BEAVER STATE HERZ ' D LENTS, MULTNOMAH CO., OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 1913. Subscription, $1.00 a Year. THE MARTYR. LENTS SCHOOLS BEGIN MONDAY Vol. 11. No. 37 COUNTY FAIR NEWS AROUND THt STATE NEXT WEEK Hops Bring 20 Cents Panama Fair Holds Center of interest-Ore­ gon Building Plan Accepted I Former Teacners Retained. Latter Attendance Expected. New Methods to be Promoted. Greater Freedom In Individual Tendencies. 1 Mew Crops Proposed. ■ • ■ • Leols schools will again throw their doors open to the public on next Mon­ day. The first day or so will I* given over 1« organization but by the mlddlu of the week there should be real busi­ ness of study. Bchuols thia year will be in charge of Prof. A. F. Herechner, principal, with a»»i»lanls a* follows: M im Katherine Jenkins, Mias Violet Cavatina, Mis* Francis Smith, Mias Carri« Hunt, .M im .Marlon Dickey, Mias Mattle B. Train, Mia* Fannie Zeigler. Mia* Hoxanna Shroyer, Mia* Julia Burna, Mra. 1.. W. Auatnua, M im Nell Morgan, Miss Margaret Percival, MI m Essie Sananni, Mim Merlle Au ten, Miaa kina Hagoraky, M im Stella Smith, Ml»» Doiolhy Waugh, Mra. Mamie Darnell, and Mlea Ethel Evartt. Placee have not been assigned to these teachers yet bnt it ie suppose«! that the most I them will bold al*>ut the same placee as last year. This list does not include tbe special teachers in sewing and manual training Thus It will I* seen that It takes quite a goo*i sized delegation ot teachers to hamlie the developing youth of this part of the country. There will probably be over HO” pupils to begin withand others will drop in from time to time. No radical change* will be attempt««! tide year. There will be a graiual de­ velopment toward practical adaptation the child's energies to those thing* for which it seoma I**I adapted. A little less formality in education and a little more individualism Tbe tendency to­ ward developing an interest in home work, gardening. jioullry growing and similarly related occupations will bn A real “eugenics exhibit,” which ia continued anil enlarge-1, and it ie prob­ able that larger areas will be devoted to the modern name for the development the garden work. Several of the boys of the olden-day "baby show” will be will send their poultry to the state fair one of tbe leading features of the this fall : Clackamas County Fair, which is to I* Wo»»dmere school Is also getting in heki at Canby on September 24, 25, 2« shape for Monday. They will have a »nd 27. In this exhibit there will be new principal at Woodmere this yekr. shown the most wonderful of all Prof. Dickson ha» succeeded Mr. Pettis i Clackamas conntv crop*—the babies who goes to Peninsula. There will be that are going to liecome in future year.» al*»ut fifteen teachers at Woodmere the sturdy cilizehs of this »ection. thia year, all but three of last year's Prize!) ami Kwnru» «III l>e made *ee«>r«i- teacher* returning and »everal addition- ing t<> the |ierfect development of tlie al onri are added. Three of last children, and the mere matter of lieauty year’s corp* have tsken lile engage­ and eliteness will not influence the ment* a* housekeepers and ao will not judges, who will lie selected from the lie on band to lead the young American* faculties of the leading educational in- of that district. Prof. Dickson has atitntions of the state. been the principal at Creston for the In connection witli the eugenic* •*x- past five years and is wi-11 acquainted hibit informal talk* will be given with the work he lias before him. He mothers anil others interested, upon the will lie ready from the start to give l>est means o' caring for children, anil g«i dur tbe care anil comfort tor the youngsters, ing tbe vacation, ami they will be a staff of experienced nurse« being on practically ready for use by the «>nd of band to look after the need of th«1 tota, this week. Tbe furniture will have to There will probably be more little be inatalle«l and the regulation amount women entered in this exhibit than of cleaning done. little men, for the simple reason tn at The new district having its school the Clackamas conntv birth* show a building under construction on Powell great majority of girls. The awarding Valley road, northwest from Lenta. I of prize* will lie confined solely to will have to use the portable building* : Clackama-grown babies, but visitors’ for some time to come, a* the rein­ babies will