Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, December 21, 1878, Image 2

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    The Business of Farming.
A thorough. knowledge of one's busi
nes is absolutely necessary to insure
success, and no one will question the
statement The professional man is
versed in the principles of his profession,
or his success will be meagre, as it ought
to be. But, risking the charge of essen
tially repeating what we have said oh
several occasions before, we want to ask
the question, What proportion of our
farmers thoroughly understand their
business 1 No one would attempt to say
There are
'Wt0ti Wttfctg fgeaSiw.
waiving tne iormai custom ot a
tedious prospectus, we enter the field of
journalistic enterprise without previous
introduction, trusting that our efforts as
they may be directed from time will in
themselves prove ample reason for the
beginning of a lasting friendship between
our readers and ourselves. We do not
launch the Westox Weekly Leader that the proportion is large.
upon the sea of journalism without at some legitimate reasons' why this is so,
least a moderate idea of the grave re- and there are some reasons that are not
ftponmbilities devolving upon the pub- legitimate. In the first place, agriculture
Ushers of a newspaper. It shall be our, is an extensive science and a complicated
endeavor in the management of this one ; ahd while this is true, there has
paper to meet, as nearly as possible, the been but comparatively little written
the wants of this section of the county, upon it. Until within a few years cer-
In a political sense we shall endeavor to tainly this was eminently true. Farmers
be independent; aiming in our discusion themselves have been to blame to a con-
of governmental questions to be digni- siderable degree. They have undervalued
fied courteous and concise. Topics of local the importance and dignity of this best
interest will, at all times, receive pre- and noblest of all callings, and when
cedence at our hands. We shall aim to people undervalue what they should be
make our department of locaL news and the most interested in, and what they are
inteU'gence full and complete: to this supposed to know the most about, it is
end we would respectfully solicit the not strange that others should undervalue
co-operation of our readers throughout it Now that agriculture is beingrecog-
the country. Send us the news; it is nized for what it is worth, the ablest men
the vital element of a live newspaper, in the world are giving it their attention,
The Leader will battle boldly for the and so arranging the sciences of which
interests of this section of Umatilla agriculture is made up, that they can be
county. We are opposed to monopolies readily comprehended by the student,
of all kinds and shall fight consistently which every farmer ought to be.
for their overthrow. We are in favor But while books and journals devoted
of the removal of the Indians from the to agriculture are of incalculable benefit,
Umatilla Reservation and the opening and should always be at hand, there are
up of that tract to settlement by the other means of instruction which, though
whites; for the attainment of this object not as extensive, are as valuable as far
our efforts shall be directed from time to as they go, and among them is the
time. We believe that the proposed assembling together of farmeps for dis-
railroad from Umatilla to La Grande cussion and the exchange of ; views. It
should Iks built by way of Weston anjd is a cheap way of acquiring tuition, too.
Summerville, From tliis stand-point wje At this season of ths year it is well to
shall discuss this subject as it seenis begin to think of these things and to
proper. j plan for the holding of institutes, con-
For our cotemporaries we entertain ventions, etc. If there is a farmers'
the highest regard and respect, and trust society of any kind in the community,
that our relationship with one another
may te mutually pleasant
Trusting that we shall receive a liberal
support from the inhabitants of Umatilla
all that remains to be done is to make
the meetings of a practical character.
Not that we mean that every session
should be devoted wholly to business as
county, we wish our readers, one and all, distinguished fom pleasnre, but that a
a Merry Christmas and a Happy Nel portion of the meetings, or a poftion of
Butler and Kearney will apply for a
Despite the hard times there has been
no reduction in the wages of sin.
Atlanta, Georgia, has five poets and a
writer of fiction. The city is perfectly
Some one says, watch a woman's lower
lip if you want to know whether she is
The latest millionaire was that of Miss
Helen Astor to Mr. Roosevelt Roose
velt Astor and she accepted.
Whether a lady claims a rubber shoe
which she has dropped in the mud de
pends on the number of the shoe.
A priest has just been expelled from
the Vatican for selling the late supreme
pontiffs old slippers and drawers to rich
It is said that Joaquin Miller is
getting to be less of an ass than he used
to be. He has had his hair shingled and
taken a bath.
