Weston weekly leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 1878-189?, December 21, 1878, Image 1

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    I- . .s
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NO. 1.
1 '
1 . wn.
7 i; m
W. 'In, Black, Publisher.
Muboerlpttoa Bateet
Onsysar, (coin)..,,... ; .. 3
Six months - 2 00
Thre montht 100
BinyU oopies W
Advertlaln Bt
On sqruxe, (1 Inoh) Drat insertion 31 W
Kach sdilltiunal Insertion SO
Two squsrss, ftrat Insertion 2 60
Es h additional Insertion ... , ,. 1 00
Threa squarsn, first Inwrtion - S 60
Each additional tassrtlon .. 1 50
One quartsr eolumn, flrt insertion 5 00
Each additional insertion 2 50
Time adrartiwn by special contract Local notices
IS cent per line Drat insertion. 121 cent per line each
nubiequent insertion. Advertising bills payable quar
Urly. All lexal notices will be charged 75 cents per square,
Unit insertion, and 37 cents er square eajh subse
quent insertion.
Nones. Simple announcements of births, marriages
mi deaths will be inserted without charge. Obituary
notices charged tor according to length.
, Trade Dollars la China. -
J bean expressed that the passage of the law
musing trade dollars legal tender would re
call some thirty millions from China, and in
this way greatly increase the volume of cur
rency. This is stated by merchants here to
be mistake, as it is a practice of Chinese
bankers, on receiving tiny foreign -coin and
ascertaining its value, to put their mark, a
chop, on it. A coin so defaced would not,
. under our coinage laws, be receivable as bul
lion. A cable dispatch Jrom Hongkong says
that these are only seven millions of unchop
ped trade dollars there, and the opinion
is expressed thut out of the 28.000,000 to 30,
000,000 trade dollars exported to China in
the last fire years, a&.but one or two million
have been chopped, and therefore under any
change of laws cannot enter into our currency.
Treaty Wltn Japan.
Washington, Deo. 9. rThe commercial
treaty with Japan, soon to be communioated
to the Senate by the president for ratification
contemplates an important addition to the
. present treaty, having in view the increase
and developement of the commerce of both
. countries. -
Hrdemptlon or RoniU.
The secretary of the treasury to-dav issued
the 74lh call for the redemption of 5 20
bonds of 1865 and consols of 1805. On
March 9th next interest will cease.
Relief for California
" ' In the House to-day Davis introduced a
bill to reimburse California for expenses in
curred in Indian wars, j j
War In Keitnclcy.
Mount Steblino, Due. 11. James Pettit,
deputy U. 8. marshal, arrived Inst night
from a point 20 miles from Jackson, the
scene of the late disturbances in Breathitt
county, and reports another collision be-,
tween the parties of Bill Strong and Jerry
Little, which occurred on Wednesday even
ing lust. Four men were killed, and seven'
All In Oae Stay.
Colombia, Deo. 11. Governor Hampton's
leg was amputated to-day below the knee.
His friends say his condition is yet danger
ous. He was elected U. ST Senator, the vote
in the Senate being unanimous. The House
with two exceptions, voted for him. ' They
.ware Miller and Simmons (colored), from
New Yobx, Dec. 11. Henry Wells, foun
der of Wells, Fargo Express, died at Glas
gow, Scotland.
Heavy Rata Storm.
Nxw Yobx, Deo. II. A heavy rain storm
during the last two days has caused mueh
damage in New England. In Philadelphia
the loss is serious by the overflow of wharves
and flooding of cellars. At Seranton the
rivers and streams are greatly swollen, and
should the rain continue mining operations
T will be stopped. Kailroad and other bridges
throughout this State are threatened by
' Hoods, , It rained steaiily full 50 hours.
e),- A heavy gale to-duy along the Atlantic
.. . ooasi ana very severe at .Boston, twine aaui
i sea to Bhlmnna reDorted. The nlmtrrmul of
t' M" the. Barrett suspension at Port Jerris was
: ,i ill. i i i
. cinifu awuj uiu iuuriuu, luas iieavy, river
' higher than tor years, .A freight trsin from
TjGwiu witt tw micW s wr.t into the river
near Weiitworth, N. IL., where the trestle
I was swept away. Botu eie haulv wrecked.
