Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, June 05, 1913, Image 2

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Resume of World’s Important
Events Told in Brief.
Japan has accepted, in principle,
Bryan’s plan for universal peace.
A fight between bears in the Port­
land too resulted in the death of one
of them.
Indications are that the 1913 hop
crop of Oregon may not equal that of
last year.
The senate finance committee has
proposed to take meats and flour from
the free list.
General Joseph B. Leake, one of the
youngest brigadier generals of the
civil war, is dead.
Barbers and bootblacks of Boston
are on strike and many non-union
shops have been stoned.
A freshman at Yale university died
from an injury to the spine, caused by
a baseball several years ago.
An accident to Tacoma's water sys­
tem left the higher portions of the
city without water for several days.
North Pacific Distributor« Associa­
tion Gets Another Hacker.
Wntchmnn Under 45 Years Old Dis­
charged From Service.
Boise, Idaho Declaring for the im­
mediate organisation to perfect selling
plans whether the Wenatch»y> district
or others refuses to join the move­
ment, the officers and directors of the
Idaho-Oregon Fruit Growers’ associa­
tion went on record here as back of
the North Pacific Distributors' asso­
ciation. The conference was attended
by representative growers of South­
ern, Southwestern Idaho and Eastern
Oregon and included J. H. Lowell,
Roswell; M. J. Higley, Ruhl; H. M.
Dorman, Caldwell: J. M. Johnson,
Nampa; E. H. Smith and K. H.
Woods, Payette; B. F. Tussing, Fruit­
land; W. N. Yost, Meridian, and H.
E. McElroy, Boise.
Fruitgrowers of the intermountain
country are enthusiastic in their
praise of the work of the North Pa­
cific Fruit Distributors’ association
and believe, particularly in Southern
Idaho and Eastern Oregon, that the
success of the rapidly-growing fruit
industry of the West largely depends
on the work of the big selling agency
which has been perfected.
The Idaho-Oregon Fruit Growers’
association is one of the largest and
most representative in the North Pa­
cific Fruit Distributors’ association.
Washington, D. C. — The Osler
theory is being reversed by the quar-
termastera' bureau of the War depart­
ment, through an order, now rigidly
enforced, which provides that no man
shall be ap|s)lnted a watchman In the
War department service unless he has
passed the age of 45 years. This fact
came to light recently when the War
department ordered the discharge of
Benjamin Shaffer, watchman at Fort
Lawton. because he was not yet 45
years old. Shaffer had served in the
regular army and lost a leg in the
service. This brought ala/ut his dis­
charge from the service, but as soon
as he was able to leave the hospital he
was appointed to the watchman's job.
Shaffer had not long been on the
pay roll as watchman before it was
discovered that he was under 45 anti
immediately this was reported to
Washington, his discharge wax or­
dered. His previous military service
and the fact that ho had lost a leg
while serving in the army counted for
naught in his favor.
It remained for Representative
Humphrey, of the Seattle district, to
appeal personally to Secretary Gar­
rison, in order to have Shaffer re­
The secretary was readily convinced
that this wax a case where the rule
might properly be waived, and thanks
to the intervention, Shaffer will con­
tinue us watchman at Fort Lawton.
Senators defend the actions of tariff
lobbyists, saying they know nothing STOCK AND GRAIN ARE FREE
of the alleged “insiduous” methods.
Committee Reverses Action to Meet
Early returns of Portland’s city elec­
President’s Views.
tion give Albee a safe lead for mayor
D. C.—Reversing its
under the commission form of govern­
former action in voting to place wheat
flour, oatmeal and fresh meats on the
The White Lumber company, of dutiable list, the senate finance sub­
Pendleton. Or., whose plant was burned committee in charge of the agricul­
recently, will rebuild immediately on tural schedule voted to place livestock,
a much larger scale.
wheat and oats on the free list.
This action, it was authoritatively
The International Bible Students’ declared, was taken to meet the views
association declares that hell and hell­ of President Wilson, Senator Sim­
fire are but myths, and requests minis­ mons, chairman of the finance commit­
ters to cease using the “offending tee. and other administration leaders,
who disapproved the decision an­
Representative McCormick, Nation­ nounced previously to tax meats 10 per
al Progressive leader, served notice on cent compensatory to a duty on eattle
Governor Dunne, of Illinois, that he in the Underwood bill and to assess a
would attempt to hold up all the ad­ compensatory duty on both flour and
ministration measures until the wo­ oatmeal.
