Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, August 14, 1913, Image 6

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“I hope It will cease fo rarer, • Inter­
She leaned over the desk, admiring
rupted Miss Prudent
the weaving colors
"The element that ring ia made of
Edison smiled slightly and waited un­
til the girl was ready to turn from the will drive it from land and from
dassling ring to him. She took the but carriM It Into the air.”
"But if no one knows the secret?"
ring in her band and saw that It was
"There are no secrets. Miss Pru
as transparent, clear and colorleee as
crystal; without that sparkling effect dent; there are many thing« we don’t
know yet, but there are no secrets
it would have been invisible.
She slowly laid It down again and Nature is an open book to those who
looked questlontngly at the man sit­ can read and understand.”
"Again you are right, Mr. Kdlaon."
ting before her. She did not know
"Then, with your permission, I will
that while she was admiring the ring
his eyes had rested on her yearningly, go. I hope that the service I am of­
expressing love and admiration. Or fering to our continent will be accept­
ed as freely aa I am offering IL"
was it adoration?
”1 can assure you of that, aa the
He smiled strangely at her and said:
Ancient Custom Still Observed In Big
"If I read your questioning gaze aright, nomln«'« for the presidential chair,”
English Metropolis—Makeup of
you want to know the meaning of She offered her hand again and Napo
A Romance of the
my gift, a gift that I have brought
from afar for the daughter of Hanni­ bowed once more and starred toward
Rtrange to say, v«ry few people ar«
bal Prudent.” He placed a peculiar the door. Miss Prudent hesitated a
aware of the ancient custom which la
moment—• question was on her lips—
accent on the last four words.
still kept up at th« Tower of London,
“I thank you, sir, very much." she but as she hesitated it
says Ixinduu Tit-Hits. Just before
midnight a beefeater and tho chief
Guido von Horvath
"Clrynlth—Clrynlth!" she sighed
"It Is a present for you, and through
y«*oinan porter secure the keys from
and Dean Hoard
you to the whole American continent." more than uttered, and looked At the
thu governor's house to "lock up."
chair that had a short moment ago
Astra’s face expressed surprise.
Having received tho keys, they pro
"I will have to be more explicit I
coed to tho guardroom.
It seemed to her as though the
will have to tell you more about It
Oopyrtcbk lull. »7 W ù
la «a» Ualw4
"Escort for tho keys," calls out th»
»«aim and urao« Bri tala.
May I ask you to let me have the ring stranger had carried away something
porter and a sergeant and six privates
—something?—what? She did not
for a moment?"
turn out.
She handed it to Edison with a gra know. She sat down before the deBk
The procession then marches off.
cious movement of her slender hand. and taking the ring In her hand looked
and the •Entries they pass Issue th«
For fifty years the continent of North
Anu rlca had been Isolated from the rest He took it from her, and. grueping it at IL and finally she slipped It on her
usual challenge of "Who goes there?"
•f the world by the use of Z rays. a son- firmly with both hands, he pulled it Anger. It fitted perfectly.
awful Invention of Hannibal Prudent.
to which tho answer Is "Koya.”
The Invention had saved th» country apart; it yielded like rubber and
Arriving at the entrance of the
from foreign Invasion, and the continent jumped back to its former size when and saw some small tracings on it
Bad been united under on» government
Tower grounds, the Mona’ gat«, tho
with Prudent as president. For half a he released it Then he let it drop She could not distinguish th« lines
porter locks tho gate», and tho party
••ntury peace and prosperity reigned In on the polished desk; it sounded like with her unaided eyes, so took a mag
thia part of the world The story opens
returns to tho guardroom, tho sentry
with President Prudent critically ill. His
challenging as before and receiving
Baath Is hastened by the receipt of a
"What do you think of that Miss
■esaage from Count von Werdensteln of
tho same answer However, on ar­
deciphered the strange word "Ciry-
Germany that he has at last succeeded In Prudent?"
