Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, October 16, 1913, Image 7

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Vèal, Pork, Poultry, Hides Smaller Him and Uniform Design
Walts AcUo-i of Congress.
Animal Must Have Ample Protec­
_Wlte UAes Av la*. awl "<O nat Saab prit* Hat
Application of Destroyer Should Be
Made on Hot Day*—Eaerele*
Cere In Handling Poison*.
’¡ft SS»'“’* 1 *
3 * fair rrvatmenS hlsbaat prisas *n-l
Vhwb I-, Kvtnrn Mall** Give pa • ulal with
{•ya m H In* of ,n«luM. f. H, Scarnati Ala.
14114 fix K »«S m 4 4"
IB/ JV1JUI KRI'MAN Colorado Agri-
cultural ColUg«./
Egg** Poultry. Haga, Vaal
N*4 prte«* t. •> K IMtland. w«*t »mill»« Oat. II
F»-«li «all** Wia.
Jury buttar. 14. rrvatn-
»»r. tW-’.’Hr. ten* IMtlUir. im»re UBtSn.
♦«•fka. 111IUM; fanr, purl# u4tll< . v-ak faprr.
(Kl*r «Mrara lark. Ir. Uo ¿hip u* fun. »'«4*
M IU m . Win, fa far prtie list and an/ vthnr
Sriaa* wanted. f'aah br rvtwre mail
SUSY • CO-, 1*1 Front Hl.. I'vrtlend. Or.
Aaaala «U.OlMAM.
U » pound aMUfbd. pun» erram..........•*
(h»r pound MMorUd, pur« mltfc ......... 60c.
FUMor Candy Co.. 1<ZT i'albarhus HU rtJIadalphla
iloagM. bo M ait*I *ichang»*J. mgin«»* buUwrx
rtwmniM. Btr. Jwud r«rKbt*4i I,Hl af>.| Frier«.
HE J. It. MARTIN CO. M iat HU Fordaiul. Or.
■ H
business college
The "Topgrade” Shoe
A Really Classy Shoe
If n* Ma 4aa> aal teat* ar* la
Very shortly the peapls of the Unit-
ed States will w I tunas a great revolu­
tion Io the sl*a and apn>*nrunce ol
their currency, says Dank Notos.
Each one of the two Milion notes of
that kind now In circulation will be
supplemented by uniform piece« of
currency stout three-quarters of the
else of that In present use.
The change in site Is not tbs only
Any noto with Washington's
portrait oo It will be s dollar; with
Jefferaon's. two dollurs; with IJo-
ailn’s, five dollar«;
with Grover
Clevoland’s ten dollars; with Alexand­
er Hamilton's, twonty dollars, and so
This plan will rondcr the raising of
bills by crooks an Impossibility, and
we will bavo the safest and simplest
system of national currency In the
The new currency will contribute
largely tn Clio convenience of the pub­
lic, and will also effect a large saving
in the cost of Its production.
Work has been halted on this new
vise money, Secretary McAdoo being
very favorably inclined to the change,
but thinks it best to let congress dis­
pose of currency legislation before-
changing tiis Issue, as new Icglalatioc,
might make new issues necessary to
conform to new laws. The new issues,
when they have replaced the two bil­
lion odd notes now in circulation, will
sound the doom of the counterfeiter,
for a standard design can be photo­
graphed mentally and counterfeits
easily detected.
Mr»lh«r« w!H flnfl Mn. WYnn«»vr^ Boothtwc
Fyr up Ihw b* it rwaivdy t«» U bb toff ibelX cklld«BO
Auriag tha
thing pBruxl.
Portland. Ota.
tury. th« Isughln« U icsma never r»tl ok I.
Ily foall lor. Affinity Carl Co.. MM. Isowka
Huildia<. Portland. (>re«<m.
Agents Wanted sn?
Hours. 10 a m to • p m.
off by appninUasnt
Helen liftc Treatment of all Acute and Chronic
IH bmmi I irenad l’rictlÜMW Huite 04-4-7
Develops Strong Men.
Timber work Is no sinecure. It Is
a han! life, but It is out in the open,
Tbe city
man who thinks tbe forest a play­
ground has never rolled out. with the
"Jobber's sun" In winter, broken s
"jam" In the spring, or driven rioting
rivers In summer.
Tbe "jobber's
son" is the moon.
Advantage moat
be taken of seasonable weather In the
woods. This was especially so I d tbe
old days, when there was leas logging
by railroad. Then a good snow for
hauling meant that every bit of day­
light must be utilkcd. The men were
rolled out early.