(The bridge being swejr. r.way the wrecking
Y'.fi - train cainot rench the 'iieubled train. At
1 JL -rt;J.NHH jiUrar Mass.j.. tfc jw3l sad is
Onr ltiprehfntlivr.
WnrsfT05C, Deo. 11. Delegate Jacobs
introduced b;il spproprir.ting $8,000 for
the site and foi ainal on Shindy Point,
X'ni:-jt Bonnet, and S'iii.OUO for improvement
y. .i .1.!.
. ox iio ui'vr v,oiuuiuia.
' .Jdiuhelfs bill for tha cunstraeUoit of. a
f fchrbof of refuge quotes the report of the
t- army engineers ter 1877, showing that there
is not a harbor in a distance of ,700 miles
I , northward from San Francisco which a vea-
1 set san eater in heavy weather, and there
fore proposes an appropriation oi .00,000
be expendea by the war department! in the
commencement of a breakwater at such oiut
between the straits of Fuca and the 4d par
allel as may in the opiuion of the majority
( the board of engineers for the Pacini Coast
bV mos tenable. j
, ' . N Read? to Arerpt. I
Waihmotok. Deo. 12PoHtmaster Snow
den of Philadelphia has been tendered Lin
dexman'e position but reinse to accept at
present, because he is waiting until tho per
son he desire is- appointed postmuster ot
Philwlelphia. , i
. Ins Jeoe Reservation Hastiness.
- Sdcretary of War has transmitted to the
House the report of Humphrey, chief of
neers. on the two House bills relating to
nt San Jose reservation. One proposes
idinquiah the reservation to certain set
Ti - to lr
tler, one ot whom is Mrs. Gen. Fremont,
. Ant? the other to reimburse them for the loss
of property. Report quotes Generals Hul
. lock, McDowell and engineer officers as con
certing in the belief that this point is tssen
tiul to proper defense of the second line of
fortifications, and is guarding the harbor
and property of, San Ftanciscd in case of war
with maritime power as to right of holders
to compensation. The report says this
point occupied by Spaniards for military
purposes and held by United States troops
prior to cessation as welljas after, and
that settlers were squatters. The recommen
dation in which the secretary concurs is that
the reimbursing biil ought to I pass and this
will be final.
Business of the Country.
New York,. Dec. 11. To-morrow 2TA Put
tic will have the following details of the busi
ness of the country as shown through 'clearing
house returns exchanges for the week fending
November 30th at San Francis and Decem
ber 7th atj, all other cities. It shows the fol
lowing gains and losses: Gains Philadelphia,
2.10; Chicago, 21.1; San Francisco, .7; St.
Louis, 14; Baltimore, 3.6; Milwaukee, 23.7;
Indianapolis, 3.4. Losses New York, 10.7;
Philadelphia, 3.6; Cincinnati, 11.4; New Or
leans, 2.2; Louisville, 7.8; Itittsburg, 8.6;
providence, 24.6; New Haven 8.4; Lowell,
35. .
Keene is at the west, and the sudden in
crease in exchanges at Chicago land Milwau
kee is probably in part a token ot bis presence
ill bum region, lb us ail tjuuimmguig irai, biiau i
at last Philadelphia, after nearly two years ohl
continual comparative loss in exchange, begins
to report gains. Un the other band, transac
tions at New York are over 10.7 per cent, be
hind those of the hrst week of December,
18-i7, which were extraordinarly large,
Hard Money League,
Chicago, Dec." 11. The Hard Money
League of the Northwest has decided to opes
an office in Washington and to1 extend the
work ot the leacue to all the States and allow
each State a representative on the executive
Wreat Railroad Union.
An interview with a prominent olheial in
a position to know the facts was had to-day
bv an Inter-Ocean reporter, and information
was civen that there was a decided move to.
ward a consolidation of the Union aud Central
Pacific Railroads as reported in these dis
patches heretofore.
Indian Transfer Commission
Washihgtox, Dec. 11. The Indian trans
fer commission to-day heard Secretary Stick
ney, of the peace commission, give his views
in opposition to the transfer.
' Chapter of Murders.
