Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, July 17, 1880, Image 3

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8 ITTODAY, JULY 17, 1880.
emit J n. . .
mKiBi ,,... 1
..Ben). weioeei
8. at Pumlnctoa
...j.S. Whites .
...1. L Bperrr
...J.B. tMr
...O. W.Webb
...J.O. Arnold
....Dr. J.B. Lindsay
...J.H. Relay
J. CotbieD
CBr .
Fouca Jmi
ouar or fouca
B. Benjamin, '
P. A. Warttalaftoa,
X. 1- Wood.
let CmwiiIw .
...A. ateaenea.
. . . . . . . X L. Van Winkle.
C. McMorrK
CB. Beckett,
loo. mnt
oeo. rrobstei
ateeepal wew --Sunday Scbool ereryBopday
it 10 9, 4. aw, Hi semco t J, w. a., oy mt. v.
Mrthae'ltl Ckareh Math. Brr. K. P. Wama
aeeter; earrieea beid ia the Baptist Church, oa th
eeeead Bandar of eaeb month, a U a. a. and 1 t.m.
1st Ckl
, BMBk. a.
Praet, pastor.
FeawferrfcM oa Um Bret Bandar of
. aaa 7 r. a., 07 nev. w. av,
Caaaberlaael lrayteria Ckvrch Borrloai
mtj suaaey at 11, A. a., and 7, r. a., Sunday School
at IS, a., and eerrloee every Wedneeder at 7. r. a., ia
Deely-s bau, oa Water street, by Bev K. W. Morrison.
.P. dt A. H Vfeatea Mas, Ha. W
d fourth SMurdayaof easa
at the MaaooteHaU.
second aad fourth Satu
ith. at T r, a.
J. E. Joats, W.H.
E . . F. WeateB. Le4ce.e. 8
meoto erery Thursday at 7 Jo, r. H., la
Veeleys Mail.
L . T. Viae laeensala Loose Ha, 341.
acts erery Saturday at 1J0 r. a.
tvocAi. irir,
NCW ads.
JtLY 17th.
Sesd us a refrigerator.
Ho, for the Warm Spring 1
Bow about the itraet aprinkler !
No. It'a aat likely three of them can in
crease the price of hay.
JOHNHT Spongier, formerly of the Albany
Democrat, ia in town.
IMPROVE. 8. V. Knox hae farther in
proved hi office by erect ins a verandah in
front of it, which improve the appearance.
8MV1C. Rev. A. J. Hwndaaker will
preaeh at Mountain Valley church next Sun
day at 11 A. at., and at the Baptist Church,
VVestou, at P. M.
jCAUBOOSB, Recorder Mesches relagated
b Vdruak and disorderly" to the quiet shades
f Inrpriaooment. That 1 right, have no
awdyism on the Streets.
Rusticate. Dr. Eagan has gone to the
Warm Spring for recreation; 0. Moeier ha
taken a flight to the Wallowa, and everybody
ia getting anxious to rusticate.
Dakoexous. The bridge on the road to
the Royce mountain, just beyond the city
cemetery, is urgently in need of repair, being
actually (Unserons as it is. It should be
mended immediately.
GALLAWTET. Again complaint are made
by ladies that it it very unpleasant for them
ia passing along Main street to be obliged to
"run the gauntlet" of projecting feet and
rode gate from men sitting in two columns on
' chair on the sidewalk. . It ia unfair to sub
ject them to such annoyance, and the side
walk was made for pedeatrian. Gentle mem
wilt take the hint.
FEBAOHAL, Dr. J. J. McDonald, of Is
land City, Union county, spent a few days in
the city visiting friend. He ha been im
portuaed to locate on thi side of the moun
tain. The Dr. is an efficient pbysican an d a
thorough gentleman, as well a a lite-long
Democrat. Saocess to him.
