TURKEYS, GEESE, DUCKS AND SUCKLING PIGS WANTED NEAT TRICKS WITH MATCHES Success of Deception More Often Than Not Rests entirely on Its Readi­ Advtoe quick what you have for Holiday Trade. Will sell your Poultry and ness and Simplicity. give y»>ii prompt and reliable service for five per cent of groew ealus. Ship your Poultry where it will lie pnprrly handled. Cold itoragf in buikling. Gnm( tale*- LITTLE THINGS COUNT IS YOURS A I’EAKSON-PAGE CO., Portland, Ora. Case of “Nerves?” Engiish Farmer Profits by Keep ing Detailed Records. Tbe success of a good trick more often than not rests entirely on its er——--------------------- -- ------------------- ----------- r readlneas and simplicity of perform­ ance. For the following al) that la Ram Is Kept Separate Until Ewes Are Ga’hered for fnspeetlon, Thereby necessary Is a box of ordinary wooden Mam» Mat.. far Oaa ar Two >'»raem la a Koom watches. Avoiding All Over-Exertion In Wukiael«« Slrmrt. ( oriwr af TvUNh. Portland, Oregon. Arrange fifteen matches In tbe four (HAS II. ROW1.KV. M.n.e.r Running Around. ti ss. Il W n oe l*w Ile, Wlth lUih Pri.Umr». figures given below. Then ask a friend (preferably a bachelor) to take (By K. H. JAYNES.) away three and leave an explicit ex­ Nothing is more discouraging than planation of what "matches** are • lot of lambs of various ages, uneven Sigiai Kutn ha «v«A or m»n/A Uu. lo ami frum trala. end busi», or lek» a li» In size, running with a flock of ewes Wa.hin«ion HI. airi iraiufrr. ni off al Tw.trth Htrnt. KuniMan pian. 1-0 uuul Firrprouf Hulldlns. nw.l.rn and »Iran la .wrx raaport. Bui a»>4 euld ratinino wetoi that would, had they been given tbe I»iri.l,„),w I, .wly n-.ni Hmel» or ilo.ibl» libimi...... Laro» Parlor uff Mm-, Old l-ol-by. How to Attain Age, opportunity, have lambed at the aame WANTED: The chances of attaining old age period For tbe past month or two are much greater if we live much of the ram should have been in a lot by our Ilf« in fresh country air. Statto V. ✓ I himself snd eating all tbe nice juicy NO COMMISSION (HAHGtO. tlca go to show, according to Dr. Dez gras« be desired. Writs t<<*ay f«»r lag« atul t»tr nri MSh pries Hat. Matche« and Matches. so of Budapest, that the fourth gen W» iugi«iii«i>i. hlifhsst | H ch , and Tbe vslue of such a grass plot can of the town-dweller is un l-x I rtt-th Mail.** Giva ua a trial with «ration made of. Those to be removed are hardly be over-estimated. It gives hr * i lui f>t i icduoe t. It. * H ihalf A ( known; but enough Is currently re ­ kb (i*i >!• U4i |41 I4J k dm the ram a tender bit of picking, cau» ported to make the conclusion Inevit­ lettered a, b and c. Place twenty-four matches Into a ing him to take sufficient exercise to able that the sine qua non of longe­ vity Is a certain amount of time spent cube ot nine small squares, Remove i keep him tn tbe best of trim. in the country. Supplement tbis with an abundance eight of tbe matches and leave only Lfgs, Poultry, Hogs, Veal The city child Is subject to a num­ two squares. Experience will show of fresh water, a little salt and a trifle Nat pri*r*a t. <». b. f'ortland. ho Fraah ••R*. «ioreti, daily butter, |)y» h«*na ber of disturbing conditions other tha» 'he solution of this trick Is far of oats, and we have a combination and apiintfa, l'.*<*'li< , du« L n . tfv'aaa. I<4d Uc than mere absence of creature com­ more difficult than the uninformed guaranteed to give results in tbe line Uirkry*. dr«M»i«ad, | h < u ;'Z c ; fancy i««rk, H$4tK‘c: fancy wai, lH^|4c;dry «-aacara barb. r. forts, which undermine the constitu­ All that Is of a big, strong, vigorous sire. Ah ip ua fura, w«a»la, m««ha>r. wax and htdew. Writ« tion by throwing too heavy a burden would at first imagine. A practice that is common with fur fur pricR* llat or other i-rirua. Aaaata lin.fOU on the sense organs, through which necessary is to leave the four sides of RUBY & CO.. 107 had It. rVUTUOiD. 