" SATtTRDAT. JltLYlSStX . arnciAi wmcww- CtJs.y S?STS USAtOS.... " RjwaxsaxMtrras f gimurr : IUM..V MKK SffSBBrTSWS PMeS jsnos cur Matt tuusossa raunJmi.... inuror Pouos. 0. Benjamin, p. A. ortlinftoa, ' H.O. Yokem :...Benj. Wefe?-: j. a" Hsiisos M. Teoiitastnn ,.,J.I." .....Imtaattracts ....J. L Beany ....J.B, bwr ,.,..O.W.Wst J. C Arnold Dr. J; B. LtadW ......J.H.Bal7 J. CotbraH T. J. leer. '.L L. VsaWlnkk. cocioom . o. McMorris, o.a.Wt, Jno. Miller Oeo. Prabtui SPECIAL NOTICE. m CfcareSw.-Suadayool efOTtadsr 5 1SK, A. M., SUd HTTlO 7, V Jj I). keCoakey. Mku Chaiwk. Swath. Bar. E. P. WarreB pastor: sesrtees held 1b the Baptist Cnttroh, aa weoad Sudor oi each atonta, at U A. u. and T I KMW Cbw.- M'fc on tho ttrst Sunday of flM H, paStOT. ' lreskycrtaa Chare Berries om ftntLW avfc 11 A at. . mJMl 7. F. M.. BUIUUkT BVUVW OA u, v.. end serrtces rrry Wednesday at 7. ? Dolly's iua, oo Water atnwt, by Hot fcV W. Morrison. JL. i.T.AL H,-Weton Mae. YT hmU second and fourth Boturdoyo ot V ku, otjr. . etth Masonic HaU. Jto. Si of each J. E-Joaas, W.M. I. : : r m. F. Weatow Lwdge.No. Ml t avirr Thursday at 7 :30. r. a., In peaiey-sHaU. T. Blae Mowatata Lese No. 341. SBsetsoYery Saturday at 7,30 r. a. lom;ajl uabu. Hot. Blow, ye brsezes, blow. Ho, for the Warm Spring ! Chops are looking very well Out streets are just a trifle dusty. Messrs. Barnes and Pauley hare gone to the mountain. . TICK T Yon can bny any kind of clock at btdroek prictt from G. J. Markewitz. - Mr. Jacob Proebstel leaves for Portland on 1 McArtur Monday. Business calls him away. I shot-gun. - Wood and nila are dailv nourine down I bis trial. from the mountains in large quantities, Tom Price is about to build a fine brick dwelling on his farm below town. THE Weston Steam Flouring Mills have been shipping about SOU barrels of flour per tree. ' PlCTCMa. Mr. Palmer, of Mi'toa, is tain prepared to take your photograph in the litest style, : fLOW. Bamford Bros, were slow about a, siting out their new ad., so just read it over twice. .. SxBVICtS. There will be no preaching at the Presbyterian church for three consecutive Sundays, commencing to-morrow. YAKIMA. Their many friends will regret to lean that Mr. 8: Porter and family have started for tbe Yakima country. Oonti. Freight from Portland to Bloe M uituin Station has been, reduced to $25 jer ton. " e Reunion. --The family of C. R, Becketto the third gcuevitiort, after several years' sep- juration, are again gathered under one roof. - CHimoKSS. Work begins immediately on two, new churcaea at Centerville, one for the M-. E, Cburc, north, and the other for tbe Christiana. - '" Bkicc Weston has contracts given for ; five brick dwelling-houses and three brick stores. This Is an evidence of the growth of the snrrnnnding country, and the stimulus to tne business of our city. New Statios. The U. I. O, Stage Co. are about to have a new station between here and Pendleton. It is to be situated on the farm of Mr. Harry Kribba, who is now at work erecting the necessary stables. The drive from Pendleton is found to be too long. ' thus necessitating the new station. lMPOTAT. When you visit Walla Wal be sure and call at the San Francisco Ilea tan ' rant on the north side of Main street, Messrs. Brush & Cranston, the proprietors, spread the best table in the city. Don't fail to give them a trial. Everything about the place is neat, , eleaa and attractive. ... . ' i i e MaBBLK Wo&KS. D. J. Coleman, Walla Walla, is proprietor el the Marble Works, nd prepared to furnish Head Stones, Monuments and everything els in his line, at reasonable rates. B. F. Mansfield is agent for Center- . villa and Weeton, and is authorised to take orders and give receipts. Tbi Best Wat to Kill Sqcirkkl. Pro vide yourself with a package of Holmct' Squir rW JMnm and have all the boys and girls go after W. It will clean them