"Oh, see that my grave is kept green,
darling. she did. She bought seven
ounds of Paris green and planted it
three inches thick. , -f
Garibaldi says he would willingly give
his life for Trent and Triste. The otter
would be more generous if the old man
had a longer life to give.
In the bright lexicon of the country
press there is no sveh word as woman,
The prude, " lady," has flaunted out the
best word in the .English language.
A colored woman who sat down on a
beehive to watch the progress of a fire
in Russell ville, Kentucky, left her seat
before the close of the entertainment
Some young ladies are opposed to the j Whit CSootls,
telephone, lhey say they do not care to
have any young man whispering in their
ears with his hps tweuty miles away.
Yesterday a policeman arrested a boy
who had an onion tied in the corner of
his handkerchief. The charge against
carrying concealed weeping. Philadel
phia Chronicle-Herald.
Sara Bernhardt, the famous French
actress, lias had herself photographed in
the coffin in which she intends to be
buried. She is so thin, however, that
she might be buried in a piece of gas-pipe.
" The Lord loveth a cheerful giver,
but there is no use chucking a copjn-r
cent into a contribution liox loud enough
to make the folks on the back seat think
the communion service has tumbled off
the alter.
Main and Franklin Sis;,
r"ler Ir
j : ;
Dry Goods. "':
Dress Goods,
Dress Trimmings,
Millinery Goods,
Ladles Gloves,
Children's Gloves,
Tuck Combs,
Circle Combs,
Braids of all kinds,
Domestic Dry Goods,
Yarns in all colors,
Gents Furnishing Goods
Boots and Shoes,
A complete stock of Wall Paper,
Glass and Putty,
Dried Fruits,
Full stock of Groceries,
Tobacco and Cigars,
Makercl and Salmon,
Dress Goods,
Fancy Goods,
Ladies' Cloaks,
A Large Stock of
Crockery, Glassware, &c.
Year, and hoist our sail,
voyage. May it prove
profitable to all interested,
Now for the
pleasant and
rttha TTttifttilla Hps Anrat.i on .
Under date of Nov. 28th the Washing
ton corresjioudent of the San Francisco
Chronicle says :
In his annual report, Indian Commis
sioner Hoyt proposes that the Umatilla
Reservation, in North Eastern Oregon!,
tatweon the Umatilla river and the Bluk
Mountains, and containing "268,800 acresl
le abandoned and the lands sold. After
premising that this reservation is now
surrounded by a white farming popula
tion and crossed by a telegraph line ant'
several roads, he says: "This valuable
tract is occupied by only 1,000 Indians,
who cultivate 2,000 or ,5,000 acres am
use it as a range for their 2,200 head o:
stock. For several years past the citizen
of Oregou have made presistent enort
have tli se lands opened to settlement.
In view of the pressure on nil sides toi
the removal of these tribes, the increas-i
ing travel across the reservation, the!
expiration of their treaty before they
every meeting, should be de 'devoted to
an interchange of views upoii the busi
ness of farming in some of its various
branches. If, however, there should be
no societies, then the institute should be
resorted to. Western Rural.
This Mock U Complete for the
And the citizens of Wenton and vicinity ara
, resiectfully invited to .
Call and Examine Goods
and Prices.
To nor Patrons.
What we Like. To hear a man try to
horrow his neighbor's paper, and the ncijjti
W have courage to reply: " I would as soon
loan you my tooth brash; to have a party
imagine that he can do as much business
without, advertising as lie can with it ; to
look at the blank astonishment that settles
down on that mans' face when, niter trying
a month lie timls it can t nc unite ; w sec a
man refuse to take his load pajier, anil all
the time sponge on his neighbor for the use
of his ; to hear a man complain whcji wc ask
him to subscribe for his home paper, that he
takes more papers now than he can read,
and then go around and borrow his ucighlwr's
or loaf abont him until he gets the news from
it ; to see a man run down his homc"paper as
not worth taking, and every now and then
beg the editor for a favor in the editorial line;
to sec a man refuse to advertise in a home
Edinondia Lewis has just finished a
bust of . ( Jen. Grant. The old man fin
ished one of those himsalf in Detroit not
'niaiiv vears since. Detroit Free Press.
We believe he w;is busted several times
wllil ill Ol:i.'ll.