I* cheerfully juilgeii ami forced concrete building which ie being ranked. constructed will not lie done till well along toward winter. Thia building Through some mistake in the office will be the only reinforce I building in of the City Engineers the plan» for the the Mt. Scott district aid will tie | new 12 inch water main now being laid watched with interest by all those who on Avenue was sent to tlie con­ are doubtful of frame structure for school struction crew without any provision purposes. Gilbert school will also lie opened lip for tire hydrants. Chas. Brashears, Chief Kngineeer of Monday. Plan» have been developing the Lents Volunteer Fire Company got substanti al) summer out there to add But there wise to this deplorable state of affairs ally to their school house, and immediately mulled Chief Ray­ has been a movement on foot to divide burn oi it. The Chief sent Secretary the district or locate the improvement Hazen post haste to the Fire Coniis- in another section. The County Super­ sinners office and enlisted the services intendent seem» to have l»een an ob­ of Acting Clnef Hawkins, who immedi­ struction rather than assistance in ately took the matter up with Engineer getting the tangle settled. They have Clark of the Water Board amt Com­ missioner Daly. It was ordered that finally decided to put up a temporary li yd rants lie installed at Main Street building at Gilbert, an* at reasonable prices Tbe stock show promises to lie univ-nally good. The old shots have tieen torn down and new one* built and these have been already reserved for *tock. and it Each of Oregon’s varied Industrie« is probable that other «beds will have to was represented at a meeting of tbe be built. Ijente Grange ia a contestant 1915 Fair Commission held at tbe Port­ in the grange exhibit*. Many of the tiers are planning pl _ metnliers to join in putting land Commercial Club last Friday. Tbe ' up a tine ' ’exhioit. There is no reaaon meeting lasted al) afternoon, and the why outm)ier* cannot assist in making commissioners secured much enlight- the exhibit from this place one of the ment upon how to show off the state to best. Canned fruit. Garden prodnets, fresh fruits, com, pumpkins, ««jnashes, tbe beet advantage at the Panama-) jellies, preserven, handwork, piece* of Pacific Exposition. Sentiment ex­ carpentry, homy made candies, etc , pressed seemed to favor appealing to will all lie exceedingly welcome. Re­ each of tbe several counties of tbe state member. tbe exhibits helps to advertise your *ei*tion so it ia not neeeHearilv tlie for exhibits of local products, but not firoduct of a grange member. Rate* to make county exhibits at the Fair: to rom Lenta to < ireenam during tlw fair use the beet and most representative will be 25cta, round trip from the junction. t At this juncture we calle«! up the exhibits, not in tbe Oregon building, paiwenger department of th« PortUud out in the buildings set aside for -pecial Railway and convinced them that 20 i-ts. Arrangements are being completed V> purposes, where tbe state’s products is about right from Lente Junction. Bo have a meeting of tlie bents Commercia will come into competition with thoee tickets to Gresham during tbe fair will and Improvement Club Friday evening. of other statee and other countries; to i be 25cts from Lents,but you pay five . cents to the Junction, and 20 rents for A -<*«1 torn out i* desirable. Several I present ae much life and animation in tlie round trip from there on.) ilreiring to assist in making matter* will tie taken up and some of the Oregon building exhibits as possi­ up Person* the Lents exhibit «honid leave their ble, and to oiler moving picture exhib- these are of such importance that every­ j its of the various industries of the state, articles at the Mt. Scott Pub. Co., offire one in town should be interested. One ' so that visitors to the Fair may be on Saturday or early Mom lay morning. of these is the location of a library. Sev­ attracted and entertained there; to Evening Star Celebrates eral propositions will be made in refer­ serve continuously light lunches made Evening Star Grange celebrated its ence to a location. It is assure.I the of Oregon products; and to emphasize fortieth anniversary «>n Sept., 6th with country library association will build a 1 those advantages most likely to induce a larce attendance of members and suitable library if the citizens