The line described in the following petition ia the one adopted by the Pendleton Con
vention. The petition is meeting with general success;
j To the Eonorable Legislature of the Slate Oregon '
We, your petitioner, citizen and voter of Umatilla Countv, would respect! ally repre
sent: - ' - ."-!., -.! ' ,
That the area of said County i so larxa, comprising over 5,003 aquire utile, and the
average awanee iruu wo wiuj o ma ktwh was ouraeasome expense aad uaneces
ary laoonreaience aad toe of time incident to sush cumbersome dimensions are therbv
incurred to a majority of the titixen of said County; which inconrenieace may be cited:
meagre facilities for travel, loss of time in going to aad from the County Seat, and heavy
expense and delay attendant upon judicial investigation. .
We would, therefore, petition your honorable bjdy to form a new Oiunty out of s&ii
territory, to be bounded a follow: Beginning at midchannel of the Columbia River, at
a point north of the meander post on the section line between See. 9 aad 10, T 5 N. K 29K,
then south on said section line to the Umatilla River, thence following the Umatilla River
ap to a point on T line between T 2 and S N,R 30E, thence following said T line east to B
line between 32 and33, thence south on said K line to the base line, thane east em base line ,
to summit of Blue Mountain, thence following eonntv line between Umatilla, and Union.
north -easterly to the Stat line between Oregon and Washiagtou Territory, .thence weet
on said line to the Columbia River, thence down the channel of said river to the point of
beginning. And your petitioner would ever pray.
Those Horses. They came into town
last Sunday. Some said they walked in. but
knowing ones winked knowingly. The liv
ery stable man aaid that with a team like
that a man required no room to stow away
hay the hone did it The larger one being
led out gently to the sunshine, looked pretty.
It shadow was shaded so softly; opposite
the rib and bony part the shadow was
deeper. That it possessed a good disposition
was evident from the mildness of it move
ments. A man with weak eye apologized
to the owner for having mistaken its back for
a fluted pillar for John's new hotel, and.
only happened to discover his error by cam'
ing closer to ascertain why they had a wind
lass on it mistaking its leg. A benevolent
old lady near sent hev boy up with a pork-
barrel for the poor thing to lean on, a she
said, glancing through her spectacles, that
the poor thing didn t seem to enjoy good
health." An old hone trader offered two
dollar for it, "one for the hide and one for
taking it off;" but the owner declined the of
fer. He thought it was not enotnrh. Thev
led itback again, the animal never falling.
Crowd came to admire the melancholy pic
ture, and to try to buy them. A real kind-
hearted gentleman suggested that it would
be only a humane act to have them lathed and
plastered before cold weather set in. They
are both alive yet. 1
Mister Leader Swr: On the 4th of
Julie, 104 year after our grandfather framed
thi government of our, about ten o'clock, I
was a settin' on a lean-back cheer, areadia of
the east orogan, what was printed at Penleton.
I was so sod up with the new I cood not help
goin' to sleep, and I dremt me a dream. It
ain't much, but you may bet I felt good, any-
Ithot I was on the top of Shiloh school
house, in Diatrick 49, and I there beheld all
the people of Mountain Precinct, all congre
gated in one vast assembly, and I tuk note of
all that waa there. There name tuk me by
surprise as I bein' a stranger to them. Jim
Royse was there with his Brass-field. James
Hall-ed his girl there pretty Nicely by a help-
in' him drive the team, and Jackson aeemed
to be Freed from all hi trouble in that di
rection. Peterson's weekly was circulated
among them. John felt as tho the Dickens
was completely Leach-ed ont of him; but un
der the Foater-ing care of a Baker, he will
come out all rite. Calvin, Henry is bestowing
much Wisdom on the Parson. No-e, Hyatt
could not have done better than to have been
in this assembly; Hank was Roas-ed for Walla
Walla or Milton on Cowae Creek, The Win
that was Ray-sed from the Potlatch came to
see the vast concourse of people, and the way
Sol shone war fearful to behold. Absalom of
old was not present, and it was found that the
Elizabeth was to
The company all
Bony factions to
pines had gathered him up.
reign queen of the day.
looked Stout without any
molest or disturb. All seemed ta feel Bigg-am
not wishing any Harm-er to any one until the
Dear dorfed the Roads with ties ot flower
and words of incense, and I awoke and found
myself hugging some other man's wife, and
my better half standing with the broomstick
demanding satisfaction; and all waa a dream.