' 110EFBEE8BOBOCOH, Tenn., Dec. 12. Den,
nis Edwards; colored.Slivine 10 miles from
here, was shot and killed Saturday bv Will
Smithy and John B. Jerrolds, white, because
he refused to allow one of them to cut off
the toil of a horje he was riding. The mur
der occurred at Edward's cabin,! and his
wife and child were also hit by bullets, and
soon after died. A colored visitor was fa-
tolly wounded. Edwards was much liked
by both races, and the jail is now being
guarded to prevent lynch law being admin
istered. OiijC,' DoC. 12. Two-'-tpuspectsd cattle
thieves, named Mitchell and Ketcham, had
a fight a few days ago with four herders who
were trying to arrest them on South Loup
Fork in Custer county, and during the fight
Stevens, one of the herders was shot and in
stantly killed. Mitchell and Ketcham es
caped, but were son afterwards arrested.
They were corralled by an armed party of
20 or 30 masked men who, under cover of
cocked rifles, took the prisoners from the
sheriff and guards and hurriedly disappeared
with them. Yesterday the bodies of Mitchell
and Ketcham were found burned almost be-
4 yond recognition at a foot of a tree, to which
they bad evidently been tied, while the nre
was built around them and burned them to
death. , !
. Noah 'Martin, aged 50 years, living on a
farm a few miles from York, Neb., was mur
dered on Tuesday night. On the arrival of
his team from York, whither he had been on
business, he was found dead in his wagon
with his skull broken. No clue to the mur
derer, j
The dead bodies of Mrs. Hnrlson and three
children were discovered yesterday in a hay
stack on a farm South of Kearney, Nebraska.
The murder is supposed to have been com
mitted several days ago. No arrests. A
man named S. D. Richards is suspected of
the crime, lie has tied the country.
Storm Damages.
SpitrxoFiELD, Mass., Dec. 12. The break
ing of dams at Ashheld, Conway, Whately
and North Hatheld, has caused the destruc
tion of a number of mills and bridges, and
serious damage to highways.
Resumed Negotiations.
Loi;on, Dec. 9. A correspondent at
Pesth says the new Turkish ministry has
resumed negotiations with Russia, relative
to a definite convention at a point where
they were trapped by their predecessor.
Conditions of evacuation are alone unsettled
but England has suggested a scheme -which
she has advised the porta to accept and to
wmen jaussia nas already assented.
Another Failure.
The West of England and South Wales
District bank had 42 branches. Its liabili
ties are $17,300,000; assets stated at the
same amount, but as they consist of local
bills which .are not negotiable in London,
the Bank of England refused to advance
upon them. The run upon the bank for the
last few days has been so persistent that the
cash on hand is estimated at only a million
and a quarter dollars. Shareholders num
ber 200 and their liability is unlimited.
lu Torklslan. I
Sr. FrrEHSBC-R", Dec. id. Intelligence
has been received that the family of the ameer
of Afghanistan nas taken refuge in Russian
A 81elt Princess. '
Losdom, Dec. 0. A Darmstadt dispatch
says that the grand duchesB, Princess Alice,
is seriously ill of diphtheria. Princess
Alice is the second daughter of Queen Vic
Adhere to the Treaty.
Constantinople!, Deo. 9. The sultan has
assured Count Zechy, Austro-Hmigarian am-
bassador to Constantinople, of the porte's
intention to adhere to the treaty of Berlin;
and expresses great anxiety to arrive at an
understanding with Austria.
Treaty of Berlin.
Pesth, Doc. 11. The lower house of the
Hungarian diet rejected, by a vote of 1147 to
96, a motion, which was opposed by Premier
Tisza, to discuss the treaty of Berlin.
Afghan Question.
Loxdox, Dec. 10. Iu the bouse of com
mons the debate on Whitbread'a resolution
censuring' the government for their Afghan
policy was resumed. '
Lord John Manners, postmaster general,
after a general justification of the government's
poucy, aeciarea tnat tnej must prosecute tne
war until the ameer submitted. I be govern
ment would then be prepared to grant terms
as generous as was consistent with the secur
ity of India.
Gladstone pointed out the probability that
the ameer would flee insteed of submit, in
which case the government would be placed in
the dilemma of having to ocenpy the country!