The vote to reconsider was taken in
man’s suffrage bill is put to a vote in
the house, where it is on third read­ the sub-committee on a motion made
by Senator Simmons, ex-officio mem­
ber of all the sub-committee handling
Senators and representatives are the tariff schedules, when he returned
tired of repeated allegations that they to the capital from a conference with
hire newspaper men to write their the President.
speeches and correct their spelling,
In his enlargement of the free list.
and an old-fashioned spelling bee is to President Wilson is known to have
be held between them.
taken a leading part, as he did in the
Representative Johnson, of Ken­ matter of raw wool and sugar before
tucky, after being unanimously elec­ the ways and means committee. As
ted chairman of the Democratic con­ he still is standing uncompromisingly
gressional committee, sprang a sur­ with the wool and sugar schedules, so,
prise by asking unanimous consent to it is declared, he will stand firmly for
withdraw his name, which was grant­ free cattle, sheep and hogs, and free
wheat and oats, now that this has
been determined upon as the party
The house is puzzled over the prob­ policy.
lem of equalizing the duty on cattle,
wheat, oats, and their products.
Tw in Falls to Get New Railroad.
San Francisco—It is authoritatively
The Union Pacific board of directors
has offered two new plans for the un­ declared by a Western Pacific official
that the Western Pacific railroad will
merging of the Western railroads.
shortly be extended to Twin Falls,
A postoffice investigating committee Idaho, the heart of a rich mineral and
attacks ex-Postmaster General Hitch­ timber belt, and Boise City, the later
cock’s administration as one of false extension heading off the often-dis­
cussed line from Boise to San Fran­
Residents of Copperfield, Ore.,
Plans for these extensions have
worked all night to subdue a fire which been divulged in the last few days
did $30,000 damage to the business during the Western Pacific’s efforts to
part of the town.
secure sufficient money with which to
make improvements.
By the exten­
sion into Idaho the road expects to
acquire a large freight business in
Wheat—Track prices: Club, 93@ timber and ore.
94c; bluestem, $1.01@1.02; forty
Biplane Failure in War.
fold, 94@95c; red Russian, 92c; val
Nogales, Ariz.—General Pedro Oje­
ley, 94c.
Oats—No. 1 white, $32 per ton; da’s federals Wednesday shelled the
stained and off grade, less.
constitutionalist camp at Maytorena
Corn — Whole, $28.50; cracked, and drove the state troops back to
$29.50 per ton.
their base at Ortiz. The insurgents
Millstuffs — Bran, $24.50(825 per are said to be short of water, which
ton; shorts, $26.50(827; middlings, must be hauled from stations to the
north along the Southern Pacific rail­
Barley — Feed, $26.50 per ton; way, and also to lack ammunition.
brewing, nominal; rolled, $28.50(8, Didier Masson, the French aviator, so
29.50 per to/^
far has failed to make any showing
Hay — Eastern Oregon timothy with his aeroplane, from which it was
choice, $18(8 19 per ton; alfalfa, $13- planned to drop Bhells on the Mexican
gunboats Morelos and Guerrero.
Onions—Oregon, $1.25 per sack;
new, $1.25.
“Anti-Hatpin” Law Passes.
Vegetables — Artichokes, 75c per
Seattle—The “anti-hatpin” ordin­
dozen; asparagus, Oregon, 75c@
$1.25; beans, 10(8 12c per pound; cab­ ance introduced into the city council
bage, 2J(8 3c; cauliflower, $2 per at the request of the Federation of
crate; eggplant, 25c pound; head let­ Women’s clubs was passed unanimous­
ly. The ordinance provides that the
tuce, $2.50 per crate; peas, 7(8,8c.
Potatoes — Burbank, 40(8 50c per point of a hatpin shall not be per­
mitted to extend more than one-quar­
hundred; new, 2i(8,2}c per pound.
Green Fruit — Apples, nominal; ter inch beyond the crown of the hat
strawberries, Oregon, $1.75(83.25 per and in no case beyond the brim. Vio­
crate; cherries, 12jc per pound; goose­ lation of the ordinance will be punish­
ed by a fine of not more than $100 or
berries, 2(84c per pound.
Poultry—Hens, 158/15}c; broilers, imprisonment not more than 30 days.
25c turkeys, live, 19(820c; dressed,
Rain Makes Crops Glad.
choice, 25; ducks, old, 16J(818c;
Topeka—More than an inch of rain
young, 24(8,25c; geese, young, 148/ 16.
