Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, July 31, 1880, Image 2

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J ynrrrricra 4 cin vmnirA tj
XiH'i vck:pkesiejjt.. . v
$n&-gt. ENGLISH,
. J AS. FULTbN of VarJo County.
J. K. WBATHERFOkD. of Liuo County,
ICATM. . -
JEirt it perhi
pipe it perfta
no one subject in
yhich people appear to
i more iixtereU
d tiintUftt of education.
4-bout sch.ool
meetingjtjino and sometimes during a
jxlitical campaign, it reci-ives no small
ahare of pu.Wic attention. ' Bat for the
J f reatr part of ,the time 'the question of
education u apparently almost torgotten.
Verjr few people visit tha wuool in which
their children ar ieing I taught, unlesa
on some f riday afternpon- upon which
r (there j an ,"eibibition" r "spfi&king"
These "speakings" and "eibitiops" give
1 1 po! insight into the progrias which the
pupils are making, and this "delighted"
Visitors come away with no knowledge
SU i mh$2j$fA&2,Jt seeds' ; to , he very
eldpm that parents trouble thefusefres
to a pertain y actual observation the
metKiahwIiJie -teacLera 'employ to
jwad and shape the minds of those
s-3aLMa$ their opin
ions are too frequently founded on hrtar
ay,r on the reports of the teachers
themselves, which should always be re
ceived with the utmost caution, not that
they mean!firhaps to wilfully deceive,
T$$t iiU aptnt)ipgin which, their feelinga
are too much involved to allow their
judgement to be unbiasf d. Resides uph
S t jj"ter f importajipe should not be left
tp '.he judgment of mere 'cbren. An
rror. too Many are apt to fall' ipto is to
regard the acquisition of knowledge as
4theckief aim of a common school train
ing. No greater mistake could be made.
A man may be a moving cyclopedia of
knowledge and yet be very poorly edu-
cated. Cram is hot education: and we
have in our -iehoohi too much of the for-
tner and not neacly enough of the latter,
!Xhe teacher Who' can succeed in drawing
r t t. Tl A 1adttf MMn nt III. mmll k
,ifl.)fiirry;Jbira! inm ojie gradation of
.4 Iv thoughts to another without making him
feel hcjw difficult it is to cliinb, whq can
'make his ptaprjj exefpise all the powers
of his mint!, tous giving it a healthv tone
and jrwr instead qf stunting and warp
ing ft' wifli the datl drudgery of memor
izing dry facts; the teacher who can do
thim with'fjveas and kindness, and a
due appreciation of the character of his
scholar, is worthy of all commendation.
from this it is not to be inferred that it
unnecessary for the preceptor to pos-
S rj juiml a gVty amount;' of " learning. On
'' theAeqhtrirv it i ' imperatively import
- 1. ii i t 1 . 1 11 . i . 1
I 'A P . fl''facte'iatured Hy fil iserf-atiqn and sound
It judgement, that he be able to foresee the
. .' .., rs. . auii.tuu ne save a ouna veil norea wim
':, "5- ! II diffifl-itt.ipa wlll him minilii arill anonnn
i I ' 1 ! Ii ao deftly pave the way to overcome
u'i ! 1 rsTf'1 "Cn'ren trained in this wavwill
-lh .''IS.i- ba We to take higher and broadar views
1 f of things and will have laid a solid foun-
' f P1t,!B,vtuPon ; which .ny superstructure
"VT learning may safely rest. '
The editors of the LEADER can't get a line
to suit them. Boyvtaka your lines and go
-fishing. Fish will be good for you, for your
brain-power must be nearly exhausted: Peii
' ttteioH Tribune.' -
Thank you; aa yoy practice hat 3fqu preach,
you cerfaifj' moon SfSffffi whti one get
back frpro'eatipg fish at ' the "Warm Spring,
tlie fith'er of yon wiH hie wy to fill hi yawn
ingvacunni.s V"e wiph yp auecesa, but have
not much hope. ''
' !'- " ul
t Thk Harvrst. Our mechanics ftre busy
Jpiring harvestiiig machinery. The pru
. Si J . Ulppt hBabandiuan ihould learn to house his
machinery from sun and winter rijias.
eQKK.Qf.oua Benedicts. a new house is
Whit Occvpies hia miad, and he in seen to
pull eff hi oat and industriously devote
himself tfl seasoning the ltniber after business
hours. It is a labor 'of lov?, yo-t know.