Often It was to
breakfast at 4 or 6 o’clock and labor
until the dorknees of night made work
impossible. The men often walked to
their work in the woods by moonlight
in the morning. Hence came the ap­
pellation for the moon of ''jobber’s
I and it develops strong mon.
When Your Eyes Need Care
■re not only Purgative. They com­
bine remedial properties whose
special function it is to restore Io
Try Murine Eye Remedy. Mo Smarting—Ytedl
Fine—Acta Quickly. Try il for Rrtl, WfU,
Watery Fyea and < i run tt la ted Kyeihla. Illus­
trated Ik>«»li In en«b Package.
Morine U
by <rnr Lkwlhl» Ool I •'1‘Btonl Mod-
k'Juw' —but tmssd la bo « ma fa I Pbyvlciaaa* Prso-
Mcm for msn» y wan Now d«*dicai«*d to tbe Pub­
lic, mrd sold by l>ru<gt*tg at Me and tto per Jk>ui«.
NnnM Hye Aalveln A*<*pUa Tubea, Me and ûüc.
healthy activity al! the digestive Murine Eve Remedy Co.. Chicago
and diuretic processes.
First Hubmarine Boat.
Use them for poor appetite, sour
The first submarine boat ever built
stomach. Birk headache, coast!* was made of stave* like a barrel, but
cigar-shaped in outline, fitted with
palion and indigestion.
feathering oars and driven by man
For quickly changing window dis­
play* a New Yorker ha* invented a
three-part window lining, raised or
lowered like an elevator, so that only
one part is visible at a time.
Blood Bath
Knocks Rheumatism
Remarkable Effects of a
Remedy That Actually
Irrigates the Entire
Blood Supply.
It sounds queer to take a blood bath
but that la precisely the effect of a moat
remarkable remedy known aa 8. 8. 8. It
- peculiar action of soaking through
the Intoatlnea directly Into the blood. In
a few mlnutea Ila Influence la at work in
•very artery, vein and tiny capillary.
Tvery membrane, every orsun of the body,
every emunctory becomca In effect a filter
to strain the blood of Impurities. The
itlmulatlng proixirtle* of 8 8. 8. compel
the skin, liver, bowels, kidneys, bladder
to all work to the one end of cuatlng out
every Irritating, every puln Inflicting atom
of poison; It dislodges by IrrlKntlon all
accumulatlona In the joints, enuxes acid
accretions to dissolve, renders them neu­
tral snd sentters those peculiar forma­
tions In tbo nervo centers that cau*o
such mystifying and often baffling rheu­
matic pains
And best of all, this rcmnrkable remedy
Is welcome to tbo weakest atomach. If
you have drugged yourself until your
■tomach Is nearly paralysed, you will be
astonished to And Ihut 8. 8. S. gives no
sensation but goes right to work. This
ia because It Is a pure botanical Infusion,
Is taken naturally Into your blood just ss
pure air is Inhuled naturally Into your
Th* great Rwlft Laboratory has spent
millions of dollars In perfecting, produc­
ing and placing In the hands of the pub­
lic tbls wonderful remedy. So give your
blood a good bath with 8. 8. 8., for It
knocks th* worst forms of rhsumatlsm
and gives you freedom to enjoy life.
Tou can get «It at any drug ator* at
)l.00 a bottle. It la a standard remedy,
recognised everywhere as the greatest
blood antidote ever dlecovered. If your*
1* a peculiar case and you desire expert
advice, write to Th* Swift Speclflo Co„
100 Bwlft Bldg., Atlanta. Os.
power. It wee constructed by David
Bushnell and used with effect In the
revolutionary war. It* euccees led to
further constructions at later dates,
one of which was the man driven "In­
telligent Whale," which now atands
as a relic in the grounds of the New
York navy yard.
This machine is also cigar-shaped
and was driven by a eerie* of hand
erank* working the propeller at the
rear. It was built in 1864, is 29 feet
in length. 9 feet deep, and made of
one-half inch boiler Iron.
a good salary.
It is a great mistake and poor buei-
n«*e manaifninent to ralee bos*, teed
them high pried corn and then al­
low them to be In the rain and oold.
Borne farmers think that because a
hog is a hog It can get along with
any kind of shelter or with no shel­
ter at all. The corn and other feeds
you give may make them grow, but
dampness will take off weight almost
aa fast a* it la put on. With only a
small amount of money epent for
lumber and roofing for building com­
fortable houses, sows, pig* and ma­
ture hogs will bring In larger profits
In the hog business. Hogs of all
kinds llko cool shade, and cool place*
for wallowing and sleeping during the
warmer month*.
