————-------- —------- Sand and Gravel at Reduced Prices Prompt Delivery call Telephone Tabor 206J R. Heyting 82 St. and 4'tn Ave., 8. E. ' 1 ----- I . . _ 1 " Mr. and Mrs. R, A. Brown visited SX* LOCAL AND PERSONAL - Mrs. G. W. Spring is suffering from a Mr». Sarah t . Foster is »pending a severe attack ot acute indigestion. week visiting her son at her old home in Tillamook. Kay Gast «Ml, who has been up the Valley hat returned to hie home here. F Watches Clocks and Jewelry Repaired and Made toIOrder J. P. Nordin Main street Lenta, Oregon Will do your Painting. Tinting, Papering and Finishing. He Guarantees THE WORK Estimates Free 203 Gilbert Road PHONE TABOR 1417 Leave Orders at Mount Scott Drug Store Miss Zimmerman of l*ortland ie assisting at tue lente Hardware in the Mrs. Sarah Coon accom|>anied her capacity ol bookkeej er and stenograph er. aged sister to her home at liarlton. The woodwork around my kitchen sink became very dirty and 1 wanted it cleaned and revarnished. This easy method of getting the dirt and old var­ nish off at the same time was told me and proved to be a boon. The instruc­ tions were to make a soft soap from common yellow laundry soap, and when it was nearly cool to Stir in one tablespoonful of concentrated lye and one half cupful of coal oil. When the mixture was like a heavy paste it was ready to be spread over the woodwork with a paint brush. I followed these in­ structions, letting the soap remain a day and a half, and when 1 washed it off with plenty of hot water, was pleased to find the dirt and old varnish come with it, leaving the clean wood exposed. When it was dry, I varnished it, and I had a sweet, clean kitchen again, with very little labor Mr. and Mrs. Al Boland have gone to Mrs. C. C. Woodworth of Lents ie Spokane to lie gone several months. visiting her mother at Corvallis. Al will lie employed in brick work while there. Miss Margaret Kerns will teach at Willamette Falls in Clackamas County this year. Mrs. Thorne, who has been visiting in Colwell, Idaho, returned last week Mrs. Mary Thomas ol 4th Avenue is to the home of her daughter, Mrs. El- having her porch finished up in a wood, on 9th Avenue. modern way by L. H. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Forey have moved to The Best Pain Killer Mrs. Lizzie Evarts and Mrs. John their recently purchased projierty on Bucklen’a Arnica Salve when applied Stiger, of Portland spent last Sunday Ninth Avenue, formally owned by Mrs. to a cut, bruise, sprain, burn or scald, Griffith. with their sister, Mrs. Jeffriee. or other injury of the skin will inimedi* ately remove all pain. E. E. Chamber- Helen and Lucile Jones of Estacada lain of Clinton, Me., says:—“It robs The Building on the Finley Me Grew property which was diatroyed by fire are spending a month's vacation with cut* and other injuries ol their terrors. last week, has been sold to a company j their grandmother. Mrs. latwrence ot As a healing remedy its equal don't exist.” Will do good for you. Only 1 Tenth Avenue of Lents citizens. 26c. at ail druggists. J. E. Loucks and John Kent of Lents l^nts was the goal ot three new ADVIRIISID LUTIRS are engaged in Tillamook County this American citizens Wednesday. Re­ motnth on some construction work. ports are that all parties are doing well, j Advertised letter» for week ending They expect to be employed there for More details next week. August 16. 11113 • several weeks. Bewley, Mr; Bartlett, Ralph, Mrs; The horses attached to an ice wagon Heyers, Clara; Brown. Harry; Camp­ BEGINS its forty-fifth school year Mrs. D. V. Sweeny and children of while standing in front of J. I.. West's bell, Mrs. Clara; Day, E. R. A Co; SeeTcMarn is tai». Freewater, Oregon, are visiting at grocery store on Ninth Avenue, became Emmerson, Mr; Kimberly. Douglas; DEGREE COURSES n many phasesof Clyde E. Sager’s. Mrs. Sweeney is a frightened and ran several blocks be­ .Jones, Mis» May; Schuman. Mr. A; AGRICULTURE ENGINXXRINO. HOMS sister of Mrs Sager. fore they were stopped, No damage Townsend, Rev. J. A., 109 Nelson St economics M ining , forcstry . Cos- Lents. Ore. was done. Mince P harmacy __________________ T wo - year C ourses in amicul * H. A. White of the Scandinavian TURK. HOMS ECONOMIC*. MECHANIC American Rank is filling the position The Kerns boys aged 11 and 13, Suffered Eczema Fifty Years—Not Wtll ART* FORtSTRY COMMIRCt. PHARMACY ( of Herbert Bloyd during the latter's who live south of Johnson Creek, in* TEACHER'S COURSES '■ manual Seems a long time to endure the vested in an acre of corn last spring and training, agriculture, domestic science vacation time. awful burning, itching, smarting, skin* will realize a profit on the investment r Holison's Eczema • ... $175. beautiful Mountains. Do not scorn the sales of dress ma­ 1, 4 h. p. Harley Davidson $135. terials when you are pfanning curtains Mr. J. T. Kennett and wife of . 