NEWS NOTES OF LEI’ER NURSE IS OSTRACIZED _______ Although Free From Disease, All Friends Shun Her. APATHY IN MEXICAN ELECTION Neither Speechmaking Nor Pared»» Merk Campaign. MILITANT IS HELD FOR DEPORTATION Mexico City.—With the election» it General News of the Industrial and Educational Development Chicago — Miss Maris Collier, who week oft and the neeurunce of three disappeared Friday, leaving a note and Progresa of Rural Communitiea, Public Institutions, Etc. candidate» in the field for the proal- - w , **ying that she had been ostracised by deucy, there appears to bo no notice­ Resume of minds Important society because she f«>rm«rly was a able Interest on the purl of tho gen­ U. S. immigration Authorities I? * T IJ ’ I) • C nurse in a leper colony, has returned. FORTY THOU8AND SHEEP SOLD FARMERS’ WEEK AT COU.EGE eral public as to who triumph». L^entS 101(1 HI oriel. She asserted that the unfounded re­ Detain Mrs. I’ankhurst. There la no apeech making: there ports that she was suffering from lep­ Central Oregon Growers Make Deal * are no parados; only a few posters an Rural Organization to Be Theme of rosy, causing her friends to forsake! Involving $100,000. Pouncing the several candidate«. Special Lectures. her. had so discouraged her that she lie- new »paper» have paid little at Bend. — What is said to bo the larg , President Wilson predicts the pass­ had determined to shoot herself, She Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­ tention to the approaching elections, Would Start Hunger Strike Hut age of the currency bill by congress in said that Miss A. Benjamn, of Mil- est shipment of sheep sent from Ore- vallis Rural organisation will be the printing only occasional deprecatory When Case la Appealed Kata November. waukee. an acqi aintance. had per» gon in 1913 is being loaded from Betid key note of Farmers’ Week at the articles directed chiefly against tho Chicken Sandwich. this week, About 40,006 sheep are Oregon Agricultural college, December validity of tho candidacy of Federico A petition is bein'” circulated ask­ suaded her not to end her life. Gamboa, nominated by (ho Cathollo **I became so dispirited that I de­ included in tho shipments, tho pur J io 8 to'13. ing ex-Senator Lorimer to run for the n. io. Farmers who are learning party. 1« It t • there I. Ian 4 I. I a» cided there was no use living any chase of thia number having been ' t that is something more AL^.. than senate again. Honor Gamboa looks for special sup­ Washington. D. C.—Th« New York longer.” said Miss Collier. “I des­ made from central Oregon growers by bountiful crops essential to profitable port from Jalisco, Guanajuato, Quote Secretary Bryan says there never immigration authorities* order exclud­ troyed marks of identification on my Montana flrtus, whose buyers have f“rminK w111 be given an opportunity roa and other central slates. was a time when the Bible was more clothing and as I waa tearing up oldj"7.~ Managers of tho campaign of Man­ ing Mrs. Emmeline I’ankhurst from ................... Clay, of Oswego. Or, and * l<,,r” ot •ucc®«8ful co-operative pro- needed than at present. letters I found one from Miss Benja­ J A. Green. of Blllin.ts. Mont uel Calero, a liberal candidate, assert admission to the United States was 2* “ “"¿i”11 It is considered that Yuan Shi Kai min. In it she told me that if I everi I _. ... .. . , most parts of Europe and in a few that much work has been done for him overruled Monday. She was ordered . !r t lay estimates that close to places in America. European farmers In Vera Crus, Oaxaca and Yucatan has a big job before him in recon­ , intended to take my life to pay her a The supporters of General Felix admitted Immediately. visit first I told her a long time ago I $100,060 ot Montana money has come refuse«! to organise until driven by structing the Chinese government It was stated al the White House to Oregon through this one large pur grim necessity, but are now practicing Dlax have been hampered by tho un­ Col. Roosevelt’s steamer reached that I would kill myself. as to tho course tho candi­ “ Miss Benjamin brightened me up chase. Uy far the greater portion of co-operative methods so successfully certainty that Mrs. I’ankhurst will be given her Rio Janeiro. Brazil, end an enthusias­ date Intends to pursue. While those and I now intend to go back to the ¡the stock Is lambs. These will be that with inferior advantages they are who aro conducting hie campaign in­ freedom on her own recognizance. tic reception was given the Colonel. lepers. I am an outcast to society. taken to Montana and thero placed on °? “ higher plane of prosperity than sist that ho la returning to stand for Secretary of Labor William It. Wil­ Wind, snow and rain storms are re­ Doctors have made examinations and the ranges, ultimately to be shipped to „ An"’?