Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, October 02, 1913, Image 5

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we beleive, cao be boiled down into
these Brat fourteen words constituting
an smmendmeut made to her constitu­
tion in l»»l; “The manufacture and
sale of intoxicating liquor shall tie for­
ever prohibited in this state.’* It ie
secretary, Mr, C. G. Reagon, and dis­ thia fundamental provision, fought and
cussion, lt~wae decided to build a new evaded in some local! tiea as it was for a
building on the present site, not to ex­ quarter centre. »nd strictly enforced in
ceed ten thousand dollars. They will all parts of the state onlv within the
October days in Oregon!
We certainly had some very lady-Hke install a gasoline engine for water prir- last five years, that has helped Kansas
poeee. Mr. and Mrs. Garrett furnished to flaunt a two-hundred-million bank
weather in September.
Mrs. Garrett gave violin account in the face of a partial crop
Old-timers »ay we are liable to have a the music.
Continuation of fine weather through selections accompanied by the school failure; that relieves her of spending
much time, strength and money on pau­
T E Clark, who lately returned from
pers criminale, insane and feeble
Oarnaa, Wash., says they claim to have
minded ; that gives her people the beet
the largest paper mill in the world at
of chancee for living and the fewest ei*
that place.
cnees for dying.
Mrs. George Gouper organised a Tem­
It ie thie defiance of wbat other states
perance Club among tlie boys and young
have legalized as a "necessary” evil
men, at tlie school house last Saturday.
A lew day* ago, when the whole conn* that has helped to make her citizens
Prof. Cooper has had great success in
try waa worrying about the unpreceden- the richest per capita in the country
raising sweet corn this year.
and the richest of any agricultural folks
b„ a ^r.
earlieat variety waa the Golden West, ted heat and drought in th. west, the jn the wor|d. tbat baa
then ti>e Early Minnesota followed t>y governor of Kansas issued a public state- manent .chool iond of |I0 000.000 and
the Mammonth Evergreen.
meni saying be hope.! no one would haa rw)uced ber illiteracy to almost
waste pity on the people of bis state, nothing. It to this insistence □P'm
A white man in tlie White House!
With more the- $200,000,000 on de- what ,iavea o( cartom always bava
As sure as you are born!
posit in our state and national banks, sneered at as “impractical,” if not im­
A working for the people,
we could weather a worse storm than possible, that has helped to give her
Each day from early mom.
this without hardship,” he said. s balance of more than a million and a
No more the rich and greedy
And when you stop to think that quarter in her state treasury and no
Get everything they ask.
tbto money, divided equally among the bonded debt, eave $370,000 held by the
But all most be busy,
men, woman, children and babies of permanent school fund; this alone that
At their appointed task.
Kansas, would give each of them $11» makes possible the statement that W
in cash, not to mention the tidy snm of per cent of her 400,000 school children
Through all tlie long night of ages,
$1<>»4 each ie credited with as bis or her I have never seen a saloon.
Tlie [>oor have labored hard,
: share of the state’s assessed wealth, yon
And got but little for it
For even when the liquor intereet»
can see the force of the argument. As sncceded in evading the law in many
And very poor reward.
a matter of fact. Kansas, which last year instances and boasted that prohibition
While those that toil not,
produced $325,000,000 worth of products, 1 was a failure in Kansas, government
Nor neither do they spin,
can better afford such a roasting and statistics showed that the average an­
Live in royal grandeur
drying np than any other state in the nual consumption of intoxicating liquors
Roiling in wealth and sin:
Union, for her per capita wealth to in that state was 11.4» per capita, while
Here to hoping that a better time,
larger than that of any other state. in the neighboring state of Missouri,
Is drawing near at hand,
She can better affuid this or any brand where the whiskey ring ruled, it was
When the poorest one among us
of calamity, for her people are not con­ $24 per capita.
Shall prosper in this land.
stantly paying out huge sums for the
In other words, the average Kansan
and keep of criminals, paupers, in­ had just 122.52 more to spend on food,
We are sorry to bear of Mr. Darnell's
clothing, education and entertainment
prolsible separation from the Beaver sane a d feeble minded.
