Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, June 26, 1880, Image 2

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.SATfll?AY, JUlfjJ ?6, 1880.
WUUMMX t fcdltar.
. mm i
, I" 'I,
.T. C. OWES, of Coo. C uny',
J AS. FULTON, of VVaaeo County.
V. K. WEATHERFOKD, ofLiun County,
rut mkitioh:
Tke democratic nomination for Presi
dent is a most judicious one. General
Hancock is a man whose patriotism, loy
. ltj- anl honesty is beyoncil question or
cavil. The TJnion had no nwire gallant
defender, and the army no braver .or
mor herbio-'of&cer. - His nomination
jtfiht the Radicals of theironlv resour ce
f4 Jte, that of flaunting the "bloody
every possible occasion. Gen
eral Hancock , was a universal favorite
i with the army, and being a man of un-
' flemished character and reputation, we
dict.fa glorious Democratic .victory
next JjroYember. !
WTwJlthe- anunus of party is evoked
ftU aid in supporting and jpey-jjetuating its
principles, the disinterested observer .is
ready to accord ithat spirit the iasis of
sincerity. But, on the other hand, when
' party lines are drawn, strictly and even
acrimoniously, in considering matters
that should be above and beyond mere
partisan judgement, the persons concerned
, are degraded to mere machines, devoid of
intelligent discretion. Frequently the
machinery of legislation is clogged in
jui j jusly by just sueh a pernicious spirit,
and this too by the actior of imen from
whom better 'should be expected. The
&0ct of dealing with the Insane of the
JJtate .has provoked much discussion.
?. Hawthorne of East Portland has
charge of .that unfortunate class,. and
Ijjie most hypercritical enemy has failed
to Wing a solitary eharge against his
managements This w be face of
tchronic spirit of investigation of that in
stitution speaks unprejudiced volumes in
' Tr of continuing things just as they
are. By examining the management of
"ftp and all important matters that have
jeen handled directly by the state, we
jfind in almost tvtry instance that charges
of inefficiency or jobbery are not ' only
made, but too frequently sustained. .Let
.as then preserve this one creditable
feature wii .
Dr. Hawthorne receives 'otoly $5,5?
per week for each inmate. He furnishes
a nutrious and plentiful table, maintains
cleanliness and other ' sanitary measures
in the highest decree, preserves order
and system in everything,, secures the
best assistance possible, and exercises a
personal daily supervision characterized
'by a scrutinizing watchfulness. '
A lavish" hand provides for every
W$f)i -For instance, he employs two
regular graduates of medicine to devote
their time to ihi ifWface, besides being
himself a physician, wfeen there could be
so plansifcle objexihioa jto his employing
only one. YHY by year the jmasags
mj Jas eon apppoachw a standard of
erfection, and ojoiy ignoraasa at the
rue v f aets, . or. ruelty, would induce a
' change. Ten yearn of time, with money
: . to back it, could not develop the . com-
jIorta a$d conveniences to the patients
that thepresent asylajn afford. Suppos
ing, but not for a moment admitting,
that A saving in money would accrue by
jifttoiftg the insane .over to state manage-
- iJtupt,' ind jhat count as a feather
against the loss skill and experience,
in the deiri,ent ,of fat popr, dependent
creatures1! ' Every huniajne knows
this would oe the case for maojr yveara,
"Look at the "record of the Penitentiary
nader state control ,! What we want to
say is this: many Bonest Republicans are
deluded, being without personal knowl
edge, into the belief that a change is de
jniandUd, to whom we commend the above
staiopven't, for wliich ire vouch as founded
on our personal observation of several
years. It w nojt a political malter, and
99 good republican should' advocate
' change vmpjy because Tr, Hawthorne is
p Democrat, We close by "saying that
u present asatfeneut is a boon and
pride' io the'state, and any change will be
Injuirous to the unfortunate insane !
ILiscecE " sad
win ie November.
Englisb. will wirely
m 4 'sHces of Garfield's treachery
to Jonn t srman are becoming mors ap
in l rman are becoo
parent from day to day. Garfield le an I
ambitious man,' not devoid of Vanity.
