Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, August 28, 1913, Image 1

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Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
Plans are being prepred by the city
Water Department with the view of
supplying loots with a twelve Inch
main at an early date. The oew main
i will leave the main line on 77tli Ht.
end extend eastward along the Foster
Road. At the inters-ction ot Gilbert
Vienna, July IS.—By mean* of a Itoad It will extend eastward until, its
semi-official statua given to the prin­ inteisection with north main street at
the Hcliool house. From there it will
cipal agricultur.J aaaociation of the
turn south ward through tba boaineas
country, the Austrian farmer* poaaeee section as far ae 55th Ave, 8. E. At
an organisation which maintains a con­ suitable points along tiie way new by-
stant anti
intimate touch between dranta will lie Installed. There will
themaelvsa ami the ministry of agri­ ' likely be one at tlx* school house, and
cultur*. Detail* of the organisation Blumier Ave. Foster Riad, Car line,
were explains.! to the members of the and insert one or tvo further south.
From appaeeranres it is evident that
American commission on sgnrultural
cooperation .luring their stay here, and ths nee«l of bstler water service is
many of the Americana believe that the , fully recognizeti hy the city. The
United Mtateedepartment of agriculture department tmgan the delivery of the
and the American farmers might con­ | connection* on Monday. Wednesday
sider benefits of this system.
morning it set a force of fifty men at
The association which thus connects work diggb'g the ditch for th* pipe line.
the farmers directly with the govern­
They began at the Schoolhouse corner
ment is the Royal and Imperial Agri­ and traveled west. Either the surveyor*
cultural society of Vienna. All of the are badly mistaken or th* fellow* who
local agricultural societies of the small laid out thia part ot town were about
communities are affiliated with the cen­ reaily for the bug house. The pipe line
tral society. Through a uyslem of gen­ will start from a point whitch should
eral assemblies held for members of the lie tne middle of the street ami pro­
various affiliated societies sn executive ceeding westward, ti will wind all over
committee is elected to carry on the af­ things, an<l it is evident that there must
fairs of the central society. The gov- be a relocation of fence* and public
crment is given representation upon service polesand seversl door yards will
thia committee and the society enjoys have to b* materially altered. The
subsidies for certain classes of work evident inability or neglect of the
from the government.
original surveyors is evident all over
Although the plan of government tbe town, if w* are to judge by the re­
suptsirt and even of direct leadership ports of the city engineers for they are
in agricultural affair* is a* thoroughly having all sort* of trouble. Coniplsint*
accepted in Austria as in other Euro­ are coming in from various source* of
pean countries, this semi-official so­ the overlapping of property and the
ciety carries on work which no Amen; conflict of interests.
can woukl consider without the pro­
vince of the department of agriculture. change in methods likely to increase
Undoubtedly the strong representation his income. The work of the society
of individual interests in the society is divided into the big divisions of ag-
enables it to do iU work with greater
rieulture of the country. Thus there
freedom than would be possible for a
d> parttuent of the government.
For is the department of dairying, of grain
instance, thi« society studies the ques­ growing, »f forestry, of fruit and vine
tion of coat of production of agricul­ culture.
tural products and baaed upon this
data makea direct recommendation of a
The returns of the farmers are first
semi-official character to the govern­
ment regarding the tariff to be fixed entered in tin* books of the central
upon agricultural products.
It pro office and then are divided according
tecta the rights of the farmer* in legal to crop and are turned over to the
matters, and even works to secure him interested division. Thus each diviaion
s fair freight charge on shipmerts of
of the society operates with exact in­
his produce to market.
formation a* to the statua of it* par­
Protects Rights of Fanners in
Legal Matters and Does Other
Things Agricultural Department
Cannot Do.
Work of this character could hardly ticular branch of agriculture at the
be carried on by a department of the moment The value of such statistical
government. At th* same time the so­ data is obviou*. But of course the
ciety carries on experimental work for individual farmer could not be induced
the betterment of agricultural methods to go to the trouble of making out
and breediug of cattle, distribute« litera­ weekly reports unless there appeared
ture, furnishes expert advice to farmer* some material benefit to himself. This
and does many other things which in the society does by making a critical
the United States are carried on direct­ analysis of each farmer's returns and
ly by the government.
