Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, June 05, 1913, Image 3

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Tokio, However, Dorn Not Intend
TREATY SIGNED to Drop Californiu Case.
Washington, D. G. Although th«
Nott» and Initruction» from Agricultural College» and Experiment Station»
American reply to th« Jajianes« pro­
of Oregon and Washington. Spociallg Suitable to Pacific Coati Condition»
test against California land legislation
wan mail« 10 day* ago, there has been
Buxines* Method* for Farmer*.
no rejoinder, formal or informal, a* Watermelon Wilt 1«
Hard to Control.
Oregon Agricultural College. Cor­
The Japanese ambassador did
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­ vallis A new book for teaching farm
not appear at the State department on
wilt, destructive business method* in the school*, both
Actual Ceremony Very Brief Dele­
is a fungous rural and urban, ha* just been brought
j had not received from Tokio the in­
gate« Signing Treaty With­
struction* necessary for the prepara­ disease causing great lox* where it oc­ from the press of the biggest publish­
out Final Reading.
curs, as, once established in a field, it ing house in the country by Dean J.
tion of hi* note.
This delay, however, is not con­ lives there for years and kills off the A. Bexell, of the school of commerce
watermelon* are of the Oregon Agricultural College,
strued as an indication of any purpose planta whenever
and F. G. Nichols, director of business
txindon The eight month*' war be­ on the part of the Japanese govern­ planted there.
F. D. Bailey, of the crop pest force education in the department of public
A* a
tween Turkey and th« allied Balkan ment to drop the negotiation*.
instruction at Rochester, N. Y.
Ntate* i* ended. The "peace of Lon­ matter of fact, It i* known that extra­ of the Oregon Agricultural College
"In the mad rush for wealth and
don** waa ilgned May SO in the pict­ ordinary pains have been taken to pre­
It is power, we seem to have lost sight of
pare a diplomatic communication to able work with this disease.
ure gullcry of St. Jam«* palace.
says, the true principles of economy,” says
Sir Edward Gr.y. the British fore­ cover every point set out in the last generally
“One of
of •Mr. Bexell, in his preface.
ign aecretary, presided over th« form­
these principles is the art of keeping
Thu following peace dele­
account*. One of the greatest author­
gate* signed th« preliminary treaty: sent from the California declaration, portad from Iowa,*Indiana, Arisona,
ities on bookkeeping says, ‘The abil­
Hainan Nizami I'asha, for Turkey; drafted into the State department'* Oklahoma and California.
"The name indicates the character­ ity to pre-determine results by means
hr. Daneff, for Bulgaria; Stefan No- reply, that the Webb act Is not in vio­
Thi* istic symptom, the wilting and droop­ of accurate account* and statistics is
vakovitch, for Servie; Stephanos Sko- lation of the existing treaties.
the highest development of the mod­
loudia, for Greece, anil M Popovitch, will probably be directed particularly ing of the foliage, which come* on
, to the Japanese claim that the Cali­ suddenly and in a short time the plant ern business man.’ That the farmer
for Montenegro.
"Some­ needs to develop the same ability to
The only dramatic feature of the fornia provision that Japanese may is dead,” say* Mr. Bailey.
growth "pre-determine results” needs no ar­
historic occaaion wa* M. Popovitch'*
comes out on the surface of the stem gument. Very few farmers of today
expression of keen disappointment older treaties than that of 1911.
Tokio advice* regarding the confer­ soon after the plant is killed, extend­ have a definite knowledge of their
that Montenegro had “been d«*|>oilcd
of her just ahuru of the apoila of a tri­ ence of the Japanese cabinet with the ing for a foot or more up the stem
"Thi* great need can best l»e met by
umphant war, ” and of the hope thul
"This wilt is caused by a fungus cap­ introducing bookkeeping and business
"England, which took th« lead in the to forecast the presentation by the
methods in both graded and ungraded
spoliation," would take every atep to Japanese of a united front in all the able of living in the soil for several
school* where there are boy* and girls
com|>«n*ate Montenegro for her sacri­ subsequent stage* of the negotiation*. years, and that may attack any melon
who are looking forward to agricul­
as a life work. We realize that
The actual ceremony wa* brief. the Japanese note, i*ex|M-cted to make
very delicate branching thread-like we are attempting pioneer work and
Th« delegate* aigned the treaty with­ easier the tusk of negotiation.
growth, so delicate its presence could therefore lay no claim to perfection.
out reading it, evidently in full confi­
not be detected in the soil.
