Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, August 21, 1913, Image 7

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Can aat »« tanrr priwa for Wild thuha
•ad athav saaae In aaaa<m. Write ua tor
raab offer an all blnda of aoultrr ear*. ala.
Peanon-Page Co., Portland
_ 1- ’__________ Sa««wi<i Hand Marhln.
boiler*. Mwmllla. irta. Ih« J. |T. Martin Co.. K| lai
BU PorUoad. bervi fot Hluck L ist and prteea.
a « •••» atei. «.«a * • a k* a».
d»*«p. Laalt all
aiaaea. Made «I
W>atel. «an'lepillMUp
ever i eül a»t a »11 of
lai uro earthier.
Guaranteed rHwtlw.
Belt by dealers,
• »rat I 1 eaprooe^do»
p*»l let 11.
■▲BOLD BQAUAA. INM a IH h ., BtoeUra. ■. B
Ul&U ( ham her of < aem.rr* llaiid I a«
A erhtMil fur Ibe tracking of ’! vir-araphy under
the |»er tonal an per ria Um of the jMRQpfWUir. A.
K hlyera, eap«-rl telarrapher. Pay and nleht
Colona. UllMB (wuraea in raay monthly
lallmenla, enabling you to lakr up u writ*
paid profeaakm al UlUo < h «L Write fur full
lea 571?
Heure, In a. ni to 6 p.m..
•r by appointment
Frient I Ar Tf»« imeni of all A ruta and f’hronlr
tHsMteM l.lramMxi l*r*rtitk»n«r HuIU 4X4-4-7
read« llulhling. Seattle^
American and Other Opals.
Ranted Wedding Cake.
There wee |eomething wrong with
the cake, the baker *ai<T; It looked all
right and it imelled all right, but hi*
artistic aena* told him It would not
taste all right.
“Then fix it up with an extra coat
of Icing, and we will keep It for a ren­
ter,“ aald the proprietor.
“Who in the world would rent a
cake?” someone Baked.
"Wedding parties,” aald he. “They
want a big cake in the center of the
table for ahow, but a cake of that size
good enough for a wedding would coat
more than they can afford to pay, ao
they order fine cake put In Individual
boxea for the gueata, and uae the
bride's cake juat aa an ornament.
They don’t buy it, they rent it. Soma­
times a cake la rented a dozen differ­
ent tlmea. After each wedding it la
freahened up with a new coat of icing,
and looks aa good aa new for the next
A good renter fetchea
about |3 a wedding.”
Terse and Truthful.
A traveler who believed himaelf to
be sole survivor of a ahipwreck upon a
cannibal iale hid for three daya in ter­
ror of hia life. Driven out by hunger,
he dlacovered a thin wiap of amoke
rialng from a clump of buahee inland,
and crawled carefully to atudy the
typo of aavagca about IL Juat aa he
reached the clump he heard a voice
aay: “Why In
- did you play that
card?” He dropped on hla kneea and,
devoutly raiaing hia hands, cried:
"Thank God, they are Christiana I”
Nd thoughtful p<»r»un um * llquM blue. It’s a
ptn. h uf blu« In a ¡urge bottle of water. Aak fur
1C«*1 Cruaa Ball Blur. the blu« that's all blue.
Deadly Insult.
It was an Engish ship with an Eng­
lish crew and an American passenger
list. Two stewards were having a
heated altercation and pouring forth
anathemas upon each others' heads,
when as a crowning insult one said to
the other: “Aw, you eats just like a
passenger.”—San Francisco Argonaut
“Too much absorbed in hla busi­
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets cure
ness," wa» the comment of u news­ constipation. Constipation is the cause
paper on the death of a brewer who waa of many diseases. Cure the cause and
found drowned in a tank of hia own you cure the disease. Easy to take.
Reminder« of the Long Past.
Two human skeletons in perfect con­
dition were unearthed during road­
widening operations near Abergele,
IS THE BEST SAFEGUARD AGAINST North .Wales recently. They were
buried in a trench with other remains.
Near the spot are the sites of ancient
British encampments, and many se­
vere engagements between the Eng­
lish and the Welsh were fought hard
Juat “Between You and I.”
