Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, July 03, 1880, Image 1

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    VOL. 2,
no: 30.
W. T. WJIXUMaOX. t - ; a. T. U'COVL
WWjMS et JTCOLI, rWifc.
Jxspsp Every Satubdat Mor-vixo,
.Cm Year, (coin) '
UA. ....i. ......
fane Mootla.
kiafle Coy" .........
AdTerttnJac IUtr.
$3 00
t 00
1 GO
in many years, an entirely new House of
Representatives will bo elected, and
there will be many new faces in Wash
ington upon the convening of the 44th
Congress. Many of the members of the
present Congress have already been nom
inated by their constituents for re-election.
- . H. Q.
cm 84W (1 Inch) flnt tnwtton. .
rn uiitftioiukl inwrtion
TvSqnra,1lnt inmrtktono.
I ub additional InMrtkm
ThrM 8quarea, flnt inaertloa.
(1 GO
1 00
ttsnal insertion 1 GO
fro. Quarter Colnmn, flnt Insertion 6 SO
Ueb ad4iooal unertian, S 00
Tiro advertiser, by special contract ' Load notices
.6 enu per urn sm insertion, iz cenw per lino esca
abMqusyt insertion; Aavenuing dius payaoe quar-irlj-.
AH lecal notice will be chained 75 cent per square
nt Inssrtfon, and Yti eenU per square each ubsequent
insertion (jjajraoie nionuuyjt
Mono. Simple annooncenienU of births, marriage
alts' death wtll b Inserted without charge. Obituary
iioueee enargea lor aeooraing to lenKtn.
Washington, D. C. June 12, 1880.
The true inwardness of the Ferry scan
dal doth not yet appear, for the honora
ble senator from Michigan opens not h
jnouth, neither does his farile pen deign
' to reply to a communication from Col.
Sidney Cooper in a Milwaukee paper.
It appears from the statement of the af
fair over CoL Coopers name that it was
he and not his daughter that inflicted the
cptio discoloration refered to in our last
week's letter. It seems that Miss Cooper
indeavored to inflict some punishment
for something or other which as yet has
not been made evident, but failing the
Colonel himself, who by the way is a
much smaller man than Senator Ferry,
took the matter into his own hands and
finished the business.
To say that the nomination of General
Garfield by the Chicago convention was
a surprise to the Washington world is to
convey but a faint impression of the sen
timenta which pervaded the minds of the
people upon receiving the news! So far
-jowrvftwr have heard any expression
of sentiment on the subject, it appears
to- be tie determination of the Republi
can politicians to stand by the nomination
through thick, and thin, and make a
strong ght for it
The sentiment which animates t'ne
democratic heart of the district of Colum
bia is in favor of nominating Seymour at
(he Cincinnati convention. Some seem
to feel that Morrison is the coming man
; who wil carry the democratic banners to
glorious victory, but opinions are so un
decided on that subject that they can
hardly be quoted. A glorious uncertain
ty seenss to shroud the future' in that
The Ute question has been settled by
the passage of a bui which has for its
principal feature the giving to each mem
ber of the tribe a patch of ground which
he could call his own, and on which he
could earn a livelihood for bis family. ;
HI if 1 ,1 1 1
inc question now is, wnere is uus lana
to be located 1 The matter is in the
hands of one or two officials, and it is
their bounden duty to see that this land
hall be of snnh a character as will at
least yield these Indians sufficient sus
tenance to sustain life, and not to be
sterile rocks, barren plains or malarious
In response to a Senate resolution of
March 8, the Secretary of the treasury
furnished a statement showing the ex
penses of the Government on account of
the war of the Rebellion, from July 1,
1861, to Juno 30, 1879, inclusive. The
grand totals are as follows: Gross ex
penditures, $0,796,792,509, of which
the ordinary expenditures were $609-
649.124. and
of the war, $6,187,243,385, or over six
thousand millions of dollars. It makes
a man feel warm to think of the figures.