On com­ We hope we have to some extent, at
dence that all the seven article* were
root* least, met the present need for a text­
in auch wonting a* the ¡Miwcra chose to
the melon plant, it penetrates, and book of this kind, and laid the founda­
have them.
New York Health Board Limit* Use of
once within the tissues it finds the tion for better work along this line in
The Bulgarian delegate pn>|«>«ed
of Living Bacteria.
proper nourishment for rapid growth. the future.
that peace become immediately effec­
“The form* and bookkeeping meth­
Very small spores are produced and
tive without ratification of the treaty.
ods which they have used have stood
Thia propoaal waa rejected, and the adopted a resolution forbidding the set free in the vessels, where they
the test of extensive use and are put
delegate* then left
after having use of living bacterial organisms in germinate to start new point* of in­ forward with full confidence that they
agreed to meet early in June to con-
will be found satisfactory for purposes
aider the adviaability of un eventual the treatment of diseases unless per- duce a growth which plug* up the ves­
of instruction and equally satisfactory
annexed pmtocol.
results in wilt and the death of the for actual farm use.”
After informing the Hmbaaaadorial board.
The book, "Principles of Bookkeep­
Although Dr. Friedarieh F. Fried­ plant. Often the fungus come* to the
conference of the aigning of the peace
ing and Farm Accounts,” contains 184
draft. Sir Edward Grey suggested that
pages and is substantially bound for
the conference limit it* discussion* to tion, the effect of the measure, it wa* of spore may be produced in great school use in brown buckram.
It in­
three queationa u constitution for Al­ announced, will be to prohibit the fur­ numtiers and readily carried by winds
cludes instruction in poultry accounts,
bania, th« lielimitation of the south­ ther administration of his treatment or insects, thus helping to scatter the household account* and every sort of
ern fnmtier of Albania, and the statua for tuberculosis except under special disease over wide areas.
"Thi* disease is frequently spread farm records, in forms most simple
permit from the board.
The resolu­
of the Aegean islands.
tion, however, refers to the Fried­ to new field* through the application and easily kept.
of manure. Diseased plants frequently
cure as follows:
"Certain tests of the efficiency and are carried to the compost heap. It is The Hothouse Tomato
Business Is Grow ing.
safety of an alleged cure for tuliercu- also claimed that the fungus spore*
Trenty Negotiated by Taft Admin­ losis, now being made in this city, are are not killed when passing through
"The business of growing vegeta­
istration To Be Ratified.
being rendered unsatisfactory, un­ the alimentary canal of cattle, so that bles under glass is undergoing a
futile it is necessary to avoid any chance for steady increase all over the North­
Washington, D. C.- The Uniter! scientific
west,” says Prof. A. G. Bouquet, of
Stat«* will secure perjietual and ex­ through the insistence of the origina­ cattle to pasture on wilted vines.
clusive franchise for the building of tor of the alleged remedy on condi- i "In the first place, every precaution the Oregon Agricultural College.
should be taken to keep the disease “Tomatoes, lettuce and cucumbers are
an Intcroceanic canal through Nicar­ lions which involve inadequate obser­
from spreading to new fields. Tools being grown much more extensively
agua and also a naval station, togeth­ vation, inaccurate method* of adminis­
used in a field where the disease is than formerly. These crops, in order
er with several small islands, on the tration and the insistence of *<*crery
Pacific const of that country. Thia ia regarding the substance* employed in found should be cleaned and sterilized to be most profitable, must be pro­
Evi­ before using them in ground free from duced so as to get a good market
insured through a decision juat reach­ some phases of the treatment.
Do not drive or walk price and at the same time satisfy the
that the trouble.
ed by the Wilson administration to
sup|Kirt a treaty negotiated in the the so-called remedy not only does not directly from the one to the other, or popular demand. Of the three crops
closing days of the Taft administra­ fulfill the promises of efficiency and allow soil to be transferred, as it’ named, the forced tomato is probably
tion between this country and Nicar­ safety under which it* use was first might be where irrigation Is practiced. the one which will bring the grower
agua. It was learned Saturday that permitted in thia city, but that pa­ Keep the compost heap free from the the most money under ordinary condi­
Secretary Bryan hua asked the senate tients under treatment have suffered fungus. When the disease appears in , tions.
