iSI-V ..'".-1E-" SI r, " ' 1". i - 5 M ' ' V K . .... - , rr:." . in. 4 . ... - - -. t , t I ,"'. v - i ' " v t . ' m ; ? . -..' I f ? i' i fill' A ; . r -. Tmiiiiif area, mam : " : - j The chirf of tbe boreaa of Utisb The erj j p4pcipli of Americas liber' reports the total valce of the export of ty are kuU'&e wirful inheritance of this domestic breadatdSa from 4lw United Pfh Vt&it : Th States daring Jane s $28,09,859, and tiTClZSS-S- 1879, 17,210,710; duriai the the nattfrsl rjghjts of nerapns . and the twelve months ending June, $277,226,. rights of property most be preserved. ; 762; and daring tho same period in 1879, .. , jms. vv eston iiadbb: xne aoove zui, o,y. Gen. Hanobck when hes comnu ' Jr "" U the Rfth Mditarr Division,, consisting "J r?T7?' : " of Louis!n4 and Texas, and which has .1 "rl"" , , , V ADVERTISEMENTS. LEGAL. J. B. JOlOJSIl A. '-J-rJ'-r- o ratsixnrr - GS5T. irnrnsLD s. hancocu, j, ; v.; ,f ,.OF : FEVKSITLVAiri. 4 ' " flCjr-fBBUDSST, 1 ' 7 1 " rUCSlDEXTIAL KtECTOftS, j T. O. OWEN ot Com County, t JAB. PULTUN, of Waaeo Countv. '1 1. K. WEATHERFOHD, rf Liun Countv, been going the rounds'ef the deinomtie press' since the nomination at Pincinnati, I would like to Vsjeft ioecribed on every Democratic banner wssd during this campaign, and then .emblazoned upon the dome of the na&pna oapitol in letters - of gold oyer tho name of anpock. ' The pronunciannnto contained, in that little paragraph may be accepted to day as not ging $5 each from three hundred thou sand ex-Confederate soldiers, and an equal amount from the democratic soldiers who fought on the Union side. In this way it is expected that about three million dollars can be raised for campaign pur-1 poses.. w c-.v-- ( ) a Umim JTOTIOE. Serve am laJaacUra MIHWI, For ml f DrusKisti and Dedea Ktntnlljr, . In order to raise the balance of the three million dollars there must ha ve been only applicable to the then crushed and 48 many democratic soldiers in the Nortl trampled people of the South, but in view I ern as the Southern army. The - Press of the eentralizing tendencies of the honr j Dispatch must be nngarded in its admis-1 duuti pbyiue, and enrichimr thinmdinnntri- - - .. I . .v: i. ii ' "j tion drcuUtion with HostetUr'B 8tomch BltUn,tlM I l IVA M DUD UUUCIIOIU BflflUUllfUUUM 111 1111- 1 OHHin. WUS MH M UWW II.IIIW, WVl , nnw. mnm mtm niirtilw UkpHAMMl. Uld U1A past totogtof evening it asema, some Uarrlntable no'wer bv a nirfe Whed. ted. At ii .1 ; '.. i .. . i !f.J1? w ew anotner les. of the condition and unused to the ttaaOjfg tUinpfdiyl4iiigM restrklnts of just laws H is vitaUy applie aonniy. It would appear rom Ueir aUe to the whole inla bf tb whole ' L! .1. 1! . . 4 . I ...... 4 raumi uiu uib una uiAnnui hv hM. a . .. it - ffc- .- -. . -r7 -j r? i American repuDtic r is an opitome ot vmnHioa, cauea Dy tnemj Has 0f fte' constitution, or rather a con- no ww au Kiven srood aatisfatian I J j :i l-h - n. ... j uoiJKM ucipnuuiua w ue spine ana Wow, f every precinct would pursue such intent of the very authors of the consti- . ana go nacK on tbe line adopted fution. If I had read that order in the oy tne majority, what would be the re- nublic orinta before. I had forgotten it. suit) Simply throwing? obstructions lTjlSStlS Divisi0n of t y fters who have either never wad it or W" f?T e? nBton have forgotten it But it is so full of the Wi9w W Division, takinsr the initia. .v.i;m tv, j v t , . I mt4H' w AmwiuMj iH ohvwo Mf in wt matter, may will do well to -o. oi:;i j .