Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, January 15, 1914, Image 1

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£ a -
Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
LfffGTIVE 1914
Vol. 12.
No. 3
Tuesday was annual election day for
Multnomah State Hauk. Ttie same
Careful Analysis ol New Law
Cuts Valuable Trees on Park Property Without Per
were elected as were chosen
Copies of Law Available Appli­
met. Park Officers I licensed---Timber Hog
cation ol Law at Pleasure of
Loses Bristles
dent, M. <». Thorsen, Vise President,
The de«ire to get something for noth­ not know whether he was guilty or not,
Ttie editor H as received from < arl D. ill Roetad, Caabikr, and 11. E. Bioyd
is not confined to any one class but as he had been informed that be had
Ba •<cock, a member of ttie state indus­
Cashier, a well merited recognition
rather to indivduals of all classes the right to cut the trees, and that he
trial Accident Commission, a copy of
which bis many friends in Lent* an<J
1-ents bail an illustration of this within would like to consult an attorney. The
the Workmen'» Coni|ien*atiou Act, other parts of the Northwest will he
the past week, About a month ago court was inclined to think there was
which was (Msseil almost unanimously pleased to note.
one, Kelly, living on Park Street, Tents, nothing to the case but a little informa­
The past year baa been a good
Uy tile last lego kit are, held up by ths
got it into his head that he had a tion was produced and he then said he
referendum and approved by-the people tor the bank. At the la-ginning of
chance to put somet'iing over the rest would allow a continuance and the
I the bank's deposit* were |6tt,l87,
of the people of the community, par­ case continued till nine o’clock Monday
on Novemtwr 4th bv a vote ol more
the year is closed with *D2/9iK) on hand
ticularly those persons on Kennett morning. But not until Kelly saw that
than two to one. Included with the in deposits. Just ¡¡6W new check ac­
Avenue opposite the Playground Park. he was in deep water—too deep tor
law, is the report of the coco miss Ion ap­ counts have tieen opened up within the
He inquired around and some one told hogs—and was willing to promise most
pointed by Governor West to frame the year, more than one for each calender
him in response to his questions as to anything. He was instructed to quit
bill. The law I*ca me effective immedi­ day. The net earnings, about ten |>er-
who could give him anthority to clean cutting trees, and to clean up the street
ately after the election in so far as the ; cent will )>e put into a surplus an<i used
up the tress in that street, that Com­ and be promised to do it. Mr. Mische
organisation of the Cotnniiaeion was | in the interest of the liana in improve*
missioner Deick »»“ the man to see then persuaded him to go op to Com­
concerned The insurance feature* of I mente.
about a permit. So Kelly biee him missioner Brewster’s office ami see if
the Act, however, do not become opera­
Within the next three months it is
down to Commissioner Deick's office some settlement could not be made.
tive until July 1, 1914.
expected that the bank will move into
and he found the Commissioner's secre Explanations op there brought out the
The law provide» for the creation of its new quarters tn the Veager bnnuirig
tsry, a young and more or les* unin­ statement from Mr. Brewster that he
the Industrial Accident Fund, to be where the large rooms and up to date
formed person, and asked him what he could not see but that Mr. Kelly was
made tip by contl ibillions from employ­ I furnishings will greatly facilitate
would have to do to have t> e privil ge acting from a purely selfish and seli-
ers. woramen and the State.
work of the lutnk in attending to
of cuttirg the trees out of Kennett Ave- interested position, that be had no
Two classes ol occupations are defined want* o| its friends and patrons.
nue. The young man told him it authority to cut down the park trees,
in liie Act Atoi arc designated as Classes
would t>e ail right if none of the neigh­ and that it was doubtful if be eould
A and B. In I’la«« V, the rale nf pay­
bors objected, he supposed, so Kelly have secuted authority. Kelly claimed
ment by the employer is 3 ;>er cent and
proceeded to find out. The first man that Mr. Deiek’s secretary told him he
by the employee one iialf of 1 percent.
he asked proved to be one that has the had authority to give him a permit.
In Cl*«» B, the employer pays It, per­
most frontage on the avenue and be When asked if he had got a written per­
cent and y>e employee one-fourth nt
promptly stated that he liad always mit he said, ‘ So, just told me sc.”
one percent. In Glass A. both the em­
trie«! to save the trees, but if the street Mr. Deick's secretary was called an I he
Haturday was a big day for Agents
ployer and workmen are entitled to ex­
was to ne improved, and the trees had declared he never told Kelly anything
Arrange re. Besides the regular busi tie»»
emption when the individual employer
to tie taken out that Kelly was as satis­ of the sort. That he told him he might
there was a joint installation of the
has to bis credit. 3 percent of his an­
factory to him as any one. He said cut them if there were no objections,
ofl-ers of l^-nts and Woodlawn Grang­
nual pay roll and no accidents have oc­ es, past Stato Master, B. G Lsady con­
further that he would make inquiries but it was evident be was misinformed
curred in hi* plant; while untier Claes ducting the installation.* The officers
about the matter which he did the very for there were and had been objections.