01 exhaustion of the central nervous sys­ the cube and the small middle square. Engltoh breeders and which our Replace the matches Into the orig­ farmers must eventually follow to tbe tem follows; among these conditions nre noises, a perpetual round of bur­ inal cubes of nine squares, throwing bard coupling of ram and ewes. ry, and unending sequences of inci­ Tb>> American farmer turns his ram Bcuebt. m -1wnulla, air. Hewl h r Htark I.Ini »nd I'rlr«-., which nre superadded the physical bring him a good crop. He does not MK J 1 MARTIN CU.. KI 1*1 HI Portland, Or. discomforts of vitiated air and efflu- know whether tbe ram to safely set­ viu from human beings and waste or­ tling the ewes or not. ganic products, besides offensive Too often the ram abuses himself, LADIES! TURN YOUR SPARE gases and Infection laden dust. To to tbe detriment of tbe latter part of TIME INTO DOLLARS! attain old age we have to relieve our- tbe crop. Then, too, the exertion from We haw en »rtu-l» und In .wry ham. .nd selves from worry, strains and anxle- want on« (wty tn osch town to reprwacti< un. running around, as a ram in a brnch lies, withdraw periodically from the Will hslp you Irulkl up an >ndop«md»n< bua‘* whirl of effortful existence, modify of ewes usually does, undermines his nee. uf xour own. Ft TTY A (0. h ¿77. hrM. fr our diet, omit the use of stimulants vigor. and narcotics, and spend reasonably Compare this with your English UM AN AIR -FRICTION CAHBt'HKTOk with long periods of time under pleasant seven other matches on the table, farmer . Tbe ram to kept to himself mbw 1914 )mi'ruv«m*rt'a. lhrr*MM*« posa? «rxl Now challenge anyone present to take all the time except when he is led •etmofnv <>f m«»u>r un» h«lf. Alwolutwly lmp«• conditions in practical retirement. bto lo rhok» n othur < arburt’t- •va. TW Air-Frlrtlan ( arteuiwtor Go.. Itayloa. O. American V'dlcal Association. that of the start, dropping the handful ot grain given to the ram is match Into an empty fourth. A as good as one given to each of the Moth«n will find Mn. winsK-w« ra.itblaz Syrup it>- U st rairirdv to um tui their cbUtUea square already containing a match ewes. luring lbs teething period. must be counted in the course of When evening comes, the farmer lead» his ram out to where the ewes A story of th« late poet laureate, Alfred Austin: lie had been talking are gathered for the Inspection of the a good deal about himaelf after din­ ram. The lead 1s loosened from his ner, as was his wont, to the annoyance 2 / baiter and be quietly proceeds to in- 3 of tbe other guests, and at last he ■ said: “ljidy ------ , to it time for the poet laureate to go to bed?" everyone In the room said “Yes. ““ addresed to women Hot flashes, dizziness, fainting spells, backache, b . headache, necMimjiiv, >f irrofularity bearing-down pains, n.rvousnsss ell are symptoms of ' and f.mala distúrbenlas and u. not beyond relief. Hotel Washington Favorite Prescription to that of a famous physician unusually sxporto.ieod fa the treating of women’s peculiar ailments. For forty year« it has been recommended to suffering womankind. Thousands of women can bear witness to its beneficial qualities. Perhaps its aid ia all that Is required to rectoro to yoo perfect hralt h end strength. Now is tho Ums to act, write Dr. K. V. Pierce’s. Kuffelo. I I AM NOW CURED knVBj Veal, Pork, Poultry, Hides YOUH DRUGGIST CAN SUPPLY YOU IN LIQUID OB TABLET FOBM COLT DISTEMPER Can he handled v«ry MRily. TM mirk a- R€«ble. do DiBffrr how •«¿MWid.” «Num. by «Min« LfOHlTff LIQUID Didi the tonrue or In feed. Art* on the okx forme of diMetnprr. Be»» re oedy e« rr One bottle «uAran?eed to cure one riMe. KO dozen, of draggiM» and harne«*deu . .K. roanofneturere. Cut ahowa bow to pocitire throa»« O Booklet Kivre everythin«. I < wr I arenta wanted. Jerff W horae remedy in erUtencc -twelve year«. SPOT CASH FOR YOUR SECOND-HAND MACHINERY F a IDEAL DAIRY OR STOCK FARM^ in acre« bench land, all fine m 41 and lay« well 40 acre« in rullivatiun. balance pasture with aumr »rcond-ffrvwt h timber, lot* ot a»«**I. frea •oUknr, Hvln< water, abundance ot fruit, toaludinf abznit ? acre« barrUa. 2 houam one a Ana larva houaa that c«at ©vat 9MQ0. with Ana lawn and »hrubbary. large bam. etc.. I mllaa from m***d town tn Chahalla vallay; hard vurfarad n»ad all (he wav. thia h a snap at ynu ran t maha (ha improvamatita for that; 9KUO caah hantllae thia, Alvord 41 Ct»., UA Hoard of Trade IOd<„ PortJand. Orvwon V 7 a THIS FLASHLIGHT R Ki. (LAR PRICK I LU. •and I LIO and this ad. and wa will dallvar to your hotiis. i-wiipldtd w.th TUNGSTEN LAMPS And Eveready Battery We alao haodU H»stlng Appllanraa. Xmaa Tree Feetoana. Klar trie Taya. Lvarythlne Klaetrkal. SKNI> fOH CATALOG. STUBBS ELECTRIC CO. SIXTH AND PINg. PORTLAND, ORK. a starting point Each match muai alike commence, and And Its des­ tination In an empty square, The middle square must not be count­ ed at all, neither