Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, July 31, 1880, Image 1

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Pew at tomb
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, . -j " " J , " j ta J y
Luvcd Evekt Satcrdat Monxnfo,
s aHertFttoa Kairai
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Dm Tar,(ooiii)
Ma alaattta
nm Mem-
at Stamp lh)nl laaartioa .....
lata JdiHml inaarUon
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KM WUiiiuimI inwrtio.
7km Mm " Inaarttafc
fcaaa aataal umrtiog. . ..
Cm JurUr Column, SrX ioMrUon.. ....
Katiaamaal lnwrtlop.j...;.4,..-
"TtaMadmtiMri bfipwUI coMnwt. Local notlra
M mU hi IUm Ant tiuartiva. 12J cmU pr Ins each
whwtmtut iMttioo. AdrwtUuf bUU Pyb qiur-
- ' " ....
All lpJ DOtiMa will be c'hiricod TS emU pu qu;ir
IM inwrttoa, and 174 nti pr KUaru each fubjequcnt
laMrtkm (jMabl munUilj'X
Moncs. Stnpl annonaonncnU ( blrtlu, mirrtagti
a4 dWtht will b inaertcd wHnout charK. ubitiur
aUcM ctuinted tot aoaonluiK ts length.
. o8
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Tkae BiidDiKht o'ar th- mots eas skioa
M r pall ul twnuoot drata . 4 apread
Vb . bmcULi alaop, when ; a Ua rino,
aim aougUt ia waaaf ui bm ta duad.
a bloodlca abapc my way purauea,
No hUd f 'l my ciicu aiinujra,
IaIomja m aad m . luacy Tiaari ,
. uc wtparud da .
Th abada ol ywitbhil hop U then,
Tliat Unorrd loiif aad lataal dioil;
Ambltiou all diw.vi to air,
MitA pbaalou twuoia by uia ild.
What amp ty ahadowa gllmmar Blht
Tnvy inc wrra I ruodauip, Tru b aad Leva :
Oh, dia.l thuujnt. to mamu' J lie,
ainc .uft to u J .icurt . pre a !
his guilty secret to none of his family
He hid his bees in his bed room, aad as
he looked at them just&before putting
them away, he half wished the experi
meut was safely over. He wished the
imprisoned bees did not look so hot and
eross. With exquisite care hej sub
merged the bottle in a basin of water,
and let a few drops in on tha heated in
mates to cool them off. I i
At the tea table he had a fisarf ul
fright lUss Middlerib. in the artless
simplicity of her romantic nature,! wtid:
"I smell bees. How tha odor brines
But hr father glared aC bar aad said
with suierj9uous harshness and exejcrable
'Hush up.- You don't smell noth
Whereupon Mrs. Middlerib asked him
if he had eaten anything that disftgi eed
with him, and Miss Middlerib said:
"Whypa!" and Master Middlerib
smiled as he wondered.
Bed time at last, and the night was
.sultry and warm. Under various false
Oue day, not a great while ago, Mr.
Middlerib, who is a coitbtaut reader of
the .Veto Age, read in his favorite paper
i paragraph copied from the Praeyer
Landwirtluclutftlitfot WocftenbUtt, a
(term an paper, which is an accepted au
thority on such points, stating that the
ting of a bee was a sure cure for rheu
matism, nd citing several instances
which had been cured by this abrupt
remedy. Mr. Middlerib did not stop to
reflect that a paper with such a name as ,
that would be very apt to say anything;
Jm only thought of the rheumatic twinge
I bat grappled his knees once in a while,
and made life a burden to him.
He read the article .several'times, and
jndered ever it He uaderstood that
the stinging must be done scientifically
ud thoroughly. The bee, as he under
stood the article, was to be gripped by
the ears and sat down upon the rheu
Matie jeint, and held' there until it
wtung itself stiagless. He had Home
auixgiviags about the matter. He knew
it would hurl He hardly thought it
could hurt any worse than the rheuma
tism, ana it sad been so many years
inee he was stung by a bee that he had
' almost forgotten what it felt like. He
had, however, a general feeling that it
would hurt some. But dexperate dis
eases require desperate remedies, and
Mr. Middlerib was willing to undergo
any amount of suffering if it would cure
his rheumatism.
He contrasted with Master Middlerib
for a limited supply of bees, humming
and buning in the air, but Mr. Middle
rib did net kaow how to get them. He
felt, however, that he could safely tie
. pend upon the instincts and methods of
beyhood. He knew that if there wan
any way in Heaven whereby the shyest
bee that ever lifted a two-hundred pound
off the clover eould be induend to enter
a wide-mouthed bottle, his son knew
that way.