David Lubin, furnishing him at the end of each year
delegate of the United States to the with a comperhenaive report upon his
Internationa) Institute of Agriculture at years work. If faults are noted in
Rome, believes that through such a so­ hie administration of his farm, if he
ciety the government can be kept in is not msrketing properly, or if it would
closer touch with work of the farmer* be more profitable for him to change
than it could be when it depends solely his crop* or to be engage in dairy farm­
upon a department of the government ing instead of grain growing, he is ad­
Such an organization, he believe*, vised by the best experts of the rotin-
could be former) to serve as a connect­ trv.
If, during the year, his returns show
ing link between the government and
im|*ortant agricultural societies which bad leakage, an expert is sent to con-
directly represent the individual farm­ suit with him in order to check the
er. It would prove, he believes, a great losses. Since the information which the
force in the propagandist work neces­ farmer send« the society is confidential
sary to spread cooperation among he is protected by being given a num­
ber and his report« are never signed but
American agriculturists.
Work of the Royal and Imperial Ag­ only numbered. The system here de­
ricultural society of Vienna which scribed has not been in operation long
proved of greater interest to the Amer-, enough to have been generally adopted
leans was the method of farm oook- by the farmers of Austria, but suf­
keeping. The greater part of the ad-1 ficient returns an-being made to enable
ministrative work of the society is car the society to analyze the farming con­
ditions of each section of the country
ried on by the general secretariat.
Undoubtedly the Austrian farmers and of each important crop. It is upon
have determined just where they stand. this information that the recommenda­
In every community a representative tions of the society upon tariff matters
number of fsrma are chosen and the are made, and so the farmers are as­
owners of these farm, are instructed sured of scientific tariff protection. The
in a simple system of accounts which advantages to the individual farmer are
are turned in every week to the central proving so obvious that the system is
society in Vienna. When a farm is rapidly spreading. The system of ac­
listed in the book keeping department counting is uniform over the entire
for the return of these accounts, an in­ country, and the Americans realized
ventory is taken by an expert of the that it would be necessary to secure
‘ plant” operated by the farmer. Thus uniformity of accounting if the practice
it is known at the start just what the ia to be adopted in the United States.
farmer* investment has been and his But even if the work of accounting is
returns are figured upon this basis. not taken up nationally, but only by the
Weekly reports are sent to the society individual farmers and they are in­
showing the progress of the various structed how scientifically to check up
crop* together with statements of cost the expendituree and receipts great good
of material, labor, etc. Everything is would result to the individual Amercan
subdivided according to crop or accord­ farmer.
ing to the stock raised. In this way
the central society can determine ac­
Mrs. Road rick of Woodlawn He­
curately just where the farmers is mak­ bekah's has undertaken to assist th*
ing or losing and because of compari­ Eureka Rebekah’s of Lents in the for-
sons with the returns of other farmers mstion and drilling of a degree team.
the society can advise him of any They report excellent^irogreea.
Vol. 11. No. 35
fvt nino star grange EAIR NEWS EOR
New Division of
— ■
It is the intention of the members of
Formed New Hall Will be Formally Opened EveniB« **'
From Ten Camps. Lents has her
Share in Organization.
two Offices.
Next Tuesday Evening. Fixtures
and Furniture Being Now In­
Before another issue of Tbe Herald,
Oregon Hons of Veterans are rejoic­
ing in the organization of an irxlepend- the Mt Hcott Ixxige I. O. O. F. will
ball at
ent jnriaciction. Di vision Commander, dedicate its nsw
C. H. Scott of Han Francisco «[tent the Arrangements have been under way for
first of Ute week in th* city of Portland some time to have a formal dedication.
and his chief work was the organization Grand Master Taylor, of Pendleton bas
State Superintendent Atain Writes
meeting, Kept , 6th, a memorable one.
Boys And Girls Of State Con­
About forty year* ago Evening Star
cernine Fairs. Bic Display Diced.
grange was organized and it is a fitting
thing to hold a commemoration exer­
Fine Prizes Provided.
cise. There will be quite a numtier of
visitors present and a special program is
Last week I reminded you of the
being prepared* All patrons ai% invited
approach of the State Fiir and
to be present.
your home Fair. I hope you have
gotten buoy with your gardens, your
bird houses, your tables, your poultry,
your sewing, your baking, etc. If you
of the Htate department. There are now been invited to be present and officiate
do not have a copy of tbe State Fair
ten <-am|M of tiie Hons of Veteran* in as dedicating officer and he has written
Prize list, call on your County School
tlx* Mate and lent« ha« about th* that be would come. A number of
A good sized crowd '*f Lenta people
Superintendent, or write to State
strongest of any of t)>e camp«.
paid their respects to the Kern Park
other prominent members of the order, firemen
last We«lneeday
evening. Superintendent J. A. Churchill, Halem,
When tlie clio ce of officer* wax takeu
it wa* decided that Col. C. E. Hofer of from Portland, have also given assur­ Among the num tier were: Mrs. Geo. Oregon, and he will semi you one.