for the start nor flnlsh. nor In the course of a move. It will be found that there la little dif­ ficulty In securing squares for five, or even six. matches; but the placing of the entire seven is by no means a simple matter. The solution Is as follows: The square from which the first move Is made must receive the next match, If tbe start commenced at 1, for in- stance, and the match consequently found Its destination in 4, It must be arranged that the next falls in 1. Tbe counting of the second would there­ The____ ___________________ pulgat, a Burmese measure, __ ia fore have to begin at six. Similarly the only foreign measure exactly cor tbe third match is made to drop Into 6 responding to our Inch. by starting at 3, and so on until al) seven have been placed. Time It! In five minutes all atom ach distress will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourneaa or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness. bloating, fou! breath or headache. Pape's Diapepstn Is noted for its npeed In regulating upset stomachs. It Is the surest, quickest stomach rem­ edy In the whole world and besides It is harmless. Put an end to stomach trouble forever by getting a large flfty-cent case of Pape’s Dlapepsln from any drug store. You realixe In five minutes how needless It is to suf­ fer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. It’s the quickest, surest and most harmless stomach doctor in the world. Limited. There are SOO.OOO automobile« In the As we grow older we get sense, but United State«, excluilve of commer­ not to excess.—Pittsburg Post. cial truck«. Alfred Davis, of OH City, Pa., has a sunflower In his yard that ta nine feet eight Inches high nnd bears 36 fully developed flowers, with as many more blossoms. MEN! $30 A WEEK EASY Ô l4wm Watchmakln« and Engrevta« la a few months Poaltloaacuarantoad. Writ« VATOUUI1M. SCHOOL m. at. MU Lord Curzon began a friendly sulf in Washington against Joseph Leiter to change the trustees for the 11,700,- 000 marriage settlement made upon his deceased wife, Mary Victoria Leit­ er. 8eymour Morris of Chicago and the Earl of Suffolk are to be substitut­ ed for Robert T. Lincoln, former sec­ retary of war, and Viscount Middle­ ton. Joseph Leiter, executor of the Leiter estate, has agreed to the change. e Wonderful Blood Remedy That Works in the Tissues Tin Very Lata! Theary Abaui Haw and Why the 8. S. 8. Means Pure Blood Which Insures Long Life and Health. Tbs great experts in Chemistry and Physiology now declare what has all along been contended by ths Bwlft Lab­ oratory that the germs of blood disorders find lodgment in ths Interstices of tbe tic. guea And herein to where 8. 8. 8. goes to work rapidly, effectively and with won­ derfully noticeable reeulta This famous blood purifier contain« medicinal components just as vital and essential to healthy blood as ths nutritive elements of wheat, roast beef, and fete and ths sugars that make up our dally ration. As a matter or fact there to one Ingre­ dient In B. H. H. which serves the aotlve purpose of stimulating each cellular part of tho body to ths healthy and judlalous selection of its own essential nutriment. That to why it regenerates ths blood sup. plyi why it hae such a tremendous in­ fluence In overcoming ecsama, rash, plm* •tee, and all akin afflictions, BUSY LITTLE TREE PLANTERS By Burying Nuts of Chestnut, Hickory and Walnut 8qulrrele Perform Moet Important Duty. CKemLta and B^terlalowi.ta. GOSHEN. IND.. U. S. A. - ' -........... I THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF Girle! Try It! Hair gets soft, fluffy and beautiful—Get a 25 cent bettle of Danderine. If you care for heavy hair that glis­ tens with beauty and is radiant with life; has an incomparable softness and to fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. Just one application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides it imme­ diately dissolves every particle of dandruff. You can not have nice heavy, healthy hair if you have dandruff. This destructive scurf robs tbe hair oi its lustre, its strength and its very life, and if not overcome It produces a feverishness and itching of the sc.Jp; the hair roots famish, loo» en and die; then the hair falls out fast. Surely get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store and just try it The Merry Life. Some young folks have odd ideas of the life theatrical. "My, but I'd like to travel on the road with a company," said a young man the other day. "Wbat would you like most about such a life?" his companion asked. “I think It would be just great,” tbe ambitious one exclaimed, “to sit about the railroad stations playing a banje and singing songs until the train ar­ rived."