Blalark PrrdMct. SATURDAY, JUNE 19. 1880. . WIlJJJiWM A r-OLL, EeUtsrs. Tbs slcation is over. The people of this mmmtjaHkd wisely in defeating the bogus ffiaHWking Division candidates for the leis latasa, , Now let a petititon be circulated be tween tnis ted' tle meeting of the legislature, sisrwisng the lines, and asking that body to pass asa act dividing the oanty into three counties, object to ratification! the Toters of the outy... Tbif can be dne harmoniously, and if it is the wish of the people to divide there ill be no trouble about the matter. This is aha lissjsst end only way to divide this county, and if those who .have harped so much about division are honest as they professed to be tney wiil assist in the matter, and what they attempted to do by force or fraud will be done in an honest and legitimate way. Let a mass seating be. eafied and let agree upon suitable lines and then go to work as brothers, and ot in a manner that will cause any strife and contention, Of eottrse everybody cannot be suited fa the location of the county lines, for it is ca&y aatuxal that every man shool J work Jar his own interest and want a county seat at Jus door. We would like to hear from the people in different portions of the county in re faranne to the matter. Edit Oreaoniau. 'He epecioas pretences in the above, 1 4bp 'Very impudent charges therein lied, we have referred to elsewhere- Vhere feould any weU balanced mind find tforoa or fraud," in the late Division (Movement! But that is not what we pro peee to discuss. Division of the county is what we want. We tried one method, -nod from reasons given elsewhere, it failed- Now any honorable method will secure our hearty ccrperation and we ac cept the above proposition in good faith, , i and will gie our best offorts to secure Its ftocciDpQshuient,' Let the E. ,0. go .ahead and call the mass meeting, and; 'Weston will be. on hand to participate. B LA LOCK PBECISCT, June J5, 1880. Eds. Leader: In your last issue I find reference is made to the wrong that was done to the people of this precinct particularly and the blow struck at the fairness and equality of elections in our county and State generally. For want of poll-books .no voting was done in Blalock precinct, but according to Sec. 9, chapter 14 of the Code, "it is the duty of the County Clerk to furnish to one of the judges of every election precinct in the county, with two poll-books, at least five days previous to to the time of holding any election." Has our successful candidate to? County Clerk done his sworn duty toward this precinct when he delivered the poll-books to a non resident of the State? Rather, did he not violate the plain letter of the statute in so doing ? The Co'uuty Clerk was an interested party to this election, and he should have been twice viinlant to miard the neonle's inl o a - . j terests, and in this way escape any just criticism. The Constitution of Oregon provides that "all elections shall be free and equal." Has not this negligence on the part of the County Clerk been the means of frustrating an elec tion in Blalock precinct ? Perhaps the senti- timeut iu this precinct toward the regular ticket was too well-known ' io make an elec tion in Blalock precinct a desirable event The people of Umatilla county have another morsel in this to stimulate them to reflect be fore they are driven to support regular tick ets. Will Mr. Keeney arise and explain why he did not furnish the poll-books to the prop er parties, and above all, why did he carry the poll-books to W alia Walla and leave them with a non-resident of Oregon as he is said to have done ? Sec. 40 of chapter 14 pro vides special instructions to all persons con cerned in conducting elections, and if Mr. .r . i .,... . . . ... aveeney nos not vioiaiea tnat section it is a strange affair. We hope that the County Court will see the rights of all protected. Blalock Precinct. ACTS OF THE WI8K rENDMETOX. HEX or ADVERTISEMENTS: Its'. tiAKFIELD. It is amusing to watch the Radical Press fall meekly into line and earnestly and sincere ly laud their presidential nominee. ' Not many weeks ago they were all denouncing him as I knew his head was empty, , There was much ' talking and planning among the "ring" at Piendleton. 2. The object was to ' defeat the wishes of the people who desired a divis ion of the county. 3. The father of the ring was Bolting Jio), a mighty man in hi way, and filled with much cunning, 4.. 