Salem should be the division Com­ ance of their intention of coming to Wrisiey, Mies Randa Wrisley, Miae
Read the Prize List through carefully
mander, W W. McDowell of Lent« was pepicipste in the dedication.
Parts Lutz, Vivian Davis. Hazel Emery, D. and see what you can do beet, if you
D. Benge, W. Barnes, C. Bra«liears and
chosen senior Vice Commander, and
not taken by the visitors have been
John Huntington was made one of the
M. 8. Hazen. The Kern Park boys have not already done so, and select the
councilors. lamta might have had other
soon collected a small crowd and the classes you are going to compete in.
offices had the memliers accepted them. getting them in hand pretty well. ,
evening wa« pae**«l in mink and otlier
Do not overlook the special prizes in
But the amount of work in view for
Tbe dedication ceremonies will be social features. Capt. Zellar of the the back part of the book. You will
a place in department
,----------- open to visiting members of the order Firemen ami Lieut. Berry ami wife, Mr. find some very attractive prizes among
heads was regarded as too much for and o( tbe Rebekaha’s. A large at- and Mrs. ftaniel, Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
them, including the shetland pony for
I.enta ruen ami so paMed to others wuo tendance is anticipated, and tbe event Daniel and W. 8. Daniel, C. LinlofT
have more
re time for such service,
service,------------- will he one of the most important ever and O. B. Gabriel were members of the the best livestock exhibit; a cream
i entertaining r*arty. Tbe visitors report separator for the best two pounds of
Just wl by Mr. Hcott should have lieen
jn teQt,.
active at this time in developing an in-
Before the cloee of the week tbe ball • fine time *n<1 hiKh »PPrwiation of tic butter: Scotch collies for the best fat
d«*|M*n<ient division in Oregon is not ap- ! will be completely lighted by some of
afforded by the visit.
lamb; an incubator for the largest aud
parent to any one who is not acquainted the neatest fixtures ever seen in town.
beat poultry exhibit, etc., etc. If you
with the future of the organization.
It l-ents Electric Works have the contract
are going to enter the pig feeding con­
Volunteers Meet
is the present plan for the western di­ for installing the fixtures. The hall
___ Volunteer
______ __________
<w test it is time you had your pigs on full
The I-enta
Fire Company
visions to proce«vl to Chattanooga next w ill be seated with chairs and neatly held their regular meeting last Monday, feed. There are two valuable pri'xss
month in com|>any with tile members carpets«!. The music will be supplied and transacted the usual routine of offered in the pig feeding contest, and
of the G. A. R., and to unitodly boost by a Cable piano. The dining room business.
Chief the boys who enter this contest will
for Mr Scott lor tlx- election of Mr. will be fitted up with chairs and mission Hawkins, Lieutenant Berry oi the Kern gain
valuable experience, berides
Hcott for the National head, commander table stained dark oak. The tablee Park station were present and gave the making good money out of their pigs.
in chief of the S. of V. The organiza­ were furnished by donations from var- boys a great «leal of encouragement,
With pigs selling at $ 10.00 a hundred,
tion of < >n*gon at this time will m«*an ions members under the direction of I. Chief Hawkins says that the Volnnteer you are almost in Rockefeller’s class,
additional votes for this candidate. I F. Cofftnan.
Firemen d«*serve more credit for their if you own two or three pigs. There
Another motive is to secure support for! A little
_ ______
____ as the are thres nice prizes for the beat s >w
history of __
tbe construction
efforts ___
than the paid department,
a movement to secure the national work of tbe new building will not be volunteers offer their service* for the and litter of pigs, the first being a
meeting for Han Francisco next year, amis« at this time.