The effb lent hog bouse is a simple
affair, and can bo built by anyone
with only a small cash outlay. It
need not be more than four feet high
tn the rear and slightly more In the
front to allow alope for the roof. The
aide* should be short. The lumber
for them will not cost much, but it
should be of good material to keep out
ralna and wind*. Probably the beet
roof for bog house* Is that of heavy
felt. This I* to be laid on tight fitting
or matched board*. Oalvanlzed Iron
also makes a good roof, and la to be
commended for tbe movable bouaea.
When Iron of any kind Is used for the
roof It should be laid on solid boards,
a* Iron la very hot In summer when
the sun shines, and Is cold In winter.
Since a hog house need not be too
large the farmer who keepa eeveral
sow* and I* growing a large number
of plga each year should have a half-
dozen or more of these house* on tbe
farm and In convenient places. Borne
farmer* have all tbelr hog houaea
near the bant and ether bulidlnga,
but I do not think thia la a good prac­
tice. Hoge of different ago* and else*
will not do well tn one herd, say* a
writer In an exchange. They should
be separated Into small herds, accord­
ing to their age* and conditions. Bowe
and growing plga should not be al­
lowed to be on tbe same lot with fat­
tening hog*. The excessive corn diet
Is not good for their growth and pro­
duction, and with large fattening hogs
the smaller ones will be crowded and
Injured. Too many hog* In one pen
are more apt to contract disease than
when they are put Into several lot*
and smaller bunches.
When the farm la divided Into small
field* and each field Is fenced bog
tight It will pay to have at least one
hog house in each field, so that it can
be pastured with bogs at some time
each year, thus saving and turning to
good account all the waste forage.
Lid Covers Palls and Prevents Con­
tents Spilling Out—Invention of
Illinois Man.
A carrier for buckets of water, gar­
bage and the like has been patented by
an Illinois man. A wheeled frame sup­
ports a low-lying platform that la de­
signed to receive the buckets, and a
hinged cover la adapted to awing
parallel with the platform over the
buckets. This cover can be adjusted
She Knew.
"Mabel think* of becoming an au­
thor, and this morning she asked me
which school of literature 1 would rec­
"What tell her?"
"I told her I only knew of two
kinds. The kind that uses ‘thru’ and
the kind that doesn't."
A Monarch's Mistake.
Richard was offering hi* kingdom
for a horse.
"An auto would get you beyond ex­
tradition," we suggested.
Nine-tenths of the letters handled
by the United State* mail are in the
usual business sixe envelope.
Molten tine instead of cement was
used to bind together the stones In a
bridge recently built in France.
We eland back of onr graduates,
Water Carrier.
to fit close to the tops of the buckets
and prevent them from overturning or
from spilling their contents. With this
carrier a man can move liquids about
rapidly, as be need not be exercising
care to see that there la no Jolting of
hts load. The cover ia not required; It
can be turned up Into vertical position
and dropped Into a recess in the back
of the vehicle, out of the way. A lever
locks it Into either position.
Generous Feeding Required.
The tnceeeant and continuous de­
mand on a brood sow, when suckling
a large litter of pigs, Is such a drain
on her system that It creates an ap­
petite that will require generous feed­
ing for the good of the sow, pigs and
the man who contemplates getting
quick returns from them.
Weight le Ueeleee.
Of what veins '• weight In tbe big
horse unless the horse Is able to move
that weight at a good rapid gait, and
without occupying an acre of ground
to turn around.
Keep Feneee Repaired.
It I* a rather tedious process, and
Th« time of ell other* when reliable cartridges are invaluable la in
hard on tools to remove weeds or
big-game hunting.
A miae-fire, an Inaccurate cartridge, or on«
gras* from walk* by hoeing or cutting
having poor penetration may mean the loaa of a coveted trophy or
them out between the atones, but
even injury to the hunter. Wincheater, th« W brand of cartridges,
there are a number of chemical* or
Cmokelcrs or black pewder, can always be relied on to be aure
spray* which can be used with good
fire, accurate, and to have sr>eed end penetration. You can help
1. Balt. Take one pound of Belt to
one gallon of water, boll and apply
white still hot, or dry salt may be
us4*d and then watered in; but this
will color th* walk more or tees and
1* not quite so effective.
t Crude carbolic acid, one-hall
ounce of the liquid to one gallon of
water will also destroy ants.
S. Sulphuric acid, four-fifths ounce
of the add to one gallon of water
Best applied with a wooden pall.
