Doings of Our Neighbors Sand and Gravel at Reduced Prices Prompt Delivery R. Heyting MNt. anil 4.5th Ave.. H. E. CHERRYVILLE ■------------------------ and Blade to Order Repaired J. P. Nordin Main Ntr»*«l tanto, Oregon Rose City Van and Storage Company Make* all pointa between Portland and tanto on Mt. Scott Line. Freight, Express, Baggage and all binila of Transfer Work. tanta Office ... Foster Road tanta Phonea .... Tabor 1424 Home B «111 F. W. Tu say, Manager Ask for R im * City Van EveningTelegram and HERALD One Year $4.50 Address^ Beaver State Herald Lents. Oregon ■ Worm: The Const of Tier Child'« Paint. A foul, disagreeable breath, dark cir­ cle« around the eyes, at time« feverish, with great thirst; cheek« flushed ami then pale, abdomen swollen with «harp cramping pain« are all indications of A. D. KENWORTHY 4 CO. worm». Don’t let your child suffer— iKkapw Wsns IBtr will give sure relief. It Funeral Directors kills the worms—while its laxative effect add greatly to the health of yotir child l>y removing the dangerous and disagree­ L 0. 0. F. BUILDING able effect of worms and parasites from Taiior 52H7 the system. IlckasM Wsns killer as a health Lents, Oregon producer should be in ev.-ry household. Perfectly «ale. Buy a box today. Price 25c. All Druggist« or by mail. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Dr. A. A. Swennes mckspoo InPisn MM Ck HIM. ST St iMit PKNTHT (leneral Dental Practice Hours: a ma; Krening« by appointment Office In connection with Or. Fswrett Phone Tnhor .1X14 Main Rt. anil Footer Ro«d t*nli 4 Phonon: Main 430, Home A 4558 Dunning & McEntee FUDERtL DIRECTORS Seventh and Ankeny Street« Portland .... Own LODGE DIRECTORY. Rhlloh Circle No. I», Uff ie« of 11. A H. meeU tal ami *1 Ratnnlay evenlnf« In I.O. <>. F. hall, 14-nta. I.lllah Maltet, Pre»., Carrie Ingle«. 8> c'y. Bheep If given a place on tbe farm will help you rid the place of uoxiou» w « m *»1 s and pay a reve­ with this one« a month will never be ' nue while doing it. troubled with mites To produce good mutton and • ■ a fine quality of wool sheep must have a good pasture. Continuoua MINCEMEAT. grazing ou tbe same pasture la The following ingredients are used . uudeeirable. in making mincemeat Two pounds of A sheep will take cold in spite of Its fleece of warm wool If lean beef, weighed after chopping; one obliged to lie In a draft. pound of beef suet, chopped very fine; The man who to gruff, rough five pounds of apples, two pounds of and unkind should keep oat of tbe sheep bu»*»e»» Sheep thrive raisins, one pound sultanas, two I only when handle«! by Intelligent pounds of currants, three-quarters of and sympathetic men. a pound of citron, two tablespoonfuls Even if your flo«-k are not thor­ [Thia mattar rnuat not be reprinted with­ oughbreds it pay» and pays big of grated nutmeg, two tablespoonfuls | out »pedal parmlMlon.J to have a registered thorough of mace, one tablespoonful each of, bred ram at its head ground cloves and allspice, one table- | It 1« «aid to require 45.000.000 tons spooonful of salt, two pounds of I of Ice In u »Ingle umhii to keep tbe i-l-i -m-iH-i -1 I l ilt i I ■< 4 -1 -i-1-4-4-» brown sugar, one pint of beat brandy, food and drinks of tbe people of the one quart of sherry Boil the meat j United State» cool. TESTING DAIRY COWS. A little taate ol winter. The beautiful »now ia covering the ground with a white mantle. It ia not known at thia writing what la the reault of the trial of J. T. Freil ol Oregon City tor Illegal Belling of liquor aa Mr. and Mr«. Friel have not returned That Prince of Good Fellow», “Ligo" Coleman, the veteran mountain guide and one of the proprietora of the hotel at Government Camp »topped at the hotel one day laat week ami aaid the anow at the Camp waa aliout 7 feet while at thia time laat year it waa alxiut twice aa deep. He «1« expecting a party of people from Portland laat week whoareouton a «kieing expedi­ tion. They Intended to remain two or the day before it is wanted Remove Some men are known by the com three day« eliding down the mountain t all bits ¿>f gristle