Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, August 14, 1913, Image 1

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Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
J. f.
by the side of the canals .along which
charges him with it
z*jl. 11. No. 33
park BAND EN-
Friday evening will be a special
Through the effort* of Cap Hazen the
nt» Fire Department an- ahead to tire Portland Park Band Entertains the
Buildings Neighboring, Fired Four Good Prizes Offered at County Fair
drug store al the Crossing, the first exb nt of five hundred feet of pretty
People of Lents and Surrounding
Big Inducement for Grangers. Near
Times Within Week.
drug store in its history, will Irold open go- 'I sa-cond hand how, plenty gorxl
Citizens Tuesday Evening.
ly $1400 Promised to Winners. Six house. All the people in the country «mouth to stand the pressure from such i
ism Suspected.
Owners Threat
Crowd Enjoys Music.
Grangers so far Prepare to Compete. are invited to be present and participate main» a* may I»- found in this part ol
ened. Offenders Suspected.
in the sociabilities and refreshment* th«- city
Five Hundred feet will
in the business section
Four times within the past week
Tuesday evening will be memorable
free , and on the out »ide there will lie of the town. Along with thi» he se- I in th« history of Lents as being the
people of the Tremont section have
a band concert by one of t! e most not- cured a new hose nozzle which will date of the first time when the City
been the victim ol » tire »«■•re, and the < .range went right to work yesterday , able bands in the city It will lie th« oom« in very handy.
Park Band put on an entertainment for
homes of Msssrs. l.urgev »ml Aldrich planning and carrying out plan* lor the most auspicious occasion in the hi»tory
Through the work of the Volunteers .
have suffered «erion, injury from tire. exhibit which It is expected thi* grange of the Crossing Everybody will be and some of the individual members, « the benefit of it* citizens. Full Preper-
Tl>e first tire occurred »bout two o'clock will prepare for the county fair which made happy and HHta«fied. Mr. Watd tin < ity department is very much ation had been made and the Park
1- ri‘iay night. The local tire company meets at Gresham from the 18th to 20th s proving himself a g«M«i entertainer. plee a-d with tile work done out thi* 1 board had a large number of seat* sent
out from the Parks so that the emmense
hamlleil the blaze and the Large)' of Neptember inclusive. Jnst what
Although he is not in readiness for wa;, and the fire and water <!«partin«nts croud that wa- present were comfort­
home war »«veil. They were very the plan* outline.l are, is a secret tint trade yet, due to the fact that his ar« wi'liug to do all they can for Lents.
much surprised to have the »am«’ reel­ enough ha* leaked to »»sure the pharmacist has not l*vn able to assume Last week the two old hydrant* were able from start to finish. The evening
delict reported again about live o’< 1 ck public that Lenls Grange doe» not «x- hi* duties, lie ha* dozens of calls daily reiu'iv«d and other* more modern were | was ideal, just cool enough to be com­
fortable and there were no flies or mos­
Saturday morning, this time the lire |>ect to I*- at the last end of the line for good* of all sorts. A* soon ns the I installed.
s to fight so everything was
beginning in a closet on the II ret floor. when premiums are handed out. The pharmacist, is ready to lake up his work
Prospects are g«s»i now for new I
The previous the - ecurred in the bare Fair Association Ims provided to paf at the stock will be completed »nd a full water main» down Main Street. This satisfactory. The Program of the eve­
ment. The following <lav while .Mr». least $lm to every grange that com­ | lira- of drug» will be found at th« Crore- main will probably b- a continuation ning included over ten pieces with
Aldrich wa» away from home, and with petes whether they make much of un 1 ing. Don’t forget the da’e, Friday | of the large main at 72 Street and ; -evera! encores, and is given in full as
no one present except an Invalid attempt to win tirat place or not, but it evening, Aug. 16,th. Leo Katzxy and Powell Valley road It is thought tlie follows:
mother, who could not have save«! lier- is hoped that first place will tie the < 'laude Lent are to assist in handling 12 inch main will I*- continued eastward i March—“Northumbria"..... J. E. Miller
aelf if etie had tried, their home, Jnet »tundard set for all. The grange that refreshments during the evening. to Main Street, thence south through Overture —“Poet and Peasant’’...Biippe
Baritone Solo—"The Holy City’’..........
on Opposite side» ol the street, caught i take* tirst prize gets $225 in cold cash
Lent* to 65 Street, or near the Addtion
Adams Eugene CioSe
tire in the aecou i story. It» roof »as and then the ie»s fortunate grange» “A LITTLE NONSENSE,” ETC. home. If thi* is done there will be
Spanish Waltz— ‘‘Espana" . Waldteufel
practically ruined, and the Upper room» will drop tiack
« at a time till the
new hydrant* near the school house,
Comic Opera—"Kobin Hood,,..................
sixth in the list gets $100, and any
One of the boys in a Kansas dis­ and at various points along tlie way.
Tueeday night's a tire started in a others who may have entered »hall
........................... Tburban
IxMlroom and attain put to rest by the have the same consideration. It is ex­
Dunsmuir Couple
Grand Selection— "Faust’’......... Guonod
able assistance ot the Tremont Volun­ pected tiiat this big money will get out the following alliterative squib:
A marriage license was issue«! this | Egyptian Serenade—"Amina”....Lincke
teer». The 1-argey house has l>een > some really big exhibits. Home of the
"Woodrow Wilson’s wife washes
vacant for come time. It look» pretty exhibit* heretofore put up by tne White House windows which Wash­ morning to a couple from Dunsmuir, j Grand American Fantasia........... Beudar
well ventilated now a» the roof is grange* that have entered the iair have ington's wife washed.’’
California— Albert A. Wood. 35, and ■ Star Spangled Banner ...............................
practically in ruin* and the room* are been equal to county exhibits at the
"I can beat that,” said his big Margaret Campbell, 22. They were
all blackened and smoked.
married by Judge W. E. Herzinger.
state fair. They have occupied sjia^-es brother:
largey and Aldrich are partner», twelve to eighteen feet wide and thirty
“Woodrow Wilson’s wife washes Mrs. Wood was a former resident of
away from home, engaged In eonie coal or forty feet long.
And they have • with warm water Washington’s White Lents.
mine venture in Washington. The shown about everything produced on i House windows which Washington’s
»entiment of the neigtiliorhood 1» that the farm, except the livestock.
There ! wife washed while Washington was H. Rostad Returns From Vacation
the families are innocent of any partici- , have been pumpkins as big as a tub, , within.”
H. Rostad returned Wednesday from I 1 left you at La Crosse, Wis. I made
|>atlon in the tire». The fact that the and then some; turnips, cauliflower,
The head of the family then took a his outing which took him to R<»«ebtirg ' a riile trip from I .a Crosse to Sparta and
invalid woman wa» in the Aldrich lieets, potatoes, melons, corn, canned
■ill Medford. He reports fine fishing from Sparta to Millsville, Wis., then
bonne when it wa» tired would seem to goods, fruits, household
“Wise, witty Woodrow- Wilson's and hunting. He ha* proven himself back again to La Crosse.
exclude any n-ason lor believing the handwork, and pretty nearly every winsome wife washes with warm wa­ an exceptional hunter, by not report­
Sparta and Millsville are two dead
owner had a |>art in the tiring. In the thing that could be imagined, or found, ter Washington’s White House win­ ing any bear or deer among hi* victims.
towns. They manufacture nothing in
Ijirgey ca»e the insurance adjuster 1 or discovered. While it is altogether dows which Washington's wife washed But lie did have a tine time and he re­
either town. South ia Crease is a busy
made a settlement Tuesday for the ; possible for a grange to collect a fine while
waiting turn* ready to take hold of work with city.
damages, and why should he have exhibit from among its own members
ik w vigor. We will expect to see the
i within ’’
I left La Crease July 29tb for Minne­
cared to continue an attack on hl* own it is not altogether necessary. The
next report of the Multnomah State I apolis and on August 1st I left Minne­
pro|>erty after tne settlement? There main idea is to have a neighborhood
Sherif Mass' family of Oregon City, Bank show a de«'id«»I growth a* a result apolis for Fair haul t, my former home.
