Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, August 21, 1913, Image 5

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    Thompson and Will Raney, left Tues­ without a pound shrink in his whole one »art of crude carbolic acid to three
day foi Government Camp, where they shipment
On account of the high parts of kerosene. Apply without dilu­
will camp until the first of September. water content potatoes are especially tion and keep stirred while applying.
Miss Elsie Hbultz will attend college valuable to shippers in the hot Crude carbolic -cid ia preferred to the
■ •
• ■ ■ ■1
■ s
11 " "
Fhune Ma
at Corvallis this winter.
better grades because of its containing
Mill I I « mllM aoulheaal of Kelso
Mrs. M. B Hleret is steadily Improv­
Some feeding experiments with po­ other coal tar compounds in addition
ing and is now able to be about the tatoes follow: Ford of Copenhagen to phenol, making it more effective.
woman would vote solid against ths
house some.
Station found by experiment that 400
Of these preparations probably the
recall. The luoet amusing falsehood
Mr. and Mrs. Erneet Peterson are pounds of potatoes are worth 100 best is cresol soap solution, as it is
being felicitated upon tha arrival of a pounds of mixed grain for pig feed­ readily prepared, cheap, efficient and
Who Mid it couldn’t rain In AugustV reason why the bridge was taken down daughter, born Thursday, August 14th.
ing In trials by Henry at the Wis­ easily applied It is used at this sta­
Tha flna rain of Sunday did a vaat
Walter Belt has been sick the past consin Station, potatoes were cooked tion in preference to all other similar
ter«» slork ut t>lni»n»lun l.unlwr oli >■•■><!
pla«'««l by a new one was that the man week
Kiiusli aM DSSSSM liuuber tir all purpowa
in an open kettle, using as little wa­ preparations.
and aweet corn liesides preventing forest who built it declared lately it was
Mr Kardell return«! this week from ter as possible, and corn meal added
Mail ordar lo JONSKI'I» HKOS. Barine KD1
Any of the commonly advertised
dangerously unsafe
He must have
Manzanita Beach.
to form a thick mush which was coal tar stock dips may also be used
The recall election prevail««! In th 1«
Mrs, H. J. Puffer visited friends up eaten by pigs with great relish Corn with satisfactory results They may
precinct last Saturday, there being but a 20 years. They have a strong member­ the Wiiiame te Valley last week.
meal wet with water was fed to a | be diluted with fifty parts of water.
ainall nutulier of votea cast, only 21, of
Mr. and Mrs. J) C. Roesand daught­ -»j aqx -uosuediuoa joj to[ puoa»s | These mixtures may be applied with
which 12 was for the retail of Judge
er Blanche, of Hell wood, have gone to suits were as follows- 440 pounds of a large brush or with a spraying ma­
Beattie am! I) agamat It. Blair, who i" are now trying to get up the Sandy their summer home at Rockaway
corn meal, fed alone, produced 100 chine A good spraying machine is
Beattie’« associate received one more River to »pawn but are detaioad at the Be», h.
pounds of gain, 262 pounds of corn quicker and more efficient than a
Storage Company
vote than Beathe. At thia writing it is dam at Camp Hix, wb«re they sre
Mrs. B. R. Carter from the East, who meal with 786 pounds of potatoes, brush Great care must be taken to
rumored that the recall haa prevailed
baa t»en visiting her brother. W. R.
Makea all pointa betwoen Portland
by Mt. Humphrey ami his assistants. Wright, left Tuesday for Heaside me- weighed before cooking, produced 100 fill thoroughly every crevice in the
all over the county.
and Lenta on Mt. Scott Lino.
pounds gain
From this we learn wall perches and nests with the
Little Clara Frail, while In Portland Laat Friday one ton ol tisli were taken companied by her niece and Misa that 786 pounds of potatoes, when liquid
Esther Elford.
Freight, Expresa, Baggage and all laat week, got ptomaine poisonitiK but
Any of these mixtures will kill every
united strength of all the men, includ­ I Miss Haile has returned from a two fed to hogs after being cooked, ef­
fortunately soon recovered.
kinds of Transfer Work.
ing employees and the by-standers, to weeks' stay at Welches and is Sfiending fected a saving of 178 pounds of corn i mite with which it comes in contact,
Mr. and Mra. Geo. Eaden of Ixigan
meal, 442 pounds of potatoes taking j but it is impossible to get alt of them
Foster Road were up vialting with Mra. Eaden’a draw the net ashore. The egg» are a few <lays at the Schneider farm at
I.enta Office •
the place of 100 pounds of corn meal. with one spraying
Two thorough
shipped to the Bonneville hatchery Damascus.