B, the amount required to be main­
next dav. He learned from an engi­ The next fifteen minutes was hot
installed in Lents Grange were T. J.
tain»)) by the employer in the accident
neer that Kelly had no rights on the enough for any hog—or man eith- r and
Kreuder, Master; W. A. Young. 0.)
fund is 15» |>ercent of the pay roll.
Mrs. Maud Darnall, L.; Mrs. Adkin,
County Clerk Coffey has appointed premises. That the town had no prob­ when Kelly left the office he was ready
The law is elective, both in its appli-I
able intention of making any improve­ to drop to the first floor. He aim ply
L. A. S.; Asst. B., Mr. Walrod; i San Francisco, Jan. 8.—Mrs. Clara B.
E. P. Tobin to register votes in the Mt. ments on that street (or a long time to
cation to the employer end employee,'
Steward, Mr. Nelson: Sec., Mrs. Hotch­ i Waldo, former lecturer of the state
either of shorn may elect to come in or
Consultation with an attorney revived
kiss; Tress., Mrs. Falsr, C-, Mrs. grange in Oregon, underwent an o;»er*- Soott district. It is necessary for*all come and that when it was improved
stay out, but employers In any of the
I Jsnnie Miller: G. K., Mr. Blsufus, . tlon in Lane hospital three weeks ago who expect to vote to register, as all the adjacent property owner* bad first his spirits and when he appeared on
hazardous occupations, wino elect not to
i Flora, Dorolhv Smith; Pomona, Muriel for the removal of a ..... .-.nor, re- ^rmwr rer.t.ations will he disregarded. right to all timber on the street. Be- Monday morning it was with a grin of
take ad rants«« of ttie Act, are deprived
I lieving that thia information was satis­ triumph, which was shortly displaced.
SmiUi; and teres, Stella Henderson.
of the common law defenses of contrib­ I
«ultant from an iojury. She entered There is no charge and Mr. Tobin vu factory be went about his businees and When the case was called Kelly was
Mr. Black was installed Master of
ute ry negligence, fellow servant liabil­
thr hospital shortly after a hurried re- ■ appointed that the v ter might be as Kellv did not ask him further ques­ represented by a stout looking bluffer
Woodlawn and Mrs. Hyatt Lecturer.
ity and assumption of risk in any ac­
turn from Europe, having l>*en abroad i saved the inconvenience of a trip to the tions sup(>oeed the incident closed. But who immediately raised the point that
Mrs. Tresale Spring assisted in the in­
tion for damages by their employees.
with her daughter for nearly a year. court house. He can lie found at his that was a mistake. Kelly had no n- the warrant was improperly drawn, in
stallation and the entire drill team of
Workmen who reject thr Act lose the
She is convalescent from the operation
20 1 *<iies took part. The work was
office over the Isis theatre, room 864. tentiou of letting those trees alone. The that it recited that be had cut wood in
and will soon be able to leave the iio*-,
tM-netits provided.
first of last week be again called at Mr. the street when be had beeo cutting
excellently done.
But this is no joke. The election
Thr Oregon law provides a liberal
Deick’s office and inquired if there had wood in the park. Ttie judge was in­
The meeting was the first to be held i pital.
schedule of compensation (or injured
Mrs. XV aldo is on of Hie best known laws have lieen declared invalid so per­ been any remonstrances entered, as he clined to admit that the point might be
in the new Oddfellow« hall and it
workmen and for the beneticiarie» of
women in Oregon. She i« a member of sons anticipating to vote at the next had exj>ected. He was informed there considered but that it was evidently the
called forth a lot of commendation, and
workmen who lose their livre In indus­
the board of regents of the O-egon election will do well to see Mr. Tobin were none on file and so he proceeded intention of the defendent to ent trees
expression« ol pleasure that the Grange
trial accident* The Act also provide# could have such a tine home in which Agriculture college, and has long been a within a «bort time.
to go home ami cut wood, When the in the street, and that the ctse would
for first aid to injured workmeu in an
prominent worker for the welfare of
i ferreted resilient» returned that even- have to stand. Then the p-'int was
to meet. Mrs Orin Buxton, of the
amount not to exceed E2N> in any • •nr 1
| that institution. Waldo Hall, the larg­
ing three of the nnest trees along tne raised that Kelly thought he had a
i State Woman's Work Committee was
er of the two dormitories at the institn-
street were lying on tne ground.
right to cut the trees and the clerk from
present and made a talk. A fine ban*
Any one interested in the subject run
I tiou, receive its name as a recognition Plan Is to Make Low Grass Lands
Kelly was on the ground next morn­ the Street Department was put in the
obtain a copy «( Hie law by writing tiie
Rich Agricultural Farms.
ing hy daybreak and he was immediate­ stand to prove it, but he did not turn
It was served by acommitlre of twenty- I o' her work in behalf of the college.