will fur­ ' tbe plain people to establish their fu­ friend*. We were much pleased to nish a lot. Tl.e furnishing will devolve ture homes in the state. One of the have with u«th* Worthv State Master E. Sp*nee, Worthv State Lecturer upon the citizens of the town. There representatives present, gave assurance C. H. A. Darnall and three or four of the that Union County was willing to fur ­ are three places promoted for a location. charter members. Mr G. P. I.ent, One south of the car line, which is not nish a complete display of its products Mrs. J. C. McGrew, Mrs S. E. lance, Mrs. Mary Walker of Milwaukee, not favored by the association officer«. One free of charge. being present. on the street back of the Grange Store Mr Lent and Mrs. McGrew spoke of anti which will be equally undesirable so The Salem Commercial Club has ap­ the organization and its early u ^etingi far as the town is conaemed. as it would pointed a committee to encourage the at what was an old resiiienre of Mr. be both inconvenient and in a placv flax industry of this stale. Simultane- Lent anil which i* now within the town Lents. Mrs. E. A Kellv told about which would l>e undesirable as a slightly ouslv with this announcement «»mes of the work ami untiring efforts for the piece of public improvement. A monu­ that of H. A. Brewer, manager of the good of the grange of Brother* Jacob ment of that sort ought to occupy a Portland Linseed Oil Company, that Johnson, O. P. I>ent. Plympton Kelly, position as prominent as anything in the Willamette Valley flax crop is ex­ Cyrus Buckman, William Kern, Gus­ Peterson, ami J. V. Hirt, all early town. Then there will I* some effort ceedingly gratifying, and that it ilât. tave member* who have pas-ed on to their made to investigate the locating of street been prove«! by actual demonstration reward. The Worthy Master Spence made a levels. The system of cutting into the that flax can be grown profitably for streets in the way they do in some ,>arta »eed as well as for fibre. There are very interesting talk, complimenting Star, on her success, tbe good of the city in establishing grades is not about 300 acres of flax grown at the Evening which has been areomplisbed, and the necceaaary or desirable in this part of present time in the Willamette Valley. work ahead ; of its great rrcoril, of miss­ town and should lie resisted to the limit. Tbe farmere in Eastern Oregon and ing only one m«*etiDg day in tbe whole If you are interested in any of these Western Idaho, also are beginning to forty year*. That was just after th* great wind s’orm of January 9, I860, matters, or others which may come, up, raise flax again. Agricultural experts when the wind blew down so many come around to Seward Hall Friday eve­ are now agreed that the flax crop does tree* that the roads were impassible. He reviewed the progress of the ning and give them the benefit of your not really exhaust the sod as once sup­ views. posed. The Portland market guaran- country daring this time, and told of advancement made in all lines of | tee* the flaxgrower *1 25 a bushel, but tbe thought and action, anil said that the the farmer will get as much over that grange as an order hail he)|»«d in the County Grange Will Meet of the country. The next meeting of Multnomah price for his crop as current quotations betterment State Lecturer H. A. Darnall also call for. last year a Portland company County Pomona will la1 held at Wood­ res* made by spoke of the progress b; the the last lawn on the 24th of this month. The gave every grower who asked for it a 14 United State«, e*i>eci iallv ", during ' ' ■ U.S. date is one week later than common on pound »ample of flaxseed, and this gave 40 years. We know more of the than the rest of the world. He com- account, of it* l»'ing the week of the ; the industry quite a boost. pared things today with those of 40 County Fair There will be several years ago. and noted the change. Mrs. C. H. Blanchard had a most matters of importance to consider and BAD ROADS LOWER PRICES. excellent p*t»er on the *ut ject. ‘'Con­ it i* probable that a good attendance tributors to the High Cost of Living.” will I*' on hand to take up the various Government teeuee Report Citing Loee- She compared th* past with the pesent, ee to Farmere. matters which may be brought before ami thought that we got more real life, Where bad roads prevail farmers are pleasure, enj >yment