Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, August 07, 1880, Image 1

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    z T.t in t- K 7-
QL. ,2,
HO, 35
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1880.! -
, t. WllilAttsOX. ',LL
nmf 4 BTvLL. raMlsfcers.
Unto Evert Satuedat Mokxixo, ,
v iMtrifUM UKtt ' ' ''
Oaa Tear, (cola)-'
fit Hotiu
iiMh NsaUs
...n oo
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AdverUalaa' Bates.
i am tfmrt (I lash) Int fauxufeon.,
Em adstesianj Inaerttoo. ... . ... .
........ M
t m
..,.1. .v... IH
6 59
Two lawn, essi ksruoB
Saab adiUUsaal insertion
Tars tow, erst inattfcm. . .
tms $mnmt Cohoxuy Srst insertion.
Ksah esiSUaaal insertion. ,.
Tuavsaavartlssr by special eontmct. Local notle
ta esata an 11a ftrsl insertion, I2tesat per Una sack
aae,sea lasantoa. -AWvruMUf duu payaoe.iruar
arb,. V "
' AD tafai nodees tfW be charged 7$ seats par square
at taanrtioa, aad 17 1 cents par square each subsequent
taeertiea (psjable monthly).
Hones. limply announcements of births, marriage
aaa esata will b Inserted without eharjo. Obituary
est! see eaargea far aceordiog tw Louth.
Attorney at Law.
Will ptMtlee is tha Court of thlf 8ata and W h-
atoa Trrttor . .ipcial attcnuoa paid to Land O trice
and wuocuana.
1 t. thompson.
Attorney at Law.
TCaVA Caart . Walla
Attorney at Law and Notary Public.
WU pracUM tha Cmirta la Oregon and Washington
Coll actions Promptly Attended To.
rriCK. Mala Mreet. . . Weaiaa. r
otary Public and Collector.
Agral for Utah, Idaho and Oregon Stage Co n, alio,
atcala la CaaeMea, Mat, Teya, Kolloaa, t Igar
Tabacwa. aa4 aamcraa other art Idea.
Attorney at Law.
Will pracUae in all the courte of the State.
MErrVfeK, os.
Phytlpian, Surgeon and Accoucheur.
All calls promptly atteaded.
J F. CROPr, M. D.
Pbytician and Surgeon.
Office with Dr Blalock, over Day's Drug
Orrea t tag Fk.vu Oillest, Wsaroii, OaMox
tW laaxrltng ArtiArial Tth, a 8, -i!ty Tfi.
Komapathie Physicians and Surgeons
OFnCE-Paine Bros' Brick.
aVSperUl AUoaUoo civ.n to diSMws of the Eye, Ear
and Triroat.
r - v,- v. .
jyt. JAMES DOUR; '
A-flWa tiUacUd without pala and all work war
Of Walla Walla, will nuke frequent professional Waits
at ts eatoa and fondietoa.
Physician and Surgeon,
, aexl ataar 1ly strsic Star. Calls
strasaatly atleaaleel.
Physician and Surgeon,
al his reeMca Water St.
rata nre's Tfrw Brick
Black, p
0 l,r
"Port Monnaies,
Fishing TaddcV
Perfumery, Toilet Soaps,
rs and Nuts,
Wliocaaie and Ketall.
3. H. Kennedy's Mf g Co.
The '-"ras
of tha kini ia the XJ. S
Please examine the list of the
liferent dips and prices, viz:
Dissolved Sulphur Dip,
. Price $2.25 a gallon,
This is equal to 30 B the best
Sublime bulphur.
ConcentratedExtract of
x .Tobaeco Dip,
Price, S2.25 a gallon, -
tie ia iby FAVORITE CP'h
CRES SCAR and can as
' . . Oreo o? strength with safety.
Heml ck Poi onous Dip,
Price. $2.-Zo a gallon.
Each Oallnn nf t.Vioaa D)na
Will make cnout;h for XS5 Sheep
Special Dip for Scab.
Price, $2.i,0 a gallon.
Reliable at any season of the year, especially
so in the Pall and Winter.
Put up in one and five gallon cans with full
directions for use '
Pamphlets sent Free to any Address.
