Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, June 19, 1880, Image 1

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VOL. 2,
NO.-" 28.71.
a' ; fr
' WIIHIWWI Ml XCIX. rafcllafcera.
Issckd ErutT Saturday Mobjjiko,
; . - . T
V -SBrtB0"
SU Momm
Shyta OopiM
S3 00
..... t 00
1 50
...124 CU
Om faawa (1 Inch) Srat !atartlQa.........'.....'..U SO
Rut additional iuwrtioa 60
Two Squaraa, Hn tmortioa.... ,. J 0o
Sua additional innrtioa. , 1 00
Tarn Banana, Sit inaartloB. . . . i 60
iMk addltioaal iBMTtian. 1 60
(MOwUtColgua, flnt inasrtion. 6 60
Bata aaalHtBal tsMrtioa. I W
That adwUaert by tpadal contract. Local notirct
H ante par Um Irat Iuwrtioa, 121 cetita per line each
iMiHim ibbmuob: Aaverwung dub payaQaquar-art.
AH land aotloM will be charged 76 eanta per hiiui
n tiirin, and 17) matt par mvum each latwequent
lawrlina (pajrable BMuUilf).
Vonoi.-4lmpte anooutwemctiU ol Urttn, raarrtagel
M OsaUM rui a waariea wiUMnu enarga. UDHoarj
KM in rgiil (or aeeordlos to Mogul.
Clear, plaeMXeman: thy contrasted lake,
With the wide world I dwelt in, it a thing
Which warn me with it stillneat, to foniake
Earth' troubled watera for a purer piing'.
Thu quiet vail iaa a noiselna wing;
To waft bm froa distraction; ones I loved
Tom ooasa't rear, but thy soft murmuring;
Bounds sweet as if a sister's voice reu roved.
That I with stem delights should e'ar hare beea to
torso. ...... .
It it the bush of night; sad all betwsea
Thy margins and the mountains, dusk, ysit dear.
Mellowed and mingling yet distinctly mb
Havs darkened Jura, whose capped Iteigths appear
Precipitously steep; and drawing aear.
There breathes a Bring fragraaot from the shore, ,
Of towers yet fresh with eMldliood; on tho tax v
Drops the lirht drip of the suaneaded oar. - r ,
Or ehirps the grasshopper oao goed-nigbt carol msrs. .
'' B Is an tTeBiac rsreller. who maket
su hwmliuwki. awn siiajs ms Bl I
At intervals, aoau bird from out the braksi.
marts into vote a moment then is suu. -There
seems floating whisper on tha hill
But that is fancy, tor the star-light dews
All silently their tears of tore Instil,
Weeplnc themselvee a war. till they infuse
Deep into ttkn'i breast, the spirit of her hues.
Ts stars ! which are the poetry of heaven t
If in your bright leaves we would read the fata
Of men and empires 'tis to be foigiven,
That in our aspiratioos to be great,
Our destinies o'erleap their mortal state,
And daim a kindred with you; tor ye am
A beauty and a mystery, and create
In us such love and reverence from afar.
That fortune, fame, power, life, have named themselves
star. inyruu
m rm nntmu
rwcalUritlc as Ylewt frwaw, Caff?-;
mm BtamdtwlBt.
Early ia tli week five Crow chiefs
pawad through here on thoir way to
Washington. I went down to aee thero.
They were as fine-looking children of the
forest as I ever saw. They wore buck
skin pants, with bverskirtof same. The
hair .was worn princss. held in place
with Frazer's axle grease and large
mother of clam-shell brooch. Down the
Washikotov, D. a Slay 31, 1880.
The national capital presented a gala
Appearance on Saturday, the occasion be
ing the decoration of the graves of Un
ion soldiers under the7 auspices of the
Grand Army of the Republic, Depart
ment of the Potomac, The day was all
that could be "desired, the air being de
lightfalry tool, with gentle - winds. ' The
day was generally observed at a holiday.
The government departments and dis
trict offices were cleeed, and the bankers
ad most of the business population sus
pended their usual vocations. Flags
were displayed at half-mast from all the
government buildings, hotels and other
prominent places. A new feature of
aemorial day was the morning parade of
thtuniKUry and the O. A. which
was witnessed by large crowds of people
along the route of the procession.
So many members of the Senate and
House of Representatives have left the
city that it would not be at all surpris
ing if a quorum was lacking this week.