out sure.,.. Put np in large packages and is the cheapest and beet in the market. Made and for sale by H. E. Holmes, Druggist, Walla Walla, or to be had flora your nearest Druggist. e- ; ,. W, G. J AMESOK. Watch-maker and jew Jer. corner Main and Sd iSt Walla Wallaa solicits your patronage Having 17 years practical experience and keeping competent workmen is his employ, is prepared to do -n watch repairing, jewelry work, seal cut ting ate, promptly and at reasonable prices. Watches, Clocks, Spectacles always in stock and sold cheaper than any ether store in WaOnWaBu, . Atfcaane. j A very disgraceful scene was enacted on our streets last ' Thursday evening. A drunken man, who baa mora than once laid himself lia ble to the ordhuaosaof oeroity, knocked down us norse-aua: proceeaea vt kibk ana abase him moat unraercifally. No soonex would the poor brute regain its feet than its owner would knock him down again and treat him aa be- fere. As aoori as our City Marshal, Mr. L L. Van Winkle, heard of the affair, ho proceeded witk laudable promptness to terminate the cruel treatment and arrest the offender. Knowing- the. determined character of the man with-whom he had to deal, the Marshal summoned several persona to Ida aid, but it seems that they neglected or refused to give tbe needed aasutanes. .When the Marshal alone tried to arrest lum, he was met with a blow which threw him to the ground, when the man escaped wttaontlet or hiiwirwife, If this is really the condition of affairs, it is to be deplored. For- the benefit of those who may be ignorant of the consequences of refus ing to assist aa officer, the following section found on page 427 of the Code may be of in terest: ". ' . v: 'I . Sec 624. "If any Derson. beine- reouired by any officer or magistrate to assist him in tne execution ox bis omce, in tne preservation'' of the peace, or the arrest of any person for a breach of the peace. , or tbe service of any pwees shsltaegieet or refuse to render such assistance, such person npon.oonviction there- oi, aoau do pumaaea oy unpnawuneBE in tne county jail not less than tax month? o more, than si months, or by a fine' " not' leas than twenty-fire or more than five hundred del- lars." Sec. 352 of the same Code, page 386, asserts that "A peace officer is a Sheriff of a county or Constable of a precinct, Marshal or police man of a town," etc. It seems plain that while it was the duty of the Marshal to at tempt the arrest of such person violating any city ordinance, it was equally the duty of any citizen to render him aid if requested to do so, and that under penalty. If we expect to maintain the dignity of the laws, we must see that they are strictly executed. If any law is wrong, let it be rescinded. If any officer is incapable, let him be removed. But while they are in power, they ought to be respected, Justice to ourselves and others demands this. LATER: The Marshal armed with a State warrant and accompanied by A. D. Mc Arthur, the car penter, followed the fugitive, and; met him on ms way to town. He was armed witn a pis tol,, which he carried in his hand. requested to surrender he refused! ished the weapon in defiance, whereupon Mr. shot him through the He was captured, and now awaits A Kebnke. Upon being and brand- arm with a -v .... Pendleton, July 20, 13S0. .Eds. LEADER: I was visiting at' a neigh bor's last night, - when my attention was called to the following language used toward you in the Pendleton Tribune- "The edit ors of the Leader are better than J. Christ," As a citizen and a believer in Christianity, t wish to write to yon to say that the good peo ple of Pendleton regret that any such lan guage should be printed in a paper published here and sent to many Christians to shock their minds and scandalize their families. To properly rebuke such comparisons . baeffis decency; and to suffer it to go unnoticed might lead the Tribune to imagine .that it has not grieved many good people in this ommunity.by its broad, bad and blasphem ions allusions. ' The suppression of the most iof the name of the Saviour only makes it more clear that the writer was conscious of the! coarseness of his idea, I have heard of the jOregon style ot newspaper writing, but tbis ; seems to me bordering on a lower and more siokening depth of - degradation. I raise my protest against such ribaldry going unoondemued. ! DECENCY. . Mot Spriks, Jly SO, 1880. EDS. LX40R .Deor rr.