Benet rating the rays Dying, h» warns
SIDE from the comfort assured to the wearers of pure white apparel la rival at tho guardroom again th« sentry
"It is wonderful."
Bis daughter Astra that this means a for-
By some coincidence Napoleon Edi­
the dog days, the knowledge that It la refreshing to look at by swelter­ stationed there stamps his foot, at tho
"Indeed it is, and more: It carries
aign Invasion. He tells her to hurry to
th» Island of Clrynlth. but dies before he the solution of aerial navigation, mak­ son. emerging from the portal, again
ing fellow-beings weighs something In Its favor. Here are two exqul- same time giving the usual challenge,
ri tell the location of the place. Astra
"Keys." replies th«» porter.
* site hats, made for midsummer, that look as If they might be lnt r
nominated for th» presidency by the ing the aerial crafts as safe as your encountered the man he had met three
"Whoso keys?” the sentry asks,
•patlnental party.
chair. It makes war on land or sea days before; the only difference was pretatkms by tho artist-milliner of soft, drifted snow or gleaming ice, trans­
"King George's keys.”
absolutely impossible. It strikes the that this t’me he was leaving and Am­ lator into fabrics and thence into headwear.
"Advance King George’s keys, and
A round, bonnet-like shape has tho brim covered with a new material
word ’distance’ from the dictionary. brosio Hale was coming.
The tall man with those ferret-Hke much like crepe de chino, but with less luster. It is called crepo Georgette. nil’s well."
What do you think of it?"
The Ring.
Tho porter then says. "God bless
Astra’s face took on an expression eye«, fox nose and brittle mustache The small soft crown is a puff of molro satin as shimmering as Ice. A moire
Thursday afternoon at four o’clock full of faith and thankfulness; her eyes was evidently surprised. As he passed ribbon encircles the crown and Is tied In n bow on the under-brlm. There is King George." and all present respond
the clay abode of the man whose death seemed to look far up to the power the porter's gate he asked who the a large white marguerite daisy on tho upperbritn at the back with a deep with "Amen.” The keys nro then
was mourned by the continent re­ that moves worlds and creates new stranger was. The porter could not brown center. It Is mountod In a few rose leaves from which trails also the saluted and returned to the fovernor’s
turned to ashes. The mournful pro­ stars.
house, where they remain until tho
remember, but It was a name that palest of Marshall Nell roses extending two inches beyond th«» brim edge.
cession started toward the cremato­
“You—you have come to our aid; made him think of Napoleon; whether
Folds of snowy mallno rest against the hair, supported by an under-brlm next night’s ceremony.
rium from the chapel of the Crystal peace and happiness will still reign It was Bonaparte or Caesar he could which Is really an extension of the crown. This beautiful conception belongs
Palace. Gardens had been devastated over our continent God has sent you not recall.
in that class of millinery to which the designer turns when poas«iasod of the HOUSES FOR LITTLE BIRDS
to furnish flowers; the streets were to me in this trying moment”
Mr. Hale was received tn the green airiest of fancies.
carpeted with blooms. Immediately
Tear drops trembled on her long eye­ room.
A white hemp shape trimmed with ribbon veiled with mallne and finished Not Necessary to Make Nesting Places
following the coffin rode his only rela­ lashes like drops of dew on a flower.
Astra had a peculiar dislike for that with a pair of wings deserves a special Interest. It Is a peculiar shape with
Elaborate—Roughest Shelters
tive, the daughter of Hannibal Pru­
When the moment of enthuelam had color, not in nature, but in furnish­ a poke-bonnet front and a brim thnt widens and rolls up at the back.
