Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, July 24, 1880, Image 1

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VOL. 2,
'w, T. wituimos, V- ; a r. m'cow.
Imok& Em? Satewut Mowtreo,
vbros. paniXA coostt on.
aVr,(M() ...7... .WOO
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; UnriUv Bates.
t Sau(l1eb)&nt bwntlra .". .".fl m
MktMiltoadlawrtloa..... 60
TiMMM,llnt lunrtion 1 00
dditioaal tmartioa 1 00
TkmJmw, St Innartioa. , I 60
MbattrtiMMUtaMrtioa...... 1 SO
taQutr CMuu, flrrt Inwrtioo. , 6 60
JUdl UAMmti IwrUoa. 00
' toMmtai by pwdal ceotemet Local notiai
Mmo BUalnt4BMrtlaa,12taDU pr Uiwauh
whHiwI laMctloa: AdTattWaf- bUH PTV
",Jr''. " - ', --. y' v -"jr. sV'..
AH tafal astkM will bt bund"T5 tents pw MplM
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; tpbyw oawuy)
' tr, tlmpU iaaaneBBi of bbtht, WMrtifm
i vui m uuwtM wtutsut enwrg. uawturr
I toe i iHiig to Uogtb. - -
matjua (JOUjN JjCji UBJSUOfl, SATURDAY JULY 24, 1880. - ; : . : il2:o. 33" - ,
Notiung more tuutUMly! nrka
tht rapid noma j thii a fciintrv i
Wjjbikotox, D. C July 15, 1880.
Th wemlcest of oil the political eam-
ptigB itnff to (ar launched upon the pub
lic thta year is the effort made in some
quartan to bring odium upon Gen
ral Hancock on account ot bia connec
tion, m a military officer, with the exe
cution of Mrs. Surratt. While there
will probably always exist differences
of opinion as to the propriety of bang
ing Mrs. Burratt, there cannot be in the
mind of any intelligent and honestly
disposed person, the slightest doubt as
to the propriety of General Hancock's
course in the premises. Whatever his
feelings on the subject may have been,
he had nothing to do with the case but
to obey the orders of his superior officers,
M nee that the orders were obeyed by
those under him. That was his sole
daty, and that he performed as an officer
. should perform his duty, neither brutally
nor in a spirit of mawkish sentimental
ity calculated to reflect upon the judg
meat or motives of his official superiors.
Of the guilt or innocence of the unfor
tunate woman, he knew nothing, and
with that question, he had nothing - to
d Neither was he in any way respon
sible for her fate. The effort to injure
General Hancock by such means cannot
be successful, and they may as well be
abandoned at the outsetof the campaign.
Evidences of general demoralization
in the Republican party are daily com
ing to the surface. On of the most sig
nificant of them is the great difficulty
experienced in finding a member of the
campaign committee who is willing to
take the office of Chairman. If the
J itomroittee were looking cheerfully for
ward to an expected victory, the Chair
aaanahip would not go a begging. The
prominence that the place would give
(to the incumbent in the incoming Ad
ministration, would render it very de
sirable The fact that shrewd politic.
iane hasten to decline it, without thanks,
s conclusive proof that they don't an
ticipate Gen. Garfield's election. Don
Cameron was begged to take the post,
bt he said he must be excused. Again
ie was entreated, and again he replied,
-with more emphasis, that he must be let
.out William E. Chandler, the leader of
4he Blaine ring, was next 'asked to take
.the contract, but he said he would not
touch it with a' ten-foot. pole. Mr.
.Conkling's man, Piatt, declined it wjttr
greater force of vocalisation thanelb-l
vquenoe of diction. Mr. Jewell, of Con
necticut, is new sleeping on the preposi
tion to take hold of the thrice-rejected
jtask. -' ;
The department officials are less in.
