Training the Colt. Many valuable horses are spoiled by Improper or harsh treatment in »•< rm. ton«-, ,rlr»» fur Wild Osaka training. A man who la incapuble of sad oik»r »»an» In a»a»un. Write us tur understanding the disposition of r»»h offsr on nil kind, ,,t pool try. pork, »to. horses la certainly Incapable of train them. Two thirds of the horses Pearson-Page Co., Portland Ing huve been called vicious can be J that --------------- iniinaged by proper treatment, says a contributor to Farm and Home. It Is bud policy to train a colt unless ho la In the boat of spirits. The brain ütti . „ •» oarhanswl »ngl n»a, belter, eawmllte. et» 1h. J. |C Marlin <'•.. Bl tat will be more active, therefore the dis­ «*- Portland Send tur Stock 1.1st and prteaa. position easier to control. On tho other hand, If you train a colt while he la thin In flesh, In poor spirits and WRITE FOR FREE ADVICE on light food, as some men do, he will Information ami bta/klela of valva to you. liifoimatlof) anti I xm Alata not take notice of objects, und when PACIFIC GUANO A FERTILIZER CO. on good feed later, he Is not well Ma *H« or (ruined, Huve them In good spirits, give plenty of feed, and use less whip. POULTRY AND GAME CHOOSE THE SANDWICH Raises the FRENCH PASTRIES IN DEMAND First Served by Fashionable Hotel» They Have Been Taken Up by HERE IB VARIETY ENOUGH TO Hoetoeoee Who Are Up to Date. SUIT ALL TASTES. The increase in the number of good patisserie shops where really delicious French pastries can be purchased Tomato and Horoe-Radloh Makes an probably accounts for the serving ot Excellent Combination—Pineap­ French pastries for dessert at the PcFjnd Can ple Fine for Thoeo Who home table just as they have been All Gruicri Like the Fino Flavor. served for years In the big hotels sad restaurants. There a special boy goes Tomato and Horseradish Sand­ about with a huge silver platter filled wiches.—Butter thin slices of bread, with concoctiona that make tbe mouth lay a crisp lettuce leaf on lower slice, water and the purse strings open Beauty of Spider's Web. then place very thin slices of firm to­ When the diner or luneber chooses the There aro few more beuutlful ob­ jects than a spider's web covered with matoes on top, spread a little pre­ sort he desires the boy deftly removes Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Soothing dew. In symmetry. In perfection of pared horseradish on each slice, cover It with a wide bladed silver knife Syrup 111» test noni-dr to Uss lor IhslScbUdrsu geometrical arrangement and In tbe with another lettuce leaf and slice of Nowadays tbe home hostess has the lurlag tbs toothing period. prismatic reflection of color it la a bread. Trim the edges evenly and maid pass French pastries at luncheon gorgeous object. And consider tho cut through center. and dinner. They are passed on a bls Uncle Snooks Puzzled. "What puzzles me," said Uncle wonderful devices that our garden Brown Bread Sandwiches.—Butter platter and naturally each guest Snooks, as he looked up from a book spider has for attending to Its toilet. thin slices of brown bread, lay a let­ chooses the particular sort which ap ... was w.. consulting, WH.UHIUB, "la this. I if a mail Was ever comb In woman's boudoir tuce leaf on lower side, spread a lit­ peals to him. he la standing on the aldo of a hill or | moro perfect or more attractive than tle boiled dresalng over, sprinkle with Many of them are eimply boat mountain, how Is he to settle In his |‘heee oomba that the apiderbas at the lay another lettuce shaped shells of puff paste filled with mind whether he la on an acclivity or end of the claws to aid In manipulat­ chopped walnuts; a declivity? According to iny diction­ ing the cobweb threads. In clinging to leaf with dreeing on that, preaa top fruit of some sort Grapes, covered DAISY FLY KILLER ary here, tho former Is 'a slope up,’ a rough object, und as aids In walk slice of bread on and cut Into three with rich syrup, are sometimes used for Alling; and strawberries, luscious triangular pieces. and the latter 'a elope down.’ I’ve Ing over the w<-b? never yet seen a alope up that didn't Pineapple Sandwiches.