The applause bestowed noon hint from
day to day in tjVcoi.ventibn1'bv the
anu-ursat delegates was interpreted by
S . . , ' " 5 . .
.. ... - r : i. . . 1
mm as an evidence oi personal poaniari- I
' 1- ' " . I
Ja. Western delegate, just returned
Chicago, say's' that ' the anti-Grant
men, odaerving. tie applause .that greeted
Conkling every time he entered the Ex-
... . .. .. -1 '
position buiiaing, cast about for some
representative of the sMGnuit idea up
on whom they coald bestow Jtheir cheers.
Garfield, being of a arge stature and
passably well know?, led the WU, He
was selected In lieu of no better person to
receive the applause of the friend of
Blaine, Washburn a, Edmunds and Win-
dom. When Garfield left Washington
forv Chicago, a member of the House
asked him who he thought would receive
the nomination: "Oh, I have as, much
chsjoce as aj of them," was the wpjy.
i,ae Baen.De-s wuo are tamiuar with ts
habit .of attitudinizing on the floor of the
House, wer at no loss to interpret the
meaning of his maneuvers on the floor of
.the convention.
Many ef the delegates have returned
frojn ,tlve convention to-cUy. The friends
of Blaise and Grant are fu bad temper,
and the few .delegates wno had Sherman's
cause really at heart are disgusted, One
of the Maine delegates to the convention
said to a Detnociatic representative: "If
younoninatea good ticket at Cincinnati
you wilt sweep ttie country." i.he re-
tnrned delegates do not alone feel person
al chagrin at the defeat of their candi
dates, but they openly charge that Gar
field and Foster betrayed Sherman. It
was a well known fact that Garfield was
elncted U. S. Senator in pursuance of an
understanding whereby Foster was to be
made Governor, and the support of the
State given to Sherman for the Presiden
cy. Sherman made Garfield Senator in
the sense that ha could not have secured
the place had Sherjnap opposed him.
Sherman's friends here say that Garfield
has played a treacherous part froiu jj
beginning, and his renjarfes above quoted
lends the color of truth k their asser
tion. Cincinnati Inquirer.
To read the comments of the Republi
can organs on the frail Chinese plank in
their National platform made atChicago,
one would be led to believe that it suit
ed the most zealous of their party on this
coast of Chinese tendency. They pro
test that it is full and explicit, and leaves
not a word to add to give it scope and
strength. A reading of the plank itself
w'M convince the average citizen, how
IW, that it is the flimsiest, frailest,
saost unsatisfactory and insufficient
plank designed to supply tbs yoid that
was ever placed in a platform. But one
should not, at any time, in considering
it, lose sight of the well-known fact that
from Chicago there came here during
the' session of the Republican conven
tion, reports of the bitter complaints
made by the Pacific Coast delegation of
the manner in wtrich the plank they had
prepared had been treated by the com-
mittee on resolutions, who had so al
tered and diluted it as to take from it
all its strength and meaning. And now
he thing for these boastful organs to
explain and reconcile, is how the resolu
tion so emasculated at Chicago, happens
to be here the virtue and sufficient
plank they represent and protest it to be.
itner tneir delegation is at fault or
themselves. Tho resolution distinctly
enough shows which tells the truth, and
which falsifies. That it is as insipid fQld
senseless as languge can make it, the res
olution itself proves. And hence fol
lows the logical conclusion that, if these
Republican organs will so readily anl
deliberately falsify this fact to make
their bad cause good, likewise will they
as wantonly and with equal alacrity mis
represent and falsify in every other re-
$et to help their unworthy cause.
The Jjf. P. R. E, field hospital, now
located at Providence Lake, will soon be
removed to the head of Colville, or what
is more familiar ly known as Big Lake,
where it will no doubt be permanently
established. As soon as lumber can be
obtained, it U the intention of the com
pany to erect a commodious and substan
tial hospital for the accomodation of the
employees of the road. At the present !
time there are four patients under treat
ment of Dr. L. H. Whitehous who has
charge of the invalid corps for the Pen d
Oreille division. Oaztftt.
