. '.' -m .j . . . - : 1- - &ftl gtfttteiv SATURDAY, JULY 17.18?a EPX GXIli7tEU HANCOCK. 0. PIHKHTITASIA. s viOE-rKESiDEST, t INDUSA. , ;m PEKaJDKXTIAL ELKCTOBS, T. O. OWEN. of Cm County, JA8. FULTON. f Vim Comity. , . , J. KWEATHERFOUDi 61 lien Conntv, EMTIXS. I Soese. weU-tnsinina; twraps 59 oetic in fiieironesi ontictjoas M to drrad alia oat tngrthing t&t excites .the verioaa emotions. Tie Puritan of old restrict t$S ewentiiJ element of human matere slaost entirely to adoration and, ecpeoallj, veneration. . H who could, Stoie like, aaort eMilj snap the thread thatbsad irwnda -or even families in j eweet fellowship, was exalted to the tsaost, aiad thus many of the finer and abler sentiments pertaining to the inter course of every day life were wrecked Vy the asperities of a most fallacious caat j- The emotions, the intuitive germs implanted in the soul of man, before be ing debased by contact with too much ril, are simply exponents of the demands and-m2aoIe WjsJom h. a desigred for culttration "and . gratification. It is a reedy trap set for ,the unwary to regard the abuse of any atiributeas juntificatioa. for the condemnation of its normal oxer cifv , When the temptation to seduco from right is intioaably attendant upon its proper exercise, charity and wisdom may dictate the beneficence of abandon ing it altogether. To the capabilities of emotion we owe all the peculiar and re freshing intereeta of life, for all the pro gressive springs of humanity take" their rise in eer emotion. Through, them the eheerfullneH of our being arises; sym ipathy and affectionate attachment, among the richest and worthiest outgoing of bar mental , activity; our appreciation and delight in harmony, beauty and snb- IWtv, and the key to the realms of re- fia.em.ent jd eWvated progress; the, em .belliahiReata of life that charm and var iegate what would otherwise be naught . but' ita barren act The emotions chastened and guided aright are the Wightest gems in. the zone of man's no- West Composition.' " :' ' 1 CsUsssnrtuft, A great many of our exchanges are devoting no inconsiderable attention to the grasshopper question. To read these papers a stranger would be . led to the damaging conclusion ' that our whole country, was being '(evastated by these all-devouring pests. Such reports are apt to do us great injustice. While it may le true that in some places the grass hoppers have done some mischief, their ravages are by no means general or ex tensive, ' The troad wheat fields of Umatilla that extend for miles are un ' scathed and untouched by this plague. Qur' recent rains "have revived the glow ing hopes of . a bountiful yield! .We " wish simply to state the "true condition -of affairs, and we can safely and truthful ly say that as far as the great grain fields of ear witnty are concerned, ike grass hamper business is a myth, ' They have net done, and are not doing us any dam age. Onr boundless fields of grain to- . dar promise us a fruitful harvest) We Sope that those who were misled by grasshopper reports will take an arly - opportunity to eorrect Um erroneous im PTtssien they nave assisted in disseminat ing. We only desire, our county to ap pear in it proper iight " ' .; " " "' T wm Wresltha last season greet 4if)tjtwaB Wpefienced by the farmers in obtaimngsacka fer&etr'whea& The buyers churned that wheat bags were "e eaah article,''' and that it was unjust to expect them to furnish the same, except ing for the money,' as H required a large ready capital to supply the demand. This year farmers should see to in time tliat they have secured sufficient rain 1 SaaWare it is too Ute. v No small loss -' i tiaae, aaoaej vd cenvenience may be saved by attenduRg to this before thresh lag time, .... Tn artile en ear first page, from the wetda, "We have ae deabt," ahould Wcred ited to the N. Y. Herald. j ufnmsiX. V The subject of Division of Umatilla is stOl agitating the, public mind as much as ever. A fw weeks ago a meeting was held at CeatemUe to get the views of this end of the county as to the amount of territory deemed necessary and pro per for the formation of a pew county at this end. After