He declared that the omcial correspondences
concerning Afghanistan contained gross mis
statements ot tact involving unprecedentemy
reckless negligence. He directly challenged
several statements of the viceroy concerning
the Peshawur conference, on which the gov
ernment bases the charge of hostility against
the ameer. He quoted from the dispatch of
Sir Louis Belley the words of the Afghan tc-.
voy in support of his assertions. .He showco
that Lord Lytton in remarkable contrast with
the government's alleged respect for treaties,
bad at Peshawur disavowed certain promises
of protection made by Lord Northbrek and
Lord Mayo. Only when these promises1 were
annulled and every token of amity withdrawn
had tne ameer unwillingly accepted the Kus
sian mission.
The government's acceptance of - Russia s
transparent excuses enabled Russia to send a
mission to Cabul whenever she chose. He
compared the new aggressive poliey of which
the ameer is the victim with that which led
tn the former Afsrhan war. He n raved God
to avert the melancholy omen, and hoped that
ditterent viceroys, it not different governments,
would undo the present evil work, ifiven
. uuuu viia uicscij i evil wurtt.. cvta uj
the country indorsed it it was the solemn duty
of those who believed that truth and justice
. . ' i
were the only true foundations of policy to
record their protest. When Gladstone con
cluded bis speech there was prolonged cheer
ing. After several minor party speeches, Lord
George Hamilton replied to Gladstone. He
urged that frontier relations had been getting
worse every year, aud would have resulted in
war with Russia unless the government had
assumed a determined attitude. We should
be in coustant danger from Russia until a
British resident was placed in Herat.
Proposition to EuKland.
St. Petersburg, Dec. 11. A Times' Berlin
correspondent says that -he confidential com
munication from Germany of which Rourke,
under foreign secretary, recently informed the
British house of commons, was received in
September and was a proposal that England
should assume protectorate over Constantino.
pie and occupy certain neigboring positions, as
the price tor permitting the unification of Bul
garia and Roumelia. lhe correspondent as.
serts that negotiations on the subject still con
A semi-official statement published here as.
serts that the reconstruction of the Turkish
ministry is an indication of favorable progress
ir"ncgotintr,m fer & .Hmt-- trenty., Russia
only desires full and complete peace in con
formity with the treaty of Berlin.
Kngar Loans.
Copenhagen, Dec. 12. The government
has telegraphed the governor of Santa Cruz
to grant administrative loans, not exceeding
five hundred thousand crowns, for the .pur
pose of restoring sugar plantations.
Hpain and Basque.
Madrid, Dec. 12. Premier ton ovias del
Castello, replying to an energetic protest of
Basque deputies, declared that a state of
siege would be maintained in the Basque
provinces as long as the agitation continued,
and that the law abolishing fueros will be
carried out to the utmost despite the passive
resistance. These declarations cause a mark
ed sensation in political circles.
An American Citizen.
Constantinople, Dec. 12. The American
consul has made three applications for the
release of Romer. He was informed that
Romer was a party to a conspiracy in 1S68
in Syria, but as his arrest was contrary to
treaty, the Vizier ordered Romer to be deliv
ered to the Consul for trial. The minister
of police requested a remand of the prisoner
until to-day. The Consul protested and will
apply again to-day for the custody of Romer.
San Francisco, Dec. 10. A heavy shock
of earthquake was felt at Chico and Red
Bluff this morning.
Attempted Suicide.
Wm. Church, a prisoner in the county
jail, charged with the murder of the Clerk of
Life Coos Lodging House, attempted suicide
by cutting his throat and arm with a pocket
knife. The wounds will likely prove fatal.
For a Modification.
Sacramento, Dec. 9. The constitutional
convention to-day adopted a resolution
requesting the chair to appoint a com
mittee to draft a petition to the governors of
Oregon and Nevada soliciting them to me.
moralize the president and Congress, on be
half of their respective States, for a modifi
cation of the Burlingame treaty.
, Constitutional Convention.
San Francisco, Dec. 11. The Constitu- '
tional Convention is discussing the Chinese.
it is that where legislation is faulty is in
dealing with the Mongolians on ship board
instead of waiting for the local laws to take
hold of him. One amendment goes so far
as to require the Mayor of cities and the
supervisors of counties to see that no Chi
nese reside within the limits-of their juris
diction, and requiring the Qpvernor to assist
the local authorities in enforcing this sec
tion. Another amendment forbids corpora
tions employing Chinese.
A Queer story.
