Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, January 08, 1914, Image 1

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Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
Friends of the family of H. E. Pease
shocked to hear <>n Thursday morn­
Fourth Avenue Residence an Early
he had suddenly paxw d away
Victim ol Fire, But Good Work of
night. He had lieen on the
the Volunteers Prevented Serious
the day Wednesday and
was apparently in lite customary good
The home ol Mr. Hhertdan, and__the j condition of health. He went to town
property of H. M. Wing, war tb<- scene I ami on returning eomplaii>e«l of a pain
ol a fire early Tuesday morning. The hi his side.
Aral indication of the ' laze occurred
During the evening Dr. Fawcett
about 7.30 o’clock and an alarm was called and made an examination
turtieri In anil ths Volunteers reeponde«! re|M>rled that Mr. Tease wa» suffering
in good time. Fourth Avenue proved from liver trouble in the
nature of cn-
to lie a trari place for navigating a tire
Me usual
engine and an automobile but they
r«*e tn
finally got there and tne work ol saving
the house, well under way by neighbors, take a seiiliu powder. Shortly after re-
was soon complete«!. The fire seems to turning to ls*«l his wife Iteard him make
have begun in a closet and was climle
a noise but sit|>|>osed he was dreaminv
tng up the partitions of the closet and
Un trying to arouse him six- faiie«l ami
adjoining room». It was noosaaary to
cut some holm so the attic could Ire then discovered he wa* unconacions. She
reached and then a stream of chemical <al)e<| to Ila- doctor anil it was found
that Mr. Pease wa» «lead. The doctor
waa turned on.
the other trouble brought on
Mr. Hheridan works at Woodard A
Clarks and waa gone ami Mr. Wing, appoplexy ami so <-a>ised the <leath.
Henry Felatn Pease was born in Michi­
who lives next door, had nut gotten up
when he was a rouse, I by the alarm. He gan, sixty-nine years ago. He live«] >t
haa been sick for several days ami was \ Dunlap, Iowa lor over forty in t)>e capa­
city of undertaker and funeral director.
scarcely able to get up.
The houae waa insure«! and the tenant He earne to the coaat over two years ago
* ami lias been »siding in lent« alx>ut
bad his personal property insured. The
! that time lie was l>-nts'tirsl under-
ltMtsea consisted of a conai terable
' laker, and soon built up a respe<-table
quantitv of clothing and some damage
' business. He recently unite«! with the
to the iiouae. Moat of the damage to
local Oddfellows lodge ami was a mein*
the house might have iw-en avoided had
I her ol tlte masons and an attendant at
some of the reacurera not h«-en ao ex-
11 m - Meili«»list church. Ten years ago
cited. Several window» were broken tn
he was married to Miss Elizabeth .Mack,
• nd a door smashed ami a hole cut in
his second ami present wife. He leaves
the roof and an over supply of water
a marrieil son, I. L. Pease of Portland,
was uarxl.
and several brother«- and a sister in the
This aretna to be <>tte of the fallings of I
East. Also hi« mother, now ninety
thoae who undertake to assist in put- I
years of age.
ting out Area. In thairexcitement they
Tlie funeral will probably Ire held on
go to exceases. In the Arst place break-
Saturday at theM. E. Church and the
iog tn windows and doors is one of ths
laxly will Iw sent t«ack to Ibtniap, Iowa.
worst things to do in case of a Are. The
1 "
1 ■
' '
ojwnlngs give new supplies of air to the
(Some of the Portland papers are in
hard lines for news these days. A
I couple of “live” reporters were in Lents
i the other «lay and by accident picked
' up a scrap of paper that had some
i matter printed on it that was two 'years
I old. Bince it was new to them they de-
i tided it was new and proceeded to tell
the people how enterprising the people
of lente were in having organized a
Roosevelt committee to raise a fund tor
the construction of a battleship in
honor of Ex-President Roosevelt, which
when completed would be turned over
to the U. 8. Government, tents will
I admit the existenceof such a committee,
I or organization, but that is a thing of
two years of age. It was considered of
such small consequence at the time that
the local papers did not even give it
space. The plan was dropped because
: it was found that the scheme was not
(easable. No money was received on
the undertaking and so far as is known
no one lost anything on it except the
friends of the idea who were enthurias-
tic in the plan. The whole thing is
deed. The committee is glad of it and
so let it rest in peace
— Rogers in Now York Herold
tire and start it with renewe«i energy.
All doors and windows should be kept
Hoed and all boles in the roof, becauce
the-e openings suck the warm air
through ami increases the danger.
Saturday, Jan. 3, waa the
meeting day of Evening Star Grange.
The morning suasion was devoted to
business, reading of report« of the year's >
■ -
work by the officers, etc.
At a meeting of friends of tlie Sons of j During the lecture hour a tieautilul '
Veterans belli on Wednesday evening tribute to the memory of Mr». Matilda
an organization was effected slid the ; luvraon was read by the Master. J. J.
followius (iffi.-sn elected
| Johnson, and the charter drape«'.. A.
Mrs. l><rena Gossett, Pre«., Mrs. ' L. Keenan read the "Declaration of
Mary Wrieloy, Vice Pre»., Mr». Anna I Purposes" of the Grange. Mr. M. o.
McMrlvtlle, Pat. Instructor. .Mrs. Geo. Evans gave a splendid taik ou “School
Rider, S«-. ., Miss Randy Wrislev, Treas., and Home Gardens.” He is glad to
Mr». Cora E. Harris. Guide ; Miss sec the "Back to the Land" idea d<-
Mr- i veloning into a reality and is doing ail
Dore me Lutz, Color Guani ;
Mary Prink, Inner Guard . M tag he can to encourage gardening among
Chssver, Outelde Guard; Mrs. I. w. tlie young, with the v.ew of developing
Hntnmrll, Chaplain.
a low lor such work, which will linger
The above Order will install Monday with tlie pupils after they have left
evening, Jan. 12th All ellegable» • are school. Misses Lucy Lvons and Nora
cordially invite«! to Is« present. A light Holin gave a Hne violin and piano »--Io
lunch will lie served ami a general good and responded to an encore. Mrs. Le:a
time will be had.
Elliott and Hazel Johnson rendered two
pleasing instrument«! solos.
At the close of the lecture I our the
ML Scott Oddfellows Install M
The officers for the eniuing term in j instalation of officers took place. Mr«..
Mt. Scott Lodge 18H, I. O. <». F. were - E. A. Niblhi assiating a* installing
duly installed on Tiies-lav evening > officer in her usual charming manner
The officers elect end installed are: i There was the usual good attendance of
I»r. Hunter, N. G., Jaa., V. members ami visitors.
G., Ralph Stanx, Cor. Hec., I. D. Filley,
Fm. Secy . F. R. Peterson, Tree». The
The Lente Hardware Co. is preparing
positions are tilled by Wtn. Goggins, to double ita line of goode.
R 8. N. G , F. B Rayburn, L. 8. N. G.,
R. s. V. G.. Mr. Douglas; I.. 8. V. O.,
O. W Webb ia building a new Lome
Fay Rayburn; Warden, Dr. Ggsbury; in Webb Addition.
Con., W. F. Bush; Chaplain, Dr. Haas;
R 8. 8. Sander»; L. 8 9. Jules CI1 «rd;
F. J. Kerr is building a resilience on
1. G., Arneson: O G , R. J. Tnssey.
Hilbert road.
Eugenic Test Not in Lents
It wa* announced some time ago
that a eugenie test would be given at
the school house on t be 2V It ol thia
month. The place has bwen change! to
the Child welfare rooms &51 Courthouse
All person* desiring to participate in
the examination ahonlu look it up at
the place named.
The la-nts Relmkah bulge degree teain
has plan* arranged to present. “The
Hasrlo Mm-trels” on the evening of
Jann«rv 21 at the Isis. These minstrels
include »«me of the l«est talent in Mil
the Portland lodges and will lie •II
affair well worthy of patronage.
