Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, July 10, 1880, Image 2

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The Idaho Democrat, of Boise, ia do-
I fog soma Uvelj arguing to. indaoe- tne
I school troxtees to return rcrfaW teach
bar there, who has given jpod satisf action
'and raised the ichool standard. It goes
on to say: "Can ' the Trustee afford to
employ him 1 A foolish question, that,
when the education of oar youth is -con
cerned. A thriving little city that can
boast of a fire steamer 'with an efficient
I department; that points with pride to
htr twantv-iboUBSiid rlnllar . not track ;
"2? IE O -C3L. -G3 -11? X whose citizens are able to and eheerfnlly
oa rBESiDEXT, ' 1 d hang three thousand dollar pUraea, is
CEX. If I5FIEU S. HANCOCK. alao el1 Ue to ploy a firajUlasa in-
j ' i - t . - i r
iracior aa priueipsu n oer puuuc
achooL" -.''.; " " :
That is the way to talk. Bow many
people there are who will grumble about
being unable te pay taxes for a school or
high tuition for a pupil, when they are
yearly squandering ten times the amount
foolishly and needlessly, and often
worse. It would not be as supremely
suxy tor the farmer to stint the quantity
at grain Car seedlhereby reducing his:
harvest, as it is for the parent to stint
the quality or quantity of the fundamen
tal principles of education- furnished his
child,' There is toothing so stupid in
eoonemy as trying to hire a "cheap'
teacher. Increase the salaries, elevate
the standard that only the highly-quali
fied can get a certificate, and make teach
ing so desirable that men or women of
ability can regard it as a life occupation.
True, a young country cannot jump to
to the top at once, but its tendencies can
be progressive, and not be governed by
those suicidal ideas of economy.
T. G. OWKV, of Ceos Canary; f , . j
JA& fULTON. of Waseo County.
J.K. WCATHEBFOttBef Una County.
We eBdwaaadi -isatiiawet ere
Wag nude to effect seme changes at Blue
Mountain Station anf MiW Chat willba a
great boon to the citueas of Grande Bond
Valley, and to this whole section 61 country.
At present, she saaia traffic of that valley is
eoadaetod by way of Umatilla Landing,
esMgh that rente is bat little cheaper than
bp Walla Walla.' If the rates of transporta
tion frost 21ae Mountain were' reduced to
the ammo as from Walla Walla and the ex
tra eharges fee forwardiug removed, rich an
iadaceweat would be offered a would di
vert the. Immense traffic of tbe valley from
the Meaehem road te tbe Thomas & Ruck Us
toad, and thus save both in time, labor and
ateaey. The prospects are that such ar
raaxMseats will ere long be perfected, which
WiU pNsnptly, a a legitimate result, lead to
extensiea to Weston. This change will com.
ataad the great tract devoted to wheat r&U
bg in Umatilla County, and additional
sheueaade of. tons will pass through this
way. - la the meantime the train would ran
with regularity, carrying the mail, aad af
fording a moon-needed wavenience to the
IsMaeaee travel continually going on between
bare and Walla Walla. Of course the ear
eesptieai in forwarding rates would be limit
ed to the Grande Konde merchants, as Can
tsrviUe aad Westoa already patronize this
way as being the best for them. - The benefit
te the latter places would consist iu the re
daction of freight rates to thera. The O. K.
If. Co. aad W. W. & C. R. R. Co. would
raniro assurances from the merchants of
aaid f laces that a hearty and practical co-op
eeatisa would be extended la Return for such
' aeeeraodatiea. As the inauguration of such
a system weald be a benefit only to all con-
cwraaa the verfeccmg of -Jtabeuld. receive
seal eua sat tosnertiato attention-. Eetiwet
istB wheat-raisiag torn lory in the north
eastern past el Umatilla county as being fif
ty taoaaatid execs, with a prospective in
crania tae next season, we can form an idea
of ttai IsMaense tonnage of wheat altni that
saast find the cheapest and best outlet to
market. The average acreage hut season
Was about 9 bushels. This year will not be
so goad en account of the uaasaal drought,
bat It is probably safe to calculate the aver
age for five years at thirty bushels. Besides
Chla, the aereage is constantly increasing, so
4hmt there is a magnificent future before us".