Lents Phone« ... - Tnbor 1424 parent« over Bunday.
From an averagee of 41 analysis in ! sprayings should be made on the first
I after tieing partially developed. Last
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. «¿uick of Warren,
Home B «111
August Breiden»tein and hia friend, »eek nearly 4<M),<»0o eggs were taken.
Farmers’ Bulletin No 222. we obtain j day. The next day a careful examina-
visited the latter’s parent, Mr.
Frank Llniiainan. of Portland, were If the run continues over a million will
the following for the potato: Water ! tion should be made and if any mites
and Mrs. E. C. Lindsey, last week.
F. W. Tus»y, Manager up hunting on Wild Cat mountain laat 1 tie taken this month.
I can be found alive the house should
Franz Olbrick left Tuesday for Ger- 79.1 per cent, ash 9 per cent, crude
week and secured a tine young buck.
be thoroughly treated again.
Aak tor Rose City Van
Dr. Boy i, pastor of the Firet Presby­ j many to make a four months' visit.
Many of the neighbors got a piece of
Although these solutions will kill the
terian Church of Portland, whe has a
Miss Elizabeth Shoemaker has re­
venison and all agreed it waa ths rtn«o>t
mites, it is not likely that they
summer home here, occupied the pulpit turned from a two weeks’ outing st
they ever ate.
digestible nutriments as crude protein will reach the mite eggs and prevent
at the church here last Bunday to the i Wilhoit Springs
Henry Boyd, oldest son of Dr. J. H.
The houses
1.1 per cent, carbohydrates 15 7 per 1 them from hatching
great satisfaction of the good-sized
Bov<l, Pastor of the Firet Presbyterian
should,» therefore, be thoroughly
i cent, fat 0.1 per cent.
congregation in altendence. This was
Church of l‘ortlaii'1, ia at home for hia
sprayed twice again at intervals of one
one of the best sermons, both in sub-
summer vacation
Henry has lately
1 ject matter and mauner of delivery, | A few days ago a carload of hogs CHECKMATING CHICKEN MITES week This will catch any mites that
graduated from Princeton College, New
have hatched out from eggs laid pre­
that lb«- writer ever remembers to have arrived at the Portland Union Stock
One of the worst enemies poultry I vious to the first sprayings
Jersey, the same institution that his
Yards by rail from Condon, Ore., the raisers have to contena with is the:
father graduated from. Henry will heard.
Before setting hens are placed upon
Now Germany and England regret I consignors being the Gilman-French chicken mite. Hen» attacked by mites 1 eggs for hatching, the nest should be
enter the North Western I jiw Uni­
versity of Chicago tills fall where he ex- exceedingly that they ever recognized I Company of The Dalles, the hogs cease laying, become poor in flesh I thoroughly saturated with some of
H A. M. to 5 P. M., Herald Office,, Is-nts pecta to study law for the next two1 the brutal government of Huerta in coming from that company's prairie and listless in action The feathers
these preparations to kill any mites
Mexico and say they never would have ranch in Wheeler County, this ranch drop out; the head au4 comb become
« P. M. to U P. M., Residence, Grvehain years,
that may be present and to forestall
A daily edition of the Oregonian one done so it it had'nt been over the quasi* being located a few miles southeast pale and the bird presents a sickly immediate infestation. A teaspoonful
day last week contained a statement endorsement given by Henry Lane of Fossil.
of the undiluted cresol soap solution
Wilson, onr late ambassador. Thais
Their ravages are worst on setting placed beneath the straw in the hol­
had created a dissension in their ranks right lay it on the dog. The fact is dred pounds, and the carload, con- hens, as here they have access at all lows of the nests will keep them free
I practice all Branches of Denthtr)
by nominati g a negro for Register of however that England got a valuable I listing of 90 head, brought the ship- times, causing a rapid loss of blood. from lice as well as mites, but it
office Honre II le 13 AM
1 to & I* M.
Treasury. Our esteem««! (?) eon- concession in oil land near Vera Cruz l peri $1395.95, after payment of the Attacks upon setting hens often re­ should not come in contact with the
Munday« bjr Appolnlmt'iil
has another guee» coming. and Germany got a Mg loan on favor­ I freight and sales expenses The man- sult in the hen leaving her nest, or eggs.
Olllre corner of Main Hi Poster Hoad
»«er of the Gilman-French ranch in her death. Even if the hen does I Extreme care should be taken that
Alexander Patterson, the newly ap- able let ms.
states that the grain fed to these withstand the ravages of the mite, the : none of these mixtures comes in con­
pointml Register of the Treasury. 4a a
Phones: Main 430, Home A 4V>8
II hog» to fatten them amounted to1 newly hatched chicks are attacked as : tact with eggs that are to be sold for
full-blooded Choctaw Indian from
r about 725 bushels, which at the mar- soon as they emerge from the shell, i
Oklahoma. It is a rainy day wlien the
table purposes, as they will be spoiled
Oregonian fails to throw dirt at this
I ket price at the time of shipment, and are often killed in a short time.