“The greenhouse tomato, as it is de­
committee on foreign relations to rati­ serious and rapid progress of their dis­ a patch, the plants affected should be
removed and burned as soon as dis­ manded by the open markets at the
fy the treaty now pending before it, ease. ”
present time, should have certain defi­
with only one or two minor change*.
“In district* where this wilt is al­ nite characteristics, which include
Through the ratification of this
ready widespread and the future culti-' earliness of maturity, fine quality,
treaty, the Nicnrnguan route will be
forever closed to every nation except Purchase of Machinery and Plant vation of melons is desirable, the only : productivity, uniformity in size, -color
course is to secure a resistant strain j and shape, all of which have their
of Competitor lteacribed.
the United States.
by breeding and selecting. This has definite bearing on the financial out­
Now that Secretary Bryan, with the
Boston The Thomas G. Plant com­ already been done in several localities | come of the crop. If the general pub­
weight <>f the Wilson administration, pany, of Boston, was an active com­
in the Southeast, and work is in pro- j lic is to pay a price of from 15 to 30
has decided to stand behind the treaty, petitor when the United Shoe Machin­
there is no doubt that it will be rati­ ery company acquired it, according to gress toward this end at one place in cents a pound for greenhouse toma­
the Willamette valley.
It has been | toes, they must be fine in quality,
fied by the senate. It will have the testimony introduced by the govern­
At the
support of most of the Republicans, ment in the dissolution proceedings found that these resistant strains can smooth and of good color.
and Bryan’s request will undoubtedly against the United Shoe Machinery rarely be transferred to new locations present time the market demands a
and still retain their resistance. The , tomato weighing from 4 to 8 ounces
swing the Democrats into line.
problem, therefore, becomes an individ­ and packing from 18 to 24 into a 4-
It was the largest and most import­ ual one for each localitp.
quart basket, four of these baskets
Aviator Mocka Ship’s Guns.
ant of the 55 subsidiary companies
“The experimental work consists in 1 comprising a crate. Packed in this
Nogales, Ariz. Ariator Didier Mas­ bought up by the defendant, and its crossing the watermelon with the manner as a fancy article, and put on
son Saturday sailed his big biplane purchase is regarded as one of the citron, which is more hardy and re­ the market as such, early prices, vary­
over the guntoiat Guerrero in Guay- principal points in the government's sistant to the wilt. By following the ing of course through different years,
mns Bay.
The ship’s gunners at­ case.
breeding with careful selection a re­ will net the grower 10 to 20 cents
tempted to shell the aeroplane, which
Plant had acquired a complete line sistant melon having good flavor and a pound, or from 15 to 30 cents a
remained at a height of 5000 feet. of shoe machinery and had fitted his shipping qualities can be developed.” I pound wholesale.”
None of the shells took effect, nor did shoe factory with it in place of the
The details of the work necessary
Masson attempt to drop any bombs. defendant's machines, when the latter can be obtained by writing to the de­ A Few Good Rule*
To show his defiance of the federal tonight him out for $6,000,000. This partment of plant pathology of the1
For the Sick Room
gunners, he made five flights over the was nfter St. Ixmis manufacturers had agricultural college.
A few’ good rules for the ordering of
opened negotiations for the purchase
the sick room are given by Mrs. Alice
In the meantime the state troops | of a half interest in Plant's shoe ma­ How Much Sugar to
Marks Dolman, instructor in dietetics
were driving the federal* back toward chinery business.
Make First Class Jelly. and home nursing at the Oregon Agri­
Guaymas. The fighting occurred at
"Jelly can be made without adding cultural College, in one of her recent
Batametal, south of Santa Rosa.
American Liner on Rocks.
sugar to the fruit juice, but it re- lectures.
Queenstown — The American line quires about six times as much juice i
“Whatever the threatened or actual
Body of Heroine Moved.
steamer Haverford, which sailed re­ for the same amount of jelly as when j disorder may be, there are two im­
Frederick, Md.- The body of Bar­
cently from Liverpool for Philadelphia sugar is used, and the product is tough portant things to be done at the begin­
bara Freitchie, heroine of Whittier’s with 134 cabin and 850 steerage pas­ and unpalntable,” says Prof. A. B. [ ning,” she said. “The first is to have
poem, and that of her husband, John sengers. went on the rocks westward Milam, of the domestic science depart-* absolute rest and quietness for the pa­
C. Freitchie, which recently were dis­ of Cork's Head, while feeling her way ment of the Oregon Agricultural Col­ tient. The second is to keep the skin
interred from tne old Reformed Con­ cautiously in a dense fog.