Wasn't I lucky, Jimt I Sap Head,
Read the following testimonials, not from
persons 3,000 mile away, whom no one
know, but from well-known and trust-worthy
oitlsens of Oregon, whose names, writ
ten with their own hand,' can be seen at our
office:- . i
SttVKRTOW, Or., March 18, 1880.
I take pleasure in testifying to the reme
dial properties of the OREGON KIDNEY
TEA. For the past two! or three year I
have been troubled with derangement of the
kidneys, during which time I have tried vari
ous' remedies without obtaining relief. I
bought a package of the OREGON KIDNEY
TEA from J. C. Hayes, and from the first
dose began to feel batter, and am happy to
say thtt after using the package, I am almost
entirely cured. SAMUEL COX.
The writer of the following is a Baptist
minister of many years' standing, well known
a a missionary to the Indians, and 3 now a
teacher in the school recently established at
Forrest Grove for the education of Indian
Forest Groyk, OrJ, Mareb 8, 1880.
I have been troubled for many years with
weakness of the kidneys, and have tried
many different . remedies,! sought aid from
different physicians, and even changed clim
ate to obtain relief, but have met with indif
ferent success. Hearing through a friend of
the value of the OREGON KIDNEY TEA,
ootamea. a dox oi it, ana nave derived
greater benefit from it than anything I have
yet found. J. T. HUFF,
Aajsjsnt newer.
The immense sale and great rjonularitv of
Green's August .Flower in all towns and vil
ages in the civilized world has caused many
mi ta tors to adopt timilar names, expecting to
reap a harvest for themselves at the expense
of the aflicted. ' This medicine was introduced
in 1868, and for the cure of Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint, with their effects, such as
Sour Stomach, Costivenes, Sick Stomach, Sick
Headache, Indigestion, Palpitation of the heart
vertigo, etc, etc., it neper hat ailed to our
knowledge. Three doses will relieve any case
of Dyspepsia. Two million bottles sold last
year. Price 75 cents. Samples 10 cents.
Green's Atlas And Diary Almanac,
the most expensive free Almanac ever publish
ed, sent free en receipt of two cent stamp.
Woodbury, N. J., U. S. A.
Arrived. The son of our respected citi
zen l. K. Beckett, with Tom Carle and a
number of others, have reached Weston after
an overland trip from Missouri, of three
months' duration. They report grain
"burned up" in Kansas and elsewhere, and
are much pleased with the good prospects of
gram in Umatilla county. They passed lm
monsc tu nbers emigrating to this country.
But there is room for all and more, -
Pursuant to a call published in the E, O.
and Tribune, the convention called to con
sider the question of the Division of Umatil
la county, met at the court-house at 1:30
o'clock, and was called to order by A. Meach
eu, of Weston. Win. Steen was elected to
the chair, aad W. T. Cook waa made Secre
tary. '
After an explanation of the object of the
meeting by the chairman, it was moved that
the convention adopt the list of delegates as
prepared by the Secretary:
Pendleton J Deapain, S L Mora by J
Dagiel, proxy, L Blum, J H Tamer by R
Sargent, proxy, Wm Matlock, J H Ellis.
Weston Wm Steen, C McMotris, I L
Van Winkle, H B Griffin, Jacob PrmbeteL
A Meachen.
Greasewood J M Gallaher, E J Spratling
A J Cochran, L M Watrua.
Centerville-W T Cook, Wm Willaby, T
Kirk, O H Reed.