N. C. West, aged 50 years, lately a
preacher at Gilroy, was arrested in this city
to-day. He ran off with the wife and five
children of John Rupe, a farmer, leaving the
old man and two boys, and taking the port
able property and money. They have been
lodging in different parts of the city. Mrs.
Rupe declares West innocent.
Hard Canes.
San Fbanctsco, Dec. 11. Officers ol the
detective force say the city is rapidly filling
up with hard characteis, who come here to
spend the Winter. Many are ex-convicts re
leased under the provisions of the Goodwin
Telegraphic Change.
The district superintendents of the Pacific
Division of the Western Union Telegraph
Co. are in session in this city discussing the
general business of the division, and some
changes in the methods of business to be in
augurated on the 1st of January. Superin-
tendent Lamb, of Portland, is to be trans
ferred to the charge of the San Francisco
district, and Dan F. Leahy, present mana
ger of the Portland office, will succeed Mr.
Finney's Misdoing-. . 'i
Ik the U. S. circuit court the case of the
United tSUtea against H. B. Kamsdell is on
trial. .The case is to recover an amount al
leged to be due .the government in a coal
contract for the mint. It is alleged and
showa by the testimony of G. C. Loring. a
clerk foi Kamsbell, that George M. Pifluey,
while clerk to the superintendent of the
mint, drew and -cashed a check for $3,200
for 20U Cons of con! at $16 per ton; but that
Pinney inly called for 75 tons, and on its
'deliverypttid Loiing $1,200. Witness as
BnniPd tLt Pinney kept the balance, $2,000,
-for hi9-c,a;.;nsit. ..si'tvi'-.
... ' ' Slore .Roiteaaeea.
S.vsr Fhaxoisoo, Dee. 12. There is more
rottcinness iievelotiiiK'in the school frauds.
The supervisions have decided to take the
investigation in hand. The school board
will bring charges against the implicated
teachersf The questions by the State board
for the postponed examination were resumed
yesterday. They are very easy, and will let
in as maiy. candidates as usual.
- ; Hilled 'Himself. . . ,,
Norbert Landry, a prominent real estato
agent, shot himself through the head yester
day at nis room, 2,41 Sacramento street.
A pistol was found and a note as follows
,'I have decided that you might as"well blow
out your brains as your money, for yon can
live as well without the first as without the
i , . . . . , , . , , ... , ,
I. "TLI,. "
aiiKr hm iiKrHMiiiirH. wii hhi"ni isv'ri' in r.nu
after as heretofore." Two safes were in the
room with the key and combination written
out. He was aged 58, and was a widower
with married children. The cause of his
suicide was the publication of his name as
having improper relations with the child of
Rose McFarland, tor whom a guardian was
recently Appointed by the Probate Court
Landry has shown considerable depression
of spirits since the case came up in cqnrfo.,
tie returned Home earner tnan usual yester
day afternoon and shot himself in his room:
He was found by his son-in-law and his
housekeeper about 3 o'clock in the after
noon. "? "-'
A Confession ol Murder. .
Red Bluff, Dec. 12. In April last A. D
Buck of this county was found dead on his
ranch with a millet hole through his body.
The officers have never relaxed their efforts
to find the murderers. -. Suspicion was fas
tened upon the following individuals : W. It,
Donnalsonv John Cluckey and John F, Mar
tin. The district attorney has succeeded in
getting a full confession out of them all
Donnilson did the shooting and the others
were accessories. " The confession develops a
plot which has never been equaled in this
county, and is scarcely excelled by the fiend
h worl&pf Troy Dye and bis uaMocimi.
They accused the deceased of poisoning
some horses belonging to them and agreed
that the first one of the three who saw him
was to shoot the "old badger," as they called
Best Time Yet.
Stockton, Dec. 12. At the Agricultural
Society track to-day a trial of speed occurred
between Rarus and Sweetzer. The track
was in splendid condition. A strong north
wind prevailed all the afternoon. The purse
was $500, and in case either horse BhOuld
beat Goldsmith Maid's time in this State
(2:14), $500 added. Rarus made the first
heat in 2:15, and the second heat, with a
running horse, in 2:14, the fastest time'
ever made in the State. After this heat
Shippee, the president, announced that
Rarus having beaten the fastest time ever
made in the State, would not trot a third
heat. Sweetzer made the first heat in 2: 16 ;
second, with running horse, 2:16; third,
Electric Light;
San Francisco, Dec. 13. Ex-Governor
Latham, the owner of the French patents,
proposes to take measures to immediately
test the practicability of lighting San Fran
cisco by electricity. He claims he can give
a better light at one-third the present cost.