«n the elections, there are many promin­ ported through the E»»i and Middle reported that 1 am free from leprosy, .... , Details of the organised operat on» ent members of hie party who frankly son said he entertained serious doubt the ship wi|| be explained as fully as possible confesa their doubt. ills followers as to whether Mrs. I’ankhurst*» acts In West, and several deaths have result­ but friends refuse to believe it If 1 go to any gathering the crowd near meats, from a railroad st. ndpotnt, are by Dr. tisetor" Macpherson? , who was are depending for strength on the ef­ England constituted moral turpitude, ed. ‘ ....... _ . . delegate . . me dwindles down until I find myself, through to Chicago, with feeding . lu an official in the American forts of tho clubs, of which they say The fourth volume of speeches and adding that if she broke tho laws of standing alone. ” transit commission that toured Europe last some thousands have organised, chief­ addresses, delivered by Kaiser Wil­ ly throughout Vora Crux. OsgMg, tho United States she could vastly be Miss Collier passed several months Thus far thia year 80,60 head of summer to investigate rural organisa­ helm from 1906 to 1912, has just been Guerrero and tho southern states. at a leper colony near Trocadie, New sheep have been shipped arrested. tions and credits. The most success ­ __ _____ fioru Bend. issued in book form. Thom Is no reason to expect that Brunswick. She was forced to leave according to Traveling Freight Agent ful American methods will also be ex­ Commissioner General Camincttl the results of the biillollng will bo A California judge has sentenced an because the climate was breaking J. T. Hardy, of the Oregon Trunk, who plained and illustrated. decided finally until weeks after tho then ordered Mrs. Tank hurst’s release. Is here handling the railroaC end of auto thief to ten years in the peniten­ down her health. Since Dr. Macpherson first reported The law provides that tho this contingent. Of these, seme 56. informally on the benefits of co-opera­ election. tiary, declaring joyriders of this class New York. Mrs. Emmallno Batik- ballots must counted and the result 006 have gone to the winter feeding tion, many requests have been mado announced by bo congress. a menace to the public. hurst, foremost of English militant There la no country, on the return trip trim the for explanations and instructions fur congress In Mexico, nnd there will be suffragette», who reached America Progressives of the Sixth district of forest reserve summer ranges reached effecting organisations in Oregon. It none until now members are elected Saturday on the liner Brovence Io ap­ New York have nominated ex-Gover- from Bend. with the presidential elec­ peal for (he sympathy and support of nor Sulzer for assemblyman, which Thus far the last shipments have has not been possible to give such in­ coincident the American p«M>plo In the "revolu­ tions. been made as follows: On October 8. formation by letter, as there are so would start him a second time in pol-. It would seem then to follow, one tion” for which she says she 1s fight­ La Crosse, Wis.—Investigation of 28 cars; on October 11, 35 earn; on many intricate details to be worked itics where he started in 1889. the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy October 2 (from Redmond), 17 cars; out in view of local conditions. But candidate has pointed out, that the ing. Is prisoner nt Ellie Islnnd, under of deportation, awaiting the Is­ England’s recognitin of Huerta im­ wreck at ¡Nelson. Wis., Saturday, in on October 12, 27 cars. In all, the if concrete problems of organisation members elect of the sonata and the order sue of an appeal, which Is expected mediately after be had proclaimed which one man was killed and 18 in­ long haul shipments of the season ere presented at the meetings all that ch.