Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, December 11, 1913, Image 8

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Mr». L. A. Morrieon of tt e firm of
Simon* A Morrieon is recovering from «
•ever* illuse».
Mr*. H. F. Mangold, daughter of Mr.
and Mr*. S. D. Simon* ha* returned ,
from an extended visit in the upper
Willamette vallev.
II. lawk of Faxon Park I* closing
Mr. and Mr*. J. L. J uh neon enter­
J. N. Estey arrived from Kern Park
Wednesday morning and will have tained the Kamapo station Mliticai out hi* grocery buaine**.
charge of the Alvord Furniture Co’s dui« Tuesday evening.
butines* in Lent* for a time.
Mre. L. R. Keller of LaCrosse, Wash,
arrived Wednesday for a visit of a few
Th* Community social held Saturday
weeks with her brother at the Gibson
Wm. H. Hull, 76 year* old, died Tues­ evening at Belroae hall was well attend­
day at the home of his son, W. II. ed alamt 100 being prevent, An «movable
Half. Jr., with whom he has been liv­ evening wa* spent. Duriug the evening
ing, on Saginaw Height*. Funeral ser­ a committee wav Mined to form an nn-, The Junior A I’ of Bennett Chapel
vice* were held today from the resi­ prevement club having in mind the have a chicken pie «upper scheduled for
dence. A daughter, Mrs. K. S. Nash, l>eet good ot the ueighhotho«>.l. A meet­ Saturday night at the Gilbert tchool
ing will be held Friday, Dec. 19.
beeide the »on survive him.
nothing lacking
here for inside finishing'
doora, atalreaaing.
l«»ate and all the other nec­
essaries and luxuries to
evolve th« hi Hire la'sutiful
from the bare structure.
We lsw;>e«k your lumber
Mr*. Pearl V. Freeburg won valuable
prise*on a White l eghorn exhibit at
the recent poultry show held in Port­
The Copeland Lumber Company
Correction : An item of I mi week re-
ported a birth of a eon to Mr. and Mrs,
W. C. Griebel of Woodmere, Nov. 24.
It ahould have reed J. Gribble,
Workmen have already commenced
to raxe the building recently vacated
by the I amts Hardware Co. in order
that work may be begun on the concrete
, structure to be put up by Mr*. R. E.
Yeager on the ground which the wooden
building now occupies.
Announces to Its »any friends and patroRs in E cris and
the surrounding countrv, the re-opening of tbeir bnsiness Doc. 13,
in ibe haRdsone new Duke Block, Inst across from oar forner
location. • « « me especially invite yon to call early and
see onr new bone, its nany conveniences and np-to-date arrange-
nents. « « • B personal inspection fron yon will be apprec­
iated, for we feel that rhe approval you are snre to offer will
warrant onr claim of having the best arranged and most com­
plete hardware establishment In Southeast Portland. • • • Our
lines are the best that can be had, and the supply is all that the
trade can desire. • • • Ule are at your service, and the only
request we make of onr acquaintances is that they give ns an op­
portunity to present our offerings. • •••••••
O. JCinley. who i* adjuster for the
O. W. R A N. railroad fell the past
week and injure«! his wrist. Mr Kinley
ia one of the oldest druggist* in thi*
»ectton ami while Dr. D. B. Coirord of
Gray* Crossing ha* been incapacitated
by illnea* from attending to hie drug
business. Mr. Kinley has been serving
for him.
Mrs. Mary Lawrence, whose bu*l>aod,
O. B. lAwrence recently passed away,
left Monday for Dunsmuir, Calif., to
visit her daughter, Mr*. A. A. Wo<xl,
residing at that place. From there she
will go to San Francisco to visit another
daughter, and will probably spend the ,
winter there.
Che Cents hardware Company
Rhoad)-» meat market at Grays Creas­
ing ha* been changed to the cement
block facing the Oregon City road. The
Hcott barber shop has also
l>een j
changed to a more convenient location,
i A new busineas firm will also take the
location of the dry goods busine*»
which baa lieen «lisp«’***! °f ky auction. I
Harold Ginn, a
putting into practice the manuel train­
ing he had recelv«x| at «chooi, made
, pass key* and with one unlocks«! anti
robbed a |>ay phone in a Woodmere
realty office last wees. He was detect­
ed in the act of robbing one in the
down town district ami arrested later.
The biggest, fullest and roomiest overall made in the whole
United Slap's
Heavy blue indigo white l>*rk denim
Outaide and in-
shh' «earns double sewed and felled. High rise, big nsmiy seal ami wide
Regular trourer tly. curved ami sileaia lined, lacktsi between but-
Shaped hip*.
Band liack with buckle *lra|ia and brass
buckle. Iteinforcxd re wed-on wide bib. Two front swinging pocket* of
heavy drill. Two big hip pocket*, watch and rule pockets, combination
watch and iiencil |s>ckct on bib with button-hole for wateli chain. all
double stitclu'd and stayed
l*etachal>|e broad suspenders, two-ply and
sewed on Isitli <<dgre. rell-aditwlable sliding loop in renter, inrerb<d heavy
elastic, 1
Inchee wide, with detiim ends, button-holed, adjustable "lut­
ing bucklee with patentetl self adjustable automatic spring loops.
openings fail'd and "taye«l. with two brass buttons ami two but ton-bole*
<>n each side Sewed with heavy white threat! and warranted never to
11 rare patent buttons, I’nion made.
