MttUz MH &&'x- SATURDAY. WE, 1880. Ceaatr saleer. aw4v"v-::::::c::::::w1SS CokiPV f .' J. B. Benson Burs Be" 8. M. Pennington i 4. . wutaa furasaajrurrvas Ludaa Ermrta BSnr J. t Sparry Cuu J. B. lomr Tuwm .0. W. Webb BnvranrmaM. J. P.. ArOOfQ .Moln , Dr. J. B. Lindsay CVSTOa .U.HfT cur MTo t. j. jmv. Tuwiu 8iw?- ."driftr or Polhb7.'.- 1 -VanWinkle. couicajiu. lUntamla. C. hTcMorrls, Jna. MilUr r. A. Worthinfftoa, a R. Beckett, Oeo. Prabstel SPECIAL NOTICE. KBlMsnal Charrh. Sunday School everr Bundav at 10), a. ., and Kl-rtcee at 7, r. a., by Rer. J. D, MetaseUst Ckarck Saath.-Rev. E. P. Wum . ' paetor ; eervleoe held ia Ux Baptist Church, on (ha eooiw Sunday of each monui, M u a. a. and 7 r. JSaatlet Ckarckw Sarriaca oa the Bret Bandar of uh atoaUi, 11, a. a., aod 7 r. H., by Rev. w. H rruett, paetor. rrrsbytertaa Chaeh JUt. Boot. Boyd pastor, aamoaa every uura eunaay at 11 a. a ana ir rCasnfevrlaad rresbyterlaa Chareh Services every Sunday at 11, a. a., and 7, r. a.. Sunday school at It, a., and eervlcee .very Wedneaday at 7, r. M., in Daaly'a Hail, on Water street, by Rev . W. Honrlaon. A.W. Beeta aaoond and fourth Saturdays month, at 7 r. a. at tha Maeonie Ha J. E. Join, W. II, at A. H.-WMUI Led re, Xe. W Saturdays OI tialL 1 I. . F. WCMOI LadfcNa. Ml aieete mry Thursday at 740, r. In Dealers ruui. f . . . T. Blae If eaalala Ld(s He. 341. saeeleevory Saturday at 7,so r. a. LOCAI. LEASEES. 0n weak from to-morrow will be the anni- yerssxy of tha greatest day, the mighty pir. otsl period, oi a great, nation s freedom. Many will participate in the rejoicing of the day, and cqoscionsly or nnneeionaly) feel the delight aaa snjoj-inan Of freedom. Now that slavery, the great blot of meonaisteney, haa been crushed by the might of an aroused nation from existence, we stand before the world radiant ,i the living bloom of true lib erty. It is becoming that every patriotic cit ten east retrospective glance at the life of the nation from its inception to its present mighty stature. Composed first of distinct States, animated by the same hopes and wish. .1 . .... . . . ee, iney nainrauy songnt an organization as much as convenient, at variance with the ex isting tyrannical governments. Finding, by experience, coupled with wise statesmanship, that s closer and firmer amalgamation would be beneficial, the original organization was modified accordingly. For nearly a hundred years tus plan excited the unabated admira tion of a wondering world; its precepts were wafted like beneficent angels into the strong hold of imperialism, softening its seventies: its principals permeated the peasant and the serf, awakening their minds to a just concep. tion of the rights of man, created in the Di vine image; its doctrines: enoouragedcivUi cation, fanned .into brightness the flame of universal liberty, and encouraged the spread of true religion; and its gifts and beauties beckoned with irresistable power, the suffer ing thousands of every land to partake of its many blessings, and realize the hallowed sweetness of the maxim, "All men were cre ated free and equal." With this glorious record to eulogise the plan, the millions of throats to chant the joy ous songs of freedom m the capacity of "sov ereign people," the whole land smiling in the amplitude of its self-supporting powers, the very breath of heaven echoing the grand har mony of glee in approving strains, what more could an intelligent and happy people desire then, as men and of such manifold Hotel. J.-w. Young has again had the management of the Weston Hotel during the week. Fred Pauly, our enterprising confection- iftr, has just received another lot of fresh goods. at human hands ! Let us, citizen praise the source! benefits, and watch that the successful medi ocre and anarchy on the one hand and central ization on the other, be crushed at their first approach. 'Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." HOT. Linen coats are already discarded. and shirt sleeves are the leading fashion that is, among the men. Harness. B. E. Harvey, of Centerville, is selling good articles in his line, and just as cheap as ever. Try him. Catpse, The principal excitement in fown during the past week has been the pur chasing and disposing of pomes. Estbat. When yon want a