Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, July 10, 1880, Image 1

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' kUUIHI at " rMlskcn. ,
b IUOZS EvHr'&iuDiX Moasrao. ' .
AT '
. SaerlUam
! Oh Yaar, (aota)
XhM lioabi.
Jiafta "- ..............
. : idTertblax Bale.
.Oaa Saw (I Inch) llrrt ioaartion
(Mb aadialoaal inwrtioa.
Tv gquara, flrat lna.ru an
A m adaMatnnal iMMttoo........
'-Thraa Mara, tiat inwrtioa, ,
aadilaaltaiott.. ..,..,....,
Oaa Quartar Column, flrat Isaartion.. . .',
,aaata aadlUanai inaartioa
...IS 00
... too
... 1 60
.12 Cta
.....,,tl SO
....... 60
, t Oo
...... 3 (0
) 60
6 M
Tlaw adVartiaan 4f aaada) eonturt. Local aottoe
"ti ml aartlna Snt iswrtlon. 121 oenU pw its aacta
mVqaaot 1 rttoa. Adrmzlminp biUfatkaa,iia-
AHUM oatioai will ba cfcarrad 75 cent per autur
rut UMwetMBt and 17 cant pr aquar aach fubaaqaant
imniia fpajaaia a aaiy -
' 0TJ. Slmpla annouoeamenU of .birth, marrbgaa
.act aaami wui a iDacraa wuaoui cnara. uoiutaT
poatcaa enargaa tor acconuof tanj(ia, :
Wabhihotok, D. C. Juno. 21, 1880.
The roioe of. the statesman is again
hushed in the land, and the capitol'is
V .ence mere aa deaertl as ' the - sepul
chres of.thn Egyptians in tbe old city of
'' Taeb. - The Senators, or nearly aU of
them, hare left for pleaaanter, and per
haps cooler soenesL , Conkling still lin
gerrhere, however, as he was seen rid
ing down the avenue this afternoon,
picking his teeth and with his hat well
.down over his eyes as though seeking to
.avoid recognition. '
" The two greatevents of the week have
' been the adjournment of Congress and
the reception tendered to Gen. Garfield
upon bis return to Washington. The
-nrst was accomplished in a very quiet
t-: And proper manner. Instead of having
long, wearisome night session on the
, 10th, Congress convened arly on the
- lth, rushed through all the bills they
" possibly could until the gavels of the
f i ,.yice-Preident in the Senate and Speak-
m in the House announced that the 46th
. . Congress had ceased to exist, when with
rall dispatch they "folded their tents and
.tole silently away." It may ha of in-
terest ,to the general reader to know
,wnat amount ot wore has been accom--,
' .pliahed during the session just terminat
ed. In the Senate 1,197 bills and joint
Resolutions were introduced, while 4,288
.4 ibills and joint resolutions were intro
t .duced into the House of Bepresenta-
jtives. At the time of adjournment on
' the 16th inst., in addition to the large
' Ct. jiumber measures not yet reported
, irom tne several committees, there re-
, ,)inaind about 800 bills and joint resolu
tions on the House calender which have
. L . a . a .
- .oeen aportaa. witn committee recom
' mendations for passage, all 0f which
- will have to take their .chances in the
?iext Congress. The amount appropri
-ated by the present session of Congress
'. hcut $185,000 000. Oariag
.to' the close f the session being so near
at hand, the Senate did sot have time to
reconsider the Deputy Marshal hill
? which had ben returned by the Presi
dent with a veto.
General Garfield had rather an en
thusiastic reception upon his return to
.this .city. Instead of goirg directly to
his residence, he took up his quarters at
.the Biggs House, it being more conven
. , Sent of acoerK, and his family being away
, his presence was not required at home.
JOn Wednesday evening the National
Veteran Association gave Garfield a ser
.nade, which gave a number of politicians
M opportunity to "shoot off" a little of
' their admiration for the Chicago nomin
ee, , .Attorney-General Devens made a
.classical speech with artificially-rounded
sentences; fragrant of Harvard law
.school, and lauditory of Republican
principles. General Garfield avoided
lvc,,. an ,nae complimentary allus-
0ns to tne war Veterans, represenU-
tixes of which stood before him. Gen.
JQoo. A- Sheridan, Register of Wills for
Jthe pistrict of Columbia, made the most
- italUng speech of the evening, it being
atrictly and purely a partisan stump ora
on of the first water, and was highly
..appreciated by the concourse of govern
stent employes and others assembled in
he vicinity.