and fat, chop very pany they keep »nd others by tbe kind finely Shred and chop the suet as ' aide. Mr. Coleman aaid the enow that of a lantern they carry around when fell the balance of thia month would fine as possible Mix these with the they are doing chores. atay on tbe ground awhile but the finely choppea apples, raisins and oth- ■ anow that fell next month and later er ingredients in a preserving pan and Twenty-five thousand boats are em then place on the stove and heat to ' ployed In the Engllab fisheries Indus­ would aoon disappear. Tom Galarneau ahot a large wild cat I boiling point. Add the brandy and try. which gives employment to more laat week up near hia claim eouth of sherry and put the whole mixture into | than 100.0W men and boya. town. Thia big brute weighed nearly a stone jar, which must be rendered I Keep in a cool, dry place | A [xiuiid of mutton can be produced fifty pound« and waa ju»t getting ready airtight to apring at Tom when it received the and it will be ready for use through | at a tes« cost than any other kind of meat and in spite of this It is seldom fatal ahot. Tbe Ault Iota and Frank out the winter seen In the average small town mar­ Slone Bliot five wild cate in one trip up ket. on Evergreen mountain. One ferocious ENTERTAINING FAD. brute that waa smoked out of a hollow [ Wrapping cabbages In paper and log whipped five doga tiefore it waa How to Give a Unique and Popular placing them In |>a;»er sacks in a dry killed. place in the cellar Is said to be an ex­ Card Party. The paper« aay, the big xubaidized Any game of card* may bo played cellent method of keeping them in papers, that President Wileon Intenda that the b<>»te»A prefer» or that is good condition through the winter. to elevate Taft to the Chief Juaticealdp i popular in the t»wn Request tbe j Two hundred dollars was refused for <>n tbe supreme bench. They «ay* ao gueata to drras In costume» reprenent- because they hope ao, firing employed ing either the face or suit cards. For the prixe winning Rhode Island Red by big business, but tbe President is , Instance, have two five of diamonds— cock at tbe American Royal show re­ too smart to give thia old reactionary ' one a lady and one a man—so that cently held at Kaunas City. This bird has won tlnit In every show in which such an elevate I position ae judge who when all bave arrived ;>srt ner» may he ha» tiren entered and belongs to a be chosen for the first game The would veto the act paeeeii bv both prix«*» may be a handsome deck of Mr Foster of Kansas City. bouses, forbidding railroad» from cards In a case, a book on card games, shipping liquor into “dry" territory fern« growing In a pretty Jar, a bit of Some rather extensive experiments and pardoning the big sugar magnates brass or a piece of pottery. which bave been conducted by rhe while the poor clerks were allowed to | Tbe score cards may In* cut out of Iowa experiment station In tbe matter languish in jail, is not worthy of any > cardlioard In the shape of diamond», of keeping apples In cold storage show public office. Taft has not only lost hearts, clutm and spades Tbe mark­ that little danger results from allow­ 70 pounds in avoirdnpoia but he lias ers may be of these same figure«, cut ing apples to freexe in storage If care 1» taken that they thaw out gradually. lost completely the confidence of the out of thin colored paper and gummed a few day» tiefore they are used, so American people. From the standpoint of the consum­ they will be dry. Tbe entertainment given at the Serve hot I hiu III ou in cups, patties of er. turkeys at from 12 to 15 cents per school house last Friday was very much chicken and »weetbreads, salad, orange pound will be a likely cause of rejoic­ appreciated by those present. Tbe sherbet. small cakes, coffee, nut-«, bon­ ing at a good many Thanksgiving exercises con«isted of a review of the bon« If ice cream is preferred use feasts. These birds have been 20 to life of the great American by tbe the brick cut In thin slices, ornament ' .'10 cents for so many years past that scholars and a