Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, August 14, 1913, Image 5

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I'houo Mi
Milli I « tn I I m MUIhwl of K.ho
Largo .lock of l>lui«niloii l.umltor on hind
Hough and UrMwd lumber for all purptMM
Mod order Io JONHKUU HMOH. Btrln. Kilt
Rose City Van
Storage Company
Make« all points lietween Portland
and Lent* on Mt. Scott Line.
Freight, Express, Baggage and all
kinds of Tranafer Work.
Lenta Office •
Foatcr Road
Muta Phones .... Talxir 1424
Home B 6111
F. W. Tussy, Manager
Aek for Ros* City Van
H A. M. to 6 P. M., Herald Office,| la-nt*
fi P. M. to II P. M.. Heaidencr*. Greeliam
I practice all Branch«« of Dcntlatry
Office Honrs N U It A. M
I to 6 I' M.
Munday» by Appointment
Office corner ut Main Ht Foster Road
..... , ... a_ _ ___ ir
Main 430, Horne A 4AAH
Dunning &, McEntee
Seventh and Ankeny Streets
L. H. Carter & Son
Contractor» and Builder*
Manufacturer* of Window Casing*. Screen
Door« and Window*. Molding». Column». I’an
el«, Ornament*. Kir. <‘u*tom Plaining and
Band Hawing owner« Lent* Plaining Milla
and wood Working Factory
/.rar«, Or*rua
Alice, are enjoying a abort vacation at
Mr and Mr*. .Melvin Munday and
Mr. and Mra. Roy Roberta, of Hood
River, ar* th* guests of their parent*
here. Mr*. Roberta and Mra. Sunday
are daughter* of Mr. and Mra. E. M
Camp and Mr. Sunday ia the eon of
Mr and Mra. Geo. Sunday. Mr*. Geo.
Sunday also ha* her daughter, Mrs.
Collin Beebe and children, of Missonis,
Mont., as guest*.
Mr«. B. R Bradfield ia at the home
of her daughter, Mrs Robert Lans- j
down, who is «eriously ill.
Bert Hoss, who ba* been ill for the
past week will lie able to resume his
work at Metzger Broe. store in a few I
day*. Frank Hamlin has tx-en taking
hi* place.
hl* place. He ia down to the depth of
twenty-six feet, and indication* are
that lie will soon have plenty of water. By W. C. Palmer, Agricultural Edit­
Alfred Johnson has commenced
or, N. D. Agricultural College
work on Ilia new bungalow, and expects
to have it rraiiy to move into by the
At the Wisconsin Experiment Sta­
middle of October.
representatives, while ostensibly repre­
tion it has been found that the large
Road Huprrvisor Kenny seems to be
senting the people, are really in public
cows return more profit per cow
having considerable trouble with the
office for their own private gain and
than the small ones. Cows 900 lb*,
rock crusher in tiie I.inneinau pit. A*
The Harvest Moon alrovs.
now we all know it.”
and under returned products worth
Tiie recall election which occur, oo
$54—$20 more than the feed eaten.
Delightful balmy day* and bewitch­
Avenue is progressing slowly.
Saturday of thia week ha. aroused a
Cows 901 lbs to 1000 lb*, $6136
ing moonlit night*.
cowt 1001 1b* to non lb*., $6628
Almost a continuous prove*» Ion of great deal of interest and the Oregon
cowf 1101 lb* to 120Ì lb«, $7221
autoe go by the | hm I office here on City paper, are fairly sizzling with
Saturday and Sunday from Portland charge, arid denials. To an old new.-
TO CONSUMER COWI 1201 lb* to 1300 1b*, $7201
Iiaper man the Enterprise seem* to tie
1301 lb* to 1400 lb»., $79 64
on their wav to the mountain hotel,
cowt over 1400 lb*. $8801 Mr War
seeking change and reat. The land­ badly outclassed a* the editor of
By a system of marketing direct from ren, in his book on Farm Manage­
load. get tlie change aud tile waiters the Courier, U. J. Brown, ia a master j
of ridicule and invective and baa surely
producer to consumer, farmers and ment, in commenting on the above,
get the real.
put up a great “scrap ’ for the recall of
other producers may obtain 5 or 6 cent* says: “The large animals of any breed
Min Ixila Herald, of Mnta and a Beathe arid Biair. Beathe, at this
per dozen more than currant price« for are much more economical of labor
former teacher here la visiting at the writing, apjiears to lie doomed to de­
strictly freeh eggs, while the consumers and barn room and usually give as
home of Mr. ami Mrs. W. <). Hugh. feat, although it ia just possible he may
in large cities may obtain strictly fresh much or more milk for the food
Wm Herald is now teaching at pull through, and although Blair stand* «--------------------------------------
K eggs at 5 or 6 cent per dozen below eaten." The larger cows used their
Underwood, Wash
a (letter chance, the people are in an
Mis» Myra Ijetisinger and Chauncv current market prices. These facta feed with the same efficiency a* the
Frank Llnneman, a recently die- ugly mood at the carelees arid irre*|X.n-
were learned in a diiect market experi­
charged sailor from the United Htate* slide way in which the county’s busi­ Clark were married in Portland last ment. extending through a year or smaller ones. In fact, the largest
ones were a trifle more efficient than
navy ia visiting at the home of Mr. and ness lias linen conducted.
