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About Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1914)
«ss BEAVER STATE HERALD LENTS, MULTNOMAH CO., OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1914 Subscription, $1.00 a Year. Vol. 12. No. 4 * MULTNOMAH STATE 6- * and HR. GEMIRIA IN BANK SHOWS GAIN The gayest lot of old-young fiAMfS CLAIM ROBBERS ATTACK LINTS HOMI LENTS CITIZEN folks The fire alarm sounded about .twelve —— o'clock Saturday night .rd It was not john AndCfSOn Victim Of RobbtfS necessary to inquire where tbe Are was vi kuvucis and Would be Murderers. Badly It bed already worked its way through Beaten Over Head, Robbed and the roof and wa* lighting tbe length of1 Left for Dead. Second Avenue. Tbe borne of L. H.. they do have *oms times. Saturday Carter waa tbe victim thia time. The The Multnomah Hta'.e Hank's official evening waa one of these occasions and hou»«- was entirely deetroyed with its Indications suggest an organized band contents. Tbe young folks were at the 1 condensed statement which ap|>«ars in a most enjoyable affair is reported. dance and the only thing they raved i of robbers in the neighborhood of Lenta. this issue is very gratifying to the ds Weil they have earned their good times Last Saturday evening was again the was the clothes they wore. |Mjsilors as well as the management of amt it does ue goes! to see them take Tbe Lent» Volunteers responde«l but occasion for ao attack on a citizen of Ì1 that popular banking concern. Ths them. the bnilding waa too far gone to save.' tbit community by a band of three or deposits of the bank still continue to Meigh boring houses were prevented more persons. The attack was some- At tbe installation of the officers of from buriog. grow and ths ever increasing Imsiness Reubin Wilson poet No. 3D. on Januarv Mr. Cartel say* the loss is entirely : thing similar to that of a couple of is a good testimonial of the faith l^ints 3d, Adjutant Genera) Wilson informed bis, probably »1000, as his insurance months since when some Chinese the Poet that the Department Com people have in it. gardeners east of tbe Junction were bad expired some time ago. The absence of over-drafts and a large mander. Taylor, would visit Reubin attacked, bound and robbed. Wilson Poet and Hhilo Circle January cash reesrvr indicata the good condi 17th. Our new Poet Commander, J. Anderson had been attending the tion» the l«nk affaire are in, and the Huntington and the Circle went in for picture show in Lenta and returned to conservative busi tires methods followed a go«*! time am) invited tbe Post E. G. Kardeil of Gresham has been ; hi» bouae a about eleven in the evening. appointed postmaster at Manzinata by the bank officials. The Multnomah mem tier* a* well as the Circle ladle* to help, Hpeaker* and singers were so Beach, just across the Nehalem from His home is north of Foster road an<l Htate Hank was organised about two Fisher’s station on the Tillamook road. back of tbe home of Mrs. Bright. The licit««! to come and have a good time, years sgo aud since that time it has and they ha<l it. Those wb-i missed it street at this place is well lighted and grown nearly twice in site, a condition lost the beet time of their life. Good the side street allows the light to Mrs. Helen M. Heelin baa been ap ol affairs that reflect» credit on tbe r>)d-fa»hioned song* were sung by Com pointed postmaster at Cleone, which by , through and light the front of Ander- management. rade Mills. Speeches were made by the way, will hereafter be known m son’s home. Anyone in it couki well Comrade Boethwick. Coni rade Fargo, z Fairview. see the approach of a person. He Adjutaui («eoeral Williams, Itepart- How Editors Get Rich entered bis house entirely unsuspecting ment Commander Taylor and Mr. and A great many per»» ■ • have wondered Miss Loretta M. Chapman of Gilbert and waa immediately attacked. Tbe how editors all get rich so quick and Mrs. Hines. Station won a one year state certificate room was dark and he could see no with such small effort*. One of them ' After the speaking and tinging they one. They threw a quilt over his bead at the >ec«nt examinations. who