—Youngstown (Ohio) Tele­ gram. YOU’RE THE ONE wbo to going to suffer if you neglect the small ills of the Giving a Man no Chance. Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Ths decision of the United States supreme court in the case of C. H. They are only warnings of Summers of Juneau, setting aside the impending sickness which you 280-year prison sentence Imposed on the Alaska banker for misappropria­ can "sidetrack” by the use of tion of funds, comes as a great relief. It not only was clearly unconstitution­ al. but absolutely against all the dic­ tates of humanity. It Is always wise to temper justice with mercy. And especially when an offender is not beyond hope of re­ demption. A sentence of 280 years is the extreme of cruelty. To one of Mr. Summer's age It would mean that It restores the appetite, aids 'bhen he finally emerged from behind digestion and keeps you welL the prison walls’ he would be a very old man—too old to carve out a new , career for himself. The lower courts should realize that the days of prison sentences of more than 100 years or fines of more than 829.000,000 are gone by.—New York Globe. — GIVE "SYRUP OF FIGS” Tests having shown that reconnai TO CONSTIPATED CHILD sance work can not be effectively done at greater heights than 2600 feet, ' the French army has decided that its Delicious "Fruit Laxative" can’t harns^ tender little Stomach, liver war aeroplanes must be armored and bowels. against rifle bullets. Stomach Bitters A Prize Winner. Illi epect the flock. One is found In heat, she is served and tbe shepherd quietly removes her while the ram continues bls inspection. When all has been served the ram is removed and a record is made of the ewes bred, the date and anything else that may be needful. There are 160 dramas and 21 melo­ The pure bred owner takes the ear dramas based on the life of Joan of tag number of bis ewe and her date Arc. of breeding is put down on his flock record. The grade sheep owner marks his ewes in some conspicuous manner. For instance, the first week he uses red paint placed on the hip, the sec­ ond week on the back, the third on the shoulder, etc. Different colors of paints are quickly relieved by Sloan’s being used, if possible to know by the Liniment. Lay it on—no rub­ mark on her back just when she will bing. Try it. lamb. lambing time approaches When there to no question about when a ewe should lamb. He has the records. A glance and he has the whole story before him. A sharp contrast to the former who has to “tall by guess” about when a ewe Is to lamb, and who consequently looses a high per cent, of his crop. to it too much trouble to do this? Is it too much trouble to get your corn planted or to harvest your oats when ripe? Your lambing season is your har­ vest. It awaits you. but the time of harvesting (giving birth to lambs) is uncertain, unless you know by your SplwMUdfarSprafae. records when to expect it. “ I fell end eprained my »rm a week Brother farmer, it is these little •go end wee in terrible pain. I could things that count. They mark the not n»e my bend or arm until I applied your Liniment, t ahall never be with- difference between the progressive farmer and the shiftless or indifferent, between the business farmer and the Fin. foe-Stiffly. work horse kind, between the money “Sloan'e Liniment hae done more good than anything I have ever tried maker and the loser, between success for stiff joint». I got my hand hurt so and failure. We are all of us either badly that I had to atop work right in the buai eat Ume of the year. I thought one or the other. Sprains, Bruises Stiff Muscles Contrary to common belief, the gray squirrels of the United States de not lay up their winter store of nuts in mass, but bury each one separate and apart from the rest, and for this rea­ son they are nature's most Important chestnut, hickory and walnut tree planters. Harper’s Weekly remarks. Tbe nuts are hidden in the ground, often at a considerable distance from one another, and either by Instinct or a remarkable memory the squirrels will penetrate through several feet of snow when In want of food and