. Brig. Gen.-Benjamin Alvord, pay
master general of the army, who has
been in the service over 46 consecutive
years as a commissioned officer, has been
retired at his own request by the Presi
It has finally been decided by Con
gress to adjourn on the 16th of June, so
that ere another week has passed, the
deserted halls of the Capitol will present
a mournful aspect, and doubtless there
will . be many mournful glances cast at
the familiar seats by many who will
know thetn no more. For the fir.t time
General Hancock is a native of Penn
sylvania having been born in Montgom-
cry county, in mac stare, 00 ww itpu 01
February, 1824. He graduated it West
Point in 1844, and served mainly on
frontier duty until 1846, and afterwards
in the war with Mexico, being breveted
as first lieutenant for gallant and meri
torious conduct in the battle of Contreras
and Cherubusco. From 1848 to 1855 he
was again employed in frontier duty,
and from 1855 to 1861 was quartermas
ter of the southern district of California.
In August of the latter year he was re
called to Washington, and. when the
army of the Potomac was transferred to
the Peninsula in 1862, he was already a
brigadier-general, with the appropriate
command, in the Fourth Corps. His
first opportunity to make a mark occured
at Williamsburg, and he made a brilliant
one. He next distinguished himself in
the battle of Frazer's Farm, and subse
quently took an active part in the cam
paign in Maryland, at the battle of
South Mountain and Antietam. Being
made a Major-General, he commanded a
division at Fredricksburg and Chancel
lorsvilla At Gettysburg he did msgnifi
cent work. On the first day of the bat
tle, July 1, 1863, he was sent by General
Meade to decide whether a decisive bat
tle should be given, or whether the army
should fall back. He reported that Get
tysburg was the place to fight, and too'
immediate command until the arrival of
Meade. In the decisive action of July
3d he commanded on the left center, sus
taining the terrific onset of Longstreet'
Confederates, and being severely wound
ed. The thanks of Congrew were former
ly tendered him for his conduct in these
engagements. Being disabled by his
wounds, he was on sick leave until March
1 r-t 1 . t I .
loo, Deing meanwinie engaged m re
cruiting the Second Army Corps, which
was placed under his command. At the
opening of the campaign of tliat year un
der General Grant, he took Jthe active
command of the corps, and bore a promi
nent part in the battle of the Wilderness,
Spottsylvania Court House 'and Anna,
the second battle of Cold Efarbor, and
the operation around Petersburg, until
June 19th, when, his wounds breaking
. .... .. .... ;
say, unhesitatingly, 11 it were possible
that Congress should pass an Act abolish
ing the local codes for. Louisiana and
Texas, which4 1 do not believe, and it
should fall to my lot to supply their
places with something of my own, I do
not see how I could do better than fol
low the laws in force here prior to the
rebellion, excepting wherein they shall
relate to slavery. . Power may destroy
the forms, but not the principles, of jus
tice; these will live in spite of the sword."
General Hancock is a man f handsome
presence and most agreeable manners.
He is perfectly straight; a blonde, with
a rich skin and blue eyes, and light hair,
now turning gray: and his address is both
courtly and simple.
Gen. Hancock, while a citzen of Penn-
sylvania, is in most all respects of fellow
ship and association, a New Yorker.
He is on excellent terms with the lead
ing volunteer officers of the New York
Militia, and no-operates with them in
their parades, shoot inn matches, etc.
He is a favored guest at the houses of
some of the best people in New York
out mates no pretensions to wealth or
style. The regard of his men for him
is boundless. While he would, perhaps,
draw as many votes in New York as any
Democrat, he would poll an immense
vote in Pennsylvania, for he is not re
pugnant to the good sense of the Repub
lican soldiery, having never stepped out
of the course of conviction to recommend
him to either party. As to the imputa
tion that he hanged Mrs. Surratt, it will
have no effect except among the most
ignorant and unreasonable. When the
Commander-in-Chief of the Military and
Navy forces had been assassinated by
parties living within the military lines
of the United States, it would scaroely
have been a gallant example for General
Hancock to have pulled off his sword in
deference to such objects, instead of car
rying out the orders of the Tribunal im
posed on him" by his oath and ... by Presi
dent Johnson. Leslie's Wee&y.
u the rxuATE cHAXcimr
Thera are very few of the ol a resi-
out afresh, he was again for a short time
on sick leave. He afterwards resumed
several ac-
command, and participated in
tions, until November 26th, wjhen he was
called to Washington to organize the
first corps of veterans.