ha* grown rich has at last told the had a social half hour after which they and tried to tie him down but he waa marched to tbe dining room where a secret about it. He outline* it as fol Tbe Beaver Motor Company has still *° Th*y the\bo,d fine supper was served. A very pleas lows to begin work on it. plant at Gresham. b1“ ™ J"00*6 bnt “A nursery (rm will send ue a 25 ant evening was spent. One cannot .. . ,__ _ .. - . . . be jerke<i this off and in the attempt help feeling good in a time like this, It baa been making a lot of promises K cent rosebud for only I-’’ worth of ad- , , . , one of the fellows got hie finger in An- and in an order that no one can belong but tbe peop.e are anxious to see some . , , . vert wing. demon s mouth and got it badly “For running a six-inch advertise to except thoee who aie entitle«! to _____ crimped. Then followed a free fight. ment for one year, we can get a groee of | »ear th* little bronze button and the Tbe aseailanta were armed with a club I««lie« Auxiliary. We hope this will pills. Pies*ant Valley has one of the live »nd probably with one or more eand- They have a Circle "By running nve dollar* worth ol not stop here library aseociations of the county and a bags. Anderson got control of tb* club locate free ami getting a 50 cent paid i equal to the beet and it is always ready branch library. once, but in passing it from hie left For 100 names of people in or near Lents. Give full to help the Poet. dieplay. -------- to his right band they knocked it out name and street aadress of heads of families. ’’About one dozen firm* are wanting of hie hands and be had to fight with- Claude Coons, of Troutdale was sen-j to give up share« in gold mines for Kansas Club to Mett tenced by ludge Morrow to serve go out help, He landed at teas« three advertising. The January meeting of the Kanaas Mrs. Richard Whitcomb Burned Ramapo Home Robbed good blows in tbeir face« and Bcralched days on the rockpile for supplying Allen "For »♦' worth of advertising and \ Club will be held on Friday evening i Wednesday evening about seven Tiller, a minor, with beer. Wbat might have been a robksgy one fellows face with hie fingers and and |28 cash we can own a bicycle. Tbe January 30, at Aliaky Hall, Third and jerked out another’s moustache. But oocurad at the borne of Mr. tirar'.^Al o’etaTM. Mr* Whitcomb, wife of "Dick” wheel sell» at )uet »12. Morrison. Thia new onfamzauon ia be could not stand the terrible rain of "A fellow Ea»t wante us to run a lot 1 showing much interest and the January Ramapo station, Monday evening aliout Whitcomb was completing some County Commissioner Hart has de blows they rained upon his head. They of advertising for him lor nothing, an«l meeting will be a particularly intereet 8 :«>. Mr. Grass was returning borne kitchen work, and »be eet a can of hot cided to undergo an operation for a diffi finally got him down and not til) they >! It brings result* he may become a | mg one. It will commemorate and as he came up the step* some one lar«l in the sink. A drop of water from culty that has been bothering him for had sworn to kill him and apparently I "Kansas Dav," the date when that customer. struck him down. When he got to his the faucet fell into it ami an explosion the past year or two. had done it, did they quit. Then they "For running »12 wortn of locate we ; •tale came into the Union. A special occurred. Hot grease covered her arms went through hie pockets and took all leet the intruder was gone. Owing to tan get two ticket* admitting u* to I program is being prepared and a light to the elbows, and her waist, but none they could find, something over »12. Kannie Colwdl moat any »how. l>an<|Uet will be spread. Persons native the other numerous offenses in this lo struck her face. Her arms were A very pretty home Wedding took They were not satisfied with thia. One "A gun Arm want» us to run »19 born, or who have lived in Kanaas five cality recently, it issupposed the pet son covered with burnt. Tbe grease fell on of them said he ought to have over worth of advertising ami then send »10 year* are eligible to membership and al) must have contemplated