Mr C A Smith, living east. of town,
is the vic'im of a number of serious
misfortunes. He w«s recently con tilled
in the hospital for sickness and wa»
scarcely out of that when an accident
occurred in which Be »offered a broken
limb. He ia now on the road to re­ I
Pisgah Home Cares for Over a Hun­
dred, Helpless, Lonely, Dejected,
Forlorn Waifs. Honor and Good
Will Prevails in Spite of Proverty
The outcry that was started two yeara
ago when the Pisgah home waa opened
at Lenta baa all anbeided. It baa been
discovered that the home ie not a har­
bor for deeperate characters but rather a
haven for the homeleea, the proverty
etricken, the unfortunate, the victims
of ill health and email income». Some
of the very beat people of the town
give freely to ita support and are glad
to aaeiat it tn every way tnat they can
by approving of ita purposes.
< The Piagah home ha* at thia t«me
about one hundred persons depending
°° *1 fot shelter and food. Some days
| *l *• more and sometimes it is a few lees,
Moat of them are of the class described
above, just out-of-locks amt victims of
misfortune. Frequently a drunk comes
in but as drunkeneee ie not encouraged
here there ie not much need of it. Men
once or twice but
- come
“= drunk
- - ----------------
further indulgence ie not countenanced.
One of the wonderful things that ia
notable about the men who come here
ie that they are almost all willing to
Mrs. A. J. Lundy entertained the
work. This ie not a tramps home. Tramps
Harmony Public Improvement Society fight shy of water, and the first thing
at her home near Lente on Wednesday, required of an inmate of this place is
Dec. 31. The aeual good dinner was that be shall take a bath. Then he
enjoyed by the society and the after­ cannot use tobacco, and they do not
serve coffee at meals, and at least once
noon was devoted to business and the
a week the entire house takes a good
officers for the coming year were elected. fumigating
Mrs. Emma Sfooner waa re-elected
Then the men are expected to •*«l*t
president; Mrs. Pearl Bundy waa elect­ in all duties about the place. Eve v j >b
ed vice president; Mies Osie Davis, who l is taken, without pay and every fellow
that baa a job feels a personal r.-p-.,-
has served several years as secretary
eibility about hie work. The mei. wash
was re-elected, and Mrs. Daisy Ulen their own underclothes, and dry them
waa made treaanrer.
tn the main sitting room. They mend
A very good literary program was their own clothes, and one or two fellows
'given, after which the members em- do all the ironing of the clothes.
They make most of the betiding and
ployed the time until evening by visit­
over HO comforts have been made for
ing and preparing for the amusement of
the use of the home within the last
the visitors and children who had been year.
invited for the «upper and watch meet­
As further evidence of the willing
ing. At seven o’clock about seventy-
spirit, the “Home" has bought a num­
live people sa down to a verj bountiful
ber of scree of standing timber east of
meal which was enjoyed by all
Lenta on Foster road. A number of
evening was given over to games and
■ the men go out every day and cut wood
music. A guessing contest was held
i anJ it is hauled to the “Home" by the
for the older ones present, at which
ttonte team and other men procee«! to
Mis» Osie Davis and Mrs. E. R.
cut it up and it ie sold to any one that
: Spooner won the prixe. When the New
wants to buy, or they occasionally give
Year arrived all departed for their
wood to deserving poor people
: homes feeling that a very pleasant
forty of the men are employe«! about
evening had been »pent.
the “Home” at theee various duties
every «lav. Along late this fall a lot of
men walked five mites each way every
day to dig potatoes for a «iollar and
sixty cents a day, and every inan turned
in half of what he earne«! This ia tb
custom, whenever a man g«LS
The next regular meeting ol Lents around town he turns in half of
l Rebekah io ge will l«e held Friday «-ve- he receives for his labor.
ning. There will be one candidate for
The meals cous>st of soups, air
initiation The officers for the ensuing and water. Very little meat r
tt rm will be installed by a special in­ as it cannot be afforded. T*
stalling team, four of whose memliers clean and restful. Before e
will tie members of Lent» Rebexaha*. employee of tlie blace lea?