.iet ' THK fsjr Lothario riio absnutulated wjth
his Deighbgr'sratr, has to interview the next
e j jr J if .n..MH, v
the dirty business. Send him to Salem.
Kish. More mount a in trout 'arg being
caught in the Umatilla river; litis seaiton thau
at any prerioaa. The sportrr.tn are (lock
ing thithr to luxutii.te in the )plighf of
fill MTIHrnK WK.
m Undr the above caption the , 0. of
Pendlson "rises to explain" its position
on Divion of the county. ,"Of course it
begins by misrepreaentiag ihe LEADER.
V published the report of that Pendle
ton meeting, signed by the chairman and
Secy., niaking our Comments .on' said; re
POTttLJVVe ihink that job rnal would do
well to admit that it was thwarted by
the people of this end of tlMueouaty, who,
contrary to their expectatlbfts;' attended
the "County Convention." Either a line
was adopted or not at that time; the of
ficers of the meeting reported the fines to
us, and we were goverened bv the infor
mations But just consider the tale of
the i 0. : they "agreed on a convention
from the various precincts, to, which no
one should be admitted pnljess he had
been regularly elected, and that no prox
ies should be allowed. ; . (We find in the
proceedings that J. IJ. Turner had a par
ty at the convention in his stead.) The
E. (J. continues: "This was acceded to
and thS day fixed for th ll ptfulv.
So far," so 'good. This much " was made
public. But now comes the little side
show, which the E. 0. ingenuously avows: j
A meeting was called the night before j
and a motion carried ''that we send dele
gates to the convention to he held on the
succeeding day with instructions that
they should enter into the deliberations
of the body as delegates upon the sole con
dation that there was a full representation
from all the precincts in tfte county pres
ent." Was there ever a more vain dis-
lay of puerile egotism t'nan this 1 Tlie
same men that take upon themselves to
call a county convention, apportioned the
mimber of delegates, forbid proxies &c.
meet coolly the evening previous tp the
Convention and resolve that ikey will
rot he formuj delegates unless every pre-
cinpt jii $9 pounty is. fully represented
Could apbiUry coxeppbry go further?
What better were the delegates from Pen
dleton Precinct than from any other)
These same men absolutely knew that
every precinct in our immense county
would not be fully represented. Such a
thing has never happened and probably
never will. The transparant trickery is
not uprising, but the arrogant conceit
betray ad is truly amazing. The plan
then was to bring all the simple delegates
in to Pendleton, while the great chief of
Pendleton would say; "po home, again,
we have concluded npt tp go into our
Convention as delegates. " And the
minutes of the meeting show the first
motion made by a Pendleton "individu
al," not delegate, was to adjourn !
Again the E. 0. says a proposition was
made for a line dividing the county into
two. Tins is liable to convey a wrong
i.mpressien. The members of that can
invention were in favor of three counties.
This end was fully rcpreaented, hence
they adoptPt a line cutting 4ft' nearly one
third of the county, leaving the balance
to be again divided by tl)0e living there
in. -
Again, during the late canvass the Dir
visionisis djd. not propose to divide
whether the majority wished it or not.
They proposed division ir.to three new
counties and took that as their platform,
but they also said, of course, that the
right of petition remained. However
everybody knew that a maiority. favored
division, if details could bp agreed on.