Milton J E Kirkland. A M Elam, J as
Isaacs, Geo Berry, N Pierce, M V Worming
Cottonwood J A Hungate.
Heppner Wm Penlnnd.
Alta Mr. Ogle.
Mountain Wm Anderson.
Mr. Blum addressed the convention brief-
Sr, urged the informality of the section of
elegates; pointed to the fact that they were
from the lower end of the county; stated that
the people of Pendleton were satisfied with
the county as it is without Division, and very
oourteously moved an adjournment.
Mr. Meachen objected, and said that as
the delegates were there in obedience to the
wishes of the people of Pendleton, he thought
it best to transact the business for which
they came; that it was a great wrong to call
men for such a purpose front such a great dis
tance and then ask them to go home without
doing anything. The uiotiou was lost.
On motion, a committee of one from each
precinct represented was appointed to con
aider and agree upon a line of Division.
Messrs. Despaiu, McMorris, Gallaher, Reed,
Kirkland, tiungate aud fenlaud were ap
pointed as such committee.
Committee retired, aud after an absence of
more than an hour, reported that they could
not agree, ana asked to be discharged.
The report was read, and the committee
Moved and seconded that the line proposed
by the petition now ia circulation be
adopted as the oue best suited to the people
of the whole county see petition in another
column. This was ably and e.-qnenl.y ad'
vocated by Mr. Gallaher. of Greasewood pre
cinct. and opposed by Messrs. Kirland, Blum
and Wormington. The line was' agreed upon
by a vote ot lo to .
After a few remarks by Mr. Meachen.
thanking the Pendleton delegation for their
courteous treatment of the convention in so
generously providing the court-house in
which to hold its session, ana extending ota
er civilities, too numerous to mention, the
convention adjourned sine die.
' Wm. Steen,
W. T. COOK, Chairman,
I . !! H BKKkdT TBI if IX
aV-iJ Pure-lance of an order ul the County Court at i
the State ot Ocoa Count of Umatilla, made oa the
BViiwcaA, wu sr a aaasa j t Aiaiast fcv, aoow, bm a wviwa, au basai
afteraooaof said day, tin following- described real ee
tate, together with the impraremaBte thenoa, to-erit:
The w of awl, i aej of awl, fc awj of eel,
eeetioa T N ft SSE, ljlaf aud bjs la Untatiila
County, Oregon, aad containing two hundred acne.
Terms: une-nau eaaa in naaa,- ana oae-aai ta twetre
months, secured mj sasrtgage oa tne prfmiaaa.
i. a. rufixs,
B. T Kasx, Kxaeutur,
Tuatia Bell,
Atrys lor Executor.
Weatoa, July 17. 1880 1 17-80-tw
Praprietaa ot
0pp. New Flouring C13, vrc&a.
Of an kinds. 4
YOU can bay a complete soli of
fjiotiiesror iu at al.iu s
YOU can buy a neat Cassitnere
suit rr $1 At SAieiau s
Manufacturers eti
window romEs
Dooits rcusies.
' -fRnitacor Beveled, famished or worked.
YOU can bay a nobby Casslmcre I
Suit for 814 to $16 at SAL1
YOU can buy a fine Suit of Blue
Beaver, BiacK uroaaciom or
4-48-3 J
Kept oaUand, Sold Cheap, aw Casaj
UCattla 1P1IHA asawwuvaweiu we t STILil. UUnTlIiUEB oa a CASH BABES, aad WS SATO
heavy Casslmare at the lowest fei rL;
fiKUreS In the COUntry at SAL- Oroeerlea and rnrUoai, w&leh we are prepared to aeU
1 & KKBSti Sa 'jLT. it tS uT ZZt'lZZl
Remember the place: opposite Drag- Basra, Mala Braes
n eaion, ur.
YOU can buy a small boy a fine THE GREAT
suit for $3 at SALL&U &
In Prices at the
All kinds ef Vtstware kept la Stock And aaade
aa wraer.