Sold by all principal dealers in the U. 8.
J. McCRA CKEtf & CO.,
Aamta fur the PurJflcCoaat.
Leading Evenlns; ewspapr We mt Ik
Boeliy Monnlalns.
D 'ily Bulletin, one year 9IS M
Wkl.v and Friday Bulletin (making tocthu
a complete Semi-Weekly , 3 ae
Weekly alone, one year 3 M
Farts of a year ia proportion.
Each subscrieer will be presented with several ve
ricties of Kan: and Valuable TREE, VEGETABLE and
FLOWER SEElSf equal in vaiuo to the subscription
prire of the paper.
s" Send for Sample Copy, giving full particulars.
Remittances by Draft, Po'tofflce Order, Wells, Fargo
li Co. s Express, and Kegiaterrd Lettar, at oar risk.
San Fraarlsea, Cal.
obtained for mechanical devices, medical or other com
pounds, ornamental designs, trade-marks and labels.
Caveats, Assignments, Interferences, infringements, and
all matters relating to Patents, promptly attended to.
We make preliminary examinations and furnish opinions
as to patentability, free of cnarge, and all who are inter
ested in new inrentiona and Patents are invited to send
for a ropy of our "Guide for obbiinin-r Patents," which
is sent free to any address, and contains complete in
structions how to obtain Patents and other valuable
matter. During the past tire years we have obtained
lu-arly three thousand Patents for American and Foreign
inventors, and can give satisfactory references in almost
every eaunty in the Union.
Address: Usl Backer at Co.,Soliciters of Patents
and Atternsys al Law, LeOroit Building, WaaklHgtaa,
City Express
1 will deliver goods ta aad fraaa amy atart at
aald elites at tke aaest removable rates.
Will carry rrelsatt ta aad trans
All orders left with Salii-g Emm, J. E. Joaaa o
F. If . Pauly at Weston, or Cook k Irviae, CaatereiUa
will receive my prompt attention.
Freight Bills to be invariMy paid la adraoaa.
3 11 tf
. ...CEPTAMTB. . I j
IfrwYoiiK, July 30. The blowing
iff Gen, Hancock's letter of accepUnce:
1 Goveesor's Island, N. Y. Citt, 1
July 29. 1880 ( '
Gbmtlives I have the honor to ac
knowledge receipt of your letter of tuly
13, lg8U, apprising uie formally of my
iwmination the office of president f
the Unitt41 States, bj : the national jdeul
crati v convention, tel aaaenibled at
Cincinnati,, . I. accept h tioaainatidn
wiiBP ietnpieiapiiBl tle conti
dence' reposed ine. The fpriiicipleg
enuinerated by the conve ntioe are those
I have cherihlied in the ' pat and ahull
endeavor to maintain in the future. "
The 13th-1 4th and 15th amendments to
the constitution of : the United Htates,
embodying the resnlt of the' war for the
Union, are inviolable. If called to the
presidency, I should deem' it iny duty to
resist with all my power any .attempt to
impair or evade the fall force and -eiect
of the constitution which in every article,
section and amendment, is the supreme
law of the land! The .constitution lorms
the basis. of the government vf the United
States. The power cranted bv it to the
legislative, executive and judicial depart
ments, define and limit the authority of
the general government, power not dele
gated to us by-the constitution,.-not pro
hibited by it to the. states' belong to the
states respectively or to the people. The
general ana state governments, each
acting in its own sphere, without trench
ing upon the lawful jurisdiction of the
other constitute the union, this compris
ing a general government with general
powers and that of governments with
state powers for purposes loal to state,
is a polity, the foundations of which were
laid, in profoundest wisdOn This is the
union our fathers made and which has
been so respected abroad and so benefi
cent at home. Tried by blood and tire,
it Btands to-day a model form of a. free
and popular government; a political sys
tern which, rightly administered, has been
and will continue to be, the admiration
of "the world. M&ywe not sayncarly in
the wwdt Wao
government which Constitutes one people
is justly dear to us, it is the main pillar
in the edifice of our real independence."
The support of our peace, safety and pros
perity and of that liberty we so highlv
prize and intend at every hazard to pre
serve; but no ferm of government how-
ever carefully devised; no principles,
however sound, will protect the rights '
of the people unless the administration
is faithful aud efficient.
