Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, August 14, 1913, Image 3

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Spend Much Time on Rates for Au­
Forestry Department Believed to
tomobiles and Part«.
Have Peet Under Control.
Washington, D. C.— Senate Demo­
Washington, I). C.—By ■ prompt
Nata and Instructions from Agricultural Collega and Experiment Station»
crats succeeded Thursday for the first
campaign agalnat a flourishing colony
of Oregon and Washington. Specially Suitable to Pacific Coati Conditions
time in speeding up on the tariff bill,
of bark beetles on the Ochoco National
making considerable progress in the
forest In Central Oregon, the govern*
Raising Chick« by Hundreds.
metal schedule despite protests of Kill Canada Thistle With
inent is eliminating a danger which
Thorough Cultivation
The farm poultry keeper who raises
Senators Oliver, Smith of Michigan,
threatened to destroy millions of feet
Only by such cultural methods as 500 or more chicks a year finds a
Cummins and Smoot against many of
of timber.
result in keeping the Canada this­ brooder house an almost indispensable
Home authorities sssert that the Threat to Occupy Sofia Terminate«
Senator Fletcher Introduces Bill —
tle from growing above ground, can adjunct. It makes it possible to take
System Includes Ixtcal, State
rates on automobiles, which the com­ its eradication from infested fields be care of the chicks with the least labor,
insects is equalled only by the annual
for Re-division.
and National Banka.
mittee fixed at 15 per cent on cars effected, is the substance of the reply
loss from forest fires.
Among the
gives them an abundance of air and
valued at 11000 or less; 30 per cent
moat destructive of these Insect ene­
plenty of room for exercise in stormy
on cars valued at more than »1000 and
mies are the bark beetles, one of
Bucharest Peace has been conci ud- less than »1500; 45 per cent on cars state made by Professor Scudder, weather when they would be too close­
Washington, D. C.—A national which, the mountain pine beetle, is
rural banking system Is projtosed in a responsible for most of the damage on ed between the Balkan states, and the valued at »1500 and over, and 80 per agronomist nf the Oregon Agricul­ ly confined in smailes brooders.
bill by Senator Fletcher, chairman of the Ochoco forest. Thia deadly little preliminary treaty will be signed cent on automobile parts. Senators tural college. The methods by which
The brooder house in use in Mis­
the American Commission on Rural beetle is leas than a quarter of an inch within a few days by the delegates of Cummins and Smoot both insisted that this is to be accomplished are ex­
poultry experiment station and
Credits and also of the Federal Com­ in length, but bears the ponderous sci­ Servia, Greece, Montenegro, Roumania the rates on completed cars would be
recommended by Director Quisenberry
mission on Rural Credits, appointed entific name of Dendroctonus monti- and Bulgaria. The agreement was ar­ useless, because all foreign cars would plained somewhat as follows:
Plants should not be allowed to go to anyone who raises large numbers of
by the President.
colae liopk., which, being interpreted, rived at only after an exhibition of the be brought in at the 80 per cent rate,
to seed, as the form is so light that chickens hatched by incubators is 40
The bill pro|M>aes a system of local signifies killer of the mountain pine utter helplessness of Bulgaria to face in parts.
Efforts of Senator Oliver also were they are carried considerable distance
her ring of enemies.
national rural banks owned and oper­ tree, discovered by Hopkins.
The discussions in the peace confer­ unavailing to increase the rates on by the wind, in irrigation ditches or feet long by 14 feet wide on a con­
ated by farmers, a state rural national
Its methods of operation are inter­
crete foundation with rat-proof wood
bank in each state, to be ownwi and esting. The mature beetle bores ence at one time threatened to become iron products. His argument was that in hay, manure, and grain.