—Cut pineap­ and ripe, combined with a syrup, can R-d Crvon Hall R lu». all blu». baat bluing valu* slope down.” In Maa whole world, nudos ths laun>ir«u> amlU. ple into thin slices, trim off the rind also be used. Some of the pastries are and remove center core, now shred made in layers of puff paste with an Graft ths Neglected Apple Trees into fine silvers, sugar slightly and appetizing and delicate cream or al There ure thousands of apple trees set in cold place over night. Or, it mond paste or fruit filling between. growing In fields and pastures and These interesting pastries really Peculiar Alpine Custom. roadsides that bear only ¡mor, natural desired leave the slices whole, place A curious eastern custom has been fruit und muny of the apples are left between slices of buttered bread and help to solve one of the housewife’s many worries, for they constitute a observed for many centuries In the to rot on the ground. If these trees cut Into triangles. Thia Wife a Treasure. western Alps. Ono hundred eggs are hud been grafted 15 or 20 years ago Ginger and Walnut Sandwiches.— dz-ssert which Is easily procured and The saving habit mny not be as distributed over a level space covered they might be bringing a handsome which 1« a welcome relief from Ices much In favor today as thirty years with sand and the young men and profit now. Muny of them are not Between thin slices of buttered and creams and the more usual sweets bread lay bits of preserved ginger and ago. but one New York man han had women perform a dance around them. yet too old to graft. See that they are occasion to be converted to a belief If a couple are fortunate cuough to properly trimmed and fertilized.—(W. chopped walnuts, using a little of the served.—New York Times. sirup the ginger is put up In. Cut in it. lie Is a man who has worked finish the dance without breaking an W. Maxim In Farm and Home.) seventeen years ns a carpenter. Ills egg It Is taken as a token of tbe com­ Into thin slices. GET BUSY WITH CHAFING DISH wife died decently, leaving hltn enough patibility of their temperaments aud Dream Sandwiches.—Rub one cupful Torture of Tantalus. money to live In comfort the rest of they are betrothed. Tho golf bug’s soul came back from of atewed prunes to a paste with two Many Delicious Concoctions May Be his days. Iln knew that his wife took a little range around Satan's preserve spoonfuls of lemon juice, spread be­ Prepared for the Late or Sun­ It Spread Easier. care of hla money, but had no Ideu with a smile as wide as the Amazon day Night Supper. that she hud saved so much. One cold night a few years ago, river. "I say." he exclaimed. "1 don’t tween thin slices of buttered bread; we were all seated at the table eat- call this much ot a hell. They have a few chopped walnuts may be added. Matter of Judgment. Ing our dinner. The butter was very the finest golf course out there I Cut each into four, little squares. A light, but fairly substantial edible, Hot Preserve Sandwiches.—Cut served piping hot, directly from a chaf­ *'8<> you suspect that men are quick hard, and, consequently, remarks were ever saw In my life.” A droll-looking er of Judgment In practical matters made about It. The next week the i old soul who was sitting on the safety bread moderately thin, trim into even ing dish, adds Immensely to the in­ than women?" naked her friend of the weather was very warm and the but­ valve looked up. "But did you see squares, butter lightly, spread with formal Sunday night supper. Creamed mlddlougcd spinster. "Yea," replied ter was somewhat soft. Little Billy, anybody playing on It?" he asked. any well-flavored firm preserve, cut salmon is delicious and is eary to pre­ Miss Cayenne. "Men have heeded the six years old. suddenly exclaimed: "No,” the newcomer admitted. "I did­ Into trangles, place in flat tin and pare in a chafing dish. Use the hot- warnings of the newspapers and quit "Mnmina, the butter la easy tonight, n't.” The old timer chuckled. “That's toast under gas flame In broiling oven water pan first, brown a little butter buying gold bricks, but women con­ Isn't It?" It.” ho said. ’ *He won t let anybody sntll a golden brown. Turn and toast and sprinkle crumbed bread into It, tinue to marry for money." play on IL"—Exchange. Tut, Tut. other side, and serve on hot plate cov­ turning over until crisp. 8et these "1 wish," said tho brown sugar to ered with napkin. Better Not Take Hie Word. crisped crumbs aside and proceed, Wanderlust. the sand, “ that you'd get out of this. Bacon and Lettuce Sandwiches.