Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, June 05, 1913, Image 4

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Entered a* Second CU m Mail Matter at 1-etiU. Oregon, August 26, 1011
Published Every Thursday at lents, Ore., by the M t . S cott P ublishing C o .
H. A. DARN ALL, Enrroa
Office Phone: Home till.
M anagu .
Residence. Tabor 2S13
large price by th«' county Itoard, aa a
Most Children Have Worms
rotten deal
Hence the rat'aU, which
Many mothers think their children
in all proltability throw the hooka into are suffering from indigestion, headache
nervousness, weakness, coativeness,
Joe Wall, an old settler, and a na­ when they are victims of that moat com­
tive lawn Oregonian, says lie not mon of children's ailments—worms.
look for any more rain to any extent Peevish, ill-tem|s-red, fretful children,
until Ute fall rains begin.
who toss and grind their teeth, with bad
Sain Mik* lakes a little |>aper calle.I breath and colicky pains, have all the
The Fool Killer, published at Moravia symptona of having worms, and should
Falls. N. C., which surely goes after lie given Kickapoo Worm Killer, a
the humbugs and hypocrites in great pleasant candy loaengr, which expels
I worms, legulatea the bowels, tones up
the system, and makes children well and
Kickapoo Worm Killer is
guaranteed. All druggists, or by mail.
Price 25c. Kickapoo Indian Medicine
Co.. Philadelphia and St Louis
A few good rules for the ordering of
the sick room are given by Mrs. Alice
Marks Dolman, instructor in dietetics
and home nursing at the Oregon Agri­
cultural College, in one of her recent lec­
“Whatever the threatened or actual
disorder may be, there are two import­
ant things to be done at the beginning,"
Storage Company
she said. "The first is to have absolute
rest and quietness for the patient. The
Makes all points between Portland
second is to keep the skin clean, to keep
and l.ente on Mt. Scott i.tne.
the bed clean, to keep the room clean,
and to have plenty of good, clean, fresh
Freight. Express, Baggage anti all
air for the patient to breathe.
kinds of Transfer Work.
“ Rest means something more than
Lenta Office •
Footer Road
just being in bed. It means freedom
from petty annoyances, from unexpect­
Lenta Phones .... Tabor 1424
ed jolts or jars, from creaking shoes or
Home B 6111
creaking chairs, or rattling windows,
and from contiuned thinking and plan­ F. W. Tussy, Manager
ning out of things.
Ask for Rose City Van
"In preparing a room for a patient,
give her the cheeriest room possible, '
one that can be ventilated easily, and
one that is far enough from the kitchen
SMALL sized bunch of decessor. We do not believe it
printers at Salem are about was as free from criticism as it
to go into spasms because the might have been, for he must
governor is disposed to make use have been fully acquainted with
certain conditions in the city
of some of the prisoners at the
which were not improved, or
state penitentiary in the hand­
eliminated. The disp sition of
ling of the state printing plant.
the police force throughout his
Just why any sane man should
term has been to dally with their
have any objection to such a pro­
duties, and the chief of police
ject seems to be a mystery, If
might as well have been absenjt
the state penitentiary can be
a vacation. He was merely
made self sustaining is not
nominal. If he was incompetent
every taxpayer in the state pro­
fited thereby? Is it not as well he should have been displaced.
to let these gentlemen pay their The fact that he was not dis­
placed disproves incompetency
way by doing a little printing
to have been the cause for his
and meet their own expenses,
inaction, and suggests an under­
as to place that printing on the
outside, at even the same cost, standing to have existed in
and then tax the state to pay the reference to the moral conditions
bill. Just why the entire state of the city. It is to be hoped
should be taxed to give the that the new regime will put a
printers of Salem extra work is little more vigor into the en-
not clear to us, nor will it be to forcement of the law.
others who have to pungle up
that she does not get the odor of cook­
the cash to meet the bills.