-. At this season of the Tear, there seems to be a very general desire on the part of perspiriag humanity to wego tne reaned luxury of nwmey. making goswp-gathsring, and seek some seques tered shade or cooling spring- the Warm Springs for instance ad luxuriate in the pleasures of ennui and idleness. This natur al desire to breathe the mountain air and neglect one's business, is common to all class es; bnt every one does not indulge in it a good many wise people stay at home some from motives at once good and sufSeient It is while thus, rusticating above the level of industry, sad from "town and costly toilets far remote that man makes the acquaintance of the nvwntain trout. The feeling that drew intelligent man to the solitude of the moan tain fastness must have its counterpart in the breast of the trout; sad it is not for Na gantosay where the breast of a trout is. But tbe feeling most be in him somewhere. because at the time the human form divine in light apparel is making its way to the mountains, the trout ia doing similarly like wise. A common instinct evidently impels them,, and a common fate certainly await them: they are both taken in. . Now, what occult influence simultaneously moves them mountainward T That they do so, is aa undeniable fact. And this fact opens up the fountains of deep speculation, and pre- erpitates'tho" baffled-enquirer who seeks after truth in the misty realms ot th- mysterious, into the cimmoriaa depths of metaphysical profundity, or words to that effect In mak ing the journey, the trout travels by Water, and thus avoids the dust which his human companion in exile plentifully eats, accord ing to the Scripture. However, they both get there in due season, and they immediate ly proceed to improve their acquaintance, and strengthen the ties that bring them closer to gether. The man generally tries to place himself outside of the toothsome trout, - and he too frequently succeeds. But 'twas ever thus. Man's friendship is frequently fraught with peril, and is too often a delusion and a snare. But angling is not our only amuse ment. To stroll in the deep shade of the sombre woods or lazily loll beneath the um brageous branches of some thickset tree, and dream the delightful dreams that every lazy mortal has ever dreamt before, is the favorite pastime with many. Some pretend to read; but the ponderous tomes that deal with ab- truss or scientific themes is wanting here. The Leader is a welcome "guest, and even the new-born Tribune is seized upon with the desperate hope that it may contain something of interest. The scenery here is very fine. To see them sitting on the bank of the purling stream paddling the limpid waters with their snow white feet, is indeed a pretty picture, in which innocence reigns supreme. But hark 1 Tis the hour for "hash,' and I hie away. More anon,, perhaps. . N AO an. . A Good .Tmxo, --GermaA Svrunja the special prescription ot Lr. a. soscnee,- a celebrated German Physician, and is acknowl edged to he one of - the 'taostrtortanate dis coveries in Medicine. - It qdickly jcnret cough, eolds and. all - Inag troubles of the severest, natara, removing, as it- does, the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition. It is not aa experi mental: medicine, but has stood