Eggs — Oregon ranch, case count, was reported in Southern and South­
eastern Kansas Wednesday, bringing
19c per dozen; candled, 20c.
Butter—City creamery butter cubes, great relief to crops which, it was
28c per pound; prints, 29(829Jc per feared, would suffer heavily from dry
weather there.
From Tulsa, Okla., it was reported
Pork—Fancy, 11(8 lljc per pound.
that showers in that section had
Veal—Fancy, 13Jc per pound.
Hope—1912 crop, 98114c per pound; broken a hot wave extending over
five days and which had threatened the
1913 contracts, 128/13}c per pound.
Wool — Eastern Oregon, 10(8 16c; oats and potato crops.
valley, 14(816c per pound; mohair,
Invention Brings Pardon.
1913 clip, 30(8 33c.
Cattle—Choice steers, $8,258/8.50;
Washington, D. C.—President Wil­
good, $7.75(8,8.25; medium, $7.25(1/ son pardoned Dr. Theodore K haras, of
7.75; choice cows, $7.25(8 7.50; good, Elmira, N. Y., sentenced at Omaha,
$6,508/7; medium, $68/6.50; choice Neb., to four months in jail and to
calves, $88/9; good heavy calves, , pay a fine of $300 for alleged misuse
$6,508/7.50; bulls, $6,258/6.50.
of the mails, in connection with the
Hogs—Light, $8.258i,8.50, heavy, selling of stock of a company promot­
ing an invention. Since his convic­
Sheep—Wethers, $58/6; ewes, $3.85 tion the invention is said to have
proved successful.
@5; lambs, $5.558/,7.
Expense of Construction of 30 Miles Sheep, Hogs and Corn Are Natural
Estimated at $50,000.
Oregon Products.
Prairie City The preliminary sur­
Eugene Declaring thut farmers in
vey made by William Narkus and E. the Willamette valley can produce
C. Jones, under direction of the citi­ butter 50 per cent cheaper than can be
zens of thia place, for a new road ex­ made in New England, and that a
tending through the mountains in a pound of pork can bo raised for the
direction to Long market for leas than it can be raised
Creek, a distance of 30-odd miles, was for in the corn regions of the Middle
completed Saturday.
The viewers West, Professor Thomas Shaw, agri­
pronounce the project of building thia cultural expert of the Hill railroad
road entirely feasible at a reasonable system, told the University students
that Willamette valley farmers are
The object in building this new road growing the wrong kinds of crops.
is to open up to Prairie City trade the
The Willamette valley, he said, is
entire Northwest section of Grant the one _ place in the Unite.!
county, a trade that has hitherto gone I where sheep can be grown to equal
out by way of Austin by means of a those of England.
But instead of
much longer haul. Work on the road 1 raising sheep, pork and dairy cattle,
will begin at once and be rapidly the farms of this district, he said, are
pushed to completion.
raising hay, which can not be cut, oft­
The expense of construction, about en, because of rain.
$50,000, will be borne in large part by
He advocated the cause of dry funn­
the county. It is reported that the ing; declaring that the great barren
Sumpter Valley Railway people will areas of Eastern Oregon can by this
aid the enterprise in every possible system be farmable, and thut, with
dry farming ns it is now being prac­
ticed in Montana, 30,000,000 acres in
CUTWORMS BECOME EPIDEMIC 14 states that are now barren may be
made to raise enormous quantities of
Condon Merchant Looks for Little wheat. By dry farming, he declared,
Montana has increased its wheat crop
Effect From Austrian Beef.
from 250 carloads to 20,000 carloads.
Portland The late spring has caus­
Unless this land is pressed into this
ed an epidemic of cutworms in the use. the United States has reached its
wheat fields of Eastern Oregon, ac­ limit in wheat production, he said.
cording to Lester Wade, a young mer­
The growing of sweet clover and
chant of Condon, who was in Portland rape he advocated as profitable cro|w
for several days on a business trip. for Oregon, in the production of
The same reason is responsible for a sheep, hogs and cattle.
shortness of range grass and the feed­
ing of cattle, he says, is progressing
Fish Obstructions May Go.
slowly. In spite of these drawbacks,
Astoria—Deputy Fish Warden Lar­
however, Mr. Wade is optimistic that son returned last evening from a trip
the summer will be successful from an to the Upper Lewis and Clark river,
agricultural standpoint.
where he went to inspect some dams
Mr. Wade, who conducts a retail that are obstructions to fish in work­
store in Condon, is also an extensive ing their way to the natural spawning
feeder of cattle at his ranch. He grounds in the upper reaches of the
looks for little material effect from stream.
the importation of Australian and
He found two such dams, one locat­
Mexican cattle for beef, declaring the ed about eight miles ala/ve Stavebolt
native animals far superior for the Landing and the other four miles fur­
fancy trade at least.
ther up. Each is an old splash dam
put in by the loggers long ago, and
ORENCO SCHOOL IDEA NOVEL they have not been in use for several
-------. Mr. Larson found that the ob­
entirely block the progress
Children Have Elaborate Flower structions
as they are 21 feet high
Gardens on Vacant Blocks.
and there is not a sufficient flow of
Orenco—Most cities and towns are water over them to permit the fish to
satisfied when they have prepared jump them. In the numerous ponds
school gardens for their children, but below the dams he saw large numbers
not so with Orenco.
In addition to of steelheads playing about, and it is
having school gardens of early and said in the fall hundreds of silversides
late vegetables at their homes the ascend the stream.
children have started an elaborate
Mr. I.arseon has forwarded a report
flower garden on a vacant block.
to the fisheries department, which is
Plans for this garden were prepared expected to take steps to have the ob-
free of charge by Charles I*. Mac- I structions removed.
Dougall, a landscape architect of'
Portland. Winding walks are laid off
Bad Hill Being Planked.
between the beds of flowers with bor­
Cherryville Nearly all the plank­
ders of tall growing flowers around the
outer edges.
Although the entire ing on the Cherryville hill has been
school has only about 100 pupils of all completed and with a few days more
grades, about 75 are engaged in th's of good weather the work will be fin­
ished. This hill has been considered
flower garden work.
Along the front of the block in let­ one of the most difficult points on the
ters 10 feet in height, and extending automobile road to Mount Hood.
250 feet parallel with the Oregon 4 The hotels have prepared to take
Electric line are laid out in flowers care of the summer travel. The new
hotel at Government Gap was finished
"Orenco School Gardens.”
up last week. It has 38 rooms and a
dining-room for 125 persons. E. Coal­
Cherry Fair Dates Set.
Salem —A movement was inaugurat­ man will be the Mount Hood guide, as
ed at a big mass meeting under the in former years.
auspices of the Board of Trade and III-
Brookings to Have Bank.
ihee Club, to have the most elaborate
Gold Beach Articles of incorpora­
cherry fair this year ever held in Sa
lem. The fair will be July 4 and 5, tion of the Brookings State bank have
and a Fourth of July celebration will been forwarded to the secretary of
be held in connection with it. The state by George D. Wood, cashier of
management of the Chautauqua, the Curry County bank here. The
which starts June 3, also will co-oper­ $30,000 capital stock was all sub­
When Mr. Wood came to
ate with the fair management.
Fred S. Bynon was named presi­ Gold Beach three yearx ago to organ­
dent; Joseph Baumgartner, secretary, ize a bank, he received little encour­
and Harley White, treasurer, of the agement anti could hardly get enough
assistance to form a board of direc­
fair organization.
Rate Fight Is Planned.
Astoria—Dr. Alfred Kinney, presi­
dent of the committee of direction of
the Port of Astoria, has announced the
appointment of the executive board of
21 members, which will have direct
charge of the energetic campaign for
equitable rail freight between this
port and interior points.
The com­
mittee will also direct the efforts for
the immediate dredging of a 40-foot
channel to the sea, and the erection of
modem port-owned docks, for the con­
struction of which $800,000 in bonds
are to be issued.
Pure Seed and Disease I^ws.
Oregon’s Attraction Felt.
Salem A visit to Oregon five years
ago by Mrs. Zella Nicholls, then of
Knox, Ind., has resulted in her becom­
ing a permanent resident of this city.
Mrs. Nicholls declares that after re­
turning home from her first visit to
Oregon she was no longer satisfied
elsewhere and began making plans to
move to Salem, but it took her longer
to dispose of her property interests in
Indiana than she had expected.
Port Harrow In Use Soon.
Astoria—The castings for the big
disc harrow being built for the Port of
Astoria commission to be used in im­
proving the channel across the shoal ■
at the mouth of the river are nearly I
completed and the harrow will be
ready for use in a week or ten days.
It is to be V-shaped with a spread of 1
20 feet and will have eight three-foot
revolving discs.
