LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. J. 1. Robinton juet (tool eastern Oregon. returned I Hop« to have a crietering rever»» we hai! a little ton last Sat., 17th. ,M. F. Brock was injure«! in Woodland Wash., and is expect»«! home to «lay. Toe fierce tale ol Saturday blew a portion of th« ball groun«! fence down. H. Jtaetad hae heen confined to hie home by being sick part of this week. Mr. Gardner has moved hie jewelry »tore into thy corner recently after the fire. Mr. and Mrs. Lewisot Second Avenue are parents of a daughter, born Tuesday morning. Mrs. B. Hogue. Miw Myrtle Poor and J ante Herman, were doing the city Saturday. M im 1st. Spring Opening Sale In Our New Home Surprisingly Low Prices to Introduce Each of Our 8 Departments Hardware Department Paint Department Na 144-055 intide Mortise Locks regular tkk’. now......... 40c This lock has a solid 1 piece knob and wide bevel edge escutcheon. A cut of 25 per cent on standard Varnish is going to close this line out, come and get your share First quality pure Paint, to go at...................... $1.75 the gallon 30 gallon range (toiler, regular $5.75 boiler, now .......... $4.75 Range (toiler stands regular $1.00 now............................................ 75c Rooting $1.00 per square with free nails and cement. We have in stock all kinds of pipe and Hittings. We cut and thread any sire pipe up to 2 in. House Hold Department Cutlery and Sporting Goods Dept. Tool Department Stationery Department One gallon Oil Cans... 20 per cent Discount on ail 20c Butcher Knives 14c each Maydole Hammers 50c each Carpenters Pinchers. 8 in. 35c Brick Trowels. Marshall Town pattern $1.00 Bread Knives Three prong towell Bars 5c each Twelve quart fiiber Pails 19c each M G. Eliis. of the Dalles, visited hie little son. who is stopping with bi* Grandma on Para Ave. 165 separate and distinct pat­ terns to select from, priced at Sc ¡ter double roll of 16 yards and up or 75c for a room 10x12 with 7 foot ceiling. Second quality pure [taint to go at ................. $1.40 the gallon Coat and Hat galvanized Hooks the dozen .............................. 6c Mr» George Wells. of Buena Viet* visited Monday at the home of Mr. and Mr». Orville Smith of Fifth Ave. Plumbing Department I Sash weights in 100 pound quan­ tities ...................... 1 l-2c pound Leader Brooms ................... Mr. McXV’Ufal of th« New Method Laundry has been the victim ot a bad cold this week. ’ Wall Paper Department Slicing Knives No. 10 1-2 Simonds Hand Saw any Length $1.50 Hyland Linen, regular sizes, the Box ........................................... $5c Cranes Linens, regular sizes, the Box 50c Berkshire IJnen, regular sizes, the Box ............................ 40c Assorted Fancy Stationery the Box 15c, 20c and 25c WE GIVE S. & H. GREEN TRADING STAMPS R. M. Allen, has moved from Sixth Ave. into the new home located by the side of hie electric shop. Mrs. Connell, of Rose Street, who has been in the employ of Olds Wortman I A King is taking a much needed rest. I Both Phones Free Delivery Mr. Eatche). is to be congratulated on a substantial raise in saler», granted bv the county commissioners this week. have Mr. and Mr*. A. Schulenberg enter­ now tained a party of young people at their Mr. pleasant home at Grays Crossing Ast into Friday evening. The evening was ’•FOR SALE” and WANT’ reader. ; spent in music. A daiotv collation was THE HOME PLANNER in cla»»ifie«l column, 1 cent per word served by the hostess. for first insertion ; 4 cent »ubeequentlv. will do well to insuit on the Watch the column for bargains. Work is well underway on the new licet lumber in In* home Mrs.C. H. Jeffries, of Payett, l«labo, Yeager building. Foundation ditches WANTED buihling It pay» in com­ are ready and some of the forme have her daughter and grandson are »pending fort, in durability and in been started. It will easily tie the a few weeks with Mr. ami Mrs. 8. D. WANTED—A g»««d reliable man or largest bnilding in Lente. actual money «aving To Campbell, being call»! here by the woman to solicit mibeciption». Enquire death of Mrs. 8. P. McCrarv of Port­ at Herald office prove this is ,-asy for ns. The W’oodmere school wa* favored land Newyear» morn. The daughter We have supplied lumler WANTED—Boys mar be had and with a visit from Supt. Aiderman and of Mrs. Jeffries is a niece of Mr». for many m«"lel I khiim . sometimes girl». The older one* at Asst. Supt. Rice, Friday morning. The Campbell ot Lents. ordinary wages and others to tie let im tel) you about them. children were delighted with their visit schooled and cared for