-:-n weigh this last action well.'. The 'line Nation dopted by these seceders is about thi g0verftinnV-the civU and militarylwid t guuung at tne Columbia jKiver on go clearly indicates the rights of the citi- una bet R 29 and 30, thence sens and the dntien of tb nWir. A.t uth to T. line bet T. 4 and 5 ! K, it must awaken in ever "thoe East to the center of R 1 54, bosoin that has any of the instincts of FAIN CY GOODS twoca ooutn to tne Umatilla Kiver, the patroit left in it Not only is the thence up said river to Meachem Creek name of our candedata irrenroachable in nhenceup Meachem Creek tocounty Hne. his record, but besides being a great mHi- PAINTS. SWEET & LUBRICATING OILS "Ufc n ime approacbes tary hero, he is already covered with within three miles of CenterviUe, and glory as a statesman and patriot Such Hau whj aoqat u townsnips I "W ben a man ought to sweep the whole country V ft$ct tfcat nfflP VVatr mtins about as unanimously as he swept the conven- w W a A. a .1 m townsmps ana snt tnree tbe great- tion at Cincinnati , v T at n amber of counties suggested by anj MMea b by !. . hmat ha this aar aw4a appUaactoo aa uua ance ta paMiaai JViJZjyjL, Sd. 1878. "Aasea Mr taVaS Timbar Umda iBthEtaOof CaUfonda,Oncm KmuU and in WMbimttoi Twritsry," th, N E 1-4, Kw l-i Otven under my hand at tin U.S. UndoOca atLa- Oiuda.Oraroa. uu. mV. PWIOHT. . tsagutar. - ' NOTICE. - , , .. Loto Oma at LaGilikM, Ogm., Jn I, M80. 1. 1 . tk lollovliir-naoMd aat tlar bu AM notlo o( hUmtentloa to maka Anal prof inaupport of hta cialm. and aaeiira flnal f7 atthaaxplrattoa ot thirty dart frgm thadata of tbia Creta W. Bretu WltaeaMa proof wUl be taken baTora D. "P. Dwlftrt, a Notary PnbUc at Fandletoa, UauUUa County, Oracoa, en July 10, 10, 1880, tor tbe Sw J an SO, T t N, R . awliiainettaefbltoiriiqraahtevitaeaaea,ic: W Baker. John Phi Urn. John Buata and Aadreir UcCioea, ail ot CenterrOle, Umatilla County, Oregon. ft-27-51 B.lW. DwisBT, Keguier. Shelf-Hardware Conaiaatly m tande" fbr sale cheap. : HABPT7. - i RArJCEG, W.T.Caak. .- 4. at trvtae, V, Store Drug MAIN STREET, , Centerrille, Oregon, ! Once Used Always Used t-REsirs RAirmmo tea thabeat unil medicine, and will be found oa trial' to be the most eaay, natural and oomfortable aperient ooainaDie. , 'aravsim RAMBITROTEA r viU act gently on the boweta, nmoVe wind, core " heartburn, eour etomach and dOxiDem and promote a neutoy aecreuon oi one. rRESrs HAMBITR& TEA r ia the moet effectual remedv for headache, ciddineas. nervous depression, palpitation of the heart, laasi- niae ana general qemny. CiESBTS HAMBURG TEA s . NOTICE. tain Oma at LaOu8b, Os., June t, 1SS0. vwin tm kmhv trims that the followUw-aWSMd ettler hat filed notice of bis Intention to maka final proof In support oi ma eiaim, ann secura " wj thereof at the expiration of thirty days tram the date of tills notice, rtz: : t . . . . ' - IVam. sTaker, . .. - - Witnesses Proof will be taken before p. 43 Dwttt, Votary Public at Pendleton, Uieatoll Jouiiw, re(ron. en July 10, 1380, for the 8w see, to, Tt 1LEJIS, an&Mmse therfollowlne; aa his witnesstf, viz: G. W. Brockja E. Beeo. An axe w ma,iueu sn onn rau-tpsk-T ' 'J, - " 1 taM OwiaaTEister. . Luto Oma at LAOaaa-SB, Oyn., Job S, 1880 . Kotice is hereby ctrao thaHthe followine-named set tler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof m sopport of his daiin, and secure final eatry thereof at the exniration of thirty daya