The Oregonian is an able sheet, and
is working earnestly for Garfield. In
trying to present his action in the Chi
nese question in the light most favora
ble to Garfield, that paper was forced to
this for argument; "And moreover,
Mr. Gargeld did not propose to vote for
a bill, the passage of which would have
made political eapital for the Demo
Is a mind capable of being controlled
by suoh partisan considerations fit to be
President of all the people! Is then
public duty only secondary to party
fealty ! Is the welfare of the Pacific
States, the interests of the laboring
classes, of less moment than keeping
down the Democratic party by obstruct
ive legislation 1 This is the worst ad
mission that the usually discreet paper,
the Oregonian, could have made, and
must severely re-act on Garfield as fares
its influence goes.
Imtelmoesce ia received from 8. F.
that Republican soldiers are . organizing
Hancock clubs there, and that already
150 juntas had been subscribed. This
is certainly an enthusiastic commenda
tion, when men who know him intimately
have such sincere confidence in him, as
to thus openly forsake their- party for
personal preferences. All the leanings
seem to be toward strong Democracy
in the Golden State. However an at
tempt is being made to displace the
present incumbent Kaplan, Registrar of
8. F, and substitute Thrap, one of . tbe
notorious manipulators of Louisiana m
187(1. No charges are preferred against
Kaplan. The Democrats aie naturally
alarmed and talking pretty loud about
the matter. : Fraud in elections, whether
county, state or national, should and
must be frowned down upon, and the
guilty exposed. : -
There arrived at the port of New
York during the month of Mayr 1880,
58,702 passengers, 55,250 of whom were
emigrants. During the corresponding
period of 1879 the total number of pas
sengers arrived at the port was 21,567
of whom 13,109 were immigrants. Of
the total arrivals of immigrants at the
port during the month of May, 1880,
there were from England, 5,998: Scot
land, 1,372; Wales, 104 Ireland, 1 3,467;
Germany, 14,099; Austria, 2,067; Swed
en, 3,308; Norway 2,375; Denmark, I,-
033; France, 425; Switzerland; 1,113;
Spain 33; Holland, 1,021; Italy, 1,560;
Belgium, 216; Russia, 772; Poland, 255
Hungary, 765; Finland, 61; Luxemburg,
51; Cuba, 53; all other countries, 105;
r vj
Serve aa iBlaaettoa EHsease .
BV invieoratlnar a feeble constitution, renovating- a
dcbiliated physique, and enrichuu? a thin and irmutri-
tibus circulation with Holte iter's Stomach Bitten, the
finest, the moat highly sanctioned, and tbe moat popu- I
yk wuk auu preventive in hiimdc. -
iTot sale br alt DrogKteta and Dealera jKaeraUy. ' .
Once Used Always Used
I. the beet funiW medldne. and will be found oa
trial to be the moat easy, natural and comfortable I
aperient obtainable.
r will met eentlv on the bowels, remora wind, cur
heartburn, sour stomach and dizxunss and promote
a Health? secretion of Mia.
1 1
f. is tbe most effectual remedy for headache, flddinees.
nervous depression, palpitation 01 the heart, laan-
tuaaaoa general aeouij.
e will relieve the worst eases of rheumatism and coat
prevent gravel and stone In the bladder, and cure
aii msnasrsot the moneys.
Lm.Oinei at La esairM, Ot Uajla,us).
5oUsa is h-reby rivea that tha nCowina; named att-
Urr has filed notice of bis Intention to make flnal proot
Im figoot of Mt tV-'-. and secure anal entry thereof
at the expiration of thirty days from ana u a wis
BoUee, tub - -
evasaes ax. wiuuusa,
Praeaaptiea Ko. l.SJS. Proof win be made before D. T
Dwifht, a Notary Public, at Pendleton, UmaUlia eoua
ty, Oreeon, on June tS, 1880, for the s i s a i, fe a), sw J.
see. t, T 4, KIM . and names tbe foUowina; aa sua
wHoesses, vuk j. at. wauter, rfona iNtnasua, x. v.