Will Hockinson made a busineee trip I about 73 cents per bushel, sums up
Unlike the louse the mite does not
present administration, one of the
Seventh and Ankeny Streets
alil«*at ever conducted in all the annals to Eastern < iregon this week
¡$52925. But from this must be sub­ live on the bird at all times, except
If you want an excellent quality
Oregon of our country's history, and under the
Harold Kern, who is working in Port­ tracted the price of 350 grain sacks in extreme cases vf infestation, but . of hay, try the combination of sow­
matchless management of that world's land, made a trip out on Monday.
I at 105 cents each, and hauling the lives and breeds in cracks and corners ing field peas with oats. The Cana­
L. H. Carter & Son
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edwards of Port­ grain to market, the haul surely be- of the roosts, nests and alse where dian pea has been commonly used
wonder, wisdom wizard, Woodrow
Contractors ami Hu I Mr r»
land, visited the latter’s fiarent, Mr. I ing worth 15 cents a bushel for the about the poultry house. It generally for this purpose. However, the Col-
Manufacturer» of Window Casing» Screen
floor» and Window», Moldings, Coluama. Pan
One lady luted at the polls for the re­ and Mrs. M. .«quires. last Sunday.
attacks the fowl when upon the roost orado field pea, owing to its par-
i 35-mile haul.
cis. Ornainvlits. Etc. Custom Plaining and
A party consisting »t Mrs. Vesta J Deducting such items, we find these or nest Therefore an examination of ticular cultivation and climatic con-
Band Hawing owners lx*n<« Plaining Mills call last Saturday, living the only lady
and Wood Working Km lory.
who voted. That truthful (?) sheet, Raney. Miss Ethel Wilkinson, Chris­ i hogs were fed, in the fattening stage, the body would not always discover ditions, surpasses tne Scotch or Cana­
I.tali, Orrgva
Burkholder, Messers Wilbur ’ | grain worth $383 75. To thia, how- the pest.
tlie Oregon City Enterprise, said the tina
dian varieties. This Colorado pea
They may be discovered, if present, is now widely grown in Colorado
ever, should be added, to make the
( comparison complete, the cost of by a careful examination of the cracks with oats for hay; also being grown
i hauling the hogs to Condon
The in the roosts, nests and walls of the very largely for the high-class seed,
I hogs averaged in weight about 175 building, lifting up the roosts and bot­ which are fed to stock at a hand­
: pounds each, or 15,750 pounds. The toms of the nests, where they will be some profit. As many of us know,
I725 bushels of wheat fed to them found gathered in patches which have the choicest mutton on earth is now
* weighed 43,500 pounds, so there was the appearance of grayish or redish grown in the great state of Colorado
These from pea fed lambs This industry
; a saving in hauling of practically brown, powdery deposits.
patches are composed of adult mites, has assumed large proportions in the
I 28,000 pounds
young mites, eggs, cast off skins, ex-
As pigs and shoats these hogs were crea and filth. The patches are gray I Colorado country and both mutton
fed chopped wheat, barley and corn or reddish in cast, depending upon and pork produced from these pe^s
fetch top-notch prices.
and ground alfalfa; perhaps such feed the amount of blood in each mite
Where peas and oats are sown to­
would amount to $3 per head. De-
It requires a very careful examina­
i ducting this sum, $270, from the net tion to discover mite patches when gether for hay, bear in mind that
I amount found above, it will be seen there are but few mites present, as seedlings should be made early in
that there was a good profit in the they are hidden away from the light, the season, using about two bushels
grain fed.
Mr. Cooper says the but in cases where they have been of oats and one bushel of peas per
usual estimate that grain fed to hogs allowed to multiply freely the patches acre, both of which may be sown
, will fetch $1 a bushel is far too low. may increase in size and spread over with our regular grain drills or
broadcast, cultivated in and the soil
, Certainly the figures bear him out
the exposed .surfaces of the walls, left smooth with the use of the har­
One of the pleasing features dis- roosts and nests In some instances
row. In some sections of our coun­
j cernible in the wheat regions is an of extreme infestation, it is actually
, increasing interest in feeding grain possible to gather them up by the try it has become customary to
cut this crop for hay when the
, instead of marketing it in the raw. spoonful.
peas are forming in the pods and the
| Many wheat-growers are feeding
The Iowa State College Station oats are in the dough state. The
• their wheat and barley to cattle and gives the following remedies for the
hay is cured with ease and you will
sheep, making good returns thereby—
find the feed very fine for all kinds
I much better than if they hauled their
The best remedies for mites are
1 grain to market. This is particularly cleanliness, sunlight and spraying with of stock.