. T society of the Army of the Cum
fcrlan,d on Thursday evening gave a
'.banquet to Garfield, at which'Secretary
Bherman, Secretary Schurs, Secretary
Thompson, Postmaster-General Key, At
torney -General Devens, SeoreUry Ram
sey and saany minor lights in the politi
cal world were present : Garfield :u
applauded to .the echo ,ia all his aenti
ment. ! H. -G. '
As small fmit must no lia not an.
we give some hints about it &is week; it
seems to' some to be more difficult to
make these delioata kinds of fruit keep,
but if the jars are kept in the dark tfaey
will come ut better. t
Glass jars are the best for fruit, and
1 the mMt eoononiioa'ainae they ean.be
used year after year JSy,occaaknelly, get
ting near elastics when the old ones grow
loose. Be sure that each jar is perfect,
the elastic tight and firm, and the cover
in good working order. Tbe fruit must
be fresh and matare, but not: dead ripe,
Sugai is not a necessity in canning, but
fruit put op without it is jonly fit for
making pies; even for that purpose I
'think it better to add a little at the time
of canning. Suigar helps to preserve
the form and color of the berries; with
out it they are liable to become soft and
mushv - in cooking; especially if that
process is carried on too long. Use the
granulated sugar, common grades ar
not so pure, and will injure the flavor.
The usual proportions are a quarter of
a pound of sugar to each pound of fruit,
which answers very well for the sweeter
varieties; for the more acid, the quanti
ty may be increased or even doubled,
making a half pound of sugar to every
pound of fruit, which is the greatest
amount ever used in canning.
When : the fruit if properly cooked,
and when still boiling hot, place a folded
cloth in a pan and saturate! it with cold
water; on this put the jar to be filled,
with a silver table spoon in it. Fill the
jar to the very brim, adjust the elastic,
wipe it and screw oa the top without a
moment a delay; as tfaa fruit cools and
tne class and metals ooAtact. the . too
must be repeatedlr tightened, jtil it
can be moved no further. I Keep in.cooL
dry place, and, unless it is dark as frel),
wrap the ' jars in paper before putting
away, ine action of light affects the
color, and sometimes causes fermenta
tion. Good fruit, put boiling hot into
perfect cans, that are filled fulL and
sealed while the contents are still boil
ing hot, will be as fresh when the can is
opened as when it was sealed; but these
cenditions must ha strictly complied
with, and so you see fruit cannot be
canned with any certain success hy sim
ply pouring boiling water j over it, with
out heating it clear through, neither
should a can remain unsealed any longer
than is , absolutely necessary. If you
use glass with the self-sealing top, it
takes only an instan t to put it in place.
If you use tin, set the cans on the stove
to keep hot until you are ready to seal a
number at onee.
If they require washing, let it be
done as expeditiously as possible, and
the watei well drained off; after which
look them over carefully, and place in
preserving kettle with alternate-layers of
sugar in whatever proportion has been
decided on. Heat slowly to boiling,
then cook rapidly until the fruit is
heated through, which will be in from
five to fifteen minutes, according to its
character; then can- as before directed.
If there is a surplus of syrup, it can be
bottled separately and used to make pud
ding sauce and fruit blancmange.
Never put away a jar partly filled; it
will be almost sure to spoiL
The fire for canning should be steady;
absolute boiling is necessary to the pres
ervation of the fruit, and unless this i
brought about quickly after there is suf
ficient juice to prevent burning, much of
the delicate flavor is driven off in steam,
and the fruit also loses its fine .color.
J Parsons who are particlar aa to the
appearance of their fruit, will prefer to
can the small, soft varieties, with as lit
tle handling as possible. For this reas
on, and also because the flavor is better
preserved, they cook the fruit in the
Make a syrup by melting five pounds
of sugar in fosr quarts of water, usless
y.o want the fruit richer, in which case
use less water. Allow a pound and nearly
a half of Iroit for each quart jar, shake
it dowa geatlj b4 cmnx with tluhot
syrup. Put the tops on loosely aad
set the jars in the wadiMtlerth 'eold
water enough to come within ; three .in
chest of their rims; the boiler nwwUhava
a false bottom made of narrow slata of
wood : to keep the jars from resting di-
iectly on the .metal heat to the boiling
point, and cook from five to ten minutes
longer, or until well heated through; fill
ail tne jars up Irom one, and seal with
out delay. WxLlamtUe Fanntr.
law.' . 'I . consider " wrote President
Buchanan to ita author, "I consider the
present occasion one of the most fortu
nate of your life. It will be ' your fat
to and the dangerous agitation, to confer
lasting benefits on your -country and to
render yonr character historical. I shall
remain always yoar friend."