Davie and J. w. Davis of Centerrille, Umatilla county.
Oregon, Holt DiMR,
-J Kegiste. .
land flfflm at faOiuik Dr.. Ifav VI imn
Kotice is harcbv riven that the following named ant.
Her baa Sled notice of bis intention th make Susl proof
in support of his claim, and ssmre final entry thereof
at the expiration, of thirty days from tha date at this
notice, vie
ssaae a. Wletansssb-
Proof will be taken before D. P. THrirhL a Voter Pub.
lio at Pendleton, Umatilla county, Oregon, on June to.
issu, lor ue e t wma. zo, a h at , ana nsmna
tha foUowiiar as his witnesses, vir: E. C Tinalav. Cass
Cannon, Ueo. Davis and James Zerba, all of CentervUla,
ummnia eounty. urcg-on. nana w. utwn,
Laxs Orncs at LiOiaxd, Oregon. May ft,, lsgo.
Koticse'is berebV riven that the torlowinraaauf a.
tier baa filed notice oi hia inteoUon toatake final proof
In support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof
at the expiraUoa of thirty days Irom tha data of this
uwucc, via
f K.Cee. -
Testiaaony'wUl be taken before 8. V. Knox, a Notary
ruouc as westoo, umauila county, Oregon, on July 1,
"w, iw. li seo. i, a a a, oi H w K, anu names
tha following as his witnesses, cis: . John R. Frailer.
Jamas Fiaaier. Henry Piper and A. M. Elam, all of
alii ton, Umatilla eounw-. Oregon. H. w. Dwioor.
aUajateetursr and Dee lea ts
Till & SHEET ICC:i
an kiads of
Sheir-IIaidware- CswUatlj m
" hand, for iwle cheaptr .
ALargaAasDnmewtafv- -
Lavs Omes, at La Gsaiisb, Ob., May 17, 1889.
Notice la harcbv aivea that tha foUowinr named set
tier has filed notice of his intention to nu final proof
in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof
at tha expiration of thirtv days from the date of this
notice, via:
w imaaa aa.
rives speedv and durst
. complaints, weak digestion, shivering.
and durable relief in bilious and liver
spirits and irritability.
While, it may be true that our State
m j
. A remarkable scene oocarred in the
Honst of Commons, of England, when
'Brodleagh, ba professed : atheist, who
had deolared no oath on the bible bind
ing and had rather brarced the matter,
waa refassd the pririlege to take the
oath of offioe of affirmation and after a
long debate and actual resistance on his
park was expelled from inside the bar of
the House by foroe. On the motion to
enferee his withdrawal the votes stood
S28 to 38.
A 0 of gold or silver contains 29,166
66 ounces, A ton of gold is worth f $02,
975, A ton of silver, at the present rate
ftt ewaoa, is worth about 832,000. A
enbie foot of gold weighs 1,200 pounds,
a i erth nearly $300,000. A cubic
feet of silver weighs 600 jounds aad is
Wth about to;opflie vain 61 old
twin, bars and bullion in circulation in
, the world is estimated at 1500,000,000.
This would make in a nraes a twenty-five
foptenbe. ' ' '.
Oni very suspicious-looking circum-
tance on the part of the Radical press
is their continually deprecating any in
vestigation of the records of the Presi
dential nominees. If ''this course har
monized with their-general career, we
would fain be obliged to admit that they
were striving for an honorable course,
but it does not. The ink is hardly dry
on these same journals, maligning and
assailing Sam. J. Tilden on . his record,
whieh course has never flagged during
the four years succeeding his election to
the Presidency, just because these same
sheets were afraid he would again be a
candidate. If it was right to impugn
Tilden on suspicion, it is surely right to
expose Garfield on the strength of the
CorijTessional Records. The Junction
Republican, that great mass of rhodom
ontade, is a conspicuous example. We
are entitled to conclude, then, from these
premises, that Hancock's record is bet
tor calculated to stand criticism than
that of Garfield;' .