When Sir. Yillard was here some time
g p expressed the utmost astonish:
BMSttt that terminus of the branch
tni Whitman should be at
Blue Mountain and not at Westou. It
Prould PP be difficult to explain why
It : .1 1 t - r
" - vr u" oi necessity at
f.)ia olnu n V.l
: L 1. 1 m 1 3 , 1 t 1
" Hu""a 'r
lowiB& ,prin The toUl los3 of the
Pwnger traffic Utween Walla Walla
thU P106' whicb- 1116 company sus-
: it.. ..u .t xi.: i.x."
' """ Ui " niiu-wiupmiuiL
This passenger traffic which even now is
sufficient to warrant a daily train would
be increased four-fold if the cars took the
place of the stage. This in itself i
sufficient reason whr this extension
should be made without delay. Then
again when the amount of freight that
would be received over and above what
will be taken to Blue Mountain is con
sidered, the delay in making this exten
sion to Weston is difficult to understand.
The railway Company can have nothing
of which to complain as far as the citt
sens of Weston and vicinity are con
cerned; because when a bonus was called
for they responded with an amount and
an alacrity that was in the highest degree
creditable to their reputation for liberali
ty and enterprise A depot at or near
Weston is what , the growing importance
of gjfx city demands and what the Com.
PAyif alive to their own interest, will
not fee slow to grant. The agricultural
importance of our surrounding country
is top great to be neglected, and if one
i ajlxoaf does not tap it some other speed-
What is the reason the voters of this
precinct did not have the privilege of
voting ? Enough has been said to call
fox aft explanation, and the suspicion
jtna tyjero is a "nigger in the fence, is
daily gaining ground. We would recom
mend the officials concerned to pay
enoggfa. deference to the feeling of a peo
ple who consider they have been grossly
outraged in the matter, to make some ex
planation. When the right of franchise
denied to any man either through
negligence or fraud, it strikes a' danger
ous blow at the fundamental principles
of a free government. Nothing of this
kipd is two trifling to slight The point
fit the wedge most not be allowed to en
ter unchallenged, or else, flushed by suo-
cess, the enemies of freedom will hasten
to enter the whole body of it ,We call
for an explanation again, or we will ex
press ourselves in unmistakeable terms.
Thb Ifew york Graphic is authority
for this: "Ex-Governor Dorshiemer
rho was temporary chairman of the
Kelly Convention at Syracuse, has
publidy stated within a few days that
there will be no division of the Demo
crats of that State this year, but that
the nominee at Cincinnati will be sup
ported, who ever he is. Ex-Judge
Spencer, O. B. Potter, Henry L. Clinton
and . other prominent Democrats who
followed Mr. Kelly last year have made
the same statements. A, prominent
member of Mr. Kelly's committee on
orfrani2ation told a Gra.nh.ic. rerjortfir that
Tammany would support the "regnlar
ticket and thatif necessary, Mr. Kelly
would withdraw from the organization
during the campaign. He said that
"Tammany people had concluded that
under no circumstances could they af
ford to bolt the National ticket nominat
ed at Cincinnati."
We are informed by reliable parties
that a flouring mill is to be built near
Platter's, on the Tukanen. The contract
let, and work- will commence soon.
Four tisa of bun will be (iut injirst, but
whea the railroad is , completed to that
place, the contract provides that three
run of burs be added. The survey for
the racs Wives thirty -six feet fall
There is no use in attempting to dis
guise the fact that there are myriads of
grasshoppers in and about Dayton. Al
ready farmers ant reporting that they are
being considerably damaged by these
pests. It is thonghfci however that most
of the grain ia too far advanced to be
much injured, and the damage will be
principally to vegetable and fruit-Day-
ton Mpm$.
is again threatened
It promises to be
high water.
than in 1876.
The article on the fiast page relative
to Gen. Garfield, should be credited to
the Portland Standard.
There are 3250 people east of the
Tokanon. J)ayton Ntc$.
r fs
Appetite, refreshipu a'eep, the aoqojaitioa of fleeh an4
color,' are blessing attendant npou (be reparative pro
eeesee which thie Drieeleae ifiviirorant needilT inltiatee
sod-earrle to a euccefsful conduaioB. Digestion is re
stored and filiate nance afforded to each fUe-eoataining
organ by the Bitten, which ia inoff enaiT even to the
feminine palate, vegetable in composition, and thorough
ly BUB.
ror sate or all orugguts ana iMalers generally.