The vacuum principle has been
In a new resuscitation apperatoa
4. Take one pound of powdered adapted to a fly trap invented by a which weighs but «even prxuide pur*
arsenic to three gallon* of cold wa Colorado man, the ineeeta being drawn oxygen is obtained at any desired
to their doom through funnel* placed pressure by the admission of water to
at windows, tables, and other place* a compartment containing a patented
where they congregate.
chemical oompound.
Perfect Woman Nobly Planned
To Warn, to Comfort and Command”
Nature never intended woman to be delicate, ailing, or a sufferer from
“nenes." Women in middle age complain of "hot flashes.’’ Many
Women suffer needlessly from girlhood to womanhood, and from moth­
erhood to middle life, with backache, or headache, dizziness, faintness, ar
bearing-down sensations. For a permanent relief from these distressing
symptoms nothing is so good a*
m R
The “Favorite
as a soothing and strengthening ner­
vine—allays 2nd uibdon nervous excitability.
Irritability, aarvoua exhaustion, and other
symptoms commonly attendant
upon functional and organic diwasas ol tbe
feminine organs. It Induce* refreshing sUd?
and relieve* «rental anxiety and dcapoodeacy.
Cockle Bur.
ter, boll and stir well.
Then add
seven gallons of cold water with twe
pounds of sal soda.
6. Lime and sulphur, ten gallons ol
water, twenty pounds of quicklime
and two pound* of flour of sulphui
ar* boiled In an Iron veaeel. After
settling, the dear part la dipped ofl
and used when needed.
There are also a number of com
merclal weed killers In th* market
which can be bought at seed store*
should best be made on a hot day,
or right after a rain, with a watering
pot (sprinkler), and one good appli­
cation la usually sufficient for ths
season. As the most of them contain
poison, either arsenic or adds, great
car* should be exercised In handling
Among Other Thing* Animal* Should
Not Be Fed Too Much Com Dur­
ing Hot Weather Seaeon.
tBr H. P. HOSKINS. University Farm,
St. Paul. Minn.)
Don’t overload your horses.
Don't feed too much corn In hot
Don't make any sudden change In
the feed.
Don't keep your horse* In poorly
ventilated stable*.
Don't feed grain to warm horses
Give them hay first.
Don’t allow the harness, especially
the collar, to chafe.
Don't expect your horses to relish
their feed, unless the mangers ar*
Don't give large amounts of water
at one time. Small amounts frequent­
ly are much better.
Don't give your horses patent medi­
cine that you know nothing about,
especially colic remedies.
Don't keep a horse going after It
begin* to show signs of exhaustion.
You will save him by resting a bit.
Don't allow your horses to drink s
large amount of water on coming In­
to the stable very warm. Allow them
to cool off a bit first
Don't allow young horses to wear
a set of shoes more than a month.
Have them removed, the hoofs lev­
eled and the shoes reset If they are
worth It
Narrowing It Down.
To your Ability add BEHNKE-WALKER training.
a good position
Corn and Other Feed* Make Them
Orow, But Dampness Takes Off
Weight Almost as Fast a* Put
On—House Simple Affair.
There is an old lady living in a
small town in Southern Pennsylvania
who make* great efforts to keep
abreast of the times. Her opportun­
ities, however, are circumscribed, and
she is sometimes compelled to resort
to her imagination.
She went to a
church socialile lately, and as she en­
tered the room one of the attendants
"Good evening, auntie.
1 am glad
you came.
We are going to have
tableaux thia evening.”
"Yes, I know,” replied the old
lady; "I smelt’em when I first came
Bookkeeping - - Shorthand - - Telegraphy
tion From Rain and Cold.
Dr. Pierce’* Pleasant Pellet* regulate and Invigorate
stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules.
Increased Foreet Sale*.
In an Increase tn timber sales this
rear and tn a decrease in receipts from
timber trespass as compared with last
year, national forest officers see a
growing use of the forests and rw-
ipect for the federal foreet policy.
To Kill Fores* Ineeeta.
If • bog ever starts the “getting
A Russian scientist claims to have
out” habit It Is hard to stop him. but
If the fence* are kept In good repair Meeovered an Inoculation for use
against forest Insect*.
little trouble wlU follow.
Warden -What did that woman givw
tbe prisoner?
Turnkey—Only a pie she baked far
him herself.
Warden—Good heavens!
Get it
away from himquick before he make*
And Revives Pigment-forming Cells That a saw of the crust and escapes.
Give Hair Its Natural Color.
Packing Hint for China.
