Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, February 12, 1914, Image 2

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    Voting Device
NEWS NOTES OF Electrical
Is Proposed for House
Resume of World’s Important
Events Told in Brief.
President Wilson has signed
Portland-Vancouver bridge bill.
Twenty persona applied for loans at
Portland's Remedial Man office the
first day.
Washington, D. C.—The alow pro­
cess of rt>llcall in the houte of repre­
sentatives may be done away with in
the near future in favor of an elec­
trical appliance for registering the
votes Of the 435 members almost in­
A sub-committee of
the rules committee has outlined a
feasible plan which has the approval
of Speaker Clark and Majority Loader
The proposal for a voting machine
was made by Representative Walsh, of
New Jersey, an expert in electrical
Rollcall in the house now requires
45 minutes, and is tesorted to when a
filibuster is declared by the minority.
The new scheme would eliminate this
from legislative procedure.
The sub­
committee's plan would provide a
locked device at each member’s seat
with buttons representing his vote,
aye, nay or present. These would cor­
respond with spaces beside the mem­
ber's name on the indicator boards
placed about the room, showing the
detail of the vote in colored lights and
also at the clerk's desk, where a card
wouM be punched and tabulated me­
chanically, serving as a full record of
the vote in every case.
Will Serve Loganberries
On S. P. Dining Cars
Salem—A. B. Simon, head of the
commissary department of the South­
ern Pacific company, has notified the
Salem Commercial club that he will
serve loganberries in the dining cars
of the company the coming season.
He said that he had frequently
heard the berries praised and had
thought for some time of giving them
a trial. The announcement, the dub
officials believe, solves the problem of
obtaining an adequate market for the
fruit A much larger acreage than
ever before has been planted to berries
in this county this year, and there was
fear that the growers would suffsr for
lack of demand.
Mr. Simon said he would give the
dried as well an the fresh berries a
trial on the dining cars.
Fred 8.
By non, secretary of the Commercial
club, sent him a 25-pound box of the
i dried berries for trial.
Fashions Play Havoc
With Health of Giris
San Francisco —• Mrs. William E.
Magee, head of the women’s depart­
ment of physical education at the Uni­
versity of California, was emphatic In
saying that the physical training of
women is neglected to an appalling de­
gree, and that the dictates of fashion
are destroying the old ideal of wo­
manly grace.
Other Instructors of the department
concur in thia opinion.
“Five out of every six women en­
tering the university,*' said Mrs. Ma­
gee, “when examined thia year were
found to be allllcted with flat feet or
broken arches. This Is due directly to
the high-heel shoes which fashion do-
“Last year we had an epidemic of
deranged internal organa, cauaed by
tight lacing.
“Curvature of the apiñe la common,
and, while it could be easily prevented
by exercise and aenaible dressing, it
takes a year to correct even a minor
“Girls coming to the university to­
day show a decided increase in such
deformities as crooked necks, crooked
spines, round shoulders and flat cheats.
AU of these are imputed at once to the
slouchy pose which is fashionable.
The new way in which women have to
stand to tie fashionable is dangerous to
their health."
Stanford, Cal., Professor Makes
Important Discovery.
Radium-Bearing Carnotite Found
While Testing Ore Samples
From South America.
Stanford University, Cal. — While
testing specimens which had been sent
to him from South America, Professor
John Caspar Brenner, head of the geol­
ogy and mining department of Stan­
The Federal investigators of the
ford, has discovered radium-bearing
strike situation in Colorado are having
ore of extreme value. The specimens
some stormy sessions.
over which Professor llrannrr was
The Sumpter Dredge company work­
working in his laboratory are from the
Salem—Improvement in the meth-' improvements made.
Eighteen fires
ing near Baker, Or., reports the find­
state of Ceara, in Brazil. Radium
ods of the fire-fighting system of the occurred during the year without any
ing of a nugget worth $1500.
was not known to have existed there.
Danger of fire was
state forestry department is revealed loss to timber.
The ore which led to the discovery was
Co-eds at the University of Califor­
further eliminated through the burn­
by the report of State Forester Elliott ing of about 1200 acres of slashings.
a pinch of greenish yellow earth, less
nia have ruled out the tango, maxixe,
than a thimbleful of carnotite, one of
for 1913. There were 770 fires which
one-step and hesitation waltz.