1 The remainder thereof: were an incongruous crowd chosen from both parties, and renowned chiefly for their adherence to the ring. , 5. And fear and trepidation fell heavi ly upon them, for, said they, Jo, if this thing .come to pass, our dominion over this foolish people is. ended, and the tithes and the spoils are no longer ours. 6. And as they counselled in travail and anguish together, said Bolting Jim in a loud voice, I will send forth Kon Oh Lie and Coquescalksoocktcox, who are strangers to this people, who will revive the traditions of our 'fathers among them. 7. Truly they must supply the wants of Kel Ee and Tom Sun, else their knees ill quake under them and they wither away, for they know not much. 8. And Coques (which is curtailed muchly,) fully opened his mouth at you Umatilla, and said many unwise things, which were there returned to him, and gored him exceedingly, insomuch that, being simple and of light caliber, he fled him back in hot haste and fell panting sorely before Boltiagjim 9. Saying, "Woe is me, for I am un done. I am a pudding with te stuffing pressed out The enemy hath pfnetureel me, and lo ! your words and lessons failed me in my hour of trial" . :Jt0. And he shook pitifully, for, he r m NOTICE. LtMD Qms AT LA Qbaxds, Or., May 19, 1830. Notice is hereby given that the following named Bet ter bat filed notice of tiis intention to make final -proof in support of his chum, and secure finnl entry thereof at thecxpiratum of thjrty days from the date of this notic. viz: Maaaes at Wlllaaas. Preemption No. 1.62S. Proof will be made before D. P. Dwjgiit, a Notary Public, at Pendleton, Umatilla coua tv. Oregon, on June SB. 1S80. fox the I s e 1. & at. sw 1. see. 4, T , N K 34 E, and names the following- as his witnesses. Tit: j. m. wataer, jxia imviumm, i. u. Davis and J. w. Dayie of Centerville., Umatilla county, Oregon, JJkkbt Daieirr, uegister. ITOIUCB Appetite, ref reshing sleep, the acquisition otfaesh and color, arc blessings attendant upon the reparative pro cesses which this priceless invigorant speedily Initiates sad carries to a successful conclusion. Digestion is re stored and sustenance afforded to each Dfe-sustainlng ormn by the Bitters, which is inoffensive even to the 'feminine palate, vegetable in composition, and thorough ly sale. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. Once Used Always Used PESE'S HAMBURG TEA is the best family medicine, and will be found oa trial to be the most easy, natural and comfortable aperient obtainable. PESE'S HAMBURG TEA will act gently on the bowels, remove wind, cure heartburn, sour stomach and dizziness and promote . a healthy secretion of bile. PRESS'S HAMBURG TEA is the most effectual remedy for headache, giddiness. nervous depression, palpitation of the heart, lassi tude ana general aeuuty. r-RE8E'8 HAMBURG TEA will relievehe worst cases of rheumatism and gout prevent gravel and stone in the bladder, and cure au diseases of me moneys. CRESE'S HAMBURG TEA gi, ives sseedv and durable rellefln bilious and liver complaints, weak digestion, shivering, spasms,, low spirits ana lrntaouity. j , FRE8 E'SHAMBURG TEA is invaluable as a remedy for the piles.' It has been tryedfor manyyeanand has given great satisfaction, . If yon are afflicted try it. being untrue to the best interests of the oonn- Heppner we .thiftk will be, suited, i.and j try owing to his champioBship of the high Hilton will Ceaterville probably wants mxmitAfkjaoy as iby their vote they .did, not .support -the line advocated by the .-nominees on the Division ticket Any line suitable to the majority will suit . Weston. If Milton gets the county seat, we will bo well satisfied. If Centerville - gat it that will V still more convenient for wZ Anything less than three new eounties would necessitate further diyis- ,ion at ajrfarly period, and we have area, .population and .wealth enough to sustain ,thre good counties. The citizens of iGreasewood are fair-minded enough to , recognise the pressing necessity for divis ion, and will aid the movement intelli gently and courteously. The south west em portion of the .county will turn to jHsppuer as i being the business and geo graphical centre of that part, and thus .they will have no local struggle for -the eounty seat This end can arrange the tmatter by petition, and thus everything . .an be amicably adjusted. If this is "the honost tod only way," let us give it a fair trjal, and labor faithfully for it . - . if- tariff on the pulp of wood; the most important element in the manufacture of paper. As we stated