It is a -vital principle in our system
that neither fraud nor force, must be al
lowed to subvert the rights of the peo
ple. When fraud, violence or incompe
tence controls, the noblest institutions
and wisest laws are useless. The bayo
net is not a lit instrument for collecting
the votes of freemen. It is only by full
vote, free ballot and iir count that peo
ple can rule. In fact, it is required by
the theory of our government. Take
this foundation away, and the whole
structure falls.
Public office is a trust, not a bounty,
bestowed ujKin the holder. No incompe
tent or dishonest person should ever be
trusted with it or appointed. They
should promptly be ejected-
Our national interests, varied and pro
gressive, demand our constant and united
efforts. A sedulous and scrupulous cure
of public credit, together with wise aud
economical management of our govern
ment expenditure, should be maintained
in order thut labor may be lightly bur
dened and that all persons may be pro
tected in their rights to the fruits of
their own industry.
7 he time has come to enjoy t'ne practi
i Ctl benefits of reconciliation as one peo
ple. We have common interests, let ns
encourage harmony and generous rivalry
among our own industries, which wilj
revive our languishing merchant marine,
extend our commerce with foreign tui
tion, assist our merchants, manufacturers
and producers to develop our vast nation
al resources and increase the prosperity
arid happiness of our people.
If elected I shall, with divine favor,
labor with what ability I possess to dis
charge my duties with fit eiity according
to my convictions, and shall take care to
protect and defend the union and to see
that the laws be faithfully and equally
executed in all parts of the country alike.
I will assume the responsibility fully
sensible of the fact that to administer
rightly the functions of government is
to discharge the most sacred duty that
can devolve upon an American citizen.
I am very respectfully yours
YV. S. Hancock.
To Hon. John W. Stevenson, president
of the convention; Hon. John P. Stock
ton, chairman, and others of the com
mittee of the national democratic con
. English's letter.
Indianapolis, July 30. The follow
ing is Hon. Wa IL English's letter of
Indianapolis, July 30, 1880.
Hon. John li7. Stevenson. Prakdent of
tie Convention, Hon. John I. Stockton,
LUairman, and otlmr membert of tie
Committee of Notification Gentlemen:
t have aow the honor to reply to your letter
of the 13th instant, Informing me that I was
unanimously uominated for the office of Vice
President of the United States by the Con
vention which assembled at Cincinnati. As
foreshadowed to tha verbid remarks made by
me at tU time of the delivery e your leister,
I have fcorto ay 1 that t accept Oieigli trust
with a- realiaing sene of its responsibility,
and am profoundly grateful fur' the honor con
ferred. I accept the nomination upon the
platform of principles adopted by the conven
tion, which I eordially approve, and I accept
it quite as much because of my faith in the
wisdom and patriotism of the great statesman
and soldier nominated on the same ticket "for
President of the United States. His eminent
services -f r his country, his fidelity to the
constitution, the union and the laws; his clear
perception of the correct principles of govern
ment as taught l.y Jefferson; his scrupulous
care to keep the military in striet subordina
tion to the civil authorities; his hih regard
for civil liberties, personal right and rights of
property; his acknowledged ability in civil as
well as military aff.iirx, and his pure and
blameless life; all point to him as a mai
worthy of the confidence of the people; not
only a brave soiuicr, a great commander, a
wise statesman and a pure patriot, but a pru
dent, painstaking, practical man of unques
tioned hone.oty; trusted often with important
public duties; faithful to ever trout and in the
full meridian of a ripe and vigorous manhood,
he is in my judgment, fitted for the highest
position en earth, the Presidency of the Unit
ed States. Not only is. he the right man for
place, but the time has come when the best
interests of the country require that the party
which has monopolized the executive depart
ment of the general government for the lat
20 years be retired. The continuance of
that p;irty in power tor tour years longer
would not be beneficial to the republic, cr in
accordance with the spirit of our republican
institutions. The laws of entail have not
been favored in our system of government.