The expression of a loy's face at the
end of a straw that lacks two inches
of reaching the cider in a barrel, is sujv
lioscd to 1h! the modei that the artist
selected in the delineation of Adam
!.....:.. r i;.. -J,
Miss Florence Davenport, the youngest
lady mendier of that illustrious family,
will soon go on the stage. She is very
handsome, talented and is possessed of a
sunerb contralto voice. One. Blanche, is
1 already on tb lyric stage.
The New York Observer mentions the
case of a Kentucky Presbyterian minis
ter, who, at a Monday meeting of his
brethren, prayed, saying: " Lord, Thou
has seen by the. morning papers how the
Sabbath was desecrated yesterday."
We respectf ully Invite all- those who an needing
anything in the General Merchandise line to call and
price our goods before purchasing elsewhere, and assure
all that no goods shall be forced upon them, and that
every courtesy shall be extended to thcin that we can
The experience of twenty yearn in all the market
accessible from this upper country and every facility
and advantage tliot we can command arc combined in
the buying of our goods; we believe that wc arc not
excelled in this part of the btiMinewt by any one and for
thin reason fearlessly cliallenge comjictiUon and make
the assertion that circumstances being Hie same, our
prices shall be found among the VERY LOWEST.
We do not bclieva in the practice of offering "baita"
that is, selling one article at lew than a living profit,
and then advancing the price of something else to an
exhorbitant rate, the pale of which is often effected by
misrepresentation on the contrary we hold ourselves
and oar employees responsible for all contracts.
We assert our ability to sell as cheap as any house
East of tiifT3aacadc Mountains and our willingness we ,
only ask opportunity to prove. .
Ijacor., Lard, Wheat, Oats, Barley and Hides taken
in cxch;Te for goods, or sold in any market tor a small
The City of
or. of Main & Watlir Stfu.
paper, and then try to get a share of trade
have leached a point where Government jl that the paper is instrumental in bringing to
ft id can be disimused with, the expense! hia door ; to see a man who is able to pay for
of maintaining an agency for so small i his local paper, always manage to be around
a number of Indians, and the fact that jn time to read it at the expense of a frioyd
ujKin the Yakima Reservation a sufficient not worth the tenth part of what he himself
tiuantity of equally valuable land can hej is it looks so economical, thrifty and progres-
n lotted them, 1 deem it expedient tnal Sive you know.
the tribes occupying the Umatilla Keser-i
ration -be removed to Yakima, and the
lands thus vacated lie sold, the proceeds j
, of such sale to be used to defray the
..expenses of the removal, to make full:
reimbursement for improvemaats relin-i
,iuished, and to provide ample facilities ;
.for such civilizing work as will hrinjj
eihein ,to self-supiwrt."
Our Location.
The. cjiy.of Weston is situated in a
.tract of able land, unsurpassed in
.-fertility -east' of the Cascade Mountains;
i ith Wutiful .tadulations, conformation
aidinirably adapted to practical agricul
ture, within easy, distance of the Blue
.Mountains,. with, their intermenable sup
plies of wood, continuous supplies of
pure water, Weston :tad topographic
ally and commercially aslicB.grand center,
and as such loudly demands i exposition
of its qualities. Not for theiown alone,
but for the whole region of idle land,
waiting but for the sinewy sou f toil to
bare its luxurant bosom, that the 3ereals
in magnificent pleutitude may rise .there
from. That smiling homes and pleasing
plenty Jiiay spring from tha solitude of
native, idle wealth.
Wmi the East Oregonian at one end
of the county and the Leader at this
end. we believe Umatilla county will
I-? faithfully represents! through .the
Centerville is growing.
Heavy frost at Los Angeles.
Two "showers of the queer," arrested in
S. F., recently.
Jose Ramon, an Indian desperado, com
mitted suicide at San Diego.
New postoffice at the Cascade Locks, Ash-
Icy H. Ball, postmaster.
The Puvallun Indians have subscribe!
$100 toward the erection of a Presbyterian
church; also, they have subscribed and raised
a portion of the sum of $ 1S, with which to
pay the interpreter for the Church, Jos.
Lewis. w ell done, we should s&y.Astorian.