“Practically all owners of timber in
the two known sources of radium.
Burg.'ars'spent two hours blowing
The Stanford geologist was testing
up the safe*of the Northern Pacific at
ffir other minerals when his attention
tated by fire.
In 1911 the acreage Forester Elliott, “and with the assist-
Olympia, and obtained 18 coppers for
was drawn to the carnotite.
The car­
their trouble.
notite was subjected to the tests em­
while last year the fires averaged 30 , ments protection costa are reasonable.
ployed to determine whether an ore
All the 107 employes of the Savory
acres to a fire. More than 1000 miles The installation of telephones will be
contains radium and responded.
hotel, in Seattle are to work on the
of old trail was opened last year, 175 the next large improvement under­
News of the discovery has been sent
profit-sharing plan, divisions to be
miles of new trail built, seven lookout taken, as the district is in bad condi­
to Brazil. The exact location of the
made monthly.
points equipped with cabins, 57 miles tion from lack of such communication.
region from whence the samples came
of telephone lines built and 208 miles In case of a fire it would take some
The president of the Mercantile
, has been kept secret, as has the name
wardens many hou/s to reach a point
of line repaired.
Bank of Memphis, Tenn., is in jail,
Toul, France—A man giving the
of the sender of the ore specimen».
The timber of Marion county is ' from which help could be summoned.”
Pittsburg — Warning against blind
charged with the embezzlement of
Only two carnotite deposits
At least one supervising warden was faith in the cure of cancer by radium
about $1,000,000.
known to exist In the United States.
police believe to be one of the clever­ Patrol association.
This association maintained for each county. Marlon
Silas Christofferson, a Pacific Coast
employed nine district patrolmen, one county has three wardens employed by was voiced by D. Edward Reynolds, of Both are In the West, one In Colorado
aviator, broke the American long dis­ est German spies in France, was ar­ speeder patrolman and a head warden
timber land owners, three under the Boston, at a public educational meet­ and the other In Utah. Australia has
tance record by flying from San Fran­ rested while photographing the forti­ last year.
Approximately a district provisions of the Federal law, two by ing of the American Society for the the largest carnotite deposits. From
cisco to Lerdo, Cal., a distance of 306 fications at thia place.
carnotite ore Is obtained uranium
The police as­ comprising 460,000 acres was patrolled. the State Forest service, while 64 are
Control of Cancer. Dr. Reynolds, who oxide, and radium comes from this lat­
sert Burgard has been supplying in­
There are 139 companies or individ­ serving voluntarily without pay, mak­
is vice president of the New England ter substance.
According io geolo­
Colonel Goethals has removed the formation to the German military au­ uals in the organization, an increase ing a total of 72. The state at large
of 12 members and 36,210 acres over employee 759 wardens, the fire-fight­ Medical Society, asserted there is no gists, only 2 per cent of the carnotite
head of commissary department of the thorities for the last 15 years.
that of 191. Thirty-five miles of new ing, patrol and improvement work for evidence that radium had cured one Is uranium oxide, and only one part in
canal zone for alleged acceptance of
He ostensibly engaged in farming
trail has been built in the district at a the past year costing $94,988.83; pri­ advanced case of cancer. According 3,000,000 of this oxide is uranium.
gratuities from those who furnished
in a small way near Nancy.
cost of about $20 a mile, 874 miles of vate owners spent $71,025.47, state to his view, the radium treatment of This advances the price of radium to
A search of the man's house brought
old trail rebuilt and opened at a coat $16,548.36 and the Federal govern­ cancer is, up to the present time, an about $90,000 a gram.
Milton H. Lee, 73 years old, has con­ to light 50 staff maps and plans of
Dr. Branner is well acquainted with
of 13.05 a mile and numerous minor ment $8685.
experiment and successful results have the geology of Brazil, as he has spent
fessed that he is the "gentleman ban­ forts on the northeastern frontier,
been obtained chiefly in the treatment considerable time there on govern­
dit” who has operated in Montana, Correspondence of an alleged com pro­
of external cancers, particularly of ment work and has written a text
Washington, Oregon and California mising nature, written in Germ an.
the skin.
for the past twenty years.
was also found.
book on Brazilian geology.