Huns Himself. '
: Carmstadt Wamshultz, a painter, a native
of Germany, committed suicide yesterday
by hanging himself to the rafter of a chicken
house at his residence on Harrison street,
near j Sixteenth. He was 54 years of ago.
He has been drinking very heavily lately.
and is supposed to have been intoxicated at
the tune of his death.
Skeleton Found,
The skeleton of a man with a rope aroun'd
his neck was unearthed on the levee by some
workmen at Sacramento yesterday. The
man had red hair and very large bones, and
was dressed in the uniform of a United States
soldier. He is supposed to have lain there
12 years, and is evidently the finale of a sm
Mining Accident.
The case in the shaft of the Guadalupe
Mine, near San Jose, fell, a distance of 100
feet yesterday. There were nine men on
the cage at the time of the accident. Thos
J. Crocker was instantly killed and the
others were fearfully mangled, but it is
thonght they will recover.
The Electric Light in Mines.
The London Mining Journal points
out that, aside from its other advan
tages, tn success or tne electric ngnx
would solve a most important problem
affecting the lives ot many persons now
working in mines. '"There appears to
be no reason," says the Journal, "why
electricity should not be made applica
ble for mining instead of lamps, and.
this would anect wnat. our mining engi
neers and foremost chemists have long
been . looking for. It would give tbe
mien a light ' such as they have "never
dreamed of, enabling them to get a much
larger quantity of coafln, a given time
than it is possible"tor them to bring
down by the light of the lamp, wjiich
barely suffices to make the blackness of
JLhe working places visible. It would
also benefit botn masters and men, and
greater safety would be insured, for ex
plosions would be all but impossible,
whilst the miners would be better able
to guard against falls of roofs and coaL"
. Washington, Dec. 9.
The House resolution for investigation of
of the yellow fever epidemic was agreed to.
Garland submitted a resolution instructmc
the committee oh Indian affairs to inquiro into
the expediency of revising the laws regulating
intercourse with Indian tribes in the Indian
territory; aud to issue to the proper authori
ties ot said tribes 4A per cent bonds, in lieu ot
all moneys held iu trust for them by the
United States, except the educational funds or
payments due under existing treaties, with in
structions to the secretary of the treasury to
refer claims for adjudication to the court of
claims; agreed to.
. . Honse.
Burchard offered a resolution for a recess
from the 21st of December to the 6th of Janu
ary: referred to the committee on ways and
Fort moved to suspend the rules and adopt
the resolution declaring the legal tender qual
ity of the silver dollar of 412i grains, shall be
maintained and enforced, and any discrimina
tion against it by any national bank, in refus
ing to receive it and treat it as legal money,
shall be deemed a defiance of the laws and
instructing tne banking committee to report a
bill for the withdrawal of the circulating
notes of the bank so offending: defeated.
Yeas 150, nays 89; net two thirds. .
Chalmers moved to suspend the rules and
pass a bill prohibiting contributions from offi
cers of the government for use in elections,
but it went over without action. -
On motion,"the Clymer resolution was adopt
ed, declaring that Congress shall take part in
the services to be held in honor ot the memory
of the late Professor Joseph Henry on the 16th
of January next.
Young ottered a resolution lor tne appoint
ment of a committee of nine members to in
vestigate methods of preventing the introduc
tion and spread of epidemic diseases; adopted.
lownsend ot Illinois ottered a resolution re
citing the rules recently established in regard
to silver dollars, and inquiring ot the secretary
of the treasury whether the department has
acquiesced iu and is to be governed by them;
Also, a resolution instructing the judiciary
committee to consider and' report whether
national banks which took part in suchCon
spiracy had forfeited their charters; referred.
' Washington, Dee. 10,
Booth pre tented a memorial of Ross,
Dempster & Co., Pope & Talbot and 25
other merchants of ban irancisco, praying
for legislation to authorize tho payment of
war premium claims out of the balance of
the Geneva award. He also presented
memorial of Gov. Downey and fifty other
citizens of Los Angeles and vicinity against
the adoption of the proposed commercial
V-ty -rith . off-voting the present
rates ot duties on imported wines and
Spencer, from the committee on military
affairs, reported favorably to the Senate a
bill authorizing Dr. Junius Powell to be ap
pointed assistant surgeon in the (J . S. army.