deliberation aline was adopted, which, whUe not meeting the views of all present, was regarded by all as the most effectual and suitable com promise. Petitions were circulated to ascertain the sentiments of the people gennraHy, and over 800 names are ap pended to them. . However the Pendle ton papers in the meantime, professing sympathy with the movement, issued a call to meet at that place last Saturday, said call even embodying an " apportion ment of delegates from the various pre cincts. While Pendleton had not been regarded as favoring Division, the offer was met in rood faith by the section of county most interested, and the meeting as reported elsewnere in the Lead EE, was the result. ' And now it is expected that Pendleton will carry out its duty-in good faith and circulate the petition' in -that precinct. We look for such an over whelming majority favorable to such division, as will prevent any successful obstruction in the Legislature. Too great a preponderance of political power, or its prolonged continuance, in vites danger. We find that, in politics, any party having a lease of power surely becomes corrupt The same machinery, being its own successor, is surely saved from investigation other than of a friend ly character, jtius it has not been in the interest of the country that Repub licans ' have for twenty years uninter ruptedly held the keys of office. Honest men of the f-ame j arty are influenced more or less by a desire to spare their own party reputation, at least in many cases. It is difficult to unearth fraud when it is interwoven with years, and disguised with the craft of long experience, Ro tation in office in this way is a public benefit. While it may excite cupidity and develop a morbid yearning for the perpetuity of party power, it yet give the successor of a different party com pjexion, no incentive to conceal preceding corruption. Again when in a state county there is a decidedly overwhelming majority,' there is generally official cor ruption. It is wholesome in such cases to occasionally make a transfer of power, and admit a little purification. ; Thk proposed changes in rates at Blue Mountain Station meet with the hearty cooperation of the business men of Wes ton and Centerrille. Everything that promises to benefit the country can only harmonize with the spirit of enterprise t' at prevails East of the Mountains, and meet with the energetic concurrence of the inhabitants, Ihe cup of this ooun try is overflowing with the staples of in dustry, and the cry for a capable and convenient outlet is resounding through the land. GranJ Ronde Valley is ex- panding and enxiAing of late years as tonishingly, and its people are anxiously welcoming every additional facility for outside communication. Let the good work ripen soon. We notice that some of our exchanges are making some lively thrusts at Gen. U, S. -Grant, the defeated candidate for candidacy to the White House. Now that is aot right He is now retired by h!S party, and need not be ridiculed be cause he failed, lord Bacon said, "there ia nothing so successful as success." Let us leave Grant alone now, aqd let history make an impartaU record f his'serviees to his country, while in the meantime we give him credt for all the good ha has done. -''--1;0. - ; They need not 1 in any hurry about withdravrlngl-CtwtWo,, for he will withdraw tn an onen and UUT manner this fall To with oraw htm how would hurt his feetztgs terribly, whereas, later, he will hive many oi a "fellow-feeling." Jeking apart, the Jlepublioan press will fcave to make some disposition of the many charges against their candidate, or else the conservative wintj oi that party will not fee. justified in supporting him. The old story. We hava been alarmed' about the crops in Umatilla County, and everybody concluding that the prospect was only one of gloom, because of the drought. But at the critical moment, rain, copious rain, fell, and the crops are now assured regardless of future weather. Umatilla county against the world I Grant says Haneock will be elected We suppose he will hack his judgment with his vote. Curry county cast 321 votes on the Senatorial contest. 