The first principle in the treatment
Professor Branner received the Hay­
The rifle belonging to Outlaw Lo­
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­ of cancer. Dr. Reynolds said, la the den medal in 1911 for distinguished
pez, and which be took with him into
vallis—Should certain of the cold stor­ vallis—“1 want the high school to ad­ extreme danger of delay, and thus far i contributions to geology and is recog­
the Apex mine when driven to bay by
age bills now before congress become dress itself to the literature, or possi­ a thoroughly qualified operation seems nized as one of the world’s foremost
officers, has been found beneath a tres­
laws, they would hit the fruit busi­ bly better the printed matter, that is to hold out the only hope for cure.
tle near the mine, which fact is taken
Port Au Prince, Haiti — Orestes ness, especially the apple business, a read in the home—the village paper,
Frederick H. Hoffman, statistician
as evidence that the outaw made good Zamor was elected president of Haiti
hard blow, according to Professor the city paper, periodicals, farm jour­ for a leading life insurance company,
his escape.
at a meeting of congress Monday by a Lewis, whose views on horticultural nals—in short, to the printed matter gave statistical evidence to support
Mexican rebels have captured Maz- vote of 93 out of 105 ballots cast. It matter are given great weight. And that is now affecting, molding public the warning to seek early operative
atlan, which gives them their first sea­ was announced that after the election the blow would fall with especial force opinion. All this, in order that the treatment.
He cited figures to show
the detachments from the foreign war­ upon the growers of the Pacific North­ student may get into the current of that the records of hospitals tend to
ships would return to their ships, as
prove the assertion that the earliest
contemporary thought.”
Munich, Germany—Ingold, an avi­
President Wilson gives unqualified conditions were tranquil. The revolu­ west.
possible operation seems to offer the ator, Sunday broke the world's record
approval for the building of two new tionary troops under Zamor occupy all
before the house at this time deal Aiton, state inspector of high schools only hope for cure.
for an endurance flight. He remained
the military stations. There were no with cold storage questions”, said Pro­ in Minnesota, in a letter to Edwin T.
In the air 16 hours and 20 minutes,
disorders on the arrival of the revolu­ fessor Lewis. “They are H. R. 9266, Reed, of the Oregon Agricultural col­
and covered a distance estimated nt
Spokane, Wash., celebrated “Apple
tionises from Gonaives.
' 1050 miles without landing.
H. R. 9530, H. R. 3376 and H. R. lege, chairman of the committee on
Day” with the thermometer at zero.
Orestes Zamor formerly was gover­ 5695.
Fruitgrowers should write to the high school course for the Oregon
started at Mulhausen, Alsace, and flew
Representative Bremner died from nor of the Northern department, and their representatives for copies of Council of Teachers of English. The
Washington, D. C. — Asiatic exclu­ to the north.
He then proceeded
cancer in spite of several weeks’ treat­ held the portfolio of the war minis­ these bills.
letter was written in response to a re­ sion agitation was quieted, temporar­ southward to Munich, landing in a sub­
try in 1911. He beaded the revolution
ment with radium.
“According to the provisions of the quest for suggestions that the Minne­ ily at least, in the bouse after a heat- j urb.
in the city of Gonaives last January
ed dobate that brought both Republi­
The previous record of 14 hours, 7
Instructors in the “tango” were ap and his forces a few days later won a first of these bills it will be impossi­ sota high schools might offer for the
can and Democratic leaders to the minutes, was made by Brunolanger at
plauded at Baker, Or., but could not victory over the revolutionists under ble to store apples for more than 90 work of the English committee in the
days, and this would work a great interest of Oregon high schools. It is floor with pleas for calmness and de­ Johannisthal, February 3.
get enough pupils to pay.
Senor Davilmar Theodore, who had hardship on the apple and pear pro­ i one of the most stimulating of the liberation.