Once Used Always Used .
is tha beat family medicine, and will be found on
trial to be the moat easy, natural as4 comfortable
aperient obtainable, ,
will act auntlv on the bowe's. remove wind, cure
heartburn, sour stomach and dizziness and promote
a neaitny secretion oi one.
is Hienwat effectual remedy for headache, giddiness.
nervous oepreaaion, parpitauon oi sue nean, laan.
tude and general debnty.
r will relieve the worst case of rheumatism and gout
prevent gravel and atone in the bladder, and cure
ail aueaaes oi tne cianeys.
erivM aneadv and durable relief in bilious I
1 liver
complain ta, weak digestion, shivering, spasms, low
spirit ana Irritability.
is invaluable as a remedy for the piles. It ha been
tryedfor manyyeareand haa given great satisfaction.
If yon are afflicted try it.
Durifie and cleanaea the blood, and
remares all
scrofuloua affections.
It ia health -giving, ref reahiag
haa an eatabliahed reputations an efficacioua remedy
tor auoaen ana severe eoM,cougna levaraana ague,
asthma and phthisis,
cures chronic, nervous and tick headache, nervous
depreaaion, drowsineaa, nausea, yornlUAg, pimple
on tne lace ana rrecues.
is a gentle laxltlva and tonic; improve the appetlt
cures dyspepsia, and counteracts the effect of mahv
nous poison.
cures conatination. diarrhosa and dysentery; la
tain in results, and correct all disturbance of the
stomach and bowels.
ia a nleaaant remedv for bolls, carbuncle, blotches.
uictsrated and running core, cabs,aalt rheum, and
glandular aweuing.
iauaed.aueceaafuUv for fotid breath, scald head,
ringworm, Itch, prickly-heat, cancerous ulcers ana
Kin auease generally
rTassa'a nuniriaa tsa
ha no equal in the entire range of the Pharmacopeia
as an anti-aorbutic, alternative, carminative and
Diooa punner.
gjyea a tone of health and elasticity to the whole
yatem and will prevent almost any disease u uaea
s lean once a montn.
trinmnh in medicine: harmless vet efficacious.
J Invaluable in the family, at the mfpes, n the road,
' at Ha. and cvumihsn. i
is the beet medicine for chidren. As a 8pring remedv
nothing comee near to it. Everybody should use it
at tne cnange oi aeaeon,
s for sal by every Druggist, Grocer sad. Country Mer
chant on the Paciue Coast. 1-31-tf
Notice is hereby given that w. H. Parrent has
this day made application at this office to purchase
under the act of June Sd, 1878, "An act for the sale of
Timber Lands in the States of California, Oregon Nevada
and in Washington Territory," the N B 1-4, Mw 1-4
and 8 w 1-4, No 1-4, sec. 17, T S, N E S7 E. i
Given under my hand at the U. S. Land office at La
Grande, Oregon, this 13th day of May, 1880. i
Notice is hereby given that J. C. Mbdlock ha this
day made application at this Office to enter under the
act of Congress approved June Sd, 1878, entitled, "an
Act for th sale of timber lands ia the State of Cali
fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," toe
B, Swl-4 sec 25, T 4 N, R 87 East.
Given under my hand this 9th day of June, 1880, at
the u. B. una umoe at uuranae, uregon. - I
27-31 jumst wvMHT, Begister. j
Laxd Optics at LaGrahbz, Ogn., June 2, 1880, i
Notice la herebv ariven that th followins-named set
tler baa filed notice of hi intention to make final prof
in support of bis claim, and. secure final entry thereat
at tne expiration of smrty aays, iron) to oat oi mis
notice, vis: , i
Greta W. Brock.
Witnesses proof will be taken before D. P. Dwight, a
Notary Public at Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon,
on July 10, 10, 1880, tor the Sw J aec 80, T SN.R84E,
and name th following aa hia witnesses, vis: W Baker,
Centervflle, Umatilla County, Oregon.