The wire­ lege in Circular No. 3 on "Principle* clean, to keep the bed clean, to keep
the room clean, and to have plenty of
gregational cemetery here, were form­ less again demonstrated its efficiency. of Jelly Making.”
“From the standpoint of both econ­ good, clean, fresh air for the patient
ally deposited in the new mausoleum Within n few minutes the ship wax in
in Mount Olivet cemetery Friday. The communication with Queenstown, and omy and palatability, therefore, sugar to breathe.
"Rest means something more than
mausoleum is adjacent to the grave of great tugs went to the rescue at once, I is a very desirable acessory,” she con­
"The correct proportion of just being in bed. It means freedom
Francis Scott Key, author of "The Star Before dusk all passengers, with light tinues.
Spangled Banner.” The reburial was luggage, had been brought safely sugar for fruit juices that are rich in from petty annoyances, from unex­
pectin and fairly acidic usually varies pected jolts or jars, from creaking
the occasion for interesting ceremon­ ashore here.
from three fourths (by measure) as shoes or creaking chairs, or rattling
ies by the Grand Army of the Republic
much sugar as juice, to equal parts.
window, and from continued thinking
and other patriotic organizations.
Astor Houae Is Cloned.
New York—The Astor House front-! "Currants and grapes usually make and planning out of things.
"In preparing a room for a patient,
Mud Saves Falling Man.
ing lower Broadway opposite the gen­ the best jellies when equal amounts of
New York Falling 400 feet from eral postoffice, formally closed its his­ sugar and juice are used. For apples, give her the cheeriest room possible,
an aeroplane Arthur
LamphHm, n toric career of 77 years Wednesday red raspberries, blackberries, crabap­ one that can be ventilated easily, and
youthful parachute jumper,
landed with a jollification of transients and ples and cranberries, three-fourths as one that is far enough from the kitch­
feet first in a Staten Island marsh and tradition-loving New Yorkers. A cau­ much sugar as juice is more likely to en that she does not get the odor of
cooking food.
was buried to his neck in the mud. cus of aged guests, grown gray on the | be the correct proportion.”
Montenegro Eeels Dispoiled of
Just Fruits of Victory.
With ropes and boards he waa extri­
cated. At a hospital he wax found to
be sufTerinng from shock.
wax taken up by Harry B. Brown, an
aviator, and was to have made a 500-
foot drop.
Hi* parachute failed to
work when he made his leap.
Poatoffice Job Refused.
Galesburg, III.—Political precedent
got a jolt in Vermont, III., when
George Kirkbride, recently appointed
postmaster by President Wilson, de­
clined. The postmaster'* salary at
Vermont is $1400.
Kirkbride says he
prefer* to run hi* bakery shop.
premises, berated fate for taking the
roof from over their heads and spoke
Give Him Time.
hopefully of a petition with more than
Benton — "Have you tried all the
5000 signature* that the building be remedies that your friends have rec­
not razed.
ommended for your
Tulser—"Great Scott, no! I haven’t
Explosion Kill* Five Men.
had the pesky disease more than three
Port Vendrex, France—A terrible years.”—Life.
explosion of dynamite in a factory
just outside thi* port killed five men
Do You Sleep Like a Top?
and injured 20 others.
The report
The word top was corrupted from
was heard at a distance of 20 miles. the French word "taupe,” meaning a
The men killed were blown to pieces mole, which is in the habit of sleeping
and portions of their bodies were for long period*. Thi* shows how the
picked up a long distance out in the ( meaning of a sentence can be lost in
the changing of a word.
Increase of Manufacturing Inter­
est* Changing Sentiment.
Washington, I). C.— Not a little
consternation prevails in the Demo­
cratic camp at Wa*hington because of
the fact that Southern manufacturers
and producers, dissatisfied with the
terms of the Underwood bill, are ap­
pealing to Republican senator* for re­
lief. Thi* I* something that ha* been
done before, but never in the past has
the appeal from the South been a*
strong a* now, due to the fact that the
South is becoming more and more a
manufacturing section.