are reaeon» to »uapect incendiarism. represented. Person» not lielonging to
«pent last Sunday with Mrs. Hogue. of his application to business now . ( It has improved a great deal since I
Tlie light* at the Tremont tl-e house the order may assist in making their
Mrs Mas* was a former pnpil of Mrs. The fact that he wa» gone just thirteen left here five years ago. Many nice
have been put out of com mission by neighborhood exhibit a representative
Hogue's. Sherif Mass, is at present in days d-ie* not seem to have brought any new dwellings have been erected. Also
breaking the built« and one hose nozzle ! one
nnfavorrbie results *o far.
a large furniture factory. They have
on bnisness
ha» lawn removed. Tlie hydrant plug
An attempt will be made this year to
paved the streets and put the city into
was found practically immovable last have the exhibit* in shape on the first
holidav attire. It is the nicest inland
night when they came to make the day of the Fair. All article* should be
city in Minnesota. Here I will leave
attachment and then when tlie plug a-sembled by the Saturday Preceding
you until I return to Lente.
was out it wa» found very difficult to «nd by consent of the Committee »nd
I wish to record the fact that my
turn on the water.
the Publisher* of the Herald the Lents
brothers and sisters gave me a surprise
Some parties suppose that certain in­ exhibit* will be assembled at the hall
Wednesday. Aust. 6, the 74 th anni­
dividuals who formerly lived neighbors, of the .Mt. Scott Publishing Co’ . and
versary of my birth, which was geniune
and who were suspected of running a taken to Gresham early .Monday morn­
«nd affective. Saying I wa* surprised
disorderly place are venting their spite. ing. Any person in the neighborhood
does not fully express it. I was “dum-
They were heard to make threats hai ing in mind to contribute to the ex­
founded," if 1 may use that expression.
about the time they moved away.
hibit may leave word at the place desig­
There were forty-three present, all
The Tremont Company has been nated or they may communicate with
but two or three relatives. All my bro­
getting some mighty good practice out the secretary of the Committee, Mr*.
thers and sister* were present, except
ot the ex|>erience. In fact Captain Otto Katzky, Lente,
my oldest brother, who died last winter,
Weiser of the Tremont Volunteer» has
and my younger sister who resides in
just alrout decided to keep the bore
Minneapolis. The combine ages of the
attached at tlie corner and have a
four brothers and one sister, who were
couple of men atand guard. It is
l*»ft to rigid—Lower row—Milton Katzky, treasurer; Merrill Eldred,
present is 384 year*. The old Cannon
getting to be a sort of nightmare with
foreman; Altre«! Nygaard, president; Eber Eldred, secretary ;
the Volunteer* and they are right on
City drum corps re idered the music for
their nerve all the time.
Fred Kelly, draughtsman and designer.
the occasion. The drum corps was
I'pper row — I’erWn'Wilson. Milton Wiley, Donald McNeill. Is-slie Pep­
The l**nts Boy* Manual Training Club
composed of four Walrod brothers nd
per and George Wamsley
THE MODERN PRODIGAL SON. ha* gotten itself la-fore the public with­
Thomas Buchanan, and the combined
Let this story of a circumstance on a in the past week on account of some
ages of the four brothers, who play in
certain Missouri farm cast its rays on charitable work it ha* ls*en doing.
the drum corps is 304 years, a record
the subject, "Why the young folks The ten boy« in the dub decided some
which cannot be duplicated in any
leave home.”
time ago to a*«ist in relieving the suffer­
family in the United States.
The scene open, with Fred, the ing of a |>oor unfortunate little girl
I was presented by my nephew,
prodigal son, wanting to buy a hay down near St .föhn» who has been
Frank Jepson, in behalf of my rela­
tives. with a most lieauttful Masonic
suffering from infantile paralysis for
charm, in a neatly wordetj address, to
lie didn't get it.
several years, or rather she has been
(contitiuv«! iron» la«t week)
Father didn't think much of labor suffering from the effects of it. The
the farms around.
On the administra- which my feelings would not permit me
troys heard of her plight and of the fact I and when there in pressure on tlie in« t
of the markets in an average year to respond as I would have been pleased
saving devices on the farm
that her parents found it a hard time | terlor market space salve are allowed t ere is a profit of 13(5,000, but there is to do. It was one of the great occa­
He said they made people lazy
The hay unloader wasn’t all Fred to provide treatment so they decided to J from the boats and wagons at a toll of a law against making a profit on munic- sions of my life, never, never to be for­
.¡'.tl enterprises, so the surplus is spent
gotten. Refreshments, the finest that
had asked for. It simply was the last go to her assistance. They do it in this | 10 rents a day. Otherwise, only mer- oi local improvements.