Inland Empire: One hundred and fifty
soldiers passed through The Da'Ic. on Wed
nesday uifcht for 1' mat ill.'., their ultimate
destination being the vicinity of Pendleton,
where iliey aic needed to repress a growing j
spirit of hostility on the part of the Umatilla :
Lurch Bros., who have been doing busi
ness at Cottage Onr. c, Tane county, with a
branch stoic at Creswell, have failed. The
amount of their liabilities is estimated at
about forty thousand dollars. The assets arc
variously estimated at from eighteen to thirty
The Astorian says: A petition is being
circulated for names, asking Congress to
return Fort Dalles to the war department,
and that it be garrisoned with troops. If
there ever was a time when it was needed,
Fjow is the time.' Wc hope the prayer of the
pdti.ioners will lie granted.
Watchmaker and Jewelor
Patciit MeilU'hies, Paints,
Chemicals, Brushes,
lass, Putty,
Aniline Dyes, Oils.
Blank Books,
firern Seal, Bon Ton, and otlif r Clinlrc Brands of
School Books. Stationery,
Papeterie, Albums,
SSarsh & Ellis, Prop's.
Keeps a tull Assortment of
Ladle's and Gents' -
Gold and Silver WATCE6ES.
kc, &c,, &C.
I; Hold at I ho Loweftt Bated.
Wl rt'tlK. CLOCKS and JEWELRY repaired at
short notice. All work Warranted. Satisfaction
Guaranteed. Call and see me.
Slain St., next to Drug Storey
Jewelry. Mirrors,
Elegant Vases, Toilet Articles and fancy notions !
Musical Instruments,
YOIS or all kind nt the lowest drirex, i'A AXD PLAIX WALXL'T MOI LUIX4:.4.
LA3IPS ot nil sizes, El'REKA and fnnntns IF.AD LAS CIIIMKEYK.
rrtIK L1QI OKS, for Medicinal Purposes only.
Prescriptions Carefully Compouded at all hours.
Main Street, Weston, Oregon.
he Ladies of Weston nutl vicinity are
respectfully invited to call and examine
my Large and well selected stock of
Millinery Goods !
In endless variety, ana the li.icst "He of
A SPECIALTY, iV. Warner- Health Corset.
all sizes. No well-dressed young lady i!l do without
n'"m' MRS. S. E. HENDBY5.
Tonsoriai Artist I
Shaving, ;
. Aim! Hair uttii,
Done n the best style of the art. Satisfaction guaran
teed to all my patrons. Charges nioderate.
Xext Door to Yrnng'ft Hotel, Main St.,
' ' " JOS. t.F.NOX, Prnitfr.
r n'uis popular Hotel is convenrlnt for tho
I traveling public, being situated mid
wav between Pemlicmc and Walla Yk alia, with a rejra
l.tr line of Stamen niu.iiiit.' daily, each ay, stopping one
hour for dinner. The tDle of the hon.e art fm-nishjd
wKh tl' best the market allonis, r..id eery exertion
made to satisfy the patron oi the houaa. Tho
Rooms Furrishod in th Bet
Sfeyle, wi:h all Modern
Inprcvorrvdi its.
inest Turnouts
the City.
For Transient Teams.
Saddle Horses, :
i Buggies, .Teams,
;t Heady at wlaort Xotir. "
STABLE, ON WATER ST., near Main,
Vagoik Milker and
1 ling A mm
. i,v.itCC
The proprietor Is dct-.-rmided t nisjte the hotel r.ialii-
I tain the reputation ' faeuig tl best bad
East of the Cascade mountains. The public and towel
ing coinmmiity are respectfully invited tacall. CkargeS
The Weston Flouring Hills arn bow com
pleiert and In fall operaitoll.
Ixcteed for Wheat. H
or rnt
For h mo
And Feed I
Alwaf or Ilnart an For Salts.
Xorth of fian Fjancinco.
L!;.E Oi-
;.;;d a general
In Waitors. ITmiS, snd Tarm nu&ciIHfr. &c Wot
ncatl3 civile and ?rlth iisjath. IVecrijaa low Mpood
work ca.i on ,ono u. tnl unj c. tern nuUeruu
wways on hai.
UK. BEXJ.mrC Is r.ot iewl, i -vne in Water
Street, wlx.o lie h doing the r, -at .y of
Carriage aI BiacksMtli
Trk la Action. i.'L A.lD KK.
Weston Restaurant
Main St. bt. Keat Market and the P. 0
tieroS OllEGOlt.
BQAEB, $4.00 Per Week.
Meals at All Houls.
FKAKK MArEB. Prop'r.
medium of the press.