In short wc conclude that t()e E. O. is
simply grasping at any. pretext, however
qpecious, that oilers any excuse for op
posing and division. - '
DEPARTS. Mr. Markewitz, our vatch
maker, leaves ns to-morrow for San Franci
co. We re sorry to lose auch a splendid
workman, and hope lie mcy succeed in bis
new enterprise, "v
Hotel. When reu go to Centervillp re
member that Mr. Janips Froome kfepa tin
only hotel in the place, and also that he al
ways keeps qn hamj a gloi supply of fresh
bread for 'aac., :'
HEST When .. John has completed all
the appurtenances belonging to i)is butcher
shop, he claims juHtiy that he will have the
neatest and inopt elegant shop east of the
mountains. Call and eeo it.
Teams. o leas than seventy -eight teams
hauling cord-wood, passed on the road in one
day from the mountains,
PERSOSAi..rErt. Sharon, of the Tribune,
smiled on us last Tuesday. We are jlways
glad to meet hirg. Dr. Irvine, of Centerville,
accompanied by "Spot," gallantly came down
on n and liiude qi happy.
CROPS. The crop in Greasewood present
the best appearance of any in the country,
taken as a whole. This finishes the" delusion
that formerly exited of proximity to the moun
tains being essential to success. '
WoDSD. A young grandson of David Pin
kerton was with some other boys playing round
a Sepcrator, when ho pot his hand in between
the cogs of two wheels just as another boy was
turning them. Portions of his fineers were
cut off and the four fineers badlv 'aerated,
The thumb scaped. "
The manager p the. W. W & 0. R.
R Co. want to" obtain aharoiJthB par
rying trade of Grand xnde Talley. To
that end thy propose yep need;, yatea on
freights shipped toBlue Mountain Sta
tion. As the charges have heretofore
been, it was cheaper and quicker for the
merchants of La Grande, Baker City,
Union andSumiperVillcanl otier points
on the. ea&tecn..fiidfi. of , the. Blue Juoun
tains, to have thejr goods shipped to
Umatilla Landing and hauled thenge by
team. By that route the pharges are as
fellows: '
Freight from Portland to T7 matilja,
$18 per ton.
Storage and forwarding, $2 per ton.
Freight from Umatilla to Grand
B.onde, $30 per ton. ' . '
Total present cost via Umatilla, $50
per ton; -. . ,
The W. W. & C B. R. Co. proposes to
carry freight -from Portland to Blue
Mountain Sution for $25 per ton. At
that point they .will store and forward
the freight without charge. From Blue
Mountain tp La Grande the freight
charge is $5 per ton. Total charge
from Porland to La Grande $40!per ton,
or a clear waving 'of $10 vet ton on all
freight shipped via Blue 'Mountain Sta
tion. In addition to this saving of
money, there will be a saying of 18 miles
teaming pn the round trip, ajid an en
tire avoidance of the mile; pf heavy sand
rpad leading from UmatUJa, which in it
self should be a great i;ijducement tor
teamsters to advocate the blue Moun
tain route. We are informed that if
the busines men of the town east of
the Blue Moumtains will signify thir
a, ,.t v Di.7r 1
ucoiic Iikj Bixip uy lixii lv uiuc ojxvju 1 1 vain i
Station, that the freight tariff ' will be
at once made in conformity with the
foregoing proposal. It does seem to
us that there should be no hesitency
in accepting this proposal of the
railroad company. The njerchants are
ottered ten dollars a ton to do so, and
so far as we are able to l"arn, without
the slightest show for them to lose a
dollar. W. .W. Union,
We would simply add to the ahove
plain statement of facts that the proposed
reduction, of freight has already been
made. It now remains with tbf people
of Grand Jlonde Valley to sav whether
thev wi aeoept the, offer to" have thair
goods stored and forwarded at Blue
Mou tain Station free of charge and
make an actual saving of ten dollars per
ton. More than this it is a well known
fact the road over the Mountains by way
of Wgrm Spring and Summerville is a
mucj better one than the Meacheai'road;
Thp Thomas and Buckles road is shorter,
has fewer and less uteep hjlls and is air
ways kept in excellent condition. This in
itself would make no small saving in
transportation. We feel confident that
the people of Grand Ronde Valley will
not be slow to recognise the many ad van
tage.3 in time and money, which this route
has over the old one,
The aitizens of Centerville and vicini
ty niet at the office of Cook & Irvine on
the 20th inst and organized a joint stock
company for the purpose of erecting a
city hall building. It is to be of hrick,
28jf60, and three stories higv When
completed, the first story will ' be occu
pied as a store room, the second as a city
hall, and tup third as a lodge room for
the different secret, organizations. The
amount of capital s$ock is $6,000, di
vided inco shares of $50 each.