.clined to comply with the demand -for
fbluntary contributions" of two . per
. .cent than thev have in vears past . The
; general conviction that all the money ex
tended on Garfiold and Arthur will be
thrown away, does not encourage liber
ality. Many of the more influential
clerks frankly assert that they will not
.contribute a dollar as long as the civil
service reform stands unrevoked. They
argue that the administration will not
. dare to create disaffection in the party
Jty sweeping removals during the cam'
cign, and that they will stand quite as
well with the Hancock administration
it they can show that they gave no aid
to the Republican canvass. The boast
ed discipline of the Republican organi
sation is not showing up well this sea
.son. H. G.
making In material; adTanEement than
the increase and growth of it town
The birth and growth of Cciterrilleis
simply an indication of the rapid strides
in improvement which our end of Vhc
county is each year surely making. Ceh
terville rose into being because the coun
try demanded iC It is pleasantly situ-,
ated oa the bank of Wild Howe, and
surrounded ' by the finest agricultural
couatry in all Eastern Oregon. J, Its pop
ulation ail reported by- lajt census, is 1275
efwhich 69 are voterf. Nor has Cen
terriJle come to its matemty. On every
hnd thf ae ovideacsBjrfjcinetantial
improvements. Perfeapa'the: fnbet ebn-
picuoua is tne large hotel now nejuig
built by Messrs. Nichols & Froome.
The hotel, when finished, is to be placed
under the management of Mr. Froome,
whose experience in the present hotel,
well fits him to take charge of the new
one. Next, we notice the new general
merchandise establishment of Messrs.
Hoffman & Morris, which, when fully
stocked, as it will be on Mr. Morris' re
turn from San Francisco, will be a credit
to the place. Besides this, there is the
well-kept store of our friend, A. C.
Sutherland, which is doing a good busi
ness, as is also the grocery store of Mr.
Lockard. - J - j
The post-office, which has recently
been enlarged and improved to meet the
growing requirements of the place, is
presided over by Mr. W. T. Cook, who
is also a Notary Public of the State of
Oregon. Wells, Fargo & Co. and the
U. I. it O. Stage company have their
agencies at the drug store of Messrs.
Cook & Irvine, whose establishment is
one of the neatest and best regulated on
the coast. They keep everything ap
pertaining to a well-stocked drug-store,
besides putty, paints, I oils, glass, etc,
Their untiring energy is bound to meet
with success, aud they have contributed
in no small measure in bringing Center-
vQle to its present position. Drs. Sharp
and Rowland attend to the alleviation of
human suffering. Being ot different
schools of medicine, a choice is grVen to
those who may be so unfortunate as to
require medical assistance. Mr. Wag
ner still continues to furnish furniture
to all comers, or to lighten their labors
by selling them a Crown sewing ma
chine. A needed acquisisition has been
made to the town in the shape of a good
hardware store, kept by Mr. Kasson
Smith, who will no doubt find it profit
able. Besides the places of business
thus incidentally mentioned, for we did
not aim to emunerate all of them, there
are many more which space forbids us to
mention meatmarket, blacksmith shop,
liverv stable, notion store, etc.. all of
which are apparently in a thriving con
dition. About the first of August the
post-office will be made a money-order
one, a convenience which the business of
the place requires. While there we
were seriously informed that Center-
ville is to be made a county seat just
soon as the county is divided. ; We do
not vouch for this, but give it as it was
told to us. Before closing this hasty and
imperfect sketch, we ought to mention
that to the foresight and enterprise of
Mr. Thomas Kirk, is Center ville mainly
indebted tot its existence, and "we pre
sume he is not sorry for the active part
he took in bringing it into public notice.
The censtu returns give Vt4mAr
population am - 1
Jacxsov, Miss, Jttjj je.ThV ctat
board of health estobfiihed a Bemi-quarai-tine
'tb day against NeV Orleans.: v
L Cipher dispatches from CostanEaopicJ
underrate: .of July- J6, &6nvey f wteHt
genee that "the sultan is glibly perplexed
over aerioua pake' intrigues, and signifies
a wUlingnesio abdicate. i
v Another gang of Chinese in 'afwork
i the grade r,6f the branch railroad,
Wilding from Atbany WLebaioWli ;
John HamHtOB, wno is to be the super
intendent of the twine faetory at Albany
u aoon expectecrthere. '
' The Democrat .feels happy on the. pros
pect of a big wheat crop in Linn ounty;
as there is no prospects of rhst this
.season.. . - -
Iqe AlcKenzie road across the Cas
cades is -still impaasabefor wtnuu. and
--..j " .
fit for teams for another
will not be
Through the Willamette valley there
seems to be an apprehension that hands
will be hard to get to save the crops in
good shape.