The perpetuation of property or vUtfe in one
fatnilv nrvt. nf man lima tivr AnMnr.
and the ureal and good
men who founded our republican government
and traditions wisely limited the tenure of of
fice, and in many way showed their disap
proval of long Ieaes of power. Twenty
years of continuous power is long enough, aud 1
has already led to irrcgu'arities and corrup
tions which are not likely to he properly ex
posed under the sanie party that perpetrated
them. Besides, it should not be forgotteu
that the last four years of power held by that
party were procured by discreditable means,
and held in defiance to the wishes cf a ma
jority of the people. It was a grievous wrong
to every voter, and to our system of self-government.,
which should never be forgotten nor
forgiven. Many of the men now in office
were put there because of their corrupt part
zan services in thus defeating the fairly uud
legaily-expresseti will of the majority, and
the hypocrisy of the professions of that party
in civil service reform was shown by placing
such men in office and turning the whole
brood of federal oliice-holder.-i loose to influ
ence the elections. The mon jy of the people,
taken out of th public treasury by these men
for services often poorly performed or not per
formed 'at all, is being -ised in vast sums with
the knowledge and presumed sanction of the
administration to control the elections, and
even members of the cabinet are strolling
about the country making partisan sj-ecches
instead of being in their departments at
Washington, discharging the public duties for
which they are paid by tho people; hat with
all their cleverness and ability, -n diserimat-
ing public will no doubt read by the lines of
their speeches that their paramount hope and
aim is keep themselves or satellites four years
longer in office
The perpetuatin, power of
the chronic federal office-holders four years
longer will hot beuefit the millions of men and
women who do not hold office, bat who earn
daily braid by honest industry will no doubt
fully understand as they will, also that it is
because ol their own industry and economy
and good aud bountiful harvests that the
country is comparatively prosperous, and not
because of anything done by these federal office-holders,
The country is comparatively
prosperous not because of them, but iu apite
of tbein, This contest is in fact between peo
ple endenvoriug to regain political ower
which belongs to them, aud to restore the
pure, simple and economical constitutional
government of the fathers on one side, aud !
one hundred thousand federal office-holders
and' their backers hampered with place arid
power ami determined to remain at all haz
ards, on the Mliier. ; Hence the constant ad
sumption of new and dangerous owers by
Gen. Grant under the rule of the Republican
party,' the effort to build up what they call
"strong government," interference with home
rule aud with the administration of justice in
the courts iu several States.
The interference with the election through
the medium of paid partisan federal office
holders interested in keeping their party in
power, and earing more for that than far the
fairness iu elections. In fact the constant eu
croachmeuts which have been made by that
party upon clearly reserved rights of the peo
ple aud the btates will, if not checked,
srsbvert the liberties of the people
of the govemmentof limited powers cre
ated by the fathers and end Sar a great, con
solidated, concentrated government, strong
indee for evil am tha overthrow of republi
can institutions. The wise ineu who framed
our constitution kuewthe evil uf atrosS gov
ernment, aud she long eoutinnauce of politi
cal power in the same hauil. ' They kiew
there was a tendency in this 4irectuu In all
governments tpd the consequeat danger to re
publican isatttutkms frees that aaalwi ndJ"k
pains ta guardliijtt it. The machinery of.
a.strdBig centralized general government can be
used to perpetuate some set of men in power
from term to term until it cease to be a re
public or is such only in name, and the ten
dency of the party now in power in that direc
tion as shown in various ways, beudua the
willingness recently manifested by a large
number of that party to elect a President aa
unlimited number ot times is quite apparent,
and must satisfy the thinkiag people that the
time has come when it will be safest and best
for that party to bo retired. But t resisting
the encroachments of the general government
upon the reserved rights of the people and the
States, I wish to be distinctly understood as
favoring the proper exercise of the general
government of the powers rightfully belong
ing to it under the constitution.