For the small sum of one dime Master
Middlerib agreed to procure several, to
wit: 8ix bees, sex and age not specified;
but, as Mr. Middlerib was lent ia uncer
tainty as to the race, it ai made obli
gatory npon the contractor to have three
f them honey and three bumble, r in
the generally accepted vernacular, bum
a if a a
le-oecs. jit. sxi. oia not tell his son
what he wanted with these been, and the
ey went off with his head so full f as
tonishment that it fairly whirled. Even
ing brings all home, and the last rays of
the declining sun fell upon Master Mid
dlerib with a short, wide-mouthed bot
tlej comfortably populated with hot, ill-
Batured bees, and Mr. Middlerib and a
dime. The dime and the bettle chaaged
hands. Mr. Middlerib put the bottle
f bees in hie coat pocket and went into
the house, eyeing everybody he met very
suspiciously, as though he had made up
his mind to sting to death the first person
whe said "bee" to him. He eonfided
it firmly against the
pretenses, Mr. Middlerib strolled 1 about
the house until everybody else was in
bed, and then he sought his roomj. He
turned the night lamp down till its
feeble rays shone as dimly as a death
Light - - i j
Mr. Middlerib disrobed slowly-j very
slowly. When at lost he was ready to
o lumbering to his peaceful couch, he
heaved a profound sigh, bo full iof ap
prehension and grief that Mrs. Middle
rib, who was awakened by it, said if it
. ive him so much pain to some to bed,
perhaps he had better sit up all! night.
Mr- Middlerib said nothing, but checked
another sigh aud crept into bed. ! After
lying still a few moments, he reached
out and got his bottle of bees.
It was not an easy thing to pick one
bee out of a bottleful, with his fingers,
and not get into trouble. The first bee
Mr. Middlerib got was a little! brown
honey bee that wouldn't weigh half an
ounce if you picked him up by tte ears,
but u yo't lifted him by the hind leg,
would weigh as much as the last; end of
a bay mule. Mr. Middlerib eould not
repress a groan.
"What's the matter with you f
ily asked his wife.
It was ve-y hard for Mr. Middlerib to
say he only felt hot, but he did it He
didn't have to lie about it, either. He
did feel very hot, indeed. Aboutjeighty
six all over, and about one hundred and
niuety-seven on the end of his thumb.
He reversed the bee, and placed the war
like terminus of
rheumatic knee.
It didn't hurt se badly as hej thought
it would. j
Then Mr. Middlerib remembered that
when a honey-bee stabs a' human foe, it
generally leaves its harpoon in the
wound, and the invalid knew that the
only thing this bee had to sting with
was doing its work at the end of his
He reached his arm out from under
ihe sheet, and dropped this disabled atom
of rheumatism liniment on , the carpet
Then, after a second of blank wonder, he
beean to foel round for the bottle, and
wished he knew what he did with it
In the meantime strange things had
been going on. When he caught hold of
the first bee Mr. Middlerib, for reasons,
drew it out in Buch haste that for a time
he forgot all about the bottle and its
remedial contents, and left it uncorked
in the bed, between himself and his inno
cent wife." In the darkness there had
been a quiet but general emigration from
the bottle. The bees, with their wings
logged with the water Mr. Middle
rib bad poured apon them to cool and
tranquilize them,, were erawling aimless
ly about over the sheet While Mr.
Middlerib was feeling, around for it, his
ears were suddenly thrilled and his heart
froten by a wild, piercing scream from
his wife.
"Murder!" She screamed, "murder!
Oh! help me! Help! Help!"
Mr. Middlerib sat bolt upright in bed,
uis nair stood on enct. xne nignt was
warm, but he turned to ice in a minute.
" 'Where in thunder," he said, with
palid lips, as he felt all over the bed in
- ,1 a. 1. . ,
treuziea nasie wnere in tnunoer are
them infernal beesf
And a large "bumble," with a sting as
pitiless as the finger of scorn just then
climbed up the inside of Mr. Middlerib's
night-shirt, until it got squarely between
his shoulders, and then it felt for his
marrow, and said calmlv:
"Here is one of them."
And Mrs. Middlerib felt ashamed of
her feeble scream when Mr' Middlerib
threw up both arms; and with a howl
that made the windows rattle, roared:
"Take him off! Oh, land i-4sctt,
somebody take him off! . ,.