John Phillips, John Buah and Andrew Mcuroen, all of
0-27-31 H. W, PW19BT, Register,
Land Omci at LaGsaxd. Oa., June 2, 1880.
Notice is hereby given that th following-named
settler haa filed notice at hi intention to make final
Sroot in support of hia claim, and seeur final entry
lereof at the expiration of thirty day from th date of
thie notice, viz:
VTas. Baker.
Witnesses Proof win be taken before D. P. Dwight, a
Notary Public at Pendleton, Umatilla County. Oreron.
m. ThIu ia -loon -I. - O 1 .w. . .
and name the following a hia witnesaaa. vl- a v
Brock, C. E. Reed, Andrew McOroea and John Phil,'
'y- m , nsssT uwiairr, Register.
8-2T-S1 . ,
living In Milton precinct, Umatilla Co tnty, Oregon,
deecribed aafollow., to-wtt: OnWm
old Stallion; a bright sorrel: star in tha fandut
same white on the no; left bind foot white, aad
branded with th letter F on left shoulder. Mao urn
u, and vicious among other animals, Appraised at
UP Orncs AT Li Qsahbc, Or., May 19, 1880.
Xatteabfcrrcbr sine that tl following utami stt-
ukuiy MtiH et hi iaUnUoa to mti final
is nipMrt of eiatdaim, sad am anal entry Umof
at th xplrstion at thlrtr dagr Iraa tat Uu of thk
otto,! - .. .. , ' .
passes m. nuiuuu.
Pnrmotion No. 1.5SS. Proof will be mad Mors P. P
DirishL Nptary pnbUe, at Pandleton, CmatOls eona
ty, Oreeoa, on Jn SO, 1880, fdr the i i, . 1.
see. 4, T 4, N R 4 K. and name the foliowi&f; at Us
witaeaaee, viz:' J. af. Watker, John Darldaon, T. a
PaWs and J. w Dar)a of CanCerrflla; Dmatllia eounty.
Oregon. ' ' ' Hkhst Dwiaar,
Land ofgoe at LaQrande, Or., May M, 1880.
Notice i harabv riven thai the foHowina- named set
tler has filed notice of hia Intention th make final proof
in support of his claim, and aecur final ratty thereof
a wessMiauon of tmrtv dava from tha date si this
npuce, VUK
saae M. Wlekcrsaam.
Proof will be taken baf or D. P. Dwnrht. a Notarv Pub
lic at Pendleton, UniaWla county, Oregon, on June SB,
leov, or vue e oi aec SLiiasHi, ana namee
the foilowlnir aa bit wrtnesam. viz: R. C. Tmslar. Oaa
:, ueo. iJarta and Jime Zerba, allot Oentervlua,
ia county, uregoa. uknkt w. uwiasrr,
. Lass Owzp T LbGbaso, Oregon. May tt, 1880.
Notice is hereby given that the toUowina- named Bat
tler has filed notice of his intention to malt final proof
in rapport of hi claim, and seeur final entry thereof
at th expiration of thirty day from the data of that
nouec, vis:
Bajetael K. Vac.
Tetimony:wUl be taken before 8. V. Knox, a Notary
t-uouc aa weaion. u macula county, uraron. on Julv 1.
1S30 ,for.thsi, see. 14, T M, of B gb K, and nam
th tolloiiring aa hia witnesses, lz: John B. Frazier.
Jama Frasler, Henry Piper and A. M. Elam. aU of
auuon, umawm caiwtr, wregon. jl, a-, uwiobt.
LArn Omca, at La Osaxds, Oa., May 17,1880.
Notice is herebv sivea that the fonowliuT named act
tier ha fl)ed notice of hi (nteoon to make final proof
in support of his claim, and secure final entry tbsreof
at tha expiration of thirtv day from th date of this
notice, vis:
witneaaea Usttmony will be token before D. P, Pwight,
a Notary Publleat Pendleton. Umatilla eounty, Oregon,
on June 25, 1880. tpr she w ,, Ml I, and w i as j See.