from the date ot tbia notice; TUW ; : meaaci wtca, 22, T 6 N, K 38 IS, original entry Stoves! t Trry ea HatuiUt lUet Ifw proT4 Patteraa. All Tlawan aaaae of - tja f vy sairrtal, aaet-masaa at t-tias sMat.wartsaca cMpoyeel. . Riveto, Iron i Seel, ITvailo iiobsE SIIOEO, .......... Jr. X CUTLERY! will relieve the worst esses of rheumatism and firout prevent gTavel and stone in the bladder, and cure au nisnssce oi tne kiuneys. rRESE'S HAMRITRD TEA - elves soeedv and durable relief in bukras and liver complaints, weak digestion, sniveling, spasms, low sptrus ana imtouity. noime a datcmt MtTniriKicQ I fbes fsbamburg tea wiivuw i niKViuiiihw, if i, mvsliiable as a remedjfor the piles. It has been tryed for manvyearsand has given great satuuacoon. t - m , . i. A. jVUWVIIIUUm MJT lb. Homestead No. 650, for the Sei Nwi. WeJ 8w of See. 99 T a N. R Sfl K. arielnal entrv: the 81 Swi of See. 22. T 6 N. E Sfl E, additional entry. Said proof will be Contains a full stock ot Pure. PERFUMERIES, if PRESETS HAHBURO TEA"1 s AND TOILET ARTICLES 4ie to be formed out of our present terri- tery, it is obvious that unless the people of the said 17 townships to be eut ot m such a email county, it would be a frees injustice to thus apportion them We have territory enough for seven new vevntie the size of that set off by : the . Pendleton Secession Precinct meetinc 4to'niiderlyine this move a verv evi- 0rapJ,'te,'c)bTruct UMm, 'M Ckktxrville, Or, July 22, 1880. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, BOOKS and STATIONARY, - Todd's Cold Pens. Fine Cigars, and Tobaccos, Choice Wines and Liquors, Judge Stephen I IjOgan, oace law partner of Lincoln, is dea4 A severe storm tore .down some un finished buildings in Chester, Pa, I. F. Carr, at Nevada, was struck and killed by a mining windlass. For Medicinal purposes only. - Prreeriptleas aael Kccelpea CoBtpoaa4e4 Wk fre aaJ DlMih. Durifies and cleanses the blood, and removes all scrofulous affections. It is health -giving, refreshing invigorating, r r-RESF'8 HAMBURG TEA has an established reoutatlon ss an efficacious remedy lor sudden ana severe caias,cougns levers ana sgue, asuma ana pnuusu, rRE8E8 HAMBURO TEA cures chronic nervous and sick headache, nervous depression, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, pimples on tne nue ana freckles. rrnESE'8 Hamburg tea isa gentle laxitiveand tonic; improves the appetite cures dyspepsia, and counteracts the eueet of mala rious poison. FRESE'S HAMBURG TEA cures eonstination. diarrl tain in results, and corrects all disturbances of the made before the County Judge at Pendleton, Umatilla county, Oregon, July is, issu, ana names tne loiiewuu; as bis witnesses, via: D. 8. Whitney, George T. Berry, W. Jared ana Ueo. ae ttaven. oi umauua county un ion. Hsukt W. Dwiem. Register. o-za-sa NOTICE. Leso Orncs at L aOraicdc, Or June 14, 1880. Kotlee Is herahv riven that the tollowine-nained set tler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and secure final entry thereof at tne expiration 01 unrty nays irom tne oat. w uu ma vu: ' -n Blchnrd Beyaoitu. Homesstesd acollcation No. 1099. Proof wUl be made tutfor. tha Countv Judve of Umatilla county. Oregon. Original entry 692: additional entry Nwx Se ot Sec, t, T 3 N, R 88 E, and names the following as his witness es, vlj: Wm Royce, Alfred Watts, El inn Brock ana J a King, all oi.umauuacounty, vregon. Wrstenhoanss All Btytea. . SHEEP GHEARC, Burgon fc Ball's and "Kaagar ." CLOTHES