-mbcr of deputies must bo Inducted to bo decided soon nt Washington. those bodies organised before the himself dictator has aroused the gov­ jured. shows that M. H. Dorsey, en­ from Bend will total In excess ot 150 can be done will be done to furnish a nml With Ml»» Illi.-ta Child* DOW, nil ballot boxes can be opened ernment at Washington and it is likely- gineer of train No. 54, saved the lives cars. As the average freight on tiese workable plan for each case. other of the arriving English militants Just who will pass upon the election vigorous protests will be made. of many of his passengers by his to Chicago Is about $218, the revenue Other important subjects treated of aerators nnd deputies doos not ap­ Who woo "voluntarily da-tnlnmj" thnt derived by the railroads from steep will be giMxi roads, increasing soil fer­ pear to be clearly defined, but In tho i »he might be with her leador, Mrs. Mrs. Pankhurst, English suffragette prompt action. No. 54 was partly on a siding when shipments originating in Bend alone tility, best crops and cultural methods opinion of those conversant with po­ ‘ I’.uikhurHt occuplv» tho <-omml»»loli- leader, was allowed to land in the this summer will come to more than er’s suite of two r«M>m» In the ndmln United States and left free on her the express train. No. , .. 57, appeared __ ,, $22,000, exclusive of the large short of same, and the spiritualisation of litical affnlrs. tho judges of the su­ ; Istrntlon building. They are the ones - .,. ere not tlme. to pu ; haul shipments. So far as the central the country home through pleasant preme court will be called on. or presi­ in which Cipriano Castro, former Ven- own recognizance, but will not make close by. dent Huerta, having nseumed unusual a lecture tour in this country and into the siding, and to remain where Oregon roads are concerned this plum end healthful surroundings and by powers, will do so himself. _ nzuelan dictator, was detained while he was would have caused No. 57 to picked by the Oregon Trunk is by far beautifying the home. will be expected to return to Europe A report current in the capital that ' hl» enne was pending. crash into the passenger coaches of the fattest of any originating In con- The sis days of the course will be by Nov. 20. Mrs. I’ankhurst wan detained by an Huerta nnd General Blnnquat, No. 54. Dorsey quickly reversed his tral Oregon since the roads were con- filled with matters of absorbing in­ General ; Immigration Inspector on her arrival the wnr minister, had been announced Captain Inch, of the Volturno, de- engine, backed onto the main track strutted. Next to it, lumber ship- terest to farmers who hope to make as candidates In the state of Chipas, i hero and waa nt once taken before a dares his crew acted well, many dying with the engine and baggage car, ments from Bend, which average more profitable and enjoyable the with their consent, wns denied In bo . »pedal board of Inquiry which, nfter which had been clear, and took on his [ 30carsa month, have proved at their posts. Opportuni­ half of Huerta by Honor Mohono, tho ■ 'xnmlnlng her, »ptHullly decided that ' the greatest business producers for country home in Oregon. locomotive the 'shock of the collision because she had l>oon convicted ties will be given to observe success­ foreign minister. A woman was fined $21.80 in Outag­ I the carriers. abroad for acta Involving moral tur­ amie county, Wis., under the new with the express train running 60 To handle the sheep here the stock ful crop, dairy, fruit and poultry pitude she was nn undesirable alien. miles an hour. anti-slander and anti-gossip law. J yards and corrals have been enlarged methods, to study first hand the best TWENTY SOLDIERS ARE KILLED Tho board, therefore, ordered her ex­ modern system of butter and cheese clusion. The "moral turpitude” waa Government agents report the dis­ EXTORTION METHOD IS NEW #nd ,mpr®ved-_______ production, and to confer with experts 100 Artillerymen Injured When Train declared to be Involved l(i Mr» Bank­ covery of immense beds of first-class Is Wrecked. SISKIYOU GOLD IS DISCOVERED and with each other on vital questions