tF. V. Gum, is the J. Pluvius of Cen
terville he runs, the street sprinkler.
r. James Bamfprd, qf your city, hag
a for.ee of hands at work' on the new
Methodist Church to be erected during
the present season; he also has the con
tract for building a house of worship for
the Christian denomination. Both will
be completed before cold weather.
Coppick Js Adam -re making an addi
tion to their already large and commod
ious livery stable. When completed, it
will be one of the best buildings of it
kind in Eastern .Oregon.
Charley Frey is erecting a building on
tlje lot formerly occupied by B. JL Her
vey as a residence and harness shop.
We learn. that it haB been rented and
wiJ be occupied noon as a restaurant.
4- grand ball was given at the new ho
tel iiow in process of construction on the
evening pf the 23d inst. There were
some twenty-fire coupje present, all mar-
r lageaDie out a lew wno naa already
crossed the matrimonial Rubicon. The
ladies were most tastefully and richly atr
tired; the gentlemen-were very appropri
ately dressed, and seemed to look with
becoming respect at the bright-eyed beau
ties whose penetrating glances sent the
hot blood of bachelorhood back on hearts
that have stood out against such influ
ences for forty years, more or less. It is
said to have been one of the most pleas
ant convivial gatherings that has ever
taken place at Centerville. They eon
tinued to trip "the light fantaatic toe"
until the wee sma' hours, when "the boys
went home with the girl in the morn
ing- , SrcsKP.
1,0CATE. Dr. Wbtctpmb, of Pendleton
spent a few days in the city dnring the week,
We understand that he intends purchasing
property and locating among us for the prac-
j ce of Lis Profession and the benefit of the
in proximity Ho the mountains. His rep-
i ntl5o!l a physician is so well known here
l ha we need add nothing. Thus we more
Once Used Always Used
U the best unily medicine, and will be found on
tiial Co be the most easj-t naturul an ocnuortable
mwrient obtainable. i
will aci gently on tbe bow-Is, removy wiiidr cure
u heartburn, sour stonub and dizziness and promote
' a healthy secretion of "bile.- u .
ia the most effectual remedv for headache, eiddicefie.
nervous depression, paipiluuun ol tuesrf, lara-
tude ana general debiity.
I will relieve the worst casus of ihcusiatiasi and (rout
- prerent gravel and stone in tnc bladder, and cure
V . yives speedy and dunble re'.ief In bilious and liver
complaints, weak digestion, shivering, sjAsms, low
spines anu lmtaDiuiv. -res
e-shambi;ro tea
is invaluable" asa remedy for the piles. It- has been
trredfor manyyeanjnd' has given great satisfaction,
if yon are afflicted try it. j
purifies and cleaais the blond, and removes all
Ocrofutous affections. It is health-Riving, refreshing
- -: invigorating.
I has an established reputation as an efficacious remedy
for sudden and severe colds, coughs fevers and ague.
asthma and phthisis.
cures chronic, nervous and sick headache, nervous
depression, drowuines. nausea, vomiting, pimples
on the lace and IrecKlcs.
r ig. u-uitle laxitiveand tonic: inMrov.s the appetite
cures dyspepsia, and counteracts the effect of mala
rious poison.
cures constipation, diurrhesa and dysentery; Is cer
tain in results, and corrects all disturbance of , the
stomach and b6wels. ,
is a pleasant remedy for boils, carbuncles, blotches,
ulcerated and running sores, seabs,salt rncum, und
glandiiiar swellings.