When occuring in small areas it floor, says Farm and Home.
controlled by the local banks as stock­ through the bark of the tree and exca­ interminable, but M. Majoresco, the bar iron was more costly of production
holders,* and the National Rural Bank vates a gallery in the inner living Roumanian premier and president of than conversion of steel from pig iron. should be cut while in bloom, close to
A matched board partition through
of the United States, to bo located in bark and in the outer surface of the the conference, clinched matters by Before consideration of the schedule the ground and completely covered the center provides two apartments,
Washington, to be owned entirely by wood in which it lays its eggs. When threatening that unless Bulgaria ac­ began Senator Saulsbury, of Dela­ with tar, building paper, or a heavy each having its own heater in center
the state rural banka.
hatched, each young larva, or beetle cepted the modified frontier proposed ware, discussed the tariff generally, coating of straw or manure. The cov­ of room. If the heater gets too warm
To supervise the proposed chain of grub, channels into this growing por­ by the allies, Roumania's army would predieting success for the bill and ering is to be left on the spot until the for the chicks nearest to it they move
banks there would be created In the tion of the trunk, feeding on the inner occupy Sofia. This threat had the de­ assailing protection and socialism as ground is to be plowed, after which it back to a comfortable temperature,
may be seeded to a row crop such as which they cannot do if kept in a
Treasury department a division of bark. When full grown, the larva, sired effect and an agreement was “twin evils and ill omened birds."
Senator Brandegee sought to amend corn, checked-rowed, or a smother small room.
rural banking under the direction of a after passing through a dormant, or arrived at after numerous private con­
Each apartment will
the automobile rates by making the crop of buckwheat or rape, sown house 2000 chickens and should not be
“rural banking board.” to consist of pupal stage, becomes a beetle. This sultations between the delegates.
The new frontier is a deep disap­ rates on chassis equal to the rates on thickly.
the secretaries of the treasury, agri­ beetle then drills out through the bark
used for less than 500 as their own
If but few scattered individual heat helps to regulate the temperature
culture and labor. The division would in July, and emerging into the world pointment to the Bulgarians, who still finished cars-—45 per cent on chassis
be under the immediate direction of a seeks a fresh tree and starts a new nurse hopes for the eventual revision or high-priced cars and 30 per cent on plants are found, these should be cut of the room, and the cost of the build­
chassis cars valued at »1000 or less off just below the surface of the ing and running heating plant is too
by the powers.
“director of rural banking, to be ap­ generation.
It is believed that an agreement for than »1500 and 15 per cent on chassis ground when they are in bloom and a large for a small number.
With this “chain-letter" method it
pointed by the President."
The main purpose of the banks soon infests a large area. The gal­ the demobilization of the various of cars valued at less than »1000. The handful of stock salt thrown on the
The baby chicks are placed in one
Sena­ roots, or a small amount of gasoline apartment and their yard is fenced
would be to furnish funds to farmers leries or channels of the larvae girdle armies will be signed soon. The news amendment was lost, 46 to 21.
on long term farm bonds or notes, se­ the tree and kill it, and the beetle’s that peace had been arranged caused tors Bristow, Crawford, Cummins, applied.
with 12-inch wire netting so that they
If the thistle grows in a number of cannot get far from their foster
Gronna, Sherman and Sterling, of the
cured by liens on farms at not exceed­ presence is usually discovered, as it great rejoicing here.
minority, voted with the Democrats small clumps, scattered through the mother.
ing 6l) per cent of their assessed val­ was in the Ochoco forest, by a patch
When they become large
against it. The committee rates were field, they may best be treated either enough to hustle around a little they
ue. Is>ans would be secured first by a of red-brown dead pine trees in the
Third War Now Predicted.
by smothering or by the use of sodium are placed in the other apartment and
local bank, then by a state bank, and midst of the mountainside of green.
Ixjndon The second Balkan peace then approved.
The 25 per cent rate on bicycles and arsenate spray made by dissolving one allowed to roam at will, but their
In fighting this forest scourge, the congress having concluded peace on a
last by the National Rural Bank of the
United States, and they would run method recommended by the bureau of basis of compromise which is unsatis­ motorcycles also was agreed to. Ax­ and one-half pounds of this salt in water supply and dry mash hopper
If ap­ are placed near the entrance so that
from 20 to 50 years. The National entomology is followed.
The simple factory to all the states concerned ex­ les at 10 per cent, blacksmith tools fifty-two gallons of water.