These fellows who board at S------------------------------------------------ -S
"It is wise to remove all unnecessary
the state penitentiary are will- The good old summer time!
funrniture and all things that are dust
ing to work. For a trifle they June brides, June roses, June car- catchers This is especially true in the
will turn out a pretty fair out- nivals and June weather.
infectious disease. Many things that
Mrs. Myrtl" Crawford of Bridal Veil. ; do not annoy us or worry us when we a A M. toft P. M , Herald Office. U-nts
put. There may not be ven- eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T.
many printers in the penitentia­ Friel Jr., is home on a visit. ’8he will are well became a source of great annoy­ 6 P. M. to » P. M. Residence, (indiani
to us when we are sick, so that the
ry now. but who knows. There probably remain all summer and take ance
plainer a room is furnished for the sick, Phone Tabor 47M
is a probability that the future a course of treatment at Dr. Botkins the better it is.
C. S. Ogsbury, D. M. D.
will be more productive. If the sanitarium.
Over 100 automobiles and all kinds of
tendency to restrain in this class motocycles went by the jxwt office un Read the ads and trade at home
Over Mt Scott
of disturbers of the public peace Sunday of this week. The amount of
i » A-. M to w P M.
Drug Store
continues to develop as it has re­ money invested in these machines all
Hunda *• ey Appointment
cently, there will probably be over the country is something stupend-
plenty of printers paying their
Watkins went to Portland
damages at Salem. But in the the Howard
Phone 53x
first of the week and will probably
I practice all branches of Dentistry
event that there continues to be be gone until Sa' urday.
Mill 1 1-4 miles »outheaat of Keleo
a shortage in skilled printers at August Breidenstein'will work on the CEDAR POSTS
! office Honrs 8 te 12 A. M
1 to ft P. M.
Sundays by Appointment
the “State Retention Home,” Toll Gate road through this month and
Office corner of Main Hi. Foster Road
there are a good many who probably after harvest. Dave Douglas
has secured the job from Mr. Wemme, .
might be induced to serve time president of the Portland Automobile 1
D. Dunning
J. P. McEntee
for a wage, since they are only a Club, to grade this road clear up to the LUMBER $6 AND UP
Phones: Main 430, Home A 45öS
stock of Dimension Lumber on hand
step without the limitations of Government Camp, a distance of nine Large
Rough and Dressed lumber for all purposes
the law. and these could shortly , miles. The automobilists have raised tend order to JONSRl’D BROS. Boring RD 3
train a sufficient number of long $10,000 to expend on road building,
Fsneral Directors
term star boarders to supply the and will certainly have a good road, in
time. It would be much better, to in-
Seventh and Ankeny Streets
demand. Then if they should i vest in hard surface or maccadam and
Oregon j
sever their connections with the then they have a permanent and perfect
state they will be prepared to road. Enough money has been expend­
L. H. Carter & Son
make a living elsewhere. While ed on the roads in this county to have
Contractors »n<1 Bnlldan
we are reforming men, why not something to show for it. But the
! Manutaetnrem of Window Ca.lnga, Herren 1
rainy season always knocks out the
Iioori* and Windowr. Molding*, ('chinina. Tan* I
develop a tendency to labor at roads that are graded in the summer.
ell. Ornaments. Kte. Cuatom I'lalnln* and
Haw Ina Owner» lent- Plaining Milla ;
First-Class Livery and feed
something that will be of lasting The exercises at the cemetery last
and Wood W orking Factory.
Stables at Borinq and Sandy
t.rnit, Oman
value? The nearer the state Friday, Decoration Day, were very well
prison can be made into a hive attended, and the program rendered
1 ran>«portation of all kinds
W. F. Klineman
C. E. Kennedy
of Baggage to Handy and
2nd Ave., l^jnts
of industry, the better it will be was very much appreciated. Several
interior points ....
patriotic and appropriate songs were
for the unfortunates who are given and the address was given by Rev.
Kennedy & Klineman
For further tuformatlon phone or write
placed there. New habits will Rungan, an old veteran of the great
Real Estate and Rentals, Notary
Public Work
E. F. DONAHUE, Prop.
be bred and new possibilities civil war. Only one old soldier’s body
Office Phone T. 2012
was buried here and it was decorated by
will be opened to their view.
Main St. and Carline. I^nts, Oregon
Rose City Van
A bank account means more than the dol­
lars you put into it, when you make up your
mind to start.
Paid on
A banking connection means a lot to every
young man.
Banking relations—financial
are needed before launching in any
If you think we can help you
call on us.
The Multnomah State Bank
Dunning & McEntee
the school children, All friends pres-
ent who had relatives bnried Itere,
HE result of the city election handsomely and profusely decorateti
is agreeable to most of the the graves ot their kindred.