good photo - don't go to Jonas the Hardwaie man, but, to Dr. Jones the artist Sabbe t , Service. Rev. A. J. Hunsaker, will hold services at the Baptist church on the first Sunday in July, morning and evening. Beef. The patrons of S. A John will find bim dealing out delicious steaks and roasts at King's shop on Water street. Organ. Mrs. Crawford, the pianist teacher at Weston and Centerville, is at present jthe etncient organist of All Saints Church. Swamp Laads la Orearom. Secretary Schurs has decided the Oregon swamp land matters arising in the Oregon City land office, which were appealed last November by Gov. Thayer and argued by Capt. Mullen, State land agent for Oregon. The Secretary - reverses the decisions of the several land offices, and holds that the Ore gon State land grant was one in pretenti, that there has not been any forfeiture, that either as to land surveyed prior or subse quent to March 12, 1860, or whether selected two years from the adjournment of this Leg islature or not, and consequently that all lands in Oregon actually swamped, mnst be certified to said State. This and the Pen. nis Crowley decision terminates infavor of the Stata of Oregon, all disputes between the United States and said State that have been pending under the swamp land act of March 12, 1860, for 20 years. THE OREGON KIDNEY TEA. Read the faDowimr testimonials, not from ! persons 3,000 miles away, whom no one knows, but from well-known and trust-wor thy Oitiaens of Dreeon. whose names, writ-' sen won tfceir own hands, can be atcn at our ! uutce; . Pendleton, Oregon, January 12, lfi80. Having used the OREGON KIDNEY TEA for one of my sons whose urinary organs were wjurea oy taxing turpentine, 1 cneenuiiy cer tify to its beneficial effects,- and recommend the same to the public. ; LOT LIYERM.ORE, AgtW. F. & Co. POHTLAJCD, Oregon, January 32, 18S0. I hereby certify that I have used the ORE GON KIDNEY TEA, and been greatly ben efitted by it. 1 heartily recommend it to the public CRAIGIE SHARP, Jr., Traveling Agent for Wheeler & Wilson M'fg. Co., 20 Geary SL S. F. On Saturday last, J. B. Keeney, our Coun ty Clerk, together with A. Mallory and Jno, McDonald, two Justices, met as a board of canvassers, and opened the poll books of Pendleton according to law. On opening the poll-books of Pendleton precint, it was dis covered that they had been tampered with and 8 votes added to Mr. O. F. Thompson's M - vote, and the same uuajwf to Win. Beagle's vote. The tally sheets were also chanced to correspond, but the ink, being writing fluid had not yet turned blacky so the trick was too transparent. It is not known who did this dirty trick, but C. E. Jenning, the Dep uty Clerk, resigned his position and took his departure with his family for Portland very suddenly on Monday evening. This should be investigated 'and the truth known, and not only the perpetrator, but those who paid for and caused the deed to be done ex posed. Pendleton Independent. wanted. At centerville, a dog that is not afraid of a badger. One of the latter strolled along the business street the other evening, probably to stare in at the shop-win, dows, when the giddy canine of that town having a tooth for badger, committod assault and battery on the lone stranger. Mr. Badger defended himself, and many an un earthly howL torn ear or limping tripid was left in his wake. He oven had the assurance to turn and chase the enemy back into town. The spectators, with a commendable spirit of "fair play," did not try to injure the badger, saying that if he could fight his way out, he was entitled to his liberty. QALING ISaaf ALINtt J6r A REESE. EESE. YOU can bay a complete salt of JietDes ror $1U at S ALU 44 & REESE'S, yOU can bay a neat Casslmere ! sou ror at saluu s i REESE'S. YOU can bay a nobby Cassimere .suit Tor 814 to S16 at BALING fc REESE'S. Harness and Saddle Shop, Main Street, CENTERVIttE OR. JCST RECEIVED A LARGS A39QSTKNET OT Cocord Team Harness Concnord Hack Harness, D Ladies, and Men's Saddles WHIPS, SPURS. Etc. Satisfaction Guaranteed. B. E. HERYEY. WALLA WALLA BAKERY i eatabliabai itel. YOU can bay a fine Salt of Blue Bearer, Black Broadcloth or heavy Cassimare at the lowest figures In the country at SAL- JLNU sK.KISKSK'S. YOU can boy a small boy a .fine suit ror S3 at saliau & REESE'S. iou can buya no. i suit ror a small ooy ror at salinu & REESE'S. You can bay an all-wool salt for boy from tow years old from S7.50 to $10 at SAILING & Reese's. BREAD, KisvMorcata or CAKES AND And all kinds of CRACKERS. PIES Fire-Proof Building, Main Street, JanSStf WALLA WALLA. W. T HEW MILLINERY. 