8Aijr threatens active hostilites if
China waa't apologize for interference
with Coelie Immigration to Peru, and the
Peking Government says such emigration
Is contsajry to. treaty and ia violation to
19? 4 humanity, Spain expects
tha support of Portugal which nation in
tends to send ships of war to enforce its
alajas to the colony of Macaa. ?era aigo
has similar ground for quarrel
HoaTK Rulers have requested Parnell
to introduce a new bill for the relief of
tha Irish people, in view of the increas
ing distrea and the outbreak of typhoid
fever in several distressed districts. The
bUl will ask for $100,000 from tha Irish
Church Fund as a gift, and will propose
as a Committee pf Distribution a Board
qemposed of the chairman and Secretary
of each of the four Boards of Assessors
for relkaf already existing, and Forester,
Chief Bwcrefary for Iceland
At a public meeting of the leading
citizens held at Weston on Thursday
evening last for the purpose of electing
delegates to the Division convention at
Pendleton to-day, the following proceed
ings took place: D. C. Lounsbury waa
elected chairman, and A. Meachen secre
tary. Messrs. Steen, McMorris, Mc-
Coll, J. ProebsUl, H. R Griffin and L
Ia VanWinkle were duly elected a Di
vision delegation, with power to fill any
vacancy that might occur in their num
ber. After some pungent speeehes tbe
meeting adjourned.
' TlIS scientists at the Washington Na
tional Museum announce that , the Wal
lowa red fish are simply salmon. The
people over there knew that a year ago;
but it will be a satisfaction to them to
learn that tha Washington tavanU are
right for ousc, CapV Bendire thinks
they are the silver salmon of the Colum
bia, which change to a red color at the
spawning season.
The young man who wants to get np
with the sun, must not sit np too late
with she daughter.
is deficient in manufactories, and that
we import many articles that might be
made more cheaply at home, yet we have
reason to be proud of our home produc
tion. At this time we will merely men
tion the matter of stoves. A few years
ago all our stoves were made out of the
State. Now the case is different. Stoves
that are made in Oregon compare favor
ably in appearance and durability and
cheapness with any other in the market.
We should therefore encourage that
branch of industry by purchasing those
manufactured in our own State, especial
ly as they are as good and oheaper than
the others.
Aipalpha grows in our yard volun
tary, luxurously and to the bight of six
feet, greatly to our annoyance and when
we look at the rank fodder, we wonder
why sometimes cattle and horses are
doomed to starve to death during the
winter in a country so fertile and rich."
To us it looks like a burning sin and
shame; yet some take pride in telling how
many cattle they lost during the winter
and expect sympathy when they should
be indicted and put in jail for chronic
'laxibility" or cruelty to animals, W.
W. Watchman. ' . :: .- :
By the Yakima Beord we learn that
trouble is brewing in that section in con
sequence of the Indians on the reserva
tion killing cattle. The cattle are killed
on the range, just enough meat taken to.
satisfy present want and the remainder
left to rot. No less than eight or ten
have been seen in one day by men who
were out hunting stock. If this state of
affairs continue the settlers wilt have to
protect themselves. They desire a mili
tary post over there, and if things are as
bad as they are represented to be it will
not be long before they will have ons. .
Tbe Portland Standard is conducting
a' noble Democratic campaign. 1 1 is fair
ly and., argumentatively investigating
the charges against Gen. Garfield, found
ing its accusations only en given authori
ty, and inviting he Oregonian to point
out any false data. But the latter evades
the merits of the case, and tries to divert
the discussion into other channels. Tha
Standard should be circulated through
out the Stattv
So Dennis Kearney has at length "been
deposed from the Presidency of the Worr-
ingmen's Clubs. The Democratic element
have at last become convinced that Kear
ney is in Republican pay to hold the
Democratic following for the Greenback
nominee, Weaver. It is well that this
coarse, . dangerous character is losing
prestige. California, is looming up
strongly for Democracy.
It would do no good to conceal tbe
fact that the crops in great part of this
county are in a precarious condition.
Some few fields in the lighter lands are
already irretrievably rained, and the ap
pearance of an early rain alone can secure
a good yield for the remainder. The
shower last Monday did not extend suf
ficiently west of the Blue Mountains.