Generally Sought
dent, in an open carriage.
passed they sat again calmly opposite
Contrary to the popular modo of the season, which shows wings and
Her pale face epoke of sleepless to each other. This time Astra spoke: ceived people she did not like in the
quills mounted as in flight, these wings are poised as If at rest, which is
The boy or girl who puts up boxes
Bights and many tears, but her eyes
room had a de- exactly right for a hot-weather hat
"My dear Mr. Edison! You have green room. That
for th« birds to nest In and supplies
now were dry, her classic face calm not proved what you claim can be pressing effect on her mentality. and
The wonderful coat of lrlsh-crochet lace has a daring touch on the the birds with drinking water and
and her carriage like that of a queen done, but the way you said It con­ the people who i visited her there soon
sleeves. They are short puffs, not reaching to the elbow, and nro finished bathing places. Is certain of an unfall­
And a queen she was. not by the right vinced me that you have the power to left.
with bands of dark brown fur. The Idea la eccentric but perhaps Intended
•f birth or Inheritance, but by the do it In other words. I trust you and
"I have come this time, my dear As­ to remind us of winter and cold weather In the midst of middle-summer heat lug source of pleasure. Much of this
will come from watching th» birds, at
divine might that inhabited her superb believe in you implicitly.
Women [ tra. to congratulate you. I wanted to
times, and studying their habits. Bird
know much by instinct, and my intui­
houses needn’t be new or elaborto. Tho
Astras mind was dazed from the tion has never led me astray.
the contlnentalists, and there is no
loss of sleep and the pomp of the fu­
"I recognized you at once as the man doubt but you will be elected; there FOR WEAR ON CAR OR BOAT
neral ceremony, and her nerves were who spoke at the Contlnentalists’ is hardly any opposition on the sec­
well-nigh exhausted by the time she meeting, trying to encourage the tlonists’ part. Whom could they put
Crepe de Chine Dressing Gown Is the
arrived at her crystal home. As she masses and give them heart to brave up against you, my dear Astra?"
Most Practical Garment for
slowly mounted the steps her loss over­ approaching events.
He pressed the hand of the Kiri
the Traveler.
whelmed her; she had not fully real­
"As you know, the Contlnentalists warmly. He knew that he had to win
ised It before. She went at once to have nominated me because I was the her love or he would never reach the
The moet serviceable and durable
her boudoir, locked the door and, daughter of the man who made this goal he was longing for.
throwing herself on a couch, sobbed continent what it is today. Now that
"I wish you would consider me your dressing gown for the traveler is made
bitterly. Her mind reverted to the I have found a man who promises as very best friend, my dear. Consult me of some dark. Inconspicuous, untrans-
past when the great man she had lost great things as you do I shall not ac­ any time you please
Your wisdom parent material.
Crepe do chine is ideal for summer
had played with the little girl of five cept this nomination, but will insist and judgment is great The whole
years—with her; he was an old man upon you as a candidate."
continent is looking at you as the wear. A dressing gown of this ma-
terlal in a dark color can be worn
•ven then; but oh, how dearly she bad
Napoleon Edison Bhook his head deliverer; still, once in a while the comfortably for months. It does not
foved him.
word of an experienced statesman will
with a smile.
show oil easily, and when It is soiled
Her meditations were terminated ab­
"Miss Prudent, I appreciate what help."
it can be easily washed and will look
ruptly by the entrance of old John, you say, but none must know about
who brought the card of Napoleon Edi­ our present conversation. I have done if I ever need your kindly offered help as well after a trip to the laundry as
before. A dark gown, besides the
son. "I promised to receive him, did nothing but give you a jewel. The I will call on you.”
fact that It will not show soil so
I not?”
other things remain to be proved.”
quickly as a light one, can be com-
■“Indeed, madam," bowed the serv­
Astra looked thoughtfully at the
spoiled Ambrosio Hale's ardently fortably worn on the way to the bath
visitor and seemed to agree.
on shipboard and In the corridors of
She thought for a moment.
“Besides,” continued Edison, “it is longed for opportunity.
Before Astra fell asleep, she kissed hotel or pension.