— with the blazer pan, to make a alm- Declaration from a learned source "I’m going to take a long ocean You ’ re always In my weigh!" that the "day of judgment** Is mythical voyage, to uobody knows where, and Cut crust from thin slices of bread, pie bechamel or cream sauce, first may comfort such among us as have come back, nobody knows when, I toast on one side only and keep warm, melting a tablespoon of butter, atir lived without duo regard for the here shall alt down by the wayside wher- Fry thin slices of bacon until crisp. ring in a tablespoon of flour and add after.—Exchange. ever I pleaso and play with the chil- Now butter the soft side of the bread. Ing a scant cup of milk. Season this dren of the street, the little brown ba- lay a lettuce leaf and a few slices of falrly-thick white sauce with salt, pep Chop Susy $25 a Oleh. blea of the Orient, perhaps, or the High coat of living Is not worrying little blue-eyed Saxons, who knows? tbe bacon between and cut into tri­ per and a few drops of le'mon juice. Stir In a can of salmon and when the Chinese. One big Chicago reatau- . TIs great to go as you please and angles. Fried Egg Sandwiches.—Prepare as steaming hot and ready to serve, shake rant run on th<> Hong Kong ntvba Remarkable Effects of a come as you please, with no telegrams ; to send, no stress of meeting friends directed above, then lay a lettuce leaf over the top the browned crumbs The on Its menu u dish that costa 125 Remedy That Actually "Foooy wong wu yin” In what they and missing friends, and all that."— and a carefully fried egg on lower creamed salmon may be served with­ New York Times. call It, and one portion is enough for slice; season with salt and pepper, out the bread crumbs, but they add an Irrigates the Entire five hungry suffragettes or six ordi­ place second slice of toast on that appetizing flavor, suggestive of the Voyage Somewhat Unique. nary men. It has to bo ordered twen Blood Supply. and lay strips of fried bacon across. browned crust over a hot dish pre­ Steamers often load cargoes of wood t_. four hours before you get It. Either of these bacon sandwiches pared tn the oven. It •ounil» __________________________________ queer to take a blood bath pulp at Chicoutimi, at the head of • » n •# 1 . e I«». on AM the — G — »< — river, I ■> AM • that U n A may be made with plain bread. Pota­ Only Way. but that la precisely the effect of a mo.t _____ navigation Saguenay Knlcker—A fashion note snys thill remarkable remedy known aa 8. 8. 8. it wonderfully picturesque tributary of to salad or water creaa are nice with Cream of Celery. skirts are to be six Inches narrower has o ¡»ecullar action of aoaklng through the St. Idiwrence which flows out of hot sandwiches. From the Caterer we take the fol­ the Intestines directly Into the blood. In Ijtke St. John, and take their freight nt thn ankle. Ilocker—Will the cirla lowing recipe, and for family use each a few minutes Its Inftumce Is at work In straight to Manchester. England. The stand on one leg? can reduce the quantities to suit. every artery, vein and tiny capillary, Egg Beater. voyage begins on the deepest river in ivery membrane, every organ of the body, Even In using the leaves and poorer An egg beater will do many things Frequently Happens. •very emunctory becomes In effect a filter the world. In the Canadian wilderness, A man may work so hard running to atraln th* blood of Impurities. Th» j and ends with nearly 40 miles of canal, besides beat eggs. If a custard bolls parts of one head only the recipes of England. a little too much, keep It from curd- the best chefs will be a good founda­ after a band wagon that when he over stimulating properties of 8. 8. 8. compel .through the mill districts takes It he's too tired to get any pleas­ ths skin, liver, bowels, kidneys, bladder ting by beating thoroughly. Use It also tion for experiment and adaptation Constipation causes many serious for lumpy gravy. After boiled salad to ail work to the one end of caatlng out 1 Remove the outside stalks from 12 ure out of the ride. •very Irritating, every pain Inflicting atom I diseases. It is thoroughly cured by dressing is removed from tbe double heads of celery, keeping the hearts tc of poison; it dislodges by Irrigation all : Doctor Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. ~ One boiler beat It hard for a few minutes, be eaten raw. Cut up these stalks in accumulations '-i the joints, causes acid ! a laxative, three for cathartic. •ccrstloiis