The census of this state will toot up
about 150,000,
ia Invaluable asaremedv for the sues. It has been
tryed tor manyyearaand has given great satisfaction.
II yon are anucted try it.
.witnesses testimony will be takes before P- T. Pwiga
a Notary Puhlleat Pendleton, Umatilla county, Oregon,
on June ii. 1880. for the w i. si i, and v lut Sec
8 T 4.x a 34 a, and names the following aa his witnesses,
viz: James blrKpatncK, J. u. Myers, ueorge uroea ana
A. V. Kusseu, all of VrMO, umauua county, uregoa.
1 Ksgiater.
s -
murines and cleanses the blood, and removes all
scrofulous affections. It Is health-giving, refreshing
haianeatablished reoutatlon as an efficacious remedy
lor suoaen ana severe coias,caugns levers ana ague.
asthma ana phthisis.
s cures chronic, nervous and sick headache, nervous
depression, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, pimplea
on toe ace ana freckles.
' is a trcntle laxitiveand tonic: improves tha appetite
cures dyspepsia, and counteracts tha effect oi mala-
nous pouon.
cures eonstirjation. diarrhoea and dysentery: ia eer
- Laxb Orncs at LaGsjlsds, Ogn., June 8, 1390.
Notice ia herebr riven that th. followinc-named set
tler has filed notice of his intention to make flnal proof
m suooort af his claim, and secure final entry thereof
at the expiration of thirty days from th. date of this
noucs, viz:
aucaaci unca,
Homestead No. 650. for the Sel HwJ, Net Swl of Sec
11TSN.R 36 E. original entrv: the St 8wi of f
2. T 6 N. R So E. additional entrv. Said Droof will be
I made before the County Juoge at Pendleton, Umatilla
county, Oregon, July 18, 1880, ana names toe rouowing
: aa nis witnesses, viz: v. a. niuisy, ueorge i. iterry,
w. J area ana ueo. ae tiaven. oi umauua county we-
gon. tUUiST w. Dwioirr. Kegister.
tain in results, and corrects all disturbances of tha
"stomach'ahd bowela.
I L a nleanant remedv for bolls, carbuncles, blotches.
Ulcerated and running sores, scabs,salt rheum, and
.-glandular swellings.
Is used successfully for fostid breathy scald bead,
ringworm, itch, prickly-heat, cancerous ulcars and
. . is used successfullv for
ringworm, itch.prickl
sain diseases generally
fTaasa's nauacao tca
has no canal inthe entire ranre of ths PbarmaootHSla
as an anti-sorbutic, alternative, carminative aad
mood purmer.
CTaass's uaiiscao tea
a-ives a tone of health and elasticity to the whole
system and will prevent almost any disease if used
at least once a month.
ITxsia'a HAuaraa txa
r hi triuuiuh in medicine: harmless yet efficacious.
Invalual.lu in the family, at the mines, on the road,
at sua, anu everywhere.
tTBESE'a HASBtna tea
nothing comes near to it. Kverj body should use it
a we change ox season,
.' for sale by evory Drujglrt, Oroeer and Country Mer
chant on tha Pacific Coast. ' 1-sl-U
Laxb Omei atL aOsakbe, Osrf June 14,1380..
Notice is hereby riven that the foUowinr named sai
tier has filed notice of his intention to make final proof
in support of his claim, and socur. final entry thereof at
tha expiration oi thirty aays Irom toe date oi uus nones
vub . -
Btcharsl Kcyaolds.
Bomesstead application So. 1083. Proof win be made
bef or. the County Judge of Umatilla county, Oregon.
hia witness-
, viz: Wm Korce. Alfred Watts. Eiiuu Brock and J K
King, ail of. umauila county, uregon.
she Vr
Bwwvea rattenaa. Alt Tlaware
gaodl haavy aaatirrtal. aa4 stei
Biveto, Irou
Steel, ITt!ila
: ' WeetsaiolmaaAn Styla. .
. Burgen a fcOTs and "Kaaaiac- '
Shot-Gun 4 Rifle Aramunltica,
A run Lias at-
r-: t- a -. -.r
Pistols MvlBYolTera! 1
Original entry 692; additional entry Nwj Ma t of Sec. 2,
T S ei, K sa , ana nanus the leuowing as
If. W. DviasT, Register.