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­
vallis—The new laws on pure seed and
on contagious diseases in Oregon are
the subjects of important articles in
the new issue of the Oregon Country­
man, just off the Oregon Agricultural
College press. Dr. James Withycombe
designates the new livestock sanitary
law as one of the best efforts for con­
Temperature Near 1(10.
structive legislation enacted in this
Hood River — Saturday and Sunday
state for some years.
Prof. H. D. were the hottest days of the season
Scudder urges every farmer to read here. In parts of the valley the tem­
the provisions of the new seed law.
perature hovered around the 100 mark.
The warm weather will tend to hasten
Price of Wool Descends.
the ripening of strawberries, and all
Pendleton—Smythe Bros, have dis­ of the pickers and packers that grow­
posed of their Arlington wool clip to ers can collect will be in demand dur­
J. P. Dufour, receiving 15} cents for ing the next few weeks.
coarse wool and 12? cents for fine
Cherry Fair la launched.
wool. The total clip was 260,000
Salem—Plans will be made for ob­
pounds. This is one of the largest in­
dividual clips in Eastern Oregon. For taining subscriptions for the greatest
a similar clip last year Smythe Bros, cherry fair ever held in Salem at the
received 18 cents for coarse and 13j next meeting of the finance commit­
for fine wool. Tariff agitation is said tee. If the warm weather continues
to be the cause of general depression in the display of cherries will be the best
ever made.
the wool market.
Mathematicul Prodigy Startles Pro­
fessors With Solution.
Philadelphia This city harbors a
mathematical pnxligy and perhai* a
rival of Sidis, of Harvard fame, if hie
solution of the trisection of an angle,
a mathematical problem which has
puzzled the ages, meets with the ap­
proval of several mathematical socie­
ties, including the Universities of
Pennsylvania and Columbia, ax well ax
a number of mathematicians of na­
tional repute to whom the solution has
been submitted. The boy is Sydney
H. Gross, and he is a student at the
Central High School.
The txiy mathematician startled the
faculty of this high school the other
day when he told one of the instruc­
tors that he had evolved a solution for
the trisection of un angle. The facul­
ty was so impressed with the solution
that they immediately submitted a
model of the experiment to Professor
M. J. Bobb, president of the Philadel­
phia section of the Middle States and
Maryland Mathematical association.
The learned professor lectured on the
model to his classes at the University
of Pennsylvania.
A search through mathematical lit­
erature has failed to reveal a solution
similar to the one submitted by the
Disciplined Defenders With Cudjels
Awe London Mobs.
Ix/ndon—Defying the police order
closing Hyde Park to their meetings,
the Women’s Social anil Political
Union sent s;>eaker« Sunday, who held
forth there for a long time under the
protection of male sympathizers armed
with clubs.
When the comparatively ¡/eaceful
non-militant organizations which are
still permitted to use the park finishes!
their customary small demonstrations,
flags of the Women’s Social and Polit­
ical Union were raised at 12 different
points and as many speakers har-
rangued the crowds.
Mobs of men and boys started to
rush the speakers, but much to their
amazement, found themselves menaced
by disciplined laxly guards wielding
stout clubs. The crowds had to con­
tent themselves with hooting and sing­
ing, while the police looked on without
attempting to check the speakers.
WilHon'a Cousin Ix/cates.
Wahkiacus, Wash. James C. Wil­
son and family have located at this
Mr. Wilson, who says he is a
cousin of the President of the United
States, expects to engage in business
at Wahkiacus. He is firm in the be­
lief that his cousin Woodrow will go
down in history as one of the greatest
Presidents of the United States. Mr.
Wilson is a native son of Oregon and
for 40 years lived at North Yamhill.
He is the owner of an extensive wheat
farm on High Prairie, near Hartland,
which he has leased.
“Canned” Talk Demanded.
Greenville, Cal. — The “canned”
message of the great white father at
Washington is much in demand among
the redskins of the Greenville Indian
Since the information
has been received that President Wil­
son has spoken his message to the
aboriginee in talking machines, local
music stores have been Imther.xl by
Indiana who want to buy the records,
and they are much disappointed to fiqd
they are not made for sale.
11001) RIVER
Four States to Market Fruit
Under One Agency.
After All-Night Scanlon Pleas for
Harmony Compel Associa­
tion to Yield.
Hood River, Or. The Hood River
Apple Growers' association han decid­
ed to join the North Pacific Fruit Dis­
tributers. Thia action was taken af­
ter u session of the board of directors
of the North Pacific Distributors that
last'd all Saturday night and until af­
ter 6 o’clock Sunday.