Mr. and .Mr*. Larkin Russell came* more, conducted by the Poultry depart­ the small ones —Rural Spirit.
Mra. Henry Berdeniteiri. Mr. Linne-
up from Troutdale Wednesday and ’ ment of the Oregon Agricultural College
man »erved three year«, and during'
boarded the steamer for The Dalle*. ‘ under the management of professor
I bat time viaited many parte of the
James Dryden. During the time cov­
The method given by Doctor Chase
8----------------------------------------------- S vicinity for years and thie was their ered by the experiment the egga were
follows: For each deer skin take a
There wax a sociable ami hop given {
Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Smith and first trip by water up the Columbia. gathered daily, or twice a day in very bucket of water and into it put one
at the hotel iast Saturday night that
A. A. fxieb spent the week-end at • warm weather, and kept in a cool place quart of lime (if the water boil* away
children, of Montavilla, called on old
wai quite generally attended.
until ready for «hipment, usually three
friends iiere Tuesday.
The writer walked over one of the
or four day*. They were then packed much in slaking the lime, add sufficient
so-called R. R sections lately ami waa ' .Mrs. Idleman of Montavilla, spent | visitor at the Fred Reed home last in a neat case containing 12 dozen eggs water to about fill bucket). Let the
aurprixed to find so many cellar log« Tuesday and Wednesday with her week.
and shipped by express to Portland cus­ skin remain in this three to four days,
an<l still»« in an excellent state of sister, Mrs. A E. Lindsey, and mother, 1 Donald Sprague resigned hie position 1 tomers. Express charges on tha eggs then rinse in clear water, removing
the hair and scraping off the fat and
preservation after fifty years, or aince Mrs. M B Sleret.
as rural carrier here about thirty days were 35 cents, the distance being about
the big tire which destroyed ao much i Mis* Lulu Nrytrom took Miss Ander­ ago. He delivered the mail however 1 100 miles. Return charges on the flesh with a dull knife, also remove
green timber. It ia itateii that on i son’s place a« bookkeeper in the tele- ' until last Saturday. .Mr. Sprague ha« empty case were 5 cents.
Thus useless parts of akin. Soak skin in
one occasion a dog in the manger would phone office last week.
was warm (not hot) water for an hour.
been tendered the position as time­
Dr and Mrs. J. C. Miller, of (aid-1 keeper for the Bridal Veil Lumber Co., ! about 3 cents per dozen. Thia charge Then take milk, three quarts, salt one
not rat the hay himaelf or allow the
horse to eat it, which ia exactly what well, Idaho, visited M. D. Kern and at Palmer, but mav not accept the could be reduced one-half by shipping | pint, pour into tbe milk very slowly
the 8. P. R. R. ia doing in not «riling Mr. and Mrs Roy Kern last Monday. position as be expects to go to Lake two cases at a time, as they could be and carefully one ounce of oil of vitrol.
Mrs. M. B Mietet ha* tieen very ill at County soon.
this land and trying to prevent the
sent and returned for the price of one. Dip the skin in warm rainwater con­
government from «riling it. One log the home of her daughter. Mrs. A. E.
One of the main disadvantages of taining enough saleratus to make it
Mrs. Zulu Ijitourelle and Mias Minnie
wai measured and found to be nearly Lindsay, since last Friday, but is now j Sbriner of Gresham were the guests of the present system of marketing through rather strong, or about two ounces in
200 feet long and nearly 3 feet in slowly improving.
middle men is the unt»u*inea*like method enough water to thoroughly saturate
Mrs. Lucy Kincaid Sunday.