the test of years, giving satisfaction ia every ease,whihc its rapidly increasing sale every season con firms. Two million bottles sold annually. Beware jaedicines of similar names,' lately introduced. . Boachee's German Syrup was introduced in the United States In 1868, and ht now sold In every town and village ' in the civilised - world. Three doses will , relieve say ordinary cough. Price 75 cents. Sample bottle, 10 cents. HEW TO-DAY, OILS! OILS! OILS! . The UndacttioadeM aoy prepared to seB 1 : CASTOR AND LARD OILS 1BH Than they can be had this side of The Dalles. tCall and get Prices SB TVf 1 iTilTR, Citt Drcq Store, Weston. 4 THISTLES. We are credibly informed that the genuine Canada thistle has made its ap-1 pearanoe ia the Grande Ronde valley. As there seems to be no probability of a mistake on this point, we would earnestly recommend the fannen of that vicinity to take immediate and effective measures for its complete eradi cation. No greater pest ever cursed a conn- I try with its ubiquitous presence, nor one, hav ing gained S good foothold, that is more diffi-1 culttogCTtMof... ; STOVES. Mr. Olds, of Grease wood, is evi dently one of those men who believe in encour aging home manufacture, as we saw him pur chasing of -Jones a magnificent Wide West ranee? . One 'advantage in buying these Ore gon stoves is that they -are warranted for one year. Any piece failing in that time is sup plied by simply, paying freight upou it. i Some idea may be. formed of the business done in our city from the fact that' our mer chants have since las -Monday paid out at Blue Mountain Station for freight alone, something, over $1,300. Tbe shipments at this time of the year are not nearly as large as in the fall, when winter supplies are being bought. : We fancy that there are few towns of the size on the Coast that display the same amount of business energy as this same thriv ing city of Weston. ST. PAU18 SCHOOL, A Boarding and Daj School FOB GIRLS. The Cbriitmas Term beg Ids on Thursday, Sept. t. 18S0. It la Important tor every pupil to be prorat oa the " r, . FIRST DAY OF THE TERM ! For particulars call at the school on Poplar Street, oeifr. en secona ana lnira t tree is, or Aaanss ua PRINCIPAL, BUS. L. a. WELLS. T-!M4m walla walla, w. T. A- IODIDE C7 PCTAC3. Tte Sept Spring' Kedlclae vsi Semtt-- fler of the Complexion fat oia. - Oares ' Pimplao, Boila, v Kotchaa, , NenraJgia, Scrofula, Ckmt, BIisutjuiUc aod Xlerctiri- alpsina ajid all Diseases ariaiBg from a; impuTe state of the Blood 'or tlfn. : , - CSold bj McCoiHc Wb' . AN IMMEDIATE AND PERMANENT CURE for COUGHS, COLDS, AsTH MA. BRONCHITIS, CROUP, INFLUENZA, CATARRH, Loss of VOICE, Incipient Consumption, and all Diseases of tho Throat and Lungs. Ask for the Call-, fornia Pulmonary Balsani, nd take no other. . STRAYED. FEOM TBS PREMISES OF THE subscriber, residing on eight Mile, in Was co county, a DAHK BAY UUKSE, about 15J hands high, with short heavy tiaL star in fore head, mane parted in center, white streak over left nose, collar marks on top.of neck, shod all around with old shoes, not branded nor saddle marked. When last seen was at Joh't Day's bridge, going in the direction of Walla Walla. Itiii JUULiLiAKS win nepaiaior Tne return of the animal or $5 for information of his whereabouts. JUHM lAUrUKT. The Dallas, July 20, 1880. 