hurst's conviction for conspiracy to bituminous coal in Coos county, Ore­ 1 of farming. Sender Inoculates Letter With -------- commit arson. Meridian. Mis», — Twenty soldiers gon. Excursion rates are offered by all were killed nnd about 100 hurt Hun An appeal wan Immediately entere«! Germs and Cure Is Secret. First Ledge Ever Found is Made By A Bulgarian brigade commander railroads in Oregon. Send for Bulle­ day, when a special troop train on and Immigration Commissioner Cam- Chicago—A letter, the contents of Highway Surveyors, was sentenced to two years for leaving tin No. 8 for preliminary circular, to (he Mobile *< Ohio railroad was wrltck- Inettl Is to hear argument In her cane his post during an engagement with which may reveal a new and deadly Medford.—While working on the R. D. Hetzel, Director of Extension, rd. It Is thought tho train plunged in Wnahlngton. method of extortion, or may prove new survey for the permanent high- Corvallis, Oregon. "If tho appeal falls we still have (ho the Greeks. through n trestle near Hints Line, only a hoax, was investigated by the wa? over the Sisklyous the gang of | Miss. Tho casualty list Is given In a hnbeas corpus proceedings.” she said. ' It is reported that Dr. Sun Yat Sen, postal inspectors here Wednesday, men under Assistant State Highway report of the disaster by Division Mrs. I’ankhurst waa ou the point of Chinese revolutionary leader, has been The epistle was received by Frederick ! Engineer Klttridge struck a thre** foot Superintendent Pigford, of the Mobile starting n ‘ hunger strike" when who gold ledge, which caused so much ex- ft Ohio, sent to headquarters of the hoard that tho order of deportation arrested by Chinese agents in Japan. M. Steele, a millionaire manufacturer. citement that work was suspended the road In Mobile. Reports from tho waa Issued. But on learning that a The letter, the sender wrote, was Mrs. Artnisten Chant, a London , rest of the day. scene of the wreck nro meager. The speedy decision of the appeal waa slum woraer who is visiting in Amer­ filled with deadly germs from which A. D. Walters, a member of th<-1 dead nnd Injured, It Is reported, were probable she consumed with evident Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­ started tn Mobile on n epwlal train. ica, deplores the action of English the handler could not avoid contract­ gang, returned to Medford with a bat* relish n chicken sandwich and a pot ing a deadly disease for which only ket of ore, which, local mining men vallis—The sum of $2flt) for every suffragettes. According to the report received of tea which she had requostod. ' declare of a high grade, and if thin ! msn, woman and child in Oregon here, some of the dead nro: Joseph the sender knew the cure. "I am confident that whatever hap­ Little hope is entertained of saving “It is already too late for you to es­ opinion Is verified at the local assay would be their share of the value of Ernest Pnrquotte. Clyde Teel. pens it will l>e boat for the cause In the steam schooner Merced, which cape inoculation,*’ the letter contin­ Ing office a miniature rush to the en- i the state's agricultural products for Tebon. H. II. Blsho|>, G. C. Burleson. Joseph which 1 am Interested," sho said. “I went on the rocks of the Northern Cal­ ued. Mr. Steele said the writer de­ 1 gineering camp on the crest of the [ the present year, if distributed equally Provence. W. H. Brim, ----- Goodes. have great faith In the sense of Justice ifornia coast. manded that $1500 be placed at the Sisklyous may be expected, as th** i among them. The valuation of farm ----- Remsen. ------ G ruckle. ------ and fair play of the American people President Wilson is said to be favor­ foot of the Logan monument in Grant camp easily is accessible and is only products is almost $140,000,000, ac­ ■ Acres. Captain Johnson, of th« Eighth nnd I know they want to give me a ably considering opening up negotia­ Park, and that the cure would be a short distance from the Southern cording to the estimates of I)r. James I Regiment band; Corporal Kohler: Cor­ chance to defend tho movement which right of way. poral Chlowskl; Van Stebbins, hue boon so misrepresented. Thero tions for the recognition of the Mexi­ mailed. A physician will make daily Pacific The