Mt. Scott and Lents people far The Commercial Club held its
meeting at the school house lant Satnr-
in excess of all anticipations. day night. Action wa- taken for On-
It was hardly to be expected laying of a sidewalk from the school
that a complete set of commis­ house across the lowland to the auto
sioners and mavor included road. Approval was also given for tlie
should be chosen of the quality prizes awarded by the Club to the child- j
ren who stood highest in the gra<les at
that has been accepted. There the last term of school. The first prize
are no doubt others equally as of $3 00 was given to Raymond Murrey ,
good, but unfortunately most of Jr; second prize of 12.00 to George
the good ones, and most consci­ Co'iper Jr; and third prize of $100 to
entious, failed to get support Jessie Clark. The school board also I
prizes to children of primary
that was due them. The result ' gave
grades, which consisted of 12 OO to
has been fine. As a consequence Lewis Murrey and $1 00 each to Maliel
of the choice the people of Port­ j Updike and Marie A Irvin.
land may feel safe in the belief The great value of clover as a crop in
that the men who have been ! this country is more apparent as years
by This great fodder plant not only
chosen will accept the positions 1 I go
thrives in dry weather when the oats
to which they have been chosen have come to a stand-still, but greatly'
with the intention of doing their improves the soil by drawing nitrogen'
very best, and, being capable from the soil and obviates the necMsi- '
men, that will be good. They ty of seeding and plowing the ground
annually. Plant more clover, kwp more
may make mistakes, but we stock and put more money in your
shall not expect to see them pockets.
neglect their duties purposely, The clierry crop will be light this
or play politics with the under­ year and this is quite a dia-ppointment
world and unlawful elements of as the prospects were promising at the
opening of the season Ail other fruit
the city.
crops have a good outlook at this time
Mr. Rushlight has marie a except prunes which do not show up I
fairly successful mayor. He has go si at all.
gradually improved from the Charles and Glenn Rngh have gone !
first of his term. The most to Portland where they have secured
employmen’ for the season.
serious complaint that could be Cherryville will become a money i
made with him is that he lacked order office after July 1st.
decision, or if not he was slow Timber cruisers for Clackamas county ,
in putting his decisions into ac­ have been at work in this vicinity for
I the past month.
A good many
, people
,r> I
tion. We believe his term was look at this county erasing proposition
cleaner than his immediate pre- which was put through privately at a
I wish to announce that I have opened an office in
Gresham and am prepared to prove my skill in the healing of
nervous and chronic diseases through natural methods.
Consultation Free
My Prices are Reasonable
I shall be glad to have you call, whether sick or not, and
make your acquaintance.
Naturopath and Chiropractor
Over First State Bank
Gmhatn, Ore.
University Of Oregon
Twenty-five Instructors—Fifty Courses
Distinguished Eastern Educators Added to Regular Faculty
University Dormitories Open. Board and Room at $3.50 per
Reduced Railroad Rates.
For Complete Illustrated Catalog, Address
The Registrar, University of Oregon, Eugene
In Oregon’s Most Reliable Association
Oregon Fire, Relief, Oregon Merchants Mutual
Fire, American Life and Accident In­
surance of Portland
August 1, 1913
John Brown, Gresham, Ore.
Architects and Builders.
Excavating, Concrete Construction, Building, Plas­
tering and Finishing.
Round Trip Fares
We do the whole thing-You move in without worry or risk
Estimates Submitted on all Plans and Specifications
Portland Rose Festival
Plans Free With all Contracts
Phone Tabor 3993
I heckla bright Co
Her Own Property”
Values $800.00
$950, $1000
Terms Cash,
Payments, Exchange
Theckla Bright Co.
Ix*nt8, Ore.
Home Phone, Lent« 2111
Tabor 4241)
Office on Foster Road 2 Blocks essi ot Pratt Office
from all main and branch line point«; from point« on
the C. & E.‘ S.. F. C. * W. and I. & M.
Sale Dates:
Eugene and all points north including branch line point«,
June 8 to 13 inclusive; stations south of Eugene, June
8-9-11-13. Final return limit June 16.
For illustrated booklet on the Rose Festival and leaflet
giving full program, call on any S. P. Agent, or address:
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon