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About Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1914)
NEWS NOTES OF CURRENT WEEK New Discovery Shakes Theory of Astronomy U. S. Given Free Rein; Must Aiwume Obligation« OJINAGA TAKEN BY REBEL ARMY San Francisco—The highest signifi Washington, D. C. — Frequsnt •«- cance, in the opinion of astronomers changes and conferences between tbs at the University of California, at ambassadors and ministers in Wash taches to an announcement just made ington are tending to unite them on a by Dr. William Wallace Campbell, di rector of Lick Observatory. of a - line of conduct regarding Mexloo eovery which affects the whole theory which, while conforming to the plans of modern astronomy. of the United States, Involves an un The discovery relating to the stars derstanding as to obligations the as sources of light and to the trans- American government will be expect The entire country east of the Rock- mission of light waves through ether Hhort of Ammunition, No Resist ies ia in the grip of winter. opened a new problem to »cient ed to assume as a result of her atti ance la Made to Final Blow - ista. The solution may establish a tude of non-interference. A tidal wave flooded a portion of new law of physics. In that case, Refugees In Had Plight. So far thia common understanding Callao, Peru, doing great damage. astronomy must in turn rest on a new has not taken the form of direct^pres- ' Grain buyers have been forced to ***•'•’ -It ***s has been found, raise their limit in order to secure ^oun^> ” says Dr. sure, but the State department Is kept Prssldio, T»X.- The Moxican feder Campbell, (.ampbell, in announcing his discov informed of the expectation« of the al army with its nine gsnsrals, evac- ery. through the president of the uni uni- General informs- uatsd OJinaga, Mex„ at 10 o’clock .Hat- European powers. <______ ________ Sixty-one converts to the Apostolic versity. “that some variable star« Ths triumphant rebel tlon relates to the protection of the night. Faith were baptised in the Willamette reach their maximum brilliancy at ’ I financIaHntereeui' which "eitiaena rurcMS •*** iteerl»«« G*n*r^ /rancteco Villa river in Portland. different times, depending on whether /-> ___ • • T"'l • II .nd subject, of the power, have in I »«’■«•• 1 leeing liUT) Severe winter weather is causing the observer is measuring their bright- VOmiTlUniCatlOn U-Ut Uli Mexico, no disposition l>eing exhibited fhe defeat of the federal army fol- nest by means of the red. orange and *"* many of the Michigan copper mine of an intention to bring in the politl- lo*^ •»««’ «IfMlng In yellow rays. or by means of the blue strikers to desert. In fact whlch the rebels, beginning at sun and violet rays. An express clerk and 89.575 in cash more than one of the diplomatic rep down, started to clone in on the be “The problem of explaining this are missing from the Wells-Fargo ex discrepancy calls strongly for solution resentatives here has Informed the de sieged garrison with a terrific firs of press office in Fort Smith. Ark. partment that his own government cannon, shrapnel and rifles. “Is the phenomenon due to conditions Genera) Castro and Generaal Mer was interested in preventing loss of It is expected that workers in all existing in the stare as light sources, large material Interests to its citisens, cado, of the federal regulars, saw that lines will join the railway strikers in or are we dealing with a fundamental communication is impeded by the and beyond that did not care what the the assault was to be nothing leas than South Africa and serious trouble is ex question relating to the transmission The federate hail left heaps of ashes and the tracks have United States did in Mexico, so long a masaacre. of light waves through interstellar pected. been torn up by the earthquakes. as it was informed of what was to be only 50 rounds of ammunition for each space? A cloudburst struck San Franciaco. General Castro and Mercado The violence of the eruption of done, so that it might take proper pre man. “If the latter condition is existent, one-fifth of an inch of rain falling in therefore gave the order to evacuate. Sakura Jims is so great that ahowers cautions for the protection of the lives the foundation of observational astron All the federal soldiers and their offi ten minutes, paralyzing business and of dust are falling here, although the of ite citizens. omy is affected." doing much damage. distance between Nagasaki and the i The Red Cross authorised the Stats cers who could scramble to the Ameri island of Sakura is about 90 milre department, through Vice Consul Sim- can side did so. The others ran in all President Wilson announces that a A refugee who arrived here from pich at Nogales, Sonora, to draw an directions. new anti-trust law and a rural credit General Pascual Oroaco, commander Kagoshima gave the following account additional 86000 for use in relieving system will be the next important of the disaster: destitute in the interior of Sonora. of federal volunteers, threatened with issues before congress. “The eruption started Sunday night Dr. Mensendieck, the American phy- summary execution by Villa, was the The board of trustees of the Uni with columns of thick black smoke sician now at Vaca, will supervise the first to cross. It was believed he es Par s — People of Western France caped into the mountains of Texas. versity of Pennsylvania has declared were startled Saturday night by the and flames from the crater of Sakura expenditure of this fund. Twenty-eight hundred Mexican fed in favor of allowing professors entire passage of an enormous meteor. The Jima Hundreds of the inhabitants ............. ■ 1 ■■ eral soldier», six generals, 200,000 freedom of thought in their teachings. phenomenon took the form of an im rounds of ammuntion, two cannon, The United States will shelter and mense train of intense white flames, four large field pieces and 1500 civil feed the entire Mexican federal force rushing across the sky at terrific ian refugees were In the custody of that escaped across the line after the speed. It was accompanied by fre the United States army border patrol ned them across three mile« 'of water battle at Ojinaga. also all civilian quent and deafening explosions, which to Kagoshima ashes, stones and par- Paris—Jules Vsdrines, one of the as the result of the rout of the federal broke windows. refugees. tides of white lava all the while fall- two French aviators who recently flew army and its flight Into American ter Apparently the meteor fell into the Grabbing stumps on state land for ritory and the occupation of the village sea beyond Paimpol on the English At Kagvshima the heat was In- * t «’ro, was ordered by by General Francisco Villa’s rebels, board and a small wage is the pros Channel, causing disturbances in that pect held out by Salem. Or., authori •»re* The constantly increasing hail **** French National Aerial league to Ths distress of the refugees is ap- district which were mistaken for an ties for any I. W. W. forces who come of glowing cinder» mads it imDoisible I ’ ve satisfaction immediately to palling. Men, women, children, doge, earthquake. fc/the cozens to reuJn Henry Roux. hi. rival, who elro ae- and ehidtM. and e.ttte sre packed to- tbeir way. gether in a apace covering several The horror was increased by the «.mpH.bed the flight, Daughters of the American Revolu Rous chal acres About them are scattered all shaking caused by incessant earth tion protest to the mayor of Philadel lenged Vsdrines to a duel after the the wrack and turmoil they brought in quakes, whiek rocked ths houses all } phia against removing the Liberty day. More than 350 shocks were re- latter had struck him in the face dur- flm-mg from the Ojlnaga battle. Bell to the San Francisco exposition Washington. D. CL—A plea for the Urgent requests for Immsdiate re I ing an altercation. cv-rded before nightfall. for exhibition. weeding out of undesirable men in the moval of the soldiers and refugees to The . peop.