Siskiyou range haa heretofore Withycombe, director of theexperi-| private. One body unidentified, with Is no doubt that tuy detention Is un­ can constitutionalists. examination of Mr. Steele's condition. been considered barren as far as gold ment station, and the population is Initials ”H. T.” on cap. ________________ All were just." is concerned, all the ledges being slightly under 100,006. If the num-! members of Company 17. coast arili- HUERTA WILL NOT RESIGN found west of the valley and In the bcr of farmers in the state is 50,000, i lery, U. H A. Prohibitive Tariff Asked. PORTLAND MARKETS foothills of the west range. perhaps an overestimate, the average It Is believed tho wreck wan canneti St. Petersburg—The Novoe Vremya According to Walters, the ledge Is share of the farmer is about $2800. I by tho engine’s plunging through a Rumor of Intention to Flee Capital Wheat—Track prices: Club, 77(8 demands that the government impose well defined and so far as the topog- Emphatically Denied. The exact valuation placed upon trestle, but some anvorlflod accounts 78c; bluestem, 87(888c; forty-fold, 78 a prohibitive tariff on all American ' raphy of the country Is concerned, farm crops by Dr. Withy com be is are thnt the tender Jumped tho track Mexico City.—Provisional President (8,79c; red Russian, 76c; valley, 79c. products imported into Russia as a re­ j may be of great extent. Engineer Kit­ $74,099,165, and the value of other and that several cam plied up on top Huerta has not resigned, nor has he tredge declared that If any more Oats—No. 1 white, $24.50(825. prisal for the American tariff regula­ agricultural products is estimated at of It. An far as known tho wreckago fled the eapltnl. When seen nt the Corn—Whole, $37; cracked, 138 ton. tions imposing 5 per cent on goods I ledges were found he would be forced $65,405.500. The grand total is did not take fire. Tho 39th and 170th national palace nt 5 o'clock Saturday of const artillery, stationed he said ho had no Intention of doing Millstuffs—Bran, 122 ton; shorts, from countries where no treaty exists. | to employ a new gang of men or turn $139,505,326. This is almost $14,- companies i the survey to a less richly mineralized at Fort Morgan, were taken to Mobile either. $24; middling*. $31. In an angry article the Novoe district 1 000,000 greater than the valuation Monday nnd nt noon bonrded tho spe. Barley—Feed, $24 ton; brewing, Vremya declares: “When I resign," General Huerta last year, and indicates great pros­ cial .Mobile ft Ohio train bound for said, "It will bo to seek n resting $25*825.50; rolled, $28(829. “America has sacrificed its old FERRYMAN LASSOES A DEER perity. Meridian, where the soldiers were to plnce nix feet In the soli. When I floc Hay—No. 1 Eastern Oregon tim­ friends, France and Russia, to the The itemized estimates are as fol­ participate In a fair. On tho train tho cnpltnl It will be to shoulder a othy, $15(816; mixed timothy, $1^(8 Jewish magnates under whom the Young Buck Captured From Launch lows : were 179 officers nnd men. rifle nnd to take n y place In tho ranks 14; afalfa, $12; clover, $8.50; valley American people have bowed their AGRICULTURAL CROPS. ISIS. Relief trains carrying nurses nnd to fight the rebels.” on Venturing Into River. grain hay, $11(812. Vaine. physicians were sent from Whistler, heads. '* "So It Is reported that I have fled," 22.14«, HH7 bu.hel» 91H.rdo.HJ> Clover seed—Buying price, fancy Hood River.—A young buck deer Wheat. Ala., Mobile nnd Meridian. 1«. 2 IM. 4.7) 4.HW..MS he snld. "You can ace for yourself I OatM. swimming In the Columbia was las­ Barley. re-cleaned, 9(89jc pound f. o. b. ship­ ** ...... . a. UM J 72 ntn here nt my post. To say thnt I Boy’s Long Nap Puzzles. soed Sunday by Captain Oils D. Tria- Clover h **«*!. 170.0ÍM) 2.040.000 ping points. Women May Smoke. have resigned or Intend to resign Is a 7>7«.fil7 fi.»«. 3*7 St. Paul—Medical experts are puz­ , her, proprietor of the Underwood- Pbtatuefl, Onions—Oregon, $2 sack; buying Los Angelos.—Tho ban on women falsehood. 1 have no Intention of re­ 1.511. ♦'•21 ton«.. .. n..PM.*>!» liar. zled over the case of Abraham Brach- Hood River ferry system. Hop«. lai.UOO bale» í5.W7.