handsome revenue, no doubt,'
con 111 be collected from, licensing forgery and
theit. Either horn of She dilemma is equally
dangerous, and the iny oj eu, honest course
would be to abolish the license system alto
gether. . Yours Truly,
"See here, Georgie," said a fond mama
to her little son as they walked on the
beach, "what a lot of nieo little round
stones," "Yes," grumbled Georgie, as he
cast a searching glance around, "and not
a blessed thing to throw ;em at!"
Oh, yes ! You can rely on Webfoot
oil at all times, night or day, as' a sure
cure for croup or spasm. Ask for it at
McCoIltfc Miller's.
Use Oriental Hair Tonic for preserv
ing the hair. '
Send in your subscriptious for the
it begins its rueal. The most carious
thing about it is that human ' blood is
fatal to it, it is said, and after imbibing,
it falls off dead. That is rather bad for
the fly. j :
We are so much' pleased 'with 'Atlan
tic City, that we hope to make it anoth
er visit before the summer is over, and
take another dip ia its briny waters. In
a few days we shall be able to compare
its merits with the modern babel, Coney
Island, j H.G.
Grandfather: "Yo are stupid, Char
lie; the dullest boy I ever saw." s Char
lie: "You must not expect, me to under
stand things as quickly as you do, grand
father, because yon don't have the trouble
to get 'em through yonr hair." "
Webfoot Oil cures pain internal or
ex'crnal in from one to fifteen minutes.
Warranted. For sale W McCcU 6
Miller, - ' r