On the eve of the Cmoeraitic split of
1869 Mr. English, who tas a member of
the National Campaign Commitee, though
not a delegate to the Charleston Conven
tion, made an earnest appeal for harmony
and concession. But the rupture came,
followed by secession, and he retired from
j political life, decliuing a re-nomination
to Congress to engage in private business. 1
He was offered the command of regi
ment by Governor Morton, bat declined
it, though he was throughout the war a
firm and consistent ,, supporter of the
Union cause. . - ., : v i
Since 1664 Mr. English has taken lit
tle active part ia politics, though' his
deep interest in the subject has never
abated. He presided over . the ratifica
tion meeting at Indianapolis four years
ago, when be made aa earnest plea in
favor of sound financial doctrine. His
own views on the financial question were
thus expressed in a recent interview:
I am for honesty in money, aa in poli-
a '
tics ana morals, and think the greatest
William H. Eaelish, of Indiana was
born August 27, 1822, at Lexington,
Scott county, the son of Major ElishaG.
English, Kentuekian by birth, who em
igrated to Indiana in 1818, and during a
long and honored life filled several posi
tions of important trust in the gift of
the people and the Government Wil
liam, after obtaining such educational
advantages as the common school, of that
newly settled region afforded, took three
years' course of study at South Hanover
College, studied law and was admitted to
practice in the Cireuit Court at the early
age of eighteen. Politics, however, had
more attraction for him than his profes- material and business interests of this
sion, and early engaged his attention, .country should be placed upon the most
for while in his teens he was a delegate oHd basis and as far as possible from the
from Scott county to the Democratic blighting influence of Demagogues. At
State Convention At Indianapolis and , the same time lam opposed to class legis-
in the famous "hard cider and log cabin"
campaign of 1840 he took a very active
part as a stump speaker. Under Tyler
the young politician obtained his first
office the postoffice of his native village
Lexington. In 1843 he was chosen
Clerk of the Indiana House of Reprewn-
tatives, and after the election of Polk,
spent four years in the Treasury Depart
ment at Washington. Democracy, it
may be said, was hereditary in the Eng
lish family. The father and uncle of
Mrs. English were -.Vice Presidents in
the National Convention of 1848, and
two other uncles delegates, all four
brothers being members of Legislature in
different States.
In 1850 Mr. English was elected Sec
retary of the Constitutional Convention.
A year later he was sent to the first
Legislature that met .under the provisions
lation and in favor of protecting and fos
tering the interests of the laboring and
producing classes in-every legitimate way
possible. A pure, economical, constitu
tional Government that will protect the
liberty of the people and the property of
the people without destroying the rights
of State or aggrandizing its own powers
beyond the limits of the Constitution, is
the kind of Government contemplated by
the fatherj, and by that I think the
Democracy propose to stand.
. Pills.
Patent Medicines,
. Chemicals,
Glass; '
Aniline Dyes,
LUBnrs. lcxdbobq-s A Riic5xtf ;
Pjiro .IquOr8, Sold only on Physicians' Prescriptions, -ft...
:'', XaawAMo wl4g-ac cjr
Blank Boom,
4 sou
llaacetl, Chlaa Sat, labrtcaUna;. Lard mm Bptiaa.
Musical instruments, j s,j
J4JHa fa sizes. El'KEIU. aa fianrasu CIJUM CnmSM.,
Prescriptions Carefully Comopunded iatall, hours
BargaiiiaB Bargains Bargains
Wbolsaie and Retiail."