On explanation of the bill be said that Pow
ell hud rendered services as assistant sur
geon, but could not be regularly appointed
because he served in the confederate army
when a minor. v
Durinst the debate Beck cave notice that
he would to-morrow introduce a bill to re
peal section 1,218 of the revised statutes,
which provides that "no person who has
served in any capacity in the military, naval
or civil service of the so-called confederate
States in insurrection, during the late rebel
lion, should be appointed to any position in
the army of the United States.'1
The bill was read the third time and pass
ed. Yeas, 39, nays 21.
Wallace introduced a bill to authorize the
exchange of subsidiary coin for trade dollars;
referred. The bill provides that subsidiary
coins shall be exchanged for trade dollars at
the rate of one hundred cents for each of
said dollars, and they shall forthwith be re
coined to subsidiary coin and the gain, if
any be made, may be used by the secretary
of the treasury to pay the expense of send
ing the subsidiary coin to such persons or
banks as may desire the same in exchange
for other bonds. Coinage of trade dollars
shall cease from and after the passage of this
act. '
At tho expiration of the morning hour
consideration was resumed of the bill relat
ing to presidential elections, and Morgan
made a speei h favoring the measure. -
After the debate, the Senate held a brief
executive sessionS aud adjourned till to
morrow. . -
House. )
Bills were introduced by Vance of North
Carolina, to repeal the U. S. electoral super
visors law.
By Atkins To make minor or subsidiary
coins a legaf tender for alt debts due the gov
ernment, including customs dues.
By Burchardt Requiring national bonk
ing associations to receive legal tender coins
on deposit at par for United States and na
tional bank notes, and also directing the U.
S. treasurer to receive coin of the United
States in exchange for United States notes,
. By Cumtnings To provide for redemp
tion of subsidiary coin of the United States
and for their reissue.
By Page To Enforce the Hth and 15th
amendments fo the constitution.
Wood, from the committee on ways and
means, reported a bill ts authorize the issue
of certificates of deposit to aid the refunding
of the public debt; recommitted. Also a
resolution distributing the President's mes-
mage among various committees; adopted,
The House then went into a committee of
the whole on the naval appropriation bill
Clymer explained that it was substantially
the bill of last year, as it became a law. The
estimates of the secretary of navy had only
been about SrHU.UOU greater than last year s
appropriation. The committee on appropri
ations had beenf able, without detriment to
the service and with the concurrence of the
department, M reduce the amount asked for
by $133,134! The appropriation of last
year had been $11,151,601, and the bill
recommended $14,018,469. : - '
Not a single amendment was offered to the
bill, and the committee reported it to the
House and it was thereupon passed.
A resolution was passed to pay the widow
of the late Representative from Nebraska
(Mr. Welch) the pay of a member to the end
of Congress.
The Speaker laid before the House the re
quest of the Senate that it be furnished with
copy of Jas. E. Anderson's testimony re-
lating to Senator Matthews, and on motion
of Potter, the request was complied with..
The speaker announced as a committee to
inquire into the causes of the yellow fever
epidemic Young, Gibson, Goode, Hartridge,
Morse, Garfield, Harmer and Chittenden.
The speaker also announced appointments
to fill vacancies in committees.
The Fouse thenwent into committee of
the whole, Springer in the chair, on tho con
sular and diplomatic appropriations bill.
On motion of Hale, the salary of ministers
to England, France, Germany and Russia
reported in the bill at $15,000, was, by a
vote of 93 to 91, put back to the present
figure of $17,500. An amendment to increase
the salary of ministers to Spain, Austria,
Italy, Brazil, Mexico, Japan and China from
$10,000 to $12,000 was defeated. Likewise .
an amendment providing for ministers to
Belgium and the Netherlands.
The consideration bf the bill having been
concluded in committee of the whole, the
house passed the bill after striking out the
amendment, agreed to in the committee de
creasing the salaries of ministers to Great
.Britain, t rance, uermany and Russia.
:" Washington; Dec 11.