« fled in disordered ___________________________ The quarrel between the two svia . Inhabitants of the Western part of navy "by increasing the recruiting ta succor aad supplies to Kago- ¿reres axieg the highways, ¡reding tore arose because Roux is alleged to some other place were sent by Major the island of Ambrym. New Hebrides, stations at the expense of the pris a. west asm north of the city. They bad have requested the Turkish officials McNamee to the War department were driven by volcanic eruptions to ons,” has been submitted by the bouee General Hliaa. s population ef the city of Kago- acsmfcoed everything in their flight, not to assist Vedrinss on hie flight in through Brigadier take refuge in boats, the entire island committee on naval affaire _ by Rear Generate Mercado, Castro, Orpbinal, a. which is buried aianoet .-’.-■mple- aad soon they were suffering also from the Orient. being devastated. Admiral Blue, chief of the bureau of Romero, Aduno and Landa are in cus ia volcanic ashes and stcees, was ack «/ food aad drink. AU the celebrations which had been navigation tody of the United States troops a) at the Last census. The pepa When I left Kagoshima the vol- “Mother” Jones, who makes it her arranged in honor of Vedrines by the Admiral Blue said tteere »v only a ■ of the adjo—13< :»'-*ad ef Sa raao resembled an’enortaous set piece French colony in Cairo have been can awaiting their disposition by the War business to help strikers whenever she department the center of the d:scxrhaace. is ef treworks, gio wing from the foot celled. can reach the scenes of their activi small percentage of navy offenders General Pascual Orosco and General -. as 15.(Wd. Cte this tais*! hss- to the soaisiit. Dunag the night the ties. has been arrested by the Colorado whose conduct involved prison sen Ynes Salazar, federal volunteer com i are reported to tare per-ahed gioenag lava illuminated the entire militia for trying to aid striking min tences and that if they could be sum marily discharged the navy srould be manders, escaped along the border to sth the streasts of tare from the «strict. The volcano constantly ers in that state. better off and the government could a point remote from Presidio. Sala no of Sakura Jisa. Masy more <m.ttad thaaderoao explosions.” The zar was wounded. They were accom It is reported that Wilson contem save money in prison expenses. abtedly were drowned while aS . ssroing reek aad ashes set fire to sea Waahington. D. C. — The survey panied by General Carevee, General “If one-fourth of the money now plates the appointment of Taft to the ting to escape. eeal vtitagaa At Mojí, on the Kiushiu ship Eagle, at Gonaives, Hayti, has Rojas and 300 cavalrymen. Salasar spent on prisons were added to the re Supreme court of the United States. ctors aad hospital attendants tare railway. IM pet-sons were killed. Sev- cruiting.” he said, “the nary would setst to the scene, but it is !:£- era. vt leges atoog the foot of the vol been ordered to Port au Prince, a sail and Orosco are being watched for in Assurance is given that Portland’s be well supplied with excellent men. of only a few hours, to observe the la the United States on indictments to reach the spot, as railroad cano were boried is streams of lava. new poetoffice and Federal building permitting the discharge of the un test revolution, st the request of the charging them with violating the neu will be completed within a year. trality laws. desirables and dissatisfied. This State department. The arohip Petrel General Landa said he was certain would make desertions unnecessary. A 20-foot boat supplied with the air or the Nashville may be ordered to all the federal generate escaped. propeller and engine of an aeroplane A recruit costs the government 82" to Hayti from Dominican walers if the made 36 miles an hour up and down enlist and 860 for an outfit, while the New York—Vincent Astor has no revolution should take on a more ser average cost of a prisoner is from Coos Bay, Or. 8450 to 8500. Besides, the service of Spokane. W ash. — Poetoffiee inspec present intention of becoming a So ious aspect. Meager reports to the Slate depart Five men, including one patrolman, a prisoner is a dead loss. I think the tors received telephone calls from cialist. Astor, in a long letter in re were injured in riots in San Francisco punishments are too severe in a great worried rural delivery carriers, ask ng ply to Upton Sinclair's letter urging ment were summarized io thia state Portland — A newspaper