Encroachments upon the constitutional
rights of the general government or interfer
ence with the proper exercise of its powers,
must be carefully avoided. The union uf the
State under the constitution must be main
tained, and it is known that this hai always
been the position of both candidates on the
Democratic Presidential ticket. It is acqui
esced everywhere now and finally, and
favored as ouo of tho results of the w ir. It
l-ynd all question that the legit-
mate results of the war lor the union will not
be overthrown should the Democratic ticket
be elected. In that event, the proper protec
tion will bo given in every legitimate way to
every citizen, native or adopted, in every sec
tion of the republic, in the enjoyment of all,
rights guaranteed by the constitution and its
amendments. ;
A sound i-urren ;v of honest m Msvy of a
value an I purcu:tin per corresponding
substantially with standard recognized by the
commercial world, and consistiu of gold and
silver and paper onvertilie into coin, will be
Trta.nita.ineu. 1 he lntutr nn.l. mmiiits-'turmcr
the commereial and business interests of the
cnantry will be-fsvored and encouraged in ev
ery legitimate way. The toiling of our own
people will be protected from the destructive
competition of Chinese, and to that end their
immigration to our shores will be properly re
stricted. Public credit will be scrupulously maintain
ed and strengthened by rigid economy in
public expenditures, and the liberties of the
people and the property of the people will be
protected by the government of law and order
administered strict ly in the interests of all
people and not of corporations and privileged
I do not d'mbt the discriminating justice
nf the people a id their capacity for intelligent
self government, aud therefore d 1 uot dontit
the xueeess of the democratic ticket. Its suc
cess would bury bi-yon I resurrection sectional
jealousies ami hatred, which have mi long
been the chief stock in trad; of iiestiferons
demagogues, and in no other way can t his be
so effectually accomplished. It would restore
harmony ai.-d good feeling lietweeu all sections
and make us in f-ict. as well as in Dime, one
people. Tile tmly rivalry then would be in
the race f.r development of material prosperi
ty, the elevation of labor, the enlargement of
human rights, the promotion of education,
morality, religion, lilterty, order and all thut
would tend to make us tue foremost nation of
the earth 111 the grand m ireh of human pro
gress. I am, with respect, very truly yours.
William H. Knoi.ish.
(From the N. V. Herald.
Whatever may be said against- the'
Democratic platform, it cannot be do
med that it is an honest and business
like document, and in this respect it is
very unlike the blustering and bragging
Republican platform, 'there are, un
doubtedly, a great many voters to whom
i( ... . J. .,, . ..
, i i i-
ships; voters who are opposed to a tariff
for revenue; voters who want more sub
sidies, and who will, therefore, dislike
the Democratic declaration that taxes
rVihII be Rnpnr. unlv for nnhlir nnil ' imf. I
for private objects! Rut it is the great
merit uf the democratic platform that tt
say something; that it proposes reforms
to which those' who have been benefitted
by old abuses will of course object, but
which will relieve and benefit thA jieople;
that it courageously strikes at monopo
lists, subsidy mongers and jobbers. Nat
urally monopolists, subsidy mongers aud
jobbers do not like it; .but then it was
hardly to be expected that they would.
These classes, who wish t-i live on the
tax-payers as they have long done, pre
fer, the Republican platform, and they
are right. That platform has nothing in
it distasteful to them. Where the Re-
publican lcadeis did not think it pru-
t.nt tit nrtiirn(r ' riifnnnolv
tiously said nothing, tnd their platform
leaves the door open, to all the abuses,
thA Mt&varance aud the reekie ata
of taxes which characterized Republican
legislation before the peoplerand puts
Democrats in control ot tue HoUao ot
It has often been said that tho plat
forms mean nothing; but, in tho present
instance, it happens that the national
platf.ir-s r-pry. r j: c y r.ccuraVlv the
spirit of the two-partie- The JftepnbJt
cin platform lo As backward, the Deov.
ocratic platform looks ahead. Tb
publican platform deals in mJt appeak
to old and mischievous .aectjoaal iasaee;
the Democratic platform, though not
perfect, is yet thoroughly national and
not sectional in its spirit. TWspubH
can platform favors or .meaviff m
nopolies; Uw 0ernoerii pUttoria fefte&V
the tttxjaver-th issOfde. ; F . '
Ve iaa3k Ta YfKTaltti ,
platform- n4 ga aoneW irnssaTtike
document, and one pwif e that that,
though much shorter than that of the
Republicans, it contains all that is goad
and pertinent, and a great deal iuore bay
sides. " The Republicans in 4 cumbrous
paragraph speak for free education, and
in another, equally cumbrons and Ter
bose, for separation of Church and State.