1, 8 h. p. M. M...................... $200. Silver Lake, Kansas, parents of Mrs for your summer cottage Some of All Goods and Work Damall, returned home Wednesday the cross-barred muslins are lovely for that purpose. The little cotton edges First Class evening. They are contemplating a return to Oregon with the view ol with color in them set off plain mus­ Near Poet Office, Foster Road making it their permanent home within lin or madras curtains surprisingly. They come in blue and green, lavender a few years. and green, blue and pink, brown and | yellow, numberless combinations at H. E. Bloyd of the Multnomah State few cents a yard—Harper’s Bazar. Bana will visit a while at Kelso, Wash., HARVARD BICYCLES during the next two weeks, his vacation. STOPPING A LEAK, He expects to catch a few Cowlitz case of a sudden leak, when. as In country trout and try to lay on a few pounds of avoirdupois during the time. ' usual, it is impossible to get a plumb- i I er quickly, if you turn off the water I. F. Coffman and editor Darnall of the »om? ok »< okkk » k » ioicii B. H. I.entona Geo. W. Baldwin Wliaon Howlkl F. S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral Directors 414 East Alder St., on East 6th St. Lady Assistant Auto|Servke Prompt, Efficient and Courteous Treatment Moderate Prices. Fast 92 B-292S Portland, Oregon Hay, Feed and Grain Washed Gravel, Sand GET OUR PRICES Cement, Brick, Lime, Wall and Land Plaster MCKINLEY & BUNDY Phone» Tabor'»18 ; llonir .1112 | INSURE NOW A. N. GARDNER In Oregon’s Most Reliable Association JEWELER Oregon Fire Relief, Oregon Merchants Mutual Fire, American Life and Accident In­ surance of Portland Watches, Jewelry Repair Work PROTECTION AN DIBENEFITS MODERATHRATES John Brown, Gresham, Ore New Eagle and Day. ton Motor Cycles for Immediate Delivery $ 35.00 $ The Bright Building & Investment Company Repairs a Specialty VIEW Is located in the heart of Gari- balldi Beach, Tillamook County, on the P. R. & N. Ry., only a short ride from Portland. Nice level lots, streets graded, water piped and all underbrush cut; fine shade. PRICE $35 TO $300 $5 DOWN $5 PER MONTH Spend your outing here and enjoy the hunting and fishing and beach pleasures. The fi­ nest beach in the Northwest. Camping grounds free. MANY' COTTA«.ES AND BI 81NES8 HOCHES NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION ------------------------------------------ IF------------------ For further information regarding tbi» Bummer reeort Sil out this coupon and receive complete and minute details by mall, or rail st office and see photographs. Name..................... Address ........................................... .............................................................. G. A.ÇJ0NES REALTY CO. 44‘> »HERLOCK BLDG.COR. THIRD AND OAK STS . PORTLAND ORE. PHONE.MARSHALL I«.«. The funeral of Mrs. Anderton of Montavilla was held from Hnley’s un‘ dertaking parlors Tuesday Of last week. The deceased is the mother of Mrs. Norine of Eight Avenue. A social meeting was given by the young people of the Evangelical Church at the home of Mrs. Ernest I lrich last Friday evening. A very pleasant even-1 ing was spent, alter which a delicious i lunch was Berved. TO MAKE EYELETS lb making eyelets, when it is not de- sirable to carry the threaw from one to another, adopt the plan, says Needlecraft. Finish the eyelet, then pass the needle along under the stitches on the wrong side about one- third of the way around, and cut the thread, It holds firmly and docs no’ show the fastening. Lents Improvement Club will not hold a meeting this week. The Secre­ tary is away from home and so many of the people are off on vacations that it would be impractical. Hannant is employed by the Southern 1 Pacific ami the company will furnish j them a home, rent free in the city. I Mr«. Hannant s aged parents, Mr. ar.d Mrs. Carpenter, will accompany them. They will rent their borne on Mt. Scott A venae. Demonsteatedjin the Offce of Dr. in I L. Sens Sells Foster Road, Opp., P. 0. Hours: 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Latest Patterns, Best of Work. Repair ing and Cleaning Solicited JOHN MANZ Hashim Building lent», Oregon IRISH BROS Capital Stock Architects and Builders. $50,000.00 Excavating, Concrete Construction, Building, Plas­ tering and Finishing. We do the'whole thing-You move in without worry or risk Buys, Sells and Builds AMBER TINTED GLASSES A Complete Home For Cash The demonstration of Dr. Al­ bert Abrams, the famous dis­ coverer of new medical pheno-1 Mr. Frank Barnes arrive«! last Sun- | mena, has proved beyond all day morning from Tuxpan, Mexico, doubt that the brain works BEST and will visit friends an«l relatives here in a light disfused by an Amber • for several «lavs. Mr. Barnes was on lens. the road seventeen days as traveling is Have your present passes very slow in Mexico and it' is a diffi­ made in Amber Tint, or have cult matter to get away frdrn there at the present Lime. your eyes examined and a pair made, which will correct all eye Mr. and Mrs. Hannaot will go to strain and stop those headaches Portland to make their home. Mr and blurred vision. AT THE LEADING TAILORS Estimates Submitted on all Plans and Specifications Plans Free With all Contracts Irish Bros., Phone Tabor 3993 Oregon or on Terms Properties From Eggiman Bros $800. to $2500 Monthly Payment Plan Sanitary Market is the place to'get the In-et of the wacon in Meats, Vegetables, Fresh Butter and Eggs HEE OUR LINE OF Bright Realty and Investment Co. Lents Station, Sausages, Hams, Bacon and Pickled Meats Main Street. Lienta, Oregon Portland, Ore. < fftice 2 blocks East of P. O. on Fos­ ter Band Phones Lents Home 2111 ; Tabor 4249 THE HERALD 11.00 PER YEAR