Commission at Salem.
| Mrs Waldo is widely known through­
Corvallls.-gProbably the most_ im­ ly interviewed by the parties. He de­ out to be a very helpful witness. In
five who furnished most of the food.
out grange and farm circles in Oregon portant piece of development ever un­ clared that he had the permission of the the end the judge decider! that Kelly
It was decitied at the January meeting
, <m account of her former position as dertaken in recent years in Oregon department of streets and sewers and might pay a fine of ten dollars and
to try this plan so that tor some time
lecturer of the state grange, in which in Oregon has just started near Cor­ that he knew what h* was about. The leave tl.e wood alone. The Park super­
the committees will furnish the dinners
position she vi ited all parts of the state vallis.
owners tried to explain and then Kelly intendent was not very well satisfied.
entirely and every person will come on
addresses in lielialf of the
1-and ow ners occupying 40 square said : “If the timber is vours why did Six of the finest trees had been cut,
the committee once or twice a year, At
order and of country life. She is also miles o bottom and prairie lands be- you not cut it down?” It was explained some of them over fifty years old and
other times they will have nothing to
widely known in thesocia life of Port­ I tween Corvallis and Monroe have be­ that the trees were tieing left as a he thought tne trees had a value of a
Because it gives you the neighbor­ |do with dinners.
land, where a« a traveler arid uplift gun the formation of the first drain- feature of the street, that they did not hundred dollars each. But the de­
hood news.
After the dinner hour there was
Because it gives you the country short program under the directi n of worker and a women of wide culture i age district organized under state interfere with traffic, that the improve­ cision was a victory anyway. Kelly
news. -
the Lecturer, Mrs. Darnall. Tne fol ami strong intellectuality, she has wen ! laws in the Willamette Valley. It is ments such as had been made on the said he did not want the wood, would’nt
Because it gives you the state news. lowing persons appeared on the pro­ mucli distiction. Mr*. Waldo is prob­ i believed that successful demonstra- street had been made privately, and have it so it remains the property of the
Because it gives you the general news. gram: Richard Hess', Kenneth Kreuder. ably known personally to more people ' tlon of the beneficial results of drain­ that the repeated efforts of the parties city. Kellv is out a week’s work, an
Because it gives you up to date point Win id (red Smith, Mvrtle Brink, Mr« than is any other women in Oregon age in the proposed district will bring to prevent the trees trom being removed attorney fee, ten dollars, and about
I about an era of progressive develop- should he sufficient evidence of the in­ four cords of wood. But he has won
ere on your business.
Cieiinski, Elsie Bright and Mr«. Leli»
Because it furnishes entertainment Elliott.
WOODMERE PARENT-TEACHER’S ■ ment by which fully one-fifth of the tentions of the speaker. “No,” Kelly the contempt of a lot of his neighbors.
for you and your family.
ASSOCIATION WILL ENTERTAIN I total arable area of the Willamette said, "I suppose you want them your­ The city loses aliout four hundred
Valley, or 1,000.000 acres, will be so self. and being in the street I’ve got dollars worth of trees, and in the future
Becau«* it telle you where to get the
i stimulated that crop products will be just as much right to them as vou have. cutting trees in the streets of the town
lieet bargains.
The Woodmere
doubled in two years, that "white It is jn-t a question of who is the big­ will be done only by a real permit, that
Because it help« you to lie a good
Club will hold open house Friday even­
He leaves no question as to rights.
¡and*'' will be eliminated and that the gest hog and I intend to go ahead.
ing. Ail patrons are urged to tie pres­
entire cost of the construction of the was then urged to cut no more until
Because it booms the town and help- <
ent. wome of the school board are er-
drainage system can be paid for, if more definite word could lie heard from
the community.
peered and a program will tie given.
necessary, in three years from in- the authorities.
Because it stand« f ir lietter road«,
tile victim of n fire about one o'clock After the program there will Is* a «ocial
The commissioners were then called
creased farm profits.
tietter streets, better boms*, lietter
on Tuesday afternoon. He had just and refreshment» will be served
by phone and Mr. Deick dispatched a
farms and better business.
returned from the city and had begun
j man out to see about it bnt before he
No Men Needed at Umatilla.