't . '" The undersigned, hiring receirad a full lias of foods from New York and San Francisco. u!4 aniraunos that they hare lust opened tha lareest 1 most complete stock of Millinery Goods hat h as ever been placed before the ladies of Walla Walla or vicinity. The latest pattern Hate and Bonnete In great variety, will be always on exhibition, to which we invite special attention BBEKB flroaa a eUataaee solicited and promptly attended to. Wears prepared to (ire better baarains in our line in wholsale or retail than haa aver been offered before. Also lues Cutting- and Flttinf.DoJmana, Cloaks, Ac., Ac We are also ag tats for Dr. Warrea's Health Corses. DAtiponb a c:o. PlilllliG AilD FEED KILL! SASH & 1)0011 OpjT. New Flouring UMI, wests Planning OfallUads.eaBo. . BUILDING UATECIAL WDiDOW FRAUCSs ' DOOSS rSAJCSSs MOULDING, '. .,. wEATnE&poUaXSia IBustic or Beveled, turauSMd or workad. -Ctf 1 1 1. 3 SsV M-Stf Kept 6a Hand, Sold Cheap, tor Cask) H, PWSIUBCRY k CO.'S xvoa STILL CONTINUES oa a CASH BASIS, sad w kaare luat received unusually large lav i lis -at Dry flaads uOTour. uiBw romianina' aaaanak. aasssk. GroceriM and Praviaiona, iriika, oaas at the LOWEST pussibl Mia IW U Baeon, Lara, sc., takaa la saitajiai Sk s J Beamber tbs place: opuostu Pqtllmm . Brain BCHXEBLET at TB0HTBS), UTAD, IDAHO at NORTHERN YOU can buy a pair of blankets for $4 at saling Reese's, D. C. Lounsbury, Stage Company. Baptist Association passed off harmoni ously, presided over by A. J. Hnnsaker mis sionary at large for Or., W. T. and Idaho. KKFITTINO. Jones and Sturgis are now e . Having tneir nonse rejuvenated. It is a terrible puzzle which of them Probably Jones. Books. The scholars of All Sainta' S. are happy in the possession of new tane books, kindly presented to them by the La dies Guild. A Good Thino. German Syrup is the special prescription of Dr. A. Boschee, a celebrated German Phyician.and is acknowl edged to be one of the most fortunate dis coveries in Medicine. It quickly caret coughs, eolds and all .lung troubles of the severest nature, removing, as it does, the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition. It is not an experi mental medicine, but has stood the test of years, giving satisfaction in every eaee.whihc its rapidly increasing sale every season con firms. Two million bottles j sold annually. Beware medicines of similar names. Lately introduced. Boschee's German Syrup was introduced .in the United States in 1868, and is now sold in every town and village in the civilised world. Three doses will relieve any ordinary congh Pries 75 cents. Sample Dottle, 10 cents. ' Rbntid. Mr. J. 8. Harris has rented his farm on Wild Horse to Mr. Ashpaugh, of Walla Walla valley. He gets $700 for six teen months. Closed. The Weston Academy is now closed for two months. It has had a very satisfactory term, and when ro-epened Sept. 1st, will doubtless continue as successful as before. It is hoped and expected that the same teachers will continue on. Important. When you visit Walla Wall be sure and call at the San Francisco Restau rant on the north side of Main street. Messrs. Brush & Cranston, the proprietors, spread the best table in the city. Don't fail to give them a trial Everything about the place is neat, clean and attractive. Marble Works. D. J. Coleman, Walla Walla, is proprietor of the Marble Works, and prepared to furnish Head Stones,Monumenta and everything else in his line, at reasonable rates. B. F. Mansfield is agent for Center ville and Weston, and is authorized to take orders and give receipts. The Best Wat to KTill Squirrel. Pro ride yourself with a package of Holme' Squir Ttl Pouon and have all the boys and girls go after em. It will clean them out sure. Put up in large packages and is the cheapest and beet in the market. Made and for sale by H. E. Holmes, Druggist, Walla Walla, or to be had 11 om your nearest Druggist, . w. u. jameson. Watch-maker and jew