not long ago in the LEADER, it was Mr, Garfield's support of this odious and op pressive tariff, that caused us in common with very newspaper in the land to pay a double price for our paper. Every journal experienced the result of his course and denounced him ac cordingly. But now he is the Republican candidate for President and the Radical papers support him. Again, of late years it has be come the habit of some prominent Radical papers io auvocaie rree rraae. Those same papers are now adding their strength to at tempt a Garfield boom. Why, Gen. Garfield is the prince of protectionists, and for the time being those journals who have been stealing democratic thunder will be obliged to lay their rree trade doctrines on the shelf until after the election. "Consistency, thou art a jewel.' 'The Junction Republican is the wild .est and frothiest sheet that our good state ttolerates. It screamed in frenzied accent Jfor Grant and Grant only, and now that ,the Chicago convention in its wisdom has seen fit to drop the much-traveled Gen oral, it whoops as loud as ever for Gar field. Just like the man who was chas fig the burglar, shouting "stop thief," intn the latter hastily turned and lodged his boot in the pursuer's abdoman, who hereupon turned immediately back at ull speed, shouting "stop thief," as be forS. We have only contempt for those .who flaunt the "bloody shirt" as their only argument against Democracy, and this journal is one of the most flagrant ol the kind; Its articles read like a thun- The little Independent which thinks it has been working against Division all the while (perhaps it has been, no one noticed), puts up its rooster and shouts "victory", because Di vision has been defeated. It is nice to see the little thing feel good ovar it anyhow, and imagine it helped to do something. Like the little boy who was blowing his breath in. the direction of the great oak tree when it was overthrown by the tornado, and then laughed ana cnuckled believing he had done it all. It strikes out with ita feeble meanness at the de feated, and crawls up the side of the defeated. like the worm over the prostrate sleeper, and laughs its childish glee, when, to its own sur prise, it has reached the top. But it is nice to the weak little thing happy. TASTE FOK KEADIJti. - The pleasure and profit to be derived from the cultivation of a taste for good reading are not easily over-estimated. The man who has this taste, and the means of gratifying it, possesses that which, under every variety of circum stances, will be a source of happiness and cheerfulness to him through life, and a shield against its ills, however things may go amiss or the world frown upon his en deavors. It places him in contact with 11. And the soul of Boltingiim went out in sompassion toward Coques, and putting forth his finger and thumb he lifted the flattened form to his mouth, and blew into his capacious ears, much words and wind. 12. But Kel Ee entered and said: Kiver thy mouth and stop it; fur how can I kerry him to the Legislatur when he's so big? And Boltingjim eeased thereat, and said: Coques, our faded stay at home and learn wisdom thyself. 13. And he stayed. 14. Then Kon Oh Lie, habited in the garb and colors of a chameleon, with a Green Back,- the picture of Kins Hayes over his heart, his vizier present ed by a Re Publikan Justice of the Peaee and the Albany Herald, floating proudly at the summit of the Demo Kratik wand, arose and shrieked aloud, at the people, but Williamsteen wounded him nigh un to death in the fields of Cottonwood, with the lance of truth. 15. And likewise at Milton. 16. And broke his helmet at Weston, besides bruising him at Centerville. ; 17. And when Williamsteen ap peared also at Greasewood, the valor ous Kon Oh-Lie betook himself to his chariot, and sped him away to the bos om of the ring. 10. Then said they, the people, Yea, all the people of Bla Lok must have their armor kept from them, else are we vanquished. It was done. The re mainder of the people were slain because of it, and now the ring laughs a loud laugh, yea, from the gosling up to the father of it, all make merry over their mischief. . CRESS'S HAMBURG TEA s nurifles and cleanses the blood, and nmaves all scrofulous affections. It is health-giving, ref reshiag , invigorating. f-RKSK'R HAMRIIRG TEA has an established reputation as an efficacious remedy for sudden and severe eolds,coughs fevers and ague, asthma ana pntnisis. CRESE'S HAMBURG TEA s cures chronic, nervous and sick