Because your patronage will help to
prepare his dinner on an oil stove.
Pendleton.—Residents of Umatilla could get here, and that probably was
make it a tietter paper ami the more
The ladies of the Ijents Retiekah Lodge
He was out of the room a few minutes,
and other towns in the west end of before nine o’clock, Kelly had two more will hold their installation on this Fri­
able to promote these and other desir­
and when he returned it was all ablaze.
the county are aroused over the te- trees ready to fall—they were cut off. day evening By mistake they were re­
able things.
The Grays Crossing company was called
llux of laborers looking for work on He was told to go no further.
ported f- t one week ago
Mr». F.loise
on and also the Lents Volunteers. The
Meanwhile the parties interested Roaderick will bring her *j>e>ial install­
West Umatilla project, inasmuch as
Parent-Teacher's Clnb Meets.
latter worked under co sidernbie diffi-
Mrs. C*>ra Wilkinson, aged 30, die,) there will be no work for other than reached town, and took the matter up
The Parent Teacher* Club will meet | culSies Sut they managed to get there iaat evening, the victim of a lingering teamsters until spring. theBe towns with the Park Dept. It was learned at ing staff and the work will be well
worth seeing. The offi<*ers elect are:
Friday afternoon at 2 30 o'clock. The and to throw first water on the fire
illness dll" to cancerous development.-. are fMcing a problem of the unemploy- once that the trees cut were on park Mrs Anna Peterson. N G ; Mrs. Nellie
meeting is special important. The
The house was entirely destroyed and Mrs. Wilkinson is the daughter of C. I.
property that had never been dedicated Dilley. V. O. ; Mrs Mamie Gbx, Rec.;
following program will lie given. Chore | most of its contents. The house was Parker of l.ents Junction. She leaves
as a street, and the park authorities Mrs Galichio, Fin Sec.; Mrs. Tressa
us by the pupiis, recitation hy Irene valued at about |15iiil and was insured five children. The funeral will be held
were right np in arm*. They proceeded Spring, Tress.
Big Bridge Contract le Let.
Van Haelst, piano duet, Bertha Houser I for five hundred,
Friday at Kenworthy’s.
Portland.—Contracts for the con­ to issue a warrant for Kelly’s arrest and
After the installation refrretunents
and Lillie Williams. The discussion of
struction of an interstate bridge aerosa be was summoned Thursday evening to will be served. The members of the
survey rejxrrta by V. V. Carvana
Commander Taylor and other depart­
The Epworth League of the M. E. the Columbia river at Vancouver, were appear the next morning at the mu­ Oddfellows lodge will be invited.
parents are desired to be present.
ment officers mi a number of guests church lieM their regular monthly let here by a commission composed of nicipal ccurt.
By this time it was getting noised
from Portland will make their annual I business meeting at the M E. church officials of Multnomah county, Ore­
The editor of the Herald just received I official visit to our local Post Saturday ' Mondav evening with a large attend gon, and Clarke county. Washington about and the women who hail been Charlie Eatchei Slewty Beceveriaf.
a lot of pictures from Moclips Washing­ ( evening Jan. 17th. All members are re- anre. After thr meeting a social time The bridge will unite the Oregon and I active in getting the park established
Charlie Eatchei, victim nf the fire at
ton, showing how exceptionally high ■ quested to be at the Hall at 6-30 to was ;»i»«ed, including "a feast" on Washington links in the Pacific high- had l>egnn to stir things up at the Park Kelley's Butte last summer, is at the
tides of the last two weeks have torn I ¡receive the Commander. A program ! to<«ted marshmellowe.
office and neighbors generally were bad­ county hospital. He has the beet ol
things to pieces up that way About , ha(1 been arranged to which ail ex
ly out of humor because of Kelly’s self medical attention, hut hto recovery is
styled hoggishness. They were ready slow.
He greatly appreciates a visit
half of the town was washed out by M)diera and their wives are invited,
to appear a« witnesses against him from friends when visiting is allowed.
the ocean.
i prominent speakers will be present to
when the case was called Saturday Friends desiring to see hit» should call
respond to the several toasts or subjects I
np the hospital tn reference to visiting.
When hot cloths are needed, in- , announced by the toast master. Enter-
For 100 names of people in or near Lents. Give full When ths case was called, K»)ly tried Prospects are good fora recovery, but it
stead of wringing them out of boil- , tainment will begin at 7-30o’clock. (No
name and street address of heads of famtbes.
to put it off, telling the court he did will he several weeks.
ing water, heat them in a steamer
| waiting)
John Huntington.