to <1 olve, renders them neu- ■ and It will be much more delicate and small pieces, wash well, drain and set tral and scatters those peculiar forma- I fluffy. One may use the beater for in a pan with a piece of butter; cover Welcome Delusion. PnnTLAWD. O b BOON Items In thn nerve centers that cause Doctor (to sick man’s wife)—“Does cake batter. Reduce the milk with a the pan and cook over a slow fire. Resident and Day School for Girle such mystifying and often baffling rheu­ Whenfthe celery is nearly done, your husband suffer from delusions, couple of tablespoonfuls of hot water, In rBartm nf Mietern of MVh’hn Hnptiat < Eplaropal) matic pains. Collagi*!*. Ar *4 ernie an 4 IlstnsRiary Depart«***!«, of lightly And best of all, this remarkable remedy Mrs. Jones?" Mrs. Jones—"I hope so, which will soften the batter so that moisten with one gallon M««l< Art, Blnrqttwn, Doma««Ir Art. Do«« e* tic telano«, is welcome to the weakest stomach. If doctor. He's been worrying for a week Bynurasiutn For calata« ndrlrwea thickened chicken or veal stock, al­ you can beat the sugar, butter, milk you have drugged yourself until your over what he thinks your bill will be.” Till: aim l< BIT» IIK»K, Office 10 and part of the flour to a delicate low to cook for 15 minutes, and then stomach is nearly paralysed, you will be Nt. Uriana Hall astonished to find that 8. 8. 8. gives no cream before adding the remainder of rub through a fine sieve; pour the Hunters Contribute to Revenue. soup into a clean pan, let boll and sensation but goes right to work. This the flour and baking powder. One of the important functions of Is because It la a pure botanical infusion, clean from scum. Season with salt, la taken naturally into your blood just as the government In Germany is the Is­ pepper and a pinch of sugar, and be- pure air Is inhaled naturally into your suing of permits to hunters, The rev- Apple Salad. lungs. fore serving bind with one pint of enue thus obtained is about $1,500,000 Apple ealad is delicious and season ­ Ths great Fwlft laboratory has spent cream, six eggs and four ounces of is what they all say annually. able, too. You take large red apples rnllllons ot dollars In perfecting, produc­ butter. Serve small fried crusts of uf mir ing and placing In the hands of ths pub- and scoop out the Inside, creating Did Not Live Up to It. bread separately. llo this wonderful remedy. So give your cups. These are put into cold water Psinletta blood a good bath with 8. 8. 8., for It Our high appreciations and even our Methods of knocks the worst forms of rheumatism expressed desires are not always Indi­ with a few drops of lemon juice until Jelly Custards. Extracting and gives you freedom to enjoy life. ces of our character. "Let me die the ready to be filled. The filling consists One scant coffee cup sugar, one-half You can get It at any drug store at Teeth. death of the righteous." was the pray­ of the apple chopped with celery, a lit­ cup acid Jelly, one heaping tablespoon 11.00 a bottle. It Is a standard remedy, ! tle grapefruit and mayonnaise dress ­ er of Baalam. And then he went right Out-of-town recognised everywhere as the greatest cornstarch, two cups sweet milk, On the top heap bits of walnut rlr rsn have their blood antidote ever discovered. It yours away and joined himself to the hea­ ing. yolks two eggs beaten light, butter then and was slain by a righteous man. and maraschino cherries, and lay each plat« and bridin*- la a peculiar case and you desire expert advice, write to The Swift Specific Co., worlt finished in one cup on a lettuce leaf. This Is a very the size of walnut. Sift cornstarch Still a Chance. and sugar into a bowl, pour the milk 100 Swift Bldg., Atlanta. Go. •lay If nrcdHiaary "What's the matter? She has re­ dainty ealad, put together at very lit­ over this, beating constantly to pre­ An abaoluta ffuar- tle cost Wafers and cheese are served jected me again. She says this la vent lumping, then add the well beat­ antrn, harkod by 'M finnl.” "Did she say how final?" in­ with It Chameleon Paint. venni tn Portland. en egg yolks. Place jelly and butter A red paint has been recently de- j quired the older and more experienced on stove to melt and beat them slow­ man. — Washington Herald. Chicken Griddle Cakes. vised which cliangea IIs color to black : ly Into the first Ingredients. Set on when subjected to heat. It Is