Job Work and Repairing Neatly and
Cheaply done. " All Goods in my line told
at Walla Walla prices. H.SS1ITII.
Centerville, Or. 7-17-80-tf
YOU can buy a Xo. 1 suit for a
small boy for 85 at S1UXG
You can buy an all-wool suit for
bey Irotn 5 to 9 years old from
1J0 to $10 at SALIXG &
YOU can buy a pair of blankets
for $4 at soling s iteese.
YOU can buy a large white bed
Dianuet ror at aung
Large boys and smatt men- can
buy tjiotning at very lewesi
prices from Salins k Reese.
zr vV. I
SlONERS. Nearly 300 signers in Weston
precinct to the r edition adopted at the Con
tervill misting for the Division of Umatilla
county. Let the good work go on, and let
the people of all the county petition for the
line they favor, and then let the majority rale,
Important. When you visit Walla Wall
be sure and sail at the. Sea Francisco Kestan
rant on the north aide of Main street. Messrs.
Brash & Cranston, the proprietors, spread the
best table in the city. Don't fail to give them
a trial. . Everything about the place is neat,
dean and attractive.
HABBLi Works. D. J. Coleman, Walla
Walla, is proprietor of the Marble Works, and
prepared to rarnylsh Head Stones,Monnments
aad everything else in his line, at reasonable
rates. B. F. Mansfield is agent for Center-
ill bb Weston, and is aathorUed to take
orders and give receipts.
Thi Bm Wat to Kill Squirrel Pro-
wide yourself with a package of Bolmes' Sqvir
rsf Poison sad have all the boy and girls go
after 'am. It will clean them ont sura. Put
up in large package and is the cheapest and
beet in the market. Made and for sale by H
X. Holmes, Druggist, Walla Walla, or to be
had fiom your nearest Druggist.
W. G. jAkUtsoH. Watch-maker and je
ler. comer Main and 3d 8. Walk Walla
aotieite your patronage Having 17 year
practical experience and keeping competent
Workmen is his employ, is prepared to do
M watch repairing, jewelry work, seal cat
ting etc, promptly and at reasonable price.
. Watches, dock, Spectacles always In stock
B sold cheaper thso My other store
Wall Walla,
w eston. At this season of the vear nar-
ticularly the city ia charming. The number
of beautiful trees beautifies and improves
our streets, and they cast a refreshing shade
ia hot weather. The limpid waters of Pine
Creek meander through bur midst, and
parkinslT enhance appearances. The hum
of business is heard; the carpenter's hammer
rings in every direction; Vehicles of every
description around our streets, and prosperity
beams on every hand. Everybody is, or
ought to be happy, and straggelere elsewhere
should "homeward wend their. weary way.
Top Heavy. They were all riding along
quietly and smoothly, when, going down a
light grade, one of the numbc impelled by
an ungovernable impulse, lunsed forward
heavily out of the hack, but fortunately fell
on his head, and ao waa not hurt. "Don't
give p the ship," shouted a voice, and the
acrobat slid back again, having first regained
his feet. s
Robbed. The other night, rumor says, as
the stage containing the express box cf Wells,
Fargo & Co., made the trip from Pendleton to
Umatilla, it was ascertained that the eontents
in part, of the box, together with the way-bill,
were missing. The bullion was untouched.
Suspicion is rife. No attack waa made on the
stage. 1
Nine Precincts, Our readers will notice
that nine precincts were represented at the
Pendleton Division Convention, representing
seven-eighths of the whole population of
Umatilla county. The result ought to be ac
ceptable to the whole county, even if some
local prejudices were ns!-3Tled.
Diphtheria and
ef Teeth a dpec-
Diaeases ot Women and Children
Chronic Comolalnte. also Extracting of
laity. Consul tattoo Free at n OtSea, next door to
HoBman a MorrM' CENTKKVUAJS. Or.