and comforts to­ this meeting. Some one is going to pro­ pose that congress I*1 requested to pass a forced to move their crops, not when day than we used to.thecost considered. J. D. Lee spoke on the sub ofject new law providing for loaning money the market price is favorable, but “Convict I-abor for£State Construction when the roads are favorable and fre ­ directly to farmers. quently at h<-nvy pecuniary loss as a Work.” and thought it better to keep at road work and the like un­ result, according to the office of public convicts der proper restriction«, and if they were roads of the department of agriculture. I properly handled and cared for by Deaths In a statement It cites specific cases proper keepers and guards, the idea was Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Robinson of Elmo of such lossci. asserting: a good one and would work out all Heights ¡mourn the loss of an infant Excessive fluctuations in market right. He spoke of hie own experience child, seven months old, which died of prices are seldom due to overproduc­ ae he was su|>erintemient of the peni­ summer complaint Sunday morning. tion. They frequently take place In tentiary at Salem for fonr years. Musical selections were rendered bv Their many friends unite in extending regions w here the local production Mies Morrison, Jeanette Treanon and does not equal the consumption. There | Violet their sympathies. Zinger. Remark* along Temper- are counties rich In agricultural pos i ance line* were made bv Mr. Dunbar, slbllities. burdened with bad road*, thanks were extended R W. Gill for Mr and Mrs Barstow mourn the loss where the minimi Incoming shipments The mat y beautiful dahlias. Tribute to of an infant child which died Sunday of food exceed the outgoing shipments the memory of W M. Crawford was read, and the charter draped. evening. They havij the sympathy of In the ratio of four to one. Tbe Master« and Lecturers Associa­ Many such counties with improved numerous friends. Mr. Barstow is ctn- tion had their meeting at this time heeted with the wirelew station south of roads wonM not only become self sii]>- with a good att«n fence. Matter* of I>»nts and hie family live in that part of porting. but would ship products to general importance to the grange were other market*. | considered. town. Three railrotwi system,; now connect Portland with the Upper Willamette, Valley, for Pretident Robert Strahorn, of tlie Portland, Eugene A Eastern, drove the golden spike at Monroe last Wednesday noon, near tbe boundary of I-ane aod Benton counties, thereby completing tbe West side link of that line from Portland to Eugeoe. Over 1000 visitors journeyed to Monroe for the occasion which goes into history as tbe beginning oi a new era in develop­ ment of the country that is adjacent to the new line. ! IMPROVEMENT CLUB IfNTS 6RAN6F BABY SHOW AT MEETS FRIDAY MEETS SATURDAY CLACKAMAS FAIR ADVERIISLD LEITERS Advertised lettera for week ending September ti, 1913: Burson, Grace ; Dyer, John ; Fri«ke, Mrs. J. W ; Ihnighton, Klien ; Olson, Mrs. Nell ; Rogers, Mr»; Webster, Mr A. W. GEO. W. SPRING Postmaster. Auto Tax to Aid Ros de. The Michigan legislature bn* passed the News) Smith automobile tax hill, which provides for a graded tax on automobiles and auto trucks based on their horsepower, and the money thus raised Is to tie devoted to good roads. The bill had a stormy time In the house, and Representative Smith was kept busy preserving Its Important W. J. McCready anil family of White provision*. In the senate not much Salmon. Wash., la visiting hie father-in^ apposition developed. law, Joe. Copeland of Groveland I’arkY A gms I meeting of lent» Grange is planned for Saturday. Th-» forenoon will la» devoted to first and second degree* aneriuienb< are tiring made again In France with a roadbed material consisting of an Inti mate mixture of “Iron straw." or Iron In the shut»)1 of a wiry or fibrous mass such as I* commonly used for cleaning ami scraping purpose* In this country together with cement mortar ami sand. Such material Is call«*)! "ferro-c'enient." ami It npprar* ttiut teats as to Its fit ness for road surface« are giving good results. Hut the Iron js not the usual kind found In commerce, lielng prepar «I specially for the purpose hv suita­ ble machine* of appropriate design. It Is claimed that the resulting material will not l>e an overexpensive one.— Rclentlfic Amrricnn. —