“Take him to my father’s library; I absolutely necessary that no one shall
A gown of dark blue crepo de chine
will see him there."
know what I can do. You will be the glittering ring on which the word
could be made with a little V-shaped
When Napoleon Edison entered the elected and Inaugurated the 4th of Clrynlth was faintly engraved.
That evening Napoleon Edison, ac- vest of gathered cream or ecru net and
room he found Astra sitting before the March this coming year. This is the
with net undersleeves, or a ribbon
broad desk. He stopped before her 16th of September. The Isolator now companicd by his short friend, sat In
in gay colors and futurist design
Suggestion for Bird Houses.
with a low bow.
existing will last until the coming
“I have the honor to greet you. Miss summer and you will hear from me Frisco limited, flying toward the West; could be used to give tho somber gown
shelters, and weather-stained
between now and then; Indeed, you
boxes, are more likely to And n tenant
The girl looked into the face of the
early, than those mad« of new lumber.
that not a rumble was heard, or a
<all, handeome man and saw in his
Any hoy can make one of the houses
quiver felt.
large gray eyes an Immeasurable cour­
shown In tho Illustration, says the
Napoleon Edison bent over an out-
age. The strong, well-shaped nose
Farmers’ Mull and Breese. When the
spread plan showing an object of pe- With This Equipment Any Ordinary
curved over a pleasant mouth that
Mishap to Garment May Be
cullar construction,
birds move In they will pay rent by
His companion
•oftened the stern expression of the
watched him for a while, then fell
eating hundred« of Insects which
«yes The high, broad forehead was
Edison looked at the fat
would otherwise do damage.
•haded by dark brown hair. The broad
Almost any of the scraps of pretty
man’s nodding head, and turned the
•houldem and the sinewy, muscular
light lower, so that it fell only on his ■ilk ribbon that arc in the family
form all gave evidence of strength,
rag bag may be fashioned into a needle
endurance and energy.
He sat studying those lines that ran book small enough to go into the av­
What Is the right kind of timber
The girl did not anewer for a few sec­
straight, curved and oblique; they erage sized purse without overcrowd­
for «gistles in the air?
ends; some strange power had cart its
formed a picture that was not Intend­
A sunbeam.
•pall over her while she studied this
ed—the outline«, the details of a se­ of one cover, which of course is mount­
• • •
man. She recognized him as the man
ed over thin cardboard, should be •
rene, strong face—Astra’s.
which never asks any
who had talked so prophetically at the
The train shot steadily toward th« tacked-down sheet of fine flannel in
questions and yet requires many an­
contlnentalists’ meeting in the old Hip­
Golden Gate.
eral sizes, and at the Inside of the op­
The doorbell.
“Good evening, Mr. Edleon,” she said
posite cover should be straps of the
• • •
•t last in her low. pleasant voice. The
Bound to Have His Joke.
•ilk through which reels may be run.
What Is It which If you name It
man thought it the sweetest voice he
Jokes about the slowness of trains, These reels, formed of silk-covered
even you break it?
bad ever heard. Then she added:
especially here in the south, said an matches or toothpicks, should be wound
“Will you kindly be seated?”
Atlanta railway man, also tire me a bit with • few yards of black and white
• • •
The young man sat down without
by their ancientness; but I heard a ■ewlng silk, black and whits linen
What sort of mon are always above
•peaking, and Astra asked: "You
new and good one not long ago. It thread, black and white or tan silk
board In their movements?
wished to see me; may I ask you, sir,
seems that trains are always slow and floss, and, thus equipped, the shopper
far between on a branch line in Mls- is prepared to repair any ordinary mis­
• •
The expressive face of the young
Nobody knows this better hap to her garb.
What word of 16 letters Is there
than the people at the junction, except
man showed a shade of disappoint­
Tailor-made model of ecru
from which you can subtract 12 and
the people on the line itself. One day
ment as he replied quickly:
Soft Bows or Lingerie.
wtth oollar of purpla silk.
leave ten?