served as ment - between the unemployed and the offi many eases and this subject vri II re aid. The carriers who ride horseback him to join the Socialists, not only ex fire extinguisher Sunday when sun “ The State department is informed cers and citizens. ceive the serious consideration of the from Paradise. Or., to Anatoce. presses his determination not to be a of the capture at Thomaseau of one light concentrated by a magnifying Navy department. ” Wash.. 18 miles, notified the inspec glass hanging In the window of a Jew tors that a man at Paradise is ready Socialist, but goes into some of his Celestin, a Haytian exile, who was the elry store at 191 Morrision street be PORTLAND MARKETS to ship 3600 pounds of timothy seed reasons for believing that the Social promoter of the disturbance on the came focused on a background of aoft by parcel poet. The carrier at Elk ist solution of present-day evils is Haytian frontier. Government troops Wheat—Track prices: Club. 85i*3 occupied Thomaseau on January 2. and woodwork. City, Idaho, telephoned that mine fallacious and impracticable. Noticing a group surrounding the 86c; bluestem. 96c; forty-fold. 86^z after the capture and execution of owners had three carloads of concen 78c; red Russian 85c; valley. 86c. New York — Buffalo in the United trated ore ready for shipment by par Sinclair's argument was that there several revolutionists quiet was re store window about noon when on his way to a restaurant, a fireman investi Oats—No. 1 white, 824.50*325 ton. States are increasing, according to a cel post to the smelter, a distance of were 10,000,000 destitute people in stored. Corn—Whole, 835; cracked. 836 ton. report of the Bison society here. Pro “A spirit of unrest is said to pre gated and found the woodwork smoul 60 miles over mountain roads. the country today, and that Astor s dering. The fireman notified Captain Barley—Feed, 824*324.50 per ton; fessor Franklin W. Hooper, president The inspectors have put in a requis best chance to relieve the suffering of vail in the northern pert of the coun Dalton at fire headqueartcra and when brewing, 825.50; rolled, 826.50(3 of the society, said that with the try. The town of Trou was seized by ition for teams to help out the Idaho 27.50. humanity was by becoming a Social rebels on January 4, and the rebels that dignitary arrived and saw the continued activity of the organization carriers. Hay—No. 1 Eastern Oregon timo and a renewed interest among the ist. Astor’s reply, in part, follows: were report.d afterward to be march- source of the smoke he refused to thy. 816.50; mixed timothy, 814; al people of the United States and Can “Replying. I write to say that I am, ing on Cape Haytien, 20 miles away. allow the show window to be broken. falfa, 814; clover, 9*310; valley grain ada in the buffalo, the animals' future Calling for a newspaper, which was fortunately, associated with various or Port au Prince is quiet.*’ hay, $11018. furnished by one of the onlookers. ganisations which are interested in a is assured. Captain Dalton place«! a sheet over Millfeed—Bran, 821(322 ton; shorts, study ’of sociological questions. In Census statistic« showed that there Washington. D. C.—The army gen one of these are many of the leading the window, thereby shutting out the 823'3 24; middlings, 829(330. were 3453 buffalo in the United States sunlight. The smoke ceased and no Onions—Oregon, 83.25 sack; buy in 1913, an increase of 19 per cent eral staff has completed plana for the officers of the American Federation of ing price 82.75 f. o. b. shipping pointe. over 1912. There were 549 buffalo maximum garrisons proposed for the Labor, and chiefs of railway brother New York—The executive commit alarm was necessary. Hawaiian Islands and the Panama hoods. whose lives and energies are tee of the Union Pacific Railroad com Vegetables — Cabbage, 2c pound; calves boro last year. canal zone. cauliflower. 75cO81.25 dozen; egg devoted to the atudy and solution of pany announced Thursday that it plant, 10*312|c pound; peppers. 6*3 7e It is planned to maintain in the social and industrial problems to would recommend the distribution Jackson Tablet Is Plan. pound; garlic. 