entering the the wall and window curtains back of place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. forty dollars and they searched again. Charles F. Zinser on east Mt. Scott, at gun in exchange for a shotgun. Much a eligible* are especially invite«! to this h- use but was afraid of discovery. tbe sink, and took fire. By quick work Anderson played dead. They tied hia would retail at about »6. meeting. ' she put out the flame», after throwing 8.30 Thursday evening, when Miss Vera feet and handsand then.went through Nothing was disturbs«!. Colwell of Portland and Mr. Walter "By running »50 worth of advertising [ a quilt over the children. When Dick i the house thoroughly, tearing up tbe and sending »’.’5 to an Atlantic City I got home, about ten minutes later, he Karnie of Harmony were united in carpets and leaving things in perfect HOW TO MAKE AND Marriage by the Rev. Ed. Hornschurch fl rm we will be given a dee* I to a lot. i found the home safe but tbe wife was MR. AND MRS. LLOYD READ BOTTLE GOOD CIDER paster of the First English Evangelical ! chaoe, and tbe room was as blooiiy aa a When the tide is in the lot stands six LOSE INFANT SON feeling tbe first pain from her serious church, of Portland. | slaughter pen. leet under water. , burns. A bountiful application of oint After some time Anderson got him The Bridal Party entered to the strains Please tell me how to make and I • When a man dies the undertaker ment relieved her and it is believed no self loose and came to Lenta for assiat- Mr. Lloyd Read and wife of 6th Ave , of the "Wedding March” playe«! by A)»o how to make gets from »75 to »150 to bury him, and bottle cider serious results will ensue. ance. He went to Dr. Fawcett’s office Miss Marie Beech. Miss Josephine Col n litle son are the •a.I pa rents of the editor gets nothing for publishing champagne cider well, a sister of the bride was brides for treatment. He was in a frightful (a) To have good bottled cider it eighteen days old who succumbed his obituary.”—Ex Mrs. Perry Powell Dies maid and Mr. Pen-ey Brown as best man condition. Both eyes were swollen it necessary first that care should be January 20th, to an attack of the Mrs. Perry Powell of Powell Valley The couple stood under an arch beauti abut, his noee and face were scratched taken in its manufacture Apples To Make Paper-Hanger's Paste meaelee. 1 he funeral was held Wednes- road and 82n<l street died Tuesday at fully decorated in green and white with an«! cut and tbe top of hie bead waa Beat 1 pounds of wheat flour in suf picked by h#nd and perfectly ripe and day at 10 a. m. and interment was in 4 p.m. She has been ailing since the a bell suspended in the center, the entire beaten to pulp and gashed all over. It ficient cold water to form a stiff batter sound are essential to the best quality Multnomah cemetery. death of her husband. Dec . 29. Over house was beautifully «iecorate«] with was necessary to take him to ths hoe- until all lumps are diaaolvsd and then They should ltv sometime after pick work, worry, an<l a cold about that green and white streamers and "Oregon | pital next morning for it was feared that his skull was fractured. add more water to make it the con ing. They should then be torted. time reduced her vitality, stomach grape.” The last meeting of the Ranapo Music Neighbor* and officers were soon in sistency of pudding batter. Add 2 their surface wiped dry. and all the al and literary club was held at the resi disorders followed and paralysis of the Refreshments were served in the ounces of well pounded alum, then rotten fruit rejected. The cider may organs. Mrs. Powell was 66 years of dining-room wliere 50 relatives and in i th* field looking for tbe villian«. The dence of Mrs. Anderson. a very pleasant pour in boiling water, stirring rapidly I then be made in the usual manner by and interesting programme was given, age. The funeral will he h«dd Friday timate friends of the bride and groom sheriff's office responded with several The cider : deputies and Mr. Word himself and the and when it loses the white color it is | grinding and, pressing persons reporting with at eleven o’clock at