S. F. SHARP, M. D.,
.Physician, Surgeon, aad Accoucheur.
OFFICE Over Wagner's Furniture
Store, Centerville, Or.
atrovsvaet.-ar pttbivzc
OFFICE At Drug Store, Centerville,
Oregon, 7-17-80-tf
Eloped. Last Monday a. man named
Nelson eloped with the wife of Wauten Per.
mentor, who ha been living up on Wild
Horse. The lady left a note for husband to
the effect that she waa tired oi living with
him, and that ho need make no attempts to
follow her or bring her back. Mr. Nelson
has been hying in the vicinity of Pendleton,
where he own a good claim,
Te Wteeaa ft atop Concent,
Messrs. McColl & Miller have placed ac
counts in my hands for immediate settlement.
If those parties do not coll "and settle, I shall
enforce collection. A. Mkachen,
fife airs. The south side of Main street
demands repairing. No more patchwork, bat
an entirely new sidewalk is wanted just as
soon a work on the new hotel shall hav
Arrtted. Fly paper, insect powder, gen.
nine fruit wax, axle grease, and a great vari.
ty of medicines and notions at the City Drag
Store, everything at bedrock prices.
Notice is hereby given that my wife, Sarah
KParmenter, having left my bed and board
without just cause or provocation, all parties
are hereby cautioned that I will not be re
sponsible for any debts contracted by her
from this date. . Wanton E. Pebmentxr.
Weston, July 13, 1880. w
Personal. John M. Hart man has re
turned to his home again.- He has been Dep
uty Sheriff, but under the new regime, has
stepped down and ont, Capt, Martin, a
whole-souled gentleman, now administrates
in the shrievalty. '' -.-"
Waste-B ASSET. -Communication sign d
''An Old Democrat," is received; but as the
real name of tho writer does not accompany
it, it has been consigned to the waste-basket.
Twin. Hancock is one of twins, and after
he is elected President, all the youngsters
will strive for that distinction, Better bo a
twin than President, as Henry Clay said.
Who T Who would have thought that tho
I people of Pendleton won ready to take such
broad and patriotic views on County Divis
Lara OFncs ar LaGbaxdz, O., July 8th 1880.
Notice is hereby riven that the following-named uttler
hae Sled notice of hie intention to make final proof in
support of bia claim and secure Anal entry thereof at the
expiration uurcy aays mm we out e awa aouce
T " Feeuetat Blatk,
Pnemntiom Na. HOI- Proof will be made at TJ. 8.
Land Offlca at LaOrande, Oregon, on the 4oth day of
August, lew, for the vj, sec 8, T 4 , kit K, ana
names the fol owinc as his witneiaee, vis: Jaa. Pioreon.
Wm. Petre, D. W. C. French and John Btark, all of
Umatilla county, Oregon.
7-17-oV-DW heaiki w. uiriuui, oegiiner.
Notice ia hereby siren that Chaa. A. Barrett baa this
day made aoolication to-nurchaie under the act of Coa-
greei, approred June 3d, 1878. entitled an "Act for the
sale of Timber Lands in the States of California. Orecon.
Nevada, aad in Washington Territory," the 8wj of see
10 in T I N of R ME. Final proof aad parchM are to
be made at tqa expiration of sixty days from tee date of
uua nowce. aapaT vwmn-,
7-17-SOSw Register
Notice is hereby eirea that Jobs T. Adams baa this
day made application at thia UfBoe to purchaaa under the
act oi uoagroej approved rfoae so, una, entities, - vi
Act for the ealeof timber laa in the States of Call
fornia, Oregon, Nevada aad Washington Territory,'
set oi see iu i ifi,a sob, naai proorana
are tebe made at the expiratioa of sixty days
notice. - Hsrav
LaOiaod, Or. Jury 8, 1880.
EenaBT, Register.