12 J'S 15c; sprouts. among its stockholders of the Balti Nashville, Ter.n.—A movement to Hawaiian Islands six infantry, one which your letter refers, 12|e; artichokes. 82 dozen; squash, cavalry and one field artillery regi- “As a result of my association with more A Ohio stock owned by the com Asotin, Wash.—The mail route be build a monument costing 11,000,000 li'itljc; celery. 83.75 crate: hothouse ments, 13 companies of coast artii- the representative labor men referred pany, par value 882,000,000, together tween I^wiston, Idaho, and Baradise, lettuce, 81<S1.25 box; spinach. 75*3 in Nashville to the memory of Andrew lery, one battalion of engineers, twe to. I am ful'y convinced that these with 83 per share in caah. Estimated Or., is handling 3300 pounds of tim President of the signal and two medical corps enm- serious evils which have attended our 80c crate; turnips. 81.25 sack; car Jackson, seventh on the present market value of Balti othy seed by parcel post. Not having rots. 81.10; parsnips, $1.25; beets United States and hero of the battle panic« and one aeronautical platoon. industrial development can be and will more A Ohio stock, this is equivalent sufficient stamps nor sacks enough in of New Orleans, started at a banquet 81.25. In the canal zone the garrison is to be in time eradicated without over to an extra dividend of 33 per cent the Paradise office, requisition had to Cueumbers —Hothouse. 81.50*32 per here Friday night, celebrating the consist of three infantry regiments, turning the fundamental basis upon The executive committee will lay be made for them. The seed is being 99th anniversary of the battle. dozen. one squadron of cavalry, one battlion which our government and our social this recommendation before the board sent via Asotin. The roads are in The movement was put under way of mountain artillery, 12 companies fabric is founded.' ’ Walnut»—Black. 5c per pound. of director« at its coming meeting. It such bad condition the shipper found Poultry—Hens. 16(316|c; springs, with the naming of a committee of 25 coast artillery, one company engi-I recommends, also, that if this distri it cheaper to ship by parcel post than r.eers. , two signal and one hospital I 16*316jc; turkeys, live, 20(322; dress men to form an Andrew Jackson Me- ____ Gold Watch Fatal to Hog. bution is carried into effect the regu to make the trip himself. The rate ed, choice, 25*327|e; ducks, 12*316c; mortal association, of which President corps companies. Rickreall, Or. — That a gold watch lar annua! dividend be correspondingly will be 8104 per hundredweight, Wilson has aseented to become honor geese. 12014c. makes poor food for hogs was demon reduced; that is, from 10 per cent to therefore coating him 834.32. Eggs—Oregon fresh ranch. 34*3 35c ary president. 8396.350 Indemnity Paid. 8 per cent. strated a few days ago, when Frank dozen. Madison. Wis. — In the two yean Anarchy Grips Albania. Pay Asked on 1865 Debt. Kerslake, a well known Polk county Butter—Creamery prints, extras. 33 Carden Held Indiscreet. since the workingmen's compensat.on Vienna —Private letter« from Av- stock breeder, found one of his valu- ! <335c pound; cubes, 30c. Sacramento — A jump backwards Washintgon, D. C.—It is understood Iona depict All«a«ia ns the prey of Pork—Fancy. 10jc pound. into history was taken Saturday by tew went into effect, employers of the able registered hogs dead in a pen Veal—Fancy, UJc pound. the State board of control to consider state have paid 8396,354.53 as in after having eaten ite owner’s fine here that the transfer of Sir Lionel famine and anarchy. Owing to lack Hops—1913 crop, prime and choice, the legality of nearly 50 interest cou demnity to injured workmen and their gold watch. Mr. Kerolake had drop Carden, British minister to Mexico of money, business is at a standstill. dependents. This announcement was ped his watch the evening before City, to Rio Janeiro, was to some ex Exports have ceased and imports are 21(322c; 1914 contracts, 16c. pons issued by the State of California Pelts—Dry. 10c; dry short wool, in 1855 to finance the Indian wars. made by the State Industrial com mis» white feeding the bogs, but did not tent a sequel to the observations of so small that the people face starva ~ amount does not include discover hia loss until he made an Sir William Tyrrell, private secretary tion, Flour and meat are at exorbi 7e; dry shearlings. 