The undersind has been instructed to sell the WHOLE TOjJK
The humanitarian sentiment and phil
osophy which have ripened into a short
sighted policy with the rulers at Wash
ton, have totally extinguished the prac
tical statesmanship which comprehends
the philosophy of dealing with the set
tlements of a new country, and nro-
tecting those settlements with its power.
of the constitution then adotted. where district of country lying between
r iL. 1 1 - n tv
siirnal honor awaited him. In tha uou OI amas rnma, in ine coun-
Democratic caucus on the Speakership
Mr, English received 22 votes to 31 for
John W. Davis, who had been Speaker
of the twenty-ninth Congress, and when
few days later Mr. Davis resigned,
owing to a disagreement with the House,
his young rival was chosen as his succes
sor, and discharged so well the dutiea of
his office that, though it was the first ses
sion held under the provisions of the new
constitution, not a single appeal was
taken from his decisions. In 1852 Mr.
English was elected to Congress, defeat
ing John D. Ferguson by 488 votes; be
ing re-elected in 1854, defeating Judge
Thomas C. Slaughter by 5 88' and again
in 1856 and 1858, his majority on the
last occasion that he consented to run
being 1,812.
The eight years during which Mr. Eng
lish sat in Congress were crowded with
important events, and he had his full
share.in the , work of making history.
As a member of the commitee on Terri
tones at the time of the introduction " of
the Kansas-Nebraska biU, he submitted
a minority report containing the "popu
lar sovereignty" .idea which Mr. Jreeley
says in his "American Conflict" could
not have been defeated but for the par
liamentary maneuver which cut off all
amendments but the substitution of the
Senate bilL Mr. English, it may be
added, was one of the three or fonr mem
bers from the Free States who survived
the storm that decended on the support
ers of the bill The committee was com
posed of Mr. English, Mr, Alexander H.
Stephens and the late W. A. Howard, of
Michigan, op the part of the House, and
of Senator Greene, of Missouri R. M. T,
Hunter and Seward. The conference re
sulted in the adoption of the Kansas
compromise measure, commonly known
as "the Ensrliah bill" which finally Daased
both Hon Be of Congress and 'became a
ty of Alturas, and Salmon City, in the
county of Lemhi, embracing within ita
scope a mineral-producing belt of over
M. 1 . . .
two ftunarea mues in length, by more
than one hundred and forty , in width,
has been for years past but the reunit
ing field for hostile bands of Indians. A
section of country so vast La its natural
wealth and so susceptible to settlement
and population, as well as in the produc
tion of the precious metals, should sure
ly prove an object worthy the notice
and generous care of the executive and
legislative power of our government in
the protection of its people. Ex.
rm ssAAtM rAm to wot a. CPDIVIl Hm-lniHm. a .Ioma
IV lUOV a wiu ivi mm uugi urn. um-ui um v mm sslm ja,. -m stu Jv
assortment of Boots and Shoes,
Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Tobacco and Cigars a spectaHtyV ,
Also Coal Oil, Clear as Crystal, Guaranteed Free .from JFireian
Substance and Non Explosive. ' -
Ready Made Clothing at Coct -
10 ' ' . . Ta. a asr .
call and examine for yourselves before buying
Cesteevile, February 6th, 1880. -. -.";., . Afeni. .
We notice that the citizens of Walla
Walla have taken commendable steps to
suppress the custom of destroying the
fish that frequent our- streams, ont of
season. Every lover of piscatorial pur
suits, every observer of law is interested
in doing everything to abate and remove
the custom of selling traps for the fish.
We understand that in the Walla
Walla and Umatilla rivers, this pernic
ious custom prevails unchecked. Our
Walla Walla neighbors have organized a
society, elected their officers, and now of
fer $10 reward for such information as
will lead to the panishment of parties
guilty of violating law in this respect.
Their example is worthy of imitation
here, and we S3uld counsel our citizens
to take early .action in the matter. .
The steamship Gulnare, which is to
convey Captain Howgate's polar expedi
tion to Lady Franklin Bay, left Wash
ington hut night.
In tbe house of lords, a bill legalizing
marriage with a deceased wife's sister,
was rejected, 101 to 61. 1
The British House' of Commons has
adopted a local option bilL
-tri A . ..
Heavy Stock of BOOTS and SHOl
Hardware, Iron and SteeL
"Produce taenn JBxchange. .
Coraer Main and 3d Sta, Walla Walla.
Wholsale and Retail Dealers in . .-.
Dr Goods Fancy Goods, iXotiona.
We are in receipt of a . : "";- idL, -
JtlaEIMOTH Toon;
Bought Previous to the ItecenL. , . ; k - t
In all kinds of goods,and we are therefore prepared to offer foo-
Lower Than the LowecjtL :
fARTipy.LAR Attention paid to order?
4 x