WBIXGEttS. Shot-Gun & Rifle Ammunition, A Full lilts of Pistols and BeYolvers!! cures constipation, diarrbaaa and dysentery; taeer- stomach and bowels. CRESS'S HAMBURG TEA is a nleaaant remedv for bolls, carbuncles, blotches. Ulcerated and running sores, acaas.aalt rheum, and gtanauiar aweiunga. ITRE8E HAMBURG TEA is used successfully for festid breath, scald head. ringworm, itch, prickly-beat, cancerous ulcers and 1 generally- aiss'a auficna tea Has no equal tntheentlrerangeof thePharmacopotla At Colusa a steam threshing eneine Qtja partjes know well that such a line exploded and killed the fireman. cannot meet tne approval of the people The oostmaster at Richmond. Vs.. is - the ll .townships. We confess, that short $4,3.00. OTerdrawn his account 1 if 4V Una containing sufficient territorv H WSWtiofle this end, without tpprewoigg yenfliatPtt ., so , closely, we o'1&epleased,'u that lown wd'uld be better located to retain ibe future county seat But tne effect e'aa town is of less concern to the bounty generally than is tbe securing of toroper area to constitute at once a com ¬ pact and self-sustaiuing county. If the natter ir conducted honestlyand judic ensly, any arrangement effected Idj the laajority will be satisfactory. We would teke4'lo see the people of Heppnet and Vitiaity 'more to the front and have the benefit at their opinions and wishes in ibiaawtter. There are now ebnsidera lj Vm 10M Vgnatnres R !fto w tM li the Pendleton Division Con. . - As the rarious avenues of civilization are" opened by time and progress, there are always accompanying evils !exhibit- .ing faetaselYes.. Of the latter, j one of ibe greatest is the prevalence of pernicouB literature. The enormity of this evil earn, scarcely be comprehended - The reading of boyhood is sowing seed for the growth and development of his turf ue character. - Bad books are simply bad empenioaa, their power none the less because it appeals through only 1. WWtW. Tta -freedom of . P ffl d.easrjradly xtolld, like wy oF tntriaaie good, is capable . of tOsWUtebn. The Ticiout mind can use it aa the weapon for gratifying! malice, for circulating impure knowledge, for the desecration of things sacrei Top Mck care cannot be taken tp iexclude ' such dangerous, insidious evils from tba faaairy circle. We are in receipt of the wa caj aordia reconoid kigV' e aseral and reiigwiis aspect to the com : awaaity. In it will be foun iftong vulgar nor degrading, but only that which is purely elerating. The Ute Commission is getting ready for a grand council with the Indiana Reports from the South are favorable to health; there is no fever at Memphis. The Emperors of Austria and Ger many are to have a meeting and talk things over, Benson Beekly, a stage driver, shot and killed Dr. Summers at Walnut Grove, California " ' Value of export of breadstuff of the United States, for the year past figure up $277,326,272. ; . Gladstone has lowered rents and re mitted dues to his tenants, on account of loss of crops and low prices. IheloMofoilvprk and pfl by the storm, and fire a Custer Ctiy, last Friday and Saturday, was about $130, 000. - Efforts are mating to show Aat JJanT cock wan ted. to resist, the removal of McClellan,, and depose JRColn and Stan ton., - j On Saturday evening Dr. Tanner waa living on water and rather improving in his want of diet It was his 20th fast day. The Republicans claim that they are going to carry Connecticut next fall, and the next Legislature