"I was under the Impression that Some Strange Power Had Cast Ita the newsdealer came to me grinning.
Fastidious women have long been
you expected me, madam, but it seems
8pell Over Her While 8he Studied
tired of the lingerie garments that are
• •
Slimmer Than Ever.
that I have been misled. However, I
the Man.
slotted for baby ribbon in all possible
Smart women of this season look
How many weeks belong to the
can tell my mission in a few words.”
"He had missed bls train
He rested his eyes on the girl’s face moment arrives. If you will permit and there wasn’t another for two places, but the touch of color which slimmer than they have done for • year?
Forty-six; the other six are only
•nd seemed still expectant, but the me I will report whenever I can; that hours. He came to my stall to buy the ribbon gives is Introduced by sin­ long time. To secure the effect de­
«•Im, beautiful face did not change. will not be often. I will supply you some reading matter to while away gle soft bows. On the newest French sired undergarments that add to th« lent (Lent).
• • •
size are being dispensed with. To take
Be continued:
with information from time to time the time. He asked tor a joke book,
tonholes to be found at the front and the place of the abandoned pettlcoaUs
What Is the difference between a
“The main object of my call la this.” m to what is going on on the other and I didn’t have any. Then he poked
Well. through these la passed a soft wide the new muslin, which Is very »h«". goose and an author?
Be took a small jewel box from his side, and suggestions that you can use, •round for a while and said:
A goose has many quills, but an au­
pocket, and, opening it, placed it on if you desire, for defense, should it I guess IH take • time table tn- ribbon which is tied in a bow. This is crepons and other transparent matort-
much less troublesome than threading ala, are being uasd, while some wom­ thor can make a goose of himself
stead.’ "—Judge.
tbe desk before Astra. Resting on the prove necessary."
ribbons through slots or stitching on en who may be described aa ultra- with one quill.
Edison stopped for • second, bit his
purple pad in the box was a sparkling
a made bow.
fashtonatoe have conceived a petti­
Huge Electric Furnaces.
white object, • small ring In the form lip thoughtfully, then rose.
coat combination made out of woven
When may a man be said to as
T have finished my duty for the
It la expected that the electrical fur­
•f • spiral; one piece of scroll woven
silk which fits the hipa closely.
P m Again In Faxhlon.
You don’t know. Miss Pru­ naces of the American Iron and steel
hard up as a man can be.
Into • shape that formed the letter praseaX
The fetching neck ruff remains •
dent, how much I appreciate the fact company, at Lebanon, Pa., will be In
“A" to take the place of the jewel.
When he cannot get credit for good
Lace Fichu Over Silk Gown,
Ko jewel decorated the ring; the that you look upon my intentions with full operation tn tho course of a year. great favorite with the girl of the sea­
A charming fichu of malin« )a«e Is
material it was made of was more bril­ approval. Intuitively knowing that The furnaces will be of from 20 to 26 son. A chic girl at a smart afternoon
liant than diamonds; it sparkled in all they are noble and the outgrowth of tons capacity, and be the largest plant gathering the other day wore tho lat­ worn over a gown of soft silk or sheer
Bo Will the Reeder.
the colors of the rainbow, notwith­ your father’s teachings. I am sorry I pant of the kind In the country There est and sheerest development of tho material. The lace Is draped in soft
"Pop, Is an abyss anything sleepy?"
came too late to tell him the good will also be standard blooming and ruff, which consists of but a single folds across the back and shoulders,
standing Its smooth surface.
"Of course not, child. What put that
Astra could not repress an exclama- news—that war is destined to lose its billet mills, with an annual capacity thickness of fine tails, with nary a gradually sloping toward the front, Into your head?”
of 20.000 tone
where It ends in two sharp potato
kfoa of surprise: "Ah, how beautiful!" foothold throughout the worlA"
"Well, it’s always yawning.”
----- =T& =—