Windom reported the fortification appro-..
priation bill and gave notice that he would
call it up to-morrow. - r. .'
rJeck introduced a bitl tor a repeal ot the
section of the revised statues which prohibits
the appointment to the army any person who
served under the confederate government;
laid on the table for the present.
f erry introduced a bit! to hx tbe salary ot
persons in the railway mail service; referred. '
Mernman submitted ay, resolution calling
upon the secretary of war as to the arms and
equipments issued to officers of the treasury
and internal departments and department of '
justice where such arms are now, and whether
any of them have been sold; agreed to.
Un motion ot Hamlin the senate proceeded
to the consideration of the resolution submit
te 1 by Blaine, in regard to iuquiry as to
whether at the recent elections the constitu
tional rights of American citizens were vio
lated. -
Blaine said he offered pending the resolu
tion: First To place on record in definite
and authentic form, the fraud aud outrages
by 'which some- recent elections were carried
by the Democratic party in the Southern
States. Second To find if there be any
method by which a repetition of these crimes
against free ballot may be prevented.
Debate followed and was participated in by
Thurman, Lamar. Edmunds and Blaine. The
debate between Lamar, Edmunds and Blaine
was characterized by a good many personal
Tbe resolution was finally laid aside, and
consideration resumed of a bill to (amend the
patent laws.
Windom, from the appropriation committee
reported with amendments, the military
academy bill; placed on the' calender."
' House.
The pension aonroDriation bill was reported.
referred aud made a special order for to-morrow.
A. bill, reported last year from committee
on commerce, to regulate inter-State commerce
and prevent discrimination by common car
riers, was taken up and discussed.
lhe bill mattes it unlawful for persons en
gaged in transporting property . by railroad
from one State to another, or to and from any.
loreign country, to discriminate against any
persons in the price charged. It prevents pool
ing of freight, combinations and drawbacks.
t i i j i . i . i i -ii
xveagau. expjaiueu aiiu suvuvskju tne Dill.
Potter opposed it, as being superfluous and
Townsend of Illinois, advocated the hill.
The combination of trunk hues had recently
increased the cost of transportation on wheat
from St. Louis to New York 8 or 9 cents per
bushel, farmers ot the west who anticipated
higher prices for their wheat 'have been in
jured thereby. It was as much in the inter
est of those living at terminal as at interme
diate points. - Every western producer was
interested in having the strong hand of gov
ernment to prevent monopolies levying taxes
on producers.
Phillips of Kansas favored some parts of
the bill and opposed others; railroads should
be permitted to carry great quantities of
freight cheaper than small.
; Cannon said -. he favored the provision
against pooling, but not for the .section pro
hibiting a reduction in the rate for long dis
tances. Hewitt said it was an unwise measure. An
inter-State commission of experts was a proper
remedy for grevious existing abOBes, which de
manded careful attention from all those who
wished ti develope a great foreign trade that
is pulling the country out of the quagmire
into which bad financial legislation has plung
edit. The bill then passed 189 to 110.
The House took up the Geneva award bill
and adjourned.
Washington, Dee. 12.
Anthony called up Senate bill atuhorizing
the public printer to print papers and docu
ments for senators, representative and dele
gates in Congress upon the cost and 10 per
cent, additional; passed.
Windom called np the fortification appro
priation bill. Amendments of th committee
increasing the appropriation fc am. anent
bf the sea coast fortifications from $125,000
to $250,000, and for the preservation and
repair of fortifications from $100,00 to $200,
000, were agreed to ani the bill then passed.
A brief discussion as to the order of busi
ness resulted in an agreement that the vote
on Edmund's bill, in regard to counting the
electoral vote, be taken to-morrow. -
Tne bill from the House to correct the en
rollment in the sundry civil appropriation
bill of last year in regard to the Hot Springs
reservation in Arkansas, pe -sed without
Wood offered a resolution directing inquiry
into the conduct of the chief supervisor of
election, Davenport, at the last election in
New. York, and its consideration was post
poned till to-morrow. The allegation Is that
Davenport was guilty of illegal, unjust and
oppressive exercise of prefer authority in
causing the arrest, detention and imprison
ment cl citizens innocent of offense,' by
which he deprived them of the right to vote,
and subjected them to indignity, insult and
intimidation without warrant of law or justifi
cation, which arrests have been declared il
legal by U. S. judges.
A resolution was adopted ordering recess
from December 20th to January 6th.