1 Wm. Gauntlett, Sheriff-elect of Curry county, has appointed Miss Anna Wins- dor, of Port Orford, as his deputy. Portland hasn't yet ratified Garfield. The Army and Navy officers and men are almost solid for Haceock. Emancipation day was generally cele brated throughout Texas. Sorue wheat is selling at Fort Worth, Texas, at $1 10 per bushel A lot of Dartmouth college students are waiters at the Brighton Beach Hotel on Omey Island. There were 40,000 oars built in the United States last year, and there will be 50,000 built this year. The scheme of mutual aid among the Masons of Mississippi, it is reported, is an assured success. The membership within the year will number 2,000. While a mail agent at Little Rock was handling a mail pouch rather roughly a loud explosion was heard inside of it 1 was caused by a loaded revolver, mailed Uby a Texan. A British ship has sailed for Texas with 3,500 barrels of oil, made for the purpose of preserving railroad ties and bridge timbers under a new process. Montreal, July 12 The anniversary of the battle of the Boyne is passing over very quietly. . The original Greenback faction de nounces Kearney, Thad Stevens called Hancock the Stonewall" of the Union army. A case of small-pox has been discov ered in San Francisco. Coinage has been resumed at all mints except Philadelphia. The farmers of Pierce county, W. T., sold 40,000 pounds of wool last week at an advanced figure. Six carloads of horses and mules went across for Kalama last week, destined for use on the line of the Canada Pacific Railroad, Crops are reported bad in Russia, and the harvest will be below average. In some districts in the south crops have altogether failed, owing to the ravishes of insects, One hundred and thirty-four deaths in New York City,-Saturday, the heat ion tinuing excessive. An explosion of seven boilers in Paint er's iron mill at Pittsburg killed Fred. Grable engineer, and Wm. Black, fire man. Schurz says that orders will be issued to employ all military forces to prevent any occupation of the Indian Territory, Reports of crops to the Memphis Cot ton Exchanges show that cotton is in fine condition but wheat and corn very poor. Washington, July 11, Owing to the small appropriation by congress for the government printing office for the cur rent fiscal year,-the discharge of 25 per cent of the force now on duty will be necessary on the first of August A Chicago reporter asked General Sheridan about Hancock the other day, and his answer was as follows: "I am not in politics; but General Hancock is a good and great man. The Democrats have not made any mistake this time. They have nominated an excellent and a strong ticket." The Philadelphia Chronich-Htrald says; "It would, of course, be very hu miliating to the Republican party to have to withdraw Garfield, but it might be a wise thing to repair the palpalje error before it is too late," ADVERTISEMENTS. CALIFORNIA LIVERY and FEED STABLE, MILTON. OREGON. JOHN DUST AH, Proprietor. Splendid Turaonta and Saddle Hone at shortest olios. Plenty of hay and nain always on hand. Cham to mat the time. SaT Remember the place, oppette the P North end of Water tt. draUu aeua, etc, and all horses left in urebarre win ' Fra a atteatfbn civea to etoek v fed eorral and casnptna; gi seed adjaesnt to slab. II. M. PORTER Jt Cv, ; DEALERS IN . Hart ware, stows and Tinware ! v, VnU WaUa, . ' ADVERTISEMENTS. J CaOSATEO - MX Serve mm. InJswcUeai Btoeaae By lnvigoraung a feeble eonttitution. renovattne a debillated pbi ratqne ue, and enrichinjt a thin apd innutri- Uotu drt elation with Roatetter'a Stonateh Bitten, the Bneet, the most highly anctioned, and the roost popn- uu wmc ana prevenuve in existence. -.; For tale by sOl OrnggisU and Dealers generally. ' Ortce Used Always Used RESETS HAMBURG TEA ia the beat famllv medicine, and will be found on trial to be the moat easy, natural and comfortable aperient obtainable. PESrS HAMBURG TKA will act gently on the howa'a, remore wind, core . heartburn, spur etomach and dizzioeas and promote a healthy secretion of bile. CBESE-S HAMBURG TEA is the most erZcctual