She—Why, her and me were the
best of friends before him and her
met. Of course, this is between you
and me.—Ixindon Punch.
T o Wome n
Seeking Health and Strength
For those ills peculiar to women Dr. Pierco
recommends his “Favorite Prescription” as
A medicine prepared by regular graduated physician of unus­
ual experience in treating woman's diseases—carefully adapted
to work in harmony with the most delicate feminine constitution.
Al) medicine dealers have sold it with satisfaction to cus­
tomers for the past 40 years. It is now obtainable in liquid or
augar-coated tablet form at the drug store—or send OOone-cent
stamps for a trial box, to Buffalo.
Every «reman may write fully and eonfldentlslly to Dr. Tierce,
Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., and may ba
sure that her case will receive careful, conacientioua, confidential
consideration, and that axperienced medical advice will ba given
to her absolutely traa.
Rare Work of Art Found.
Only Changes Needed.
A statue of Venus was found in a
cellar at Naples a short time ago.
The ground floor of a house collapsed
suddenly, revealing an ancient cellar
containing a magnificent statue of the
goddess. The statue is of Parian mar­
ble and belongs to the beet period of ,
Graeco-Roman art.
The other day my 6 year-old broth­
er, who has a fat, chubby hand, waa
trying on my kid gloves.
He found
they were too tight for him, and when
I asked if he could wear them he said:
“No, but tf some of the too long side
was on the wide I could wear them.”
Telegraphy: Commercial, Railroad, Wireless
Are included In the course at
Write ns for further Information. No trouble to answer questions.
Fourth Street Near Morrison
-- -----------------------
Develop* Into Expert Calculator In Or­
der to Dlapooo of Ooodo In Short
•paoe of Timo.
That Which Cauee* More Lose Than
Anything Klee la Chilling—Ver­
min la Next Important.
The butcher, the beker, and tha
candlestick maker have to become ex
port calculate» In order to dispense
their good* to the waiting customers
In the minimum amount of time and to
bo cure they do not receive the worst
of It In multiplying pounds by pennies.
Thon, too, ail aorta of perplexing lit­
tle problem* In weighing and packing
have to be disposed of. For example,
the case of the grocer who had a big
bag containing 20 pound* of granulated
auger, which he wished to put up Into
packages of two pounds each. Th*
perplexing feature of the Incident was
that be had only two weights, five and
nine pounds, respectively. There ho
was with bls 20 pounds of sugar, bis
The greatest enemy of the chick,
and that which cauaee more ioee than
any other on* cause, is chilling; the
second enemy In Importance because
of amount of lose la lice; both lice
and chilling or* the Indirect cause of
bowel troubles, because both sap the
vitality and life of the chick, making
It Impossible for the little fellow to
resist the organlame of disease whclh
are always ready to attack IL
Dusting the setting hen helps, but
some lice are quite sure to escape,
and can later be found on the bead
of the chick. Rub a little dab of lard
on top of the chuck's bead, getting It
Into the down thoroughly, and you
will get these; repeat the dose in a
week, and if the hen is f-’rnlshed a
good dusting place, the lice are not
likely to give any more trouble; but
whenever you see a chick that seems
unhappy, eyes closed, droopy, look for
The brood coops should be thor­
oughly sprayed before using with aome
coal-tar preparation, sheep dip, white­
wash, or a mixture of four parts coal
oil and one part crude carbolic acid.
It pays to be ahead, and that explains
why so few of us are making anything
on our poultry; we neglect these little
things; because of neglect disease gets
the start of ua, we become discouraged
because of the losses, and give up and
blame our luck, when all the bad luck
might have been prevented by a little
careful preparation.
Give the check* a clean place, all
the heat they can stand, keep them
free from vermin, and yon can safely
count them before they are raised.
By Their Speech Ye Shall Know.
St. Helens Hall
Hird Lights luimp.
The Tander Skin of Children
la very aensltlv* to heal. Uae Tyrce'a
Antiseptic Powder for all lumrorr akin
affectioua. It quickly utforda the lit­
tle aufferer relief. 25c. at drugglata
or sample aent free by J. 8. Tyree,
Chemlat, Washington, 6. C.—Adv.