Aside from the two senators from
Ixiuisiana, none of the Southern Dem­
ocrat* in the senate expect to break
with their party when it come* to vot­
ing on the tariff bill, yet it i* true
that many Southern senator* are pro­
tectionist* at heart, though they do
not so style themselves.
They speak
of advocating "tariff for revenue,”
but their preference is always for a
tariff on the products of their particu­
lar states, and they are not much con­
cerned about getting revenue from the
products of other states or sections.
While no one expects the South to
replace any of it* sitting Democratic
senators with Republicans, there is a
genera) fear among senator* from that
section, and especially among those
whose terms expire in two years, that
they may be replaced by other Demo­
crats who will be less inclined to vote
against local interests.
False Pier* Carried Away at Lewis­
ton and Trains Halted.
Lewiston, Idaho—All the false piers
of the Northern Pacific Clearwater
bridge at Spalding have been swept
away by the high water and its bridge
at Kamiah is also out of line. The
Holbrook Island bridge at Lewiston
over a branch of the Clearwater is
also expected to go out at any minute.
Hundreds of cords of drift are piled
against the Spalding bridge and dyna­
mite is being used to loosen the jam.
No trains are passing over the
bridge and Superintendent Burt, with
two piledrivers and a work train is on
the scene directing the work.
the Snake and Clearwater are rising
rapidly and untold damage may follow
if present weather conditions continue.
$40,000,000 Insurance Placed
on Morgan’s Collection.
Real Value Unknown—4100 Object*
to Be Shown to Public- Many
Others Are In London.
New York — Although the precise
value of the Morgan art collection at
the Metropolitan Museum wa* not ob­
tainable, it wa* learned that it had
been insured by J. P. Morgan as
executor of hi* father’s will for $20,-
Thi* figure, however, doe* not rep­
resent the full value of the collection,
but only the maximum of insurance
procurable throughout the world on
that particular risk in that particular
Agent* of the Morgan estate have
been trying throughout the world for
additional insurance without success,
and have now come to the conclusion
that they have obtained about all the
insurance possible on the collection.
It developes that the late J. P. Mor­
gan never insured his art objects or
seemed to see any necessity for doing
The $20,000,000 thus obtained in in­
surance, however, does not cover the
total insurance on the art collections
left by Mr. Morgan.
An additional
$10,000,000 of insurance has been ob­
tained on the art collection in Mr.
Morgan's private gallery on Thirty­
sixth street.
Another $10,000,000 of insurance
has been obtained by Mr. Morgan a*
trustee on the art collection in his
father’s London house at Princess
Gate. This would bring the total of
insurance so far obtained on the chief
Morgan art collections up to $40,000,-
The art treasures are to be placed
on view for the American public as
soon as arrangements can be com­
pleted, it was announced at the Metro­
politan Muesum of Art. The art ob­
jects, numbering about 4,100, will be
exhibited temporarily in one of the
museum’s new wings, early in 1914,
according to present plans.
Martha Washington’* Brings $300;
Mrs. Lincoln’s Complaint $50.
New York—The bitter letters which
Mrs. Lincoln, widow of Abraham Lin­
coln, wrote more than 40 years ago,
when in despair of getting congress to
pass an appropriation for her assist­
ance, were sold at auction Thursday.
Most of the letters went to dealers for
less than $50. A letter in which Mrs.
Lincoln offered to sell a black lace
dress which cost over $2500, brought
The most acrimonius letter of
all, one in which Mrs. Lincoln wrote
that General Grant and his wife treat­
ed her with “utter heartlessness,”
brought $50, the best price of the lot.
A letter of Martha Washington, a
simple, kindly letter to an old friend,
with love and kisses and remem­
brances, sold for $300.
Mr*. Wilson After Slums.
Washington, D. C.—Washington’s
slums will be cleaned out, if the in­
fluence and active work of the White
House family count for anything.
Mrs. Wilson made several quiet
trips of inspection through the cap­
ital’s unsightly alleys this week, and
joined other prominent women, includ­
ing the wives of several senators and
representatives, in attending a meet­
ing of the women’s department of the
National Civic Federation.
There a
letter was read from the President
approving the movement for wiping
out disreputable alleys and providing
sanitary homes at lower rentals for
the poor.