the nouse. Mrs. gathere«l for the wedding dinner. ¡should then be stored in a cool piace thirteen rooked. Allow to cool before using. Powell was a sister of Mrs. Gray of The bride and groom receive«! many country for miles around waa pretty I to mature. After three or four months music, recitations or reading*. Tlie next I«ents. thoroughly searched but apparently lieantiful ami costly gifts. i it should be racked off carefully, and meeting will be held at Mr. C. H. . nothing has come of it. Tbe thieve« Ways of Brightening Carpets then fined by adding to each hogs- Bateture’s. Everv one is Io king for a seem to have vanish««! and unless some Tlie Oregon Agricultural College has A good way to brighten a carpet is to - head a pound of isinglass finings In good time. Farmers of Oregon who «leterinine to new clue develops there is ii tie chance enrolled 1649 students for this year’s put a half tumblerful of spirits of ¡two weeks from the time that the fin- make corn one of their crops next year of bringing them to justice. I' 1 | 1... g.. »« i r. 1. .. 1 i a a« I Vx *V ll.Z, / A - a _ ~ turpentine in a basin of water, dip the | mgs are added it should be again rack The young ladies of the M. E. Church work, an increase of 2U percent over tlie will be furnished free • ...A st>ed by the O. W. Anderson’s house was entered several broom in it and sweep over the carpet ed off, and if found sufficiently cleat known a* tne S. E. T. Clud met at the i number entered a year ago The students i R. «k N. Co. < on condition ........................ .... ....... that they dayy before the date given and an over- once or twice. Another way for clean and sparkling it is ready for bottling: home of Miss Lona Crandell. 7th and represent not only Oregon, but 30 other plant, cultivate and harvest the corn in wat stolen. It seems that a care- ing dusty carets is to rub them over if not it should be again fined and al Mt. Scott Ave. Tuesday evening. A state* of tlie Union and 8 foreign count- | tlie manner prescribe«! by the company s , fu||y thought out robbery had been with dani|>end med ami when perfect lowed to stand for two weeks Before large nnniber were present and a most ; ries. Many of tlie students come from crop experts. Since the corn show last p]anne«i but Anderson prove«! too much ly dry sweep over with meal. After it bottling, the bung should be left out enjoyable evening passsd. The club states which maintain agricultural col- ball many inquiries regarding seed have . (or them They carried no .¡rearms ae for them. They carried no fi rearma ae is thoroughly swept rub with a cloth of the casks for ten or twelve hours plan* to hold a meeting Tuesday evening i leges of their own. lieen received. an«i as long as it will je evident from the fact that the fight dip|>ed in water and ammonia to bright to pirmith the escape of carbonic acid of each week at the home* of different i reach the corn exhibit will be distributed that he gave them would have called en the color. Marketing farm crops by pan-el I MlSt among interested farmers. The company Out tbe guns if they had had them, gas. The cider may then be placed mem here. is to lie given a rather severe trial in is planning to organize boys corn clubs Anderson had a lot of notes and securi- in bottles and the corks loosely placed Wallowa County where two carloads of thronghout its territory an«i will offer ties in the house that tbe thieves over in The bottles should then be allow ADVERTISED LEITERS How to Cars For Ovsrahoos. timothy *«ed is rea«iy for delivery It prizes to the lad* raising tlie beet field |,x>ge(| or disregarded. He also owns a stand twenty-four hours The cd to When buying overshoes be careful to Advertise«! letters for week ending of Gilbert gtation, on tha corks may then be driven in and wired see that you ret those that have not is aaiil the *ee«l can be moved by mail I at corn in the largest quantities per acre (>rm January, 17. 