Rural Bank is designed to have a cap­ removal of the bark of infested trees cept possibly Roumania, the question and bolts at 10 per cent, and nuts and plied by a small hand sprayer, so that they do not get very far away. There
ital and surplus exceeding »100,000,- between October and July, while the is being asked how soon a third Balkan washers at 5 per cent encountered no the thistles are thoroughly covered is plenty of shade in the immediate
effective opposition. Other rates ap­ juBt before they bloom, the solution vicinity so that they do not have to
000, while the stock of each local bank larvae are still in the tree, is sufficient war will break out.
would be limited to 12,000,000.
to kill them. The lumber may then
Bulgaria has obtained under the proved were nut locks, 25 per cent; will kill back the tops to the ground. stay in the house to get out of the sun.
Senator Fletcher, speaking in the be sold while it is yet sound.
The building completed with a good
agreement reached in Bucharest a con­ chains of iron and steel, 20 per cent; They should be sprayed as often as
senate to urge immediate considera­
On the Ochoco forest, however, siderable portion of Northern Mace­ sprocket chains, 25 per cent; welded they reappear. The method is effec­ coat of paint cost »225 and the self­
tion of the measure by the banking there was no market, and the forest donia — much more than the allies steel tubes, pipes, etc., 20 per cent; tive but as this spray is very poison­ regulating oil heaters about »20 each.
committee and Its passage at the 8| m >- officers found that the cheaper and were at first inclined to give her—and sword blades and side arms, 30 per ous care should be taken not to inhale AH window openings are covered with
it or permit stock to pasture on the fine wire netting to keep out birds and
cial session of congress, expressed ap­ more effective method of control was also about 60 miles of the Aegean sea­ cent.
proval of the ailministration currency to cut the trees ami burn them before board, which will enable her to build ; An amendment by Senator Galling- sprayed plants.
When scattered generally over large
bill as a commercial banking bill, but the new broods of beetles could the projected railway from Phi.lipopolis er to substitute the Payne-Aldrich
rates for the proposed rates on table fields, the land should be plowed after
said it would not meet the needs of emerge.
to Aegean.
Traing Grape Vines.
the agricultural communities because
In 1912 the infestation received a
Bulgaria, however, deeply resents knives and such cutlery was voted the crop has been removed and then
vine is one of the most
of the necessity for long-term loans.
decided check by the cutting of 3500 being deprived of Kavaia, a port on
trees. Thia summer the attack on the Kavala Bay, which goes to Greece. of 25 per cent and 30 per cent prevail­ which will turn out the roots and accomodating plants that grows. You
bring them to the surface. The fol­ can train it anywhere, and in any
ROADS PREPARING BIG TASK insects was resumed with renewed Also she is confronted with the task ed.
lowing spring the ground should be shape you want. If there is a va­
vigor, and 42 laborers, in charge of a of expelling the Turks from Adrian­
forest officer, cut more than 40,000 ople, it being clear that the powers WOMEN “COPS" SWORN IN plowed every four weeks and if this­ cancy in the row you can fill up gaps
Physical Valuation to Take Ten trees. As a result of these vigorous will do nothing in this direction. Bul­
tles appear, thoroughly cultivate with
Yeara and ('oat Millions.
measures, the government apparently garia will seek to introduce in the Chief Telia Female Aides Not to a spring tooth harrow up to July, by layering young canes that have
when it may be seeded to a smother grown from the root of the vine. Or
Use Too Much Force.
peace protocol to be signed at Bucha­
Chicago Railroads of the entire has the beetles under control.
crop of buckwheat or rape, thickly tie a young cane up to the wire to
rest a reservation practically appeal­
country are now busy preparing to
Chicago—Eight of Chicago’s ten
take an inventory of the physical value BRYAN WRITES TO TRIPLETS ing to the European powers for a sub­ new police women were sworn in Wed­ sown. This crop is followed with fall take the place of the vine, and bend
plowing and cultivation.
In the next
sequent revision of the peace treaty.
of their properties. The task is one
nesday. The others failed to appear spring put the ground into cultivated the old one down into a trench 6
of the most stupendous ever under­ Secretary’s Namesakes Get Letter
and sent no word to Chief McWeeny.
row crop such as corn, potatoes, etc. inches deep and carry it along as far
taken by any industry in the world.