It la generally conceded that the
opale found in any part of America
are leaa hard than thoae found In other
localitiea, but they are no less bril­
liant, and some of them withatand at-
Motbara wtn tin 4 Mr». Winaiowa Boothia*
moapberlc effect and the wear of time •yrup ib« b»ai rfliiimlr to um for ih«ir cbLWrea
luring lb* uethiug period.
quite aa well.
Others again fade and
become tranalucent and opaque in
course of time, or according to the de­
Many Years’ Ix>s* of Memory.
gree of exposure.
A Nevada case is reported where a
1 ..................■—111
man wandered away from hie wife and
three children. For ten years he was
not heard from. Passing through the
state again something seemed to snap
f*OMTt.A Wt>, Oil BOOM
In his head and he knew himself
Resident end Day School for Girls again. He had gone to Texas, mar­
Tn eharp« of Mieterà of MlJoh« lUpthrt < Kptnrofml)
ried and had another little family.
AcaAeml« gad Bl omen I ary Dapartmaata,
Maalt Art.
t> ■»*»•• t is Art. DateaaUa SUaMkb
Hia wife had died only the week be­
F<>r <
a<l lr«*a
fore his knowledge of his real self re­
TUB RIST I K Nt 1*1-K Kilt. Office W
St. Ilrlrna Hall
tuned. He attributed his loss of mem­
ory to overwork while 'figuring on
complicated contracts.
In Green» ford, England, a street
lamp waa found lighted every morn­
ing. and the lamp lighter could not ac­
count for it, ao he act a watch who
soon found the culprit. A tomtit had
built ita neat in the corner of the
lamp, and had a habit of bopping on
the ring attached to the incandcacent
bypaaa, which cauaed the light to be
turned on.
Portland, Oregon
Neat Trick of Oroceryman.
•coles, bls scoop, and thoae two
weights, and without lose oj time he
had to fill hia ten two pound bags
Could you tell him bow to accomplish
the feat In the fewest possible num­
ber of operations?
The grocery man performed the feat
a* follows In ten operations, which Is
the shortest method possible:
placed the nine-pound weight on one
side of the scales and the five-pound
on the other. Then be was enabled to
weigh the difference between them,
four pounds In sugar, which left 16
pounds tn the large bag. Then h*
placed the nine pounds and five pounds
together on one sldo of the scales and
the 16 pounds of sugar on the other
aide. Out of the bag he was then able
to weigh two pounds, leaving twe
pounds In the four pound bag. In eight
more operations he put the 16 pounds
of sugar into two pound bags by using
two pounds of sugar as a two pound
By tha Way an Egg I* Eaten Ons May
Discover Country From Which
Consumer Comes From.
Sherlock Holmes might hake figured
this out, but be did not.
The average Englishman will al­
ways demand bls egg boiled just three
minutes, then he places it in an egg
cup just large enough to comfortably
have the egg fit tn, laps the top of the
shell and removea the broken shell
with his fingers. The egg la eaten a
Spoonful at a time
A Frenchman, much like the Eng­
lishman, likes bls eggs of three min­
utes, exactly. He then “peels" them,
places them In a glass, stirs and mixes
well together with salt, pepper and
butter. He makes a practice of dip­
ping bread into the mixture and eating
it along with the eggs.
A Spaniard wouldn't think of letting
hie eggs boll more than one minute.
He then breaks it and leta the contents
run Into the glass, and consumea it as
though he were draughting down a
glass of wine.
An egg is only fit in an Italian's es­
timation when it has been placed in
cold water and removed just as the
water begins to boll. He then breaks
it. pours it on a plate and proceeds to
sop it up with bread.
The German, like the Italian, de­
mands bls eggs as near the liquid state
as possible. He breaks bls eggs in an
unsightly cup and scoupc the liquid
out aa though It were soup.
The American is about the only one
that prefers his eggs boiled bard.
When they are served up to him, he
knifes them In half, removes the con­
tents Into a glass, after which be adds
a plentiful supply of pepper, butterand
sail He then minces the eggs fine,
mixing them well with the spices, and
eats them with his toast.