CinESE's Hamburg tka
is used successfully for fcetfd breath, scald head,
ringworm, itch, pnoKly-lieat, cancerous ulcers aim
skin diseases generally- f
has no equal in the entire ransre of the Pharmacopoeia
as an anti-sorbutic, alternative, carminative and
blood purifier.
gives a tone of health and elasticity o the whole
system and will preyept almost any disease if used
at least once a month. !
ruse's hasbcro tea
a triumuh in medicine: harmless yet cmcaclous.
invaiuame in the larmly, at the muies, on tne ruau,
at sea, and everywhere. ,
is the best medicine for chidren. AsaSpring remedy
nothing conies near to it. Everybody should use it
at the change of season, .
Is for sale by every Druggist, Grocer and Country Mer
chant on the Pacific Coast. 1-31-tf
''The Oiurcli and Home.
A Religious Japfpal Devoted to - . " j
chistta yar wcsk
Issued Monthly, at . Westos.' '
Every Family Ought to Take it.
- fSTerms, $1.00 Per Year.J
BEY. E. W, HfORBISVSr. Editor.
S. F. SHARP, M. D., ;
Physician, Surgeon, and Accoucheur.
OFFICE Over Wagner's Furniture
atom, Centerville, Or.
Lako OFfict at LipKAXCE, Or., July ?th 1380.
Notice is herebv iriven that the followinir-nained settler
has filed notice pf his intention to niajieftrtjil proof in
support of his clain; and secure final entry thereof at the
expiration of thirty days fiom the date of this notice
Fountain Black.
Preemption No. 2491. . Proof will be rsade at U. S.
Liana orncd at LAUranac, urefron, on tne ?utit nuv 01
August, 1880, for the NwJ, See S, T 4 N, ft 37 E, and
names the following as his witnesses, viz: Jas. Pierson,
Wm. Petre, IX W. C. French and John Stark, all of
Umatilla eounty, Oreiron.
Notice is herebv siven that Chas. A. Barrett has this
day made application to purchase under the act. of Con
gress, approved June 3d, 1878. entitled an "Act for the
sale of Timber Lands in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and in Washington Territory," the Swl of sec
10 in T 3 N of R 36& Final proof and nurchase arc to
be made at tqe expiration of sixty days from tee date of
tnis notice. tuwar dwioht,
7-17-80-9W Register.
Notice is herebv (riven that John F. Adams has this
day made application at this Office to purch -se under the
act of Congress approved June 3d, 1878, entitled, "an
acc ior tne saie oi limner tanas in tue uues ol i aii
fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory, the
Se of Sec 10 T 3 N, R S6K. Final proof and purchase
are to be made at the expirrttiou of sixty days from tliis
notice. HKNitT Uwioht, Kegister.
laGrande, Or. July 6, 1880. 7-17-80-9W
LaodOice at LaGrande, Or., June 1, 1SS0.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named set-.
tier has fl.ed notice of his intention to make final proof
in support oi nis claim, anfi -secure nnai entry uierton'
at the expiration of thirty iays from the date of this
notice, viz:
Alexander walker.
'Witnesses testimony will In taken before D P. Dwight
a Notary Public at Pendleton, Umatilla countv, Oregon
Aug. 21, 1880, lor tne iej Sec !8,T5S,B ?5 t, and
names the following as his witnesses, viz, John 11c
Demiitt, James Derrick, Alex Miloe and Win Duran, all
of Weston, Umatilla county, Oregon.
. . . NOTICE.
. LAID Onict, at La Gkasde, Or., July 19, 1830. .
Notice is hereby given that the following nam ed set
tier has filed notice of bia intention to awte final proof
in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof
at the expiration of hrirtv days lrom the date of this
notice, viz: - .- - .