short address by tbe with tiny hearts, diamonds, clubs and •i good many folks have forgotten how writer on the public services ai.d pri­ »jMides cut from citron and candled turkey tastes. vate life of Franklin. The scholars also cherries. A ladles' aid society In sn Iowa repeated some of tbe proverbs ol town leased thirty-two acres of land How to Keep Baby Covered. Franklin from Poor Richard's Almanac. An old aide garter solves tbe problem and planted them to oats. The crop The exercises concluded with an * nf Rrlrlred ntr bedetome« without the I was thrashed the other day and account by Mrs. Cooper of her recent torn »beets that safety pin» always amounted to 1,500 bushels, from tbe trip u> Minnesota. perpetrate. To each aide of the crib, sale of which the society will net close around one of the side bars or sewed to $400. This beats serving six or to the mattress by the elastic. fasten , eight fifty cent suppers during the year KEROSENE EMULSION one of the clasps which held the stock- ' for 25 cents. Kerosene emulsion is not only a Ings. These should be placed so that good insect destroyer, but it is cheap­ An interesting fact In connection they come Just to the fold of the bed ly made To make it, dissolve a clothes on each aide. After tbe baby with the life history of the salmon is pound of any good laundry soap in Is la hl' In fasten the clasps to the sheet that after depositing her eggs as far two quarts of water. When soap is and one blanket on each side as if they inland as she can go by leaping pre­ cipitous water falls she dies aud her all dissolved remove from fire and were stockings dead body- is later carried back to the add one gallon coal oil and stir until sen. Tbe females are provided with nearly cool or until it becomes A “Piano" For $10 but one set of ovaries and lay their creamy F’ut in jugs and cork tight, Deposit: balance on easy pay­ eggs when they are four years old. and when wanted for use take one pint of the emulsion to six pints of water and apply with a sprayer if you have one If not. you should buy one An ounce of liquid car­ bolic acid to the emulsion will make it much more effective. You can use one, three or five pounds of soap as you please, according to the amount of spraying you want to do. 1 merely give the proportion here Spray ev­ erything; the roosts, the sides of the house, the roof, the floor; let nothing escape And in case you want to dip fowls during the summer time this emulsion with eight parts oi water, will be found effective in kill­ ing vermin Poultry houses sprayed 4 4 TRADE MARAS D esigns C opyrights A c . Anton» «eniflng it akMi-h and dracrlptlon mar nnlckl, ••rertain our opinion fro» whrtlirr an inv.iilloo 1« probably p»lenlsb|s Communl««. UonaarrMUroonSdAntlnl. HANDBOOK on Patents ■out tree. wel troub­ le». They act. gently anil naturally on the stomach ard liver, stimulate and regulate your bowels end tone up the entire system. Price, 25c. At all Drug­ gists. H E. lucklen A Cl. Piultoelplu or St Issn Not only from the standpoint of the welfare of the boy. but as well from the standpoint of the welfare of the farm and the boy's subsequent Interest tn It, It Is a mighty shortsighted policy to scrimp his schooling for the benefit of the few dollars that may be got out of his labor us a result. It Is all too little schooling the average boy gets at best, and the least his father can do Is to see that he is In school every­ day that It is possible for him to be so long as the boy Is Interested in his work and making the most of hl« time. JONSRUD BROS. BORING OREGON Phon» Sli MIU 1 1-4 mile« «outhe*«t of K»l«o CEDAR POSTS SHINGLES MOULDINGS TURNED WORK LUMBER $6 AND UP Larg* «lock of Ptmemlon Lumber on hand Rough and Pressed lumber for ell purposes •end order to JONSRCb BRi to. Boring BDU FEARY BROS, tue V b I ub of a Milk Producer Can Ba As- Branch Office csrtainad In No Other Way. The dairy farmer who to not testing bls cow» and who doe» not know what they have done for him In actual dol­ lars and cents Is guessing, ami gurose» at the best are Inaccurate. Tbe