In Blue and Tobacco Brown---Coats to Match
$1.00 The Garment
G. F. Rusch
Tailor to Men and Women
We Give S. Ä. H. Green Trading Stamps
Footer Road Next Door to P. O
Lents Station,
Portland, Oregon
Nearly Every Child Has Worms
Paleness, at time* a flushed face,
unnatural hunger, picking the noee,
great thirst, etc., are indication* of
worm*. Kickapoo Worm Killer is a
reliable, thorough medicine for the re­
moval of all kinda of worm* from child­
ren and addulta. Kickatxio Worm Killer
in pleasant candy form, aida digeation,
tones ayatem, overcoming constipation
and increaaing the action of the liver,
la perfectly safe for even the moat
delicate children. Kickapoo
Killer makes children happy and healthy.
25c. Guaranteed. Try it. Drugstore or
by mail. Kickapoo Indian Medicine
Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis.
^7* V' Come'in and look over our stock of Xmas Gifts including
not to Rip —
................... *........ . I-»-—...............
Daily Mails
Music by Ward’s Orchestra. Candy furnished by Russel & Gil
bert’s Candy Company, Cigars, Etc.
Union Made
Mails at the Lent* jioetoftice arrive
an«f depart a* follow*:
fl :0() A. M.
8:30 A. M
12:45 P. M.
12:40 P. M.
3:10 P. M.
5:90 P. M.
Saturday Evening Dec. 13
Be Sure] ¡to Come Saturday Evening December 13
The btxly of Mrs. Julia 8. Chandler, I
aged 72 an old resident of thi* section,
was »hipped here from Eastern Oregon
and funeral services held at the II. E. |
Pease Undertaking Parlor at 10 o'clock
Saturday. Interment was lieeide the
body ol her husband, who died a few
years ago, in Multnomah cemetery. :
Deceasel was sc«xjmpained to I-ents by
a «on.
There will be some time at the New
Store of the Mt. Scott Drug Company
Cut Glass-==we have a beautiful stock. Parker
Fountain Pens, Stationery, Candies in Boxes, Cigars
Perfumes, Kodaks, Post Card Albums, and Picture
Parisan Ivory Comb and Brush Sets,
Hand Mirrors, Perfume-Atomizers, Postal Cards,
Booklets and etc.
Foelcr Road and rampiteli tit*, lent* Station, Portland, Oregon
The Ariel* school wa* given an ex- <
eellent concert Tuesday evening by the
lAdd school or»'liestrs and following
this view* of Yellowstone Part were
given and explained by Rev. O W.
Che Cents hardware Company
Phone Tabor 1371
I j OHT— Holl of Poultry netting on
Footer road near Lent*.
Finder return
to la-nts Hardware Co., and receive re­
MONKV '!'«> I.«»AN
fi ( st cent loans on farms, orchard
an<l*, city resilient or businc** property,
to buy. build, Improv«-, extend <>r re­
fund mortgages or other recti ri tie* ;
terms reasonable; special privileges;
correHpontlence inviteli. Department L,
fllk Bldg., Denver. Colo., or Department
I, 7-19 Henry Bldg., Seattle, Wash,
the onlv l-l of the usual amount of
Coo mereiai Fertilizers.
You get Re­
sults. Guaranteed Book Free.
"Grandma” Johnson heartily thanks
the friends who surnriseil her Thanks­
giving eve by *en<lIng basket« of pro­
vision and six chickens.
WANTED—A good reliable man or
Wizard Fertiliser is «old only in 25 lb
I woman to solicit subaciptiona. Enquire
neat white cotton hags, fl
75 ami 21b
at lierait! office
cartons, 25cta. Odorless, lasting. You
WANTED—Boy* mar be had and get results.
| sometime* girl«.
The older ones at
A. D. Kenworthy A Co., undertaker*.
ordinary wage* and other* to lie
schooled and cared for In return for LO. O. F. Building, Icente.
, "light services rendered. For particu-
L. E. Wiley’« Cash Htore are *ole
. lars address W. T. Gardner, superin-
j tendent Boys «ml Girls Aid Society of agent* for the celebrated Wizard Fer­
Oregon. Portland. Ore.
tf tilizer.
Why pay 17 for a rocker you can buy
for $5 at Kenworthy A Co., Lente.
State of the State of Oregon, and Cus­
todian of the Seal of add State, do here­
by certify:
That in accordance with the pro­
visions of Chapter 97, General Laws of
Oregon 1911, the application of Charles
Peter* anti Mr«. Charles Petero, doing
business under the firm name of Chas.
Peter« A Co , who*« place ol onainesa is
71 Grand Ave N., Citv of Portland,
County ot Multnomah, Slate of Oregon,
for the exclusive use of a mark or brand
described as follows:
“Peters Superior Stove Polish”
and design
as applied o and to be placed upon
Peter« Superior Stove Polish rrianii-
faeiured and sold bv Charles Peters and
Mr«. Chaa. Peter*, doing business under
the firm name of Chaa. Peter« A Co.,
was received, filed and recorded at fi:30
o'clock thi« 25th day of November.
A. D. 1913.
In Teatiniony Whereof, I have here­
The liest values in home furnishings at unto *et my hand anil affixed hereto
lowest price*—Kenworthy A Co.. L-rit* the Heal of the State of Oregon.
LUMBER—At our new mill I‘a mile*
Done at theCapitol at Salem, Oregon,
southeast of Kelso. We deliver lumber
this 25th day of November, A. I). 1013.
Jonarud Bro«
lien W. Olcott,
“FOR HALE" and “WANT" readers
Office of the Hecretsry of State
Secretary of State.
in classified column. I cent ,»er word
No. 1804
for first Insertion;
cent *i>lieei|iientlv.
Watch the column for bargain».
If BEN W. OLCOTT, Secretary of
FOR SALE—Newspapers for wrap­
ping or kindling. Mt. Scott Puh. Co.