Thirteenth Birthday.
The finest of Chicago’s “finest” were If the thistles were older and have ob­ as it will go. Anchor the vine with
The work will be carried on in con­
instructed in their new duties by the tained a good bold, the best method is
St. Ixtuis—A letter of birthday con­
junction with the Interstate Commerce
chief and his first deputy. Mrs. Gert­ a thoroughly cultivated, bare fallow. sods or earth with stones on top, and
commission, whose board of engineers
rude Howe Britton, of the Juvenile In this case the first plowing should add more from time to time if needed,
In Midocean.
will co-operate with a corps of experts Bryan was received here by William,
Protective association, also addressed be shallow and increased in depth with and thus cover the wires with a con­
to ba selected for the work by the rail­
New York—The steering gear of the the police women. She said that Chi­ succeeding plowings that the roots tinuous row of vines. If the original
roads. The cost to the government of
vine is in a pocket of rich earth, or
giant Imperator, which docked here cago’s young boys and girls were par­
this gigantic accounting job, which honor of Mr. Bryan. The letter says: Thursday, broke Wednesday shortly ticularly the object of their care and may be torn out and killed.
near a ditch or stream where the roots
involves estimating the value of 245,-
can get a good supply of moisture, the
before midnight and the great ship, watchfulness.
000 miles of railroad and its equip- |
new growth could be layered year
utterly helpless, made circles half a
Chief McWeeny delivered a long list
ment, will be between »10,000,000 and Friends: 1 am glad to hear from you. mile in diameter several times before of "don’ts” to be observed by the new cessful scores of times, but unless after year for a mile, according to a
115,000,000, and it will take at least
writer in Farm and Home.
she could be stopped.
minions of the law.
Some of them of them are of any value.
ten years to complete. The cost to I believe 1 have a photograph. Ac­
There is no need of vacancies in a
There were late diners in the Ritz- were:
the railroads wil be equally heavy.
row because of lack of soil to support
Carlton restaurant, but most of the
“Don’t stretch the truth.
To carry on the work the Interstate
a vine in a particular place. If a vine
803 first cabin passengers were in bed
“Don’t be too stern; have compas­
From Robbing Egg Basket has grown wild for years in a yard or
Commerce commission will require n py returns. 1 am sure you are turdy when the steering gear suddenly snap­ sion.
large additional clerical force in var­
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­ by an arbor, the old vine can be lay­
"Present all cases fairly and square­
ious parts of the country working un­ you will continue in sch<K>l until you
—A box of fine dust placed where ered in trenches along the arbor or
der division chiefs.
The railroads have secured the best education the stopped, that a glycerine pipe connect­ ly-“Don’t be nosey.
may have access to it during across under a walk or driveway.
themselves will employ only their own
Stake up young canes where wanted,
ed with the gear had broken suddenly.
“Don’t complain about long hours.
the fall and winter months will enable
men for the work.
Valuation depart­
or where there is room for a vine, and
That threw the gear out and made it
"Don’t use too much force in mak­
ments are being organized by every
them to keep down the louse pest. get fruit from them.
unmanageable. The same thing had ing arrests.
honored by taking his name.”
I set a bud of the Ulster, which does
happened once before.
“Don’t talk more than necessary: Professor Lunn, of the poultry depart­
The Imperator carried more cabin let your commanding officers do most ment in the college, explains why not do as well on its own root, into a
Sampan Found in South.
seedling of Concord, and it grew to
passengers than ever crossed the At­ of the taking.”
this is so, as follows:
Snn Diego, Cal.—Captain Jack Mar­
lantic before in any vessel. Counting
“Don’t let the lice rob the egg bas­ the height of 6 feet, with seven
tin. of the steamer Henry T. Scott,
Plea for Old Frigate Made.
her crew she had more than 4500 per­
ket. Summer is rapidly passing. It laterals from 18 inches to two feet
tacular Philadelphia Fire.
which arrived here Monday night,
sons aboard.