1914. a considerable saving in transportati' ion The con.pany will require each farmer R<)Uth side of Johnson creek, tw-»-ti left over from last season. Even do* n If the corks are driven in and what waa Allay, Mrs Hallie; Baveau, Mrs. expense. receiving free see«! to agree to dispose formerly the Smith place. Lillie; Bright, Margaret; Bryant, Mr. wired down when the cider is first put the l>e«t quality will deteriorate during I ----------------------------- tlie heat of summer and wear out of none of his crop except for seed anil W. H.; Curtía, Walter; Davie, Frank; into bottles there will be great danger much faster than the new stock. if lie has more than enough for his own Mrs. Bertha Mense, of Seattle is visit of breaking the bottles hy the accumu Davis. Miae Edith; Draper, Will, (2); Under tlie co-operation of the Agri- The crncka In rubber overshoe«, which Esty. John; H ighton, Mr». E. M.; lating pressure of the gas AB addi will mmm result in holes, rendering the ing her mother Mrs. C. O. Bbelps. 117 and his neighbors use, the company will cultural College and the So. Pac. Ry., buy it from him at 10 per <*nt above Koala. M'ldrrd; Knngla, Matamaa; tions of flavoring materials are a de -hoe useless. may lie nicely mended 5th Ave. it is planned to run a diary and hog current market prices. Kittrell, lues; Law rey, Sherman; cided damage to cider made from a with a ple«‘e of surgeon’s adhesive special train through the Willamette A bunch of the Lent* Volunteer Maye, Henry; Martin, VaJ; Maaby, W. fine quality of fruit, though they may plH«t«T. Fit a piece of rubber or thick Valley, proliably starting about Febru- If felt Into the heel and then «over this I attended the big fire in Portland E.; Muller, August; Olsen, Nels; improve juice of a poor quality There are somewhat more than B0o aryl. Tlie plan contemplates making Pleasantin, Van; Porter, Harry; Rag, the directions here given be strictly with the plaster It will l»e a prote«- Wednesday night. And Chief Ravbnrn recognized tree species in the Unite«! a special campaign on «lairying, silos and waa mistaken for the Department Chief States, ol which about 10O are com- hog raising. The train will not only Tho. H. Role*. Robert C ; Robbins, T. followed a delicious cider will be pro 'Ion against wear. When rubbers look old apply a coat several times. Now what do yon think To make champagne cider B.; Hyerb, August; Hwan. Eminent; duced mercially important for timber. Of the carry the mostm«*lem dairy equiptment, Van Horn, Annie; Wenat, Otto; take. good, pale vinous cider, one Ing of patent leather shoe polish and of that? 500 recognized species, 300 are r»-pre- but it will also earry a number of cows they will lie like new. Woodard, Mrs. M. R.; Wolfe. Mrs. A. hogshead; proof spirit, three gallons; sente.) in the government's newly I of the ditfrent breóle, also 15 or 20 hogs honey of sugar, fourteen pounds Mix Wright. A. L. Appalachian forests. All representing Kith «l.-si rabie and undesire- Mr. Churchill, of St. Paul, Oregon acquired Hew te Remove Match Scratches. Geo. W. Spring. Postmaster. well, and 1 t them remain together in When paints bn ve become scratched has trade«I his property at that place lor American species, except a very few able specimens, treat«-d from the stand a moderately cool place for one month with matches rub them first with a the property owned by J. E. l.onck of subtropical ones on the Florida keys point of the marketable animal, Short Lloy«l Davi» completed some very and then add orange flower water, slice of lemon and then wash x with Fonrth Ave. J, E Louck moving on the and in extreme southern Texas, are to *»<>;* will tie maile at important point* attractive window sign* for the Lents three pints, and in a few days fine it ««»up and water. This removes all farm near St. Paul that was owned by be found in one or another of the and lecture« given by experta from the down with skimmed milk trine* of tlie match scratches. college. Mr. Churchill. I national forests. Hardware Company this week. The Deposits ol the Bank Ate on aronrid l^nts are those Who have associ the Steady Increase From Month ated themselves in tbs G. A. R. and to Month. Large Cash Reserve W. R. C. The»« young septuagenarians Indicates Bank in Good Condition. bold socials about twice in a while and * V ■r i K'l AROUND THE COUNTY A NEW PAIR OF SCISSORS ¿MT