It should be remembered when pack­
Hardly any of us are entirely free from
dandruff or other ecalp affections. Millions ing china or glassware that damp
of us, so long as the trouble ia slight, do little straw is better than dry, and news­
that tissue
or nothing to cure the affection. Other mil­ paper more advisable
lion* are trying to do something, but getting paper-
no results, by applying all sorts of fancy col­
Statesman — I trust the people.
ored and fancy named hair "tonics.'’ You
are not likely to get much benefit, if any,
One of them—All right; lend me
by using any preparation that doee not con­ five dollars?
tain the one known drug that poaitively stim­
ulât«* the growth of hair. The safe and sure
way ia to mix your own tonic or go to a reli­
able druggist and have him mix it for you.
Here ia a simple formula: 6 ox. ordinary Bay
Rum; 2 ox. ordinary Lavons de Composée; H
drachm Menthol Crystals. If you choose, edd
1 drachm of your favorite perfume. Apply
to the scalp with finger tips, night and morn­
ing, to destroy dandruff, to stop falling hair,
to cleanse and beautify the hair, and to stim­
ulate the growth of the hair. This treatment
is recommended to stimulate the growth of
and thus prove that your
the hair, even in case* of complete baldneee.
If your hair i* prematurely gray, try it and
liver is working properly.
■ea if it will not make the pigment-forming
It is always the person with
cells native enough to completely restore the
natural color. This formula contains no dye
a “lazy liver” that is down­
or artificial coloring matter but is designed to
hearted, blue and despond­
make nature produce the natural color in the
natural way. Any druggist can supply yoe
Cheer up—help the
with the ingredients or mix the tonic for you.
liver and bowels in their
work by taking
Constipation causes and seriously ag­
gravates many diseases.
It is thor­
oughly cured by Dr. Pierce’s Pelle’«
Tiny sugar-coated granules.
Some Necklace.
Brussels — The famous $625,000
pearl necklace which was stolen from
the mails and later picked up by a
workman on a London sidewalk, was
sold to Mlle. DuMonceau de Bergen^
dad, of this eity, who is said to be
acting for a "celebrated personage,"
for $700,000.
To cool the air far underground and
thereby permit the miners to work
longer shifts the owners of a German
coal min* compress air at the surface
of the ground and pipe it through the
She—I wonder why they hung that
Secretary of Agriculture A-nends Or­ picture. He—Perhaps they couldn’t
der by Permitting a f .ronger
catch the artist.—Boston Transcript.
Solution of Tobacco.
The secretary of agriculture has
amended Order 113, effective August
15. 1913, relating to dips for scabies
in cattle by permitting the use of the
tobacco dip prepared from tobacco
and suitable tobacco products, pro­
vided it contains not less than seven
hundredths of one per cent of nico­
tine. Heretofore, the requirements
have been that the tobacco dip should
contain not less than five hundredths
of one per cent of nicotine and two
per cent flowers of sulphur. The to­
bacco dip of the new strength need
not contain the sulphur. The regula­
tion remain* unchanged regarding th*
lime and aulphur dip, which may be
Med as directed in the order.
b known everywhere and for over 40 years a*
tbe »tandard remedy for th« dueaae* at
w-xnen. Your drakr in medicine* sell* it In
liquid or tablet form; or yoe can send 50 on»
cent stamps for a trial box oi Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Pretcrirtion tablet*. Addraa* Dr.
Pierce, Invalu*' Hotel. Buffalo. N. Y.
Better than other powder*—
producing light, dainty, whole*
some cake* and pastries—
and you have the secret to
health and happiness.
Take a bottle home today.
ßuilde Tô !
T here are
A B guaran­
teed rooting, I
Heavier plie« jt-.-iì
at equally low
prîtes We
alm aril tar'fe^J’
paper, building
Ing paper, deadening felt
and plaster board a t
amatlngly low priera.
We gl»« a money back guarnntew that everythin*
we t«j| |S <*>cciy as we reprwaaat IL Oar bwstesw
baa grown to It« preeaot fang* sis« by saving Bossy
for bui)4«r« aad year« of Bgaarn tenltng am Uhtsd
•v«ry «tatBsaent ws make. Writ« Bur Baak. Tba Na
t loo al Rank
Conai«re< Baattto. about oar raltabiF
Ity. Remstaber w« «re not I a ««y traat or aaaocta-
tkm. tead for btg 1PII catalog-»«'« ftwo.
1. Shop Repair
2. Theory Inatrvc-
3. Road LeBoona.
Cail or tend for
Central Y. M. C. A.
Sth aod Taylor 8U.
Portland. Ore.
r. M. u.