Of these 803 were in
Washington, D. C.—The old frigate is time to begin planning for winter long the first year. I layered it in
from Everett, reports thatswhile sev­
Philadelphia—Three large manufac­ the first cabin, 579 in the second, and Constellation, built in Baltimore in eggs. One of the foundation stones the fall and staked five laterals up,
eral miles off Point Arena he sighted a turing plants were threatened with de­ 794 in the third.
In the steerage 1797 when President Washington laid of good egg production is the health, which bore fruit the next year.
Japanese sampan tilled with Japanese struction, several firemen were burned were 1522 more.
the foundations of the American navy, vigor and contentment of the hen. If
coolies. The auspicious movements of or overcome by smoke and many fam- i
Sure-Death Fly Poison.
and under Captain Thomas Truxton she isn’t contented, the egg basket
the craft aroused the attention of the ilies had to flee from their homes i
Abstinence on Increase.
the victor of decisive fights with the will show it. She can't be happy or
I read somewhere recently that for­
captain, and he attempted to get when the plant of the United Petrole- ' Philadelphia—That total abstinence French frigates La Insurgente in 1799 contented if overrun with lice. A few maldehyde and water constitute a good
closer to her, but failed, as the sam­ um company, which occupied an entire from intoxicating liquor is on the in­ and La Vengeance in 1800, which es­ lice won’t trouble her.
It is only fly poison, and hasten to add my testi­
pan outmaneuvered him.
block in the southern section of the crease in the United States navy was tablished the United States as a mari­ when overrun with them that serious mony to the many volumes already
At the time she was sighted the city, practically was destroyed in a declared by the Rev. Eugene McDon­ time power, came into the records of results are noticeable. Now. it isn’t written on this important subject. The
sampan was headed toward shore and spectacular fire. The loss is estimated ald, in an address at the 43d annual congress again as a living part of the practicable to dust the individual hens scheme will work, under proper con-
going fast.
at »125,000.
convention of the Catholic Total Ab­ nation’s establishment.
in a large flock, and it isn't necessary.' | ditions.
The fire started in the storage house, stinence Union.
An appropriation of »50,000 was If given an opportunity the hen will
Purchase 5 cents’ worth (or more,
Navy Yards May Do Work.
where there were many thousand bar­
"We have,” he said, “by actual asked by Representative Linthicum, look after the lice question herself. if you have many flies) of formalde­
Washington, D. C. — Secretary of rels of oil. These exploder! and by the J enumeration 12 per cent total abstain­ of Maryland, for the “repair and fit­ All that is necessary on the farmer’s hyde at any drug store, and put two or
the Navy Daniels is considering a plan time the firemen responded the big ers and 85 per cent temperate men. ting out” of the historic old ship, the part is to provide a good dust bath and three drops in a saucer of water.
plant wns blazing in 20 places. The The old days are passing and men do oldest in the navy. The Constellation
Then—and this is extremely import­
The chicken
to have the six new torpedo boat de­ flames communicated to a 110,000- not return to the ship drunk. There is now at Newport. The resolution I she will do the rest.
stroyers, bids for which were received gallon tank, which exploded, sending are men in the navy who go ashore, would provide for her transfer to louse being one of the lower forms of ant—catch the fly and hold him by the
animal life, breathes through small left hind leg with his head immersed
at the Navy department from private burning oil in all directions.
take a glass of beer and go their way. Baltimore for public exhibition.
spiracles, or holes in its body. The in the mixture for three-quarters of
shipbuilding concerns, constructed at
They will take a pledge against whis­
When removed he will be
i dust coming in contact with these j an hour.
government yards.
All bids opened
ky but want their beer as a safety
Iluerta Gains Prestige.
Lightning Doesn’t Awaken.
holes, clogs them up, preventing quite dead. Repeat the operation un­
were said to be unsatisfactory, on ac­
til all the flies have disappeared.—
Mexico City — President Huerta's valve."
La Crosse, Wis.—George R. Barber, breathing, which results in death.
count of their complicated estimates.
“I said it was time to begin plan­ Exchange.