By overwhelming votes
Gold in paying quantities has been proclaimed himself commander-in-chief ducer, since quite a large part of our many letters that have been received the house stripped from the Immigra­
Theodore returned to crop is held more than 90 days. The from high school authorities through­ tion
found on a side bill within the city of aJ) rebels.
under consideration all j
Cape Haitien, where be has set up a bill should be amended to exclude ap­ out the country.
limits of Aberdeen, Wash.
amendments that would have placed a
provisional government.
“I do not believe for a moment,” bar against Asiatic immigration.
Washington, D. C.—Notable Im­
Biting cold grips the Middle West,
The action was taken after Repub­ provement in the relations between
“Of course the provisions of the bill continues Inspector Aiton, “that we
Sioux City, Iowa, reporting zero and
can apply to interstate shipments only, ought to forget or pass by such im­ lican Mader Mann, Representative the United States and Japan is be­
Cheyenne, Wyo., 18 below.
but this is practically the only means perishable things as Lincoln’s Gettys­ Sherley, of Kentucky, and other lead­ lieved to have resulted from the
of disposing of stored apples and pears burg Address, Gray’s Elegy, The Cot­ ers made a vigorous fight to overcome events In the house of representatives
If it was the ter’s Saturday Night, one or two of the sentiment which expressed itself last week connected with the passage
Washington, D. C. — “The Moro at profitable prices.
would make short work of local Fili­ purpose of the author of the bill to ex­ Shakespeare's plays, Silas Marner, by a vote of 111 to 90 In favor of the of the Burnett Immigration bill. Re­
Wheat—Track prices: Club, 88(3, pino government,” says Brigadier clude apples and pears it could be very etc.; but why put in four years on perfection of an amendment to exclude ports from Tokio are to the effect that
88Je; bluestem, 97Jii(98c; forty-fold, General Pershing, in his latest report easily accomplished by making that literature which the teachers are not Mongolians, Malays and negroes. The a profound impression was caused in
89c; red Russian, 87c; valley, 89c.
as governor of Mindanao, to Secretary provision before the measures come to reading, which the community is not speakers insisted there should be no the Japanese capital, not only by the
final vote.”
Oats—No. 1 white, milling, $24(325 Garrieon.
reading, which, in the future, the stu­ hasty action that might embarrass the refusal of the house to include In the
dents will not read, and which has no State department in its relations with bill the proposed prohibition against
“The actual relations between them
Corn—Whole, $35; cracked, $36 ton. are such that any attempt at Filipino
message for the day and the mor­ Japan.
the entry of Japanese into the United
Barley — Feed, $22.50(323 ton; government would lead only to rebel­
States, but even more by the non­
Federal Employes Warned.
brewing, $24; rolled, $25.
“If we can teach a boy to go
partisan appeal of Representative
lion and disaster.
Peace in the Moro
Hay —No. 1 Eastern Oregon timT province can be maintained only by a
Washington, D. C.—Classified Fed­ Mann.
Salem — Bids for remodeling the through a farm journal,” concludes
othy, $16.50; mixed timothy, $14; al­ continuance of American control. If state bouse will be opened by the Mr. Aiton, “and to glean the good eral employes affiliated with suffrage
The demonstration of the fact that
falfa, $14; clover, $9<al0; valley, we are to honestly carry out our obli- board of control in a few days, and and to write a timely communication organizations were warned they would in dealing with such large subjects of
grain hay, $12(313.50.
gâtions to the tribes who have yielded the work will be started soon after. to that journal, we have done more for be liable to removal from office under international importance, Americans
Millfeed—Bran, $21.50 ton; shorts. to our authority and who expect us to The Supreme court building virtually him than if we dragged him through a
the civil service laws if they partici­ stand ready to ignore mere party con­
$23.50; middlings, $29(330.
guide them to something better, the is completed and will be occupied by canto of Sponser’a Faerie Queene, a pated in political activities either as siderations, and that there is no rea­
Vegetables — Cauliflower, 12.25 entire island of Mindanao must be March 1. The state printing depart­ composition to which he will never
officers or members.