The general con- good they may do their fellow citizens, hundred dollar Jersey calf. We hope to
1 his may not *»• politics, but it shows a , tracl for
building wu filled by the while the paid fireman tights fire be- see a large exhibit of pigs and
disposmon to use the order for personal ; 1H,b Bro.I>eoU The wal|B< bni|t
h<? ig
w for |t The CWef
poultry at the State Fair this vear, as
and Im-al advantage, which may turn of
concrete, were constructed | invite«! the boys to come inside of the well as the local fairs. In keeping
out to be entirely satisfactory.
by |be contractor in person. The fire lines when near tbe scene of a large account of your pig feeding, and
1 he organization of tlx* ilivisiou «“ piMlering Was done by Locke Bros., fire in a down town district, ami see furnishing a statement of the same, as
formed in the parlors of tbe 1 ortland the plain bing by the Lents Plumbing how the regulars perform
required in the rules you will ¡get an
Hotel. One of the surprising incidents
gpeciB1 mention is made to .his
idea of keeping accounts, ami of what
connected with the work ot organization work all fin)t claM aml
it costa to produce a pound of pork.
At Rest
was that when tbey got ready to take ,he job Mr SUpbeneon ^red the
This is all worth while. The pig
the obligations relative to initiation of donation of a fine drinking fountain of
At her late residence 7614 61st Ave., contest is open to girls as well as boys ;
several candidates and installation of the supply house which furnishe«i the S- F., Rebecca J. Fawcett, ag«*d 65 so look out. boys, for some girls are good
officers, it was found necessary to place plumbing material, and installed
that years passed away. The funeral ser- I pig feeder* At some of the local schools
a Bible on tlw temporary altar. A free of charge.
' vices were held Thursday August 28th fairs in Oregon last year the girls beat
hurried call at the office for a copy of
! the boys with their pigs. It was “ tit
Tbe [tainting was done by Mr Geo.
at 1 p. m. from Finlev 4 dons, burial in
the l«M>k failed to locate on«* and a more Hamilton.
The inside wood work
' for tat” though, for the boys sometimes
extended search, during which pretty throughout the building is stained Lone Fir Cemetery, . Mrs. Fawcett was
I won over the girls with their bread,
near all the machinery of the hotel was light oak, finished flat, for all doors, | a memtier of the Ijents Methodist butter, and jelly. Oregon boys and
called into service tailed to locate one. base boards, window casings,
cu|>- Church and was held in the highest es- girls led every state in the Union with
outside < of
build-, , fe,n
8,1 wb° were
Who ever thought
of the Poitlatid Hotel i iioards.
» v » hib . civ.
me ouujiar
tue ” uunu-
etc. The
their school last year, and we are
her. The sympathy of the
getting such an ungodly reputation. | ing ig trilnme<1 yellow which with the i ( l ^*h
exjiwtingthem to keep up their record
------ goes out to the bereaved family
this year,. I am sure you are bio pa­
"rk °f ,be <'*,nrn'
• ’*7 8how> in their sorrow.
of furniture they will supply in that contrast that gives a very pleasing
triotic to disappoint us.
N. C. Haris,
effect. The work of the painters has REFERENCE MATTER FOR SOIL
Monday night was . notable one for
very ’ highly ^'me^'eTby \ÜÎ !
Field Worker Industrial Fairs.
’ * . lent*
T7' t
those who have seen it.
made to have Commander Scott visit the
The I«ents Sheet Metal Works sup- Bulletin 107. U. S. Dept. Agriculture,
Lents Sons of Veterans.
Notice was i plied the sheet metal material, such as
Bureau of Chemistry. Washington.
sent out to th«* members and to tbe cornices and flashing.
D. C.
various members of the G. A. R. and
If present prospects are carried to
Hopkin’s “Soil Fertility Manual”
members of the Circle so that a very
completion the building will be fully (Ginn & Company),
comfortable audience waited the visitors.
prepared for use by next Tuesday even-
First Principles of Soil Fertility, by
In company with the commander
John W’alrod writes again this week
;ng and the dedication will be a houee- Vivian.
(Soil Fertility, by Vivian,
came Judge Morrow. Col. Hof«*r, and
from Fairbault, Minn., complimenting
warming of no mean proportions, should be under Textbooks).
past Commander McCrillis of Illinois
tlie country on its productiveness and
There will probably be eevi*ral nnndred
]f yoU desire information concern­
and Adj. General Williams. Address«*«
telling of its excessive summer heat.
oddfellows present to inspect the new ¡ng the interpretation of such ana-
were called for from all 'of the visitors building and participate in the dedicat­
78 is a comfortable mark for bedtime
lyses and their bearing upon agricul-
and they gave some very interesting ing of the new hall.
there he says. “But the people do not
' tural production, the following should
After th«* addresses th«* camp
feel the b«*at. They sweat freely and
be of assistance to you:
with the assistance of a number of their
that keeps down their temperature.