Preemption No. 1,644. Witnesses testimony will -he
made belore Dwight & Bailev, notaries public at Pen
dleton, Oregon, August 28, 1880, for trie cel-4 See 28, T
5 N, U 33E, and names the. folioaing as his witnesses,
viz: Altx Walker, E C Jenkins, Vo.na Webster and H.
Key, all ot Weston, UmatHla County, Oregon.
Hs.NHt w. Dwiobt,
7-14-80-Jw Kejisur.
Laho OrncE at La Grande, Or., July ST, J830l
I, Mary Z Russet., of t'jiatil'a County, Ureggo, who
made Homestead application number 676, for toe si,
wl-t, See 10, T 4 is, K 45t, da hereby give netice of my
intention to make final proof tc establish mv claim W
the land above described; and that 1 expect to prove
my claim before the 'County Judge of said county at
Pendleton, on the 28th oay of August, MM), by tnc fol
lowing witnesses: James Kutcn, A. H. Laasdale, U. C.
mm hiu . ocvLfa, :i wi n Clou. L maniisi vouoty,
Xotiee is hjerebr girsp that w. n. -,Parrent has
this dav mad ipplication at this oflice to purchase
under the act of June 3d, 187S, "An act for the sale of
Timber Lands in the States of California, Oregon Nevada
and in Washington Territory," the H E 1-4, Kw 1-4
andSwl-4.Sie 1-4, sec. if, T , NRE.
Given under mv hand at the V. 8. Land office at La
Grande Oregon, ihi, V. d'wIGHT. '
- -' f ' Register.
' Lasd Omn at LaGrasbk, Ogn., June 5, 1890. ;
Notice is hereby given that the following-named set
tler has filed notice of his intention to make final prof
in support of his eaim, and secure final entry thereof
at the expiration of thirty daj from the date of this
notice, va:
Vreeat W. Brock. .
Witnesses proof will be taken before D. P. Dwight, a
Notary Public at Pendleton, Umatilla County, Orepon,
on Jui'y 10, IS;, for the Sw i sec 30, T 5 S, R 34 E,
and-namee the following as his wirn-Kx-s, vie V Bsk
Jol.n Pl-.i lips, John Bush and Andrew McEwen, mi: o.'
Centerville, Umatilla County. Oreuoji.
6-27-31 H. W. DwiQHT, Register.
I Onici at LaGraxde. Or., June Z, 1SS0.
Notice is hereby given that the followjng-nam d
settler has filed notice of his intention to moke fin. I
proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry
thereof at the expiiation of tuii tydajs from the da'.e ui
this notjee, via: ' 1,
Will, Baker.
Witnesses Proof will bs taken befo e I. P. Dwight, a
Notary Public at Pendletn, Uuiacilla County, Oreiton,
on July 10, 1380, for the jSw J sec, 0, T 5 N, R 84 E,
and njoes the following as Jiis witnesen, viz: U. w.
i.rock, C. E. Reed, Andrew McCuen and Join Phil
ips. IlKaiKY 1;wiout, Krgb-ter.
Land Office at LaGrakde, Ogn., June 3, 1SS0.
hotice is hereby given that the following-named set
tler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof
pi support of his claim, anij secure final entry thereof
at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this
notfee, viz:
Michael Emrtfji.
Homestead No. 650, for the fee N, 'ei 8wl of Sec.
22, T 5 N, II att t, original entry; the S of t-ee.
'It, T 6 N, K :16 E, additional entry. Snid proof will be
made b. fore tue County Judge at Pendleton, l:uiatiU
coijnty, Oregon, Ju y 19, 18U, and names the following
as iija witnessts, viz: D- S. V'hitney, George T. berry,
V. Jaied and Gjo. di II jVen.i of L'inatiila county r
gon. HKSRjr W. Iikighi. Kegister.
Land Office at L aGraHdb, Qk., June Ii, JS30.