Mr. Mcllhenny sonable ground for expecting a differ­
crate; eggplant, 10<315c pound; pep­ governed and controlled permanently ment has already been moved into that revert.”
said that “competitive classified em­ ent viewpoint on international affairs
pers, 10@124e; garlic, 12Jc; sprouts, by American officials and under Ameri­ building. State Architect Knighton
ployes may be members of political to result from a change in the political
8(310c; artichokes, $2 dozen; squash, can sovereignty.”
Bluff Road Fund Raised.
has drawn plans for dividing the room
or similar political organiza­ cast of the administration is said to
li@2}e; celery, $3.75 crate; hothouse
Sandy — At the meeting of the tions, but it is improper for them to have been something of a revelation.
The aministration’s Philippine pol­ now occupied by the Supreme court
lettuce, 50(375c box; spinach, 75(3;80c icy has not yet been worked out far library into a number of rooms for use Sandy Commercial
club Thursday be active in the formation or organiza­
The Japanese statesmen sre de­
crate; horseradish, 8(3,10c; cabbage, enough to indicate how far the gen­ by legislative committees.
A large night it was reported that $800 bad tion of the club, to be officers thereof, Í clared to have been much pleased,
2ic pound; turnips, $1 sack; carrots, eral’s views are shared in Washing­ central room for public bearings will been subscribed toward the improve­
however, by the house’s reception of
or as members to influence others.”
$1; parsnips, $1; beets, $1.
ment of the bluff road from Sandy to
the appeal for fair treatment of aliens
also be provided.
Green Fruit — Apples, 75c(3$2.25
and for abstention from legislative
The first floor will give additional Pleasant Home, seven miles. This
Lisbon Shaken By Bombs.
box; cranberries, $12(3,12.50 barrel;
New Sacrifices Coining.
interference with the executive de­
room for state departments because of sum is additional to the amount being
Madrid — Advices from Lisbon re­ partment in its efforts to arrive at a
pears, $1(3)1.50.
Stockholm—Thirty thousand Social­ the moving of the printing and heat­ collected from the people living along
port great unrest throughout Portugal. settlement of the open issue between
Onions—Oregon, $3.50 sack; buying
ists held a demonstration against in­
price, $3 sack at shipping points.
used by the state printer will be rear­ The club voted to recommend that Six bomba were exploded in Lisbon the two countries.
Potatoes—Oregon, 80c(3$l hundred, creasing the expenditure for’arma­ ranged for use by the secretary of Thomas B. Milan, an experienced con­ Wednesday night, causing great dam­
Officials here are encouraged in the
buying price, 60(390c at shipping ments, and demanded that the minis­ state, and the state treasury depart­ struction worker and road builder, be age. There is probability of another hope that the proceedings have gone
ters work rather for peace and fra­ ment will have the space across the appointed by the County court as road­ railroad strike. A bomb which was far to insure an early and satisfactory
exploded in the market place at Oporto adjustment of all issues between the
Eggs—Oregon fresh ranch, 35(d,36c ternity. The premier, M. Staaf, re­ corridor formerly occupied by the master.
plied in spite of his sympathy in the labor commissioner and the heating
did considerable destruction. Rumors two governments.
of Royalist incursion in the North
Poultry—Hens, 16(g)16}e; springs, question of international peace, he plant.
Storm Brings Fish North.
have been received. The government
16(^164e; turkeys,
20@22e; was convinced that the Swedish people
Seaside—As an additional evidence
Notables Just Mias Fire.
in hurrying troops to the frontier.
dressed, choice, 25<326c; ducks, 14(3) would be compelled to make a new and
War Started on Tree Insects.
D. C.—Fire started in-
18c; geese, 12(^13c.
Ashland—With Ashland as a base of been raging along the coast recenty,
a local theater Sunday Ja few minutes
Boy Delivered By Mail.
Butter—Creamery prints, extras, government, however, he added, was
not inclined to accede to the demands operations, employes of the Federal is the fact that a live abalone was cast
35c pound; cubes, 32c.
Wellington, Kan.—Mrs. E. H. Sta­ after it had been cleared of a great
As these ley, of this city, received her 2-year- crowd that Included Vice President
entomological bureau are planning a | up on the beach here.
for prolongation of infantry service.
Pork—Fancy, 10c pound.
warfare against forest tree insects. shellfish are not native to Northern old nephew by parcel post from his Marshall, Secretary Bryan, Rev. G.