In eighty-seven of her 106 counties than his average neighbor across the
State Herald as he has done much to
build np its present |>oeition of useful­ there are no ines~c. In fifty-four of Kaw. And just about that much more
ness and influence. He to undoubtedly tbto number are no feeble minded. to save on doctors, nurses, fines, jails,
Nintey-six counties have no inebriates, poorhousee and insane asylums. And
right about tlie [>oor pay to the printer
in the other nine they’re as scarce now that the United States supreme
and editor although they perform very
valuable services to the community in as hens, teeth. Thirty-eight county court ban upheld the Webb law, pro­
which tl>ey live. The minister has a poorhousee are as empty as a last year’s hibiting liquor shipments into legally
week to prepare his sermons and often locust shell, and most of these have dry territory, Kansas is enabled to en­
uses them many times, and the lawyer been so for the best part of the decade. force legislation that will virtually
The pauper population of the state eliminate intoxicants from her borders.
sometimes consumes weeks and months
a little short of 000 Tbat is one
Again and again it baa been said pro­
in preparing for a big case, while the
editor is often compelled to prepare an panper for each 3,000 of the kind hibition is a failure in Kansas ; that
article on some unexpteted crisis or making a living, and a good one—the when the older generation responsible
great event in some part of the world, kind that now own $255,000,000 worth for its adoption passed over the reins of
in very short notice and the article of livestock and in the last twelve mon­ government to its eons—and daughters,
ths have added more than $45,000 000 for Kansas baa recognised women’s
must be perfect in every respect.
rights as full citizens—Kansas would
With a serious shrinking of crops in to their taxable personal property.
Atone time not long ago the jails in “come back to her senses.”
many parte of tlie country, the question
of living through the hard winter in fifty-three connties were empty and
That thia prophecy waa without
states farther east is a very eenous one, sixty-five counties were on the roll as foundation to best evidenced by the
especially to the poor who have to live having no prisoners serving sentence in following statement from Attorney
from day to day on their labor. In the the penitentiary. Some counties have General Dawson:
“The last two sessions of the legisla­
meantime thousands of acres are held not called a jury to try a criminal case
out of use by the greedy corporationsand in ten years, and the attorney general ture answered Ibeee false phropbets by
the predatory nch. For all the suffer­ says “a grand jury is so uncommon tbat passing the moot drastic prohibition law
ing and cruelty practised upon the black half onr people wouldn't know what it in the world, killing the drug store sa­
loon, making it impossible even to cure
slaves a just and over-ruling providence is and how to use it.”
Instead of being plastered from end snake bites by the liquor treatment and
exacted a heavy penalty, and for all the
grinding of the faces of the poor, a sure to end with mortgagee held by east­ absolutely clapping down the “lid” and
and certain retribution will overtake the erners, as was the case two becades ago. riveting it on.
her own people thie vear held more
avaricious and the merciless
“They were not satisfied by going
than $07,000.000 in this form of wealth, this far, but showed their appreciation
an increase of over 500 per cent in five of the benefits of state-wide prohibition
S---------------------- -—-
— K years
by making it a felony for the fellow
Instead of being hampered by a large who violated the law the second time.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Kelley, mass of illiterates—thirty years ago 49
And I have just lately received from
a daughter, last Saturday.
per cent ot her population came under the warden at the penitentiary a re­
Glenn Winters was taken to a Port- thie bead—her present ratio of 2 per
land hospital Tuesday to tindergo an cent is next to the lowest in the land ceipt for one “Red Mercer,” who waa
operation for appendicitis,
He is the and tW'-third« lower than Massachusetts sent up from Barber county as a first
consignment to serve nine years for
son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Winters. including Boston.
violating the new probiuitory law.
Mrs. Ed Rusher visited at Pleasant
It to this uncommon prevalence of
“The law that sent him there was
Home Wednesday.
sound minds in sound bodies tbat has made by these tow-headed, one gallused
Mrs. O. A. Eastman received a tele­ reduced her death rate from 17 to 7 per
gram Sunday announcing the sudden 1000 in thirty years, though the former boys who grew to manhood on the
death of her mother. Mrs Eastman . percentage still holds among ber neigh­ Kansas prairies without ever having
seen a saloon.”
left at once for Wisconsin.
bors. It ie this cuuibination of sense
Yes; something’s the matter with
Mrs. Roy Kern suffered a painful in- and solid muscle tbat haa kept ber
I jury Tuesday evening. She was in Mr. growing stronger and richer through ex­ Kansas. Of what it is there can be no
Zimmerman's auto and a team going in tremes of climate which would decimate doubt in the mind of any unprejudiced
the opposite direction was not noticed a lees fit lot. These people have made observer. And in view of the effect in
until too late to stop the machine, so a good in a zone once declared to be un- the Sunflower state. there is little
collision was the result. Mrs. Kern qnesti uably uuproductive. In the last wonder that an increasing number of
jumped into a ditch and broke both twenty rears they’ve made this “un­ persons believe that this nation will be
liones in her right ankle besides dino­ productive” soil yield corn and wheat pas the most dangerous rocks in its
eating it. The other members of the worth $2,517.902,640. They’ve shown course when the thing that to the
matter with Kansas is the matter with
party escaped injury.