Now, the habitat of this crop is
i true where the haul is long and the disinfecting solutions The poultry­
very wild. In some sections of our
, roads not of the best.
house and fittings should be so built
The one drawback in much of the as to be easily cleaned. The walls country it may be advisable to sow
area where grain is grown is the should be smooth and as free from barley, or speltz, with the peas in­
Herald and Weekly Oregonian one year
lack of water. Without a good sup­ cracks as possible. Nests, roosts and stead of the oats This crop can be
! harvested in sufficient time to sow
ply of running water hog-raising is
Herald and Daily Oregonian one year
dropping boards should be easily re­ another crop for hay, such as sor­
practically impossible. On the other movable to allow spraying of their
ghum and cowpeas. If you have
Herald Daily and Sunday Oregonian one year $7.50
hand, sheep take very little water and
entire surface and the walls beneath never tried this field pea and oat
can be driven to it quite a distance
Herald and Daily Telegram one year ......... $5.75
combination you will do welt to plant
Cattle take more water, but can be
There are several preparations for it as soon as you can.—G. C. Chand-
Herald and Semi Weekly Journal one year $2.25
i driven farther
To drive hogs any
the eradication of mites, of which four i ler, in Rural Spirit.
is out of the ques­
Herald and Daily Journal one year ........... $5.50
good ones are given:
Cresol Soap.—Shave or chop one j
Minister Praises This Laxative
Herald Daily and Sunday Journal one year $7.50
Several large ranches in Sherman.
ten-cent cake of laundry soap into one '
Gilliam and Morrow Counties arc pint of soft water. Heat or allow to I Rev. H. Stubenvoll of Allison, la., in
Herald Oregon Agriculturist one year ... $1.15
praising Dr. King’s New Life Pills for
equipped with wells and gasoline en­
stand until a soap paste is formed. ! constipation,
writes:—‘‘Dr. King’s
gine pumps. With a good well and
Herald and McCall's one year .................... $1.25
Stir in one pound of commercial cre­ New Life Pills are snch perfect pills no
plenty of water, the long business
sol and heat or allow to stand until home should he without them.” No
means prosperity far beyond that now
soap paste is dissolved Stir in one better regulator for the liver «nd
reigning in those sections.
gallon of kerosene. For use. dilute bowels. Every pill guaranteed. Try
well sunk is an asset worth while for
them. Price 25c at all druggist.
with fifty parts of water, which will i
the community It seems practicable
for several landowners to join to­ make milky-colored liquid.
Mothers’ Have Yoir Children Wons?
Commercial cresol is a coal tar by­
gether and sink a co-operative well,
Are they feverish, restless, nervou»,
piping the water to a central point | product and may be obtained from the irritable, dizzy or constipated? Do they
or to their various farms
Even a
continually pick their nose or grind
300-foot well, equipped with pumping Care should be taken not to get any their teeth” Have they cramping
apparatus complete, costs something of it upon the hands or face, as it will pains, irregular and ravenous ap-
like $2500 That sum does not seem I cause intense smarting.
peti e? These are all eigne of worms.
Kerosene Emulsion.—Shave or chop Worms not only cause your child
prohibitive where four^ir five farm­
ers can join in its ownership—Ore­ one-half pound of hard soap, add to a suffering, hut stunts its mind ami
gallon of soft wate». place on fire and growth.
gonian. July 19.
Give “Kickapoo
bring to a boil to dissolve the soap Killer” at once. It kills and removes
A number of hog shippers coming Remove from the f're and stir in while the worms, improves your child’s ap­
into the Portland Union Stock Yards hot two gallons of kerosene. This petite, regulates stomach, liver and
recently, instead of feeding wheat makes a thick creamy emulsion, which bowels. The symptoms disappear and
and corn enroute, fed potatoes Mel- may be kept as a stock solution. For your child is made happy an healthy
ins Payne, of Tikura, Ida., tried the use, dilute with ten parts of soft wa­ as nature intended. All druggists or
experiment recently with good results ter. It is better to apply it hot if by mail, 25c.
Another shipper from Idaho claimed possible.
Kerosene and Carbolic Acid.—Add Philadelphia, Pa.
St. Louie, Mo.
that with potatoes he came through
Rose City Van
Dunning &, McEntee
The Herald Com
bination Offer