7-24-80 Normal. The E. O. is luxuriating in its chronic nastiness in speaking of us. That is all right. But if it should ever ape a respect able tone, as it tried to do a few weeks ago, we shall again be under the painful necessity of driving it back to its congenial dirt. We don't want te see decency disgraced by its presence. , : . NOTICE. LAvs Omce, at La GaasDs, Oa., Jul; 19, 1890. Notice is hereby sivra that the followtnr nam ad set tier has Sled notice of his intention to out final proof ia support of his claim, and secure tuul entry thereof at the expiration of thirtv days from the date ot this notice, via: ALEXANDER STILL. Preemption No. 1,644. Witnesses testimony will be made before Iiwijrtit A; Baiiey, notaries public at Pen. I dleton. Urecon. August US, lum). for the ael-4 Sec tS, T 6 K, K S3, ana names tna lol.uwuiir as ms witnesses, viz: Alex wauer, . v Jenians, vo.iia weosier ana a. Key, all ot vtcstun, UnwUlta wunty, Wivgoa. HJ(Kl W. VVNHT, 7-J4-80-5W - Keglster. iSaM by att Dr sexists. . .. Ia Prices at the t..- CENTERVILLE . HARDWARE STORE ! All kinds of Tinware keat la stack asta saadVa - te srraen,- STOVES ! Job Work and Repairing Neatly and Cheaply done. All Goods in, my line told at Walla WaUa price. H. SMITH. Centerwlle, Or. 7-17-80-tf W. H. ROWLAND, PHYSIO-MEDICAL OR BOTANIC Diseases of Women and Children. Chronic Complaints, also Extracting of laity. Consultation Free at my Ore. Diphtheria and of Teeth a dpee- ice, next door to Freaa HUtea. To the wife of Rev. J. B. Chamberlain, a son weight lOlbe gross. The Rev. gentleman naturally is happy, and believes there is nothing in the west end of tbe county to beat the young prodigy. To the wife ot James T. Lieuallen, on ' Thursday, the 22d, a son an eight pounder. Jim weighs sixteen lbs more since the mem orable event. -e- THE OREGON KIDNEY TEA, Read the following testimonials, not r rom persons 3,000 miles away, whom no one knows, but from well-known and trust-. wor thy oitizens of Oregon, whose names, writ ten with their own hands, can be seen at our office j Portland, Or., Jijly 29, 1879. My kidneys were in a very bad condition. The urine was like brick dust, ahd I suffered a great deal with my back. All remedies were unavailing until I tried the OREGON KID NEY TEA, which, gave me almost instant re lief. H. HAMILTON. Portland, August 2, 1879. Having a severe backache last, Winter, I was induced te try the OREGON KIDNEY TEA I found it.yerv beneficial in its results. It is mot mors 'unpleasant to fake than other tea. I would recommend it to those afflicted asX a a JOHN P. FARMER, Hotlc. . Notice is -hereby given that my wife, Sarah E.Parroenter, heving left my bed and. hoard without just cause or provocation, all parties are hereby cautioned that I will not be re sponsible for any debts contrasted by her from this date. Wanton E. PSBHZNTKK. Weston, July 13, 1880. 4w -Te Wssst n xax Ceaeerev Messrs. McColl & Miller have placed ae counts in my hands for immediate settlement. If those parties do not call and settle, I shall entoroe collection. A. Mbachen, Att'y-at-Uw. NEW Disteict. With eommendable en ergy the people of the new school district re cently laid off on Dry Creek, are pushing to completion ine wotk oi erecting a cemmnui- ens school building. The house W to be 2r 30, and well finished throughout The Di rectors of this new district, Ma 3d, are Messrs. A. J. Wise, A. P. KirklanA and Robert Walker. Milton, July 21, 1880. EDS. LEApKK-icar Sirs: The temper ture still continues to partake of the tropical. But in spite of the heat our town continue to improve, but everybody is so busy at home that our streets do not present their usual an imated appearance. Again County Division is the main topic of conversation. A few in dividuals here were disposed to think that in my last I was a little too severe upon the good people of Pendleton. The greater part of my remarks did not apply to the good people of Pendleton, but to the wily wire workers and those who allow such mea as Boltingji m" to' manipulate their affairs. If any of those Pendleton apologists were pres ent at the convention a week ago last Sat urday, I presume they were satisfied with the spirit of gentlemanly candor and courtesy with which the Pendleton delegation met their fellow-citizens from other parts of the county. It will be remembered that the Pendleton