«M) price, $1.60 f. o. b. shipping points. cigarette smokers at the Vnnnuys ho­ signing. .. . M.fMMiíílO ‘‘While I was on the Washington Fruit Hereafter tho Vegetables—Cabbage, ljc pound; ner, an 18-year-old Jewish boy, who bank "Should tho elections, which will bo fi.ííiíi.ooó tel has been removed. I saw the deer enter the water, V^iretablc« for 12 days has been asleep in the city MiMccllan<*ouR product«. . ........................ .... 7.500,000 click of Jeweled cigarette cases, the held as I have promised. Indicate an­ cauliflower, $1.25(81.50 doz.; egg­ and when he was about a third of the |74,O9tf.M'Z8 curling blue smoke from gold tipped other for tho presidency, I shall step plant, 7c pound; hothouse lettuce, 90c hospital. He is completely oblivious way across I slipped around behind Agricultural product*— cigarettes, held by fair hands, will bo aside. Until thnt time you will find (8$lbox; peppers, 5(8 7c pound; to­ to all sensation and fails to respond by him In my launch," said Captain Tr**i- Other . iR.42fi.noo allowed In the lobby. Itairy produrti« ........................................ All this Is due me hero complying with my promises matoes, 50c^z$1.50 box; garlic, 10rtv even the slight quiver of a muscle to a ber. “The deer was as quick in the Poultry arwl E$nr« H.700.<*IO . r>Joy«-<’ to the nntlon, which nro to reestablish prick. It is Baid his condition is Wool. r* 7 Ji «Mi Un, pin Xf7r..(o» to an after dinner smok> 12c pound; sprouts, lOt^llc; squash, water as a duck and it kept me busy Mohair. l.ÌH7;W» liai MM.7Ä0 eently by Mrs. Wgltaen Smltb. an Eng pence -I’Mn tho law If possible—but due to hysteria, caused by ill-treat ­ to head him off from the shore. I Jhmcv lie; celery, 40(865c doz. 1«1.750 llsh woman from Australia. As sho to ro-osinbllsn ptaee.” 34.XO7.MJO was alone In the boat, and had to steer Live .Stock Potatoes—Oregon, 90c(8,$l hundred; ! ment before the boy left Russia. i smoked, ’ ' quite as a matter of course, "Another thing." the president snld. and cast my rope. The buck dodged buying price, 75(885c at shipping 74.ow.H2s jthe lobby. Acting Manager Peter- "I have money for my requirements. Wireless Novice Fined. the noose until I was pretty well dis ­ points; sweet potatoes, $2(8,2.25 crate. KOn* between amazement and delight Don’t think thnt I haven’t. Whore did Total New York—Elmer B. Myers, a couraged. Several times In trying to watched the grace with which Mrs. I get It? My secret,” tapping bls chest Green Fruit— Apples, 60c(8$2.50 turn him from the bank I ran the Smith manipulated her cigarette. Ho with a satisfied smile, "but I bnvo It.” box; cantaloupes, $2.25 crate; peach­ Brooklyn youth who set up a wireless boat entirely over him." Klamath Grain Men Happy. made official announcement that wo­ es, 25(850c box; prunes, 2Je pound;! plant on the roof of his home without Klamath Falls — Grain raisers of men will have the same smoking priv­ The deer Is now tied to a tree in pears, $1.25(81.50 box; grapes, 60c first obtaining a Federal license to do Underwood, Wash. Klamath county are much elated over ilege as mon anywhere In the hotel. Car Shortage Indicated. @$1.35 crate, 12Jc basket, casabas, so, was fined 150 by United States Washington, I). C.—Imminence of Judge Mayer for violation of the radio the announcement by Agent S. J. 2c pound; cranberries, $8.50(8,9 bar­ act passed last June by congress. He Many Immlgranta Coming. Bailey that the Southern Pacific has nn Immediate serious car shortage on rel ; Turkish melons 2c pound. 8tore Meets Tariff Cut. Atnorlcnn railroads Induced tho Inter­ Poultry—Hens, 15c; springs, 15c; is said to be the first defendant under Roseburg.—T. J. Ryan, wife and t wo reduced its rates on grain from this Montclair, N. J.—A Montclair store state comtnerco commission to Issue Heretofore turkeys, live, 22c; dressed, nominal; this law. children, of Portland, arrived here re­ city to California points. ducks, 12@12}c; geese, 12c. cently after a four months’ tour of the grain rate to San Francisco has announces for tho benefit of Its cus­ a vlgoroua appeal directed to hoth Two Burn in Smokestack. Europe. Mr. Ryan owns considerable been $5.40 per ton and to Ix>a Angeles tomers that the operation of tho now rnllwnys and shippers to give “close Eggs—Oregon fresh ranch candled, permits It to sell goods at a attention to methods of londlng, un­ Ely, Nev.