The Soils of Oregon, by C. E.
lady friends brought out some refresh­
The perspiration is so abundant that it
ments in the form of ice cream and
In offering a reward of $5o00 each for
frequently runs down their bodies and
Oregon Agricultural College Bul- fills their shoes, slopping over when
cake and a very pleasant social hour was the bandits who held np a train in
Sullivan’s gulch. President J. D. Farrell e*2'n..
they walk.
One ingenious fellow has
on “Soils” (published by invented an electrical locomotor utilis­
The Lente camp will haw a repre­
sentative at the national meeting, Frank ■nation to make train robbery lees a numerous State Experiment Stations, ing the flow of sweat ’* John says he
Melvin of this place having l«*en chosen joke than it has bi en. He will do his Isuck as New York State Experiment recently tried one of these contraptions
in bringing to justice the Station; Geneva. N Y.; Pennsylvania and was able to make the distance from
as one rtf the three from this state
criminals who endanger the lives rf Experiment Station; College Station;
he does not see fit to attend, W.
... ...
H. < ------------- ------- -----------_________________
Cannon City to Fairbault, about four
Baker, commander of the Lente Camp
travelers What to do with the train Ba • Illinois Experiment Station; Ur­ miles, in an hour anil fifteen minutes,
is duly appointed as alternate for the robbers after they have Iteen arrested G*na, Ill: W isconsin Experiment Sta­ which is a pretty good record for an
and convicted is a serious question. ti°n* Madison, W is ; Washington Ex­ old horse like him.
it seems almoet useless to go to the penment Station, Pullman, Wash.;
trouble of hunting and trying our law- t Ldah
Experiment Station, Logan,
of our judges
,,k* an<
writing ® for
TXir M r rmrom ' I breakers.
juogrs are
in* a«>
so ^'
----- I others
1HL m. L. LHUKLtl Sllft-heartcd that they refuse to send ‘he Bureau of So'ls Bulletin. Wash-
convicted scoundrels to the Penitentiary ington, D C, state that you desire
Th* young men of the W. U. 8. S. and our governor is so soft headed that information on this subject). •
One of the most important things
Some textbooks on this subject are: that has come before the local fire
Class will have charge of the evening he will not keep them there when he
service at the M. E. Church August SI gets them It must lie admitted that
Hopkin's “Soil Fertility and Farm company for a long time is an alarm for
8 p. m.
I etween our judges and governor, the Agriculture” (Ginn & Co., publishers). a lost child. In the past two case*
Program for th* service: Organ Pre­ would-be law-breaker finds little to
Fertilizers and Crops, by Van Slyke when* there has been a child lost many
lude; Hymn; Prayer for the church, J. discourage him from entering on a life (Orange-Judd Co., publishers).
requests have come to (Tiief Raybum to
R. Wilkenson: Responsive Reading; of crime. He know* that if he is arrest­
Fertilizers, by Vorhees
ring the fire bell, so the following has
Male Quartet;
Scripture Reading, ed, his good friends, the judge, will pro­
Fertility of the Land, by Roberts. been deciiW for A IXX8T CHILD
Hvmn ¡Social Creed of churches, Ed­ tect him; and that if they should (MacMillan Co., Publishers).
ALARM: Five (t) rapid strokes of the
win Nerene; Offering; Reading. Wil- strangely and unaccountably happen to
Cyclopedia of American Agricul­ liell repeated thnv* (8) times, and all
ford Hollingworth; Hymn; Address, fail him in his hour of need, the ture. vol. 1, Bailey.
firemen and thoae citisens who can are
•’The Church and the Labor Problem.*’ governor will surely and swiftly parole
There are numerous others which re*|ii«*ste«l to gather at the engine house
J. Standford Moors; closing Hvmn.
him. It will probably prove that some contain much information concerning and organise searching partis*; two (2>
of the train bandit* are out on parole, this subject, but the above doubtless tape of the bell will mean that the child
Arthur Geisler and Dr. Ogsburg n that case, if Mr. Farrell's reward will be found io be of especial Value. is found, and parties will be recalled
Trusting that the information may there. By l«*nts Volnntevw Fire Co. Inc.
were anglers on the Nehalem the cloee should cause their capture, they should
of the week
They report some fine be turned over to the passengers whom be useful to you. I am, yours very
Fay B. Rayburn, Chief. M. 8. Hasen,
sport and very satisfactory catches.
are delayed and robbed.—Spectator. truly,
twaMB ___