Laxb Orncs at LaOrasbs, Ok., Juna It, 1839.
Notice Is hereby riven tint the following-named set
tler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof
in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof at
the expiration oi thirty uays irom ine oatc w tnis nouaa,
Calvlav Frrgaisaa. ;
Hooestead applleaUon No. 714. Proof will bemads ba
fore th. County Judge cf Umatilla county, Oregon, at
- renaieton, on August 7, is&u, lor the rt set sws sac
,T4 N, KSS E, and names the following as his wit-
tfwnes noyee. ueniamm tunenan. A. J.
Crolutt and Alex. BrasaaeU, all of Weston: Umatilla
county, Oregon. UasM W Tjwuut. Raeiater
Trout Baskets, Cto.
RodgerS CiitlerY
Ooraprisirix heavy-nlated Knlvea, Terka
. ani Spaona. , ,,,.X :.
; Sold at Lowest rates tor a good srfide.
Notice is hereby given that w. H. . Parront has
this day made application at this office to purchase
under the act of June 3d. 1878. "An act for the sal. of
Timber Lands in the States of California, Oregon Nevada
ana in Washington 'lemtery , uk e 1-4, jw 1
and 8 w 1-4, Be 1-4, sec 17, T , N R 7 E.
Given under my handjat th. U. 8. Land office at La
Grande, Oregon,. thia ISM day of May, 18j0.
' Notice ia hereby given that 3. C If SBtocg has thia
day mauo application at this Office to enter under the
act of Congress approved June 3d, 1878, entitled, "aa
Act for the sale of timber lands in the States of Cali
fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," the
8 8wl-4 sec 25, T 4 N, R 37 East.
Given under my handthis 9th day of Juna, I860, at
the U. 8. Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon.
27-31 Hzkbt XHviort, negister.
Lamd Orncs. ax LaGbakoe, Ogn Juna 10. 1330.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named set
tlor naa niea notice oi his intention to make nnl proof
m support o ms ciaun ana secure nnai entry thereof as
the expiration at thirty days from the date of this notice.
eajamlm Blnefcart.
Homestead proof will be made before the County Judre
at Pendleton, Oregon, on tha 7th day of August. 1880.
for the Ei Nl sec 30, and additional W of Nol see. 30
T 4 N, H 36 E, and names the following aa his witnesses,
tiz vaivin rerguson. jamas ttoyos, cnanaa rcrgusoa
and Clark Briggs, all of Weston, Umatilla county, Ore
gon, messt w. uwioirr. Register.
Laxb Omcs AT LaGraicbe. Ogn., Juns 2, 1889,
Notice is hereby given that the' tollowing-named set
tler has filed notice of his intention to make final prof
in support of his claim, aad secure final entry tkeiraof
at the expiration of shirty days from the date of this
notice, viz:
Creea V
witnesses proof win be taken belore D. r. Dwight, a
Wn.a U..V.Hn . D..Jtu TT .;i 1 1
on July 10, 10, 1880, tor the Sw J see SO, T 6 N , R 34 K,
John PhiiUps, John Bush aad A ad raw McCroen, aU oi
beaierviiie, umauua uounty, uregon.
0-27-31 B. W DSMHT, Register.
1akp Omcs AT LaGbakbs, Oa., Jan. t, 1880.
Notice is harebv aiven that tha fonnw4iur.namal
settler baa filed notice of faia intention to make final
prooi m support of nit claim, and secure final entry
thereof at tha expiration of thirty days from the data of
suia noucs, viz:
Waa, Baker.
i Proof will be taken baton
D. P. Dwight, a
floury mono at rendleton, Umatilla County. Oregon,
on July 10, 1880, for the Bar i sec, 20, T SC. R 34 E,
- r-""" '"""-'"B ois winessea, vuu o. w,
Brock, C. E. Read, Andrew McCroen and John Phil
. namtT owmbt, Register.
living in Milton praeuvt, Umatilla Co mty, Oregon,
fJIftry dasenbed aa follows, to-wit: One two-year,
old Stallion; a, bright , sorrel; star la the forshead
5", let bind foot white, and
branded with the letter r on left shoulder. Mau!um
fsa, and vicious among other animals. Appraised at
" - U. W. HARRIS.