—Two men were burned land In Douglas county which he will $8.80. The new order lowers these to tariff 42c. reduction. It enumerates a list of ar­ loading, moving and promptly return­ Inspect prior to leaving for Portland. $5 and $7.50. The grain rate to Sac- to death and four others received Butter — Oregon creamery butter ticles on which prices have been re­ ing to use the cars now available.’’ cubes, 34c pound; butter fat, deliv­ minor injuries at McGill when an ex­ Mr. Ryan says he was disappointed ramen to, >4.50 a ton, was left un- duced. These Include Imported pens, Complaints received from nil parts of with the old country, and is glad to This is 50 cents a ton changed. plosion occurred in the smokestack of ered, 34c. back to Oregon. He predicts a cheaper than from other Southern that were formerly 19 cents a tin and tho country Indicate tho danger of a the Steptoe smelter. The men were get Pork—Fancy, 12c pound. Tho commfaalon be­ now sell nt 16 cents; spinach, former­ car shortage. heavy Immigration to the United lining the interior of a new smoke­ States during the next few years. The Oregon points. Veal—Fancy, 13<813$c pound. ly 15 cents, now 13; carrots, formerly lieves that "The present supply of 22, now 19; mushrooms, 28, now 24; cars Is sufficient for nil purposes." Hops—1913 crop, prime and choice, stack with an acid-resisting compound. steamship companies, he says, are at Sixin River Mine Being Worked. Camembert choose, 25, now 24; Edam and for tho movement of nil traffic The hoBe connecting with a gasoline present selling tickets to the United 23@24c; 1912 crop, nominal. Wool — Valley, 16 (8 18c; Eastern torch which they were using became States on the installment plan, many Bandon—Work on a large scale is cheese, $1.09, now 90. Macaroni drop offered. Oregon, ll@16c; mohair, 1913 clip, disconnected and the explosion fol­ of which will become effective next being made on a mining ciaizff at the! pod 2 cents a pound and sardines from Thaw Grows Impatient. 30 cents to 25 cents. year. lowed. 25(8 27c pound. Sixis River, near Bandon. A steam Concord. N. H.—In a supplementary Cattle — Prime steers, $7.50(8.8; shovel has been shipped from Portland brief on behalf of Harry K. Thaw, filed Gresham Buys Water Meter. Apple la Named “Wilson." Celebrated Rate Case Ends. choice, $7.25 (5 7.50; medium, $7(8 and a number of buildings are being by his counsel with Governor Felker, Montvllle, N. J.—A large gold and it Is declared that Thaw has boon de­ Gresham.—A new water meter has erected. A canal system is being con­ 7.25; prime cows, $6.50(8 7; choice, Washington, D. C.—The Interstate $6.25 @ 6.50; heifers, $6@7; light commerce commission has ordered been purchased of the Nepturo type structed that will give 3000 miners’ crimson apple, pleasing to the eye, tained under arrest nearly six weeks calves, $8(89; heavy, $6.75(8J7.75; that for two years the rail rates on im­ by Gresham and will be installed at inches, which is equal to 75 cubic feet and of tart flavor, has been originated on n defective requisition petition sup­ by John Wilson Van Dwynt, a farmer bulls, $3.50(85.90; stags $5.75(8,6.75. ports westbound from New York and the connection of the Gresham mains I a second. The mining engineer re­ of lower Montvllle. He has called the ported by th*« allegation of an Indict­ with the Bull Run water pipe. The Hogs — Light $8.60(58.95; heavy Boston shall be the same. So ends present meter does not register ac-1 ports that the claim contains over 14,- new species the Wilson apple, In hon­ ment which never existed, and during all that time no Indictment Ims been $7.50(8,7.75., w the celebrated import rate case in curately the flow cf water. The new . G00,000 cubic yards of blue gravel, or of the president. A specimen of obtained. The brief question Is asked Sheep—Wethers $4(84.50; ewet, which.the two cities fought for advan­ meter cost $750. The old meter will some of which has, it is said, panned the fruit will be sent to Mrs. Wilson whether the requisition for Thaw’s tages." $3.25(8,4; lambs $4(85.50. 1200 to the cubic yard. to try In plea. bring $200. extradition la made In good faith. 1 PLUCKY ENGINEER SAVES PASSENGERS EROM WRECK OREGON’S EARM I’ROIH fTS VALUED AT 1-10 MILLIONS