In fact; last week it was barely possible
to get a quorum in the House on some
sry important Tofes. Senators Conk
ling, Carpenter, Hoar, Jones, of Nevada,
Aud other leaders of "the Seriate, are al
ready away. Republicans in the House.
including Gargeldy-Conger, Frye, Kiefer
Butternorth, etc.; have also turned their
faces in the direction of Chicago. Oth
er members have gone to their homes to
look after their nominations. All who
21 re gone nave made pairs, in some
plaees there is a reservation that the
pairs are not to be respected if a vote in
most eases the pairs are made without
reservation. The pairs will be rigidly
renpected, because it Congress remains in
session until tha Cincinnati convention,
as it now seems probable, the Democrats
will want the Republicans to return the I
and a
"Do you know the prisoner well!'
asked the attorney.
"Never knew him sick," replied the
"No levity," said the lawyer sternly.
"now, sir, did you ever see tne pris
oner at the bar)"
Took many a drink with him at the
"Answer my question sir," yelled the
lawyer. "How Ions have you known
the prisoner?"
"From two feet up to five feet ten
"Will the court make th
"I have, Jedge," said the witness, an
ticipating the lawyer. "I have answered
the question. I knowed the prisoner
when he was a boy two feet
man five feet ten "
"Your honor"
It's a fac', Jedge; I'm under my oath,'
persisted the witness.
The lawyer arose, placed both hands
on the table in front of him, spread his
lees apart. leaned his body over the ta
ble, and said:
'.'Will you tell the court what you
know about this easel"
"That ain't his name," replied th
'What ain't his name!"
"Who said it was?'
"You diJ. You wanted to know what
I knew about tiiis case his name's
"Your honor," howled the attorney,
plucking his beard out by the roots'will
you make this man answer"
"Witness," said the Judge, "you must
answer questions put to you."
"Land o' Goshen, Jedge, hain't I bin
doin' it) Let the blamed cuss fire away.
I'm ready."
'Then," said the lawyer, "don't beat
I about the bush anymore. You and this
. . .
so that the closest "scrutiny cannot de
termine where the head adjourns and
the thorax begins, tike jtcene is so sug
gestive of unruffled quiejb and calm and
gentle .ebfldlike faith that doubt and dis
trust aud timidity and apprehension flee
way. Bill Jf'ye in Denver .Col.) Tjrv
&wn. '
it represents her as
pleasant-looking lady
The Brd:pf Regents of the Mount friends,"
Vernon liadies Association met on Wed- "Never," promptly respon
nesday in annual session to "loek over
the grounds, inspect accounts and make
arrangementafor the incoming year."
Madame Bergman Laughton, President,
and about six other ladies respondended
to their names. The council room where
the ladies met is next the family dining
room, and was occupied by Washington
as a library. Over the mantel hangs a
fine portrait of Miss Cunningham, the
first regent the association ever knew.
a mild-featured,
She was devoted
heart and soul to the success of an enter
prise whose inception was in ; her very
active brain. In this department are
quaint-looking chairs, an embroidered
aoreen, e curiously-carved buffet, brass
andirons and fender. The council table.
belonging to toe brother of our first
President, is covered with cloth drapery.
ia each corner of which is broidered the
Washington eoat-of-ams. The council
meets yearly in Aiay or June, and on
the last day of the session the advising
board, appointed by the ladies, meet with
the board of visitors, appointed by the
State pf Virginia, to overlook the estate
and make report if the terms of ptrrchase
saa be complied with. . jt G.
r :
it is said that the volcanic erater of
Mt, Hood is showing signs of coming
activity, and that on clear nights flames
are sometimes seen at the mountain top,
promptly responded the wit
"What! wasn't you summoned here as
a friendi"
"No sir, I was summoned here as a
Presbyterian. Nary one of us was ever
friends he's an old-line - Baptist, with
out a drop of Quaker in him."
"Stand down," yelled the lawyer in
"Stand down."
"Can't do it I'll sit down or stand
Shcritt remove that man from the
box." - v
Witness retires mutterine: 'Well if
he ain't the thick-headedest cuss I ever
laid eyes on."
An exchange says any discharged sol
dier of the United States who has not
made application for pension on account
of wounds or disability received while in
the service must do so before July 1st,
ieu. After that time pensions will
date only from the time of application.