Veal—Fancy, 14@144c pound.
Jobless Ones Want Days.
More than a dozen government men waters, it is supposed that his one grandmother
Hops—1913 crop, prime and choice,
in Stratford, Okla., Campbell Morgan, pastor of Westmin­
18<®19c; 1914 contracts, 15c.
Chicago—Resolutions recommending will be enlisted in the work, and these was torn from its moorings along some where he had been left for a visit ster Chapel, Ixmdon, and prominent
Pelts—Dry, 10c; dry short wool, a National Jobless day similar to the will be reinforced by state forestry of the Mexican or Southern California three weeks ago. The boy wore a tag church dignitaries from practically
7c; dry shearings, 10c; green shear­ annual Labor day celebration were employe^ and a crew of men furnished beache« and carried here by the Japan about his neck showing it had cost 18 every state in the Union. The crowd
ings, 10c; salted lights, 6032,75c; adopted here at a meeting of the Unit­ by the Timberland Owners association. current.
cents to sent him through the mails. was gathered to attend the first of a
Attached to the shell was a root He was transported 25 miles by rural series of international Bible confer­
Operation will begin immediately.
salted heavy, 75(3,90c.
ed Brotherhood Welfare association.
The shell was route before reaching the railroad.
Wool — Valley, 14(315c; Eastern
The resolutions were forwarded to Government officials estimate that out and stem of kelp.
ences to be held In this country. Rats
Oregon, 10(^15c; mohair, 1913 clip, Samuel Gompers, president of the of < very six sections of timberland a found by J. L. Morgan, of this city.
with matches started the blaze, which
Order Don't Worry Huerta.
26c pound.
American Federation of Labor, with million or more feet are ruined an­
was quickly extinguished.
Loggers Are Busy at Airlie.
Cattle — Prime steers, $7.25(3,8; the request that the Federation aid in nually by the ravages of beetles.
Mexico City — President Wilson’s
Pest Treated By Phone.
choice, 37(^7.25; medium, $6.753?7; establishing recognition of the men
Airlie—The Simpson Logging com­ determination to give both factions in
choice cows, $6.253(6.85; medium, $6 without jobs.
Mabel Mill to Resume Work.
pany employes have been at work run Mexico liberty to obtain war material
III. — To prevent the
(3 6.25; heifers, $6
6.75; light
Springfield — The mill at Mabel, ning 4,000,000 logs into the boom be from the United States wilj not cause spread of smallpox, Rockford doctors
Striking Waitresses Arrested.
calves, $8(39; heavy, $6(3,7.75; bulls,
The logs have President Huerta to deliver to the are treating pest patients by tele­
owned by the Coast Range Lumber low here this week.
$4'3>5.75; stags, $6(357.
Chicago—Seven striking waitresses company, will resume operations in a been causing much trouble in the American charge d’affaires his pass­ phone.
This condition came about
Hogs—Light, $7.50 (3) 8.60; heavy, who continued picketing a down-town few days. This mill is one of the Luckiamute river lately.
Many men ports; nor will it affect his attitude when two physicians who had small­
$6 50(37.60;.
restaurant were arrested
Monday, largest in Lane county, and will give are employed in the logging work in towards the United States or toward pox patients refused to continue treat­
Sheep — Wethers, $5 (3, 6; ewes, They were charged with “lounging employment to n any men.
This mill the country adjacent to Airlie this Americans in Mexico. Thia assurance ing them because they could not carry
$3.50(34.75; lambs, $5(36.75.
and loafing.”
was given by General Huerta.
on other practice.
has been closed since last fall.
Marconi has succeedeed in lighting
an electric lamp at a distance of six
miles by wireless.
Better Fire Fighting
Plans Are Being Made
Early Operation Is Only
Hope for Cancer Patients
Cold Storage Bills Will
Newspaper Literature
Injure Fruit Growers for High School Students
Haitiens Elect President;
Foreign Troops Withdraw’
All Asiatic Exclusion
Amendments Are Killed
Japan Much Pleased
By Action of Congress
Freedom for Philippines
Would Bring Disaster
State Will Open Bids
for Remodeling Capitol