especial- ’ Beat one egg, add two tablespoonfule stove and cook until mixture begins Foolish Egotism. Oft Kt HOURS) ly desirable for bearings to give the j The true egotist is the man who im­ of chicken fat, melted; one cupful of to thicken; stir continually to prevent • A. M. In S P. M Sondar» 9 Io 1 alarm when they are becoming over­ Phonr»: A 2029: Main 2029. agines he is attracting attention to his minced chicken, half a level teaspoon­ scorching. Pour into a baked crust heated. particular line of comedy in a crowd ful of salt, one pint of milk, and flour and make meringue for top of whites. fallino Blds., third nod Washington. Portland enough to make a batter that will Set in oven for a few minutes until of baseball rooters. Work for Greatest Artists. spread slowly when placed on the grid­ golden brown. It must be perfectly Designing, etching, and engraving Napoleonic Luck. dle, having previously sifted three tea­ of fine bookplates Is a thriving pro- Luck consists in always making spoonfuls of baking powder Into the cold before serving. feaslon in Vienna. Some of the great­ eat artists are engaged in the produc- ’ preparations for every alternative.— flour. Boiled Salmon Steak. Napoleon. tlon of these works of art. Boll a pint of broth or water with a 8avlng Wallpaper. small bunch of celery, half a teaspoon­ While cleaning mopboards, the wall ful of salt, quarter saltspoonful of pep­ ADDRESED TO WOMEN adjoining may easily be protected by per and a tablespoonful of vinegar. Cut using a piece of cardboard held at tho the steaks In suitable pieces and put upper edge of the board. This allows the fragments and bones In the boiling the cleaning cloth to soil the card­ liquid. Place the salmon in a clean board Instead of the paper, and avoids saucepan and strain the seasoned broth that streak one so ofteis sees upon over It; cover and let boil briskly for wallpaper or painted walla. ten minutes. Serve In a deep dish and /«male disturbances and are not beyond relief. with the liquor Instead of sauce. The Hot flashes, dizziness, fainting spells, backache, headache, Endive Salad. full flavor and the richness of the fish bearing-down pains, nsrvousnsss—all are symptoms of irregularity If at all wilted, place the stalks la are preserved In this dish. la that of a famous physician unusually experienced oold water, but do not wet the leave*; In the treating of woman’s peculiar ailment». For wipe the leaves dry with a damp doth, Marmalade of Rhubarb. forty years it has been recommended to aulfering ■sing only the well-blanched leaves. Two quarts rhubarb, two pints sugar.; womankind. Thonaanda of women can bear witness to Its beneficial qualities. Perhaps Its aid is all that Pour a French dressing over It and two oranges. Juice of one and grated ! la required to roatore to you perfect health and strensth. garnish with trimmed red radishes. rind of one; one cupful chopped rais­ Now la tbe time to act, write Dr. R. V. Pierce'», buffalo. ins. Cut the rhubarb in pieces, cover — I AM NOW CtHRKD ---------------- it with sugar and let It stand over Orangs Tea. Maa. nomwio Ronossa, of Baa Franrlacn. Calif., write»; "I taka pl.uur» 1» r»cofnm»n.lin, row w»nd»rful rrmedi»». and Those accustomed to the flavor of night, then add other fruit and cook wl,h to »ay tn behalf of your Tavorlta Frewription* and Iktl.un Medical IMeeoeaw* that through their Do. lam sow cured ot the Na n-’ll lemon added to tea. will be pleased until thick. It can be made without ». M. U. various troubl-e that a woman la heir to. Three remedial cor. I mo when other, failed and I therefore rosslvo to taka so otter. also with the flavor of orange. Wash raisins. I thank you for your admae.” — WBEN «ritta* In ad»»rtlasrs. »tesso an orange and cut In thin slices; pour YOU* DRUGGIST CAN SUPPLY YOU Orangs and Prune Salad. the hot tea directly onto one or two ’’ tian thia paprr IN LIQUID Ol TABLET FORM Steam a dozen large prunes until slices and add loaf sugar. they are puffy; then cool and remove the pita. Cut the prune« In two and To Keep Parsley Freeh. Place the bunch In a glass jar, screw mix with an equal quantity of orange the lid on tight and keep It in a cool pulp. When serving, place a table- Color more goods brt.’h'sr and faster colon than any other dye. One 10c package colon allk, wool and cotton equally place. If cared. Air In this manner, spoonful of tart boiled