in return for slight services rendered. For particu- I as well as the teachers. lars ad«ires» W. T. Gardner. superin­ tendent Boy« an-1 Girls Aid Societv of Oregon, Portland. Ore. tf , fi One of the immediate results of the recent “holdups" and robberies near KOH KALK fi Lents has been the disposal of consider- Phone Tabor 1371 able quantities of amunition to people FRESH COW — for sale. Inquire of Oregon Q Foster Roa«I ami Campbell Sts, la-nte Station, Portland, Oregtl in this locality. Any number of M. S. Hazen 3M Campbell St. Lenta. «C»OO< people have prepared themselves for »ooo oiotcxtaasx »elf protection and several guns have FOR SALE—Cord wood. A C Bail, been bought within the week. One R. F. D. R. 3, Box MJ, Boring, ( ire. fellow reports an arsenal of a shot gun, All Goods and Work FOR SALE —Newspaper» for wrap­ Winchester and a revolver all readv for ping or kindling. Mt. Scott Pub. Co. business. Some one may get hurt if First Class the thieves do not take a hint. FREfiH COW an«! CALF for sale— Near Poet Office, F«wter Hoad North from lenta and one tdock East LENTS New and secón«! hand furniture, stoves of Hola ay's "tore. ami etc., at Alvord» Store 111 Main St. LUMBER—At our new mill l1, mile« southeast of Kelso. We deliver lumber. Jonerud Bros • (• Mr. A. L. Churchill and family Mr». Minnie Gate» ami Mrs. Rho«la just arrived from St. Paul and are Wallace secure«! one year certificates at residing at 218 4th Avenue. the recent state teacher’s examinations. Churchill is contemplating going the furniture business. How beautiful our dear Oregon weather is doing, green lawns, flowers in bloom, even the little daisy’s look happy. Mrs. Clara Larson has just been in­ stalled as Mayor of Troutdale. Mrs. Larson is the secon«! lady mayor for Oregon. The Young Men's club, of the M. E. Church, have been mak’ng improve­ ments rw-ently on the interior of Fawi-ett Hal!. CLASSIFIED A. N. GARDNER 6■■ The Copeland Lumber Company JEWELER Anton Freiffenger, a Lente boy injured by an auto-n .bile accident in July, is eneing J. H bench for $20,OUT: damages in Ju lge McGinns court this week. Mr. E. M. Tobin of Eastern Oregon nas purchased half interest in the con­ fectionery and grocery of A. M. Simons. Be-t success to the new firm. Tne Parent Teacher's Club ba«i a very enjoyable time last Friday evening at the Woo>imere school. City Snpt. Aiderman visited the Association and favored the larue a «diem-e with one of his helpful addresses. Every one re­ ports a very succeeful meeting. Don't put off your spring pa|«erit,g an«! kalsomining till the busy -eaaon. Have it don NOW an«! save money. Raiph P. La«*i*-i«ce. Tabur 4762. Watches, Jewelry Repair Work G. F. Rusch Tailor to Men and Women Remember the Name—BOHNA WHEN YOU WANT LIGHT GROCERIES, BAKING GOODS. CONFECTIONERY, CI­ GARS, FRUITS. VEGETABLES. ETC. The best vaiUe» in home furnishings at lowest pri ------ K - . A .rthy & i «> . Lente. I MARFS, HORSES, WAGONS ami HARNE-S Call at Grange Store Kstzky Bros. L» honse. two blocks from station T. Y. Cadaell In Oregon’s Most Reliable Association MO.NKV 'TO LOAN PROTECTION^ ND BENEFITS FURNITURE FOR MODERATE RATES John Brown, Gresham, Ore. NEW YEAR and for many years after' That’» the kind we -ell exclusively. Look around your home anepartment L, «18 Bldg , Denver. Colo., or Department 1, 749 Henry Bldg., Seattle, Wash, THERE IS ONLY ONE Brugger’s Bakery’ and that is the old Bakery on Nelson St. near Station, on the car line. We Sell 3 Large Loaves Hot Bread 10c Stale Bread 2 Loaves for 5c Minimum expenses enable us to sell cheaper and better Bakery Goods than any other. Formerly 6 years proprie­ tor of this Bakery, we advertise no hot air. TRY Brugger's Bread, TRY any other kind, you will say That Brugger’s Bread is the BEST MISCELI. ÁNKOCS We buy and sell «ec«»nd hand furniture ami stove». Alvord’« Furniture Store 111 Main St. For Frost Bites and Chapped Skin. For fro«t bitten ear», finger» and toes; «■)iap|H-d hands an«I lips, chilblains, cold »on**. r>*«l an«l rough skins, there i* noth­ ing to equal Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. Sups tlie pain at one*« and heals quickly. In every home there should lie a bog handy all the time Best remedy for all skin disease», Itrhingerawma. tetter, pile««, CM 25c. All druggist« or by mail, R. L luchen A Cs nviiceiplm st it. Issu A fine grater it better than a knife for removing the surface of anything that it burned—Toledo News-Bee 0 Discount On any New Suit, Ladies or Gent’s. Usual Quality and Make No Stamps, You Get the Disconnt JOHN MANZ, Main St. Lents CLEANING PRESSING Repairing