headache, nervous depression, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, pimples on we lace ana irecKies. trUESE'S HAMBURG TEA i LEGAL. NOTICE. Land office at LaGrande, Or., May 24, 1380. Notice Is hereby irivcn thsz the following umal set. tier has filed notice of his intention th make rhial proof in support of his claim, aud secure final entry thereof at tlieexpiratiou of Uiirtv days from the date sf this Isaac 3. Wlrkertthsw. Proof will be taken before p. P. Owtght, a Notary Pub lic at Pendleton, Umatilla county, Oregon, on June go, , lor theseotsec 26, T 6 N K 34 K. and names following as hubaitnesses. via: E. C. Tirulev. Cass Cannon, Geo. Uavia and James Xerba, all of Centerville, uuiauua county, uregon. 11K.NKT W. owioht, ttegister. NOTICE. Laxd Onucs at LeGraxd, Oregon. May 14, 1S80. Notice is hereby iriven that the fallowing named set tler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure limU entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this notice, viz: bsuhcI av. coe. Testimony" will be taken before S. V. Knox, a Notary rublic at weston, Umatilla county, Oregon, on July 1, 1880, for,Oie s e J, sec 14, T & N, of K 35 E, and uamcs the following as his witnesses, viz: John B. Fraxier. James Frazier, Henry Piper and A. M. Elam, all of Milton, Umatilla county, Oregon. U. w. llwiaiiT, - lUigister. NOTICES. Notice is hereby iriven that w. H. ParrenV has this day made application at this office to purchase under the act of June 3d, 18TS, "An act for the sale of Timber Lands in the States of California, Oregon Nevada and in Wasliington Territory," the N E 1-4, Nw 1-4 and S w 1-4, tie 1-4, sec. 17, T S, N K 37 E. Given under mv hand at the U. 8. Land office at La Grande, Oregon, this 13th day of May, 18S0. Q HENRY W. DWIGHT, Keg lb tor. J. K JONES tip Manufacturer and Dealer la TIH & SHEET IR0EI AB kinds of Shelf-Hardware Constantly oa hand, for sajc cheap. A Large Assortment of RANGES, Stoves! NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that William M. Bteen has this day made application to purchase under the act of Con gress, approved June 3d, 1878. entitled an "Act for the sale of Timber Lands in tho States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and In Washington Territory," the lot 1 sec. 4, T S N K 87 East, and M Ssi and Swi 8si see Si T 4 N B 37 East " Given under my hand at the U. 8. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, this 27th day of April, 1880. 6-1-28 Hkkrt W. DaiollT, Register. is a gentle laxitiveand tonic; improves the appetite cures dyspepsia, and counteracts the effect of mala rious poison. FRESrS HAMBURG TEA cures constipation, diarrhcea and dysentery; is cer tain in results, and corrects all disturbances of the stomach and bowels. . trUESE'S HAMBURG TEA NOTICE. 9 U.S. Lass Orrics at LaGsaxob Oox. Feb. 21, 1880. Complaint having, been entered at this office by Charles V. Sanders against Tliomas B. Parr for abandon ing his limber Culture Entry No. 1S1. dated April 20. 1 0-O .... .1.. Halu.) Tnwn.liin A V UnTlir. VI K in Umatilla county, Oregon, with a view to the cancel lation of said entry: tne saia parties are nereoy sum moned to anoear at this office on the i Jh day of May .1880. at 10 o'clock A. M., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. nr.rix n. usiuni( iiegistes-3-6 Dakiu. Cuaius, Receiver. the Terr Seat Material mm Meat Am proved rattens. All Tinware saasle mt el heavy material. ia mmmm heat fJ heat werlusiea eBsswyesL Rivets, Iron Steel, Nails horseshoes; CUTLERY ! Westssholme't All Stiles. SHEEP SHEARS, Burgen A Ball's and "Kangaroo.' CLOTHES WRINGERS. is a pleasant remedy for boils, carbuncles, blotches, ulcerated and running sores, scabs, salt rheum, and glandular swellings. ' CKKSE'8 HAMBURG TEA is used successfully for foetid breath, scald head, rimprorm, itch, prickly-lieat. cancerous ulcers and skin diseases generally- F SUE'S HAMBURG TKA " has no equal in the entire range of the Pharmacopoeia as an anti-sorbutic, alternative, carminative and blood purifier. FKESS'S UAliBUBO TEA gives a tone of health and elasticity to the whole system and will prevent almost any disease it usvd at least snce a month. FUSS'S UAMUUBO TEA ' is a triumrih iu medicine; harmless yet efficacious. Invaluable iu cue family, at the mines, on the road, at sea, and every where. , F BESS'S HAMSTKO TEA is the best medicine for chldren. As a Serine remedy nothing comes near to it. Everybody should use it . at tne cnanges season, EX1L HtESE'E) OAMBDK6 TEA s for sale by every Druggist, Grocer and.Country Mer chant on the Pacific Coast. 