Notice is hereby given that jthc followipg-named set
tler lias tiled notice ot his intention to make final proof
in support of bis claiin, and secure final entry thereof at
the expiration of thirty days from the date of this notice
viz: -i
Blchard Kernelds.
Homesstead application No. 1099. Proof will be made
before tne county judge of Umatilla county, or, July It",
Oiijijna: entry 5U2; additional entry JiwJ Se of see, 2,
'1- a hi km K. and names the following as Ids witness
es, viz: Vt m. Uov ce, Altred Watts, Elil.u Brock and J U
kipg, all ot Umatilla county, Oregon.
6-zS.-Ji3 11 W. Dwioirr, Kegister.
Ljisd OrticK at LaGrakde, Ot, June 12, 1850.
Notice is he-eby given that the following-named set
tler hus tiled notice of his intentiou to rnake flmil proof
in support i f liis claim end secure linal entiy thereof at
the tiuuatiou oi thirty da s from the date ol this notice,
viz: i
Calvin Ferguson.
Homestead r.rjjlication No. 72. I Proof will heroade be
fore the County Judge cf Umatala county. Ore. on, at
Pendleton, on August 7, '1880, fuf the Se Swf sec.
28, '1' 4 X, K iiu t', and nuues the following as his wil
netseK. w: James Itovce. .Benfamia rUneliart. A. J.
Croi'utt and AUx. Brassfield, all! of Weston? i.,ua' 1
couniy, uncoil. iiesev Y i.our, Kegister
LiD Office at LaUraxde, 0$nt, Jane 10
Notice is hereby ffiven tliat the t'ollowiii-namt;d su
tler has fiU.il notice of his intention ta i.iake tin .i pryof
in support of hiu claim and .secure linal entry tiaerrui at
tlje eitiratipn i tuii ty days iron tiit ol th'p, awtitv,
viz': ' I
Benjamin 1U Debar t-
Homcstead proof w ill be made before the County Jude
at fenUietuu, uregoo, on tha 7th ilav ot August, las,
lor the E sec. ao, and additionui Xi vi aj hcu. W
T 4 M, K M Et and nauea theiollowii!M his witticttia,
viz C'aivin icrgusou, aii3H lo, Uiiarleii i"erruaoii
and Clark lriygs, aii ol Weston, Liuatiila county, un.-
iauiiT, Kegister.
Land Otoe at LaUsasdk, jii. Jure 8tb 3S30.
Notice is hereby given that the folton ing-nained settler
has tiled notice of his intention to miakc final proof in
upport of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at
(tie expiration of thirty dayslruiu Hit date of this notice,
viz: 1
Jason 8. Van Winkle. '
f itnesses testirnopy will be taken before D. P, Dwight,
a Notary Puiic at Pendleton, UiaatU.a county, uregon,
pn Juiy 17, 1880, for the ICei, sec 8, fl 4 N, It 05 E, and
hamcs the following as his witnese viz: tfoiiu Ktamp
ir, i.enry SUimpei, W m. burden and 1. E. Dooher, all
ol Ce terville, Umatiha County, Oregon.
6-8-33 UENKY W. UWW1IT, Register.
Lakh Orrici! at LaGhanke, Ob., June 17. 1SS0.
Notice is hereby given that the! fo'-lowirg-ramed
Svttier has filed notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry
tiiercot at the expiration of thirty d..ys from the date of
his notice, viz: I
II. D. A. Hale, j
Ha No. 5375. Proof win be made before D. P Dwfeht,
a rotarj Public at Pendleton, Umntilla crtinty, Oregon,
on July 24, 188U, tor tue few 4. sec. 80, T 4 N, K 34 K, and
nauies tUe ioiJowingas his witnesses, viz: ttn. Mellis,
Henry MiUmbcr, olin A. Uross and Vt. II. Kecder, all
of Cctitcrruc, Umatilla county, Oregon.
S-sS-. Itour W. bwiurrr, Begistar.