metbisls of weighing, sampling aud testing tbe milk of tbe individual dairy herd has been explained time and again, says the Kansas Farmer. As a matter of fact it does require a good deal of time to do this, state­ ments to the contrary notwithstanding. However, the time expended in arriv­ ing at the relative merits of each cow and of tbe herd aa compared with oth­ er herds will well repay for the time expended. It to absolutely impossible for any man to guess at the profit of the Individual cow. All signs of eco­ nomical milk production fall in tbe case of tbe dairy cow. If a farmer 8th Street and Foster Road 8. E. AU Work Guaranteed R»-s 1‘tion»» Tabor 445 Temple of Economy P-.ys More lor Second Hand FURNITURE and sells it for less than others The federal government has lately- prepared a bulletin on the growing and curing of popcorn and preparing It for toothsome dishes for tbe table The authors contend that a popcorn breakfast food Is more nutritious than :t good many prepared breakfast foods on the market and much more eco­ nomical. The bulletin states that with an expenditure of from $1 to $1 50 $3'1 worth of homemade breakfast foods i-an be prepared. Stock raisers of Wisconsin are being warned against allowing their young cattle to run In pastures where they will have access to acorns. The eat­ ing of these Is assigned as the cause of a number of eases of poisoning that have I men reported to the state vet­ erinarian. In case of acorn poisoning a half pint of linseed oil with strong coffee Is recommended, and to this it is suggested that a pint of molasses be added. This remedy should be given every eight hours. Daily Mails Mail» ai tli» Lent» poetoffice arriva and départ a» follo ws ; Arrive Départ 6 :0i) A. M 8:20 A. M. 12:40P. M. 1S:15P. M. 3:10 P M. 5:20 P. M. McNeil Bldg, Main SL, Lents Progress in breeding topnotch Percherons in this country has been retarded somewhat by the difficulty of securing high class mares. The French government subsidises ths best Percheron mares, and their owners have been slow to part with them. Some of them bave come to this country every year, however, and the best stallions have been se­ cured by American importers for many years. Their use has pro­ duced a class of mares capable of breeding the best, as has been dem­ onstrated by recent «bows. The success of American breeders In this work Is not surprising. They have not only maintained but Im­ proved every breed they have adopted from the old world. whisks his tail, stands over at tbe knees, arches hto back, stretch»*» tbe head and ueck and placets the hind feet under the body. As a rule, tbe animal He« down very carefully and slowly, or makes attempts to lie down, but sometimes may throw himself recklessly on tbe ground. He may He still or roll null kick violently. He There Is little choke from the stand may sweat protusely and bloat and die point of humanity between the man within four or five hours from the who keeps a horse until It becomes outset. nearly useless and then sells It to During the onset of an attack of some hard hearted brut»' who will coll»* it is well to give one quart of whale the last breath of life out of It raw Hns»*»*«! oil. to which has been In an effort to get It to do a few did addetl one ounce of spirits of turpen­ tars' worth more work, and the Intter tine and two drains of fluid extract of who Is directly responsible for the i»oor nnx vomica. F»»*il «hould he »*ntirely animal's death When a horst* arrives withheld for at least twenty-four at the |s>int where to work It fur hours, but allow plenty of water. If tfier Is sheer cruelty the humane man Moat Is excessive It should be prompt­ will mercifully shoot It. if he ennnot ly relieved with a trocar by an ex­ afford to provide shelter and food for perienced hand. I IV Kalktis. tVash it until ft dies. Ington Experiment Station. Automobile Repairing Prest-O-Lite Service VULCANIZING u. s. DIAMOND GOODRICH Tires Storage Battery Recharging We Carry a Stock of FORD Parts and Accessories Day and Night Service LENTS GARAGE Thin! Ave, and F<*ter Road