The name of every great battle in the
East is inscribed on Hancock's-flags.
After the close of the war he was placed
successively in command of the Middle
T j. 1. il- . T 1 1 r 1
juepttruiif nt, nie juepanment 01 jmssiouri
of Lousiana and Texas, of Dakota, and
of the Departmeut of the Eask He has
his headquarters on Governor's Island.
In the Democratic National Convention
of 1868 he received l44 votes for the
Presidential nomination. In 1876, in
the National Convention of the same
party, he received 75 votes for the same
- I
General Hancock has uniformally
maintained the doctrine that the mili
tary power should in time of peace be
subordinated to the civil law. This was
particularly shown in his address to the
court of inquiry constituted totry General
Babcock, in 1875, in which he urged that
that officer having been formerly indicted
at St Louis, it was right and proper that
the military inquiry should adjourn in
order that the ordinary civil processes
might take their course which sugges
tion was duly adopted. In 1868, while
in command of the Fifth Military Dis
trict, General Hancock, in a letter to
Governor Pease, said: "On them . (the
laws of Texas and Louisiana), as on a
foundation of rock, reposed almost the
entire structure of social order in these
two States. Annual this code of laws,
and there would ie no longer any rights,
either of persons or property, here
The Pendleton Independent, is about
to change its name. It is soon to be
called the Pendleton Tribune. At the
same time it will cease to be independ
ent, and come out a Republican. Many
will watch with interest this new de
parture on the part of this hitherto
brilliant journal. If it will be as con
sistent a Republican as it has been an
Indepcnlent, we may expect to find it
advocating Gen. Weaver for the Presi
dency. It will certainly be amusing to
find it taking a decided stand on any
question, local or national. We are
glad, however, to see it assume an indi
viduality and make an attempt to be
something. If, with its old name it will
cast aside its wishy-wash)r, namby-pamby,
milk-and-water policy of having no
opinion that would offend anybody, it
may live to a good and noble purpose and
add its mite to the advancement of the
county which supports it.
At the Dusseldorf exhibition which
opens on the 9th proximo, a member of
the Rhenish and Westphalian Steno
graphic Society will exhibit a German
post-card, which is somewhat larger
than an English post-card, containing
Yoss's translation of the first three books
ot iomers "Udyessey, sncl part 01 a
very long debate which recently took
place in the German Imperial Parlia
ment. The number of words in the ex
tract of the "Odyssey" is 11,000, while
in the Parliamentary debate, the num
ber is 22,000. The whole of the 33,000
words have been written in the Ghles
berg system of shorthand, and with the
naked eye. The quantity of matter
contained in this German shorthand
manuscript, would be equal to what is
contained in about nine pages of the
dents of the southern counties who do
not hold that the climate has greatly
changed during the past decade. The
annual rainfall was so light and uncer
tain less than a decade ago, that few
persona would have ventured to sow
grain on anything but irrigable ground,
arid expect to reap. , . But the annual
rainfall now reaches 17 inches and up
wards when it was formerly 7 f inche
and lev. and--grain fields stretch over tha
uuuummig uiesu ianua in an uiruciiuua;
as tar as the eye can reach. It is an
every-day saying in Los Angeles and
San Bernardino counties now, that grain
will grow anywhere there withont irri
gation, and better cereal crops cannot
be seen within the broad and fertile val
leys of Sacramento and San Joaquin.
when forest-trees graw thriftily on hill
tops and wheat matures on their flanks
without irrigation, where previously the
ground squirrel would have fared hard
for fodder, it is no wonder the people
say the "climate is changing." This
change in the climate, or whatever it
may be, has driven many of the bands of
mustangs from the plains, and converted
their old domain into vineyards and or
chards, and the sheep-ranges, also, have
been encroached upon in remarkable de
grees by the farmer and fruit-grower,
who threaten to compel the flocks to
seek new fields and pastures.