The Reporter of Yamhill county, savs
Robert Fenton is under $300 bonds on
charge of malicously killing John
Bolinska's horse.
John Maguire, of Yamhill, tells how
he set a couple of tramps chopping with
new axes, and how they tramped off with
Paris was greatly illuminated on the
night of the 14th, being the anniversary
of French National Independence. Gam-
betta showed himself through the central
questions, and was received with immense
Simon Cameron has gone to the White
Sulphur Springs, Va., to see his son,.
Senator Don Cameron, who steadily de
dines- in health to the alarm 61-his
friends. It is thought overwork' inay
have brought a quick consumption,
The N. Y. Timet says some Democrats
claim that if Hancock is elected he will
ride to the National Capital with Tilden
as the outgoing President de jure, on the
plea that Tilden is the real President and
Hayes a usurper
Another tank was struck by lightning
near Bradford, Pa., and at last accounts
two immense tangs at uuster city, con
taining 60,000 barrels each, -were also
burning, having been struck by lightning
the night before; other mills were fired.
A. large number of Jesuits nave ar
rived at Yalincia, Spain, from Marseilles.
Judge Lawrence accepted the position
of First Comptroller of the Treasury.
Tub Hagab Mcrdke. Some time
ago the supposed murderer of Hagar, a
man by the name of Thomas McLane,
was arrested on suspicion near Moscow,
L T, by Deputy Sheriff Robbins, and
on an affidavit being made out by a
German in that neighborhood who had
been watching McLane's strange conduct,
he was taken to Lewiston to be handed
over to the authorities of Columbia
county, where the evidence against him
was, and where he Was to receive his
examination before commitment. But
tho attorneys of Lewiston being all ab
sent at the time, the prisoner was set
free, the authorities supposing he had
already been examined, and not finding
a commitment with the officer, the pris
oner was released. i '
Use Oriental Hair
ing the hair,
Tonic for preeerv.
"It is rumored," Bays the press dis
patches, "that Governor Tilden is to
manage the Hancock campaign; is to
furnish the money; and, in event of Han
cock's election, is to become the power
behind the throne." This report is un
doubtedly a lie; but, if it be true, we shall
be glad of all that part of it that places
Governor Tilden behind the Democratic
throne. We have never been in thorough
accord with Republicans in abusing Mr.
Tilden. He made the best governor that
New York has had these many years.
His man Robinson, who succeeded himj
was an honest man and an al.le'executive.
Governor Tilden choked the canal --ring,
destroyed the Iweed ring, placed the
financial system of New York upon a
sound basis. Skipping over the cipher
business, we know of nothing in the his
tory of this gentleman that entitles him
to the persistent abuse that has been
heaped upon him. The fact that Tarn
many is his enemy ought to commend
him to all honest men. And so we say
that, in our opinion, if he gets a place
behind the Democratic throne, the
chances are that he will push away a less
desirable man. Argonaut.
Tub Democratic Territorial Oonver
tion is called to meet at Kahuna 09
Wednesday, September 15th. It will
consist of eighty-five delegates. 8teves
county has two delegates, Spokane, four;
Columbia, eight; Walla Walla, eight,
and Whitman
The following extract is from . the
facile pen of Frank Pixley, editor of the
8n Francisco Argonaut, which is with
out doubt the ablest Republican journal
OB the Pacific Coast Mr.' Pixley was a
delegate from California to the Chicago
Convention, and what we give below is
from his. editorial . correspondence- to the
General Winfield Scott Hancock !
His is a loyal name. He has filled -a
distinguished position in the military his
tory ot our country. A. graduate of our
military academy at "West Point, honor
ably mentioned in our Mexican war, and
furnishes a somewhat brilliant page in
the war to suppress the slave-holders' re
bellion, I am not sure that his is not a
strong nomination tbat his is not - the
most available of all the names before
the convention. General Hancock hat
ever been considered as one of our fore-
most men of the regular army. ' His per.
sonal character is stainless; "his patriotism
is unquestioned; and he has a reputation
for being something more than a mere
military man. He is a man of more
than ordinary-culture. He is a gentle
is an. "Ah 1 now I remember : he was
a general fa the Union .army, and he
hung Mrs. Surrat" But the answer to
that is he was compelled, in tho perfor
mance of his military duty, to do this
thing. "Yes, but hS colluded with Presi
dent Johnson to defer his return of the
writ of habeas corpus till an order -
issued by the President declaring martial
law and suspending the writ Then.
making a return of this fact, he hastened
the execution, and Mrs. Surrat was hung.