sel­ dom, If ever, fail to find the hidden treasures. They do not need or use the one- tenth part of the provender they have hidden away in the ground, and what they do not consume germinates tbe next spring and in this way we get our uniform nut tree forests, which would otherwise grow in cluster under the parent tree where the nuts have fallen. In their burying operations squirrels often cover a large area of ground, seeking the moet favorable spot for Rot of Tomatoes. hiding their food; this accounts for This disease often attacks plants trees springing up tn the most diverse that are not sprayed. It to first no­ places. ticeable as small, black or brown spots on the leaves or stems of the plants, Production and Consumption. occurring first on the lower and older Myrtle, who la studying physical leaves; but with favorable weather it geopraphy, liken to flaunt her superior spreads rapidly until the plant is de­ knowledge. foliated, and the spots on the stems "Jimmie," she said to her little have coalesced Into Irregular, blackish brother, "I bet you don’t know what patches. If a piece of bark with these germination produces.” spots be examined under a high power "I don't know what it produces,” re­ microscope, innumerable small, cres­ plied Jimmy, "but I know the German cent-shaped bodies may be seen. nation consumes lota of sauerkraut and Wienerwurst”—Youngstown Tola- These are the fruiting spores of ths fungus. Spray with Bordeaux mixtura gram. And In regenerating the tissues 8. 8. 8> has a rapid and positive antidotal effect upon all those Irritating Influences that cause rheumatism, sore throat, weak eyes, loss of weight, thin pale cheeks, and that weariness ot muscle and nerve that is generally experienced, by all sufferers with poisoned blood. Get a bottle of 8. 8. 8. at any drug store, and In a few days you will not only feel bright, and energetic, but you will be the picture ot new Ufa 8. 8. 8. to prepared only In tho labora­ tory of tho Swift Specific Co., tot Swift Bldg, Atlanta, Oa. Who maintain a very No Timo. efficient Medical Department, where all who have any blood disorder of a stub­ "Son, do you read blood and thus- born nature may write freely for advica dor novels?" 8. 8. 8. to sold everywhere by all drug "No, air. It’a all I kin do to k««p stores. up wit’ the horrible crimes in the oar­ Bev/are of all attempts to sell you something "Just as good.” Insist upon rent news.” B. 8. ■> SPOHN MEDICAL Ct HOSTETTER’S Ea h "Pape's Dlspepaln” Digests 3000 Square Puzzle. graine food, ending all stomach misery In five minutes. a move, but It cannot be used as J M m IkaS. SOUR, ACID 8TOMACH8, OASES OR INDIGESTION mhio SLOANS UNIMENT Ki/ls Pain Look at the tongue, mother! If coated, your little one's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing at one*. When peevish, cross, listless, doerat sleep, eat or act naturally, or to fever­ ish, stoqiach sour, breath bad; hae sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of “California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigest­ ed food and sour bile gently moves out of its little bowels without grip­ ing, and you have a well, playful child again. Ask your druggist for a SB- cent bottle of “California Syrup of Figs,” which contains full directioaa for babies, children of all ages and tor grown-ups. Pina, a diaphanous fabric, is man» factured In the districts surrounding Iloilo, island of Panay, Philippines. fôuildeïô! T here are bargains HERE FOR YOU. P roofing A B guaran­ teed roofing, i p V, »L10 par roll Heavier plies st equally low prieea. We also eell tar aa»ar. tending tag gate', teadenlag tall aag plaat.r board at ¿■JrtagyJowjrtr^a^ at first that I would have to have my hand taken off. but I got a bottle of “r h,nd-’’ «oaa» Thia fine front or rear 4oor with Jon fir. Our eata- lo< ahowa a big aa- ••rtmant of doors M bargain pries* iron» Ifji up. H Sash from 1 Ite.»k •eeor«in« «Miga Rtylaa of rash rm Raillvork. all at mill prloae. ktmiSKMAlK. IK1M.US. Hogs snd Sheep. If the farmer is looking for quick returns in live stock and for a large percentage on the money invested, there are no animals on the farm that will beat the sow and the ewe. »n a BcK Cevgh Ryrop. TutM Good. U m In time. Bold by DrnggiMt. We'll Mve you 85% to 80% on your lum- ber bill Our lumber is all first grade end first quality. Wo eell you direct Send your liat at once and get our prepaid prices