Mra. Peter Anderaon and daughter,. Albert Fox came down from Pendle­ of buying from the producer at one the skin, working and squeezing it well
diameter. Thia log could be manu­
factured into over 11000 worth of Mias Eva Anderson, spent last week at ' ton Thursday and in company with hi« price for all grades Eggs are received for a few minutes. Wring skin dry
as may be and put it in the vitro!
various article«, such a« shingles, Seaside.
wife and baby visited bis parents at in mixed lota, big and little, clean and
Mieses Marian Robertson, Maude, Troutdale Friday. He returned to j dirty, fresh and stale, at tbe same mixture for fifty minutes, stirring it
coffin., door., ceiling and kitchen
cabinet.. Converting the raw material ! Marguerite, and Gladys Michel, Nellie Pendleton Saturday.
price for all. But they have not all the all the time. Wring out, soak in wa­
ter a while, hang in the shade to dry,
into useful article, would give work to Farris, and Evelyn Metzger spent the
Donald Littlepage was in Portland ■ same value, and when they are candled
working and rubbing skin until dry and
a great many people, and three [ week-end at Seaside.
several days last week. He returned
Chas. Reed lias been transferred to Saturday morning.
mountain streams that go ru.hing by
some are found worthless and thrown soft. Said to be good for-other light
from the top of the Cascades, and the substation at Ixint*. Mr. and Mr*.
Several from here went to Bonneville out, others inferior and quoted at lower skins also.
never lose hut little in volume, could Reed will make their home in I-ents in Saturday evening, the steamer, Jessie prices, while the strictly fresh eggs are
all be used to drive a counties« number i the near future. Mr. Bates will suc­ Harkins, taking a crowd from here and made to beir the loss on the poor ones,
of machine*. When we cea.e «ending ceed Mr Reeil here.
The Latourell orchestra as well as the profits of the dealers, I Most people believe that the
Wil) Hessel and Mr Jas. Elkington
corporation lawyer, to represent us in
The direct market plan is giving $50,000 a year which the President
went also and furnished the music for
congre»» and the legislature when we j have returned from Manzanita Beach dancing
excellent satisfaction to consumers in gets as ’his salary is the sum total.
know that secretly they are in the where they »|*nt a few days.
Edgar Russell went on the route Portland. In the course of a year, one This is a mistake; $36.064 is given
Dr. H. H. Hughes has returned from
«ervice of the railroad, the banks, and
customer received but two eggs in him. in addition to his salary of
Tuesday as rural mail carrier.
big business all the time. Samuel . the mountains, but hi* mother and
R. M. Dodson went to Portland Mon­ damaged condition, and they were $50,000. to pay the salaries of his
Blythe, probably the ablest political ! sister* will remain at Welches for day evening.
but slightly cracked. The eggs were subordinates and clerks. In addition
writer living, says in a recent article in ' another week.
The Gospel Meetings that have been cheaper than the public market egg», to this, there is given him $8,000 for
the Saturday Evening Post "that our ! Mrs. Jas. McKinney and daughter, in progress at the tent, conducted by and in such good condition that his small incidental expenses, such as station­
Elders Pitt* and Hite of Gresham, and family used them by the case without ery, carpets and the care of the presi­
Rev. Cook, of Forest Grove, closed Sun­ any loss. That the system is practicable dential stables. And under another
fot farmers and city consumers. Profes­ heading there is giTen him nearly
day evening.
Dryden has no doubt. The poultry $40,000 more. Of this. $12,500 is for
A man was sent here by the fire
warden Monday to take charge of burn- i department of the O A. C. is willing repairs and refurnishing the White
mg trie clearing on the Corbett estate. to cooperate with farmers, through the House; $2.500 is for fuel, $4.000 for
college extension division, in securing the greenhouse; $15.000 is for gas,
ma-kets in Portland for a limited matches and the stable. The White
O------------------------------------- O direct
number of guaranteed eggs.
House, all told, costs the country,
connection with the president, con­
s-------------------------------------- a
siderably over $125,000 a year.
The Bennett Chapel M. E. Church
To Western Farmer:
Sunday School gave an excursion aud
Don’t allow vermin among little
picnic at Estacada Park on the 6 in*t.,
■-bartering a ear and having such a time
Don’t allow chicks to become chilled.
as can be liad only by such method.
For this purpose the small yellow
Don’t feed unbalanced rations.
Perfect harmonv and good will reigned
husk tomatoes are generally used, but
supreme. Every one seemed surprised
Don’t overcrowd the chicks.
ordinarily firm green tomatoes will an­
and delighted at the «big crowd which
Don’t neglect to feed an abundance swer. Wash, wipe and weigh them.
attended The workers in the school of green stuff.
j Do not peel, but simply prick to pre­
moat sincerely appreciate the kindness
Don’t neglect to cull continually.
atid company of those friends who at­
vent cracking To seven pounds of
Don’t feed spoiled grain.
tended. At the first meeting oa the 10th
fruit allow three pounds of sugar, one
Don't hatch chicks late if you ex­ half ounce each of stick cinnamon and
a vote of thank* was given by the school
to those who lent their aid and pres­ pect fall and winter layers.
