Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, August 14, 1913, Image 4

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K beaver * state h Í r T l H
Entered ae Second Claw Mail Mattar at tanta. Oregon. Auguri 25, 191 1
Published Every Thursday at Lent«. Ore., by the M t . S cott PraLiani»« Co.
H. A. DARNALL. Ennoa and M asaos «.
Office Phone: Home Uli.
Residence: Tabor 2S13
HE State Game Warden is as into things pretty generally, but
busy as ever trying to pre­ not every visit means a new
irrigation scheme, or another
vent some one from getting
experiment station or two.
hurt, or from'having a good
time, or hatching up some new­ BEGGS. OKLA. MISS IS A STAR
fangled ideas about how the
country people ought to protect
the poor birds which feed on the After Winning State Prizes. Miss
Ruth Soule. 17 Years Old. Is a
farm products all year and well
Noted Housekeeper.
into the fall before the city Rcggs, Okla is just as proud of its
fellows are turned loose to clean 17-year-old miss, who is a star in the
them all up within a couple of art f bread making and butter mak­
weeks of good sporting. But ing. as any city which has given the
then what are the farmers to ex­ world a grand opera voice of a fam­
pect. If the farmers were per­ ous actress And who shall say that
Beggs. Okla does not see the rela­
mitted to shoot the birds and tionship oi things with a broad sweep
other game as they needed it or • of the horizon, out there in the open
when they wanted a little sport country of Okmulgee County?
the town fellows would have no Miss Ruth Soule, who gives Beggs
sport at all. or practically none. its claim to distinction, was the prize
bread maker at 14 years of age in the
By some very effective game Oklahoma Boys and Girls Clubs, an
laws the game is all preserved ¡extensive organization which now has
until some convenient time in a membership of thirty thousand She
the fall and then when the city won prizes in butter making and in
sport goes after game there is dressmaking also, and now, at 17
sure to be some good shooting. I years of age. she is the housekeeper
for her father. Phi Soule, on a 160-
He will get as much in a day or acre farm Her love for farm life
so as the farmer would in a and joy in its domestic accomplish­
whole season and the fact that ments led her through courses in
the farmer has been feeding a home economics at the agricultural
good portion of this game is no I schools, and a year ago. upon the
death of her mother, she became a
argument for him.
He has to ! farm housekeeper of the highest or-
pay for a license to get to take 1 der.
a shot at his own chickens,
Miss Soule does all her own house­
rabbits, squirrels, and an oc­ work. including the tending of a gar­
casional bear or mountain goat. den. The family consists of her two
brothers, one 9. the other 15 years of
Whenever we get done sending age,
and her father. In attending
town sports only, to the legi-la- school last term the 9-year-old bro­
ture this will be changed.
ther was neither absent nor tardy
of the main causes for
at shortage in this
country has been the tick pest
of the South.
This prevails
from Texas eastward and is
costing the country millions each
year. That is. cattle raising is
so unprofitable in many sections
of the South that counties where
two or three millions of dollars
worth could easily be produced
for shipment, are not now rais­
ing enough to supply their own
needs. The Government is now
waging a warfare on ticks and
it is believed that with the
eradication of the ticks of the
South that the meat problem
will be largely settled. One of
the outcomes of the tick pest is
the “Texas Fever’’ which is
contagious and to prevent the
spread of which infected cattle
are not permitted to be shipped.
Since the infected cattle could
not be shipped, and most of the
cattle of the South were in­
fected, it can readily be seen
how the stock business of this
section of the country has been
There is considerable complaint
about the recent determination
of Commissioner Daily to put
the water consumers on a
Many of them think this will be
a hardship on people who are
living on a close basis. They
say it will be an inconvenience
when people are renting or are
otherwise not permanently lo­
cated. It will be considerable
inconvenience to have to look for
a refund on payments which
have been made when one is
leaving a place, which has been
paid in advance. It will be an
advantage in some ways, for in­
stance if the consumer must go
to the city hall to make his pay­
ments he would probably prefer
to go annually.
Oregon is coming in for her
share of Cabinet notice from
this administration. Secretaries
of Navy and War have already
been to see us. Now we are in­
formed that the Secretary of the
Interior. Mr. Lane, and of Agri­
culture, Mr. Houston, are ex­
pected next month. This ad­
ministration seems to be looking
of the financial condition of
^T^Tarling. Practical ami Maternity
nitna* Good reference. Will do all
work in mater ity Call Tatar 173, or
address tanta, Oregon
Hair switch«»« made from combing*.
Good work, price« reasonable. Phone
Tabor 3703.