8t4.ii iH c, and name the (ollowing as his witneaaea.
viz: James n Irk patriot, J. o. Myers, ueorge uroaa ana
A. C. Russell, all pf Weston, Umatilla county, Oregon.
Hskst w. Dwiout,
Lahd Orrio AT LsOkahdb, Ogn., June 8, 1880.
Notice ia herebv ariven that th followlnc-named set- !
tier haa filed notice of his intention to make final proof
m support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof
at tha expiration gt thirty days from the date of (bis
Mdutel Eariefc,
Homestead No. 660. tor the Bel Nwl. Mel 81 of See.
22. T 6 N. R 88 E. oriclnal entry: the Bi Swi of See.
22. T 6 N. B S8 E. additional entry. Said proof will be
made before the County Judge at Pendleton. Umatilla
county, Oregon, July 19, 1880, and name the following
a his witnesses, vi: P, a, Whitney, George T. Berry,
W. Jre4 and G. 4" Haven, of UroitiU county Ore
gon, his T W. vsiaav. aegjster.
Laito Omci at L aGbaxds, Oa., June 14, 1880,
Notice is hereby given that the following-named set
tler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof
in support of hia claim, and secure final entry thereof at
tap expiration oi tuny oaye irom weoaaeoi nam notfee
Homesates4 appliaation No. 1009. Proof will be made
before the County Judge of Umatilla county, Oregon.
Original entry S92; additional entry Nwl Se J of Bee, 2,
TSM.R86E. and name the following aa Ida witaeaa
ee, vis: Wm Boyce, Alfred Watt, Elihu Brock and J B
aing, ail oi.umauua county, uregon. i
o-xg-SS fl, W. PVJOBT, Register.
Lass Orncs at LaGsaxik, Oa., June 12, 1880.
Notice is hereby given that the (o'dowing-oarned set
tler has filed notice of his intention to make ff na) pjoof
in eupport of his claim and secure final entry thereof at
the rtpiratlon of thirty day from the date of this notice.
' Calvin Fercsuo.
Homestead application No. 724. Proof will be made ba
ton the County Judge cf Umatilla eounty, Oregon, at
renaieton, on August 7, law, lor tns B set swt see.
s8,T4N,BS8E, andnimesthe following as his wit
neaeea, vis: Jsmas Royee, Benjamin BjnaharL A. J.
Crofutt and Alex. Braasfteld, all of Weston Umatilla
county, uregon. ukxhW Dwuht, Begister
Laud Ofticz at LaGsahde, Ogn,, June 10. 1880,
Notice ia hereby civen that th foUowinsr-named set
tler ha filed notice of hi intention to make final proof
in eupport of hi claim and seeur final entry thereof at
the expiration of thirty days from the data of this notice.
Beajazals. Klnekart,
Homestead proof will be made before the County Judge
at Pendleton, Oregon, oa tha 7th day of August, 1880,
for the 1 Nel aec. SO, and additional W of Not see. SO
T 4 N. R 80 Et and namee the following; a hi witnaa
vis Calvin Perguson, Jama Royee. Charles Ferguson
and Clark Briggs, all of Weaton, Umatilla eounty, Ore
gon. uxx&T w. inriaHT, aegtater.
Laxs Omos at LaOsjucds, Oa, June 8th, 1880.
Notice Is hereby given that th foDowing-namad settler
has filed notice of hi intention to make final proof la
uppora oa aa emm, ana secure nnai sail
th expiration of thirty daya from th tat
ntry thereof at
of this notioe.
Jnaosi S. Tarn Wlmkle.
Wltnesse teetimonv will be taken baton D. P. Dwiirht.
. Uniu. pnll Pm,1M, TTm. (1 1. W.
on JUiy 17, ia), lor an net aec a, 1 1 n, KUE, and
bame the following a his witneaaea. vis: John Staarp-
er, Henry Stamper, Wm. Burden i
D. K. Booher, all
of Centerville, Umatilla County,
uen ana i
It. Oregi
HENRY W. DWIGHT, Register.
Land Omci at LaGxanpk, Os., June 12, 1880.