remedy for headache, giddiness, nervous depression, palpitation of the heart, laet , tude and general debiity. CfBESE'S HAMBURG TEA r will relieve the worst cases of rheumatism and gout prevent gravel ana atone la tne Diaooer, ana cure au qiseases of toe Hi' neys. tTBESEV HAMBURG TEA gives eveedv and durable relief in bilious and liver complaint, weak digestion, shivering, spasms, low . spirit ana lrntaauity. CBES E'SHAMBURG TEA is Invaluable as a remedv for the piles. It has been try ed for manyy eareand has given great satisfaction. If yon are afflicted try it. rRESFS HAMBURG TEA-' DurUSee and cleanses the blood, and removes all scrofulous affections. It is health -giving, refreshing lnvigoraung. CRESrS HAMBURG TEA a has an established reputation as an efficacious remedy for sudden and severe oolds. coughs fevers and ague. astnma ana pnuusu. tTRESE'8 HAMBURG TEA cures chronic, nervous and sick headache, nervous depression, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, pimples on tne wee ana irecjciee. CRESE'S HAMBURG TEA is a gentle hudtiveand tonic; improves the appetite cures dyspepsia, and counteract the effect at mala rious poison. CRESS'S HAMBURG TEA euros constipation, diarrhea and dysentery; is cer tain in results, and corrects ail diaturbances of. the etomacn ana Dowels. CRESE'S HAMBURG TEA is a pleasant remedy for boils, carbuncles, blotches. . ulcerated and running sores, scabs, salt rheum, and giananiar swelling. rTRESE S HAMBURG TEA ia used successfully for foetid breath, scald bead. ringworm, itch, prickly-heat, cancerous ulcers and .. Vidteesct generally. - CTBEai'i HAirauaa ru has no equal in the entire range of the Pharmacopoiia as an anu-sorouuc, alternative, carminative ana oiooa puriner. Crntn'i BAk-suno tea 1 gives a tone of health and elasticity to the whole system and will prevent almost any Tr"" if used at least-once a monut. Cunfa BAMsvao txa is triumph in medicine; harmless yet efficacious. wTaioajHe m toe xamuy, at tne mines, on tne roaa. at sea, ana everywuere. CTKKSr'S HAVKTRO ICA is the best medicine for chidren. Asa Spring remcd- nsuung comes near to. it. cveryooay aa.ou.iq use at the change of season, EMU rESEa HAMBURG Tkia Is for sale by every Druggist Grocer and Country Her. chant on the Pacific Ooa&l. 1-81-tf TtTTT.T.INERY!! stTTBHE LADIES OF WESTON AND VICINITY Si i are respectfully informed that the Under signed have opened and now offer for sale a Complete BJock of First-Class" . r MILLINERY GOODS. Tbe Latest Styles of Hats and Bon nets always on hand in Great Va riety, FEATHERS, FLOWERS and every kind of TRIM MING to suit the most FastidiouB. AGENTS for WARREN'S HEALTH Corset. MAM 8TBEET . . WESTS. (Next door to Hardware Store.) MILLER A SCHNEBLEY. 6-27-Sm "The Ohnrch and Home." A Religioo Journal Devoted to Issued MosxHiy at Weston. Every Family Ought to Take it. aTennt, $1.00 Per Year.-sa " BET. B. W. HOBBIMX BeUtor. DE. H. R ALDEN, fWDirectly Opposite the Postojice' WALLA WALLA, W. T. HEADER JRAPERS! Be sure to send your orders for HE A D ES DRAPERS to PAINE BROS.. of their own, Manufacture. They are uneqnalltd in equality of material and w ortpnameiip. BISSOUJTIOX, . aa TsdjEJved by'mua?conaenlcanaaBt beaj mg oate of Marcn 10, 1880, Thoe. Page atone wiU sign the name of the fins in M'aatton. at. A. CABIS, THOS.P. PAGE - . J. P. ORAX. Mniemne, or., ana WH irs'K W T.. Jat M. LEGAL. ITOTJCB. 1 thia day m4 M)puatti6n at wis ode to purchua under the Mi of iifm Sd, 1878, "Am act foe th kU at Tim bar Laoda'is the Stataa of California, Oregon Nevada and in Washington Territory,'' the N E 1-4, Kw l- andS lMl-.ioo.l7,T.NRS7t - Given under my band ot the 0. 8. Land office at La Grande, Oregon, this 13U day of MT . 18J0. ; , . 1 -"lf IT XT T 1UO A. ( V . Segieter. I N0TICS. ' Lurs Omcs ar LaQbaxdb, Ogn., June t, 1880. KMU. la hk mimm that the f OlloVlnf .ZUMted ttt- tier faae Sled notice of hi intention to make anal prof in support of hie clihn, and eeeura anal entry thereof at the expiration of thirty day from the daU of tide ootioe, Yix: 3ree W. Brock. Wltneeeee proof will be taken before D. P. Daigbt, a otary PubUe at Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, a Jul 10. 