whole cloves, a piece of ginger root
ence to make the picnic a success. We
Don’t hatch more chicks than you i three inches long, three peppercorns
trust they will accept this expression of can care for.
and a quart of vinegar not too strong,
j Stick the cloves in the tomatoes. Heat
appreciation and thanks for their very
Don’t set dirty or old eggs.
kindly help which gave the school a
Don’t allow the male birds to run ; the sugar and vinegar to the boiling
surplus of fourteen dollars and thirty with the hens after (tie natching sea­ i point and simmer five minutes; add
cent* alxive all expenses.
son is over.
j the fruit and spices and simmer gently
Don’t allow sitting hens on the lay­ until the tomatoes are clear. Put the
ers’ nests.
fruit in stone pots or glass jars, cook
Don’t let the drinking fontain sit in the syrup down quite thick, pour over
•i----------------------------------------------- R the sun, for if you do your poultry ' the fruit and seal.
Mrs. C. A. Keith is visiting relatives will surely get diseased
Don’t feed sour and unwholesome
in Portland this week.
$100 Reward, $100
because if you do the fowls will The readers < f th. paper wit! be
Mra. H. Miller has just returned
Sleased to team that there is at lea» one
from a visit with her son in Columbia have indigestion and liver trouble.
readed disease that sc.e.i a has been
able to cure Li all Its s.a ». aad C. .t is
Catarrh. Hall's Ca ,-r i <.
e it '
Mr. Kleinsmitb is building a new the poultry, the scorching hot sun will positive cure r.->w 1". n lj tl— rt'Jval
be sure to make the hens sick.
disease, requires a co.ivtitutlonal treat­
ment. Hall s Ca‘ rrh Cur* is take t In­
Tiie fanners are busy citting theii
ternally. actin? d.iectly upon t:.e cl >od
yards with the females. If you have nnd mucous surfaces cf the system, t . re-
grain this fine weather.
by destroying the foundalien of the dis­
Jas. DeShazer and family spent Sun­ no separate pens sell them to the ease. nnd g-v'ng the patient z'rer.gth by
up the constitution ard assisting
day at Mr. Ahnerts.
nature In drlng Its work. T! o proprietors
Don't forget to supply grit and oys­ have so mt: h faith in Its curative pow­
Miss Wheeler of Portland is spending
that they otter Ono Hundred I> liars
ter shells. The hens need them as ers
a few day« with friend* here.
for anv case t’-nt It f'.lls to cure. Send
Hst of testimonials.
W. P. Roberts left Friday for Ken­ badly during the summer as they do in for
Ad Irras F. J. CIIEN'. V A CO., Toledo, Ohio»
Sold bv atl nruerlsts. T e.
tucky on a two months’ visit.
Don’t forget to bury any* fowl that Take llall'« Family rills tor constipation.
chances to die. Disease is spread
* through a whole flock by allowing a Mothers! Han Yoir CkUdrei Worms?
Are they feverish, restless, nervou«,
8-------------------------------------- h decaying carcass to lie around.
Lester Richey left a few days ago for ' Don't waft till fall to sell all sur­ irritable, dizzy or constipated? Do they
the harvest field near Amity. Oregon. ’ plus sock. Now is the best and most continually pick their noee or grind
their teeth? Have they cramping
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blair and Miss profitable time.
Don’t try to raise more chicks than pains, irregular and ravenous ap-
Leone Richey, all of Portland, spent
Sunday nt the home of Will Richey. you can take care of. It will lower peti eT Theee are all sign* of worms.
Worms not only cause your child
Mr». Caroline Sager of 8t. Joseph. the chances of success
Don’t allow too many females with suffering, but stunts it» mind and
Mo., is spending a few weeks visiting at
Give “Kickapoo
the home of her nephew, G. N. Sager. the male bird during the mating sea­ growth.
Killer” at once. It kill* and remove*
I eland Moore left Monday for Yam­ son.
hill County where he will work during ' Don’t expect results without work the worms, improves your child’s ap­
—Lillian Blanchard, Instructor in petite, regulate* stomach, liver and
bowels. The symptom* disappear and
H. 0. Jellum and family attended j Poultry Industry, Pullman, Wash.
your child ia made happy an healthy
church in Portland last Sunday.
a» nature intended. All druggist* or
<>. F. 1'hlig is reported quite sick. He ,
A little salt sprinkled on a smoky by mail, 25c.
is at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
fire will quickly clear it and give the
Otto Riiedy in Portland.
8t. Louie, Mo.
Geo. Puttcramer ia sinking a well on blue flame that is needed for grilling Philadelphia, Pa.