Notice ia hereby siren that the followuur-i
settler ha filed notice of nit intention to make final
Broof in support of hi claim, and secure final entry
lareof at tne expiration of thirty days from the date of
nis nouee, viz:
as. ts. a. nuuea.
Hs No. 2375. Proof will be mad before D. P. Dwight, 1
a NntWT Pllltlli. u P.nHlAn llnwtill. WMnrf. n,
on July 24, 1880, for the 8w J see. SO, T 4 N, R S4 ft, ami
names tn iouowing a nis wnnesse, viz: wm. willis.
Henry McUmber, John A. Oroaa and W. H. Reader, all
n i ii t .in. . '
wt Lnwrfui, vmauiia county, meg oil.
6-2S-S3 Hznai W. UflSHT, Regiater.
List) Omci at LaGsasdz, Ogn., June 14, 1880.
Notice ia hereby given that the following named t
Uer haa filed notice of hia intention to make final proof
la eupport of tu claim, and secure final entry thenoa
at th expiration of thirty days from the date or this
notice, vu:
vrilllans lUyee.
Homeetead application No. 1086. Addition
stead Droof wul ha mada hafara tha Coantv J
Pendleton, Oregon, July 14, 1880, for th i
try, NINwtofSac t, TS N, B as I; original home-
tead So. 674, aad name th following a hi witnesses,
viz: Richard Reynold, Alfred Watts, EUna Brock aad
j. a- tunc, ail of umatuia vountr. wreroa.
s-zs-sa hlihi w. uwium tugigwr.
Haaufactijrec and faler in
Tin & sheet inoti
AD Uac. af
Sbelf-Hardwarfi Conuitly oa
hand, for sale che&p
A targ Asaiinmeul sf
tfce Vnry Bast saasertal aael Ism abw
praved Pattenaa. all Tlawaiw staea
Sd heavy aaalrrial, amd steats ami
tke bast warksnea caastaycel.
i Rivets, Iron
Steel, Nailo
Wcatenholme'a AD Styles.
Burgoo ft Ball's m4 "Kmfmoe.
Shot-Gun & Rifle Ammunition.
A Pun Un of
Pistols and EeYolversIt
Trout Baskets. Etc.
RodgerS' CutlerY :
Compriain heary-plated Knives, Fork
and Spoons.
Bald at Lowaet ratea (or a good erttel.
(Oppaelt Post Offica,)
Main St., Walla Walla, W.T.
R R. BOUNDS, - - Proprietob.
Board, par day, $1.00. Board aad Lodging, par week.
. so.00 sad as. oo, according to room. Heals, ts.
BeasjtS sad SOe.
Free Caack ta the Matel, Car PaaerassTs.
Surveyor and Cirll Enrineer,
Pendleton, Oregon.
- . I . r v .
Town Plats made and Lands Loeated.
FF1CE At Sm Oeart
. S0- M-ly ,. . ,
Dwighi & Baileyi
Acesrts, Watartca raktta aaV
Ificmrral IBt4
Beal lUtata Btwkcrs.
Pendletoj, Oregon.
Have TowssHrr Plats of aS eurveved laada ia UnUSli
County and a record of B Land Claims from ta first
location to the nraamt time, and earrasted aaeni-waakhr
from th Land Office at LaGrsada,
wm secure daima for partiee under any of sha Laad
Law of th U. 8., conduct eoateatd raaea baton th
Local Land Office, and on appeal to th Denartaaeat at
Waahingtoa. i
Will furnish Soldiers Additional Hetawtosd floss
and all kinds of Land Scrip oa snort nsead,itowee
market ratsi.
WOl burand sell lands, dty property, keea raaeoaa
ocomtnaaion. Tha PbUtf and Record abov. reforred to an the ealy
one of tb kind ia Umatilla County, aad esttien aa
aave time and a trip to LnGraad. by t ami eg so a.
! r .
TWe have sctal tacllrtl tar
m 1 TTTl TrT
I I A tX H , I I
Tke LEACEt ; aa
of the Keart sad
newsiest Local papers , is. lb liextawest
It k ansarpaaard aa sn AdrtTtisiM ssedinm