Lavb Orncs At LaOaAKBS. Oa., Jons 8th. IBM.
Notice is hereby siren that tha follawbr.fiama! atttlM
has filed notice of . his -intention to make final proof fcs
upport of hia claim, and secure flnal entry thereof at
i of
the expiration of thirty days from tha Sate
via. - -
' a. Tea Wlmkle.
Witnesses n-sttman. will K t-lrM i- i
a Notary pulfe at Pandlctoni Umatilat county. Oregon
t this aetic.
o Jul 17. 1880. for th. Nat sec a T 4 M. ItSalL aBA:
names, uie rouowing aa ms witnesses, viz: jonn stamp
er, henry Stamper, Wm. Burden and D. E. Boo bar, all
w v.. wrruie, vmajiiia vounsy, uregon.
HENRY W. D WIGHT, Register.
(Opposite Post Ofaas,
Main JU Walla WalU,W.T.
R R ROUNDS, - - Propietosv
Board, per day, SLOB. Board aad Lodging, perwosk.
aa.u ana acou, aeesiuing so ivom
- Bsda-XaaadMa.,
trrea Ci
J. H. 1ULEY.
Snrreyor and Ciril " Esistaer
.. Pendleton, Oregon.
' ' Town Plats made ana Lead Ltaaisi.
' PTICE At MM Cvtrrt a?eaa
KM-Sljr i' .iJ. .;
z Lab Omcs at LaGbahds, Cs,, Juns 12. 1880.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has Hied notice of his intention to make flnal
proof in support of his claim, and aseur. aaal awsry
thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of
his notice, viz: . .
LB. A. Bate
Ha No. 237S. Proof will be made before D. P. DwUrht,
a Notary Public at Pendleton, Umatilla county, Oregon,
oa July 14, 1880, for th. 8w J sec so, T 4 N, ft S4 K, and
names the following aa bis witnesses, viz: Wm. Willis,
Henry McUmber. John A. Gross aad W. B. Boeder, all
of Ceatervilie, Umatilla county, Oregon.
s-ts-33 Hdh W. Vwran-r, Register.
Lass Orncs at LaGeakde, Oga., Juns 14, 1880.
' Notice is hereby given that the following namtd set
tler has Sled notice of hia intention to make final proof
In support of bis claim, and secure flnal entry thereon
at the expiration of thirty days bona the date or thia
aotiee, viz; ;
: - . William Bore.
Homestead application No. 1085. Additional home
stead proof will ba made before the County Judge at
Pendleton, Oregon, July 24, 1880, for the additional en
try, Ni Xw oi Bsc 2, T 8 N, R 36 E; original home
stead No. 574, and names the following as his witnesses,
vis: Richard Reynolds, Alfred Watts, Eihu Brock and
J. K- King, all of Umatilla County, OregonJ
zg- - - BE.VRT W. DWIOHTTUglgter.
D wight at CaHe?,
IstsMl AgeaU, Keaartas
Pendleton. Oreffon
...... , .. " . . -
gave Towsasir PaatBOf all sbrvwyad Isaflsla CssaeSst -
County and a record of all Lead Ctaksk treea Mi at
location to the present time, aad eocraeted Basal nity
fromtheLandOfBe.at UGreaaev- ,- .-. -. .
Laws e the U. S
Local Land Omos, and on appeal to
Will furnish Soldiers iHlrliawl B
and aU kind, of Lead acrip ea
saarkst raae. . ,
Will bayaad sstl lands, aity piopei ty. Sav, aa
ryaf the teas!
anal iii Ptsaaj
a am
The Plattf and Ifaeoras aJbova let una to aim Sal mf
onesof the kind btUmsealla Oawsay.aad esataasj asB
save time and a in to LoOraaae by assaias ns.
TAKE IT "i'lKfaJ 3
aewaieat Local papers ia tae Metiawasf
It is nvarpaaatd as aa Artsstf pjsejeltirja