And, when a little honey-bee began
tiekHhg?Mra: -MiddleriVs ibo-sha :o
shrieked that the house was bewitched,
antl immediately went into spasms.
'V- The house hold was aroused by .this
time. Miss Middlerib and Master Mid I
dlerib and the servants were pouring in
to the room, adding to the general confus
sion by howling at random and asking :r
; relevant questions, while they gazed at
the figure of a man a little on in years,
arrayed in a long night shirt, pawing
fiercely at the unattainable spot in t'ne
middle of his back, while he danced an
unnatural, weird, wicked-looking jig by
the dim religious light of the night-lamp.
And while he danced and howled, and
while they gazed and shouted, a navy-blue
wasp, that Master Middlerib had put in
the bottle for good measure and variety;
and to keep the menagerie stirred up,
had dried his legs and wings with a cor
ner of the sheetf and after a preliminary
circle or two around the bed to get up
his motion aud settle down to a vorkin"
gait, he fired himbelf across the room,
and to his dying day Middlerib will al
ways lieheve that one of the servants
mistook him for a burglar and shot him.
No one, not even Mr. Middlerib him
self, could doubt that he was at least for
a time, most thoroughly cured of rheum
atism. His own boy could not have
carriud himself more lightly or with
greater agility. But the cure was no
permanent and Mr. Middlerib does not
like to talk about it Burdette.
' Idaho has 30,000 inhabitants. ' 1
.Tho potato bug has appeared in Mon
tana." - Rapid City, Dakota, ia arranging for a
national bank.
Wm. Hilburn was recently shot and
killed at Silver Reef, Utah. . -
Operations in the Skagit mines are
suspended on account of tha high water.
.The postmaster at Anton, Chico, New
Mexico, has been arrested for trifling
with (registered letters. Jr" :.
iA, jcurderer was taken from the jail
1 at Santa Fe, New Mexico, recently, and
-ThB wr town a kxmi$ViM
ia called Bullion, The cam pis alfed
carbonate. -; - '
The total valuation of property in Salt
Lake, according -to the returns of .the
Assessor, recently, is $7,292 165.
July 13th, at Ogden, two tramps
robbed and shot Wm. Bauman, leaving
him for dead. His recovery is doubtful.
A large beaver dam has formed a lake
on Stubble Creek, Cassia county, Idaho,
and is literally lull ot speckled trout.
Patent medicines, rta
- Chemicals, Crr:. ,
;h : -
$14 only ou Physician; pififath
r - t.
The gross earnings of the Northern
Pacific Railroad for June were $261,269;
for June last year, $198,744. The in
crease, $62,525, is quite favorable. With
in two years the annual business of the
road will amount to $5,000,000.
During the year ending June 30, 1880,
the Walla Walla, fc Columbia River
Railroad Company carried of up freight.
13,606 tons; of down freight, o0,9a
tons, and of local freights, 7,650 toi a.
The down freight was divided as follows
39,202 tons wheat; 8,362 tons flour; 1747
tons oats and barley; 16 tons bacon, and
lard; 157 tons hay; 103 tons wool, and
1,306 tons merchandise. During the
same time it carried 7,560 up, and 5,028
down passengers.
Pure Llauors.
-'" aTlaroe axb WEU.-sEtBt'TEn sfpc r , pt.py
Blank Books, , School Books, - StafisHHT'
Paper, Papeterie, K&mt,-
Elegant Vases, Toilet Articles and fancy
Uaaecd, rblaa St, LabrtcaUna, Utrtt Aa4 8paa.-
Musical Instruments,
r .
L.1.WPS of alt aizra. El RKIi.1 and fkmaaa LEAD SLASB I'BlMCVa,
; ......... , i ,
Prescriptions Carefully Comopunded at all hours
Bargains Bargains Barffama
Wliolsale and RetciiL
Advantages are oiiered, says the Ore
gonian, by the O. R. & N. Co. to merch
ants and shippers east of the Blue Moun
tains by which in case they signify
their willingness to ship by rail in the
future, instead of over the old route via
Umatilla they may effect a saving of
five days time and ten dollars a ton on
all freights. Under this arrangement, if
it be accepted, the company will lay down
freight from Portland at Blue Mountain
station for $25 a ton, a very moderate
rate considering the distance and the
number of 'transhipments. Aheady the
enterprise of this company is offering
large benefits to the country, which of
course will be immeasurably increased
as its plans get more fully into operation.