' chandise Is allowed to he sold outside
Botterdam, another great Dutch sea- could be thaugnt of were served at the
i the market halls.
Not only must no
So Fred went to the city to recu­ , stools which can he placed on the 1 tish, game, meat or poultry he sold wlth- • ort, operates its markets under similar home of my brother. Micheál Walrod
»millions and makes a profit of $34,000, and Mrs. Walrod. on Mott avenue.
' market and »old at '«0 cent* each. By ( out first being passed by the veterinary
• m which $23,000 conies from the cattle
East side. We may never all meet
When Fred had worked in the making alrout a hundred they expect to inspectors, but none of these articles of '.:. i meat markets.
dirt must be brought to market packed
again, but may Heaven’s blessing be
wholesale house a year his employer realize a neat little sum, after all ex- | in straw, cloth or paper. Unripe fruit
Brussels, possessing a population of with each and every one in prayer.
| pen»»- are iledui leil, and that they will must not be sold to children.
told him lie could have a vacation.
500.000, reaps considerable advantage
Arriving home he found things buz­ turn over to the poor little cripple to lie
Every day a bulletin, issued by the
from its picturesque municipal markets,
Lent*, Oregon.
zing about the farm
Not only did i used in medical treatment. The Imys marki t commission, sets out the whole­ f- r of which are covered, while several
father have a hay unloader. He wa, in the club are seen in the picture, and sale prices, while a weekly list gives are in the open air.
I the retail prices, but in the latter case
Tlie renting of space to stand-holders
using a sulky hay rake and a manure their names are given in that connec­ the note is added that the market com­
Mrs. H. Arnold and three children
at the central market is according to the
An engine ground feed, tion.
mission will not be responsible for any
recently made a trip by auto to Pasa­
highest bidder, provided the price ia not
controversy that may arise.
All the
turned the separator, did the family
below $11.58 per month for meat, $9 05 dena, Calif., going in with her sister
stocks held by the market traders are
washing, cut wood and performed
for poultry and game. $5.79 for fruit, and brother-in-law, Mr and Mrs. D. E.
Family Reunion
insured by the municipality, though not
vegetables, butter and cheese.
Thompson. They left I-ents the last
many ways.
A very enjoyable family reunion was to their full value.
Both producers and dealers sell at of June so they had the full benefit ot
There were riding implements galore held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Not only have these markets proved
these markets, all their supplies being
and all sort, of conveniences for Huntington August S, at which time beneficial to the consumers generally, subjected to drastic inspection regula the rainy spell. It took two weeks to
but the market men are unanimous as
all their living children am) grand­ to their advantage, for they afford a lions. All meats are tested by the mu­ make the trip owing to the bad roads
Fred marveled.
children were gathered around their ready and Inexpensive means of doing ni -ipal veterinary surgeon and his staff, and mud. Several of their experiences
while a communal chemist regulates were thrilling enough for the most ad­
"How <li<l it happen?" he asked
family table.
Those present were : a large business.
milk, butter, general dairy produce. The
"Well, you see,” said father, "after Mr. and Mrs. Huntington, Mr. and
cleanaing of the markets is done by the
Amsterdam, with a population of 510,-
yon left and Nancy went to teaching Mrs. W. L. Wheatly and son George
department of public cleanliness. Some
000, has all the local markets under
school, I figured it out that the interest and daughter Hasel, Mr. and Mrs. the control of the municipality. They of the public^ markets are managed by
Mr. and Mrs. Wheatly have sold their
on the investment in equipment was Sidney Keller and »on Cheater of I-ents, are divided Into Ave districts, each man­ a • -ontractor, who receives $250.90 a year home on Rayburn Avenue and have
for setting up the stalls and keeping
nothing compared with the cost of and Mrs. Gertrude Keller of I-akeport, aged by a director or market master, them in good order. He deposits a se­ moved to Tillamook. Mrs. Wheatly
responsible to the city council.
hired help.”