people," through their papers. called the convention; it will be remembered how they procured a place to meet in; and it will not be forgotten that about, tho first thing they did was to attempt an adjourn ment, Courtesy forsooth ! It is doubtful if their conduct has a paralell in the aauftls of civilized communities. - Their spokesman must have been sick indeed, as . the Tribune asserts, to have failed so signally in express ing their ideas of the subject It is no ex tenuation of the offense that it was conceived in inebriety, matured is deception and failed ignominiously as far as the wish of the orig. inators war concerned. They did not desire nor expect a full representation from this end of the county. They expected to "run" the convention, but as they could not, they tried to ruin it Not succeeding in either, of eoarae they V4otted." This is in perfect bar-. mouy with their past record. But since that time I learn that they have had a little coun ty convention of their own that "fixed" things to suit. They even agreed upon a line for ua at this end, for which we ought to be truly thankful. We don't know what we need or want; but they do. The county they are willing to give ns is as "narrow con tracted" aa the minds ot tnose tbat proposed it. and that is saying a good deal for the alimneaa of the nrososed county. I doubt if even the respectability and influence ot Bolt in iim, who is to visit Salem as a lobbyist, ean proenre the passage of an act making Arrived. Fly paper, insect powder, gen. uineiruit wax, axle grease, and a great varie ty of medicines and notious at the City Drug Store. 'Everything at bedrock prices. NOTICE. Laxd Omcs ax La Osahdi, Or., July it, 1380. I, Mary Z Russell, of Umatilla County, Orefron, trho made Homestead application number 676, for the K), s i wl-4. Sec 10. T 4 v. K 35K.. do hereby irlre netice of my Intention to make anal proof to establish my claim to the land above described, asd that I expect to prore my claim before the County Judgo of sold county at renuieion, on tne zero aay at August, isou, 07 u un lowing witnesses: James Kutca, A. H. Lansdale, C. C. Oeiss and J. Scott, all of Weston. Umatilla lunty, Oregon. MARY Z. RUSSELL. MISCELLANEOUS Hoffman & Morris', CENTERVILLE, Or. M7,80-tf. - 1 ... CALIFORNIA LIVERY and FEED .STABLE, MILTON, OREGON. JOHN DLTSTAJT, Predator. , . ': n'.jMlift. Tiimuit end Aadiilflt Hnn mt ahnctt nouce. Plenty of hay and rain always on hand. vaarges suit tos 1 Cool. There, was a difference of 11 de grees one day last week in the temperature of the Scribner mountain and Weston. The former was the cooler. SALIXG & & & REESE. EESE. 9" Rem ember the place, apposite the FeseStee N. DUSENBERy CO. BTILL CONTINUES on a CASH 'BASIS, sad we taara eif Totces of wry weaas Roods, Boots and SSpsa Ich mm are preparad to sell at the LOWEST possibla rates FOR CASH. Grain Bacon, tiara, ac., taaen in exenangar I or mercnanauw Kememner tne place; opposite urjug store, sum usee Wpstoa, Or. , 9oS Travel. Mr. J. W. Miller has taken a trip to the Hfeppner country with Rev. Hun- saker. They are old friends and class-mates, and crossed the plains together. Alas. That woman who neglects her husband's shirt front is no longer the wife of I his bosom. - THANKS. We are under many obligations to the Walla Walla Watchman for repeated courtesies. NEW TO-DAY, City Planing Mill, Sash and Door Factory General Jobbing Shop ! BAMORD BEOS., Props. THE GREAT YOU can bny a complete suit of uiotnesror $iv at aA&iiau ; KEESE . : YOU can bny a neat Cassimere Salt for $12 at SALlG & YOU can buy a nobby Cassimere Suit for S14 to Jjitt at HAiiiu YOU can bnv a fine Salt of Bine Beaver, tfiiacu isroaaciotn or heavy Casslmare at the lowest figures in the country at SAL- Via s BKEstre. 