No law was ever passed in this State
which has done greater benefit to the
southern counties then the ':ne-fence"
law. The thrift and success of the vari
ous settlements recently organized is due
largely to it Some of these settlements
could scarcely have been established,
and certainly would not have been at
tained the degree of success which they
have reached, had it not been for the
"no-fence" law. It would have cost the
settlers more for fencing than they had
had to pay tor the land, and possibly as
mncfa' tts some of them paid for land and
tree stock combined. Even then the
danger from roving bands of horses.
herds of horned cattle and flocks of
sheep would have remained. A fence is
at best weak when hungry cattle are on
one side and plenty of good pasture
growinn on the other. At the new set
tlements, such as Riverside, Arlington
and Pasadena, fences are nowhere to be
seen. For the sake of relieving the mo
notony of the landscape and establish
ing boundary lines, hedges of various
kinds of flowering plants and shrubbery
have been cultivated. Here the silver-
leafed cypress, is artistically trained;
there the hedge is formed of a varied se
lection of rose-bushes; another has
planted a row of geraniums, which,
when in full bloom and that is in this
section nearly all the year round pre
sent a gorgeous appearance; another has
adopted the osage oratige; another sur
rounds his plantation with pepper trees;
another with locust; another with Lom-
bardy poplar, and still another with ev
ergreen eucalyptus, all of which increas
es the beauty and adds to the harmony
of the prospect. S. F. Bulletin.
,:-rZ:..r' .dealers is i '
, Patent Medicines " Paints,
' : Chemicals. Brushes.
Glass, ' .Putty.
; I Aniline Dyes, Pills.
I - . - . , .
t r t
-.ar.; -yjrjhXf UqilprS) Soldf only on Physicians' description. 4
Blank Books,
School Books, Stationery,
Papeterie, Albums,
Elegant Vases, Toilet Articles and Pancjf If otions 1
linseed, China Xat, Labrientlng. larrt and Sperm.
Musical Instruments,
LArS or nU sizes, ElBEK.l and famous LEAD CLASS t'DIMSEiS,
Prescriptions Carefully Comopunded at all hours
Bargains Bargains Bargains
Wlaolsale and Retail.
All the members of the investigating
committee who were candidates for re
election, were returned by handsome
majorities. Galloway was the only
Democratic Representative elected in his
Don't. Now don't go asking your post
master for every man living within ton miles
of you for mail. Whan they all do that, the
P. M. is liable to be stricken with lock-jaw
or faint fiom exhaustion. Give him
The undersign has boon" instructed to sell the WHOLE STOCJf
To make room for a large SPRING STOCK, including a large
assortment of Boots and Shoes. "
Coflee, Tea, Sugar, Tobacco and Cigars a speciality.
Also Coal Oil, Clear as Crystal, Guaranteed Free from all Foreign
Substance and'Non Explosive.
Ready.liade Clothing? atCost.
&r Please call and examine for yourselves before buying
elsewhere. r ovmnnnnw avn
(A. V. U IIinifcliAllAre -
Centeevile, February 6th, 1830. Agent.
At last the new bridge across
Touchet is completed. Dayton News,
Thos. Donolon -and Thos Cowen, in
dicted for selling liquor to Indians at
Spokane Falls, were sentenced, each to
six months in the U. S. Penitentiary at
McNeal's island.
The Arab who invented alcohol died
something like 900 years ago, but his
spirit still lives.
Heavy Sttfck of BOOTS and SHOEG,
Hardware, Iron and Steel.
iSSTProducc taken inExfhangc. - ;
The Chinese plank in the Republican
National platform reminds us" very much
of the Division plank in the platiorm of
the Pendleton Democracy, and its ob
ject is evidently the same namely, to.
catch votes.
Fourth. Pendleton and Walla Walla
have splendid programmes for the celebration
on Monday the 5th. Weston' has again dis
played too much modesty in the matter. ,
' Revolvers, dynamite and poison having
failed the Nihilists in their raids on the Czar,
Pinafore is to be translated into "Roosian,"
and they will try that on him.
Corner Main and 3d Sta., "Walla "Walla. '
.Wholsale and Retail Dealers In i
Dr Goods Fancy Goods, Notions,
We are in receipt of a '
"Use Oriental Hair Tonic
ing the hair,
Bought Previous to tke Recent
III all kinds of goods,and we are therefore prepared to offer gfjidU
Lower Than the Lowest! '