1 31-tf LEGAL. , NOTICE. - ; LAtrn Onics, at La OaAsna, On., May 17, isso, Notice is herebv oiven that the following n&md u.fc tier has filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of tflirtv days from the date of this uvticc, viz; William B. Ainon, witnesses testimony will be taken before D. P. Dwigbt, a Notary Public at Pendleton, Umatilla countv, Oregon, on June za, issu, ior tne w , ne t, ana w se bee. o . ,u. ...1 ; 1.:.. viz: James Kirkpatrick, J. G, Myers, George Gross and A- v. t&usscu, ail 01 weston, umatuia county, Oregon, j Hesrv w. Dwiout, Register. til A lkdf IWIaI. In AvrAw f I. ! derltorm in theatre, with no rain as J "T . ' J". . . - Jtory with the wiaeet and thejwittieat S4S Stt3WU.IfiMuxiuiE:i. TljsT Iildipindent said befere election ."rote for countv officers regardless of heir pickets," and then a little further t said "but Tte against candidates on fhm Division ticket" Hewever, instead of being jtaken to task for it, we suppose iiev should be congratulated for publis- with the bravest and purest characters that have adorned humanity. I It makes him a denizen of all nations a contem porary of all ages the companion of the good and gifted everywhere. There is a gentle, but irresistible coercion in a I habit of well direoted reading, over ' the whole tenor of a man's character and pig two ideas of their own" in the same oono'actt whiqh is not the less effectual, Issue, even if flatly coniradictory. They" hecause at works insensibly, and because remind us somewhat-of a liberal-minded fc Prhaps the last thing he dreams of. And respectable Jtepubljcan friend who I How important then that the plastic mind paes said io hi in conversation, "Yes 111 always vote for the best man, regardless of "politics," then added abstractedly, 3nt I'll never vote for a Democrat." The Independent seems to have just erength enough tp crow after the enemy defeated, and barely that of youth should be moulded with this end in view the cultivation of a taste for good reading. lXn9fl was no election held in Blalock Emi on the alleged ground that no books had ban proyufetL The qnee now is what beoamo of them for ,hey were sent up. Eaet Oregenian. es, ppbably they were "sent op-" Sajt Creek, The question now is, what becfine of theml Tub E. 0. speaking of another method of effecting the division of Umatilla Co. says: "This is the honest and only way to divide this county." There are stupid ignorance and insolence both condensed in that one sentence. It is a gratuitous insult to nearly 700 voters who testified their approval of electing a ticket on the issue. It is not the "only" way, and the writer of that article, would do well to post himself on the subject before let ting himself loose on a long-seffering public. ' : FUME. Seme days ago Judge Lassater of W alia Walla and a gentleman of this city took a prospecting tour up Pine Creek . with a view to ascertaining the feasibility of building a flume. The re sult was extremely gratifying The slope is easy; and. the cost of construction would be comparatively trifling! We under stand that Mr. Lassater was more than satisfied with the prospects and that he will at once - commence the work in good earnest That there is money in such an enterprise ao on doubts, and now that the scheme is known to be a practical one, the means of carrying it but will soon be forthcoming, NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that J. C- Medlock haft this oay made application at this Oflice to enter under tlte c 01 ikngrus approved June 3d, 1878, entitled, "an Act for the sale of timber lands in the States of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory , the ot swi-4 sec. zof x n , k 3f eaw. Given under my bandthis 9th day of June, 1880. at tn u. a. juana irmce as .Lauranae, urcgon. 27-31 Hshey Dwiuht, Reffifrter. MISCELLANIOUS. V. WAGNER, and dealer la CKXTI-RVILLr. OCX. MILLmEBY!! HE LADIES OF WESTON AND VICINITY are respectful! v informed that the Under signed have opened and. cow offer for sale a Complete MILLINERY GOODS. The Latest Styles of Hats and Bon nets always on hand in Great Va - riety. FEATHERS, FLOWERS and every kind of TRIM MING to suit the most Fastidious. AGENTS for WARREN'S HEALTH Corset. MAIJt STREET ........ WE8TOX. Next door to Hardware Store.) MILLER Jfc SCIINEBLEY. , 6-27-Sm Shot-Gun & Rifle Ammunition. A Fall Lisa of Pistols and Eevolvers! I BIRD CACHES, FLOWER POTS. HANGING BASKETS, Trout Baskets, Etc RodgerS' CutlerY Comprising helfvy-plated Knives, 7orks and. Spoons. A COMPLETE STOCK OF ROPE 8uM at Lowest rates tor a rood artids. tbppealta Fost OScJ NOTICE. Lasd pmci at LaGrahds, Ogn June 1, 1880. Notice is hereby given that the following-named set tler has filed notice of his intention to make final prof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof athe expiration of thirty days from the data of this notice, vis: Creea W. Brock. Witnesses proof will be taken before D. P. Dwight, a Notary Public at Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, on July 10, 10, 1SS0, for the 8w J sec 30, T 6 K, R St E, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: W Baker, John Phillips, John Bush and Andrew McC'roen, all of Centerville; Umatilla County, Oregon. s-27-31 H. W. vkht. Register. IODIDE OF POTASS. The Best Spring Medicine and Beauti fier of the Complexion in use- Cores Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Neuralgia, Scrofnla, Gout, Rheumatic and Mercuri al pains, and all Diseases arising from an impure state of the Blood or Liver. gSTSold by McColTi Miller. The Independent with characteristic simplicity stated that Democrats and Republicans united to defeat the Division party, Tom Luoy, of our city, can testi-1 fy to the ftrading-off" to elect some on both straight tickets. Democrat of Umatilla County can now see that those Republicans who took hold of Division , at Weston and Milton acted, in good faith. There were not six straight Re publican tickets voted at Weston, while j there were over sixty straight Democratic tickets. Most of the latter were favor able of Division, but voted against it be cause tney were "afraid at tne Republi cans." The resuit shows where the trouble really was. NOTICE. I Aire Omcs at LaGbaxps, Ob., Jane 1, 1880. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this notice, via; Witnesses Proof w51 be taken before D. see. 20, T 6 N. It U E, P. Dwiirht. a Notary Public at Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oreron. on July 10, 1SS0, for the Sw 1 and name the following as his witnesses, viz: O. W. Brock, C. E. Reed, Andrew McCroen and John Phil ips. Hbxkt Dwmot, Register. 6-XT-S1 ESTBAY NOTICE. TAKEN CP BT THE SUBSCRIBES, MAT H. W8 living in Milton precinct, Umatilla Co mty, Oregon, an Estray described as follows, to wit: On two-year, old Stallion; a bright sorrel; star in the forehead; sasae white on .the nose; left hind feot white, and branded with the letter r on left shoulder. Medium size, and vicious among other animals, Appraised at M- P. W. HARRIS. AN IMMEDIATE AND PERMANENT CURE for COUGHS. COLDS, AsTH MA. BRONCHITIS, CROUP, INFLUENZA, CATARRH, Loss of VOICE, Incipient Consumption, and all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Ask for the Cali fornia Pulmonary Balsam, and take no ether. Sarcoid by all Drsjselsts. Main SW Walla Walla, W. T. pBOPBIEToi3 R. R. ROUNDS, Board, per day, $1.00. Board Sad Lodslnr. e.w ana .uv, aceoruing so room. Beda ii and 60c ITrce Caack the Batrl, far lusea, TN0 CgjJIAMEN EMPLOYED J. H. EALEY. Surreyor and Ciril EnglBeera Pendleton. Oregon. Town Plats made and Lands Located. OFFICE At, tke Cout 0-1-tS-ly LANDLACEfJCY. J .E vrro ARCONAUT!Atyu1 at, pabbalMd every Saturday, at 622 California st. 6. P FRANK M. PIXXET, ) FRED. M. SOMERS. f The AaeosAtrr is essentially a California publication bright, breezy of the Pacific and the medium of the trood things of current literature. Sent, post paid, to BUUIC. , upon receipt oi 4.w yearly subscription. ! ArcvMttt. wight: BaUey, aleweraf Uad AgrBts, KTatarles raaUc mm Veal Estate Brsksrs, - Pendleton. Oregon, Have TowssBir Puts of all surveyed lands in Umatilla ' CooBty and a record of all Land Claims from tb. ant location to the present time, and corrected semi-weekly from the Laad OfiVe at LaUraade. Will secure claims for parties under any of Ui. Land Laws of the U. 8., conduct contested cases before tb. -Local Land Office, awl on appeal to the LiepartOMiit at Washington. WO! lucmlan Soldiers Additional Homestesd Floats m ruiww win, ktvi UN muvn RWUW wu M jvhwv Btarket ratei. - . , Will buyand sell Isads city property, -, 00 ' Tha Plattf and Records above referred to are the only ones of the kind in VmatUla County, and mUUm east save Urns and a tiip to. (inOranda by mni.r; t us. ITWe have special faeDHlM far Ucattsc sww TAKE IT efVbesi a3 nem-sieet Local papers in the Nortawest It -- ansarj .i as an Adrertiaing medium