10. 1380. fortheSwleecSa.T6N.B84K. and namea the following ae Me witaeeeea, vis W Baker, John PhliUpa, John Bueh and Andrew lloCroea, all of Centervule, timatilla Coonty, Oregon. ,-i7-31 U. V. OwtoST, Begieter. NOTICE. Lam Omcx at LaGsjjibi, Oa., June S, 1889. V'ntU ia hanhT eiven that the following -nmnaed settler has flied notice of bia intention to mu,e final proof In support of bis claim, ana secure coal entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date oi this notice, via: Warn. Baker. Witnesses Proof will be taken before Dj P. Dwight, a Notary Public at Pendleton, limatfiia county, Oregon, on July 10, 1330, tor the Sw 1 eec, to. Ton, & SI , and mmes the foUowing at hie witnosses, VIK u.' w. Brock, C. E. Reed, Andrew McCroen and John Phil lpe. Hisar Dwwht, Register. o-zi-si LAxa Ornca at LaOsjutds, Ogn., June 8, 1830. ri'otlce is hereby sriven that the foUowins--namcd set tler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof m summit of bis claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this notice, viz: auemaea enncau Homestead No. 650. for the Sei NwJ. Nei Swl of Sec. it. T 6 N. R Sd E. original entry., tho Si 8wi of See. M, T 6 N, B 88 E, additional entry. Said proof will be made before the County Judge at Pendleton. Umatilla connty, Oregon, juiv ia, isjo, ana name tne louowmg as bis witnesses, viz: D. 8. Whitney, George T. Berry, W. Jared and Geo. de tiaven. of umauiia county ure- gon. ttzaar w. uenairr. negister. O-ZB-33 NOTICE. Lass Ornea at L aQuakdb, Oa., June 14, 1830. Notice Is hereby eiven that the following-named set tier has Sled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration oi tmrty days trom tn ante oi wis notice vis: Blefcard Bey a eld. Homeastead application No. 1089. Proof will be made before the County Judge of Umatilla count-. . Oregon, Oriarinal entry 6S2: additional entry Nwi 8e i of Sec 2, TIN.ES5E. and names the following aa hi wtneas- e. viz: Wm Boyee. Alfred Watts, Elihu Brock and J B Jtlng, all oi.umatuia county, uregon. o-so-33 at. n. unnr, negisver. NOTICE. Lijro Omcc at LaG&avdk, Oa., June 12, 1880. Notice is hereby given that the following-named set tler haa filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim and secure final entry thereof at tne expiration at tmrty uasirem we uav u uuanuuve, via: Calvla Fergvueau Homestead application No. 724. . Proof will be made be fore the County Judge of UmatiUa county, Oregon, at renaiewn, on August 7, ueu, lor tne i bet owtscc 28, T 4 K,B ME, and name the followlaf as his wit nesses, viz: James Hoyce. Bentamin Binehart. A. J. Crofutt and Alex. Brassfleld, all of Vfeatoo: Umatilla county, Oregon. Has " Dwisht, Register 6:28-38 NOTICE. Lakd Ornca AT LaObauds, Ogn,; June 10. 1880. Notice 1 hereby given that the following-named set. 1U, l.i a AImI nnt.ln. nf hi. IntAntuin ta m.lrj nut nranf in support of his claim and aecura final entry thereof 'at tne expirauOAOt tnirty oaye irozn tosuMe w tmsnouce, viz: ' BcBjatnim Kinehart. . Homestead proof will bo made before the County Judge at Pendleton, Oregon, on the 7th day of August, 1880, for the Li Nei sec 30, and additional W of Nei see. 30 T4N.&86E. and names the following as his witnesses. viz Calvin Ferguson, Jamas Boyee, Charlea Ferguson and Clark Brigge, ail of Weston, Umatilla county, Ore gon, ttaaRr ntVWloa-Ti Register. D-ZS-2I NOTICE : Laud Ornca at LaOaaxoa, Oa., June 8th, 1880. Koticv Is hereby given that the followine-named settler ha filed notice of his intention to make final proof in upport oi nis ciaun, ana secure nnai entry tnereoi at the expiration of thirty daysfrom the Sate of thia notice. 4aaK a. Vast Wlavkle, Witnesses testimony will be taken before D. P. Dwia-ht. a Notary Polic at Pendleton, Umatilla county. Oregon. on July 17, 1880, for the Nsf sec 8, T N, KS5 E, and names the following aa his witneasee, vis: John Stamp er, Henry Stamper, Wm. Burden and D. E. Boo her, all unwmue, umsButfmncj,ineron. 