H. M. Flagler’s Will Filed.
St. Augustine, Fla.—Henry M. Flag­
ler’s will was filed Thursday and under
it J. R. Parrott is to retain the head
of the Florida East Coast railroad so
long as he may desire. The estate is
estimated to be worth between $60,-
000,000 and $70,000,000, and most of |
it goes to the widow. The son. Harry,
will receive 5000 shares of Standard
Oil company of New Jersey stock. J.
R. Parrott, W. H. Beardsley and
William Keenan, a brother of Mrs.
Flagler, are named trustees under
the will.
Suffrage Bill Is Vetoed.
Madison, Wis.—Governor McGovern
on Thursday vetoed the bill ordering a
referendum in 1914 on the question of
extending the ballot to women in Wis­
consin. The governor objects to the
bill on the ground that, suffrage hav­
ing been defeated by a majority of
■92,000 in Wisconsin last November,
another referedum on the subject so
soon would be unwise and would re­
sult only in a more emphatic rejec­
Nail Will Stay.
Commoner Editor Is Choice.
When a wall is so soft that it will
not hold a picture nail, mix a little
plaster of pari* in a teacup, enlarge
the hole to a fair size and insert the
plaster, and, a minute after, the nail
—and let it dry.
The nail will be
perfectly secure after it has dried.
Washington, D. C.—Richard L.
Metcalf, editor of the Commoner, at
Lincoln, Neb., has been recommended
by Secretary Bryan to be a member of
the Philippine commission. It is be­
lieved that the appointment soon will
be made.
Succulent Grape-fruit.
Bomb in Public Library.
A fellow by the name of Baer, per­
haps the original Bear, makes that
remark that "a grapefruit is a lemon
that had a chance and took advantage
of it”—The Co-op-tor.
Sheffield, England—An ingeniously
constructed bomb, bearing the inscrip­
tion, “Vates-ffor women,” was found
in the public library here Thursday.
The bomb wa* plunged into water.
Witnesses Show Danger of Alleged
Plot Against Strikers.
Boston—Another big crowd listened
Thursday to the evidence adduced by
District Attorney Pelletier in support
of the charge that William Wood,
president of the American Woolen
company, and Frederick F. Atteaux,
a dye manufacturer, conspired with
others to “plant” dynamite at Law­
rence to cast suspicion upon the strik­
ing textile operatives.
The danger of the “plant” was il­
lustrated in the testimony of Josef
Assaf, a Syrian painter of Lawrence,
in whose home some of the explosive
was placed. Assaf said that when he
opened the package he thought the
sticks might be some new form of
paint. He tried to burn a stick and
then smelled of the scorched portion.
Later on, he showed the sticks to a
physician, who told him it was dyna­
He intended taking it to the police
station, and hid it for safe keeping in
his bedroom, where it was found later
by the police who arrested him.
Allies Must Sign Treaty.
London—The growing displeasure in
diplomatic circles of the great powers
at the attitude of Greece and Servis
found expression here in what practi­
cally amounts to an ultimatum which
Sir Edward Grey, the British secretary
of foreign affairs delivered to the del­
egates of the belligerents. The com­
munication, which was couched in
strong phrases, without ambiguity,
made it clear that enough time had
been spent in futile discussions of the
peace settlement and that the moment
had arrived for signing the treaty.
T. R. “Extremely Temperate.
Marquette, Mich.—Men who have
been associated with Colonel Roose­
velt in public and private life, who
met him on the Nile when he returned
from his African hunting trip, and
newspaper men who accompanied him
on his various political campaigns,
testified Thursday in Colonel Theodore
Roosevelt’s libel suit against George
Newett, a newspaper owner of Ish­
peming, Mich., that the ex-president
not only was not a drunkard, but that
he wa* notably and extremely temper­
ate in the use of intoxicants.
Coaster Brake Trust Fined.
Rochester, N. Y.—Fines aggregat­
ing $81,500 were imposed in the Unit-
ted State* district court by Judge
John R. Hazel, of Buffalo, in the cases
of defendants in the government’s ac­
tion against the so-called "coaster
brake trust,” for violation of the
Sherman law.
Six corporations and
eight individual* pleaded guilty to
charge* of conspiring to restrain trade
and attempting to monopolize domes­
tic and foreign trade.
Army Aviator Killed.
Montrose, Scotland—Lieutenant Des
Mond Larthur, of the army flying
corps, was killed near here while prac­
ticing aeroplane reconnaissance* with
I other officer*.
He was flying at a
height of 3000 feet when the wing* of
I hi* machine collapsed.