WANTED— Hoy» tuav be had and
sometimes girl«. The older one« at
ordinary wage« and other« to lie
schooled and cared for in return (er
alight services rendered. For particn
lare address W. T. Gardner. auperin-
tendent Boy» and Girl« Aid Society of
Oregon. FortUnd. Ore.
FOR RENT—7 acres. 4 in cnltivatiiMi,
good hon«**, tarn. other building»,
fruit. 3 year lease
P. S King, E.
Gilbert road. Corner Bnokley Avenue.
*1750. Six room«, bath, toilet,
plaatereti, wire»! for electricity, fruit
tree«, Iterries. flower«, vine« and vege
table», on buaiue«« street. Box 703
Lots in Calkin» Plat are now on the
market. Come early and «get your
choice. Water piped to all lot«,
electric lights and telephone. Owner
on tract. E. M. Calkins, R 1. Lenta,
Home Phone Bfllil,
bert Station, Cazeniara line.
FOR SALE:—Three good adjacent
lots in Arden Park
Level, in cultiva­
tion. Bargain for home location. En­
quire of Mt. Scott Pub. Co. Lents.
Fl 'l: BALI Coi -r.
building purposes, foundations, curbing
etc., Call at Mt. Scott Pub. Co., office
for tertns.
FOR SALE —Newspapers for wrap­
ping or kindling. Mt. Scott Pub. Co.
LUMBER—At our new mill 14$ tn île»
eoutheast of Kelao. We deliver luuitar.
Jonerud Bros
WANTED—Hop pickers.
at Eggiman Bros., Shop.
FOR SALE—Young horse. weight
1,0001be., good driver. Horae with rig,
or horse alone. Enquire of Herald
»1 l,nli Sts. Portland. tn the «late Ot Oregon,
al the cloee of bitelneee Au|iial », tills.
Wt.StM Wch.S
I oaBeand dlacounta
Overt, rafu
Hoad» and warrenta
Furniture and tlalurv»
l>ue trout approved
reaerve tanka
Ch»»'k> and other cnah Item,
Ca»h on hand
Expense« ....................................
.Mt HU
U.W »4
¡«.Ml 14
1.447 7V
I 100,67» »7
Capital «lock paid tn
Vudlvlded proltla
Postal aavlnga depoalta
Individual deptwtlla aubject
to check
............. .
Demand cerlltlcalea
ot deposit ................... ..
Certified checks
Cashiers check»
time certificates ot deposit
Ift.uou <u
l.vat m
Soles and bill» re,Use,»unled
state of Oregon,
County ot Multnomah.
I, IL Koalad. Cashier ot the •bove named
tank, do solemnly swear that the above »tale-
uieut la true to the beat ot my knowledge and
II Hoalad. Caahier
C. F lleiidrlckaen
M. <• Thorsen
ill rectors
Subscribed and sworn to before me this Itth
»lay ot August l»U.
W. F Kllnvman
Notary Public
The Best Pain Killer
Bncklen’» Arnica Salve when applied
to a cut, bruise, sprain, burn or scald,
or other injury of the skin will immedi­
ately remove all pain. E. E. Chamber­
lain of Clinton, Me., says:—“It robs
cuts and other injuries of their terrors.
At a healing remedy its equal don’t
exist ” Will do good for you. Only
25c. at all druggists.
Lents Sta., Portland. Oregon
W arehouse
Ml Scott Chapter f. I».—«» K H. Hut.-.l meet
Ing Svcund and Fourth Tliur»day evening of
each inmitn at Ma»onle Halt
Fourth Thuraday) (Jrdrr U M
Maud E ('oniivll, Sec.
Shiloh Uirek Ladle» of <». A. K Meet* every l»t
and 3rd Thursday in Grange Hall at 2 1*. M
L. Maffei. Free.. <•. Ingall». Sec
Mary (iriUuiaeher Eitalr
Notice 1» hereby
given that the undcraigned. a» administrator
<■1 the r»tate of Mary (irilxtnaeher, deceased,
has ti'r-l Ida final account tn the Circuit Court
of the State of Oregon, (or Multnomah County,
anti that " rdnrsday. the 27th day of August,
1V13, at I 30 o’clock in the afternoon of »aid
day, and the Courtroom of l»e|»artinvnt No 6
of said Court, has been appointed by said
Court as the time and place tor the hearing
and settlement of said account and the ob
Joel ions therrto, if any
Date and flrat publication July »1. 1V1S.