1 s-ZS-33 UtKH.I W. VWlUrlT. lUflSUr. NOTICE, Lam) Omca at LaGrahbb, Oa., June 12, 1880. . Notice is hereby riven that the following-named settler ha filed notice of hi intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty day from the date of hi notice, via: BUB, A, Bale. Ha No. 2376. Proof wOl be made before P. . Bwfcht, a Notary Public at Pendleton, Umatilla county, Oregon, on July 24, 1880, for the Sw 4 see. SO, T 4 N, U tt K, and names the following as hi witnesse, via: Wm. Willis, Henry McUmber, John A. Orues and W. H. Seeder, all of Centervilie, Umatilla county, Oregon. 0-28 SS BaaaT W. DwianT, Kcaister. Laxs Omcs at LaOaaaDB, Ogn., Juas 14, 1880. Notice is hereby given that the following named set tler haa filed notice of hi intention to make final proof in support of hi claim, and secure, final entry thereon at the expiration of thirty day from the date or tola notice, via: William Boyee. Homestead arplication No. arnlication No. 1085. Additional heana. steaa proof wul oe made before the Coant- fore the cosmtv Judge at Pendleton, Orcon, July St, 1880, tor the additional try, Kt N 1 of See. t, I S H, E SS K; original b etead 574. and name the following a his witnesses. via: Klchaid Reynolds, Alfred Watts, Elihu Brock and J. R King all of UmaUlla County, Oregon. e-K-33 ,-nENBXW. DWIOHT 1 Begigter. ESTBAY NOTICE. TAKEN UP BY THE SUBSCRIBEB, MAT 14, 1880 Hvinr in Hilton precinct. Umatilla Co inty. Oregon. aa Eetray deacribed aa follows, to-wit: One two-year, old BtalUon; a bright sorrel; star tn the forehead same white on tne mam; left una toot white, and branded with the letter I on left shoulder. Meohim sixe, and vidoo among other animate. Appraised at (30. P. W. HARRIS. MISCELLANEOUS. J, H, EALEY, Surveyor an4 Ciytt Engineer, Pendleton. Oregon. Town Plata made and Lands Located. t OFFICE At the CH awttaiv s MISCELLANEOUS J. B. JONES! AH kinds oT Shelf-IIardiTare Consttuitly vk band, for sale cheap. . A Large Assortment of HARDWARE RANGES, OOOS Stoves! ': - i- ; V-.... the Trry Best . Material and Matt r)Vel ratteran. All Tinware aamaV a lHMTy 'iiUtrial,'aMi ntaie kej . Ute best workmen onapoyecl. ; Rivets, Iron .Steel, Nailo HORSE SHOES, CUTLERY ! - Wcstenhobne'a AU Style. ' SHEEP SHEARO Burgen ft Ball' and "Kangaro.' CLOTHES WRIXtiERS. Shot-Gun & Rifle AmmunitioiL A Full line el Pistols ani Revolvers! I BIRD CAGES, FLOWER POTS hanging baskets, j . KXSTeBI- - VAOBEXiBl Trout BaKta Etc, ; RodgerS1 Cutler Y Ccaajffiains heavy-plated Knives, Torkj. and Spoons. - A COMPLETE STOCK OF RDPE Sold at Lowest raies tor a good a.Uel. LAND AGENCY, Dwiglit & Bailey,' fienrral Land Agent. Sotnrlea rttMle aal Beat Estate Broken. , Ptjndleton, Oregon f Have TewxaHir Plats of all iuvved leads ia tTmaUlax County and a record of all Land Claiaas freea the first location to the present time, and coiisciid mi -weekly trom the Land Office at LaGraad. Wul secure elabn tor parties under any of the Land Laws of the U. 8., eonduet contested cases before tho Local Land Office, and on appeal to the Pepsi lineal, at Washington. WiU furnish Soldier Additional Homestead Float and all kinds of Land Scrip oa short notice and at iarwea market rate-. Will buyand sell lands, city property, Ac, oe, resinis. bcommssion. - ThePlattf and Records above referred to are the ants onee of the kind in Umatilla County, and settler oa -save time and a trip to LpQcanda by .seeing tola. ITWe have apeelal bcaJUMM ( teeaUavf mis camera. Harness and Saddle Shop, SlalQ Street, CENTER VILLE OR. JUST RECETVKQ A LARGE ARSOttTHXET OF Cocord Team Harness . Ccncnord Hack Harness, Ladies, and Men's Saddles WHIPS. SPURS. Sift. ;)- Satisfaction Guaranteed. , B. E. HERTET (Opfwsit Fort O&ceJ Mam SU WalbWafla, W.T, R. R ROUNDSc- vPeopbietoe., Board, er day. tl.Oft. Board sad Lodring, per week. and itt.00, acuurJlim U rooea. Jteala,Uc . . . Bsda XiaMSOe. . , SB.C Free Ceeck ta tkc 1 sarHO 0HHTAMEH TMTUOYTDjKt ARCOWAUTiAe nal, publiabed every Saturday, at a& California st, BF FRANIC at. PtXLET. FRED. If. BOMEBS. J" .EavtOsji The AaaonAtTT is essentially a California anUloaOea bright, brassy of the Pacific and the medium ef the. good thir.pi of enrrent Hterature. Sent, pest paid, a-nv afkiree., upon receipt of ti.OO yearly snbtrripti). SlfSSSSt. 103 f -. it