The team does very tine work. And , praver. Aft ar the meal
. sb®*
it might tie n.entione«! that the Lents to give a Biblical readr
degree team is getting to tie some 'earn. day and Friday all at
A °®
It got a lor of commendation at the vice«, and twice on t
List meeting for the good work it. did.
atmosphere of tb
Vb®'® b®
The meeting on Friday evening will be I bettar and a r
I an open meeting. Rebehakas will invite satisfy them o-
their friends and members of the Odd-
The report-
was served
that each
bread, r
Lents G. A. R. Installs
of vegr
A. C. Williams, assistant adjutant-
iteDeral of the Department of Oregon,
m»® ‘ A\sb
Grand Army of the Republic, installe«!
the following officers for Reuben Wilson
Post No. 3h at Lenas Saturday: Com­
mander, John Huntiugton: senior vice
commander, G. C. Wiley ; chapla;
James P. knderson; adjutant, J
Walrod; a-«decant adjutant, Mr. F
t»o* '
quartermaster, G. W. Pugh; gus
W. Powers. Department
a ®‘‘
Kerus assisted by Eda Hum>v
d’.ctor, installed the cfficer
Circle No. 19: Preaider
** k- \*'tr ^*** p'®**
Maffet ; senior vice-prew
Deaton; junior vice-pr
Drake; treasurer, Me’
secretary. Carrie C
Pauline Lininger;
guard, Caroline ?
ductor. Belle EF
Lula Scherw
H. A. Darnall will spend Saturday
I visiting the Grange at Carlton, m Yam- LENTS GRANGE PREPARES
| hill county.
Dr. Hunter has »riven up hi* office in
l^-nts i>r«i|p wt ho).I ita regular
Mrs. A. R. Kelland of Duncsii Street,
the Additon building, and will take an
monthly «u-etiig •’»•turday. The meet­ Clemson Park, pa*re<l away at the ho*
office down in the city
ing wil< ‘-e <4 -pv'-ial interest <>n ae- pital Snlitnlav niuht leaving an infan'
coant of in-tallarion • ■! officer*
It ie
A gathering of happy friends met at probs hie that the officer» elect of Wood­ baby. Her body was »ent to relatives
the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Sand­ lawn Grange will unite with the L-nts in tn«- east. She leav«s the infant chiltl
berg Wednesday evening Dec. .11, to official» in the ceremony.
ami ner husband to n.oifn her Io»», and
help the host and hostess celebrate their
There will be th* usual grxvl prog-am, Mr. Lester Clark of GiBer! Avenue,
fifth wedding anniversary and also to Songs and recitation». Mr. J J. John her brother. Mr. Kelland is an express
meet Mrs. H. G. Plum of Charelevoix, »on ha» c«n*ente I to »«sin with one ag-nt for Well* Fargo Co.
Mich., who is spending the winter with number on the program
Mr*. Snidttr
her daughter, Mrs. Sandlierg. Gaines w ill recite.
iamt A Campbell have tiegun wor
and inusic furnished the entertai “itenr
on the
ft. annex to their other build-
of the evening
One of the amusing
K. P T-«bio ha* tra’ed for a ♦) acre iog. Cadwe I and An.Y»t*< n will build
features was the presenting of “wooden"
farm in Klan «th r-mntv
gifts to the newly married csuple. I>e-
liciou» refreshments were *erv««d. Those
Ben Br
present were: Mr. and Mrs. Fowler.
Mr. ami Mrs. Hayden, Mr. and Mrs.
Eggers and .Mrs. Loemer of Portland,
For 100 names of people in or near Lents. Give full
Mr. and Mrs. Daniels and Mr. and
street address t f heads of fam I es
Mrs. Nygaard and son oi Lents.
A a
«O*®**. •'**'*
.• *'