the nation the worth of alfalfa as a
Word has been received of the death money maker, a soil reju Venator and an every square mile of territory from
of Mrs. Hughes’ mother in Montana. ideal feed for stock. The wheat crop, Eastport to San Diego and from Walla
Mrs. Hughes went several weeks ago to harvested before the late hot spell, is Walla to Key West.
1« with her mother.
worth $63,000,000 at currant prices.
Effrema and Itching Cured
O---------------------------------------------------- O
And in 1907, when the panic was on,
| Kansas forwarded $50,000,000 to help The soothing, healing medication in
S----------------------------------------------------- S Wall street out of the hole—the «ame dr . hobson ’ s H ua otNTMRiCT penetrate«
The marriage of Miss Blanche Kansas which was once laughed at by
every tiny pore of the akin, clears it of
lennox to Mr Alfred Blatchtord of the islanders of Manhattan as dead
impuritiea—stops itching instantly.
Bhelbnrn, On-gon, took place at the broke and done for!
residence of Mr and Mrs. John Lennox,
She hasn't as many people as some Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment is
parents Of the bride, on Tuesday, at of the other states, but man for man. guaranteed to speedily heal eczema,
S p. m., the Rev. Spalding of the United she creates wealth faster than any other; rashes, ringworm, tetter, and other un­
1'resbyterian Church officiating.
It she keepe ber own healthier and richer sightly eruptions. Eczema Ointment is
waa a quiet wedding, but the many than any other, and offer- for the a doctor’s prescription, not an experi­
' friends of tlie bride here will be rending worlds coniideration a record of moral ment. All dnnr-ists or by mail 50c.
wireless messages of love’s greeting and and material progress the like of which Pfeiffer Chemical Co.. Philadelphia and
giwxi will for many a day. She to too has not been seen since civilization St. Louis.
good, too true a girl to be forgotten. dawned in the valleys of the Nile and
We believe we express the sentiments the Euphrates. Though forced to ac­
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
of all when we say, "May peace, joy knowledge this, we cannot help think­
by local applications, as they cannot
and unbroken love be her companions ing it strange. The people who settled reach the ...sensed portion ot the ear.
-hoe is only one way to cure deafness,
in her new home. ” She goes to Shelburn Kansas were not different, on the whole, nna
that iu by co^oUt'ational rcmedi. •,
we understand. Mr. Blatchford bears from these who pioneered in Illinois, ncafness Is caused t • r i inflamed conu.-
lion of the mucous 1 >3 of the Bust -
an untarnished name. We are selfish Iowa and Nebraska. Nor are the soil chlan Tube. When i...j '.ube is Inflam. 1
have a rumbling 1 und or Imperfect
enough to say we are sorry to see lier and climate conditions greatly unlike. yea
hearing, and when It Is entirely close.!,
leave and shall miss her very much.
neatness Is the result, and unless the In­
Indeed, the odds are unfavorable to flammation
can be taken out and thia
Gilbert school district No. 45 held a Kansas, so far as natural conditions are tube restored to Its normal condition,
be destroyed forever: nlno
special meeting Wednesday evening, concerned Yet many of the facta here cases out of ten
are caused by Catarrh,
but an Inflamed condi­
Oct. 1, for the purpose of deciding the arraved could not be spoken of these
tion of the mucous surfaces.
location of a new school building on the states.
Wswlll give one Hand red I-ollarv for any ease of
Dea far.» < canard by cafarrb 'bai cannot be rarsdbr
present site or buying a tract and build­
80 something would seem to be the UaU't Catarrh Corn Send tor clrcalan, free.
r J cn BN KT. SOO. Toledo, OUa.
ing on a central location. After expla­ matter with Kansas. Something to
Soil by Draggtsts, fie.
Take Haul Family HUa for ooosUsaUoa.
nation of conditions and sites by the the matter with her. That something.
Doings of Our Neighbors
---------------- «
No Hunting
Trespass Signs
Herald Office
Lents Station