rTATKMKNT K beaver * state h Í r T l H Entered ae Second Claw Mail Mattar at tanta. Oregon. Auguri 25, 191 1 Published Every Thursday at Lent«. Ore., by the M t . S cott PraLiani»« Co. H. A. DARNALL. Ennoa and M asaos «. Office Phone: Home Uli. Residence: Tabor 2S13 HE State Game Warden is as into things pretty generally, but busy as ever trying to pre­ not every visit means a new irrigation scheme, or another vent some one from getting experiment station or two. hurt, or from'having a good time, or hatching up some new­ BEGGS. OKLA. MISS IS A STAR MAKER OF BREAD AND fangled ideas about how the BUTTER country people ought to protect the poor birds which feed on the After Winning State Prizes. Miss Ruth Soule. 17 Years Old. Is a farm products all year and well Noted Housekeeper. into the fall before the city Rcggs, Okla is just as proud of its fellows are turned loose to clean 17-year-old miss, who is a star in the them all up within a couple of art f bread making and butter mak­ weeks of good sporting. But ing. as any city which has given the then what are the farmers to ex­ world a grand opera voice of a fam­ pect. If the farmers were per­ ous actress And who shall say that Beggs. Okla does not see the rela­ mitted to shoot the birds and tionship oi things with a broad sweep other game as they needed it or • of the horizon, out there in the open when they wanted a little sport country of Okmulgee County? the town fellows would have no Miss Ruth Soule, who gives Beggs sport at all. or practically none. its claim to distinction, was the prize bread maker at 14 years of age in the By some very effective game Oklahoma Boys and Girls Clubs, an laws the game is all preserved ¡extensive organization which now has until some convenient time in a membership of thirty thousand She the fall and then when the city won prizes in butter making and in sport goes after game there is dressmaking also, and now, at 17 sure to be some good shooting. I years of age. she is the housekeeper for her father. Phi Soule, on a 160- He will get as much in a day or acre farm Her love for farm life so as the farmer would in a and joy in its domestic accomplish­ whole season and the fact that ments led her through courses in the farmer has been feeding a home economics at the agricultural good portion of this game is no I schools, and a year ago. upon the death of her mother, she became a argument for him. He has to ! farm housekeeper of the highest or- pay for a license to get to take 1 der. a shot at his own chickens, Miss Soule does all her own house­ rabbits, squirrels, and an oc­ work. including the tending of a gar­ casional bear or mountain goat. den. The family consists of her two brothers, one 9. the other 15 years of Whenever we get done sending age, and her father. In attending town sports only, to the legi-la- school last term the 9-year-old bro­ ture this will be changed. ther was neither absent nor tardy T of the main causes for at shortage in this country has been the tick pest of the South. This prevails from Texas eastward and is costing the country millions each year. That is. cattle raising is so unprofitable in many sections of the South that counties where two or three millions of dollars worth could easily be produced for shipment, are not now rais­ ing enough to supply their own needs. The Government is now waging a warfare on ticks and it is believed that with the eradication of the ticks of the South that the meat problem will be largely settled. One of the outcomes of the tick pest is the “Texas Fever’’ which is contagious and to prevent the spread of which infected cattle are not permitted to be shipped. Since the infected cattle could not be shipped, and most of the cattle of the South were in­ fected, it can readily be seen how the stock business of this section of the country has been destroyed. There is considerable complaint about the recent determination of Commissioner Daily to put the water consumers on a quarterly payment basis. Many of them think this will be a hardship on people who are living on a close basis. They say it will be an inconvenience when people are renting or are otherwise not permanently lo­ cated. It will be considerable inconvenience to have to look for a refund on payments which have been made when one is leaving a place, which has been paid in advance. It will be an advantage in some ways, for in­ stance if the consumer must go to the city hall to make his pay­ ments he would probably prefer to go annually. Oregon is coming in for her share of Cabinet notice from this administration. Secretaries of Navy and War have already been to see us. Now we are in­ formed that the Secretary of the Interior. Mr. Lane, and of Agri­ culture, Mr. Houston, are ex­ pected next month. This ad­ ministration seems to be looking of the financial condition of CLASSIFIED ÏHE MULTNOMAH STATE BANK ^T^Tarling. Practical ami Maternity nitna* Good reference. Will do all work in mater ity Call Tatar 173, or address tanta, Oregon Hair switch«»« made from combing*. Good work, price« reasonable. Phone Tabor 3703. WANTED— Hoy» tuav be had and sometimes girl«. The older one« at ordinary wage« and other« to lie schooled and cared for in return (er alight services rendered. For particn lare address W. T. Gardner. auperin- tendent Boy» and Girl« Aid Society of Oregon. FortUnd. Ore. |( HALK FOK FOR RENT—7 acres. 4 in cnltivatiiMi, good hon«**, tarn. other building», fruit. 3 year lease P. S King, E. Gilbert road. Corner Bnokley Avenue. *1750. Six room«, bath, toilet, plaatereti, wire»! for electricity, fruit tree«, Iterries. flower«, vine« and vege table», on buaiue«« street. Box 703 Lenta. Lots in Calkin» Plat are now on the market. Come early and «get your choice. Water piped to all lot«, electric lights and telephone. Owner on tract. E. M. Calkins, R 1. Lenta, Ore Home Phone Bfllil, Gil­ bert Station, Cazeniara line. FOR SALE:—Three good adjacent lots in Arden Park Level, in cultiva­ tion. Bargain for home location. En­ quire of Mt. Scott Pub. Co. Lents. Fl 'l: BALI Coi -r. blocks for building purposes, foundations, curbing etc., Call at Mt. Scott Pub. Co., office for tertns. FOR SALE —Newspapers for wrap­ ping or kindling. Mt. Scott Pub. Co. LUMBER—At our new mill 14$ tn île» eoutheast of Kelao. We deliver luuitar. Jonerud Bros (• WANTED—Hop pickers. at Eggiman Bros., Shop. Enquire FOR SALE—Young horse. weight 1,0001be., good driver. Horae with rig, or horse alone. Enquire of Herald office. BEAN SALAD. »1 l,nli Sts. Portland. tn the «late Ot Oregon, al the cloee of bitelneee Au|iial », tills. Wt.StM Wch.S I oaBeand dlacounta Overt, rafu Hoad» and warrenta Furniture and tlalurv» l>ue trout approved reaerve tanka Ch»»'k> and other cnah Item, Ca»h on hand TOTAL CASH Expense« .................................... t'ol'AL . I 40 .Mt HU U.W »4 ¡«.Ml 14 1.447 7V I 100,67» »7 l.lAtUUTItiS Capital «lock paid tn Vudlvlded proltla Postal aavlnga depoalta Individual deptwtlla aubject to check ............. . Demand cerlltlcalea ot deposit ................... .. Certified checks ............... Cashiers check» time certificates ot deposit Ift.uou