Charles Gritzmacbvr, Administrator
John \ an Zante, Attorney.
f ull Line of Plumbing Supplies, Bath Tubs,
The Multnomah State Bank
Ice Cream, Sodas and Soft Drinks at Our Fountain
Paid on
I IO,<*J M
Remember the Name- BOHNA
TTENTION is called to our sworn
Financial Statement published else­
where in this paper and the substan-
increase in business since our last state­
ment. Our cash reserve is (ar more than
required by law and we want our patrons
and friends to know that we are conducting
a sale and conservative banking business.
If you have in any way contributed to the
increase of our business we thank you for
your support and cordially invite your pat­
ronage be it large or small.
Take one pint of cooked shell beans,
one good-sized onion, two chopped
pickles (Dill pickles preferred), two
boiled eggs, if liked Mix with may-
Minister Praises This Laxative
onaise dressing or any other good
Rev. H. Stubenvoll of Allison, la , in
salad dressing Garnish with lettuce praising Dr. King's New Life Pill* for
A Breadmaker at 12.
Miss Soule began making bread and parsley, and serve
when she was 12 years old. Then she
New Life Pills are such perfect pills no
went into contests in breadmaking,
home should lie without them.'* No
butter making and dressmaking and
When making sponge cake, dust the tatter regulator for the liver and
won prizes that gave her free tuition top lightly with powdered sugar be- bowels. Every pill guaranteed. Try
them. Price 26c. at all druggist.
in district and state agricultural fore putting in the oven.
Of course. Beggs always
was strong for its household prize
winner and now that she is a notable
success as a full fledged housekeeper
it is prouder of her than ever
Her butter sells at a premium on
the Beggs market and she cannot
supply the demand At picnics there
is always a general feminine interest
in the bread that comes from her
basket. The artists in music and
dramatic life have nothing over the
domestic scientist of Beggs in the
temperament line, either. Miss Beggs
is musical, loves outdoor life and does
her own dressmaking.
Do you know what you are eating
when you eat an apple? You are eat­
ing gallic acid, one of the most
necessary elements in human econo­
You are eating sugar in the
most assimilable form, combined car-
bon, hydrogen and oxygen caught
and imprisoned from the sunshine
You are eating albumen in its most
available state
You are eating a
gum allied to the “fragrant medicinal
gums of Araby.” And you art eat­
ing phosphorous in the only form in
which it is available as the source
of all brain and nerve energy. In ad­
dition to all these, you are drinking
the purest of water and eating the
most healthful and desirable fiber for
the required “roughness-’ in food ele­
ments The acids of the apple dimin­
ish the acidity, of the stomach and
prevent and cure dyspepsia
drive out the obnoxious matters that
cause skin eruptions and thus are
nature’s most glorious complexion
r. ':en They neutralize in ‘he blood
the deleterious elements that poison
the brain and make it sluggish The
contained phosphorous is not only
greater than in any other form of
food, but it is presented in a shape
for immediate use by the brain and
nerves where it may flash into great
thoughts and great deeds The an­
cients assigned the apple as the food
for the gods, and its juices the am­
brosial nectar to which they resorted
to renew their youth. Men are the
gods of today, and the apple is their
royal food, the magic renewer of
youth. Eat a rich ripe apple every
day and you have disarmed all dis­
eases of half their terror
Financial Statement
All kinds of Storage for Household arti­
cles, Furniture or other Goods
Rates Reasonable
Office Lents Furniture Company
North Main St., Lents
Home 1111; Tabor 1361
Lowest Cost
Connections and Repairs
--Popular Prlces--
Good Service Guaranteed
Lents Plumbing Co.
Phone Home 4423
Foster Road
Near Post Office
ELECTRIC LIGHT is the most suitable
for homes, offices, shops and other places need-
ing light.
Electricity can be usefl in any quan-
tity, large or small, thereby furnishing any re­
Spend August at “Nature’s Playground”
quired amount of light.
Furthermore, electric
lamps can be located in any place, thus afford­
Tillamook County Beaches
New hotel“ with every mod.-rn accommodation, cozy cottage»
and . amping ground» at nominal coat. The trip down there
Through the Virgin Forests of Tillamook County
ing any desired distribution of light.
No other lamps possess these qualifications,
therefore it is not surprising that electric lamps
are rapidly replacing all others in modem es­
1» one that - mid not lie missed
Two Daily Trains -(’hair Buffet Car Service
on the afternoon train
Low Season and Week End Fares
from varíen» point» on the Southern Pacific
r-plendid fishing along the Nehalem and .Salmonberry rivers
a* well a» on the briny deep.
I ogohmashasta I
Cal for our new folder “Titiainook County
Beaches,” it contain» full information, or conanlt
with any 8. P. Agent.
John M. Scott,
General Paaaenger Agent
Main Office Seventh & Alder Streets
Telephones Mairi 6688 and A. 6130