ler, corner Main and 3d St. Walla Walla solicits your' patronage Having 17 years practical experience and keeping competent workmen is his employ, is prepared to do " iajjaug, jeweiry worn, sea cut ting etc, ptoyrrptly and at reasonable prices. WaUhee, Clocks Spectacles always in stock and sold cheaper than any other store in Walla Walla. Twine Mill. w e are glad to be able to announce, says the Albany Democrat, that the twine mill in this city is soon to be started up, this time by the owners ten of our most prominent business men. The company Selected Thos. Monteith, John A. Crawford and R. Bait- marsh to manage the business, and they haye already telegraphed to the East for a manager. As soon as he arrives the mill will start, and it will have enough raw material to run on far almost a year i This manufact ure of twin is one of the most important in dustries of our State, and we hope to see it successful. ('-.-;. We are constantly in receipt of complaints from our subscribers who ought to receive their papers at Pendleton and Walla Walla, that there is the utmost irregularity in their delivery. There is no good reason why this should be so. The papers for those places are mailed regularly every Saturday, morning in good time. ' The packages are carefully put up so that when any one subscriber gets his pa per, the others ought to get theirs. Persons do not generally care for papers that are kept three or four days or a week. If this continues wa will be obliged to investigate, : Poisoning. We are in receipt of intelli gence that Mr. Sam Derrick committed sui cide last Thursday by taking two ounces of laudanum." Dr. Sharpe was called, but arrived too late to render any assistance. Mr. Der rick had been complaining for a long time, his health being very poor, and his suffering intense. He had become discouraged as to his recovery, and in a fit of despondency terminated his earthly misery as above stated. Called. During the week we have re. ceived several pleasant calls from Ed. Sharon, of the Pendleton Independent.' Of course Ed. was here looking after the interests of his paper perhaps looking up subscriptions, or seeking a compositor or a partner. Any way, he was here in the interest of the Inde pendentnt. Crops. The past few days have been very warm, and fears are entertained that grain whieh was very tender, will suEer in conse quence. We hope, however, that this view of the matter is unfounded, and that the harvest will amply repay the fanner for nis labor, and have something left. Improvements. The march of improve ments still continues. Houses are being built; sidewalks repaired and extended: business houses are increasing in number and import ance, and an air of permanent prosperity prevails. YOU can buy a large white bed blanket ror $s at saiing x Reese's. Leaves Pendleton for Umatilla every Tusa aay, xnursaay ana baturaay at B r, M. Leaves Weston daily for The DsUos, via ruot kock ana aeppner, at ju A. M. Leaves Weston daily for Walla Walla, vis. Butm, at v; 9A. m Large boys and small men can boy Jlot&Jng at very lowest prices from Saling & Reese. DIlXIilNER Y ! ! Undertaken.' NO extra ehargeor Hoarse!' WESTON. Oregon. I New Coachaa, Oood Stock, Skilled Drivers and able per . lormance of aerviee are the feasane of this aid ana rename oeatpaar. B. A. 8 AILS BURT, BAILKT k 00., HE LADIES OF WESTON AND VICINITY are resDectfullT informed that the Under signed have opened and now offer for sale a Complete Bjock of First-Class MILLINERY GOODS.. The Latest Styles of Hats and Boni nets always on hand in Greats Va riety. FEATHERS, FLOWERS and every kind of TRIM MING to suit the most Fastidious. AGENTS for WARREN'S HEALTH Corset. ' MAIS 8TKEET ........ WESTON. . Next door tat Hardware Store.)' MILLER Al SCUNEBLET. S-27-Sm H. Mi PORTER t Co , DEALERS IN Hardware. Stoves and Mala St., Walla Walla, W. T. W.J.Heffelfiricrer's City Eiq?roc6 1 ; Tinware WESTON and CENTERVILLE. LIME !! LIME !! I LIME !! IwUI dMtyer gsoaU to sael firs aay VTUX carrr rretskt toa to S. Bf. Irons t Co. are bow prepared to furnish the Quality of Lima, at S3.50 pqr Barrel! -20-a-tf J. E. J0NES,Ag't, Weston. mm W.T.Cook, 41. SL Irvine, M. D. IODIDE OF POTASS. The Best Spring Medicine and Beauti- fler of the Complexion in use, Cures Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Neuralgia, Scrofula, Gout, Rheumatic and Mercuri al pains, and all Diseases arising from an impure state of the Blood or Liver. "Sold by McColTi Miller. Little Joker. Why do the ladies call it the Little Joker t Cos, when they wash with it, the work is so easy, it makes them larf and larf and larf. You should try one. Strawberries, Mr. Crow, of Milton, left at onr office a fine lot of strawberries last Tuesday. The boys pronounced them excellent yum, yum. ! Arrived. Fly paper, insect powder, gen uine fruit wax, axle grease, and a great varie ty of medicines and notions at the City Drug Store. Everything at bedrock prices. Teacher a Exaaalaatlea. There will be a public examination of ap plicants for teachers' certificates held in the court-house in Pendleton, on Monday, Jane 28, 1880, beginng at 9 o'clock A. M., sharp. J. C. Arnold, -w School Superintendent. 1 1 S .s. Kesaesaber. Patent medicines will not be sold for the prices marked on them, excepting for cash down. An extra charge will invariably be made when sold on time. ; CooeA Irvine, i M'Cpll & Miller- EXODUS. There seems to be a general up rising and outgoing of the people of Weston, It is so exfensive as to look serious. We hope the Radicals are not ae the bottom of this move with some dark political import. Finish. -Xcoolujk Irvine, the genial, jovial flourishers'of the pestle at Centerville, have enlarged their drug store, and i everything now looks neat, clean and commodious. Bath-House. Why does not some enter prising individual start- a bath-house in town t It certainly ought to pay; and where thfre ia as much dust as we have now, it is certainly needed, Temperance songs should have as few bars as possible, and should not be marked eon tpirito. NEW TO-DAY, AXLE GREASE! TTTJOKS ft LAMBERTS 'AXLE XX Grease at the City Drug Store, weapon, cneaper wan ever. All kinds of Lubricating Oils, Castor. Lard and Polar Oils at . BEDROCK PRICES. BLUE MOUJnPAIIf 8TATOK. All orders left with Salinr A Rises. 1. EJJoaea o F. M. Pauly at Weston, er Oook A Inlae, Oeftle rri&S win reeeive my prompt attention.!, ... Freight Bills to be iftvariblv paid ia a-u-tt G. J. MAttHEWITS, WATCHMAKER JEWELER, Watches'! Clocks, and Jewalrv Ma?rmf";a first-class style t reasonable rates,. 7 ALL WORK XfAXKAWnm, - tea A" N CI IMMEDIATE AND PERMANENT CURE for COUGHS, COLDS, AsTH- MA, BRONCHITIS, CROUP, INFLUENZA, CATARRH, Loss of VOICE, Incipient Consumption, and all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Ask for the Cali fornia Pulmonary Balsam, and take no otner. tntM by all Diwcaiats. "The Church and Home." A BeUgioos Journal Devoted to Issued Monthly at Weston. Every Family Ought to Take 1. ATTerms, $1-00 PerYear.fja bet, E. w. Moras Editor, ARGONAUT!A. aal, published every Saturday, at S22 California st a T FRANK X. PHUT, ) FRED. K. SOMEB8, E SfTO Drug Store! i IMAINSTREET, Centerville, Oregon. Contains a Ml stock of Pars j DRUGS & PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERIES, 1 FANCY GOODS AND TOILET ARTICLES PAINTS, SWEET 4 LUBRICATING OILS, Clocks. Watches and Jewelry. BOOKS and STATI0NARY1 Todd's Gold Pens. rine vigors, auioiooaccos, j Choice Wines and Liquors. For Medicinal purposes only, j Prescript! mu aad eeelfws Coasaousleal with Care aa4 aHsvatch. , GIVE USA CALL. ' ; i- XTTE are sole seents for CIark's"0. N. T YY P! Cq9a. tne best ia las world. SALIIIG & REESE, COB. MAW and FRANKLIff Sf, ATTENTION ESIG2ANT8! - TO THE. Mammoth Otock Stoves & Hardware. 'r "jjT T TWm3s -- Uta St. WauuTSTuu,-. ' TAXITlirKU nCUAE, ssnliSsss. rreaki Meats of aO khvb Wo keep i OIVZ ITS A CULLL. : CALIFORNIA WW 4 sJTAnLD, J0HH DUSIAI, Splendid Taraoats sad aaeo Tt nil aeties. Pieatvof aar sad naU iarSM a Chatnsso salt iae tisaas. r Ma saahlafot a etrkvad Mfsaaelfttara 4 so left sssaliW.- Qaa i en Kecta jirasssr Sarss we'll, asa. BStrAsa. adder;- Sara e tjost n,.n,EAw. The AsoosTAtrr is eeaantiaily a California publication bright, breezy of the Pacific sad the madram of the rood things of current lit. rata re. Beat, post paid, to any snores , upon receipt oi a.w veanj su,DscnpBoa. Also, COOLEyS PATENT POB and ELECTRIC HEALTH COBSET in white and colored. rBTTsure) Cosmacrs BtayDOBMtaoior n v !: ..