The Democrats cover the name ground
in one energetic and clear sentence,1 de
manding "separation ,of Church and
State for the good of each; and common
sehcKils fostered and protected " The-Ke-publicana
talk vaguely of protecting the
liberties uf ail; the Democrats declare!
boldly that "the right of a free ballot' u
the right preservative of all Hghta,. and
must aud shall be maintained in every
part of the United States. " W hvo
looked for some other points "for conv
parison, but the Republican platform
does not afford them. It is waih, shal
low, wordy, and purposely vague, and
would make the father of . the, party
blush with auger if they could read is
in their graves; for those men- the Sum
ner., J Andrews, Giddings, Lovejoys
Were not accustomed to the mineim; gait
and cautious verbosity of their success
ors. ' . .1 ':, '
The Republicans declare hat "com
merce should be steadily eneonraged,''
which may. mean anything or nothing;
the Democrats declare manfully for "fro .
ships and a living ohanee for Amnrieaii
commerce on the seas and on the land,"
which means something definite. That
Republicans say timidly that "the credit
acquired should never be impaired;"' tho.
Democrats declare tor honest tKtmr
and tue stritt njaintenaaee kf jjajpttbh
1 - . . . . . . w '
faith. State and nMiomal," whijph. oovero
ma wneue growwi wiinou iisaajironii wr
timidity. The Republicans rosy in. on
section that "the reviving ind'tstriea
should be further promoted,? and ia an
other, lower down, that "the, duties lev- v
ied for the purpose of revenue should so
discriminate as to favor American Lv
bor," which may mean anything, and
was evidently written in tho hope that it
might catch in one net the Protectioniata
of Pennsylvania, and the free trade)
farmers of Illinois and thej Northwest
generally. It holds out a shadowy prom
ise to both. The Democrats declare for
"a tarid'for revenue uiuy ; ptibiic1 money
and- public credit for public purpose
solely," and the party "pledgut itself to
protect the woi.feginau alike against,
the cormorants and the commune."
There is the clear ring of honest prpua
in these words, which -may ' alarm mo
nopolists, but will . reassure: legitimato
enterprise and honest labor everywhere.
Even on the wretched Chinese question,
where both platforms are, in our opinion,
bad and un-American, the Republicans
halt 'and shuffle, while the j Democrats
are outspoken. - Mr. Facing-bothwaya,
who was evidently , the author of the h
publican platform, tells. John Chiuaman
thut he muat go but tells him ' With a
snivel; he puts his arm' lovingly around
John before he stabs him; tho Democrat
bluntly t.ut definitely, tells him he must
not come here "except for travel, educa
tion or foreign commerce," which, by the
way, are the only puriwses for Which tho
Chinese allow Americans to enter China.
Finally, it must be admitted that
there ia a little brag also in a tho Demo
cratic platform, but. it is on a . point
where the party has a right to boast nf
itself. It "has reduced, the public ex
penditures forty millions a yeac." soy
the Democrats, and they might hov fesV
ded that it did this .-against tho one
! and PeM and. coyert opposition of tho
Reiiuolicana in Congress. . This Demo
cratic boast is well founded. : They had
th courage to be unfashionable. .. Fnon
the day tkey regained epntrol of thsv
House of Representative . they hav
fought for rigid economy, sonetimeti
with, poor judgment, hut courageously
and regardless uf the outcries and -sistance
of the Republicans. The lobby
has disappeared from Washington ainco
tli Democrats "came in;" that lobby
which was once so powerful that in tL "
last House which was under Republican
rule,, the Speaker was publicly praseiitsjd
with a piece of silver as a Uatimoni.l
j.ff'm the "king ot the lobby
It was said bv one of the shrwdM
; in Democratic party swue y-a.s
! "! 1' believe we Democrats iU
! rvor win until we dare, to, bo. Dtno-
at." Well, the .platform this, ytr is
genuinely Democratic platfoV.u; the
party at last seems to hare turned Doai-
ocratic. It has regained its old-time
boldness and directness; it daros enaja
more to soy what it means. Who kieys t
perhaps it will wis. It !ook ' little
thst way jrst new,