Then again, General Hancock has had
no experience in civil affairs. He knows
nothing of the. duties that will devolve
upon him in event of his election. He
is a soldier, and not a statesman." These
things I have considered; and, in answer
to the Surrat business, declare that it is
my fixed and unalterable opinion that
there is not a Democrat in all the' broad
land that will withhold his vote because
of any part he took in that bad business:
and as to his not being a statesman
which in the vulgar is a synonym for
politican it will advance him in popular
favor. Then, we say, General Hancock
is a strong and available candidate; he
unites the Democratic party, and that
fact itself is a tower of strength. , I re
member that Tilden came within one
electoral vote of becoming President, and
that he obtained a larger popular vote
than President Hayes. General Han
cock aroUses none of the antagonism that
beset Govener Tilden; he excites none of
the jealousies that stirred opposition to
Tilden in the ranks of his own party ;
and he will call out the full strength of
an organization that has for twenty
years been in the minority; that four
years ago came near to victory; and that
enters this contest stung with the desper
ate resentment of a conviction that it
was overreached in the electoral count,
and, by fraud, deprived of the party
spoils it had fairly won. The South is
solid, and the military career of General
Hancock in aiding to suppress thV rebel
lion will cost him no votes within the
borders of a solid Democratic South.
There are many Northern Democrats
who refused to vote for Tilden who will
find no apology to their conscience neces
sary for voting for General Hancock.
Now York, Connecticut, and New Jersey
have intimate business relations with
Southern' States, and the somewhat illogi
cal commercial mind reasons that trade
is encouraged by friendly political rela
tions. Hence, reviewing the whole
ground, considering what can bo said in
favor of General Hancock, and what can
not be said against him, I have come , to
the conclusion that the Democracy has
presented a very formidable candidate
for the Presidency in the person of Gen
eral Winfield Scott Hancock.
DEALERS IH-r- ';V' - . -
ptrius t)KtrG
Patent Medicines. Paimts,
Aniline Dyes,
Pur Liquor Sold only on" Physicians Prescriptions.
; f-"- "y.
Elegant Tases, Met Articles, and ;Pa4?yilota 1
Blank Books.
, : Musical Instruments, - v..
uim tru mo, reka ut fluanu iui uh cmmii -
PrescriDtions Carefully Comopunded at all hours
bargains Bargains Bains
Wbolsale and
... i : .
V 2 Alt
Tha understand has been instructed to sen
at oeATi v DcniinprfDDin.caj
mi van i nuuwwuw i iiivi.vi .
, ..... - . 4 ilma tli
To make room for a large SPRING STOCK, inciodiag a lare
assortment of Boots and Shoes.' 1 - - .
Cofiee, Tea, (Sugar, Tobacco and Cigars a sfieetaity
Also Coal Oil, Clear as Crystal, Guaranteed Free frcxll Fcrclan
Substance and Non Explosive. -i i -
Ready Made Clothing at Coot
r Please call and examine for yourselves bsrtare buying
A Miss Diller who was saved from the
burning Seawanhaka, has since died from
her injuries. .
The Montreal Woolen Mills and Star
Bail 'Factory have been bnrned; loss,
$60,000. ' :
8end in your subscriptions
for the
Centervile, February 6th, 1880.
7r '
hxlton,: OBEGOIT.
ft ,
Heavy Stock lot BOOTS
lardware, Iron and StooL
Produce taken ia Exchange.
Corner Main and 3d St; Wall Walla.
Wholsale and Retail Dealers 1r
Dr Goods Fancy Coodo, Tjotiono,
: - ,t , 1
Ws are in raosipt f a
- Bought Previous to tk Jleesmt. ' .
in all kinds of coods.and we are therefore p're
Lower Than the Lcvrcctl
is .
" : T
, t .
15 J3jSji