Laxb Otti;k at LaGrakde, Ogn., June 14, 5880.
Notice hereby given that the following na&hd set
tler ha Wed notice of his intention to make final proof
in support of his claim, and secure final entrv thereon
at the txpiratiua of thirty days irom the date or this
noiue, viz:
William Boyec
Homestead application No. 1J8S. Additional homr
vtead pniof wfll be made before the County 4udge at
1'euUctuji, tirigon, July 24, 1880, for the additional en
try, M'N of Sec. 2, Tl N, K 15 E; original home,
stead o. 374, and names the lollowing as his witnesses,
viz: Ricliard Keynolds, Alfred Watts, Elihu Brock and
J. It. King all of Umatilla County. Oreron.
a-28-33 HK.NKV W. DWIQHT
Brick Bi(Ung, Malta St.j Walla Walla.
, 1 will. keep at all times a, full ptock of
. Team a&d Boggy gameas,
srms, HALTEKS, 1
- . BRUSHES, &C . I
And everything usually kept in a first -claws
narneaa rsiiup. .,,.; i .
REPAIKING ucntlyand prosnpUy dme.
-.4 MH, tTIC.
AU Uuda of - .
Shelf-Hardware , oustaatly
hand, for sal cheap.
A Largo .Vssorcnont1 of Jf '
Stores! :
tttr Yery Bct Material and ntt tB
pruveU Faiu-rmn. - All Tlawareyuade ef y
good bearjr matoriftl, Had none but
the bett wrktaea r.atpoed.
Rivets, Iron s
Steel, Nails
Wtst-'OhoIme's AU 8tjlea.,
. Burgoa & Bap's and "Kangaroo.-
Shot-Gun & Rifle Ammunition,
A Fu!! Lin ot
Pistols and Revolvers! !
Trout Baskets, Etc.
RodgerS9 CiitlerY
Compri8in i.cavy-platecl UniTts, Toxlu
' ' ad Spoons'.
So'.d at Loiver.t rates vr a g.xi s tioe.
Dwight !fc BailPj.
(CcaersU Latsut A gen. , arfrt I'abUe ar.
Keal tjiitttt. Broker,
Pondleton, Oregon ,
n .r Towxsmr Ptara of all surveyed lands in Umatilla
C'omit.v ana a record ot all Laud Claims from the first
location tc the present time, and corrected Mini-weekly
from tue l.a4 Office at LstQrande.
Will secure claims -for parti cts under airy of the Lan4
iAWu of the U. S., conduct coliteeted caes before tiw
lcal lind Office, aad on appeal to the Department at
vt osiungton.
Will furnish 8o1dior( Additional Homestead Floats
and all kinds of Land be rip onaliort notice tad at lowest
market rate .
Will huyaud sen lands, city property, ovwn reasona-
Th PltU and Renord t above referred to are the only
ones of the Kind in Umatilla County, and settler caa
save time and a tiip to LjGrxndo by coming to us.
- . .. - ?
t3yt t bave special racllltlca fur lo.-atlnf new
consent, .a .
Harness and Saddle Shop,
r... Main Street, ,;.
A I,AU-r-E assoctmxet OF
Co'cord Team Harness
- Ccncnord Hack Harness,
ladies, and Men's Saddles
Siitisf.iPtiDD Guaranteed.
(OyposlU Post OffceJ .
Main SL, Walla Walla, W. T.
Board, per day, tt.OO. Board and Lodging, pr week,
a.UO and ii-UW, according to room. Mtuis, 2ac
lieda 'S and 0c
Free Ceacb a tke Hotrl, for rnaaencers.
naL, pubUahed cvef- iatorda , at btS California t- 8. F
The AaoosACT is essentially a California publication
bright, breezy of taa incite aad the medium of "
good things of current liu-rature. he lit, post paid, to
any addrej , jj"n receipt of it. CO yearly -urcnptuJi-trgtisit.
- v-
n j
4 1-i '
i 5