The same is true regarding applications
for additional bounty yet claimed by
many soldiers.
A letter received from Camp Chelan
Wednsday, conveys the sad news that
a soldier, named Maynard. belonerintr to
company "D," 2d infantry, was drownded
in the Jake on the moraine of the 1st
He was engaged in rafting logs, and be
coming frightened, jumped overboard.
Up to the time of writing the body had
not been found. -fix.
muddy day; only that the hair
coarser. - ;
When an Indian wants to crimp his
hair, he has to run it through a rolling
mill first to snake it malleable. Then
the blacksmith of the tribe rolls it up
over an ordinary freight-car coupling
pin, and on the following morning it
hangs in graceful Saratoga waves down
the back of the untutored savage.
I said to the interpreter, who seemed
to act aa their trainer:. "No doubt
these Crows are going to Washington to
try and interest Hayes in their caws."
He gave a low gurgling laugh.
"No," said he, with a merry twinkle
of the eye, as he laid his lip half way
over a plug of Government tobacco; "as
spring approaches they have decided to
go to Washington and ransack the In
dian Bureau for their gauze Sebum."
I caught bold of a car seat, and rip
pled till the eoaoh rang with my mirth
ful laughter. r
These Indians wear expressive high
cheek bones, and most of them have
strabismus in their feet Sher had
their paint on. It makes them look like
a chromo of Powhatan mashing the
eternal soul out of John Smith with a
bologna sausage. 'y
One of these chiefs, named Raw-Dog-with-tv-Bunion-on-the-Heel,
I think, a
ohief of the Wall-Eyed-Skunk-Eaters,
looked so gu&less and kind that I ap
proached him and" paid that no doubt the
warpath in the Iandof the setting-sun
was overgrown with crrasa. and in his
mountain home very likely the beams of
peace lit up the faces ot his tribe.
He did not seem to catch my mean
ing. I asked him if his delegation w&? go
ing to Washington uninstructed.
He made a short remark in reply,
something like that which the shortstop
a match-game of base ball utters
when a ball takes him unexpectedly be
tween the gastric and the liver pad.
Somehow, the live Indians do not look
so picturesque as the steel engravings do.
The smell is not the same, either. Steel
engravings of Indians do not show the
decalcamonia outline of a frying pan on
the buckskin pants where the noble red
man made a misstep one morning and
sat down on his breakfast,.
A dead Indian is a pleasing picture.
The look of pain and anxiety is gone,
and rest, sweet rest more than he
needs has come at last His hands are
folded peacefully, and his mouth is open,
like the end of a saw-mill. His trials
are o'er. His swift foot is making pig
eon-toed tracks inthe. sands of eternity.
The picture of a wild, free Indian
chasing the buffalo may suit some, but I
like still life in art I like the picture
of a broad shouldered, well formed
brave, as he lies with his nerveless hand
across a large hole in the pit of his
There is something so sweetly sad
about it. There ia such a nameless feel
ing of repose and security on the part
of the spectator.
Some have such sensitive natures that
they cannot look at the remains of an
Indian who has been run over by two
sections of a freight train; but I can.
do not feel that nervous distrust when I
look at the red man with his sesophogus
wrapped around his head and tied in
J lit ....Y
aouDie dow Knot, that l do when be is
full of vigor and health. When a train
of cars has jammed his thigh bone
through his diaphragm and flattened his
head out like a soup-plate, I feel then
that I can trust him. I feel that he
oan be relied upon. I consider him in
the character of ghastly remains as a
success. He seems at last so in earn
est, and as though he could be trusted
with large sums of money.
When the Indian has been mixed up
ticket seller at the Detroit Urdoa
depot recently noticed middle-aged hus-
back it was painted 'like a hone's tail on I baatland wife holding a close confab and
pointing his way, and after a tim ike
man jotusged up and said:- - - w .
."I want to go to Niles."
'I a'pose I'll have to pay full fare,"
continued the man, "but the old woman
you se over there is a fool, and I'm tak
ing her home to her friends. I a'pose
fools travel on half fare, don't theyf .
"No! we charge just aa muoh for a fool
as any body else. We have one price
for alL" .
"Well, that! kinder singular," mused
the stranger. They always let fools into
eircussea and balls and other shows for
half-prioe, .and sometimes for notning.
Seems as if you ought to have some pity
on her."