will elect a Repub lican Senator. At tbe late city election in Walla Walla 604 votes were cast, the. heaviest vote over polled at a municipal, election in that city, and. an. ncjease of 218 in a year. ' Spokan Falls postoUce is to be ft money ordr office from and ar Aujjust 1st. The delinquent tax of Jackson county for 179, was $1503 78. The county pai for roads and bridges during the fiseal year ending June 30th, $5450. the party constrneting the telegraph Une from Colfax to Cceurd Alene con si of three commissioned oeers, fifty en&tod man, six citizens employes, and four six-mule and two four-mule teams. MTLLTNE'RY ! ! F . . . .. wanveaww w w I as an anti-sorbutic. alternative, carminitive and blood puriner. Frese's nAMBcaa tea " c gives a tone of health and elasticity to the whole system and will prevent almost any disease it used at least once a month, trust's rahbVso Tea to atrium' 'a iiiedicine; harmless yet efficacious. to"uui.we In the family, at the mines, on the road, NOTICE. Law Orncs at LaOkandc, Or., June 12, 1830. KoMra, Is herebv s4ven that the followinsruuned set tler has filed notice ot bis intention to make final proof In support of his claim and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty daya from the date of this notice. via: .- ... Calvla Ferawaea. Homestead application No. 7X4. Proof will betnade be fore the County Judge ef Umatilla county. Ore on, at Pendleton, on August T, 1S80, for the 8 8eJ Sw see. 23, T N, RS8 E, and nunes the following' as hie wit nesses, vis: James Royce. Benjamin Rinehart. A. J. Crofuw ana Ales. ;Drassaeia, au ot - county, Oregon. Weston" Umatilla Hxxet w PVIO-.T, RecUter II gHE LADIES OF WESTOIf AND YICISITT are respectfully informed that the Under- I gned have opened and now Oder tor sale a Complete MILLINERY GOODS. Tie Latest Styles of Eats and Bon nets always on nana in Great va riety. FEATHERS, FLOWERS and every kind of, IWSr T8XSQ to suit the most PastiSioUs. AGENTS - for WARREN'S HEALTH Corset. MAM STREET . . . ... WESTON. Next door to Hardware Store.) ' MILLER A SCHTTEBLEY. at Sea, and everywhere. Feese's havbtro tea is the best medicine for chidren. Asa Bmincr remedv nothing comes near to it. Everybody should use it at the change ot season, EMU FRESE'S HAMBURG TEA Is for sale by every Drufjgtst, Grocer and Country Sler- on the Pacific Ooast. l-Sl-tf WALLA WALLA BAKERY, A new presbyterian church building is baiag constructed at Goldendale. Send in your subecriptionB for the Leader. fi.27.3m established 1861. . , . MAKCrACTDUa 0 -f. .s BREAD, CAKES AND PIES And all kinds of CRACKERS, v : Fire-Proof Building, Main Street, Jan2Stf WALLA WALLA, W. T Ml. 11. Jl. ALDEN, 1 tT Directly Opposite the Po'itoffiee'i walla walu, yktifk HEADER DRAPERS ! Be ture to tend your order k Tor SEA D- ER DRAPERS, to PAINE BROS., of their own Manufacture.. They are uneqnaUed in quality of material and Workmanship. . DISS0IXTI9X. . ... i ,; hs nn mr cams, face ckat H dissolved by mutual consent consent o M ' .A IMA ran alone will sign the name ot the firm la Ion? ' A. CARI8, llquldattoh. Centerrille. Or. 1880. r TB08. f. PAGE JL P. GRAX. and Walla Walla, lay. T., June t&, f.. Fv SHARP. M, D., Fbyaidan, Snrgeon, and Accoucheur. OFFICE Over Wagner's. ' Furniture Store, CentervifU, Or. - -iT-ao'tt W. T: QOOK, OFFICE At Drug Store, CeTUernUe, Oregon. ' " : 7-17-80-tf NOTICE. Lain Omca at LaOkavse, Ogn June 10. 