Cal., who will visit friends in Portland
curity on undertaking his contract, and left Monday for Pasco and North
Two of the markets are covered, but
tn default of a satisfactory performance Yakima. Wash., to visit relatives be­
It isn't recorded what the prodigal for several days Irefore going on to her
the remainder are open and are situated of his work the commune does it and
—A - «•*
son thought
new home in eastern Washington.
fore going to her new home.
>e»l »
Letter to Lents Boys and Giris.
Child Work.
I hope yon are all having a gooi time
during vacation, playing some, working
! some, and reading some; and not for­
getting to prepare yonr exhibits for tbe
school fairs. Had you thought about
how soon they will be here? Only a
few short weeks now. and tbe time will
pass quickly. Procrastination is said
to be the thief of time. Do not let it
he tbe thief of those prizes y«»u have no
doubt bad yonr heart ret on winning,
ft is so easy to waste time and get
slack in our habits, during
vacation. Everyone ought really to ret
apart certain hours each day for play,
for work, and for reading. You will be
surprise«! bow much more you will
actxnnpl ish.
If you are raising garden stuff to ex­
hibit, do not neglect it. The weeds
will keep growing these hot days just
the same, and if you do not keep them
hoed or pulled up they will rob your
pnmkins or potatoes of tbe moisture
they need, and they will not grow to be
priz* winners.
If yon are raising
poultry, do not fail to feed the fowls
regularly and well and handle them
carefully so they will be gentle and in
good condition.
If you expect to exhibit eewing and
win that eewing machine, gold watch,
or some other attractive prize, you have
no time to loose. If you would win in
the bread making contest, you cannot
practice too much. Do not be afrai«i of
soiling your hands with tbe dough. It
is no disgrace to work, and errong bands
are honorable.
Do not overlook the fact that the
railroads will carry your exhibits to and
from the State Fair free of charge. The
children of no other state are so gen­
erously treated by the railroads, so far
as we Know. Do nut fail to read the
rules aad regulations in the Btate Fair
Prize List which telle you what you
have to do in oruer to get tbe free rate.
Some boy or girl who reads this ma y
say "I have to work bard all the time
and never have a vacation, and do not
have time to prepare anything for tbe
fair.’’ I hope very few of yon are en­
tirely deprived of a vacation, but as to
having to work hard, you really aught
to be thankful for that. Hard work
does not hurt you if you do not chafe
an«l worry about it
Our beet and
greatest people have had to work hard.
Surmounting difficulties brings out the
best that is in you and develops
strength of character. Tbe beet ex­
hibits at the school fairs last year were
generally made by children who had to
work hard. Iziafers do not win at fairs
nor in tbe battles of lite.
Perhaps you are not yet acquainted
with Mr. Churchill, our new State
Superintendent, but you will have an
opportunity to meet him some day, I
hope. I am sure you will like him ; he
says he is very mueb interested in the
boys and girls of Oregon, and especially
in seeing them learn the practical
things in life. He is anxious to see
definite results from the Induetrial
Department. It is up to you to show
such results, boys and girls, and I am
sure you will do your part.
Very trnlv vous,
N. C. Maris,
Field Worker Industrial Fairs.
The tiiant* won on« gam«* and lost
one Sunday. Winning the tirst gatne
11 to 3 and losing the second game 5 to
t>. The first game wa* playe«i with the
Sunset team of Portland. Barbaglette
and Jerg«n»«-n worked for Iz-nt* in the
first game while Tarer*all an,I Stocker
worked for the losers. Strike outs by
Barbaglette 7: by Tarersall 8; hits off
Barbaglette 5; off Tlgersall 15. In the
2nd game Boland, John Shea and B.
Boland work«*! for the Giant* while
Winterbotten and Jamison worke«i for
the Moore Club. The sreond game wa*
a hard fought Itattle, both pitchers
working fine, Boland getting P2 strikes
out an«l Winterbottom getting 15. Hit*
off Boland 7; off Winterbottom 10.
Boland should have won thia game but
an error on third gave .the Moore two
Next Sunday the Giant*
Beaverton on the local ground. Man-
ager Forte sent his fast 3rd liareinan. A.
Boland to Spokane. He leaves for
Spokane Wtdnesday. All hi* team
mates hoj»>s that lie will make good
The Sons of Veteran* will bold a
special meeting .Monday evening, to
organize a degree team.