Lead Office at LaOrande, Or.. Jose , 1880.
loUce te herebr rim tbat the foBowtoe named set
tler fees ale aotiee of Us tntestiaa to
ia eopport of Ma data, aod eeeure Snal entry, theraon
as tee expuaetoa ej turty ears t
i from the date ef this
Is a never-failing Cure
tor Nervous Desautv,
Exhausted . Vkaditv.
Paralysis, and all snch
oemble e Sects as Loaa -if
Mamsory, Litade,
Iverarou to Society,
Dimness of Vision,-
Koiaes in the Hood,
tnd many other diseas
es that lead to insanity and death. DR.
MINTIE will agree toforfeit FlTB HCHfflptp
Dollars for a case of this kind the ITAL
RESTORATIVE under his special advice
and treatment) will not cure, ot to anything
impure ec injurious found in it. VR. MIN
TIE treats aH Private Diseases sueooesfuUy
withnnt mprrarv. COMSCLTATION FRBK. - -
Thorough examination and advice, incluUg.
analysis oi tsriae, $5.90. Price of Vital Re
storative, 9&0O a bottle, or four tuues tho -quantity,
$10.00; sent to any address inpon r- . ,
ceip ot pose, w j. vr. y
servatknt, smd in private name if deattwo, by
A. . MINT1K, M. U., 11 earaej mrecx,
San Fraoeisco, Cal . , ' .
"NEPHRETICUM," cures all kinds of sUsV..
nay and Bladder complaints, Uonnorrhoea,
Gleet, Leneorrhoea,- For sate broil drug-
gistsj $1 .00 a bottle, six bottles for JtSOp, .
are the best and cheapest DYSPEPSIA and
BILLIOUS cure in the market. For sale by
all druggists. v2Jy31y '
W. T, Cook.
J. KlrvlBe.al.BV 1
Ore aaa at the Citv Drae
Weston, cheaper than over.
AU Una of
Lubricating Oils, Castor,
Lard and Polar Oils at
6 29-tw
The Best Spring Medicine and Boamti
fier of the Oomjlftiioin in ut, Gores
Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Nenralgia,
Scrofala, Ooat, Rheumatic and Mercnri
a pains, and all Disaaes&risiQg from on
Imparo state of the Blood or Liver..
tSTSold by McCoFot Miller,
Drug Storo!
Centerville, Oregon. '
r. Contains a fun stock of Toe '
Clocks, Wattfw and ele welry;
Todds Cold Pons.
. Fine Cigarsjand Ttni&eciitv
Choice Wines and
Fee MedWnal porpoeee oo.
rrracvlUaa aadv
with Care aat4 sTUpotefo.
E are sole agents for ClarkVKX N. T."
Spool i
Try it
CATARRH, Lost ef VOICE, Incifitnt
Consumption, and all Diseases el the
Throat'and Lunqs. Ask -for the Cali
fornia Pulmonary Balsam, and take no
ottrar.. ;
crSeM kv an Brmcctata. ' '
.W Spool Cotton, the boat iav tb
ary i. .
in white and colored . V "
relammoth ' Otock
Stump, Senator 81aUr will stums tho
State for Hancock and English, Hurrah for
purity in our executive !
tfaBOBV win be taken before D T. Dirltrbk
a Notary PnhUe a Peadlaion, Gmatilia eovatr, Qngrm.
u, nr u see zs, i e , a. ae m, aaa
oho vine as bia wimts, vis. Mm ate-
iDeraaitt, Jamee Derriok, A'nx MUoe and Wm Dmaa, all
ef Weston, Umatilla county, Oreeea.
Stoves & Hardware.
C T. taaMM.
bfar'..Wal4ftVAVLA1w. a . "
rstitifletied UT
' oarrsTOasa er " ; ;' -.,
. CRACttcns.
- - - - MMb. tSataJ Meaai -
erai.efe w war, 1 1 m mjt eni, wwi