1 ama 1 AND DEALERS IN- n.h an nncoath coaatv as tbev have kindly chosen for us. In the meantime, the pett timm far tSn fnnnation of the new COantT agreed upon a week ago Saturday is bfiug n rm .Mil I T nfFIIHI. BDU WIS, UUBUMMBV m wmi j v & ' . . , , eeed in securing more than a majority 01 tne aiimaturea ot tne real voters w vnsuns county.- ; ' - ' -" - -: . . ,:' The best road from Pendleton to ia to come right up the Keserve- BUJI-DING MATERIAL , taartaa eatersed ear shop and added asare auehlnery, we are aaw preparea I want laaaaev la ae shape desired. JKeep on band a good supply t MOULDING Ot erery Description. Also a good stock of ' CALIFORNIA Dooas &' WINDOWS. YOU can buy a small boy a fine suit for S3 at SAiiUVU x BEESE'S. ENGLISH REMEDY. (s a never-failing Cure for jNervous DebiHty, lixnausted-.: V Uality, Paralysis, and all snch cerribW effects asoT-oss bf Memory, Lassitude, versiou to ; Society, Oimnesr of - Vision, . Soises' in the Head, ind many other diseas that lead to inaamtr and deatn. VtZ. MINTIE will ajrree toiorfaU Fivg HUNDRED , Dollars for a case of this kind the VITAL : BESTORATIVE (under his special advice ' and treatment) will not eure, or ior anyimno; impure or injurious found fax; it. -DR. MIN- 1 in, treats au rnvaie uuxaaK utccmujr without mercury. CONSULTATION ..fREB. ' : Thorough examination and advice.-including analysis 01 urine, $a.vu. jrnce or iuu xw storative, $3.00 a bottle; -j or four times the - quantity, (10.00; sent to any aaaress upon re ceipt of price, or C. O. D., secure from ob- SsSKVUSlUtl. n-IIU IU JJ11 Cbfcrt? lsV aa aav-ja.ava. j A. E. MINTIE, M. D.,t 11 Kearney street, San Francisco, Cal ) . ' L'n DR. MINTIK'S- K.IDJ4BK . KlilfLs. "NEPHRETICUM," cures all kinds of Kid ney and Bladder complaints, (jronnorrboea. Gleet, Leneorrhoea; - For sale by all drug cists: $1 .00 a bottle, nix bottles for 5.00, AK. MIS lid O are the best and cheapest DYSPEPSIA and BILLIOUS cure in the market. For sale by all druggists. - j v2Jy31y For building purposes fornithM from Oar own or Portland Kills on SHORT NOTICE. YOU can huv a o, 1 suit for a small boy for S5 at SAL1XG & BEESE'S . : You can bny an ail-trool suit for boy from 5 to 9 years out irom $50 to $10 at SALING & Beese's. YOU can buy a pair of blankets for $4 at Haling s ueeses. WE are sole agents for Clark s"U. i. I. Spool Cotton, tbe best in the world. ' -v Iry- it. - :. '.-- 1 SAUtlii & REESE. COR. MAIN- and (Prices to suit the times' Weston. .Oregon i : Sc&DAM thinks that the conntry aroand Weaton is ne Dest yet. Billy : this citr tion instead of coming by way of fiwt KocK. Money. Partiee would do well to patron ise Heffelfinger in getting freight from Blue Mountain Station, aa be gets it immediately, and thus ssyes storage. I. C 8TAMPEK, The Webfoot Restaurant, - Opposite the new Court Mouse.) YOU can bnv a laree white bed blanket for $8 at Baling & mm. tatlos. Reese's. Beat aleals sr ts eavry ts Walla WaUav T-Je-tt . Laree boys and smalt wen can buy fjiouung at very totrest prices from, gating x Reese. FRANKLIN Also, OOOLEyS and ELECTRIC HEALTH in white and colored. PATENT CORK CORSET EXECUTOR'S NOTICE net is uutatT surra nur t Pnnnanea of an order oi tbe Conntr Court ot ti heat, i nnmiL flans M Umatilla, asada oa tbe iota oar of wuijr, van, m tae msnsr ot soo w Cbriatopher Rinettart, dwiased, I will sou at aaboe aoe- tton to ih aignssinioaerqataeiii inns leieiie -. enim, rmsT, ainsias sn w a vvno . aitemooaof said day. the Wlowlm described real es tate, together witk the improremeiioi ttosrsoo. to-wtt: section v t a B iob, 1710s; asn v" County, Orefcm, and eonaatelns; two amadnd acres. Terms: One-half oaah la bead, and ooe-hali la tweire mouths, seoured bj awntcacvaa Via proa". .aVKaos; 1 Tasttn BeB, - '.' . j Att'y ior Kxceater. Weston, July IT, ISM 7n-80-w TAKE IT The Lease ; of the best and newsiest Local papers j ia the Northwest It ia naswpesaed as an AdTertudQs mediam.