H< m > i I River growers yielded on their
demand thut a clearing office be eatab-
lished here, which issue deadlocked
the seaaion, but ax a compromiso il,
F. Davidson, of Hood River, a mem­
ber of the executive committee of the
distributers since its organization lust
fall, wax given the presidency of the
association in the place of W. T.
Clark, of Wenatchee, who resigned
because hix district vot'd against join­
ing the North Pacific association.
Hood River also retains its present
markets, and William Sieg, aulex man­
ager of the Hood River i'xsociation,
will be retaimsi by the distributers
and made a member of its selling
This action really placcai the North
Pacific Fruit Distributers on Its feet,
because other districts in the Pacific
Northwest have been awaiting Htssl
River’s decision. The new association
|iro|s>s<>x to market the apple crops of
Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Mon­
Mill and Lumber Worth $2(8),(MM)
Burn in Few Minutes.
Baker, Or.—In 35 minutes Satur­
day afternoon fire consumed over
000 win 11 the Raker White I’l/ie
Lumber company's plant at South
Baker wax burned to the ground. The
blaze started at 5:55 o'clock from
xparkx from the engine room, carried
to the shavings pile.
H. J. King, engineer of the com­
pany, saw the fire ami tried to fight it
with a hose. The flames burst upon
him. badly burning hix hands and face.
He escaped just before the building
was u mass of flames. The fire spread
rapidly and the fire department wax
powerless because of low water pres­
Soon the mill, the box factory and
the huge pile of lumber were burning
and by 6:30 o'clock there wax nothing
but a good-sized tx/nfire.
The planing mill and box factory
were valued at $150,000 and the lum
ber at $50,000. Nearly 100 men are
thrown out of work. The plants were
covered fully by isurance.
Leper Colony Is Temporary.
Washington, D. (’. Some conster­
nation and uneasiness has been occas­
ioned by the presence of lepers at Dia­
mond Point. Wash., and the fear that
the Public Health and Marine Hospi­
tal service wax to make thia not only a
[/ermanent establishment but to send
lepers there from other states. The
feeling l/ecama so intense that Senator
Jones and the other members of the
Washington delegation were appealed
to to have the matter investigated.
The Washington members were in­
formed by Dr. Blue that the Marine
Hospital service wax endeavoring to
find a place off the coast of California,
and ax soon as this was located and
fitted up ax an abiding place for these
unfortunates they would be sent to
this permanent colony.
Rooaevelt Wins Libel Suit.
Marquette, Mich. Colonel Theodore
Rooaevelt won his libel suit against
George a Newett, who charged the
Colonel with drunkenness. The Colo­
nel received damages after the de­
fendant had uttered a retraction and
the jury awarded the nominal damages
of 6 cents provided in such cases by
the law of Michigan. Each party to
the suit will have to pay his own ex­
Judge Flannigan instructed the
jurors to bring in a verdict for the
paintiff, which they did without leav­
ing their seats.
Heir Goes On Plowing.
Birmingham, Ala.—Louis F. Downs,
a farmer at Rogersville, Ala., has es­
tablished n reputation as the calmest
stoic in the business. He was plowing
for his modest crop when he received
notice that he wax one-third heir to an
estate in Virginia valued at $30,000,-
000, left by a great uncle, but ho
clucked to hix mule without betraying
the least excitement and finished the
row before he would discuss the sub­
Ex-Senator Palmer Dies.
ject. Downs says he is too busy with
Detroit- Ex-United States Senator
Thomas Palmer, of Detroit, died Mon­ his crop to stop now, but will take up
day after a long illness.
He was the matter when planting is finished.
elected to the United States senate in
Race Dissension Arises.
1883, and after serving one term was
D. C. - One of the first
appointed United States minister to
Spain. On his return from Spain he problems that Alexander H. Stevens,
was appointed president of the World’s of San Francisco, recently appointed
Columbian Exposition, held in Chicago general superintendent of the railway
mail service, will have to solve when
in 1893. ________________
he reaches Washington, will be the
Representative Koenig Dies.
big row now on in the service because
Baltimore- Representative Koenig, of race dissensions.
The white mail clerks are demand­
Democrat, of the third Maryland dis­
trict, died of pneumonia at his home ing that the white clerks be separ­
here Saturday afternoon. He was 57 ated from the negro clerks on all rail­
way mail cara.
years old.