It is reported Secretary Daniels will prestige among Mexicans in the capi­
well-to-do Mindoro business man, is a
Road May Refuse Mail.
ning for winter eggs. It is also time
ask bids from all the navy yards, in­ tal undoubtedly has been strengthened
sound sleeper. Last Wednesday night
Since Eve’s Time.
Washington, D. C. — Complaints there was a terriffic storm at Mindoro, I to lay in a supply of fine dust.
cluding Mare Island.
No more than by what is regarded as his defiance of
can say “dear” to another
two destroyers will be built in any the United States. Even those who from many railroads against alleged 15 miles above here, and a bolt of
in a good dry place for fall and winter . woman and make it sound like “I’m a
one yard.
have been lukewarm in their sppuort inadequate compensation for increased lightning struck the room in which use. A supply can be kept in the ¡liar.”
of the administration profess admira­ weight of mail matter under the par­ Barber was sleeping, tearing the plas­ chicken house in a box of about
Thousands Ixrst In India.
tion for the siolder-president who cel post system has culminated in a ter from the walls and splintering the 18x24x6 inches for the chickens’ use.
Calcutta Thousands of lives are be­ dared to talk back to Washington, al­ notice to the Poatoffice department bed on which he lay.
The landlady It would need replenishing only every
The garret seemed suddenly empty,
lieved to have been lost when the em­ though not all of them agree as to the from the Toledo, St. Louis & Western rushed to his room, expecting to find week or two.”
as I closed and sealed a letter to you.
bankments of the Damado river near wisdom of his course, and many of company that at the end of 60 days it him dead, but found him sleeping
Burdwan collapsed Sunday night, them consider that he acted precipi­ will discontinue the transportation of and uninjured.
John James Audubon’s Gun.
We All Feel That Way.
flooding the country for many miles. tately in view of the officially defined mail. This company’s contract will
When awakened he complained of
The gun used by John James Audo-
To the unthinking, senseless knock­
Many villages were swept away and intentions of Washington.
not expire for two years, and the de­ unpleasant dreams.
er, who is nothing more than a mon­ bon, the naturalist, may be seen in the
thousands of families are homeless
partment has informed the manage­
German« Want Showing.
and without food. There is six feet
Seven Thousand Women Strike. umental nuisance that planks his bag New York Museum of Natural His­
ment that discontinuance wil) not be
of water in Burdwan and railroad serv­
Berlin—Prominent Germans have permitted.
New York—Seven thousand women of bones upon everything for the com­ tory. It hangs below a picture of the
May the scientist, who is great among great
ice is stopped.
started a campaign in an endeavor to
employed in East Side knitting mills mon good that comes up.
Americans.— Magazine of American
Bogus $5 Pieces Appear.
induce the government to participate
struck Thursday, demanding shorter bubonic plague grasp him.—Petaluma
Balkan Peace Pact Signed.
-in the Panama-Pacific exposition at
San Francisco—Bogus »5 gold pieces hours, higher pay and more sanitary Courier.
Bucharest, Roumania — The peace San Francisco in 1915. Appeals were which agents of the secret service de­ working conditions. It is estimated
treaty between the Balkan states was made direct to Emperor William and scribe as dangerous counterfeits, have that more women are involved in the
Barker — "Congratulate me, old
My creed is this: Happiness is the
signed at 10:30 o'clock Sunday morn­ Chancellor Von Rethmann-Holweg and appeared here. Manufacturers of the strike than in any other labor disturb­
ing. In honor of the occasion the city every possible influence will be coins are satisfied with a profit of ances in New York since the great only good. The place to be happy is man! My best girl has just accepted
was decorated with flags, guns were brought to bear to have the govern­ about »1.50 on each one, as the spur­ shirtwaist strike of 1909. Several here. The time to be happy is now. me over the telephone!” Candidas—
fired, bells were rung and the bands ment reverse its decision not to take ious pieces have been found to be con­ thousand men went out in sympathy The way to be happy is to help make “Are you sure she understood what
you were saying?”—Judge.
part in the exposition.
tain about »3.50 worth of gold.
others so.—Robert G. Ingersoll.
with the women workers.
Long-Time Loans On Farm
Lands Is Specialty.
Bulgarians Forced to Wall By
Former Allies.