"Ihave pity on her, pf .course, but
have only enej rate."
".Besides Doing a tool, she has .ci
spells, too couldn't she take advantage of
the lunatic act and .go for half-farer
"She must pay -full fare, f waa the Ueci
ded answer. i
The women had been skulking nlopg
during the conversation; as her husband
turned from the window, aha whispering
ly inquired:
"Kin I go as a fool?" .
: "Naw!" growled the man as he turned
upon her; "fools have to pay as much as
anybody!" -
- "I s pose not, but we didn't work t
right I ought to have thrown snuff in
your eyes, put yer false .teeth in my pock
et and tried to pass yon along as -a poor
blind women going back to gaze- on your
husband's grave." 4
Patent Medicines, Paints. -
Chemicals, . Brashes, XI
Glass, Patty,
Aniline Dyes,
Pur Liquors, Sold only on PWakaans' PrescriptioBav .
School Book,
Blank Books,
Elegant Yases, Toilet Articles and Fancy
4 jw
. Uauec, CUu Hat, Ubrleatlaf. fta4
Musical Instruments;
Prescriptions Carefully Comopunded at all hours
?' '. riiiift
The undersignd has been trructedi to sell, the WHOLE 5T0CynJ
Under date of May 27th the follow
ing dispatch appears in any Eastern ex
change. .J
. The bill agreed upon by the commit
tee granting an extension of six years to
tha Northern Pacific railroad from the
4i.h of July, 1880, allows-aciaal settlers
to purchase a half section of land from
the conpn7 instead of a qoaste section
originalv provided. . The second1 section
of the- bill.' as amended antbonaa the
Secretary of the .Interior, at his dkere
tion, to 'examine umler oatli, omcers and
agents of the company and such other
persons as he may deetu1 expedient, touch
ing or concerning their iwnds, construc
tion and equipment, and to h'udit and de
termine for the purpose of thiV account
the amount to be properly and justly al
lowed.' as such. The third section as
amended . reads: "That wheq the total
amount of sales of said land sold by said
company shall amount to the cost of con
struction and equipment of said parts or
portions of said railroad or telegraph line
heretofore referred .to, such lands not
used or occupied by said railroad com
pany, which shall then remain-unsold
by said company, shall revert to the
United States, and all moneys in excess
of such actual cost shall be covered into
the United States treasury."
' Section four was stricken out, and the
following adopted as a substitute: "That
in orier to avail themselves of the rights
and privileges of this act the said com
pany shall within, six months from its
passage, file with the Secretary of the
Interior, to his satisfaction and approval,
under its corporate seal, its acceptance of
the terms and provisions hereof."
To make room for a large SPRING STOCIltacluOing a larg
assortment of Boots and-Shoes ;" 4
Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Tobacco and. Cigars a speciality- ' -
Also Coal Oil, Clear as Crystal, Guaranteed Frea from all Powis
SubstaAceland Non Explosive. l-i Vl
Ready Maiie Clothing at Cost ;
and examine for yourselves before buying
Cektervile, February 6th, 1880. . . AgOatta ..: .
r Please" call
elsewhere. '
One of the most' interesting and yet
sad sights that could occur, took .place
during the march of the funeral proces
sion of the late Dr. Clarke. V. S., at the
Garrison recently. A band' of cavalry
horses were on' the grounds grazing, and
when the funeral cortege caught their
yes, they followed ir all along the bank
to. the ceinetery, as if aware that their
friend was no more, and trying to do
honor to his memory. No effort of the
attendants were sufficient to drive them
away until the service was over when
they voluntarily wandered off. Walla
Walla btateeman,
m. v. wormingtom; '
PT V Ta-333R JLEJ1
Heavy Stock of BOOTS andlfSHOEO
( -
Hardware. Iron and Steel.
aProduee taken in Exebange.
Corner Main tnd 3d 8 ts., Walls Walla.
Wholsale and Retail Dealers In
Dr Goods Fancy Goods. Notions,
- . i
We are in receipt of a
Bought Previous to the ReemL
In all kinds of geods,and we are therefore prepared to offer CsGs
Lower Than the JLoweotI - -
I r,r 'v', r :l ) r'vt" 'r-Jt -'-r-i-; .r:- rH .'Vtv-----''Hv ;"V. '-- ": "
,1 1
I 1.3