1880. Katt Is herebv civen that the followinf-hamed sot- tier has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support ot hit claim and secure final entry thereof at the expiration ef thirty days from tbe date of this notice, UK . -. ......... Benjamin KlncBart. Homestead oroof will be made before the County Judge at Pendleton, Oregon, oh the 7th day of August, 1880, for the Ei Net ec. 30, and additional Vf of Kei see. SO T 4 N, R 36 K, and names the following- as Ids witnesses, via Calvin Ferguson. Jamas Koyte, charlee teniuson and Clark Brlggs, all ot Weston, Umatilla county, Ore gon. Hasai W. Dwioht, Reglirtcr. i BIRD CAGES, FLOWER POTft iluvging baskets, Trout Baskets, Etc. ' RodgerO' CutlerY Comprising neary-plated Knirea, Torkt ;;. and Spoona. COMPLETE STOCK OF ROPE - Sold at Lowest ra-'es for a good article. ' 'The Olrarch and Home." A Religious Journal Devoted to NOTICE Issued Monthly at Wkston. Every Family Ought to Take it. OTTerms, 81.00 Per Year.a BET. E. W. U0BKIS05 Editor. Lavs Omca at LaGsaude, Ok., JunaSth, 1830. Kotice la hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in uDDort of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration ef thirty days from tbe date of this notice. 'Jasra a,. Van WlsVkttv Witnesses testimony wiU be token before D. P. Dvtgbt, a Notary Pulic at Pendleton. UmatUia countv. Oregon. on July 17, 1880, for the Nel sec 8, T 4 N, RISE, and names sne following as ms wv Dnlgbt & Bailey, Central Is! AccssKW Kslarte rablkr ai Seal EataU Brokers. I Pendleton Of wson , Btw TnviiHtf Pi.ath nr sM mi gesed land. hi itsutula County and a record ot all Laed Ctalaas freca the fins location to the present time, and tstisslsd seaai-wssklf trom tne lAna tmtce m uKiraaoa. . Will secure elaims for parties under aay ot the tans Laws of the U. 8., conduct contested cases baton Iks low uuta umce, aaa on appeal to toe tiepanaasai si nasnington. Win furnish Soldcers Additional BeaMStaad fletsi and all kinds ot Land Scrip on short notice and at lews market rate. -,; i. ; - Will imyand ssli laods, eity property, c., oa i er, Henry 8 tamper, Wm. Burden of Ce tervuie, un D-zs-aa itnesees. via: John Stamp den and D. E. Boober. all manua county . urearon. HENRY W. pWlOHTj Register. LEGAL. NOTICE.! Lam Orncs at LAGiAltpi, Os Juno It, ISM. NOTICE. hereby given that tbe foHoirlnir-named fUed notice of him intention to mute final Lakd O Fries at LaGrandb, Ok., July 3th 1830. Notice is hereby irlven that the foUowimr-named settler ftss niea notice of bis intention toanake nnai prooi in rt of tus claim and secure final entry thereof as use explramm of thirty days from tne data of une notice VISi FosiBta(a Black. Preemption No. 2491. Proof will be .made at U. 8. Land Office at LaGrasde. Oreeon. on the 20th day ot August, 1880, for the NwJ, Sec 8,T 4 N, R 87 K, and names the following aa Ms witnesses; -via:' Jaa, Piersonf wm. retre, u. n. v. rrencn no jonn niara, au or umauua county, uregon. Notice la settler has filed nraof In suDoor thereof at the expiration o thirty Ujs from the date of ms nonce, via: . . B.K. a. Maiea. Hs. No. 4875. Proof will be made before D. P. Dwurht, a Notary Public at Pendleton, Umatula coun on July Z4, law, lor ue bw see. su, i tt tne loiiowing aa his witnsssss, tuc atilla county, Oregon, SO, T4N, RS4 E, and es.'Vi: Wm. sfellis. Henry IfcCmber, John A. Oruss and W. H. Reeder, ad of fentenmie, umauua county, uregon. 6-28-33 .-) . HsmT W. Uwibwt, Register. 