Somewhat Difficult Task Undertaken
and Successfully Carried Out by
Thumb Is Called “the Great Finger"
Wisconsin Boy.
In Japan and China—Servants
Use Finger Points.
Teaching a sheep and dog to do
teamwork in drawing a cart was the
The Chinese and Japaneee call the somewhat difficult task undertaken
thumb "the great finger," and connect and successfully carried out by the
it with one's ancestors Our index fin boy shown in the cart He likewise
ger Is with them the "head or man planned and made the harness, says
pointing finger,” and has to do with the Popular Mechanics. The queer
the father.
team was not trained for show but
The middle or longest finger belongs
to the mother, while the next, or
nameless finger. Is the property ol
sweethearts and wives (the westerns
have chosen this finger, too, for th*
wearing of the wedding ring). Th*
little finger concerns our descendants
and posterity.
The ball of the thumb, the celebrat­
ed "mount of Venus,” according tc
palmists the world over, retains its
qualities appertaining to sensuous
sensual, and mundane matters with
Boy Drives Sheep and Dog Together,
the Japanese hand readers, too.
Both Japanese and Chinese servants for use. and when the boy owner,
in signing and sealing agreements Loula Held, of Lyons, Wls., was asked
with their masters, frequently moisten to lend himself and team as one of
their finger points with Ink and press the attractions at a county fair he
it on the paper. As a means of Iden refused on the grounds that it would
tlty or personal sign manual, thes* worry the sheep and disturb the even
finger prints appear to have been long temper of the dog.
known in the east. It is, therefore, nc
surprise to find that Japaneee palm
ista, In addition to examining th*
"line*" of the open paltu, extend their
Why ought a greedy man to wear a
inquiries to the pore patterns on the
plaid waistcoat?
tips of the fingers and thumbs.
To keep a check upon his stom­
a a a
When does a son not take after his
Good Circulation of Air Is Assure* father?
In Tent by Placing Sort Stick
When his father leaves him nothing
Between Flap*.
to take.
a a a
When wishing to get up a circula
Why do knapsacks resemble hand­
tlon of air, try thia simple plan: After cuffs?
closing the flape put a stick 15 or 18
Because both are made for tourists
Inches long horizontally, as seen tn (two wrists).
the picture, between the flaps. Thl*
a a a
What animal would you like to be
on a cold day?
A little 'otter.
a a a
Why are strawberries like the let­
ter “n?"
Because they make Ice nice.
a a a
When is a wall like a fish?
When It 1* scaled.
a a a
We travel much, yet prls'ners are.
And close confined to boot.
We with the swiftest horse keep pace.
Yet always go on foot?
will spread them apart and give an
A pair of spura.
opening, and good ventilation la as
a a a-
cured. They may be made large or
What is that which you cannot hold
email, and aa many aa desired.
ten minutes, although It is as light as
a feather?
Needed a Respite.
Your breath.
Old Gent—Well, sonny, did you take
• as
your dog to the "vet” next door to
we most admire?
your house, as I suggested?
Boy—Yes, sir.
a a a
Old Oent—And what did he aay?
When has a man brown hands?
Boy—'E said Towser waa suffering
When he's tann'd ’em (tandem)
from nerve*, so sis had better give up
playing the planner.—Tit-Bit*.
Practical Application.
Small Boy—Say, mother, what la a
Mother—It la a place where nothing
Next day In school the small boy
was asked what was a desert
"Papa's head!” came the immediate
"Watch Out”
will surely “get you”
if you are careless and
neglect the Stomach,
Liver and Bowels. Be
on guard, and at the
first sign of trouble
always take
It tones, strengthens,
invigorates the entire
system. Tn it bow .
To Test Air in Room.
A simple way to tell whether yoor
room is properly
ventilated Is to
place a wide necked bottle of water,
into which you have put half an oune*
of lime water, in the room, letting H
remain uncovered over night. If in
the morning the lime water ia milk
the ventilation is bad.
If th* lima
water becomes milk on your covering
the bottle mouth with your hand and
shaking the vessel, the ventilation io
not sufficiently good.
If the lim*
water remains clear the air of that
room is pure.
All Falling or Blow Queens Should
Better than other powder*—
producing light, dainty,
aome cakes and paatriea—
Changed Promptly and Breed
Only From Very Be*L
Comb honey that is to be sent to
• distant market should be shipped
before cold weather, since the combs
become extremely fragile when cold.
Change all falling or slow queens
promptly, and breed from the best
you can secure, thus raising the
standard of your stock step by step
and improving the average year by
The young bees, hatched from Au­
gust 1 on, constitute the colony to be
wintered, and for this reason it is
wls* to see that much brood is ready,
even if you have to resort to stimu­
lative feeding.
As a rule bees cast a prime swarm
as soon as the first queen cell is
sealed, unless prevented by bad
weather; therefore, the first young
queen may be expected to emerge on
the eighth day from the first swarm.
When the hives are well distribut­
ed in a certain space, their inmates
can be more easily handled. It seems
to Improve their disposition, especial­
ly if there are some trees, shrubs, or
the like about it Robbing is not so
prevalent, either, and the absence of
that always helps to make the bees
better natured.
■a high grade and
moderate in price —
25c lb. tin at grocer«.
Craocao* Mf, Co.. Seattle
Securing Household Efficiency.
A practical knowledge of the work
to be done, an ability to convey that
knowledge to servants, to observe
without appearing to observe, to cor­
rect without nagging, and to show
friendliness without familiarity — all
these will enable us to give to a maid
a sense of personal freedom and re­
sponsibility and a practical knowledge
of the detail of her work which will
tend to dissipate the hostility engen­
dered by years of misunderstanding.—
Century Magazine.
Effort Worse Than Wasted.
“What makes me really mad,” said
the woman, “is to spend minutes,
maybe hours, trying to get hold of a
white hair that shows up on my head
HANDY IN SORTING POTATOES like a dazzling light, yet which is tan-
talizingly elusive when I try to catch
Smaller Tubers Fall Through Holea In it, and then when I do finally separate
it from the brown hair and give it a
Revolving Screen—Work Don*
vigorous pull, to find that I have
With Rapid!»/.
snatched out a good brown hair and
A New York man has designed • left the white one still shining I”
machine for sorting potatoes, and
May Get the Sack.
her* It is. A frame, with one end
“The count related to us ho* hie
higher than the other, has a hopper
on one and angular rollers rotably ancestors had once sacked a palace in
And I under­
supported in it A belt that passes Normandy.”
over these rollers is formed of strips stand the count himself expects to bag
of wire so interwoven aa to make a an American heiress.”
rather large mesh. Across the frame
and just beneath the hopper is a
chute. To sort th* tubers they are
poured Into the hopper and spread
ia what they all aay
of oar
Methode of
Potato Sorter.
over the revolving belt.
All the
smaller potatoes pass through the
openings in the belt, roll down the In­
cline to the chute and are ejected at
the side of the frame. The larger veg­
etables remain in the belt and are car­
ried to another receptacle. Thia meth­
od Is not only more rapid than sorting
by hand, but It makes sure that there
are no mixed sizes in the different
Wise Dental Co.
orrrct HOURS:
8 A. M. ta 8 P. M.
Sandavs « ta »
Phone«: A 2029: Maia 2029.
Blds.. Third and Woahinston. Partlaa*
Disinfecting Whitewash.
An excellent disinfecting whitewash
may be made as follows: Slake 25
pounds fresh lime In sufficient water
to make a paste, sprinkle in 15 pounds
of flowers of sulphur, add 30 gallons
of water,. and boll for an hour Then
add enough water to make 50 gallon*
and apply with a spray pump, using a
bordeaux noixle.
Forage for Ducks.
Do you know that a patch of ground
sown to turntpa now will in a few
Her Soft Answer.
weeks provide forage for th* ducks?
’’Mary.” said a mother to the quick­ They ar* so fond of thia that they
tempered little girl, "you must not get often eat young turnip* right out of
mad and say naughty thinga. You th* ground.
should always give a soft answer."
When her little brother provoked her
Keep on Hoeing.
an hour afterward, Mary clinched her
Keep th* J jo * going In th* » new
little flat and said, "Mush!"—Watch­ strawberry bed.
< and also around
small fruit
n .
34, 13