10c; green shear The coupons were faded and yellow, si on. The It was then to Sir Edward Grey, British minister tant prices ami other articles of food lings. 10c; salted lights, 60<375c; though the print and the signature of the sum paid under the medical relief I autopsy on the hog. salted heavy, 75(3 90c. Richard Romain, first treasurer of provision of the law, which it is esti- I that he found the watch in the bog’s of affairs, in Washington last Novem can scarcely be obtained. The towna ms ted would equal 50 per cent of ths stomach. Wool — Valley, 14(315c; Eastern California, were still legible. ber. Sir William noted the impres and villages are overran with beggars, Then Oregon, 10015c; mohair, 1913 clip The coupons, which total 13519.88, amount paid as indemnity. sion in official circles made by the re whose importunities are so threaten 26c. were presented by Mrs. G. L. Bee, of have been settled up to January 1, Storm Sweeps Russia. ported interview with Sir Lionel in ing that they really amount to robber 1914, a total of 6899 claims. Cascara bark—Old and new, 5c per Ukiah, for payment. St Petersburg—A terrible snow which the ambassador was said to ies. Despite efforts of ths provisional pound. storm has swept over Northwestern have questioned the information of the authoritiea, crime is rampant. Cattle—Prime steers, 87.50(37.75, Black Hand Letter Writer Caught. Regina Fean Outbreak. Russia, blocking the roads and rail Washington administration. choice, 87.25*3 7.50; medium. 870 Washington, Pa.—As he reached be Shanghai Editor Killed. Regina, Sask. — One hundred and ways and interfering with telegraphic 7.25; choice cows, 86.25*36.75; me hind a mailbox in a rolling mill here fifty mounted police are patrolling this communication. In the suburbs of St. Canned Apple Advance Suspended. Shanghai Z. F. How. manager and dium, 86(36.25; heifers. 86*37; light and grasped a decoy package left there city in anticipation of a possible out Petersburg the snow la nine feet deep, Washington, D. C.—The Interstate director of the Commercial Press, was calves. 88(39; heavy, 86*37.75; bulla. by eounty officers, Dominic Lombardi, break of unemployed men who threat and 40,000 soldiers and laborers are Commerce commission has suspended shot dead in the street Sunday. The 84*35.75; stags. 863/6.50 a young Italian workman, was arrest en to burn the city if work is not pro engaged in cleaning away the drifte. until July 8 the proposed advance in assassin was arrested. Row began Hogs — Light. 87.250 8.05; heavy. ed and hurried before a magistrate, vided for them. Women and children Train service has been reduced to a the rate on canned apples in carloads his career as a small printer and built 86.50*37.05. who held him in 85000 bail for sending were ordered to remain off the streets. minimum. No farm produce is reach from Portland and other North Paeifle up the Commercial Press. which pos Sheep—Wethers, 85*35.75; ewe«. Black Hand letters to James Greco, a The authorities assert they have the ing the city. It la impossible to make points to St. Louis, Chicago and other sesses the finest printing works in 88.50(34.50; lambs. 85.50Q6.35. wealthy Italian merchant. interments in the cemeteries. points in the Middle West. situation in hand. Asia. BY VOLCANIC OUTBURST Resume of World’s Important Events Told in Brief Federal Garrison, With 9 Gen erals, Crosses Border. Tidal Wave and Earthquakes Lend Additional Horror to General Destruction dreds Caught by Lava Streams Many Driven Into Sea. BRIGHT METEOR STARTLES INHABITANTS OF FRANCE aviator okioed to nGHT w »■wrra RIVAL Would Reduce Burden of Military Prisons Uncle Sam Keeps Eye On Haytien Revolution Astor Gives Views On ORE AND TIMOTHY SEED Socialistic Doctrines TO GO BY PARCEL POST Dry Sheet of Paper ExtinRuiNhes Fire United States Buffalo Herds Show Increase Garrisons Planned for Philippines and Panama Union Pacific Carve« Baltimore & Ohio Pie 3300 Pounds of Timothy Seed by Parcel Post