dressing, mixed well and is guaranteed to give perfect results. Ask dealer, *z we will send postpaid at 10c a package. Write for treo with whipped cream, on each helping. parsley will last for a week. booklet how vo dye. bleach and mix color*. MONROS DRUG COMPANY, Qv-tncy, lUlnoia. Machinery Dough Better! « 25c Blood Bafh Knocks Rheumatism St. Helens Hall “DIDN’T HURT A BIT » Wise Dental Co. IS YOURS A I Case of “Nerves?” Favorite Prescription 1 PUTNAM FADELESS DYES I The winner is always the person who possesses a keen appetite, and enjoys perfect digestion—whose liver is active and bowels regular. The sickly per­ son lacks the stamina and strength necessary to win. They should try HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS I L I J It tones, strengthens and rebuilds theen tire system, it today, ivo d xubstiiwtex. Out Of Date. Major Bankstick (of the India* irmy)—"Tell your grout master that, now I'm home, I shall be pleased to help him, If he'd like it, with field­ work and so on." Horace (of the Boy Scouts)—“Thanks, awfully, dad, but— er—are you quite up-to-date?—drill’* altered a lot since you were hom* la«t.”—Punch. CONSTIPATION tnay be either a transient or per­ manent affliction, arising from tome error in diet or as a result of constantly weak digestion. For temporary and obstinate cases the best relief is Won Papa’s Dollar. Martha’s school report card had very low marks. Her father promised her x dollar if she got a hundred in any­ thing. Shortly after that she fell sick. When the doctor had taken her tem­ perature the mother asked him what the temperature was. "A hundred snd four,” was the reply. “Mother,” :rled Martha, "I have won the dollar from papa. I’ve got over a hundred.” New Breed of Dairy Cattle. A new breed of dairy cattle known is the Illawarra breed has been de­ veloped in New South Wales. It wa* obtained by crossing Shorthorn*» Longhorns, Devons and Ayrshire*. This new breed of cattle has become a favorite for dairying in the Illawarra district. New South Wales, though It Is hardly known In America.—Farm and Fireside. When Your Eyes Need Care Fry Murine Eye Remedy. No Smarting—Fvela Fine—Acta Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak« Watery Eyes aud Granulated Eyelids. Illus­ trated Book in each Package. Murine to »mpounded by our Oculist»—out a “Patent Med­ icine”—but used in succesifni Physicians’ Pmo Uce for many years. Now d- -U h - a ted to tbe Pwto lk> and sold by Druggist s at Z5c and 50c per Bottlet Murine Bye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, Sc and Bv Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Men—and Vaudeville. All men may be divided Into two classes—those who like vaudeville and those who can stand it when they are drunk.—Smart Set Magazine. Has Temperament. When a girl is intense that means her mother needn’t expect much help with the housework. EXPERIENCE OF MOTHERHOOD Advice to Expectant Mothers The experience of Motherhood is * try­ ing one to most women and marks dis­ tinctly an epoch in their lives. Not ooa woman in a hundred is prepared or un­ derstands how to properly care for her­ self. Of course nearly every womsn nowadays has medical treatment at such times, but many approach the experi­ ence with an organism unfitted for the trial of strength, and when it is over her system has received * shock from which it is hard to recover. Following right upon this comes the nervous strain of caring for the child, and a distinct change in the mother results. There is nothing more charming than a happy and healthy mother of children, and indeed child-birth under the right conditions need be no hazard to health or bsauty. The unexplainable thing is that, with all the evidence of shattered nerves and broken health resulting from an unprepared condition, and with am­ ple tim« in which to prepare, women will persist in going blindly to the trial. Every woman at this time should rely upon Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, a most valuable tonic and invigorator of the famals organism. In many homes one* childless there are now children be­ cause of the fact that Lydia E. Pink­ ham’s V egetable Compound makss womsn normal, healthy and strong. If ye« wait special advice writ« te Lydia E. Plskksm MedlrtseCo. (esafl- deatlal) Ly*a, Mass. Tear tetter wU) be opened, read sad •■sweied by • waasaa and held in strict M*14«M«k