During 187SJ, 2S7 vessels, 1075 pro
pelled by steam and 1822 by sail, cleared
from New York for Europe, carry in
102,318,568 bushels of grain. Of the
whole but very few were American ves
sels. The freight paid these ships was
nearly equal to what the American far
mers received for their grain. The great
profit on this carrying business, equalling
the profits on our exported grain crop,
goes mostly to foreigners. We, who
equal other nations in every other enter
prise, allow England to beat us out of
sight in building and sailing ships; and
worse still, we seem to have given up the
contest aa a hopeless one.
On Tuesday night of last week, a party
of freighters at Cottonwood, Wyoming,
discovered a man carrying away a rope
belonging to them, he having neglected
to loosen a mule at the end of the rope.
The freighters left him up a tre, and the
pests who cut him down in the morning
could find no clue to his identity, except
a card in his pocket having the name of
F. G. Woody. 253 Fifteenth street, Den
ver on it Idaho Statesman.
The Walla Walla Police Court reaped
a golden harvest last week according to
die Watdtman. J udge Whitman dis
posed of five; cases in one day; J. W.
Wallace, for robbing the till in Felky fc
Boulon's saloon, fined $50, . solitude 30
days; Wm. - Bford, i Jrmd Allen
Brown, for getting into each other's
"har," fine, for eaeli," $15.50. Bedford
paid his in cash, the other in solitude;
Robert Anderson, drunk and disorderly,
first cost $15.50, with freight added; John
McLaughlin, the same thing and same
amount; J. Krunhorn, cutting and
shooting within the city limits; cause,
jealousy, medicine $35, besides the loss l
of his pistol. ,
The undersiand has been instructed to sell the WHOLC
A man (didn't learn his name) who
formerly cut cord wood in the mountains
hereabouts for a living, went out to the
X'ood river last spring prospecting. He
fell in with another man, formed a part
nership, and became indebted to him
$1.50 when they put up for grub. The
woodchopper soott struck a ledge which,
through the persuasions of his partner,
they sold for twelve ' thousand dollars,
when he. returned to his place, arriving
last Sunday., iie says the first thing his
partner did, after they sold out was to
dun him for that dollar and a-half. Idaho
Tn mnkn room for a lane SPRING STOCMincIniUai a
assortment of Boots and Shoes.
Coflee, Tea, Sugar, Tobacco and Cigars a specialty.
Also Coal Oil, Clear as Crystal, Guaranteed Free from til Ferttjjs-i
Substance and Non Explosive. . '
Ready Made Clothing at Cost "'
3r Pleased call and examine for yourselves Derore nuypy
Centebvilk, FeWuary 6th, 1830.
There'has been another rich discovery
in quartz in the past few days, it being
this time near Sutton Creek, about twelve
miles from this City. The names of the
discoverers are D. W. Crouter, E. II.
Knell, and Harvey Dale; they have a four
foot ledge and have already taken oit
some fine specimens. , We saw the first
peice that was taken from the cropping
and it is the richest and coarsest ; quart
gold of any we have yet seen. The pro
prietors of the ledge are confident they
have a big bonanza, and they will im
mediately commence to develop it. Bed
rock Democrat.
Since the beginning of the present
year Wasco county has sent an average
of two persons per month to the insane
asylum Most of ,th: male cases bad
been employed as sheep herders, and the
long and weary periods of monotonous
solitude, enforced npon them by their
peculiar vocation, may have had . some
part in causing so .many cases of mental
Heavy Stock of BOOTS and UHOiZC.
Hardware, Iron and Gtcel.
"Produce taken in Exchange, '
S. V. Ksox, Esq,, of Weston, called
upon us Wednesday morning, and in
formed us that creat efforts are being
made to accomplish the" will of the ma
jority in Umatilla for a Division of the
cuuty. It is nothing but right that
the county should be divided. Situated
as they are in one of the largest counties
of Oregon, which is. to all intents and
purposes already practically divided by a j
large Indian reservation, the present
state of affairs Lb expensive and very an
noying to the people this side of said
reserve. A petition signed by a major
ity of the voters of ihe county is being
prepared to be presented to the next
Legislature, . who will, we hope, and
doubt notr ' grant their wish- Walla
Walla Statesman'.
Corner Main and 3d Sts , Walla Walla. .
Wholsale and Retail Dealers' in f.
Dr Goods- Fancy Coods; Notions,
We are in ifceipt of a A '" I
llouyht l'raAahito the Recent.
In all kinds of goods,and we are therefore prepared ts sScr
Lower Than the Lowestl j -
; t'.
1 - . i