7-17-80-5W SRY W. DWIGHT. BegUster. NOTICE Notice is herebv eiveathetChas. A. Barrett has this day made application to purchase under tbe act ot Con gress, approved June 3d, 1878. entitled an "Act for urn sale of Tlinber Liwds in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and in Washington Territory," tbe aw of see lOS. Final proof ana purchase are to lays from, tee data at Hbckt Dwisbt, Register. ' lOmTSNof R86E. Final proof and De made at tqe expltMlen o sixty aa; tuts notice. 7-17-80-Bw NOTICE, Notice la hereby given that John F. Adams his this day made application at this Office to purchase under the act of Congress approved June 3d, 1878, entitled, "aa Aea tor ana aaie ox umoer laaoa in son nuues ox uaii. fomia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,' the Set of 'Sac 10 T 3 N, R 86E. Final proof and purchase are to be made at the expiration of sixty days from this notice. Horn DwienT, Register. LaGrande, Or. July , 18S0. 7-17-80-fnr NOTICE. ex trom tbe date of this LaodOftJoe at LaGrande, Or., June 1, 1880. Notice Is hereby riven that the fouowing named set tler has filed notice of his intention to.make final proof to support of his eletm, ana secure gtnal entry thereon at the expiration of thirty notice, via: Alexmader Walker, Witnesses testimony will be taken before D P. Dwisbt. a Notary Psoas at Pendleton, Umatilla county, Orejfon, A nr. il. 1S80. fortbaoalSeeS8.T6N.Rso E. and names the followiag as his witnesses, vis, John Mo- Permits, James uentct, Alex MUoe and wm sTsraa, au ef weston, vmetuia county, uregon. La.vo Opicr. at LaOkahdi, Ogn.J Jane It, 1880. Notice Is hereby riven that the following namtd set tler has filed notice ot his intention to 'make final proof in support of his data, and secure final entry thereon at the expiration of thirty days from the date or this notice, vu: wfiuuusk atoyoe. annlicauon KO. loss. Additional nome- stend proof will be made before the County Judge at Homestead application No. Pendleton, Oregon, July 24. 1880, for the additional en-. trv. Nl Nw I of Sec. i. Tl N.BUE: orbrinal stead No. 574, and names tbe following as bis witnesses, ;: Richard Reynolds, Alfred Watts, Euba Brock at J. R. Kinr all ot Umatilla County, Oregon. ucriBi w. uwiuni asngieT. 'Tick ' STKAT NO1 TAKEN UP BY THE 8CBSCRIBERJ MAT 14. 1880 I Hvinr is IQltoo nrneinct. Umatilla Co mtv. Oroxwn. Sn Estray described as follows, to-wit:! One two-year, old StalUon: a brurht sorrel: star In tbe fort head same wnne on uie nosei sen mno h wiiye, aw branded with tbe latter T on left sneajder, stennas sh, and viciooa among other amjpataAgprauedi M1SCELLANIOUS. J. H. RALEY. Smreyar and CIyII Engtoeer, Pentileton, Oregon. Towa Plate niade and Lands Located. mcs-At tne Cort Borneo. Bo-x-ze-iy LAHD AGENCY; The PtaMf and Records abere raferresl so an the salr ones of the kind in Umatilla County, and astuees sat s I Inn a ii I s I ilp in aflisnili lii liswlng. Ill si - i i " '- larwe avesp(BiaJ tMllAtcavfox lsrlaaa,si Hamess and Saddle Shop, Haiti Street, CENTERVILLEOR. JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORT If SET 01 Cocord Team Harness Coiicnord riack Harness, . ' i Udies, and lien's Saddle WHIPS, SPURS 5tc Satisfaction , GnrmtSeed. (Opptsito Post Offics.) . MaInSt,WatiaYVaIU, W.T. lURJ BOUNDS, - PROPRirroi. Board, per dwT. tlo. i Board and luring, per we LjLk iSeh WCaliforaiaM. R FRANK M. PIILrr, ram m. sohers, Tho -bright, .boo ..1.7-" . - MMtnra MBS. pee . aeTaddris rPt of 34.00 yy Wbrlpt. 1 ' - : -, ' .. r; jr. "7 m